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= Overview =
= Overview =
An Ex Japanese self defense forces combat bioroid, heroine of the the second Russo-Japanese War, a burnout, party girl and nightclub singer.
== Appearance ==
== Appearance ==
Aki is a tall but not intimidatingly tall catgirl with dark blue skin to mark her as a bioroid. Her features are Japanese, and her eyes clearly artificial. Her form is well sculpted and generally designed to appeal to Japanese males at the time she was built.
== Background ==
== Background ==
A purpose built combat bioroid, Aki was created as part of East Asia's ongoing bioroid race, and raised in a normal Japanese family. Despite a normal upbringing there was the constant the expectation she would join the JSDF, an expectation she fulfilled on her 19th birthday. A well motivated soldier, Aki joined the JGSDF's first airborne brigade, and rose to the rank of corporal.
Despite the ongoing arms race between China, Korea and Japan, Aki saw action not against other bioroids but against the Russian forces in the Sahlinsky and the Kuril Islands during the 2nd Russo-Japanese war. She participated in action in the Kurils, and then in the JGSDF's ill fated Operation Kita no Kaze 68, an airborne assault against Russian corporate facilities on the Kamchatski peninsular. Facing unexpectedly overwhelming opposition, Aki's company held out for most of a day, being all but wiped out in the process. Aki was among the few survivors.
Decorated for her action, Aki left the JGSDF soon after and now travels the world, looking for some purpose to strive for, or just a way to forget the past.
= Combat Information =
= Combat Information =
Line 72: Line 79:
* Intimidation (Charisma) 1
* Intimidation (Charisma) 1
* Sneaking (Agility) 3
* Sneaking (Agility) 3
* Perception (Intuition) 3
* Perception (Intuition) 3 +4
* First Aid (Logic) 1
* First Aid (Logic) 1
* Heavy Weapons (Agility) 2
* Heavy Weapons (Agility) 2
Line 78: Line 85:
* Demolitions (Logic)  1
* Demolitions (Logic)  1
* Etiquette (Charisma) 1  
* Etiquette (Charisma) 1  
* Performance 3 (Charisma) [Singing 2] (2 Karma)
* Performance 4 (Charisma) [Singing 1] (2 Karma)
* Pilot Ground Craft (Reaction) 1 [Bikes 1] (4 Karma)
* Pilot Ground Craft (Reaction) 1 [Bikes 1] (4 Karma)
Line 125: Line 132:
* Full-Body formfitting armour Suit 1600, Ballistic 6, Impact 2
* Full-Body formfitting armour Suit 1600, Ballistic 6, Impact 2
*400 worth of leather catsuit  
*400 worth of leather catsuit  
*800 Nyuen of assorted clothing
*1250 Nyuen of assorted clothing
===Ranged Weapons===
===Ranged Weapons===
Line 161: Line 168:
===Melee Weapons===
===Melee Weapons===
* Name (Total Cost)
* Combat Knife (300)
** Reach: , Dam: , Mode: , RC: , AP:
**Accuracy 6, Reach: _, Dam: 5P, AP: -3
* Katana (1000)
** Accuracy 7, Reach 1, Dam: 6P, AP: -3
=== Cybernetics ===
=== Cybernetics ===
Line 254: Line 264:
=== Gains ===
=== Gains ===
Total/Spent/Unspent (25/0/25)
Total/Spent/Unspent (25/25/0)
* Chargen Karma (25)
* Chargen Karma (25)
* Session 1 (?)
* Session 1 (?)
=== Expenditures ===
=== Expenditures ===
Total/Spent/Unspent (25/0/25)
Total/Spent/Unspent (53/25/0)
:10 points skills
:10 points attributes
:29 points advantages

Latest revision as of 18:52, 21 March 2014


An Ex Japanese self defense forces combat bioroid, heroine of the the second Russo-Japanese War, a burnout, party girl and nightclub singer.


Aki is a tall but not intimidatingly tall catgirl with dark blue skin to mark her as a bioroid. Her features are Japanese, and her eyes clearly artificial. Her form is well sculpted and generally designed to appeal to Japanese males at the time she was built.


A purpose built combat bioroid, Aki was created as part of East Asia's ongoing bioroid race, and raised in a normal Japanese family. Despite a normal upbringing there was the constant the expectation she would join the JSDF, an expectation she fulfilled on her 19th birthday. A well motivated soldier, Aki joined the JGSDF's first airborne brigade, and rose to the rank of corporal.

