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===Adam Maryam===
===Adam Maryam===
'''Player:''' Peel<br>
'''Player:''' Peel<br>
Captain Adam Maryam is a respected veteran of the System War and one of the last S-Class transhumans to be created with no Aleph capability. Despite this handicap he has excelled in all fields of human endeavour from suit piloting to (anonymous) political commentary, and been rewarded with command of the prestigious Blue Canaries squadron of INTACT. He is a hard nosed but not totally inflexible commander who favours deliberation and forward planning, and still commands in the field to alter battleplans as needed despite his rusty skills. He is absolutely committed to the ideal of the Solar Federation, but finds it entirely too sympathetic to 'conservative' baseline interests and avoids fraternising with the lower orders.
Maryam has his sights set on command rank, and beyond that on bringing about positive reform of the Solar Federation in general.
Maryam is a tall bald man of Ethiopian extraction.
:Outlier Superior (+3 physical, +1 Wits, +1 charisma, +1 education, +1 aleph)<br>
:Outlier Superior (+3 physical, +1 Wits, +1 charisma, +1 education, +1 aleph)<br>
:INTACT Legate (+1 unlimited command, +1 education, +2 conspiracy (INTACT), High Rank)<br>
:INTACT Legate (+1 unlimited command, +1 education, +2 conspiracy (INTACT), High Rank)<br>
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===Virgil Corvid===
===Virgil Corvid===
'''Player:''' BM<br>
'''Player:''' BM<br>
==== Description ====
The Virgo Wing made its name in the System Wars, like most famous examples of that era, by dying. Before their fatal emergence, they were an elite squad of combat suits, specializing in brutal, heavy-hitting tactics. They were mostly known for their teamwork – both their impressive coordination in battle, and their extreme personal dysfunctions outside of it. Conflicts ranging from petty rivalries, political differences, and romantic competition over the team’s single female member (who, complicatedly enough, eventually became squad leader) were thought to translate into deadly tactics, killer instincts, and the occasional act of merciless violence.<br>
The wing consisted of Valerie Haven, the only female member and its eventual leader, a dutiful and charismatic soldier; The educated and reasonable Henry Kay, a sound tactician and the team’s liason to the brass; brash scrapper Diarmud Wilson, a hotshot with a strong affection for Valerie; pilot and mechanic Leroy Spears, Valerie’s on-and-off boyfriend; and the troubled Nathan Short, who specialized in hard-hitting close-combat.<br>
Their act of fame, however, came from their final mission, where they were sent to prevent a devastating doomsday strike by League officer Lucille Vachelli, the pilot responsible for the war’s first colony drop. The resulting conflict – later referred to as the Wells Conflict - ended with the narrow aversion of utter destruction, but also in the mutual destruction of both Vachelli and the entire Virgo Wing. Only Haven and Spears survived, but both were severely injured in both mind and body. Valerie never recovered from the accident, and slipped into a permanent coma after three months in a mental health facility, after which she was euthanized.  Leroy, not wishing to be near his damaged lover, took retirement to Earth’s Great Britain due to permanent injuries; he was found dead not six months after Valerie, stabbed in his home by a League sympathizer. <br>
And that is where the pilot’s stories ended, with little fanfare. Their names were recorded on the Geneva Icon of Peace, the war monument in the capital; a statue was build in Diarmud’s hometown of Copenhagen in his unit’s honour; a thesis or two were written by International Relations graduates for their doctorates. But Virgo Wing had another act to play out, behind the curtain.<br>
After the Wells conflict, the pilots’ remains were collected by the Sol-Fed military, and transferred to a group of scientists who had been monitoring the group’s missions. Their funerals were closed casket, with the official line being that there were no remains found. Valerie’s remains were turned over to them as well, and with Spears looking to live a long if sedentary life, was quietly assassinated with evidence planted to implicate League agents. His remains were finally brought to a remote facility, where the scientist had gathered all of the remains and implants left of the Wing – and their recorded brain-scans, kept from early on when they were selected for the project.<br>
