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Latest revision as of 21:46, 6 September 2012

Name: Rickert All-Golden (formerly Merdeno)
Exalted: Solar
Caste: Eclipse

Motivation: Take over his former lover's position in the Mnemon Group and humiliate her
Intimacies: Ms. Mnemon (Broken Love/Revenge), Making Money (Goal), Mnemon Syndicate (Desire to Conquer), The Jewelphoenix (Loves that Ship), Old music (Dedicated Hobby)
Anima Banner:Golden-plated Dragon


Rickert Merdeno was a mortal trader in the Mnemon Syndicate, working hard to manage one of the small trading cartels. His success and efficiency in processing and brokering deals drew attention from several of the Dragonblooded executives, including one woman in particular who had him transfered to her personal division. She even began a relationship with him as he was catapaulted into the inner circle, one of the few unExalted to do so.

His lover, 'one Ms. Mnemon' as he calls her now, was the ambitious sort, and the two them orchestrated large schemes to acquire huge amounts of money, discrediting competitors and eliminating rivals. The scope of their actions, however, drew attention from the Empire, when they wound up scamming some Imperial offices out of planetary real estates. With Ms. Mnemon facing possible arrest, Rickert didn't cut and run; he doctored records and arranged secret deals, covering her tracks and shifting the blame. Bribes, favours, and rewards saved his lover.

They got off scot-free, and it was glorious, until Rickert was dragged into the CEO's office. There, it was explained to him that all of his backroom dealings had been found – Imperial funds and properties misappropriated, and nigh-criminal actions made in his name. Rickert only noticed two things; that Ms. Mnemon was never mentioned in the report, and that she wasn't there in the office. It was easy enough to put two and two together; only one person could have known all this information.

Rickert was offered exile from the Syndicate and effective exile to the frontier instead of jail. He accepted, playing the confused but dejected criminal; but they made the mistake of allowing him to slip into his office unsupervised. He only had to make one text to have dozens of names changed on transaction reports and large sums dumped into security guards' accounts. Rickert Merdeno left the Mnemon Syndicate a far richer man, with a fortune in assets and commodities, and one the CEO's personal starships. He was well into the Frontier before they found out what had happened.

As Rickert passed into the frontier, however, he felt strangely elated. It was then that he went to the observation deck, looking out to see a golden star gleaming before him. He noticed it getting closer, and before he knew it, it passed throught he glass like a ghost, and into his forehead. It was there that he Exalted as an Eclipse caste of the old Solars, his business acumen enhanced to superhuman levels.

Rickert still stays in the frontier, making deals and building businesses, and all the time plotting his ultimate goal – to take revenge on his former lover, the one Ms. Mnemon, and take back what he had earned in her name. Once he'd humilated her and taken her position, he could look to taking over the entire Syndicate – after all, never sit on your laurels.


Essence 2
Willpower 10
Personal 16
Peripheral 28/33 (5 committed)
Compassion 2
Conviction 3 (Flaw: Deliberate Cruelty)
Temperance 2
Valour 2


Orichcalcum Starcaster (Negotiations Succeed)

Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage 8L/2, Rate 3, Range 80, Ammo 50, Strength 1, Attune 5, Cost A2/R1. Tags: O
Dice: 10

Join Battle: 7 (3 Wits, 2 Awareness, +2 for gun due to Charm)


Dodge DV - 4
Parry DV - 1
Mental DDV - 7
Mental PDV - 6

Soak: 1l/2b

with Reinforced Buff Jacket 6L/10B


Strength 2
Dexterity 3
Stamina 2
Charisma 3
Manipulation 5
Appearance 5
Perception 3
Intelligence 4
Wits 3


Firearms: 5 (Shoots First +1)
Integrity: 3
Performance: 1
Presence: 5 (Dashing Rogue +2)
Investigation 3
Lore: 2
Awareness 2
Dodge 3
Larceny 3
Stealth 1
Bureaucracy 5 (Misappropriating Goods +1)
Linguistics 2
Drive 1
Sail 5
Socialize 5


Artifacts: 2 (Orichcalcum Starcaster)
Contacts: 2
Influence: 3
Manse 1 (Clever Merchant: +3 Social and Mental rolls involved in trade)
Resources: 5

Manse (Water): Rickert's hideaway, a hidden manse where he stores goods and moors his ship when he needs to make trips into Imperial space, so as not to attract attention. A permanent holdout.


