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:'''Track''': Track software is used to track hackers and their real-world locations such that an intervention team (generally armed and not willing to take any shit) is dispatched to their location.
:'''Track''': Track software is used to track hackers and their real-world locations such that an intervention team (generally armed and not willing to take any shit) is dispatched to their location.
=Everyday Technology=
'''Emergency Vacuum Suit''': Standard garb for anyone who wants to feel safe inside of a colony or starship, providing limited protection against immediate decompression. Extremely thin and form-fitting, emergency vacuum suits can be worn under almost any form of clothing without any additional discomfort. These suits can provide approximately 1 hour of life support in vacuum, but provide no radiation and minimal micrometeroid protection.
: Soak 1B/1L, Destruction 10, Penalty -0, Mass 3
'''Charger Clothing''': Used by tech-fetishists and survivalists, this clothing uses flexible solar panel technology to provide power to small devices. Come in a variety of colors but only one texture (shiny and slightly oily to the touch), and a variety of sizes, although anything significantly smaller than a one-piece swimsuit won't provide enough power to charge anything meaningful.
'''Projector Clothing''': Clothing with integrated display functionality, projector clothing is the latest in fashion. There are significant hurdles to using civilian versions as camouflage-their refresh rate isn't fast enough to guarantee eliminating flicker, they are sensitive to dirt and grime compared to chameleon armor, and they lack the processing power to run credible background pattern-matching programs. Projector clothing adds +2d to Style rolls if programmed with artistic/showy patterns. If programmed with camouflage ability, projector clothing adds +1d to Stealth rolls against guards without advanced sensors or similar equipment.
'''Smart Clothing''': Smart clothing is capable of limited shapeshifting and alterations of elasticity and flexibility, providing a character a more versatile wardrobe. Smart clothing comes in a dozen forms, and can be mated with projector technology for even more flexibility in styling. Smart clothing adds +1d to Style rolls due to its ability to be custom-tailored to the user without difficulty. Smart clothing is self-healing to some extent and its electronics are powered by the wearer's body heat, and therefore never needs recharging.
'''Biotech Clothing''': Living clothing is just alive and fashionable under most circumstances. When attuned, the clothing adapts to the environment and wearer and allows better insulation or cooling, adding +1d to Stamina + Resistance rolls against extreme heat or cold.
'''Smartphone''': A fairly standard combination of video playback, opnet access, and low-power computer, a smartphone is the smallest system which can actually run an agent. Smartphones typically have a 10km range to the nearest OpNet relay tower and can stream video or audio.
: Storage 2, Speed -2, Failsafe 1d, Expansions 1
'''Video Glasses''': A combination of headphones and portable video system. Can provide 3D video playback streamed from an OpNet relay or uploaded from a computer. Provides enough storage for 100 hours of super-high-definition 3D video or 10 hours of holographic video. More advanced models can even extrapolate from popular holographic entertainment and give you your desired viewing angle (or even move it in real-time to emphasize more exciting happenings with the addition of a position file).
'''Holodisplay System''': The 22nd century equivalent of a TV is a holoprojector. A necessary part of any middle class home. Popular models include the Sony-Lenovo ''Fantasia'', the Wazukana ''Mystique'', and the Steinhardt HDS450.
'''Euphoriants''': Safe, side-effect free happy drugs are how the Norca earn most of their money and a cheap method of temporarily avoiding dealing with issues like breakups, getting fired, and so on. Euphoriants may add +1d to any roll made to suppress the symptoms of depression, but have few real game effects (the commercially available ones tend to be too mild to have significant game effect).
'''Stimulants''': Better than caffeine! You'll have more energy on these than if you used crack cocaine, without the horrible side effects! Stimulants provide approximately +1d to Awareness and +2d to Endurance rolls for 2-8 hours depending on the dosage and formulation, and also temporarily remove the need for sleep. However, for every two days (starting after the first day of continuous use) they're continuously used, the user suffers a cumulative +1 difficulty to all tasks (so +1 difficulty after 3 days of use, +2 after 5, and so on).
'''DNA Scannner''': Security for sensitive files and such. DNA scanners can be miniaturized to as small as fingerprint scanners and generally are programmed with a handful of different genetic codes they accept as valid.
=Medical Technology=
=Medical Technology=

Latest revision as of 14:51, 24 May 2011


Note that due to appendage differences any use of Coalition and Chromatic weapons inflicts a +2 difficulty on their use without a conversion to human ergonomics, and without sufficient experience with them characters will suffer an additional +1 difficulty due to unfamiliarity.



Siren: Cutting-edge human tailored biomedical stimulants, a handful of Coalition "sleeper cells" have recently been deposited on Earth (via the tentative alliance with the Colony) and tasked with distributing these cures to the desperate or the greedy. Not only are they a broad spectrum panimmunity boost, everyone who takes them feels a hell of a lot better. Pity about the side effects which involve euphoria, happiness, becoming easy to get along with, gaining skills you never knew you had, and becoming the eternal slave of the Coalition. All in all, a fair trade.

Characters taking the panacea gain the following traits at this rate. These trait gains are permanent. Even Novas can be affected, although Novas with Adaptability or Mega-Stamina 2+ are immune. Trait increases are natural increases and limited to natural limits-i.e. a max of 5.
First Dose +6h: Devotion (Coalition), Enhanced Antibodies, Regenerator
One week of continuous use: +1 Stamina, +1 Charisma, Blood Hyperoxygenation, Implant Radio (advanced)
One month: Virtue changed to Fanatic (Support the Coalition's Designs Towards Earth), +1 Dexterity, Implant Computer
Three months: Vice changed to Follower, +1 Appearance, Trauma Tolerance
Six months: +1 Intelligence, +1 Strength
Nine months: +1 Wits, +1 Manipulation
One year: +1 Perception, Filter Lungs/Liver, Acute Sense (all)
Any further use is unnecessary. These changes are extremely subtle and are generally only visible via vivisection or autopsy.