Over the course of years, the Scientists used the DNA, scans, augments, and even whole limbs in an intensive and unprecedented reconstructive process. Using cutting-edge technology and other samples collected from a wide range of pre-selected subjects, they generated something new – a single, sentient entity, composed of the genetic material of over a dozen individuals, and data from Virgo Wing’s brain-scans and cranial implants coupled with various combat algorithms. The subject – dubbed ‘Virgil’ as an ironic joke – was completed five years after the death of the last Virgo Wing pilot, awakening to sentience in a cold laboratory surrounded by his creators.<br>
Given the last name ‘Corvid’, after the late director who authorized the project, Virgil was put through an intensive education and development regimen, to evaluate his mental and physical potential. Tests were promising – he showed complete human intelligence, capable physique, and standard empathy. Even more remarkably, tests showed an unusually high Aleph capacity, resulting in abnormal predictive and perceptive ability. However, they also noticed several troubling personality traits: bouts of emotional intensity, unusual speech quirks, and a troubling ability to forcibly override his own instincts and emotions for no apparent reason. A few of his handlers noted a possible echo of the Wing’s internal conflicts and tendencies for brutality, but this was deemed within limits.<br>
Virgil completed his final training normally, at the Mars War Acadamy, where he graduated with distinction as a Suit pilot. His heavy genetic augmentation and cybernetic implants placed him in the S-Class category, and a cover story of him being the son of a wealthy starship magnate placed him out of suspicion to most. His early missions showed promise, and he was quickly commissioned to the counterterrorism unit INTACT.<br>
Virgil appears to be a Caucasian man in his late twenties, with thin chestnut-brown hair, and dark blue eyes. He also has what appears to be a form of chimerism – while his face is largely unblemished, his skin is a slightly lighter shade along his upper right jawline, running down his neck. His torso is a barely-visible cross-stitch of several subtle shades of skin. Like the condition, different parts of his body have different DNA – but rather than two fraternal patterns, Virgil consists of several, altered by modification to prevent organ conflict. He has one visible implant by his right eye, which resembles a small, metallic knob protruding from the skin just above it. He is a small-boned, wiry-looking man, with a long, smooth face extended by a slightly receded hairline – he further accents this by combing his hair back, making him look slightly unsettling. His long fingers and six-foot-five height further add to this. He has a precise, gentle voice, that raises to a firm clarity.<br>
Virgil is aware of his nature, and can’t really see how it would be a problem. He is fascinated by humans and the kinship he has with them – he considers himself one of them in most senses, noting only a difference in ‘the configuration of the mind’. An educated man, he nonetheless revels in his eccentricities – commenting blithely on various minutae that catch is interest. He is profoundly curious, to an almost oblivious degree at times. In combat, he tends to develop strange fixations on opponents, and favours a quick, unrelenting brutality.<br>
Spending a short time as a test pilot, Virgil joined INTACT as a xeno-specialist and analyst, as well as an Aleph pilot. He is known for his acute fascination with alien artifacts, to the degree that to the degree that he recalibrated a recon drone to detect alien signals. His quarters and laboratory are littered with crystalline samples from alien sites that he studies, as a part of his placement as field analyst. This unsettling behavior only amplifies the rumours of Virgil using Aleph- and drug-assisted interrogation practices on prisoners, a controversy that began early in his INTACT career. While no formal charges have been laid, his presence tends to unsettle security officals and human-rights activists alike. <br>
==== Statistics ====
: Seraph (+2 Physical, +2 Aleph,, +1 Education, +1 Wits, +1 Charisma, +1 Conspiracy: Seraph)<br>
: Seraph (+2 Physical, +2 Aleph,, +1 Education, +1 Wits, +1 Charisma, +1 Conspiracy: Seraph)<br>
: INTACT Censor (+1 Education, +5 Aleph Points, +2 INTACT Conspiracy)<br>
: INTACT Censor (+1 Education, +5 Aleph Points, +2 INTACT Conspiracy)<br>
Line 40: Line 73:

