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==='''To do:'''===
*Simplify nuclear fuel cycle?<br>
Adaption of the Gurps 3d6 roll under system, with inspiration from HoI2 and SMAC to an Empire SD format.
*Drop Profile stat?
*Drop Water resource, assume they acquire sufficient amounts?
*Simplify Economy by assuming excessive military spending will lower Domestic Support?
*Drop Iron, assuming they manage to get enough for their needs?
*Par down Primary resources in general down to Oil (for Fuel) and Water (for Food)?
*Improve Ruleset cohesion, organization, and clarity
*Balance Stats
*Edit number of slots?
Adaption of the Gurps 3d6 roll under system, this version tailored specifically to a Warzone 2100 style post apoc setting. This very much a work in progress, and is being posted here for review and comment by fresh eyes and ears. Please note that the rules here are still in a quite rough shape, and will be simplified before use.<br>
''[Tech is split into application categories, like weapons, powerplant, armor, etc. Range from TL 1 through TL10, with the former being Early Industrial revolution and the latter being Future Tech. Levels in each category go to the second decimal place, with every tenth of a level achieved giving a cumulative 5% bonus to any items built with the relevant tech. Advancement is done by spending mobilized Research Points, with each point giving a single check that month for success. three successes or one critical successes are required to gain a single advancement point that's then randomly distributed. Points can be focused on certain categories, but at the cost of sacrificing potential advancement in others.]'''<br>
*Critical Success: Counts as three Successes.
'''[Needs revision]'''<br>
*Success: Every three cumulative successes gives one advancement point.
The games level of tech is arrayed from TL1 (1730-1879, Industrial Revolution), TL2 (1880-1939, Mechanization), TL3 (1940-1979, Nuclear Age), TL4 (1980+ Digital Age), TL5 (Near Future), and TL6 (Future). These are split among various technical categories depicting ones understanding of the technical details and ability to use them. Only the subcategories may be purchased or increased.<br>
*Failure: Gives no points, failed research effort.
*Critical Failure: Means all rolls that month automatically fail.
[Cap either amount of tech levels or points that can be spent in this area?]<br>
[Some random placeholder notes, incomplete.]<br>
*Produced by the consumption of domestic produced Goods and resources by a population either foreign or domestic; also can be produced by investing in another power or possibly even trading their currency.<br>
* Pure: The exploration and development of new mathematics
** Effect: Averaged with Applied then used as a multiplier to research points, rounded down
*Applied: The application of mathematical theory to solve practical problems
** Effect: Averaged with Pure then used as a research multiplier, rounded down
*High Energy:  The study of the interactions between elementary particles and energy
**Effect: Both enables and governs the effectiveness of energy weapons
*Thermodynamics: The study of the conversion of energy into work and heat
**Effect: Controls the efficiency of energy generation, making units and structures require less fuel
*Nuclear: The study of both the components and interactions of atoms
**Effect: Governs effectiveness of Nuclear Reactors. Prerequisite for Nuclear Weapons
**Effect: Controls Propellants, Explosives, Fuel, and Medicine. Prerequisite for Chemical Weapons
*Materials: The development and refinement of man made materials
**Effect: Increases Health and Armor Bonus
**Effect: Governs effectiveness of Uranium Enrichment. Prerequisite for Nuclear Weapons
**Effect: Governs statistics of Flight propulsion types
**Effect: Governs industrial production of chemicals. Prerequisite for Chem and Bio Weapons
** Effect: Governs Health of Nuclear systems. Prerequisite for Nuclear Weapons
**Effect: Governs Food production
**Effect: Governs effectiveness of Medical practices.
** Effect: Governs effectiveness of Medical Drugs, Treatments, and Sanitation. Prerequisite for Biological Weapons
Infrastructure represents the quantity of goods and services a power can produce. These statistics are not bought directly, instead they are increased via the construction (or decreased by the destruction) of units and structures with the appropriate caps. Since ones infrastructure is now represented by physical items they also require draft and energy to run, so if either are denied the unsupported production will come to a stop.  
*Separated into Light Industry (LP), Heavy Industry (HP), and Advanced Industry (AP).<br>
**Light Industry: Produces light industrial goods.<br>
**Heavy Industry: Produces heavy industrial goods.<br>
**Advanced Industry: Produces high tech goods.<br>
='''Social Modifiers'''=
**Physical sustenance for your population and military units, this is produced from Systems with Farm caps
:While Infrastructure is vitally important, it is only part of the picture. For a power to grow and prosper it must have some method to track its socio-economic condition. Thus below exists three types of feedback; Economic Strength, Corruption, and Domestic Support that all range from 0-100%. Note that random events can and will affect these ratings at times for good and bad despite all efforts do the contrary. Just like in real life nothing with the whims of people or money are ever certain.
**Each population unit requires a certain amount of food per month, without it discontent will set in over a short period and starvation over a longer one
**Required ration can be cut in half, avoiding outright starvation but will still increase discontent
**Rebuilding a shattered worlds infrastructure requires a significant amount of energy, this is produced from Systems with Generator, Reactor, or Renewable caps
**All infrastructure requires Energy to operate per month, as does Population to maintain high levels of DS, and certian Refinement processes
**critical industries can be prioritized, but reducing the Energy upkeep paid to population will lower DS due to rolling black and brownouts
**Next to energy and manpower, money still makes the world go around
**Required to mobilize Industry and Research for Government use, and to pay the monthly upkeep for infrastructure and units
**Produced by active but unmobilized Industry and Research, along with trade and providing resources to your population. All sources are added together then modified by a powers Economic Strength bonus
**Nations CAN practice Deficit spending, but all debts are assumed to be in the hands of private or corporate entities and will be charged monthly interest
**This is the measure of industrial power one can wield, and is produced by Systems with a Factory caps
**Requires 1 Energy and Draft to be active per point, also requires Wealth to mobilize for Government projects
**If monthly upkeep is not paid it falls idle for the month and produces nothing
**The brain to industries brawn, this is the measure of ones intellectual prowess
**Requires Energy and Draft per point, also requires Wealth to mobilize for Government projects
**If monthly upkeep is not paid the labs and universities represented are assumed to fall idle
==='''Economic Strength'''===