Dragon's Tooth: A variant of Siren with less subtle changes, intended to protect these infiltrators if their assets are discovered. Less subtle and much more complex, Dragon's Tooth causes gross physiological

Characters taking Dragon's Tooth gain similar effects to Siren, except their changes are much less subtle and result in a beast of a man. Where a character would gain Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, or Intelligence, the character instead gains +1 to a physical attribute. Finally, at the one month mark the character gains Vital Organ Shielding, gains Hyperdense Skeleton at the three month mark, and Dermal Armor Mesh at the six month mark. Finally, Dragon's Tooth reprograms a person for combat-each interval, the character also gains +1 to a combat ability (maximum of 3).

Metamorphosis: The final Coalition subversion virus, Metamorphosis's initial changes are limited to causing the victim to hoard seemingly innocuous knicknacks. When sufficient saturation of the host has been achieved, the host will seek out a source of water and his knicknacks and weave a cocoon around himself and his hoard. Eventually, after the constructor nanotech burns out, what results is a full Coalition phenotype-or more rarely, a cache of "primitive" Coalition equipment (the Metamorphosis virus is incapable of producing the metastable kernels needed for the production of exotic materials). Generally it finds itself distributed as a euphoriant drug to the downtrodden and unwanted-their disappearances are less likely to be noticed.


Barricade Field: Multipurpose force fields which can be set to various permeability settings, these field generators provide the equivalent of 100% cover and have 10 Armor with 20 structure levels. They can be set to differing transparency, providing total concealment while allowing a Spinal on the other side to keep firing through unimpeded for example. Barricade fields are short term systems with enough power for ~16 hours of operation.

Power Shield: Your standard protective force field projector. Worn over an arm, the field that is projected can be warped to allow utterly unencumbered movement while being used.

+1 difficulty to hit the user from the front, no penalties, mass 1kg.

Coalition Environmental Suit: Far more advanced than any human equivalent, the Coalition version of a hostile environment suit fits in a harness massing perhaps 3kg. In this package, symbiotic nanomachinery recycles oxygen and fatigue toxins internally, while a semi-permeable field using unknown super-science provides nearly weight-free protection and filtration although very little can be worn under the field without potentially disrupting it. The field and its associative nanomachinery is also intelligent enough to act as a full-scale medical system, and can power itself via a variety of uses, including parasitism from its host. Unlike human HEV suits, the Coalition version cannot be breached-any impact or weapon penetrating the suit is simply allowed through, causing harm but not destroying suit integrity. Theoretically capable of being repurposed for just about any organism, although the interface is designed for Coalition subspecies.

Soak 4B/4L, 8d internal medical pool, vacuum/NBC protection, bypass impossible (complete coverage), Destruction 25 (any attack dealing more than 25 damage + damage adds ignores the suit's soak, but does not destroy it unless made as a called shot to the harness for an additional +2 difficulty).

Coalition Universal Tool: A smart-matter tool that can take just about any form, including an electronic interface, a laser cutter, or an impromptu lock breaching tool. It can create a very nasty blade too if you want it to-in such a setting it acts as an armor-piercing stiletto and then blooms inside of the victim's body into a tangle of blades and spines. Generally provides a +3d bonus on any small-scale engineering task where the universal tool is used, as it provides the equivalent of a small workshop's worth of engineering and diagnostic equipment in a handheld item.

Laser Cutter: Accuracy +2, Damage 5L, AP:5
Blade: Damage Str + 1L [3], AP:7

Survival Gel: A combination of medical nanotech, super-high energy substance, and micronutrients. Delicious (this is a lie) and nutritious (for Coalition biomechs). Can theoretically be reengineered into a human-palatable substance. Common rations for all Spinals.

The normal version requires a Willpower roll (difficulty +2) to consume and provides the wrong mix of amino acids and nutrients for a human body, causing a -1d penalty to all actions for a day due to food poisoning for anyone who consumes it without Adaptability or succeeding on a difficulty +3 Stamina + Resistance roll.
If adapted for human use, a single small sachet would provide two days' worth of nutrients and an additional +2d to resist poison or disease for those two days via its medical nanotech.


Gamma Rifle: A high-powered directed radiation weapon beyond all known human technology, these weapons use hard radiation to cause gross tissue damage and cell death. Only extremely heavy armor is viable protection against these weapons. More unfortunately, these are standard issue small arms to Coalition warriors, produced in extremely large numbers. Gamma rifles ignore natural soak (unless the target has the Hardbody enhancement) but can be soaked by any armor or power that soaks lethal damage. However, non-Impervious defensive powers or non-olaminium laced personal armor halves its soak (round up)-Vehicle armor is unaffected. Further note that baseline humans hit by a Gamma Rifle pulse that successfully rolls even a single damage level must roll Stamina + Resistance, +1 difficulty for each level of damage inflicted, at the end of the scene. Failure means an extended agonizing death from radiation poisoning. Psions and Novas are immune to that little side effect, and merely have to deal with the aggravated damage.