:Pilot - 4 (4, 10)
:Pilot - 3 (3, 6)
:Gunnery - 3 (3, 6)
:Gunnery - 3 (3, 6)
:Aleph - 7 (5+2, 15)
:Aleph - 7 (5+2, 15)
Line 57: Line 90:
:Conspiracy: Seraph - 4 (3+1, 6)
:Conspiracy: Seraph - 4 (3+1, 6)
:Tuneup: Engineer - 2 (2, 3)
:Tuneup: Engineer - 2 (2, 3)
:Rival (Onee-chan I'll avenge you!!)

:Cybernewtype - -4
:Cybernewtype - -4
:Obsession: Aliens - +3
:Obsession: Aliens - +3
:Rival (Onee-chan I'll avenge you!!) - +5
:Renegade Interrupt - +4
:FBH Rival - +3

'''Aleph Powers'''
'''Aleph Powers'''
Line 68: Line 104:
:Newtype Flash (free)
:Newtype Flash (free)
:High Level Control (free)
:High Level Control (free)
:*pending revamp of Aleph Powers list
:Spatial Awareness (2)
:Empathic Detection (1)
:Telepathy: (3)
:Telepathic Scan (4)
:Illusion (4)
:Empathic Manipulation (4)
:Body Control (3)
'''Mobile Suit'''
:Name: Medea
:Stats: (14 + 2 Tuneup)
::Melee: 3
::Firepower: 3
::Defense: 3
::Speed: 4
::Special: 3 (Aleph Matrix, Aleph Bits, Electrified Towline)
:Melee Standard: Alpha Knives (bit-propulsion)
:Ranged Standard: Plasma Cannon

=== Isis  Vantes ===
=== Isis  Vantes ===
Line 74: Line 128:
:Seraphim (+2 bonus to Physical +2 Aleph +1 Education, +1 Wits, +1 Charisma +1 Seraphim Conspiracy)<br>
:Seraphim (+2 bonus to Physical +2 Aleph +1 Education, +1 Wits, +1 Charisma +1 Seraphim Conspiracy)<br>
:INTACT Legate (+1 Unlimited Command, +1 Education, +2 INTACT Conspiracy and High Rank )<br>
:INTACT Legate (+1 Unlimited Command, +1 Education, +2 INTACT Conspiracy and High Rank )<br>
:Trait: Rival
'''Character Points:'''  70
'''Character Points:'''  70

Line 102: Line 156:
:Intolerant (Baselines)   -3
:Intolerant (Baselines)   -3
:Obsession (Seraphim interests)  -3
:Obsession (Seraphim interests)  -3
:Rival (A certain ZU pilot) -5
:Code of Honor (Stay true to a sworn word, never kill a disabled enemy, lead by example, protect those under your command) -5  

'''Aleph Powers'''
'''Aleph Powers'''
Line 109: Line 163:
===Susannah Raskanos===
===Susannah Raskanos===
:Seraph(untrue) (+2 bonus to Physical +2 Aleph, +1 Education, +1 Wits, +1 Charisma)
:Seraph(+2 bonus to Physical +2 Aleph, +1 Education, +1 Wits, +1 Charisma, +1 Conspiracy(Seraphim))
:INTACT Lictor (+1 Pilot, +1 Pilot (Mobile Suit), +1 Gunnery (Mobile Suit), +1 Charisma (Diplomacy) and +1 Conspiracy (INTACT) )
:INTACT Lictor (+2 Pilot, +1 Gunnery, +1 Charisma (Diplomacy) and +1 Conspiracy (INTACT))

'''Character Points:'''  70
'''Character Points:'''  70

:Pilot -
:Pilot - 6(4+2,10)
:Gunnery -
:Gunnery - 6(5+1,15)
:Aleph -
:Aleph - 4(2+2,3)
:Physical -
:Physical - 5(3+2,6)
:Wits -
:Wits - 5(4+1,10)
:Education -
:Education - 4(3+1, 6)
:Charisma -
:Charisma - 5(4+1, 10)

:Charisma: Diplomacy - 1
:Conspiracy: INTACT - 1
:Conspiracy: Seraphim - 1
:Education: Electronic warfare - 2(3)
:Command: General - 2(3)
:Command: Mecha - 1(1)

:Code of Honor(Good Behavior) - +5<br>
:Mid Rank - 5
'''Aleph Powers'''
:Newtype Flash - 2
:High Level Control - 3
:Peak Senses - 1

