Formations and Ships of the PACT Arm: Difference between revisions

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==Famous Formations==
==Famous Formations==
====The Special Service Force (The Devil's Brigade)====
Spiritual successor to the joint American-Canadian commando unit of the Second World War, the Special Service Force was a multinational special operations command which would ironically grow to approximate a division in size.
With the large-scale ground defeat on Kanon, the militaries of the North Pacific Group began to discuss and debate the necessity of a strategic pause to enable the rebuilding of the majority of the ground forces available to the NorPac belligerent states. Amidst the chaos of these discussions, a suggestion was made by the chief representative of the small, highly-trained Canadian Army - to carry on the war with attritional raids by small units of the assembling Joint Task Force 13 and the units of a proposed pan-NorPac special operations command. This suggestion was met with approval from both factions of the Joint Combat command; the cautious and conservative officers advocating a pause in large-scale operations approved of its' limited scale, and the headstrong and tenacious officers advocating a full-scale offensive approved of the plan's commitment to continued action.
Thus was the Devil's Brigade reborn.
It would go on to... (more goes here)
=====Fifth Special Service Group (The Dirty Deeds Battalion)=====
*Combat Record:
***Choson Raid, 2186
***Kanon Raid, 2186
***"Advisory" service under joint MAC-T/CTDF authority, 2187-88
***Support of Operation Righteous Talon landings, 2188
***Conventional combat operations, 2188-89
====46th Tactical Mobile Suit Squadron, HSDF (The Night Witches)====
One of three formed by the Horizonic Space Defense Force during third year of the war, this all-female unit of KS87 mobile suits proved devastatingly effective in combat against Combined Militia forces around Anchorage, Choson and Horizon, racking up one the highest kill ratios achieved by any PACT mecha unit of the war. They were later enlarged into a full three-squadron wing before being reduced to a squadron at the end of the war. Postwar, these highly-decorated women remained in service as instructors in the HSDF and JSDF.
====PACT First Fleet====
Overall command of all PACT memberstate forces posted at or around Horizon and the front line during the Zodiac War. First Fleet was responsible for all offensive operations in-theater for the majority of the war, until the majority of Second Fleet was retasked from rear-area defense against ZOCU raiders to facilitate more widespread and larger-scale operations during the 2188 counterattack and continuing operations through 2189.
=====Joint Task Forces 11 & 12=====
These conventional heavy striking forces conducted the large-scale operations of 2185 and, with the support of similar forces from Second Fleet, those of 2188/89. They otherwise simply stood their ground and looked just menacing enough to prevent ZOCU from making any sweeping offensives into PACT space.
=====Joint Task Force 13=====
One of several component formations of First Fleet, Joint Task Force 13 was the fleet detached-operations command from shortly after the evacuation from Kanonian space until the end of the war. Further subdivided into a number of independent, multinational task groups, the forces of JTF 13 conducted asymmetric warfare operations against ZOCU raiders and their bases in the Backwater, carrying out the most numerous and most bitter, grueling PACT operations of the war.


Latest revision as of 07:22, 29 September 2011

Famous Formations



16th ZOCU Mobile Volunteer Battalion

Famous Ships



LS Boadacea

First-mark Pallada and Lord Lee Dorington's flagship at the Battle of Aldebaran. Lost with all hands at same.

LS Londenium

Late-mark Pallada and Lord Clarence Gladstone's divisional flagship at the Battle of Haraway's World. Lost with all hands securing the escape of a large portion of the Combined Militia Battle Fleet.