Accuracy +0, Damage 12A, Range 250, RoF 10, Magazine 30, AP:special, Mass 10, Conceal N, Min Str. 3

Gamma Support Weapon: A heavier, higher-rate of fire variant of the gamma rifle. Designed for Spinal use, only the fittest soldiers in power armor can handle one of these weapons. They are soaked in the same fashion gamma rifles are.

Accuracy +0, Damage 15A [3], Range 350, RoF 60, Magazine 300, AP:special, Mass 25, Conceal N, Min Str. 8

Underbarrel Plasma Launcher: An energy based plasmoid launcher which can alter the initial trajectory of its projectile. The plasmoid can be arced over cover to act as a grenade, or fired in a straight line to act as a rocket launcher. Skilled users can, in theory, do more complex things, although doing so is inevitably a called shot which requires at least one turn of programming in the custom trajectory. Compared to human grenade launchers, the UB Plasma Launcher is more powerful and faster firing but less versatile.

Accuracy +1, Damage 15L [5], Area: 2, Range 200, RoF 2, Magazine 4, Mass 1

Warp Rifle: Looking more like a shark/nautilus hybrid sculpted from discarded machinery than a rifle, the warp rifle works via unknown but presumably related to FTL principles, teleporting its munitions with velocity intact past walls and other obstacles, ignoring all difficulty or soak penalties from cover. The Warp Rifle's teleported munitions generally are teleported right past any external defenses, ignoring any worn armor or non-Impervious forcefields. Fortunately for its victims, outside of its unique operation all it is is a very nasty flechette rifle. Against vehicles, the phase rifle simply ignores all Armor rating.

Accuracy -2, Damage 8L [4], Range 300, Magazine 4, RoF 1, Mass 10, AP:special

Precision Rifle: The Coalition Precision Rifle is a guided munitions launcher miniaturized to sniper rifle size. Superior in all respects to human equivalent weapons.

Accuracy +3, Damage 15L [4], Range 1,000, Magazine 8, RoF 2, Mass 10, AP:5, Guided

Coalition Missile Launcher: The infantry use Coalition missile launcher can use a variety of warheads. The launcher is a massive, ugly four-shot box launcher which can be reloaded.

Accuracy +2, Range 2,000, RoF 2, Magazine 4, Mass 20, Conceal N, AAA, Guided, Min Str. 8
Can use any grenade warhead.

Pulse Grenades: Pulse warheads use a destructive plasma pulse to deal damage, with a wide-area setting equivalent to a small-scale FAE or a single-target setting with immense power and armor penetration. Pulse grenades can be set to shaped-charge or area detonation and have the ability to self-orient themselves on targets.

Single-Target: Damage 15L [10], AP:10
Area: Damage 15L [5], Area: 2

Shieldbreaker Grenades: Another one of the Coalition's litany of super-science weapons these systems seem to set up some sort of destructive resonance in noetic shields that causes their immediate failure, although "cruder" methods of protection such as reinforcing the body's structures or creating a shell of hardened ice still work to their full effect.

Shieldbreaker grenades deal 10L damage. This damage is not prevented by shields-in fact, anyone with an active force field or similar power (noetic or Quantum) has their shield reduced to 0 health levels.

Phase Grenades: Partial teleportation is a horrible way to die, even when it involves missing discrete body parts. When it involves missing random bits and pieces of yourself from a failed FTL transition, the damage can often be even nastier.

Damage 15A, Area: 1

Coalition Vehicles

  • Coalition Fighter: Safe Speed 3000 (2400), Max Speed 20000 (16000), Acceleration 20G, Maneuver +5, Passengers 0, Armor 24 (+16), HLs -0 x 15, -1 x 15, -2 x 15, -4 x 15, Eject!
The Coalition fighter uses unknown propulsive systems to provide itself incredible acceleration and staying power. Heavily armed and quite well-armored for a fighter, using Spinal pilots with extreme G-tolerance and exceptional reaction speed, and armed with a pair of heavy grasers and vehicle-sized pulse missiles, Coalition fightercraft are more than a match for anything. Vehicular Direct Neural Interface provides +4 to all awareness rolls and +2 to attack accuracy, while multitasking systems reduce multiple action penalties by 1. Coalition armor is made of exotic materials, soaking aggravated damage at half-effectiveness.
Twin Tactical Grasers: Accuracy +3, Dmg 18A [6], Range 10,000, Rate 2, Magazine 50, AP:6
Soaked by non-impervious, non-olaminium vehicle armor at half effectiveness. Considered full-on aggravated damage against personnel.
Pulse Missiles: Accuracy +0, Dmg 30L [15], Range 30,000, Rate 8, Magazine 8, AP:15, AA, Guided
Point Defense Grasers: Accuracy +2, Dmg 14A [3], Range 400, Rate 150, Magazine (inf), PD (can "parry" attacks)
  • Coalition Battlesuit: Strength 10 [10], Handling +3, Max Speed 80 (~100 km/h), Armor 20, -0 x 10/-1 x 6/-2 x 6/-4 x 6/Disabled
Roughly 2.5 meters tall, the battlesuit may be the size of a scout VARG, but has armament befitting a tactical VARG. Hypercarbon armor with molecular bonding field reinforcement, a self-healing endosteel frame, and a powerful combination of weapons makes the Coalition battlesuit extremely deadly. Advanced sensors add +4 to all awareness rolls and +2 to attack accuracy, and multitask systems reduce multiple action penalties by 1. Battlesuits are designed for Spinal use and cannot accept a humanoid pilot. Similar to the fighter, they soak aggravated damage at half-effectiveness.
Heavy Graser: Accuracy +0, Damage 16A [4], Range 500, RoF 100, Magazine (inf)
Soaked in the same way as the gamma support weapon.
Missile Pod: Accuracy +2, Range 2,000, Rate 10, Magazine 10
Single-Target: Damage 20L [10], AP:10
Area: Damage 15L [8], Exp:3
Standoff: If attack fails by a MoF of less than 2, the target is hit by a 12L [6] attack anyhow from standoff detonation.
Anti-Personnel Mount: Mounts a gamma rifle and fires automatically with a dice pool of 10d including sensor bonus.



