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(4 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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:: Merits: Font of Life, Legendary Stamina (ignores first attack which would have been a fatal blow in a scene).
:: Merits: Font of Life, Legendary Stamina (ignores first attack which would have been a fatal blow in a scene).
:: Flaws: Lifegiver
:: Flaws: Lifegiver
: [[Justin Cross]]-EXEMPLAR-2A-11
: [[Justin Cross]]-EXEMPLAR-2A-11
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:: Notable: Prodigy (Firearms). Potential for even further unsurpassed accuracy with firearms, but such mastery has not been currently attained.
:: Notable: Prodigy (Firearms). Potential for even further unsurpassed accuracy with firearms, but such mastery has not been currently attained.
: Piero Dominici-EXEMPLAR-2A-12
: [[Piero Dominici]]-EXEMPLAR-2A-12
:: Recovered DNA from legend and potential Reality Deviant Achilles. Scans indicated EDE interference in genetic map. Recovery was done by Void Engineer chronomancers, Dominici seconded to Void Engineer combat teams on request. Pinnacle of Generation 3 design. Iteration X provided total biomechanical integration. Dominici is, although an inexperienced Enlightened operative who is prone to fits of uncontrollable rage, an incredibly powerful weapon of mass destruction. Unlikely to be deployed Earthside due to massive and overwhelming risk of collateral damage. His rage and impulsiveness have made it hard for him to master the tenets of Enlightened Science, giving him another significant weakness.
:: Recovered DNA from legend and potential Reality Deviant Achilles. Scans indicated EDE interference in genetic map. Recovery was done by Void Engineer chronomancers, Dominici seconded to Void Engineer combat teams on request. Pinnacle of Generation 3 design. Iteration X provided total biomechanical integration. Dominici is, although an inexperienced Enlightened operative who is prone to fits of uncontrollable rage, an incredibly powerful weapon of mass destruction. Unlikely to be deployed Earthside due to massive and overwhelming risk of collateral damage. His rage and impulsiveness have made it hard for him to master the tenets of Enlightened Science, giving him another significant weakness.
:: As normal statline, but Piero has Exomuscle and primium skeletal weave complementing his physical structure enhancements, giving him 6 extra -0 HLs and bringing them to 7/7/8 Str/Dex/Sta, as well as 4d Countermagic and an extra 2d soak. Piero has Legendary Stamina, which converts damage down 1 level (from Aggravated to Lethal to Bashing), Legendary Dexterity, giving him the ability to spend 1 WP to take an extra action, and Legendary Strength, lowering the difficulty of all Strength-based rolls he makes by 2, including damage. This of course means he has 7 Permanent Paradox.
:: ''Hello Reality Deviants. Look at your [[Christopher Westin|Greek heroes]], now back to me. Now back to your [[Christopher Westin|Greek heroes]], now back to me. Sadly, he isn't me, but if you guys stopped being all sadface about massive body modification and defected to the Technocracy, he could fight like me. Look down, back up, where are you? You're being beaten to death by the Greek hero your Greek hero could fight like. What's in your hand, back at me. I have it. It's the internal organs you're dependent on for survival. Look again, the organs are now paste. Anything is possible when your man loads up with Enhancements and isn't a Reality Deviant. I'm wrestling a Gundam.'' Fight like a superman, man. Damage Control.
:: Flaws: Stress Atavism, Short Fuse. Arete 2, spheres are Forces 2/Life 2/Matter 2. WP of 6.
==Generation 3==
==Generation 3==
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==The Technocracy==
==The Technocracy==
"We're the good guys. Well, sort of. Most of us are, but there's plenty who've decided that being good means everything that opposes us is evil and should be exterminated by default, or that they should never question their own thoughts and actions. Others just enjoy the prestige that comes with being the good guys and don't care about what they're doing. Both are equally bad."
"We're the good guys. Well, sort of. Most of us are, but there's plenty who've decided that being good means everything that opposes us is evil and should be exterminated by default, or that they should never question their own thoughts and actions. Others just enjoy the prestige that comes with being the good guys and don't care about what they're doing. Both are equally bad."
'''Progenitors''': "They made me. They gave me an identity and knowledge, and then they used me as a guinea pig for the majority of my life. I'm kind of infamous in the Convention, a 'half-Reality Deviant mad science crossbreed' or whatever the precise wording of the day becomes. Some of them hear that and either avoid me or try to find the most ridiculous excuses to censure me, others realize what I am and think that I'm desperate enough to do whatever they ask to get some approval... which, I suppose if I'm answering honestly, I sort of am, but I do have my limits. And then there's the rarities, like Serafina, who can look at me and see a person, rather than an abomination, a monster, a toy, or a tool. It's men and women like them who keep me here, and I'd gladly lay down everything I have for them."
'''Iteration X''': "I like Iteration X. Most of the time. They're heavy transhumanists, so they understand my situation enough to sympathize. And they're far enough away that they don't generally know enough of my specifics to be afraid or bigoted. Of course, they're not all sunshine and roses. Some of them are way too willing to throw away 'useless meat' for this ideal of efficiency, and that scares me. I heard way back when they decided that some parts of the brain were unnecessary, even, and that's kind of creepy. Others are way too obsessed with the flesh in all the wrong ways. But really, that's just how computer nerds are supposed to be... right?"