==Zodiac Union==
=== Carys Jernigan ===
Carys Jernigan is a well-recognized INTACT sharpshooter from the popular SolFed colonies on Luna. She was orphaned in her early teens by a terror incident, leaving herself as the sole surviving member of the Jernigan family. She entered the SolFed military and became recognized as an extremely proficient sniper in mobile suit and commando operations, and was subsequently selected as an INTACT candidate.
Her family were originally staunch supporters of the SolFed government, and after the passing of her parents, Carys diverted much of the funds gained from residuals and investments to INTACT. Although she intended to support the organization out of a sense of duty and a vague hope that it might help in the prevention of any further threats of terror to SolFed citizens, it ended up netting the junior Lictor a degree of prestige unusual among the newly admitted.
She is a fair skinned girl with dark brown hair, light freckles on her face and crystal blue eyes, with an average-looking build.
'''Player:''' Exhack <br>
:Outlier Superior
:INTACT Lictor
'''Character Points:''' 70 points
:Pilot 4+2 [6] (10)
:Gunnery 4+1 [5] (10)
:Aleph 4+1 [5] (10)
:Physical 2+3 [5] (3)
:Wits 4+2 [6] (10)
:Education 3+1 [4] (6)
:Charisma 3+1 [4] (6)
:Charisma (Diplomacy) 0+1 [1]
:Command (Mecha) 2+0 [1] (3)
:Sniper 4+0 [4] (10)
:Conspiracy (INTACT) 3+1 [4] (6)
:Tune Up (Special Connections) 4+0 [4] (10)
:: All units assigned to Carys by INTACT are equipped with Funnels, an RF Sniper Beam Cannon and given a distinctive optics enhancement that resembles a drop-down visor. (+3 Firepower, +1 Special (Funnels))
:Damaged Goods +3
:Adventurous +3
:Obsession (Gun Nut) +3
:Code of Honor (Never leave a man behind, never.) +5
'''Aleph Abilities'''
:Peak Senses
:Spatial Awareness
:Newtype Flash
:Limit Break
:High Level Control
===Ramael Ashlion===
'''Player:''' Kerrus<br>
The Director of the Special Project Testing division of INTACT, Ramael Ashlion is a veteran of the War, and an ace mecha pilot- although he excels at the management of resources, time, and other materials, a skill that has seen him move from low level pilot, to engineer, to test pilot, to management, and eventually to his current position. Not an office man by any stretch, Ramael prefers to 'slum it' with the rank and file, better to keep an ear to any gossip and expand his network of contacts.
A competent pilot, Ramael pilots a machine optimized for electronic warfare, and often uses it to test out the latest designs or developments from special project testing. Ramael is accompanied by a three man element as befitting his rank.
While Ramael is generally an level headed even handed individual, he has a particular distaste for those who believe that they can survive in war on pure guts and fighting spirit. While he has nothing particular against self belief, he has seen too many machines destroyed by so called 'hot blooded' pilots, pushing them past their limits, resulting in needless deaths and destruction of property. A particularly memorable event was the loss of half his wing during the system war, when a particularly 'hot blooded' pilot overrode reactor safeties in order to squeeze out just one more erg of performance. The resulting detonation killed many of Ramael's friends and left the then young man with a cold hatred of those such pilots, regardless of rank or faction.
'''Age:''' 62<br>
'''Appearance:''' Despite his chronological age, Ramael's biological clock is stopped at his prime. Appearing a particularly fit young man, Ramael has black hair and striking grey-green eyes.<br>
:Pilot: 4
:Gunnery: 4
:Aleph: 0
:Physical: 5
:Wits: 4
:Education: 4
:Charisma: 4
:Conspiracy (INTACT): 5
:Charisma-Diplomacy: 1
:Command (Universal): 1
:Command (Mecha): 4
:Tuneup-Special Connections: 5 (Ramael adds screen launchers, a flash field, enhanced sensors, +1 firepower, and +1 defenses to any suit he pilots)
:Pilot-Prototypes: 2
:Education-EWAR: 2
:Education-Politics: 1
:Outlier Superior