Reglas Morvo, Mnemon Syndicate Communications Officer (In on it, keeps secret)
Crystal-hunter Shandra, Galactic Surveyers Office

Influence: Blackmarket Trade Cartels, gained from Rickert's shady dealings while with Mnemon group and subsequent business endeavors

Artifact: “Negotiations Succeed”, an orichcalcum starcaster purchased from a dealer in the frontier. Resembles a golden pistol with the barrel emerging from a golden sleeve, hand has a guarded grip.


Orichcalcum Starcaster (Negotiations Succeed)

Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage 8L/2, Rate 3, Range 80, Ammo 50, Strength 1, Attune 5, Cost A2/R1. Tags:

Gem of the Clever Merchant: +3 to Social or Mental pools dealing with trade


Eclipse Anima: Sanctify oaths (10m, 1wp normally; free if banner is at 11+ display), protected by ancient pacts with outsiders, can learn non-Solar charms at double XP cost and use with 2m surcharge


1st Firearms Excellency - spend motes for extra dice or to roll to increase static values (1m per)

Lightning Hands Reload – reload as a free action once a round, stunt to reload without free hands, spend 1m to fire weapon without ammo (Permanent)

Elsewhere Draw Mastery – Banish and recall a weapon from Elsewhere by committing essence (1m)

Flawless Quick-draw Concentration - Reflexively draw a gun at Join Battle, and add the gun's accuracy to your pool to max of 4 dice (2 for Rickert's weapon). Adds three dice to any attack made on someone who hasn't made an action this tick. (Permanent)


1st Presence Excellency – spend motes for extra dice or to roll to increase static values (1m per)

Irresistible Salesman Spirit - doubles successes on a Presence roll before applying them to person's MDV for the purposes of making a favorable bargain or to encourage a specific action (3m)

Hypnotic Tongue Technique - Roll Manipulation + Presence (10) to give the target a Compulsion to obey a single order from the Solar for Charisma (3) days if it exceeds their MDV. Costs 1wp a day to fight, and 4wp to notice something's up. (10m, 1wp)


Shadow over Water – Ignore all penalties to DV for one attack (1m)


Frugal Merchant Method – gives perfect knowledge of an object's quality and condition, +1 autosux if the seller is honest (Charisma), and +3 autosux if they're dishonest (Manipulation) (1m)

Insightful Buyer Technique – Gives perfect knowledge of other markets and goods values. Reduces external penalties to mercantile actions by Essence (2). (3m)


1st Sail Excellency – spend motes for extra dice or to increase static values by successes (1m per)

Perfect Reckoning Technique – Automatically sail at maximum speed to destination until distracted, moving around obstacles automatically if you have enough information. (4m)

Sea-Ambush Technique – Doubles successes on any stealth action by a naval unit Rickert commanders, before external penalties. Can hide even without any obstacles at +4 penalty (10m, 1wp)


Mastery of Small Manners – Acts perfectly in social situations. +1 Appearance bonus for socials, reduces Magnitude of opposing group by 1 to min 0, gives you information equal to 3 sux on an Investigation role for purposes of learning everyone present's motivations (1m)


+2 BP for backstory factored in above

Prelude: 5
Grenades Bonus: 6
Session 1: 7
Session 2: 12
Session 3: 8+1
Session 4: 8
Integrity to 2 (1)
Integrity to 3 (3)
1st Firearms Excellency (8)
Flawless Quick-Draw Concentration (8)
Hypnotic Tongue Technique (8)
Awareness to 2 (2)