:This is a measure of how strong your economy is and determines just how large of an active industrial base it can support, and is a percentage . It costs X wealth to purchase a 3d6 roll to check for a possible increase, with cumulative chance of success raising the value by 1% that month. To simply maintain the present level costs only 1/2 this amount. If not paid, or if the power makes unsound financial decisions, another check with cumulative success is made to see if it decreases.<br>
Of all the resources in the wasteland human life is the most precious, and the most fragile. Required to operate the mechanisms of civilization, they are the biggest limitation on how fast a power can rebuild. Population of course is assumed to grow naturally on its own, but one must provide sufficient food and water.
**Support: S=ES, where S = Support and ES = Economic Strength.
**Cost: AC=(B*(ES*100)), where C = Actual Cost, B = Base Cost, and ES = Economic Strength.<br>
'''Economic Strength:'''<br>
This is the measure of how strong a powers economic foundation is, with stronger rating means your economy is doing better and can generate more taxable income. To raise this in play one must spent 2x the upkeep cost per month, representing government stimulation of the economy, to purchase a roll by the GM to see if that months effort has any effect. Success raises ES by 5%, while failure does nothing but does count towards the next check. Once gained a power only has to pay the usual upkeep cost to maintain it, with any missed or reduced payments triggering a random check each month to see if the economy starts to weaken by the same amount. <br>
Summary: (Base Income)*(Econ Bonus)=Actual Income<br>
**Wealth Bonus: x4
*Very Strong
**Wealth Bonus: x3
**Wealth Bonus: x2
**Wealth Bonus: x1
**Wealth Bonus: x0.5
*Very Weak
**Wealth Bonus: x0.25
**Wealth Bonus: x0.1
**Upkeep: Free!
'''Domestic Support:'''<br>
This is a measure of how much support your government enjoys from the populace, either through widespread agreement or the threat of secret police. It modifies the cost of infrastructure mobilization, the percentage of your population that can be drafted without negative reactions, and resistance to subversion by foreign powers. If this ever reaches zero, your power is assumed to fall into anarchy and civil war breaks out between the government and a now GM run NPC populace. To raise it one could use secret police, strengthening the economy, spending money directly on the population for either propaganda or bread and circus programs, military victories, long periods of peace, low mobilization, low military spending or positive interference by foreign agents. The exact opposite of any of these can also lower it. <br>
Summary: (Base mobilization)*(Support Bonus)=Actual Cost<br>
**Wealth: x0.25
**Draft: 90%
*Very Strong
**Wealth: x0.50
**Draft: 70%
**Wealth: x0.75
**Draft: 50%
**Wealth: x1
**Draft: 30%
**Wealth: x2
**Draft: 10%
*Very Weak
**Wealth: x3
**Draft: 5%
**Wealth: x4
**Draft: 1%
All researched items will take the Meta-Cap or Base Templates cost in months, and require that the available research points be mobilized. For each doubling of Funds used to mobilize the effect of each point is also doubled, but the GM is free to assign hidden negatives per their discretion. Such hastened development surely has little time for proper testing.Otherwise its assumed their working on civilian projects related to a powers economy thus generate additional wealth when unmobilized. While this does mean research will take much longer than production, it does reflect the reality that its much harder to develop or refine a tech then to actually produce it. <br>
Individual caps cannot be researched, instead the meta-cap as a whole must be researched before use. Related Meta-Cap designs of the same type can benefit from prior research however by finding the difference between the two in unrelated caps and only having to research those. Thus a +5 Armor Meta-Cap with +3 Armor and +2 Compact, if one already had a +3 Armor Meta-Cap with +2 Armor and +1 Compact, could be researched as if it was a +2 Armor Meta-Cap with +1 Armor and +1 Compact. Research to increase a meta-caps size by more than ½ rounded up its previous size will cause the GM to roll in secret for one or more hidden negative caps,  with the amount of rolls being proportional to the number of excessive caps. These will not be known to the player nor will they reduce cost or size even once revealed since they are considered design mistakes that their research and production teams missed. Thus the only way to discover these is with field testing, either via an op for exercise or wartime deployment. Once discovered the negative caps can be researched out as normal.<br>
Research into tech level advancement is done by assigning a number of research points for the entire year towards it. Each set amount gives a roll at the end of the year, with success giving a certain amount of points towards one or more random categories. This is meant to replicate the fact that research in one area can often lead to an unexpected breakthrough in another. <br>
:This is a measure of how rife your power is with corruption, from legitimate organized crime to politicians looking to line their pockets rather then for their constituents. This obviously is a bad thing and acts as a net drain on both a powers net income their Domestic Support. Corruption is assumed to slowly grow at a pre-determined rate, and at higher levels directly threatens your governments stability thus leaving this unchecked could be disastrous. Due note that occasional flair ups may occur at times even with the heaviest spending.<br>
'''[Blurb here]'''<br>
[Critical are required and cannot be entirely exhausted, Non-Critical merely give bonuses  or unlock specialized tech and can be exhausted, Artificial are man made. Fuel is produced from Oil, required to power units. Either Oil or Fuel can produce Energy via Generator caps.]<br>
**Loss: L=C, where L = Loss and C = Corruption.
**Cost: AC=(B*(C*100), where AC = Actual Cost, B = Base Cost, and C = Corruption. <br>
==='''Domestic Support'''===
:This is a measure of how much popular support your government and its policies enjoy, and modifies how much Mobilization and Draft they will tolerate without becoming incensed. Being the fickle creature it is, it behooves those in power to allocate either Wealth or '''foreign''' Trade Goods to try maintaining it as high as possible. Or in other words, via bribes to the people...or paychecks to those who 'gently persuade' them to stay in line.<br>
:Other factors include a healthy economy, low crime rate, ample access to food and water, and if declaring war having valid reason to do so. The very opposite will of course, will result in it being lowered and chants of Viva Revolution. If Domestic Support ever falls to or below 20%, your power is in dire risk of falling into civil war from internal discontent and has a proportionally increasing chance of suffering such an event; if it somehow dips to 5% or less it '''automatically''' occurs. This translates into now having to contend with one or more new NPC's factions with potentially 'liberated' equipment, matching 'liberated' territory and a very large axe to grind.<br>
**Mob: M=DS, Where M = Mobilization, and DS = Domestic Support.
**Draft: D=(DS*5), where D = Draft, and DS = Domestic Support.
**Cost: AC=(B*(DS*100), where AC = Actual Cost, B = Base Cost, and DS = Domestic Support.<br>
:[Text Blurb here]<br>