Chromatic Laser Carbine: A fairly standard laser weapon equivalent to human-built biotech lasers, the laser carbine becomes much more powerful in the hands of the Chromatics, who are universally skilled with Photokinesis.

Accuracy +2, Dmg 12L, Rng 300, Rate 20, Magazine 60, Bio, Tolerance 2, Conceal O, Mass 3, Min Str. 1

Chromatic Laser Pistol: Similarly, the Chromatics user laser pistols roughly equivalent to modern ones with slightly inferior across-the-board performance made up by universal skill in the photokinetic mode.

Accuracy +2, Dmg 7L, Rng 150, Rate 2, Magazine 25, Bio, Tolerance 1, Conceal J, Mass 1, Min Str. 1

Chromatic Heavy Laser: A big dinosaur-portable support laser. Used by beefy Chromatics, but there's no actual integrated infantry doctrine in the Chromatic forces, and so their distribution and use is haphazard.

Accuracy +1, Dmg 15L [6] AP:5, Rng 1000, Rate 1, Magazine 10, Bio, Tolerance 3, Conceal N, Mass 30, Min Str. 8

Chromatic Amplifier Staff: The amplifier staff is a biotech two-handed weapon used by certain high-ranking Chromatics, a combination of psi-amplifier and polearm. With heavy enamel blades and the ability to amplify all Photokinesis modes, these are some of the most lethal actual weapons available to the Chromatics.

Damage Strength + 7L, Tolerance 3
+1 Psi, +2 to Photokinesis


Chromatic Vacuum Suit: Chromatic gear seems to be universally biotechnological in origin and their vacuum gear is no exception. A combination of body armor, mobility enhancer, and vacuum gear, it is roughly equivalent to biotech based space survival suits. Fortunately, the armor seems to be relatively lightweight compared to a VAS and can be penetrated by most military-grade firearms.

+2B/5L soak, +1 Strength/Stamina, Penalty -0, Destruction 20, Tolerance 1.

Coalition Veteran Suit: A heavier, improved version of the vacuum suit with additional hard plating and bioenhancement. Reserved for (presumably), decorated warriors.

+5B/7L soak, +1 Strength/Stamina, Penalty -0, Destruction 25, Tolerance 2


Algesic Biotoxin Flechettes: These biotech flechettes are compatible with all Qin flechette weapons and break down intracellular bonds in the target.

If a target takes any damage from these flechettes, the victim should roll Quantum or Psi, difficulty +3, and takes 1 level of unsoakable lethal damage per margin of failure. A successful roll reduces additional damage to 1 die of unsoakable lethal damage instead.

Telekinetic Flight Pack: Attachable (and adaptable) to any biosuit system, these pods fit over the torso and provide a flight speed of 100 km/h in level flight. These packs mass 20 kilograms per pack and can run indefinitely on a biosuit's nutrient reservoirs.

Accelerator Thermal Needler: This bioapp fuses with the arm of a biosuit and uses a combination of artificial telekinetic and pyrokinetic modes to accelerate and superheat shards of incendiary material. ATNs are some of the most interesting weapons seen in use by the Qin and have only been seen in use in the defense of Qinshui against sub-Aberrants.

Accuracy +2, Damage 8 [4]/10 [6]/12 [8]L, Range 60, Rate 200, Magazine 200, uses 20/40/80 shots

Kinetic Barrier: A harness with vaguely disc-shaped protrusions facing outward, kinetic barrier apps generate a telekinetic barrier against the most common forms of offensive weaponry (bullets and shrapnel). Kinetic barriers provide no protection from energy weapons or other forms of attack, but have been demonstrated by Qin embassy staff in a recent terrorist attack. Orgotek and the Legions have managed to reproduce a version of their own, but the human-type variant is noticeably inferior.

Psi 6, Mass 6, each success rolled subtracts 1 success from an enemy's attack roll and adds +1B/1L to soak against kinetic attacks.
The Orgotek prototype is Psi 4, Attunement 2, Mass 10.

Qin Biosuits

Technically, by dint of being piloted rather than worn, biosuits are mecha. They are, however, very unusual mecha. They can, of course, only be used by Qin, or Novas with particular skill in shapeshifting and telepathy. Note that because of their nature, Biosuits use (Dexterity + Firearms) rather than (Perception + Gunnery) for their weapons.

Diplomatic: Strength 4, Handling +1, Armor 5, Health Levels -0 x 2/-1 x 2/-2 x 2/-4 x 2/Incapacitated

Designed to look like an attractive, androgynous human being, a Qin Diplomatic Biosuit is essentially what it says-a shell for Qin diplomats to present a humanoid face. Qin Diplomatic Biosuits have an effective Appearance rating of 4 towards humans.