:High Ranked
:INTACT Legate
:Intolerance: Hot Blooded
====Odysseus RK Custom====
:Melee 2
:Firepower 3
:Defenses 4
:Speed 4
:Special 6
:Scarlet Curtain ECM Field (3 points)
:Anti-Energy Screen Launcher (1 point)
:Enhanced Sensors (1 point)
:Flash Field (1 point)
:Melee: Alpha-Lance
:Ranged: Railgun
===Muriea MacRisa===
'''Player:''' Mal<br>
'''Character Points:''' 70<br>
:''Genotype:'' Baseline (Sadface)
:''Career:'' Blazing Star of Jupiter (+2 Pilot, +1 Gunnery, +1 Charisma (Blazing Star of Jupiter) and +1 Conspiracy (Neo-Jove))
::Badass Normal (+1 Pilot, +1 Gunnery, -2 Aleph)
::No Such Thing As Overkill (-1 Melee)
::Paragon Interrupt
:'''Total:''' (+3 Pilot, +2 Gunnery, +1 Charisma (Blazing Star of Jupiter), +1 Conspiracy (Neo-Jove), -2 Aleph)
'''Stats [74]''' (1 spare)
:Pilot 7 [10]
::Speed of Blazing Star 1 [1]
:Gunnery 8 [21]
::No Matter the Numbers! 1 [1]
:Aleph 0 [3]
:Physical 2 [3]
:Wits 3 [6]
::No Matter the Odds! 3 [6]
:Education 1 [1]
:Charisma 4 [10]
::Blazing Star of Jupiter 2 [1]
::Somehow Cute 1 [1]
:Conspiracy (Neo-Jove) 1 [0]
:Tuneup (Crack Pilot) 4 [10]
::Muriea flies so hard and is such a great shot that she adds +2 Firepower, +2 Speed, and a custom paintjob to anything she flies.
'''Extras [-5]'''
:Type Master (Alephs) [3]
:Adventurous [-3]
:Code of Honor (Granny Always Said) [-5]
'''JMS-216 ''Winged Knightress'' W.Nr.1818''' (2nd generation general purpose mobile suit)
:Melee: 1 (PVP sword; rarely used)
:Firepower: 5 (''Starlight'' megaparticle rifle)
:Defense: 2 (late-war Jovian armour composites)
:Speed: 5 (''Stardust'' particle drive)
:Special: 0
A comprehensive upgrade of the mid-war JMS-17 Knightress, the JMS-21 Winged Knightress was a balanced machine meant for general combat under most conditions, and among the most common Jovian late-war suits. Its main upgrade over its predecesser was the ''Starlight'' megaparticle rifle, a powerful weapon that served as its main armament. This weapon was considered superior to anything to be found on a standard Otrera but the Winged Knightress was somewhat less well armoured. Numerous examples of the suit survived the conflict, both via capture by SolFed forces and in the hands of forces that successfully fled to the outer rim. Aside from the fatal shot the cockpit that killed the original Rising Star, the ace's personal machine (Work Number 1818 with red-and-white custom colours) ended the war in good condition. Irrelevantly victorious in their sector of combat, the Star's wingmates recovered her machine for sentimentality's sake and smuggled it out of the inner sphere amidst the general retreat of Jovian forces. The suit subsequently slept under a canvas in a warehouse somewhere for over three decades until refurbished for Muriea's use. In the Blazing Star's hands, the aging workhorse is pushed to its absolute limit in terms of thrust and effective firepower.
Karine is a full-body catgirl assigned to Muriea as bodyguard and long distance supporter since the Zeta Leporis incident where she was key in the delivery of the ace's new suit. Although a prolific temptress (with a particular penchant for (in)appropriate lingerie), Karine seems to find Muriea's cute-and-clueless baseline girl condition to be most in line with her tastes and hence spends much off-duty time trying to get both of them under the same sheets at the same time. Though she is not a combat pilot (and not particularly fond of finicky giant machine things), Karine's unassuming mash-up mecha provides Muriea with invaluable long range support, primarily in the form of FC telemetry and well placed artillery pods. She is much more capable when outside of a robot, possibly because she is a robot herself, and also seems to know a lot more than she lets on.
:''Genotype:'' Full-Body Cyborg (+2 Physical, +3 Physical (Android Girl), +1 Education (Computers), +1 Conspiracy (???))
:''Career:'' Special Forces (+1 Physical, +1 Physical (Catlike), +1 Wits (Alertness), +1 Smarts (Security))
:''Traits:'' none