Despite the ongoing arms race between China, Korea and Japan, Aki saw action not against other bioroids but against the Russian forces in the Sahlinsky and the Kuril Islands during the 2nd Russo-Japanese war. She participated in action in the Kurils, and then in the JGSDF's ill fated Operation Kita no Kaze 68, an airborne assault against Russian corporate facilities on the Kamchatski peninsular. Facing unexpectedly overwhelming opposition, Aki's company held out for most of a day, being all but wiped out in the process. Aki was among the few survivors.

Decorated for her action, Aki left the JGSDF soon after and now travels the world, looking for some purpose to strive for, or just a way to forget the past.

Combat Information

  • Initiative:
  • Matrix Initiative:
  • Astral Initiative:

  • Primary Armor: , Rating:
    • Accessories:
  • Primary Ranged Weapon:
    • Dam: , Acc: , AP: , Mode: , RC: , Ammo:
    • Accessories:
    • Primary Ammo:
    • Other Ammo:
  • Primary Melee Weapon:
    • Reach: , Dam: , Mode: , RC: , AP:

Condition Monitor

    • Physical Damage Tracker:
    • Stun Damage Tracker:

General Information


  • Body: 4 + 3 (damage resistance only)
  • Agility: 6 + 2
  • Reaction: 5 + 2
  • Strength: 3 + 2
  • Willpower: 2 (5 Karma)
  • Intuition: 5
  • Logic: 2 (5 Karma)
  • Charisma: 4

Special Attributes

  • Edge: 3
  • Essence: 2.575
  • Magic/Resonance: Nope!

Derived Attributes

  • Composure:
  • Judge Intentions:
  • Memory:
  • Lift/Carry:
  • Movement:


  • Physical Limit: 5
  • Mental Limit: 4
  • Social Limit: 5


Skill Groups

  • Skill Group Name (Skills Included): Rating
  • Athletics (Gymnastics, Running, Swimming) 2

Active Skills

  • Skill Name (Attribute): Rating [Specialty]
  • Automatics (Agility) 3 [Assault Rifle 1]
  • Pistols (Agility) 1 (2 Karma)
  • Unarmed Combat (Agility) 2
  • Blades (Agility) 1
  • Navigation (Intuition) 1
  • Free Fall (Body) 2
  • Intimidation (Charisma) 1
  • Sneaking (Agility) 3
  • Perception (Intuition) 3 +4
  • First Aid (Logic) 1
  • Heavy Weapons (Agility) 2
  • Thrown Weapons (Agility) 2
  • Demolitions (Logic) 1
  • Etiquette (Charisma) 1
  • Performance 4 (Charisma) [Singing 1] (2 Karma)
  • Pilot Ground Craft (Reaction) 1 [Bikes 1] (4 Karma)


  • Knowledge Name (Attribute): Rating [Specialty]
  • Tactics (Logic): 2 [Small Unit 1]
  • Singing (Intuition): 1
  • Japanese pop culture (Intuition): 2
  • Militaries (Logic): 2 [Japanese Military 1]
  • Thai Language: 2 (2 Karma)
  • Chinese Language 1
  • Russian Language 1
  • Japanese N


  • Quality (Cost/Rating): Effects
  • Type-O Body (25 points): Renders all bioware deltaware
  • Genecrafted (4 points): Renders genetech 20% cheaper
  • Japanese Military SIN (equivalent to Corporate Limited (15 Karma)
  • Moderate Addiction hedonism (2/9 Karma)


  • Primary Lifestyle: Type (Months Paid)
  • Nuyen:
  • Licenses: License (Rating)
  • Fake IDs/Related Lifestyles/Funds/Licenses
    • Fake ID (Rating)


  • Sunan: Her manager
    • Loyalty: 2 , Connection: 2
  • Tsukino Kaori Old War Buddy and gun runner
    • Loyalty: 5, Connections: 3



  • Name (Total Cost), Rating:
    • Accessories:
  • Moonsilver Cocktail Dress (5000), Ballistic 4, Impact 1 Protection
  • Chameleon Suit (1700), Armor Rating 9
    • Fire Resistance Level 2 (500)
    • Thermal Damping Level 2 (500)
    • Helmet (100)
  • Full-Body formfitting armour Suit 1600, Ballistic 6, Impact 2
  • 400 worth of leather catsuit
  • 1250 Nyuen of assorted clothing