Bodyguard: Strength 7 [1], Handling +2, Armor 12, Health Levels -0 x 4/-1 x 2/-2 x 2/-4 x 2/Incapacitated/Gutted

Bodyguard Biosuits are used as a diplomatic protective detail for Qin diplomats, and possess integrated weapons. The default Biosuit possesses a Flechette weapon and a laser weapon, one in each arm, as well as a pair of retractable high-frequency blades. All weapons count as Formatted.
HF Blades: Damage Str + 3L, AP (3)
Laser: Accuracy +3, Damage 12L, Range 350, Rate 40, Magazine (inf), AP (2)
Flechette: Accuracy +2, Damage 9/12/15L, Range 50, Rate 180, Magazine 360, uses 9/18/36 shots.

Warrior: Strength 12 [3], Handling +3, Armor 16, Health Levels -0 x 5/-1 x 5/-2 x 5/Incapacitated

When shit gets real, so do the Qin. Warrior suits make no attempt to pretend to be human, having four arms (treat as multiple arms, -1 multiple action penalty), extreme speed and agility, and incredible toughness. Warrior suits have integrated weapons, as shown below. A Warrior suit has a powerful biocomputer which improves targeting and tracking, adding +1 to accuracy-and all weapons count as formatted for accuracy bonuses.
HF Blades: Damage Str + 5L, AP (3)
Lightning Gun: Accuracy + 2, Damage 16L [4] + 8d EMP, Range 1,000, Rate 1, Magazine (inf), AP:3
Biomissile Launcher: Accuracy +2, Dmg 15L [5], Range 2,500, Rate 1, Magazine 4, AA, Exp(3), Guided
Flechette: Accuracy +2, Damage 9/12/15L, Range 50, Rate 180, Magazine 720, uses 9/18/36 shots.



Trinity computer hardware has three attributes: Storage, which is the total amount of "stuff" they can hold (i.e. programs above and beyond the OS and what it's bundled with), Speed, which adds or subtracts dice from the functioning of the Agent being run (in the year 2150, programs capable of great amounts of scaling have become in-vogue), and Failsafe, which adds dice to any attempts to counteract data intrusion, representing hardwired (and hardened) security systems. Due to the OpNet crash and the Aberrant Scare, most Fail-safe programs are isolated in Klot-hardened "data fortresses", allowing them to even counteract cyberkinetic and electrokinetic powers (to some extent). Non-military failsafe programs halve their resistance pool when attempting to counter Psi/Quantum powers, while military ones do not.


Datapad (DataWarp Palm): A Datapad is a extremely small and low-end computer, massing less than .5 kg and easily carried with one hand. There are billions of models roughly identical in performance.

Storage 3, Speed -1, Failsafe 1d, Expansions 2

Military PDA (Steinhardt M8-CC): A hardened version of the datapad with slightly more mass used for hardening, and a more sophisticated E-alpha fortress which nevertheless reduces space available for processing. Soak 3B/3L, 3 health levels.

Storage 3, Speed -2, Failsafe 4d (M), Expansions 2


Personal Computer (Wazukana 300E): A basic computing system, equipped with multiple terabytes of storage, an efficient and cost-effective processor, and a holoprojector. Comes in a popular ovoid design and available in just about any desired color. Mass 1 kg

Storage 10, Speed +0, Failsafe 3d, Expansions 4

Budget Personal Computer (Steinhardt VirtuX): A cheaper and more affordable alternative, with weaker security and storage.

Storage 8, Speed +0, Failsafe 2d, Expansions 4

Hardened Personal Computer (Lenovo DX70): A ruggedized, more secure version for soldiers, law enforcement, and anyone else who might need something that can take a pounding. With 4B/4L soak and 4 health levels the DX70 certainly can take a fairly harsh beating and remain functional. Mass 1.5 kg

Storage 8, Speed +0, Failsafe 5d, Expansions 3

High-Performance Personal Computer (Wazukana 400T): More performance and more storage, for power users. Mass 1.5 kg.

Storage 12, Speed +1, Failsafe 3d, Expansions 6

Militarized (Steinhardt M1-CC): A hardened and militarized version of your normal minicomp. Mass 2.5 kg, Soak 6B/6L, 5 HLs.

Storage 10, Speed +1, Failsafe 5d (M), Expansions 4

Special Ops (Steinhardt M1-SF): A top of the line computer used by SIGINT ninjas, diplomats, and other people whose occupation runs a high risk. Often bought by wannabe script kiddies with more money than sense as well. High-speed, extremely secure, and hardened. Uses a lightweight carbon-polymer armor case to gain Soak 6B/6L and 5 HLs with only 2 kg mass.

Storage 15, Speed +2, Failsafe 7d (M), Expansions 4

Larger Computers

Workstation (Steinhardt K-Series): Used for scientific and other high-performance number crunching, workstations have enormous storage and speed but are not very portable (mass 8kg or more with no integrated battery).

Storage 25, Speed +3, Failsafe 5d, Expansions 10

Server (Wazukana 2120S): Servers are truly massive systems massing 20-30 kg or more, with extreme amounts of data storage and often running multiple agents at the same time. Servers often have fully-dedicated security agents and military-grade hardening to prevent another OpNet crash from destroying their data. Note that the storage given is ready-use per agent in cache. Once per action, an Agent can reflexively switch up to (Performance) dots of programs out for other programs.

Storage 20 (per agent), Speed +5 (per agent, runs 20-30 at once), Failsafe 8d (M), Expansions 10

Hardware Options

Most systems have a number of multipurpose high-bandwidth expansion ports (as opposed to low-bandwidth external interface ports) that allow the slotting in of additional computing power, memory storage, or other components. These expansion cartridges are generally standardized.