*'''Depleted Uranium'''
*'''Nuclear Waste'''
*'''Spent Fuel'''
Resources are split into three types; '''Primary''', '''Secondary''' and '''Artificial'''. '''Primary''' resources are '''required''' for a powers continued existence and all powers start with some amount of these, '''Secondary''' resources merely provide various bonuses if used and are entirely optional. Both primary and secondary have two values, Extraction and Pool. The first is the amount produced per month with Extraction (resource) caps, the second is the total reserves available of that resource; the latter being reduced by the formers value every month until its Exhausted as most pools do not regenerate. Once this occurs further Extraction cannot be built and for Primary resources output falls to a fraction of its previous output, this is to prevent a power from being totally cut off from a critical resource. Secondary resources do not enjoy this protection and once used up are gone, producing nothing further. '''Artificial''' resources are a special case, representing materials that cannot be found in useful quantities in nature and instead must be produced. Exceptions to the norm are noted on a per case basis.
**[Text Blurb here]
*Rare Materials
**[Text Blurb here]
**[Text Blurb here]
**[Text Blurb here]
**[Text Blurb here]
**[Text Blurb here]
To regain full output exploration, trade, or conquest; while recycling old items created will yield any resources used in their construction. If a new source is found the resource pool is 'recharged' with the finds value, and any previously constructed extraction caps for that resource are automatically assumed to start functioning at full output if possible for playability reasons. Extraction caps constructed for other resources can also be reassigned, this takes a month and an extra wealth payment to cover the transfer of men and material. Extraction caps don't have to work at full output, generally its in a powers interest to only operate part of their total extraction capacity during times of peace while allowing for an immediate surge capacity during wartime. Population units do not require resources but each point provided will increase Domestic Support as well as generating additional Wealth, however resources spent this way are consumed by your citizens and are gone for good. <br>
='''Design and Manufacture'''=
[Note to Self: Going to split this into two sections, a simple batch system for logistics and the more detailed system for actual combat unit design]<br>
:From bare fists and sticks to modern armor and assault rifles, one of the constants of civilization is the steady refinement of the tools of war. It is here that your military will be born from the lowliest infantry to the mightiest ship, and may just determine if the fate of your nation shall be to rise or fall in the tides of history. So how does one go about crafting a force who's mere name will strike fear into all who hear it? Like anything else you start with the foundation, which is also where the explanation of this system will begin. First lets start with a few key terms you'll be seeing in the following section.
Some resources require processing to be used, this is done by constructing Refinement (Resource type) caps with each allowing the refining or enrichment of a certain amount of resource points per cap. Aside from the initial construction this does '''not''' require Industry, instead only costing Draft, Wealth, and Energy.
:'''System''': A system is a discreet collection of interrelated components, from a single weapon to the turret its mounted in. These items are assumed to have a basic level of functionality as determined by their size and tech advancement, but can be further modified for enhanced and completely optional customization. The larger the system the more '''Slots''' it requires to mount.  
:'''Caps''': A cap is a single optional modification that has been made to a '''System''' to either increase or decrease its statistics in a single area. They do not usually alter the '''Slots''' a system takes up but will always increase or decrease the cost accordingly. Exceptions to this rule are caps that increase system size, decrease system size, or add empty space for future modifications.  
*'''Water:''' Even after the end of the world water is abundant, but finding it uncontaminated by the exchange or the rotting carcass of pre-collapse civilization is a challenge.
**Represents the amount of uncontaminated water a power is able to produce.
**Required to sustain your Population, produce Food via Agriculture caps, and Supplies for your Military.
**Renewable, reserve pool recharges each month by default but can be temporarily exhausted beforehand.
*'''Oil:''' Some things never change, Oil being a convenient source of energy for mankind is one of them.
**Required to produce Fuel for units via Refinement caps. Without Fuel, your units are dead in the field and the home fronts left to either suffer in the dark or use alternatives.
**Each +X Refinement cap lets you process a certain amount of Oil or Coal into Fuel with Energy.
*'''Coal:''' Much like Oil Coal provides a convenient source of energy but in a solid form. Fortunately this is easy to overcome with some basic chemistry.
**Each +X Refinement cap lets you process a certain amount of Oil or Coal into Fuel with Energy.
*'''Iron:''' Still the most common metal used in construction, even the most advanced units or structures would not be possible without access to Iron.
:'''Slots''': This is the measure of how much physical room is required to mount a system internally; or in the case of a Hull or Turret, how much room they possess to mount other systems. The value is set once research commences for any system, and can only be modified by future research of a related item with a different size. Anything that's larger than the internal slots available to mount it is assumed to be at least partially exposed and thus much more vulnerable to damage from both enemy fire and environmental conditions.
**Required for the production of all Units or Structures with Mobilized Industry, along with Energy and Wealth.
*'''Uranium:''' Still the ultimate source of power known to mankind, Uranium can either shed light on a new age of mankind or plunge it back into darkness.
**Required to fuel +X Reactor caps, with each producing a certain amount of energy  per month from a unit of Uranium of any Enrichment.
**1 point of Uranium lasts 1 year, 1 point of Enriched Uranium 2 Years, and 1 point of Highly Enriched Uranium 3 years.
**Each +X Refinement cap lets you process Uranium Ore into Enriched Uranium, or Enriched Uranium to the Highly Enriched Uranium with Energy.
**Highly Enriched Uranium is required for both Tier 1 and Tier 2 Nuclear Weapons.
**Cannot be used to directly generate Wealth or Domestic Support from Population.
*'''Wood:''' Despite the harsh conditions immediately after the collapse, many forests managed to hang on and even thrive.
**Provides a small additional bonus to Unit or Structure Health when used in their production.
**Renewable, reserve pool recharges with a percentage of remaining units. Properly managed this means the available pool can be expanded with the growth of new forests.
*'''Copper:''' Long intertwined with human history, this metal has seen the rise and fall of many civilizations. Thus it is only fitting it aid once again in its rebirth.