'''New World Order''': "The New World Order scares me. They tell you what to do, and they expect you to do it, because they know what's best for you. Most of the time, they get it right. But it's not the times they get it right that scare me, it's the times that they get things wrong. If I make a mistake, I'll probably only end my own life, and maybe a few more. What happens when you're playing with the very systems, the social infrastructure, that millions if not billions of people are dependent on for their very survival? That's a heavy burden to bear. I'm curious if most of them realize it and don't talk about their work much for exactly that reason, or because they've realized that and stopped caring in response. I hope it's not the latter.
'''Syndicate''': "If the Progenitors are my mother, the Syndicate is my father. One of them birthed me, the other made it possible. As to how I feel besides that vague familial sense of respect? Sometimes they're the best of us. Sometimes they're the worst. I don't know what creates this dichotomy. Maybe power doesn't so much corrupt as bring out your true nature, good or bad. And a lot of it is bad, but I think that the few people in the Syndicate who can remember that they're there for something other than power for power's sake, that they're here not to get rich and powerful and coincidentally benefit others, but benefit others and coincidentally gain rewards from it, are the solid gold who hold us together. Too bad there's so few of them."
'''Void Engineers''': "I don't work with them much, but I know I owe a lot of the xenografts in my system to them. They seem like nice people, although it's hard to tell. I hear they're crazy too, but anyone who deals with the kind of mind-bending stuff subdimensions hold would probably have a few screws loose."
===Construct Members===
'''Livna Ingram''': "You'd think I'd be jealous. She has a lot of things I don't have. Fame, wealth, safety, respect, a proper childhood, actual real-world experience. I'm just the half-vampire freakshow who's had so few birthdays I could fit all the candles needed on a cupcake. But I actually look up to her. She's become a legitimately respected agent and grown past her laboratory origins to become a true person, and that's rare enough among constructs like us to be something beautiful. I definitely wonder what it'd be like to actually have control over my own life one day, instead of being an experiment or a weapon. And in a way, we're pretty similar. We both look like what we are and can't hide it. She's the media queen and looks the part no matter what she does. I... well you already know what I look like, and how a lot of people think it defines me. Maybe that's why I like her so much. I wish I could just wholeheartedly embrace my role sometimes, just like her."
'''Madison Griffin''': "I've worked with plenty of Iterators. Damage Control often doesn't know what to do with me, so I get assigned to play with the cyborgs instead of actually working with my own Convention. Madison's relatively unique among them. She's not a heavy cyborg, but she's handy in a fight, even if there's something I envy about being able to sit in an air-conditioned office flying robots around instead of having to actually be in the fight. I feel that it'd be too easy to lose yourself if you're doing that, and forget that maybe the person you're pointing those weapons at actually isn't all bad. Personally? She's a friend, and she cares about me, and I hope as she learns more about me it'll stay that way."
==Reality Deviants==
===The Traditions===
"They're the bad guys. Again, sort of. It's always more complicated. Most of them are probably just decent people who fell into the wrong crowd, who think that by uprooting us that somehow everything wrong with modern society will suddenly right itself and no monsters will come out from under the beds to eat their children. The grass is always greener on the other side, after all. If they don't bother me, I'm not so big on bothering them. Sure, sometimes they do something silly and have to be slapped down, but a lot of them are decent people who are just trying to help, and as long as they keep it quiet, I'm more than happy for them to do that. Their masters, and the hardcore 'Ascension Warriors' they have, those guys and girls I don't mind fighting, but normally they make it easy for me and just attack first. I'm double-evil or something for being a soulless technocrat ''and'' some kind of half-human abomination."
"I haven't had much contact with lycanthropes. The few times I have, it was almost always hostile. I'm curious why they hate me so much-Justin and Henrietta say it's the hemophage transplants inside of me, so I guess they're confusing me with one of those awful elder vampires and trying to kill me without even making sure they're right. So far, though, they haven't managed to succeed."
"I might be related to them by blood, but that doesn't mean I have to, or even want to, like most of them. There's a few who try to adjust as best they can to their existence and do as little harm as possible, maybe even do a bit of net good. Those I'm willing to talk to, to trade favors with, maybe even help once in a while. The rest are just predators in human skin, who only think killing is bad insofar as it might get them unwanted attention or cause their Beast to run amok. Those I have to deal with sometimes, but I never do that more than necessary and I always feel like I need a shower afterwards, no matter how little contact is involved. But more often, for those remorseless predators, I get called up to put them out of their misery. It's hard to feel bad about that, even if they're supposed to be living, thinking beings, just because of what they've been doing for their centuries of life."