Logic Coprocessor: An additional block of 3-D circuitry provides additional speed and performance. This expansion adds +1 Speed to the system in question.

Additional Memory: A mass of 3D optical memory adds +2 to the computer's Storage for every slot taken up by one of these. It also adds more room for documents, videos, and other files, but as those don't have any game mechanics relevance assume you have enough storage for those whenever you need to.

Uninterruptible Power Supply: These backup batteries are bulky but generally are designed with flexible plugs so they can plug into an expansion port. These expansions are generally sized appropriately for the computer in question and can run it for up to (4 - Speed) hours, minimum 15 minutes. This is, of course, per battery.

External Media Reader: All Minicomps have external media readers by default, but PDAs rarely do, owing to space.

Hacking Kit: A universal interface plug is connected to the expansion port, along with some dedicated interface-spoofing software. This allows the computer to be interfaced with various systems, from card readers to alarm systems.

Hardware Key: Some programs or high-risk data are so heavily secured that one needs actual hardware to attempt to read them. These hardware keys carry critical information and program components. Consider them single-purpose dedicated systems whose only job is to Decrypt the appropriate program or data stored on a computer.

Failsafe Expansion: Additional solid-state read-only failsafe computing, secured in the quantum/noetic-inactive material Klot save for the bare necessities (i.e. I/O), and heavily designed to protect from intrusion, these expansions add +1d to failsafe rating.

Fail-Deadly: Fail-deadly expansions have a small directed explosive inside them which is activated should certain events be met, or by user override. There are two variants. The "standard" version which can be removed with the proper authorization code, or the "paranoid" version which detonates upon removal, destroying the computer itself.

Quantum Entanglement Device: The QED is used only for quantum encryption (look for Quantum Entanglement Encryption) below. Without the QEE program, a QE device can still be entangled with another such system, allowing for communications that literally cannot be eavesdropped on.

Dedicated Systems

Some computers are dedicated single-purpose systems. These lack your standard ratings but rather only have a dice pool in their relevant (narrow) specialty.

Personal Translator: Extremely light-weight dedicated translation systems. "Plain" versions (or earpiece + glasses variants) are generally used by men, while versions disguised as jewelry are more popular with women.

5d Linguistics.

Survival Guide: A hardened computer system intended to give you survival tips. Popular with FSA survivalist enclaves. Has a hardened shell (3B/3L soak, 3 HLs) and a chemical sniffer.

5d Chemistry, 5d Survival

Unconventional Warfare: "The Dummy's Guide to Terrorism", as it's been christened, was intended originally for unconventional warfare specialists to distribute to oppressed peoples. Now, their primary use is for helping come up with more brilliant improvisations at Karroo and in the hands of criminals fighting the police.

4d Tactics (6d Terrorism), 4d Engineering (Explosives), Restricted.


Trinity Computers are generally not continuously networked, and oftentimes standard search methods are difficult with the scattered state of the OpNet. Instead, they use "Agents", which are semi-intelligent AI programs, to do much of the user's dirty work. Agents have a base Performance rating, and can install Programs for further performance. Agents are the common name for these systems, part AI companion, part personal secretary, part computer OS. Agents may have preinstalled programs as well.


Alpha Software "Chris": A popular high-end agent on the open market, "Chris" adapts to the user quickly and can project an avatar of either gender. Comes with a lot of bundled software.

Performance 4, Programs: Business 1, Intent 1, Linguistics 2, Mathematics 3, Research 1.

Apoderado Estelle "Evita": Modeled after a famous celebrity this female agent is cheap and useful for everyday tasks.

Performance 3, Programs: Intent 1, Linguistics 1, Mathematics 3, Research 1

Datawarp "Friday": An agent tailored for government and administrative use.

Performance 5, Programs: Diplomacy 1, Geography 1, Intent 2, Linguistics 3, Mathematics 3

Datawarp "Patton": An agent tailored for military use.

Performance 4, Programs: Administration 1, Linguistics 1, Mathematics 3, Warfare 1

Wazukana "Personal Assistant": A extremely low-end, non-adaptive Agent.

Performance 2, Programs: Mathematics 3


Programs improve the functioning of an Agent in a certain area. Program dice pools are generally (Performance + Program). Below are examples of programs and what abilities they'd roughly cover. Remember that each +1d a program gives costs 1 block of storage. A program is generally rated from 1-5, and can be both more general and more specific than human abilities.

Administration: Covers Biz (running a business), Command
Business: Covers Biz, Academics (Economics, Advertisement)
Culture: Covers Academics (Culture, Sociology, etc.), Etiquette (formal only), Linguistics (for rolls only)
Diplomacy: Covers Etiquette, Rapport, Subterfuge
Fashion: Covers Style, Art (Fashion), and other similar areas.
Geography: Covers Academics (Geography) and Streetwise
Intent: Covers Rapport rolls, understanding fragmentary or vague orders.
Linguistics: Covers translating between any two languages (rolled once/scene per language). 1 success creates competent but dry mechanical translations, 2+ successes start to create nuance, failure means your hovercraft is probably full of eels, botching means it's giving you competent, grammatically correct translations that nevertheless are subtly wrong enough to get you into trouble.
Research: Covers any ability (while researching)
Science (Field): Covers any science field.
Security: Covers Computers (for hacking only), Tactics (against intrusion)
Technology (Field): Covers Science or Engineering related to that field.
Warfare: Covers Strategy, Academics (Military Science), but for purposes of planning and logistics only

Special Programs

There are a few special programs which do not directly correspond to Abilities. These programs are listed below.