**Provides a bonus to Electronics and Propulsion for units, or Energy generation for Structures by providing a superior conductor of both Electricity and Heat.
*'''Aluminum:''' Long necessary for lightweight alloys, this metal remains critical anywhere weight is a factor.
**Provides a Propulsion bonus to Units due to reduced weight, or Health bonus to Structures due to increased strength.
*'''Silicon:''' Once played a significant role in the world of computers, its set to do so once again.
**Provides a bonus to Electronics by allowing the production of advanced designs.
*'''Tungsten:''' The backbone of many strong, high temperature alloys this metal is vital for the production of weapons and armor.
**Provides a bonus to Armor and damage for Projectile weapons.
*'''Lithium:''' Valuable in applications requiring the transfer of heat, Lithium also holds the keys of incredible destruction.
**Provides a bonus to Propulsion in units, or Energy generation in Structures.
**Each +X Refinement cap lets you process Lithium into the Enriched Lithium required for Tier 2 Nuclear Weapons.
*'''Gold:''' A royal metal, both corrosion resistant and long considered the measure of ones wealth.
**Provides a bonus to Electronics if used in production, or produces three times the usual wealth per point when provided to a population.
*'''Silver:''' Another royal metal, while long considered less valuable it still has its own unique uses.
**Provides a bonus to damage for Energy weapons or to the Energy output of Reactor caps, provides twice the usual wealth per point if provided to a population.
*'''Gems:''' Precious stones have always been admired for their beauty, and more recently for their useful physical properties.
**Provides a bonus to Industry, providing an additional point of otherwise free production for every point consumed. Provides four times the usual wealth per point if provided to a population.
*'''Nickel:''' Long a valuable industrial metal, many advanced high strength alloys would not be possible without it.
**Provides a bonus to Health and Armor for any Unit or Structure produced with it.
*'''Titanium:''' The metal with the strongest strength to weight ratio, this material finds a number of uses.
**Provides a damage bonus to Missile weapons, and a bonus to Health and Armor for any Units or Structures produced with it.
*'''Depleted Uranium:''' Slightly radioactive but very dense metal, highly useful for armor and kinetic weapons
:'''Initial Design'''<br>
**Byproduct from Refinement of Uranium into either Enriched or Highly Enriched Uranium.
:Now that you understand the three basic components used in a design, lets cover how to create your own. First all designs require at least one Structure System, representing the basic framework used to tie all other systems together. This is generally a Hull, though Turrets are also possible for certain applications. Second any unit that is to be mobile requires a Drivetrain, this representing the system of wheels, legs, or propellers that determines what sort of movement it can make and how resilient the drive train is. If intended to be self-propelled then a Powerplant is also needed to provide the necessary motive force, determining how fast it can move given its size. A list of all systems can be found at the end of this section, with notes giving further explanation of the effects each have or any relevant info; though a general rule of thumb would be that the larger a system is the more pronounced its specific effect and the greater punishment it can take.<br>
**Gives a large bonus to Armor, along with bonus damage to both Projectile and Missile weapons
**Can be used to directly generate Wealth and Domestic Support from Population.
*'''Plutonium:''' A man made element, this cannot by found only produced
**Byproduct of the Refinement of Spent Fuel, or the direct conversion of Depleted Uranium to Plutonium in a Reactor
**Optional material that can be used to directly fuel reactors or turned into Enriched Plutonium to construct Nuclear Weapons
**Can be used to produce both Tier 1 and Tier 2 Nuclear Weapons.
**Cannot be used to directly generate Wealth or Domestic Support from Population.
*'''Nuclear Waste:''' What remains after Refinement of Spent Fuel into Plutonium. Highly dangerous.
**Byproduct of Refinement of Spent Waste into Plutonium, and of Refinement of Plutonium into Enriched Plutonium
**Can be used, along with all other nuclear materials, in the construction of +X Dirty caps for conventional weapons. This represents explosive warheads laced with radioactive isotopes.
**Cannot be used to directly generate Wealth or Domestic Support from Population, and excessive accumulations without adequate measures will decrease Domestic Support.
**Cannot be refined further, end of the road for the nuclear cycle.
=='''Unit Design:'''==
(Unit design consists of picking a template, outfitting it with any systems wanted, then calculating final cost and upkeep. The base templates have default values for the various fields such as Health, Speed, and Cost, which any systems as listed below modify, with their sum determining the total value for the completed vehicle. Systems are considered slotless by default, only taking up whatever their component caps need, and only give the barest of performance statistics. One uses caps to increase this to the desired level.)
::'''Example A1''': [Infantry]<br>
::'''Example B1''': [AT Gun]<br>
''All producible vehicles, structures, and weapons are considered primarily bare hulls/structures without turrets including only the basic systems as required by common sense. A    templates default statistics are set by choosing a propulsion type,  which then assumes the template is of the appropriate unit type. Structures, obviously, don't need to worry about this.''<br>
''They come with a default number of slots that can be increased with research to mount additional Meta-Caps, which only cover the major systems such as Weapon, Propulsion, Systems, Armor, and Turrets. These are considered Meta-Caps, due to being a cap thats actually a combination of others for accounting purposes.  Only Meta-Caps take up an items System Slots, their exact size being determined by of the sum of all positive caps as modified when required.''<br>
::'''Example C1''': [Tank]<br>
''Thus a Cannon with +3 Range, +2 Firepower, and +1 Autoloader (Increase in RoF) would take +6 Slots in anything mounting it. Negative Cost to produce will be calculated separately by the sum of all positive caps reduced by all negative caps, while size will be determined by the sum of all positive caps then modified by the appropriate caps such as +1 Size. If one were to add -2 Large, one would reduce reduce the final total for cost purpose by two but increase it by the same measure for determining the slots required. Conversely, if +2 Compact was added its total would be reduced by two for determining size but not cost.<br>''
[Misc notes below that need to be incorporated above]<br>
:'''Final Statistics'''<br>
*Turrets are designed similarly, except they only take up a fraction of their Slot capacity in the mounting vehicle/structure.