Ranged Weapons

  • Ares Light Fire 75 (1250)
    • Dam: 6P, Acc: 7, AP: _, Mode: SA, RC: _, Ammo: 16(c)
    • Accessories: Smart Link
    • Primary Ammo: Regular (100)
    • Other Ammo: Gel (200)
  • Ares Predator V (1450) (Level 2 fake license)
    • Dam: 8P, Acc: 7, AP: -1 Mode: SA, RC _, Ammo: 15(c)
    • Accessories: Smart Link
    • Primary Ammo: Regular (100)
  • Steyr TMP (Level 2 fake license)
    • Dam: 7P, Acc: 4, AP: _, Mode: SA/BF/FA, RC _ , Ammo: 30(c)
    • Primary Ammo: Regular (100)
    • Other Ammo: Gel (100)
  • Ingram Smartgun X
    • Dam: 8P, Acc: 6, AP: _, Mode: BF/FA, RC 2, Ammo: 32 (c)
    • Accessories: Smart Link
    • Primary Ammo: Regular (200)
  • FN HAR (Level 2 fake license)
    • Dam: 10P, Acc: 7, AP: -2, Mode: SA/BF/FA, RC 2, Ammo: 35 (c)
    • Imaging Scope
    • Smart Link
    • Primary Ammo: Regular (400)
    • Other Ammo Gel (100)
    • Other Ammo Tracer (100)

Frag Grenades (Aerodynamic, Wirelessly detonated) 18 P (f) damage AP +5 -1/m blast
Flashbangs Aerodynamic 10 S damage AP -4 10mm blast

Melee Weapons

  • Combat Knife (300)
    • Accuracy 6, Reach: _, Dam: 5P, AP: -3
  • Katana (1000)
    • Accuracy 7, Reach 1, Dam: 6P, AP: -3



  • Hyper-Glucagon 20,000 0.1
    • Double Fatigue Times
  • Neo-EPO 25,000 0.2
    • Receive a +1 dice pool modifier for all tests made with skills from the Athletics skill group and Fatigue Tests
  • PuSHeD 15,000 0.1
    • +1 to Logic-linked skill tests
  • Reakt: 30,000 0.4
    • +2 Dice on Reaction Tests to defend yourself
  • Synch: 30,000 0.3
    • +1 dice on all Perception Tests

Total 1.1 Essence

120,000 * 0.8 = 96,000


  • Synaptic Booster 2 (190,000) 1
    • +2 Reaction, +2d6 Initiative
  • Bone density augmentation 3 (15,000) 0.9
    • +3 Body for damage resistance, unarmed damage (Str + 2)P
  • Damage Compensators 4 (8000) 0.4
    • Ignore 4 damage boxes before determining injury modifiers
  • Toxin Extractor 4 (19,200) 0.8
    • +4 Toxin resistance

Total: 3.1/2 = 1.55 Essence



  • Cybereyes 3 (10,000) 0.4
    • 12 Capacity
    • Smartlink (4,000) 3 Cap: +2 Accuracy when using weapon w/smartlink, +2d if wireless
    • Thermographic Vision (1,500) 2 Cap: See Infrared
    • Low-Light Vision (1,500) 2 Cap: Night vision
    • Flare Compensation (1,000) 1 Cap: Flash compensation
    • Vision Enhancement 3 (12,000) 3 Cap: +3 Limit to visual perception rolls, +3d to visual perception rolls if wireless
  • Muscle Replacement 2 (50,000) 2
    • +2 Strength, Agility

Total: 2.4 Essence


Total: 2.65 (Bioware) + 2.4/2 (Cyberware) = 3.85 Essence
Total: 408,200 Nyuen


  • Model: , Rating:
    • Attack: , Sleaze: , Data Processing: , Firewall:
  • Programs:
  • Matrix Condition Monitor:


  • Vehicle: Suzuki Mirage
    • Handling: 5/3 , Speed: 6, Acceleration: 3,
    • Pilot: 1, Body: 5, Armor: 6, Sensor: 2, Seats: 1


Other Gear

  • Name (Total Cost), Rating:
    • Accessories:
  • Renraku Sensei Comlink (1000), Rating: 3
  • Medikit (750), Rating 3
  • 2 Months Squat Housing (1000)

Special Abilities

Spells/Preparations/Rituals/Complex Forms

  • Power Name
    • Type/Target: , Range: , Duration: , Drain:
    • Notes/Explanation

Adept Powers or Other Abilities

  • Power Name, Rating
    • Notes/Explanation

Other Gear



  • A: Money
  • B: Attributes
  • C: Skills
  • D: Metatype
  • E: Magic



Total/Spent/Unspent (25/25/0)

  • Chargen Karma (25)
  • Session 1 (?)


Total/Spent/Unspent (53/25/0)

10 points skills
10 points attributes
29 points advantages