Latest revision as of 12:12, 31 January 2014

Project Exemplar

Bringing Legend To Fruition

"On one hand, I like existing quite a bit. On the other hand, I'm not actually sure here. This seems to be about one step away from Etherite pseudoscience. Sure, a lot of these were probably touched by EDEs or other lifeforms which could do genetic modification, which would explain any or all 'legendary' attributes we have, but betting it on this instead of allegory is kind of out there. As is claiming the actual result is due to nature rather than the literal half-billion dollars each of us cost, when you consider all the failed ones."
-Ethical Compliance Agent Justin Cross, on EXEMPLAR.


Exemplar is/was a Progenitor-led cross-Convention project to understand, as well as apply, the capabilities of legendary figures in history to combat an increasing level of threat from Reality Deviants. Led by Dr. Karen Altman (Progenitor) and Dr. Joyce Ambrose (former Etherdyne Engineer, defected during the 1940s), the project made use of these figures' genetics by melding them to high-end combat constructs. The previous project that EXEMPLAR was based on, Project RECOIL, used the same bodies and programmed attributes but had a high rate of failure. Ambrose theorized, under his questionably scientific belief, that the strength of psyche that the RECOIL volunteers and constructs had, based off of relatively primitive Victor/MiB braintapes or even human volunteers, was insufficient in all but a few cases.

All Exemplars were initially programmed with a simulated version of their historical figures' life, then had that programming erased. This meant that they would be a blank slate, useful for the fact that many of them would potentially have loyalty issues even to this idealized Order of Reason, but also create the strength and character needed to run a RECOIL-type body. The second stage of the upbringing was a proper Technocratic construct's upbringing, done by multiple lab technicians and assistants. All of them were carefully selected for their loyalty to an idealized and whitewashed Order of Reason that may probably not have existed. This led to EXEMPLAR operatives often being infamous and/or respected for their likelihood of putting moral considerations over mission efficiency. It has also led to a handful of notable EXEMPLAR defections, wherein such figures have created entire rogue constructs or in at least one high-profile case, defected entirely to the Traditions.

General Attributes/Abilities/Etc

An Exemplar probably has a similar Attribute and Ability spread to Rose/Cross. They are, after all, enhanced to similar template levels. Any notable departures or notable Abilities are stated in their own writeups.

Generation 1

Generation 1 likely had no supernatural influence, but used famous figures in history. Generation 1 ran from 1992-1997, producing a handful of clones.