Decrypt (SSE/DSE): The Decrypt program is required to read encrypted files of the same type. DSE decrypt can also decrypt SSE files, while SSE decrypt cannot. This is a legitimate decryption utility, rather than an illegal hacking utility, and of itself provides no hacking ability. Paired with other tools, though, it can do so.
Dump: The Dump program is designed to cut off compromised access to a system. Dump is added to a system's failsafe when it attempts to expel a hacker.
Encrypt (SSE): Standard Security Engrams are used for relatively low-risk files and most businesses, as they create an excellent compromise between security, performance, and file size.
Encrypt (DSE): Defense Security Engrams are high-end, extremely high-level encryption systems designed to be resistant to algorithmic and key attacks. Involving padding files with whitespace, incomplete compression, and truly random key generation, DSE is extremely difficult to break, but also bloated, inefficient, and extremely inconvenient. Decrypting any DSE file, even with the key, takes (30/(Speed + 3) minutes per level of DSE encryption, minimum 1 minute per level. Encrypting it takes triple that amount of time.
Encrypt (QEE): Quantum Entanglement Encryption is an extremely high-end encryption program which requires an aftermarket QE add on (Cost *****) and is extremely large and complex past that (Cost ***** for the program, takes up 8 storage). Quantum Encryption cannot be broken, save for certain extremely esoteric methods such as using Clairsentience to gaze into the past before the information was encrypted or during windows where the information was decrypted, or exotic Aberrant powers such as the documented "Information Manipulation" ability.
Reroute: Reroute software allows a hacker to attack through a circuitous route by finding non-monitored alternate routes to the server in question. Reroute subtracts from Track in an effort to target the hacker.
Track: Track software is used to track hackers and their real-world locations such that an intervention team (generally armed and not willing to take any shit) is dispatched to their location.

Everyday Technology


Emergency Vacuum Suit: Standard garb for anyone who wants to feel safe inside of a colony or starship, providing limited protection against immediate decompression. Extremely thin and form-fitting, emergency vacuum suits can be worn under almost any form of clothing without any additional discomfort. These suits can provide approximately 1 hour of life support in vacuum, but provide no radiation and minimal micrometeroid protection.

Soak 1B/1L, Destruction 10, Penalty -0, Mass 3

Charger Clothing: Used by tech-fetishists and survivalists, this clothing uses flexible solar panel technology to provide power to small devices. Come in a variety of colors but only one texture (shiny and slightly oily to the touch), and a variety of sizes, although anything significantly smaller than a one-piece swimsuit won't provide enough power to charge anything meaningful.

Projector Clothing: Clothing with integrated display functionality, projector clothing is the latest in fashion. There are significant hurdles to using civilian versions as camouflage-their refresh rate isn't fast enough to guarantee eliminating flicker, they are sensitive to dirt and grime compared to chameleon armor, and they lack the processing power to run credible background pattern-matching programs. Projector clothing adds +2d to Style rolls if programmed with artistic/showy patterns. If programmed with camouflage ability, projector clothing adds +1d to Stealth rolls against guards without advanced sensors or similar equipment.

Smart Clothing: Smart clothing is capable of limited shapeshifting and alterations of elasticity and flexibility, providing a character a more versatile wardrobe. Smart clothing comes in a dozen forms, and can be mated with projector technology for even more flexibility in styling. Smart clothing adds +1d to Style rolls due to its ability to be custom-tailored to the user without difficulty. Smart clothing is self-healing to some extent and its electronics are powered by the wearer's body heat, and therefore never needs recharging.

Biotech Clothing: Living clothing is just alive and fashionable under most circumstances. When attuned, the clothing adapts to the environment and wearer and allows better insulation or cooling, adding +1d to Stamina + Resistance rolls against extreme heat or cold.


Smartphone: A fairly standard combination of video playback, opnet access, and low-power computer, a smartphone is the smallest system which can actually run an agent. Smartphones typically have a 10km range to the nearest OpNet relay tower and can stream video or audio.

Storage 2, Speed -2, Failsafe 1d, Expansions 1

Video Glasses: A combination of headphones and portable video system. Can provide 3D video playback streamed from an OpNet relay or uploaded from a computer. Provides enough storage for 100 hours of super-high-definition 3D video or 10 hours of holographic video. More advanced models can even extrapolate from popular holographic entertainment and give you your desired viewing angle (or even move it in real-time to emphasize more exciting happenings with the addition of a position file).


Holodisplay System: The 22nd century equivalent of a TV is a holoprojector. A necessary part of any middle class home. Popular models include the Sony-Lenovo Fantasia, the Wazukana Mystique, and the Steinhardt HDS450.

Euphoriants: Safe, side-effect free happy drugs are how the Norca earn most of their money and a cheap method of temporarily avoiding dealing with issues like breakups, getting fired, and so on. Euphoriants may add +1d to any roll made to suppress the symptoms of depression, but have few real game effects (the commercially available ones tend to be too mild to have significant game effect).


Stimulants: Better than caffeine! You'll have more energy on these than if you used crack cocaine, without the horrible side effects! Stimulants provide approximately +1d to Awareness and +2d to Endurance rolls for 2-8 hours depending on the dosage and formulation, and also temporarily remove the need for sleep. However, for every two days (starting after the first day of continuous use) they're continuously used, the user suffers a cumulative +1 difficulty to all tasks (so +1 difficulty after 3 days of use, +2 after 5, and so on).

DNA Scannner: Security for sensitive files and such. DNA scanners can be miniaturized to as small as fingerprint scanners and generally are programmed with a handful of different genetic codes they accept as valid.