:Once the initial design work is finished, then its a simple matter of determining the final statistics. While many more are calculated on the GM's part, these are the only immediately relevant ones for a Player.  
*Design Sequence = Template>Propulsion Meta-Cap>System Meta-caps>Final Statistics
*Size: Sum of all Structure slots plus any exposed slots, as modified by any caps. This controls what it takes to transport and target profile.
*This system will be using Shrikes idea of pre-determined build times for ease of play.
*Cost: Sum of all system slots including Structures, as modified by any caps. This controls how much it costs to produce and rebuild.
*Item stats are considered to stack by simple addition and subtraction with components granting a percentage of the bases  Health and Profile. This means that an items Health, Profile, Upkeep, and cost are a sum of all its components. Thus an item who's Template had W Health, Propulsion with X Health, and Weapon with Y Health would have a sum of Z for its total Health. Total used slots not only determine cost, they determine the invisible stat of Weight which modifies the units Speed and Maneuverability. Armor is assumed to protect all components, while not entirely realistic its meant for ease of play.
*Draft: [TBA]
*Tiny - One man vehicle, power armor, Infantry with +0 Walk
**Slots: 10
*Small - Small car, Jeep, Ultralight
**Slots: 20
*Medium - Medium truck, Humvee, Main Battle Tank, Semi-Tractor, Small fighter
**Slots: 30
*Large - Semi with trailer, Locomotive, Large fighter, Small Bomber, Small airship, Small Ship
**Slots: 40
*Extra Large - Medium ship, Large bomber, Large airship
**Slots: 50
*Huge - Large ship, Huge aircraft
**Slots: 60
::'''Example A2''': [Infantry]<br>
'''Systems list:'''
*+0 Equipment: Catch all for anything that is not a weapon, armor, turret, or propulsion
*+0 Armor: Physical protection from damage
*+0 Turret: Provides additional slots in a turret in exchange for taking up a portion of a vehicle/structures available system slots.
**+0 Projectile:
***Dam: Kinetic
**+0 Missile:
***Dam: Explosive
**+0 Energy:
***Dam: Thermal
***+0 Static
****1/2 Final cost, Draft, and Upkeep but Immobile
***+0 Wings
***+0 Rotors
***+0 Lift Bag:
***+0 Rocket:
***+0 Wheels
***+0 Half-Tracks
***+0 Full-Tracks
***+0 Hover
***+0 Legs
***+0 Walk
***+0 Propeller
***+0 Hydrofoil
***+0 Ground Effect
::'''Example B2''': [AT Gun]<br>
[Incomplete list]<br>
*+X Compact: Slotless each level taken reduces positive number of caps by one for the purposes of determining size but adds its value for determining cost
*+X Range: Increases maximum weapon or vehicle range
*+X Speed: Increases maximum projectile or vehicle speed
*+5 Factory: Generates 1 point of Industry per cap each month, requires 1 Energy a month as Upkeep and 1 Wealth to mobilize
*+5 Generator: Converts 1 point of Oil, Coal or Fuel into 1 points of Energy per cap monthly
*+20 Renewable: Produces 1 point of Energy without any fuel per cap each month
*+20 Reactor: Produces 5 points of Energy per month for 1 point of Water monthly and 1 point Uranium/Plutonium yearly, bi-yearly for Enriched Uranium/Plutonium, and tri-yearly for Highly Enriched Uranium
**Produces 1 Point of Spent Fuel for every point of Uranium used, and 1 point of Nuclear Waste for every point of Plutonium used
**Can turn up to 1 unit of Depleted Uranium into 1 unit Plutonium per cap per month of operation without effecting output
*+2 Housing: Houses a point of Population per cap
*+5 Refinement: Converts 1 point of base resource into 1 point of processed resource and 1 point of byproduct for 2 points of Energy each month, resource specific
*+5 Extraction: Produces 1 point of resource per cap for 1 Energy each month, resource specific
*+5 Farm: Produces 1 point of food per cap for 1 point of water and 1 point of Energy each month
*-X Large: Slotless, each level taken reduces total of positive caps by one for the purposes of determining cost but adds its value for determining size
::'''Example C2''': [Tank]<br>
=='''Weapons of Mass Destruction:'''==
These are the weapons that destroyed the world, and may do so again. All are assumed to be bare warheads by default, and are otherwise mounted like any other meta-cap.<br>
:'''System List'''<br>
''[Needs to be cleaned up]''<br>
*Tier 1: Pure Fission weapons
*Structure - The foundation for any design, the larger these are the more internal slots they give towards mounting other Systems.
**Requires Highly Enriched Uranium OR Enriched Plutonium
**+X Hull - The basic physical framework for a vehicle or field fortification.
**20KT base yield
**+X Turret - The basic framework and equipment for a rotating superstructure, takes up 1/2 its size in slots in the hull or turret its mounted on for internal machinery. If this is not included the turrets assumed to be a fixed superstructure.  
**500KT maximum yield
*Protection - The physical protection for a unit or structure.
**Inefficient with nuclear material, produces large amount of fallout and a smaller yield for a given mass.
**+X Armor - The total protection mounted, and is split between 6 faces; Front, Back, Left, Right, Top, Bottom. Slotless for the purpose of calculating size.
*Tier 2: Thermonuclear Weapons.
*Weapons - Any and all methods of causing harm to the enemy against their will, from bayonets to bombs. The larger the system the bigger its caliber and punch but the slower its rate of fire.
**Requires Highly Enriched Uranium OR Enriched Plutonium, and Enriched Lithium
**+X Projectile - Firearm or cannon.
**20KT base yield
**+X Rocket - Unguided rockets.
**No maximum yield
**+X Energy - Directed Energy Weapon.
**Efficient with nuclear material, produces much less fallout and greater yield for a given mass.
**+X Melee - Glorified sharpened sticks.
*Drivetrain - The method of propulsion for a unit, required if its to be mobile. The larger this is, the more robust its assumed to be.
*Tier 1: Basic Agents such as Mustard Gas and Chlorine
**+X Land - Moves on the ground, be it with Tracks, Wheels, or Legs
**Requires Water to produce
**+X Sea - Moves on or under the water.
**Cheap to produce
**+X Air - Flies through the air via anything from props to jets.
**Low duration and effectiveness
**+X Space - Moves through the vacuum of space.
*Tier 2: Advanced agents such as VX or Sarine
**+1 Organic - Makes it an Infantry unit, limiting the resulting template to X Slots. Only so much gear a single man or woman can carry before becoming a walking vehicle.
**Requires twice the water to produce then basic agents
**Expensive to produce
**+X Electronics - From sensors to ECM to Computers, its covered.
**Higher duration and effectiveness
**+X Powerplant - The actual power source for your vehicle, from an engine to reactor. Required if a vehicle is to be self-propelled. The larger it is the greater the performance but the more fuel it requires.
**+X Equipment - Covers any misc items not listed above, can be renamed and modified as needed.
*Tier 1: Early biological agents such as natural Small Pox or Anthrax
**Requires Water to produce
**Very Cheap
**Very ineffective against any sort of countermeasures
*Tier 2: More advanced laboratory engineered pathogens
**Requires water to produce
**Ineffective against countermeasures.
==='''Warhead Caps'''===