Claude Smythe-EXEMPLAR-0-TEST
Based on theorist who coined the term "Technocracy", Claude Henri de Rouvoy.
Notable Attributes: Intelligence 5, Philosophy 5 (Political), Bureaucracy 4 (Politics), Construct Politics 5 (Ex-USSR Constructs)
Notable: Not actually an orthodox Technocrat. Suspected of involvement in Project Invictus and other unsanctioned 'anti-corruption' initiatives. Outspoken Socialist, has created a fake identity to "return meritocracy to the Western World" via political influence. Very outspoken against Syndicate economic viewpoints, has expressed sympathies with Russian Iterators. Reports imply the NWO is considering elimination if he takes it farther.

Generation 2

Generation 2 involved the use of outright legendary figures from history, who often had ties to the supernatural. Generation 2 was the majority of the EXEMPLAR project, running from 1998-2012, when the project was shut down.

Alexandra Stephenson-EXEMPLAR-2A-01
Proof of concept of EXEMPLAR project Generation 2. Used base genetic material attributed to Helen of Troy. Reason on record was "So we'll probably be able to figure out immediately if this actually works". Resulting success led to further exploitation of Generation 2.
Notable: Appearance 7, Legendary Appearance (special ability: Unless she takes hostile action directly against you, must roll Willpower against her Appearance to attempt to take any action with lethal intent against her). Style 4. Curse: Obsession
Arete 4, Mind 3, Life 3, Entropy 3.
Sankar Avininder-EXEMPLAR-2A-03
Possibly the greatest success of EXEMPLAR Gen 2. BGM for construct attributed to Rama of Indian legend. Although ferociously capable in combat, is generally reluctant to engage without severe provocation and prefers merciful solutions rather than killing, save in the case of Nephandi and Nephandi-aligned EDEs. Recently refused to work with non-Nephandi hunter combat Constructs, citing philosophical issues with the indiscriminate use of violence and the possibility that many of the targets who are eliminated may be potentially redeemed to work with the Technocracy. Considered the potential crux of an EXEMPLAR rebellion by NWO reports, due to the EXEMPLAR base programming. The problem cited with this is that elimination of Avininder is likely to create the very mass rebellion of high-grade combat constructs and sympathizers such an act is intended to prevent, as he is well-liked by almost everyone he has worked with.
Notable: Avatar 5, Charisma 4 (Compassionate), Etiquette 4 (Likable), Code of Honor (do all things with the utmost compassion), Higher Purpose (same), Prodigy (Firearms, Brawl, Martial Arts), Legendary Dexterity (cancels first 1 on Dexterity-based rolls, Dexterity is 8)
Arete 5, Forces 4, Correspondence 4, Life 3, Time 3
Jalal Bahadur-EXEMPLAR-2A-04
Political influence on 2nd Generation EXEMPLAR led to the besieged Middle Eastern Union members making a humble request for a method to turn the tide against Chorister influence. Building on the legend of the hero Saladin, Bahadur's deployment to the Middle East was met with very limited success, but all parties are willing to blame this on entrenched Reality Deviant influence and the significant level of religiosity in the area. Bahadur is a consummate leader but also an accomplished master of disguise, and has at the very least won the respect of several of his opponents via honorable conduct and his compassion for the Masses. It is unknown how they might react should they realize the blasphemy involved in his creation. Bahadur himself does not consider himself religious (or perhaps he considers himself pan-religious), but is something of an expert in theology.
Notable: Charisma 4 (Leadership), Manipulation 4 (Blending), Intelligence 5 (Tactics), Academics (Theology) 4 (Meaning Of Life), Leadership 4 (Military Tactics)
Arete 4, Mind 2, Correspondence 2, Entropy 2, Time 2
Alicia Merrick-EXEMPLAR-2A-05