:'''Total:''' (+3 Physical, +3 Physical (Android Girl), +1 Physical (Catlike), +1 Wits (Alertness), +1 Education (Computers), +1 Conspiracy (???))
'''Stats [50]'''
:Pilot 1 [1]
:Gunnery 0 [0]
:Aleph 0 [0]
:Physical 7 [10]
::Android Girl 3 [0]
::Catlike 1 [0]
:Wits 4 [10]
::Alertness 1 [0]
:Education 3 [6]
::Computer Operation 2 [1]
:Charisma 3 [6]
::Catgirl Seductress 3 [6]
:Conspiracy (?!?) 5 [10]
'''JMS-207.5 ''Aleida'' + ''Evil Eye'' support pack''' (2nd generation spaceborne early warning, control and support mobile suit)
:Melee: 0
:Firepower: 0
:Defense: 2
:Speed: 5
:Special: 1+4 (sensors and uplink, extended range support pods)
A damaged late-war Aleida stripped down and given a Sagittan-style external enhancement pack. Although its primary role is as spaceborne early warning and control, the "Eeleida" can also conduct jamming and fire missions with the appropriate equipment pods.
====Yuzuha Satsuki====
Major Rin Satsuki is a veteran of the Solar War who served as wingmate for the original Star of Jupiter and as mentor for the new one. After recently turning seventeen again, she retired and sent her daughter, the seventeen year old (since two years ago) Yuzuha Satsuki to serve as a sort of replacement. Yuzuha now serves as Muriea's wingmate, but only because her mother told her to. It's not like she likes the job or anything, so don't get any ideas. Unlike Muriea, Yuzuha is profoundly transhuman and thus has had no difficulty being a popular Rim netsphere model, remote learning student, kung fu fighter, and a whole slew of other things and still be a highly proficient part-time terrorist pilot. Don't get the idea that just because Muries a bit better in a robot that she's jealous. She doesn't even care.
:''Genotype:'' Outlier Superior (+3 Physical, +2 Wits, +1 Education, +1 Charisma, +1 Aleph)
:''Career:'' Evil Lictor (+2 Pilot, +1 Gunnery, +1 Charisma (Diplomacy) and +1 Conspiracy (Neo-Jove))
:''Traits:'' none
:'''Total:''' (+2 Pilot, +1 Gunnery, +3 Physical, +2 Wits, +1 Education, +1 Charisma, +1 Charisma (Diplomacy), +1 Conspiracy (Neo-Jove), +1 Aleph)
'''Stats [50]'''
:Pilot 6 [10]
::Evasion 1 [0]
:Gunnery 5 [10]
::Undersize Targets 1 [0]
:Aleph 4 [6]
:Physical 5 [3]
::Kung Fu 1 [1]
:Wits 4 [6]
:Education 4 [6]
:Charisma 5 [6]
::Charisma (Diplomacy) 1 [0]
::Charisma (Model) 1 [1]
:Conspiracy (Neo-Jove) 1 [0]
:Tuneup (Special Connections) 1 [1]
::Yuzuha's now retired and reclusive mother is usually only referenced in the background with shadowed-over eyes, but does step up to provide her daughter with +1 Special.
'''Extras [0]'''
'''Aleph Abilities [6]'''
:Spatial Sense [2]
:Newtype Flash [2]
:Synergy (Pilot: Evasion) [1]
:Synergy (Gunnery: Undersize Targets) [1]
'''JMS-217tsun ''Winged Knightress'' W.Nr.2530''' (2nd generation general purpose mobile suit)
:Melee: 2 (PVP sword)
:Firepower: 3 (''Starlight'' megaparticle rifle)
:Defense: 2 (late-war Jovian armour composites)
:Speed: 3 (''Stardust'' particle drive)
:Special: 1 (aleph matrix)
Yuzuha's Winged Knightress is a late-run model with a specially modified cockpit to accept an aleph matrix. It inherits her mother's wartime dark purple paint scheme.
==League of Outer Stars==
===Y.G. Ash===
===Y.G. Ash===
'''Player:''' Shrike<br>
:Battlemanagement Director +1 Command (Universal), +1 Education (Computers), +2 Conspiracy (League Military), High Rank)<br>
'''Character Points:'''  70
:Pilot - 2 (3)
:Gunnery - 2 (3)
:Aleph - 0 (0)
:Physical - 3 (6)
:Wits - 3 (6)
:Education - 3 (6)
:Charisma - 3 (6)
:Wits (Unexpected) - 1 (1)
:Education (Computers) - 1 (0+1, 0)
:Command (Universal) - 4 [2] (3+1, 6)
:Command (Mecha) - 3 (6)
:Command (Warships) - 3 (6)
:Conspiracy (League Military) - 4 (2+2, 3)
:Conspiracy (Nuclear Weapons) - 1 (1)
:License Holder - 4
:Command Ranked - 13
'''Aleph Powers'''
==Sagittan Union==
===Oren Margaritifer===
'''Player:''' Shrike<br>
'''Player:''' Shrike<br>
:Omoikane (+2 Education, +1 Wits, +1 Charisma)<br>
:Omoikane (+2 Education, +1 Wits, +1 Charisma)<br>
Line 146: Line 477:

:Pilot (Mobile Armor) - 1 (1)
:Pilot (Mobile Armor) - 2 (3)
:Gunnery (Mobile Armor) - 1 (1)
:Gunnery (Mobile Armor) - 2 (3)
:Education (Computers) - 1 (0+1, 0)
:Education (Computers) - 1 (0+1, 0)
:Command (Universal) - 4 [2] (3+1, 6)
:Command (Universal) - 2 [1] (1+1, 1)
:Command (Mecha) - 3 (6)
:Command (Mecha) - 3 (6)
:Command (Warships) - 2 (3)
:Command (Warships) - 2 (3)
:Conspiracy (Zodiac Combined Forces) - 3 (1+2, 1)
:Conspiracy (Sagittan Combined Forces) - 3 (1+2, 1)
:Tuneup (Special Connections) - 1 (1)

Line 193: Line 525:
'''Aleph Powers'''
'''Aleph Powers'''
==White Rose Kingdom==
===Arthur William Miles de Godsforde===
'''Player:''' Dacis<br>
:Outlier Superior (+3 Physical, +1 Wits, +1 Education, +1 Charisma, +1 Aleph, Free +1 Wits)
:Royalty (+1 Charisma, +2 Conspiracy (White Rose), High Rank, License Holder)
'''Character Points: 70'''
:Pilot: 1 (1)
:Gunnery: 1 (1)
:Aleph: 1 (0+1, 0)
:Physical: 6 (3+3, 6)
:Wits: 6 (4+1+1, 10)
:Education: 5 (4+1, 10)
:Charisma: 6 (4+1+1, 10)
:Command (Warship): 5 (15)
:Conspiracy (White Rose): 3 (1+2, 1)
:Duelist: 2 (3)
:High Ranked: (0)
:Command Ranked (13)
:License Holder: (0)
===Jason Rico===
'''Player:''' MW
:SolFed Pilot
:Full-body Cyborg
'''Character Points:''' 70 points
Rank - Mid (0)
:Pilot 5 + 2 [7] (15)
:Gunnery 5 + 2 [7] (15)
:Aleph 2 - 2 [0] (3)
:Physical 4 + 2 [6] (10)
:Wits 3 (6)
:Education 3 (6)
:Charisma 3 (6)
:Charisma: Diplomacy 2 (3)
:Education: Computer Operation 1 + 1 [2] (1)
:Physical: Big Guy 1 + 3 [4] (1)
:Tuneup: Crack Pilot 3 (6)
:Conspiracy (SolFed): 2 (3)
Jason has seen numerous conflicts, and has the battle scars to prove it; or rather, he has that body to prove
what happened in one of his past deployments where the only way to save him was to replace his body with a
cybernetic one.
:'''Made of Iron'''
Having been through multiple deployments and engagements, Jason has learned how to better use the armor of his
heavy mecha to greater benefit in shrugging off blows.
:'''Code of Honor''' (+5)
Jason will never shoot a disabled opponent nor a pilot that has ejected and is combat ineffective, much like
fighter pilots of old.
'''Personal Mecha'''
:Melee: 0
:Firepower: 5
:Defences: 3 + 2 [5]
:Speed: 1 + 1 [2]
:Special: 1 (Extended Range)
Michael Roushard - Wingmate of Jason. Piloting an Otrera.
'''Character Background'''
Jason Rico has seen many conflicts as a member of the Solar Federation armed forces. In his last conflict, his
mecha suffered critical damage. Through a feat equal parts heroic and stupid, he managed to pilot his frame away
from friendly forces before it went critical. During ejection, the suit went critical, and he was badly injured
in the blast. Higher ups deemed it prudent to rehabilitate Rico, but that rehabilitation took the form of a new
cybernetic body. He is still coming to terms with his new existance, but his sense of duty is no less than it was
[[category:More Robot Wars]]