:Design in hand, lets go over how to develop it in the game. Like previous systems item cost determines how much it'll take to develop, and this is paid with Research Points and Industry that have been Mobilized since those prototypes aren't grown out of the dirt. Similar items can also default to one another, allowing one to merely pay the difference instead of having work from scratch. With that covered, now to the differences.
=='''Combat Notes'''==
:Unlike in other systems research time is not fixed and any caps mounted onto a system must be researched as part of that system. Thus a +5 Cannon with +2 Extended Range would have to be researched together, but a +5 Hull with +4 Drivetrain(Land) could be researched separately without issue. An item requires its Cost in both mobilized Research Points AND Mobilized Primary Industry per month, with each pair of points giving a single check on 3d6 dice. To be fully developed an item needs 3 cumulative successes per point of Cost, each representing the cumulative trial and errors that take part in any development process. Extra RP can be spent to increase the number of rolls it has for that month at the ratio of an extra roll per additional RP point spent, which can help rush an item through with a minimum development time of a month while increasing the chances of the designers making mistakes. The four possible roll results for a check are '''Critical Success''', '''Success''', '''Failure''', and '''Critical Failure''' which will add a '''Flaw'''. <br>
'''[This section needs to be revised and expanded. Misc notes are below.]'''<br>
Combat uses a simplification of the Gurps rules. Its split into five levels, which from highest to lowest are: High, Low, Surface, Shallow, Deep.<br>
Units get a bonus to hit units below them, and a penalty to hit units above them?<br>
:A '''Flaw''' is a negative capability that offers no savings to cost or size, and remains hidden until actual combat as your best people have already missed it. Once revealed attempts can be made to fix it, but if another critical failure is suffered at any time during this the bug has proven to be a fundamental part of the design and '''CANNOT''' be fixed. Thus it will share its flaw automatically with any future designs based on it, and can only be ''removed'' by cutting your losses and starting over.<br>
Any unit reduced to 0 HP is considered disabled, and destroyed at -1x HP. The former will give the chance of salvage for intact components as determined when the issue arises, the latter will only allow for recycling into industrial points and recovery of any resources.<br>
*'''Critical Success''': Counts as three successes, not only did your people do well they made a breakthrough.
*'''Success''': Progress has been made towards completion and everything on schedule.
*'''Failure''': Things didn't quite quite work out right but thankfully have no other effect besides lost time and money.
*'''Critical Failure''': Your people goofed. This counts as a success, but adds a flaw of the GMs choice it the item in question.
Destroyed units can be salvaged for recycling into a temporary boost  of Industrial points and any Resources they contain, or possible recovery of any intact systems. These may be used to kit bash  new units of the same type, equip other units, or even possibly provide a modest boost to the relevant Technology categories via reverse engineering. Either way recovered they must be researched before they can be used.<br>
::'''Example A3''': [Infantry]<br>
All units are assumed to be green (+0 Training/Veterancy) when first produced barring certain advantages/disadvantages. Experience is assumed to be carried by the crew of a unit, and normally displayed by two slotless caps on said unit. The whole reason to bother with this is each level of experience gives a modest boost to most rolls and decreases their chance of losing Moral.<br>  
The first, +X Training, represents experience gained from either skilled instructors or extensive OpFor exercises ran for at least one month and costing ½ Wartime upkeep rounded up. For each month of training there's a secret roll, with success granting the batches in question +1 Training. Failure means resources were expended for no measurable gain in skill, but each failed check gives a cumulative bonus to future rolls until the check is passed.  Training is capped with the exact max level depending possibly on certain (dis)advantages.<br>
::'''Example B3''': [AT Gun]<br>
The second, +X Veterancy, represents experience gained from the battlefield. A check using the same mechanic as for Training is made at the end of each battle for any involved units, with success giving +1 Veterancy and failure only giving a bonus to future checks. However, unlike Training Veterancy is not capped.<br>
::'''Example C3''': [Tank]<br>
Experienced units can pass on a portion of their experience as Training automatically, when not in combat,  to a certain amount of newly produced units of the same type per month. This assumes that they've passed on some of what they know during the rookies initial training. While cap on the maximum amount of Training is still in place, it does allow new units to get a leg up in a shorter amount of time.<br>
''[Under Construction]''<br>
:So now that you've gone through all the hard work of designing a unit then researching it, now comes the fairly easy part.<br>
Each batch of military units are assumed to have a statistic similar to Domestic Support, except simplified. The higher it is the more resistant to subversion, and the lower it is the more likely a unit can be subverted by the enemy. Near the two extremes the chances of them ignoring dangerous or suicidal orders are either decreased or increased. If Zero moral is ever reached that unit has Broken and will attempt to flee from combat or even defect to either the enemy or a neutral third party if possible. Either way until moral is raised above zero the GM runs the affected unit(s) as NPC(s).<br>
Moral can be increased by paying all upkeep in full and on time, being victorious in battle, having few casualties, enjoying an edge in training/equipment over their opponent, having a high level of Domestic Support at home, and employing units with the Secret Police cap. It can be decreased by being late with upkeep or not paying in full, losing battles, taking large numbers of casualties, having inferior training/equipment, and having a low level of support back home. <br>
::'''Example A4''': [Infantry]<br>
=='''Combat Resolution'''==
::'''Example B4''': [AT Gun]<br>
All units engaged in the immediate area of combat have their stats averaged and are treated as on or more large units. Casualties are determined by percentage of total health lost, and what weapons have attacked. Quick and dirty, but effective if a fast resolution is required.<br>
'''Example:''' '''[Add example here later]'''<br>
::'''Example C4''': [Tank]<br>
='''Combat '''=
Similar to Mass Combat, but the averaged stats are broken down by unit type. <br>
'''Example:''' '''[Add example here later]'''<br>
The statistics of a group of units do not stack and are not averaged at this scale, instead rolls are made for each individual unit. However events are still assumed to effect the unit as a whole instead of its individual components.
'''Example:''' '''[Add example here later]'''<br>
At this scale in addition to the previous rolls for individual units, the health, armor, and status of individual components are tracked.<br>
'''Example:''' '''[Add example here later]'''<br>