DNA used is officially listed as unknown due to clone line tampering by unknown Technocratic sources. Involvement of Harbingers of Avalon was suspected, implying DNA is either King Arthur or someone of the Round Table. Original DNA donor was Joan of Arc. Went rogue one year in. Recovery teams have been dispatched to recover Agent Merrick due to her expense and potential usefulness to the Union, but in all cases the response teams were defeated or evaded, often with very minimal casualties on all sides. Agent Merrick is considered a high-grade memetic hazard and all recovery team survivors are required to report for psychological analysis.
Notable: Destiny 5 (???!), Legend 5 (???!), Charisma 6 (Loyalty-Inspiring). Legendary Charisma (unknown special ability), Inner Knight, WP10.
Arete 4, Life 3, Prime 3, Mind 1.
Yu Linbo (Linbo Yu)-EXEMPLAR-2A-07
DNA based on scraps found on artifacts related to Guan Yu, ancient Chinese folk hero, warrior, and potential deity. Construction involved political interference by Chinese technocratic elements, demanding their own piece of the EXEMPLAR pie and was done under protest. The Shanxi-based Construct requesting the decanting and production in return filed a formal complaint accusing the project of racist inclinations. Settlement of this scuffle involved 25% of future EXEMPLAR-4 bodies being reserved for historical figures in the Chinese Technocracy.
Notable Abilities: WP 10, Brawl 5, Melee 5, Daredevil
Arete 4, Correspondence 4, Forces 3, Prime 2, Mind 2
Flaws: Stubborn
Zhou Junfu (Junfu Zhou)-EXEMPLAR-2A-08
Attempt by EXEMPLAR leaders to show reconciliation with Chinese influences in Technocratic Union. Based on He Qiong, one of the supposed Eight Immortals. Bionanotech integration created significant and aberrant vitality, including healing speed and resistance to harm. Moral qualms about killing reduce effectiveness as combat operative, but superhuman physical abilities and close-combat skills mean that she is not contraindicated for combat zone deployment. Currently on retainer to various Chinese field constructs.
Notable Abilities: Medicine 5, Biology 5, Intelligence 4, Brawl 4 (Disarming). Melee and Firearms of only 1.
Arete 4, Life 4, Matter 3, Prime 3
Merits: Font of Life, Legendary Stamina (ignores first attack which would have been a fatal blow in a scene).
Flaws: Lifegiver
Justin Cross-EXEMPLAR-2A-11
DNA basis used Trojan War hero Paris. Expert Damage Control sniper. Eventually seconded to Ethical Compliance due to unerring moral compass and immense personal composure.
Notable: Prodigy (Firearms). Potential for even further unsurpassed accuracy with firearms, but such mastery has not been currently attained.
Piero Dominici-EXEMPLAR-2A-12
Recovered DNA from legend and potential Reality Deviant Achilles. Scans indicated EDE interference in genetic map. Recovery was done by Void Engineer chronomancers, Dominici seconded to Void Engineer combat teams on request. Pinnacle of Generation 3 design. Iteration X provided total biomechanical integration. Dominici is, although an inexperienced Enlightened operative who is prone to fits of uncontrollable rage, an incredibly powerful weapon of mass destruction. Unlikely to be deployed Earthside due to massive and overwhelming risk of collateral damage. His rage and impulsiveness have made it hard for him to master the tenets of Enlightened Science, giving him another significant weakness.
Hello Reality Deviants. Look at your Greek heroes, now back to me. Now back to your Greek heroes, now back to me. Sadly, he isn't me, but if you guys stopped being all sadface about massive body modification and defected to the Technocracy, he could fight like me. Look down, back up, where are you? You're being beaten to death by the Greek hero your Greek hero could fight like. What's in your hand, back at me. I have it. It's the internal organs you're dependent on for survival. Look again, the organs are now paste. Anything is possible when your man loads up with Enhancements and isn't a Reality Deviant. I'm wrestling a Gundam. Fight like a superman, man. Damage Control.