Medical Technology


Anti-Infection Pad: With tailored antibacterial and antiviral agents and genetically engineered H-K bacteria in endospores, anti-infection pads can be applied to any wound with no training whatsoever to both seal and sterilize it (like a high-tech bandage).

Trauma Stabilization Foam: This foam comes in a small canister. When sprayed, this foam quickly hardens into a shell that can be used as a cast or splint, and there are plenty of creative non-medical uses. A specialized solvent dissolves it into liquid, and a laser scalpel or other system can easily score clean chunks.

Clot Pad: A bandage impregnated with clotting agent, used to stop bleeding. Because of their nature, they can only be used externally, minimizing the chance an untrained user will accidentally cause a fatal blood clot and make the situation worse.

Wound Closure Gel: Wound closure gel is used to rapidly seal wounds in lieu of surtures. Nontoxic and easy to apply. Just squeeze the tube into the wound and push the edges together until they make a clean seal.

Laser Scalpel: Your standard surgical cutting laser the size of a pen. Can be used as an improvised weapon, although the precision of its cuts and its small wounding effect makes it a rather poor weapon, useful only for torture or burning out someone's eyes. Has approximately 3 minutes of continuous power per battery pack.

Accuracy +2, Damage 2L, Rate 1, Range 1, Magazine 60, AP (4)

Emergency Medical Kit: Coming in a variety of models and a variety of designs, an emergency medical kit is intended to be usable by even completely untrained personnel. As such, they come with an integrated computer system, running basic tutorials on medical aid (3d Medicine pool). They are also equipped with easy to use medical gear such as anti-shock drugs, clotting pads, broad spectrum counterbiologicals, wound closure gel, painkillers, anti-infection pads, and trauma foam.

Portable Medical Kit: A more advanced and heavier kit, these systems are used by paramedics and other emergency personnel. Portable medical kits include treatments for more massive injuries, such as blood surrogates, clotting agents, defibrillators, and a much larger and more nuanced arsenal of chemicals, some of which can be dangerous if improperly used. Portable Medical Kits have a 5d medicine pool which is used for teamwork actions.


The year of 2150 has brought a lot of physiopharmaceutical enhancement methods to the table, and just as many methods of causing harm. Trinity-era drugs use the rules for Chemicals but are generally more targeted.



CureAlls: Broad-spectrum antiviral/antibacterial nanodrugs, CureAlls are an extremely popular method of avoiding sickness. CureAlls are intended to cure things like the common cold, not protect against weaponized pathogens. There are similar drugs which do, however, do so.

Potency: +1
Onset: 1 day
Interval: 1 month
Addiction: None
Effect: Cures all minor (Potency +0) diseases.

Detox: The equivalent of the CureAll, but for chemical issues. Detox is not a military innoculation shot, and should not be expected to function against chemical weapons. They aren't milspec inoculations here.

Potency: +1
Onset: 5 minutes
Interval: 2 hours
Effect: Eliminates the effects of all minor (Potency +0) drugs and toxins (outside of beneficial drugs). +1 Willpower for the purposes of resisting drug addiction.

Military Inoculations: Military inoculations are intended to be broad-spectrum protective injections which provide a soldier greatly improved survival chances against things like nerve gas or Gangrenix. They won't keep you alive forever, but they'll hopefully keep you from dying long enough for you to seek medical care, or put on your NBC equipment. An expensive combination of nanotech and engineered bacteria, they are more than worth it against biochemical threats.

Potency: +5
Onset: 1 day
Interval: 1 year
Effect: Eliminates the effects of all minor (Potency +0) diseases and toxins. +3d to all resistance rolls against biological or chemical threats.

Mood Stabilizer: Mood stabilizers are intended to dull emotional highs and lows, allowing a person to keep their head clear and make decisions without falling prey to emotional snap judgments. They are reasonably successful at that.

Potency: +0
Onset: 1 minute
Interval: 1 hour
Addiction: None
Effect: +1d on all rolls requiring clarity of thought.

Berserker: An illegal combat drug, Berserker is PCP on steroids. It provides a fierce high, removes the person's ability to feel pain or incapacitation, removing limiters on their strength and speed, and also drives them into a fierce, unrelenting rage.

Potency: +5
Onset: 1 round
Interval: 1 scene
Addiction: +2
Effect: +2 to all physical attributes, no wound penalties (doesn't even notice Incapacitation). A Willpower roll (+2 difficulty) is required to not fly into a berserker rage in any stressful situation. Berserking means you are incapable of doing anything which requires significant thought, like trigger discipline or power usage.

Reaper: A drug designed to block fear and pain while keeping the person in question fully mentally capable, Reaper deadens emotions, blocks pain, and has few side effects save for the complete dispassionate mindset which can make it easier for a user to commit atrocities or kill.

Potency: +4
Onset: 1 minute
Interval: 1 scene
Addiction: +0
Effect: +3 Willpower, Iron Will, no wound penalties, 2 bonus successes on any roll to resist emotional manipulation, no Virtue or Vice (no way to gain or lose WP for the duration). A character on Reaper has a highly dispassionate (some would say sociopathic) mindset and may do things they would not normally be willing to do to accomplish a goal.

Nebula: A social drug that increases everyone else's perceived attractiveness and one's own via pheromonal and other cues.

Potency: +3
Onset: 1 minute
Interval: 1 scene
Addiction: +0
Effect: Lusty flaw, +1 Appearance, +2 to all Sway rolls playing on lust or sexual attractiveness.