Latest revision as of 05:50, 22 June 2010


Adaption of the Gurps 3d6 roll under system, with inspiration from HoI2 and SMAC to an Empire SD format.


[Tech is split into application categories, like weapons, powerplant, armor, etc. Range from TL 1 through TL10, with the former being Early Industrial revolution and the latter being Future Tech. Levels in each category go to the second decimal place, with every tenth of a level achieved giving a cumulative 5% bonus to any items built with the relevant tech. Advancement is done by spending mobilized Research Points, with each point giving a single check that month for success. three successes or one critical successes are required to gain a single advancement point that's then randomly distributed. Points can be focused on certain categories, but at the cost of sacrificing potential advancement in others.]'

  • Critical Success: Counts as three Successes.
  • Success: Every three cumulative successes gives one advancement point.
  • Failure: Gives no points, failed research effort.
  • Critical Failure: Means all rolls that month automatically fail.


[Some random placeholder notes, incomplete.]

  • Produced by the consumption of domestic produced Goods and resources by a population either foreign or domestic; also can be produced by investing in another power or possibly even trading their currency.


  • Separated into Light Industry (LP), Heavy Industry (HP), and Advanced Industry (AP).
    • Light Industry: Produces light industrial goods.
    • Heavy Industry: Produces heavy industrial goods.
    • Advanced Industry: Produces high tech goods.

Social Modifiers

While Infrastructure is vitally important, it is only part of the picture. For a power to grow and prosper it must have some method to track its socio-economic condition. Thus below exists three types of feedback; Economic Strength, Corruption, and Domestic Support that all range from 0-100%. Note that random events can and will affect these ratings at times for good and bad despite all efforts do the contrary. Just like in real life nothing with the whims of people or money are ever certain.

Economic Strength

This is a measure of how strong your economy is and determines just how large of an active industrial base it can support, and is a percentage . It costs X wealth to purchase a 3d6 roll to check for a possible increase, with cumulative chance of success raising the value by 1% that month. To simply maintain the present level costs only 1/2 this amount. If not paid, or if the power makes unsound financial decisions, another check with cumulative success is made to see if it decreases.
  • Formula
    • Support: S=ES, where S = Support and ES = Economic Strength.
    • Cost: AC=(B*(ES*100)), where C = Actual Cost, B = Base Cost, and ES = Economic Strength.


This is a measure of how rife your power is with corruption, from legitimate organized crime to politicians looking to line their pockets rather then for their constituents. This obviously is a bad thing and acts as a net drain on both a powers net income their Domestic Support. Corruption is assumed to slowly grow at a pre-determined rate, and at higher levels directly threatens your governments stability thus leaving this unchecked could be disastrous. Due note that occasional flair ups may occur at times even with the heaviest spending.
  • Formula
    • Loss: L=C, where L = Loss and C = Corruption.
    • Cost: AC=(B*(C*100), where AC = Actual Cost, B = Base Cost, and C = Corruption.

Domestic Support

This is a measure of how much popular support your government and its policies enjoy, and modifies how much Mobilization and Draft they will tolerate without becoming incensed. Being the fickle creature it is, it behooves those in power to allocate either Wealth or foreign Trade Goods to try maintaining it as high as possible. Or in other words, via bribes to the people...or paychecks to those who 'gently persuade' them to stay in line.
Other factors include a healthy economy, low crime rate, ample access to food and water, and if declaring war having valid reason to do so. The very opposite will of course, will result in it being lowered and chants of Viva Revolution. If Domestic Support ever falls to or below 20%, your power is in dire risk of falling into civil war from internal discontent and has a proportionally increasing chance of suffering such an event; if it somehow dips to 5% or less it automatically occurs. This translates into now having to contend with one or more new NPC's factions with potentially 'liberated' equipment, matching 'liberated' territory and a very large axe to grind.
  • Formula
    • Mob: M=DS, Where M = Mobilization, and DS = Domestic Support.
    • Draft: D=(DS*5), where D = Draft, and DS = Domestic Support.
    • Cost: AC=(B*(DS*100), where AC = Actual Cost, B = Base Cost, and DS = Domestic Support.