Generation 3

Generation 3 used people who were explicitly touched by the supernatural. The revelation of Generation 3 EXEMPLAR led to an ethics hearing in the Progenitors, which was resolved largely in favor of EXEMPLAR, although the project was indefinitely suspended and both leads censured. There are only 3 Generation 3s in existence. All have the Infamous flaw, due to their nature as completely unorthodox.

Henrietta Talbot-EXEMPLAR-3X-0W
Attempt to integrate EXEMPLAR with lycanthropic DNA. Partial success-total DNA integration successful, but failed Awakening. Clone DNA based on Wilfred Glendon, but due to suspicions of matrilineal inheritance of lycanthrope gene, clone was of female gender. Initial interaction with other lycanthropes was suggested for infiltration purposes, but attempt ended in tragedy due to aberrant physical characteristics. Design was considered a partial success because her augmentations allowed her to eliminate the rest of the lycanthrope pack in the resulting physical combat with minimal damage. Generally seconded as either an un-Enlightened lab assistant or as a conventional if powerful protector to high-value targets.
Actually a werewolf, uses identical stats to Exemplar standard but lacks any magic. However, she does have werewolf shapeshifting. Has Gnosis 1 and no Spirit charms, since she doesn't even know she can learn them yet, but she does have Rage 3. She's just a ridiculously physical murder machine. She's also very reluctant to use this and lose control of herself to rage, so she actually is more of a pacifist. Just... don't poke the girl who has physicals of 10/8/9 in Crinos form. That never ends well.
Notable Abilities: Meditation 4 (Inner Calm), Animal Ken 4 (Canines), Primal Urge 3
Rose Brooks-EXEMPLAR-3X-0V
Integration of EXEMPLAR project with hemophage-modified DNA. Success is limited, as subject still suffers rejection of hemophagic xenografts, and lacks hemophagic abilities of her own. However, research has provided significant breakthroughs in hemophage biological processes and interaction. Testbed allowed for mass introduction of vampire xenografts to Damage Control operatives (see sub project CHEIRON for more details on xenograft use).
Notable: Has vampire xenografts.
Caspar Johann-EXEMPLAR-3X-0E
Direct EDE DNA integration, repayment for favors from Void Engineer chrononauts. Most expensive of the 3X project, and was the indirect cause of Ethical Compliance intervention when it turned out that the Void Engineer administrator in question was a barabbus, intending to use Johann as a host to house a powerful EDE and potentially bring about a Code: Ragnarok scenario. Given this, Caspar has been permanently seconded to an administrative and advisory role only, despite his potential combat ability.
Notable Attributes/Abilities: Charisma 4 (Convincing), Manipulation 5 (Silver Tongue), Appearance 4 (Innocent), Intelligence 5 (Clever). Abilities include Cosmology 4 (Hells) and various academic abilities. However, his combat skills have degraded from his relatively non-physical work (assume Combat Abilities of only 1-2), even if he has kept in shape.
Arete 3, Correspondence 2, Dimensional Science 3, Mind 3, Spirit ("Psionics") 2. Flaw: "Easy Ride" (possession difficulties reduced by 2).

Generation 4

If Generation 4 Exemplars are approved, the potential donors are legendary members of the Order of Reason. The suspicion here is that such bodies, exemplifying everything the Order of Reason built, would provide a next generation of enlightened (and Enlightened) leaders. In private, Dr. Ambrose suspects that such leaders would, in fact, allow the restoration of the Order of Reason to its Utopian ideals.

Of course, there is also the problem that he's literally resurrecting 16th century 'progressives', and that might backfire hilariously.

Operations Manual

Design Goals (Paradigm & Foci)

Engineered For An Invisible War
To be constructed is to have a purpose, rather than questing aimlessly for meaning in life. But even yet, Rose knows that her purpose is not quite the same as the one she currently exists in. Her body and Enlightened Science exist half-in and half-out of what is considered neat and proper. Her Procedures largely result from application of cutting-edge genetic engineering, adaptive DNA, and transgenic traits, typical of engineered constructs. She's been equipped with the genetic database, bioengineering knowledge, and adaptive physiology to fight any battle in any scenario. There is always an edge to her Procedures though, no matter how standard. A little something that seems almost, but not quite, similar to the Reality Deviants she was, in theory, built to combat.

It might inform a bit of her slight sympathies for them, even as her loyalty to the idea of defending humanity from the burden of terrible knowledge does not waver, it is possible for her to sympathize, if only somewhat, with her foes. And such sympathies might grow into more than that, dependent on how compatible the RD's continued existence is to the well-being of mankind.

Active Systems (Rotes)

Atavistic Features (Life 3)

Genetic traits from common ancestral life forms are recombined to manifest beastial traits. Standard traits include claws or fangs (Str + 2/3L damage), toughened skin (extra soak), improved senses, increased ground speed, and more. This often manifests in a fashion which is reminiscent of an equivalent Vampire discipline. Furthermore, she wears them as if she was born to-instead of breaking her lines, it, if anything, only adds to her predatory beauty.
Life 3 creates animal traits. These are generally temporary.

Chameleon Stealth (Forces 2/Mind 2)

Electromagnetic field projections reduce nearby awareness, while rapidly color shifting skin provides camouflage, blending into nearby objects. Due to the color-shifting necessity, this Procedure only works when nude or wearing Technocratic garments designed to work with color-shifting bioware.
Successes first lower Stealth difficulties, then increase Alertness difficulties.

Combat Kinesthetics (Forces 1, Mind 1)

Drastically boosted neural processing speed provides additional combat precision.
Each success on a Combat Kinesthetics roll reduces difficulties for 1 of Melee, Firearms, Dodge, or Brawl rolls by 1.

Phase Shift (Dimensional Science 2, Life 2)

Using biological capabilities engineered into her by analysis and reverse-engineering of extra-dimensional-entities, Rose may translate small objects into various subdimensions or allow herself to interact with said subdimensions.

Predator's Bearing (Life 2, Mind 2)

Rose tailors her pheromonal output with knowledge gleaned from hemophage mind control capabilities, giving herself the unique combination of fear, respect, and sheer sex appeal 'vampires' tend to command.
This Procedure reduces her difficulties for Appearance rolls, as well as any rolls for seduction, providing a regal bearing, or provoking fear. This Procedure has a slight resonance resembling that of vampiric Disciplines, especially if combined with the use of Predator's Pheromones (which it often is).

Smartblood Self Destruct (Life 2/Forces 3)

Rose cuts herself, spilling some of the hyperoxygenated nanomachinery which has entirely replaced her blood into the open. This nanomachinery can be commanded to burn, or to disperse itself into mistform and detonate like a fuel-air bomb.
Forces 3, converting life into forces (in this case, fire). Each health level of damage Rose inflicts on herself adds another health level of damage to the effect, by increasing the scale.

Personal Thoughts

The Ascension War

"I think that people need to be protected, and sometimes that means you don't tell them everything you know. You wouldn't tell a five-year old about the cruelties of this world or teach them how to drive, right? So why would you give people the keys to the kingdom all at once? Some might say it's patronizing to do this, but there's nothing harmful in a white lie for the best of reasons. And I think our reasons are good, even if some of us have become far too focused on the ends to remember that means count. We can win this war while being better people than Reality Deviants. It's probably easy, given how many of them are awful people. Just look at the vampires and their games. But this is a war of ideals, of making the world safe for everyone rather than just an elite few, and if you can't trust the protectors of the world, we have lost."

The Technocracy

"We're the good guys. Well, sort of. Most of us are, but there's plenty who've decided that being good means everything that opposes us is evil and should be exterminated by default, or that they should never question their own thoughts and actions. Others just enjoy the prestige that comes with being the good guys and don't care about what they're doing. Both are equally bad."


Progenitors: "They made me. They gave me an identity and knowledge, and then they used me as a guinea pig for the majority of my life. I'm kind of infamous in the Convention, a 'half-Reality Deviant mad science crossbreed' or whatever the precise wording of the day becomes. Some of them hear that and either avoid me or try to find the most ridiculous excuses to censure me, others realize what I am and think that I'm desperate enough to do whatever they ask to get some approval... which, I suppose if I'm answering honestly, I sort of am, but I do have my limits. And then there's the rarities, like Serafina, who can look at me and see a person, rather than an abomination, a monster, a toy, or a tool. It's men and women like them who keep me here, and I'd gladly lay down everything I have for them."

Iteration X: "I like Iteration X. Most of the time. They're heavy transhumanists, so they understand my situation enough to sympathize. And they're far enough away that they don't generally know enough of my specifics to be afraid or bigoted. Of course, they're not all sunshine and roses. Some of them are way too willing to throw away 'useless meat' for this ideal of efficiency, and that scares me. I heard way back when they decided that some parts of the brain were unnecessary, even, and that's kind of creepy. Others are way too obsessed with the flesh in all the wrong ways. But really, that's just how computer nerds are supposed to be... right?"

New World Order: "The New World Order scares me. They tell you what to do, and they expect you to do it, because they know what's best for you. Most of the time, they get it right. But it's not the times they get it right that scare me, it's the times that they get things wrong. If I make a mistake, I'll probably only end my own life, and maybe a few more. What happens when you're playing with the very systems, the social infrastructure, that millions if not billions of people are dependent on for their very survival? That's a heavy burden to bear. I'm curious if most of them realize it and don't talk about their work much for exactly that reason, or because they've realized that and stopped caring in response. I hope it's not the latter.