[Text Blurb here]

  • Metals
    • [Text Blurb here]
  • Rare Materials
    • [Text Blurb here]
  • Food
    • [Text Blurb here]
  • Water
    • [Text Blurb here]
  • Oil
    • [Text Blurb here]
  • Uranium
    • [Text Blurb here]

Design and Manufacture

[Note to Self: Going to split this into two sections, a simple batch system for logistics and the more detailed system for actual combat unit design]

From bare fists and sticks to modern armor and assault rifles, one of the constants of civilization is the steady refinement of the tools of war. It is here that your military will be born from the lowliest infantry to the mightiest ship, and may just determine if the fate of your nation shall be to rise or fall in the tides of history. So how does one go about crafting a force who's mere name will strike fear into all who hear it? Like anything else you start with the foundation, which is also where the explanation of this system will begin. First lets start with a few key terms you'll be seeing in the following section.
System: A system is a discreet collection of interrelated components, from a single weapon to the turret its mounted in. These items are assumed to have a basic level of functionality as determined by their size and tech advancement, but can be further modified for enhanced and completely optional customization. The larger the system the more Slots it requires to mount.
Caps: A cap is a single optional modification that has been made to a System to either increase or decrease its statistics in a single area. They do not usually alter the Slots a system takes up but will always increase or decrease the cost accordingly. Exceptions to this rule are caps that increase system size, decrease system size, or add empty space for future modifications.
Slots: This is the measure of how much physical room is required to mount a system internally; or in the case of a Hull or Turret, how much room they possess to mount other systems. The value is set once research commences for any system, and can only be modified by future research of a related item with a different size. Anything that's larger than the internal slots available to mount it is assumed to be at least partially exposed and thus much more vulnerable to damage from both enemy fire and environmental conditions.


Initial Design
Now that you understand the three basic components used in a design, lets cover how to create your own. First all designs require at least one Structure System, representing the basic framework used to tie all other systems together. This is generally a Hull, though Turrets are also possible for certain applications. Second any unit that is to be mobile requires a Drivetrain, this representing the system of wheels, legs, or propellers that determines what sort of movement it can make and how resilient the drive train is. If intended to be self-propelled then a Powerplant is also needed to provide the necessary motive force, determining how fast it can move given its size. A list of all systems can be found at the end of this section, with notes giving further explanation of the effects each have or any relevant info; though a general rule of thumb would be that the larger a system is the more pronounced its specific effect and the greater punishment it can take.

Example A1: [Infantry]
Example B1: [AT Gun]
Example C1: [Tank]

Final Statistics
Once the initial design work is finished, then its a simple matter of determining the final statistics. While many more are calculated on the GM's part, these are the only immediately relevant ones for a Player.
  • Size: Sum of all Structure slots plus any exposed slots, as modified by any caps. This controls what it takes to transport and target profile.
  • Cost: Sum of all system slots including Structures, as modified by any caps. This controls how much it costs to produce and rebuild.
  • Draft: [TBA]

Example A2: [Infantry]
Example B2: [AT Gun]
Example C2: [Tank]

System List

[Needs to be cleaned up]

  • Structure - The foundation for any design, the larger these are the more internal slots they give towards mounting other Systems.
    • +X Hull - The basic physical framework for a vehicle or field fortification.
    • +X Turret - The basic framework and equipment for a rotating superstructure, takes up 1/2 its size in slots in the hull or turret its mounted on for internal machinery. If this is not included the turrets assumed to be a fixed superstructure.
  • Protection - The physical protection for a unit or structure.
    • +X Armor - The total protection mounted, and is split between 6 faces; Front, Back, Left, Right, Top, Bottom. Slotless for the purpose of calculating size.
  • Weapons - Any and all methods of causing harm to the enemy against their will, from bayonets to bombs. The larger the system the bigger its caliber and punch but the slower its rate of fire.
    • +X Projectile - Firearm or cannon.
    • +X Rocket - Unguided rockets.
    • +X Energy - Directed Energy Weapon.
    • +X Melee - Glorified sharpened sticks.
  • Drivetrain - The method of propulsion for a unit, required if its to be mobile. The larger this is, the more robust its assumed to be.
    • +X Land - Moves on the ground, be it with Tracks, Wheels, or Legs
    • +X Sea - Moves on or under the water.
    • +X Air - Flies through the air via anything from props to jets.
    • +X Space - Moves through the vacuum of space.
    • +1 Organic - Makes it an Infantry unit, limiting the resulting template to X Slots. Only so much gear a single man or woman can carry before becoming a walking vehicle.
  • Miscellaneous
    • +X Electronics - From sensors to ECM to Computers, its covered.
    • +X Powerplant - The actual power source for your vehicle, from an engine to reactor. Required if a vehicle is to be self-propelled. The larger it is the greater the performance but the more fuel it requires.
    • +X Equipment - Covers any misc items not listed above, can be renamed and modified as needed.


Design in hand, lets go over how to develop it in the game. Like previous systems item cost determines how much it'll take to develop, and this is paid with Research Points and Industry that have been Mobilized since those prototypes aren't grown out of the dirt. Similar items can also default to one another, allowing one to merely pay the difference instead of having work from scratch. With that covered, now to the differences.
Unlike in other systems research time is not fixed and any caps mounted onto a system must be researched as part of that system. Thus a +5 Cannon with +2 Extended Range would have to be researched together, but a +5 Hull with +4 Drivetrain(Land) could be researched separately without issue. An item requires its Cost in both mobilized Research Points AND Mobilized Primary Industry per month, with each pair of points giving a single check on 3d6 dice. To be fully developed an item needs 3 cumulative successes per point of Cost, each representing the cumulative trial and errors that take part in any development process. Extra RP can be spent to increase the number of rolls it has for that month at the ratio of an extra roll per additional RP point spent, which can help rush an item through with a minimum development time of a month while increasing the chances of the designers making mistakes. The four possible roll results for a check are Critical Success, Success, Failure, and Critical Failure which will add a Flaw.
A Flaw is a negative capability that offers no savings to cost or size, and remains hidden until actual combat as your best people have already missed it. Once revealed attempts can be made to fix it, but if another critical failure is suffered at any time during this the bug has proven to be a fundamental part of the design and CANNOT be fixed. Thus it will share its flaw automatically with any future designs based on it, and can only be removed by cutting your losses and starting over.
  • Critical Success: Counts as three successes, not only did your people do well they made a breakthrough.
  • Success: Progress has been made towards completion and everything on schedule.
  • Failure: Things didn't quite quite work out right but thankfully have no other effect besides lost time and money.
  • Critical Failure: Your people goofed. This counts as a success, but adds a flaw of the GMs choice it the item in question.

Example A3: [Infantry]
Example B3: [AT Gun]
Example C3: [Tank]


[Under Construction]

So now that you've gone through all the hard work of designing a unit then researching it, now comes the fairly easy part.

Example A4: [Infantry]
Example B4: [AT Gun]
Example C4: [Tank]