Syndicate: "If the Progenitors are my mother, the Syndicate is my father. One of them birthed me, the other made it possible. As to how I feel besides that vague familial sense of respect? Sometimes they're the best of us. Sometimes they're the worst. I don't know what creates this dichotomy. Maybe power doesn't so much corrupt as bring out your true nature, good or bad. And a lot of it is bad, but I think that the few people in the Syndicate who can remember that they're there for something other than power for power's sake, that they're here not to get rich and powerful and coincidentally benefit others, but benefit others and coincidentally gain rewards from it, are the solid gold who hold us together. Too bad there's so few of them."

Void Engineers: "I don't work with them much, but I know I owe a lot of the xenografts in my system to them. They seem like nice people, although it's hard to tell. I hear they're crazy too, but anyone who deals with the kind of mind-bending stuff subdimensions hold would probably have a few screws loose."

Construct Members

Livna Ingram: "You'd think I'd be jealous. She has a lot of things I don't have. Fame, wealth, safety, respect, a proper childhood, actual real-world experience. I'm just the half-vampire freakshow who's had so few birthdays I could fit all the candles needed on a cupcake. But I actually look up to her. She's become a legitimately respected agent and grown past her laboratory origins to become a true person, and that's rare enough among constructs like us to be something beautiful. I definitely wonder what it'd be like to actually have control over my own life one day, instead of being an experiment or a weapon. And in a way, we're pretty similar. We both look like what we are and can't hide it. She's the media queen and looks the part no matter what she does. I... well you already know what I look like, and how a lot of people think it defines me. Maybe that's why I like her so much. I wish I could just wholeheartedly embrace my role sometimes, just like her."

Madison Griffin: "I've worked with plenty of Iterators. Damage Control often doesn't know what to do with me, so I get assigned to play with the cyborgs instead of actually working with my own Convention. Madison's relatively unique among them. She's not a heavy cyborg, but she's handy in a fight, even if there's something I envy about being able to sit in an air-conditioned office flying robots around instead of having to actually be in the fight. I feel that it'd be too easy to lose yourself if you're doing that, and forget that maybe the person you're pointing those weapons at actually isn't all bad. Personally? She's a friend, and she cares about me, and I hope as she learns more about me it'll stay that way."

Reality Deviants

The Traditions

"They're the bad guys. Again, sort of. It's always more complicated. Most of them are probably just decent people who fell into the wrong crowd, who think that by uprooting us that somehow everything wrong with modern society will suddenly right itself and no monsters will come out from under the beds to eat their children. The grass is always greener on the other side, after all. If they don't bother me, I'm not so big on bothering them. Sure, sometimes they do something silly and have to be slapped down, but a lot of them are decent people who are just trying to help, and as long as they keep it quiet, I'm more than happy for them to do that. Their masters, and the hardcore 'Ascension Warriors' they have, those guys and girls I don't mind fighting, but normally they make it easy for me and just attack first. I'm double-evil or something for being a soulless technocrat and some kind of half-human abomination."


"I haven't had much contact with lycanthropes. The few times I have, it was almost always hostile. I'm curious why they hate me so much-Justin and Henrietta say it's the hemophage transplants inside of me, so I guess they're confusing me with one of those awful elder vampires and trying to kill me without even making sure they're right. So far, though, they haven't managed to succeed."


"I might be related to them by blood, but that doesn't mean I have to, or even want to, like most of them. There's a few who try to adjust as best they can to their existence and do as little harm as possible, maybe even do a bit of net good. Those I'm willing to talk to, to trade favors with, maybe even help once in a while. The rest are just predators in human skin, who only think killing is bad insofar as it might get them unwanted attention or cause their Beast to run amok. Those I have to deal with sometimes, but I never do that more than necessary and I always feel like I need a shower afterwards, no matter how little contact is involved. But more often, for those remorseless predators, I get called up to put them out of their misery. It's hard to feel bad about that, even if they're supposed to be living, thinking beings, just because of what they've been doing for their centuries of life."