Latest revision as of 21:10, 18 July 2011


Adam Maryam

Player: Peel
Captain Adam Maryam is a respected veteran of the System War and one of the last S-Class transhumans to be created with no Aleph capability. Despite this handicap he has excelled in all fields of human endeavour from suit piloting to (anonymous) political commentary, and been rewarded with command of the prestigious Blue Canaries squadron of INTACT. He is a hard nosed but not totally inflexible commander who favours deliberation and forward planning, and still commands in the field to alter battleplans as needed despite his rusty skills. He is absolutely committed to the ideal of the Solar Federation, but finds it entirely too sympathetic to 'conservative' baseline interests and avoids fraternising with the lower orders.

Maryam has his sights set on command rank, and beyond that on bringing about positive reform of the Solar Federation in general.

Maryam is a tall bald man of Ethiopian extraction.

Outlier Superior (+3 physical, +1 Wits, +1 charisma, +1 education, +1 aleph)
INTACT Legate (+1 unlimited command, +1 education, +2 conspiracy (INTACT), High Rank)
Veteran (+1 pilot, +1 command (specific), -2 aleph)

Character Points: 70


Pilot - 4 (3+1, 6)
Gunnery - 4 (10)
Aleph - 0 (1-1, 1)
Physical - 5 (2+3, 3)
Wits - 5 (4+1, 10)
Education - 6 (4+2, 10)
Charisma - 5 (4+1, 10)


Charisma: Diplomacy - 1 (0+1, 0)
Command: Mobile Suits - 4 (3+1, 6)
Command: Warships - 2 (3)
Command: General - 2 (1+1, 1)
Conspiracy: INTACT - 5 (2+3, 3)
Conspiracy: Futurists - 4 (10)
Education: Politics - 1 (0+1, 0)


Intolerant: Baselines - +3

Aleph Powers


Virgil Corvid

Player: BM


The Virgo Wing made its name in the System Wars, like most famous examples of that era, by dying. Before their fatal emergence, they were an elite squad of combat suits, specializing in brutal, heavy-hitting tactics. They were mostly known for their teamwork – both their impressive coordination in battle, and their extreme personal dysfunctions outside of it. Conflicts ranging from petty rivalries, political differences, and romantic competition over the team’s single female member (who, complicatedly enough, eventually became squad leader) were thought to translate into deadly tactics, killer instincts, and the occasional act of merciless violence.

The wing consisted of Valerie Haven, the only female member and its eventual leader, a dutiful and charismatic soldier; The educated and reasonable Henry Kay, a sound tactician and the team’s liason to the brass; brash scrapper Diarmud Wilson, a hotshot with a strong affection for Valerie; pilot and mechanic Leroy Spears, Valerie’s on-and-off boyfriend; and the troubled Nathan Short, who specialized in hard-hitting close-combat.

Their act of fame, however, came from their final mission, where they were sent to prevent a devastating doomsday strike by League officer Lucille Vachelli, the pilot responsible for the war’s first colony drop. The resulting conflict – later referred to as the Wells Conflict - ended with the narrow aversion of utter destruction, but also in the mutual destruction of both Vachelli and the entire Virgo Wing. Only Haven and Spears survived, but both were severely injured in both mind and body. Valerie never recovered from the accident, and slipped into a permanent coma after three months in a mental health facility, after which she was euthanized. Leroy, not wishing to be near his damaged lover, took retirement to Earth’s Great Britain due to permanent injuries; he was found dead not six months after Valerie, stabbed in his home by a League sympathizer.

And that is where the pilot’s stories ended, with little fanfare. Their names were recorded on the Geneva Icon of Peace, the war monument in the capital; a statue was build in Diarmud’s hometown of Copenhagen in his unit’s honour; a thesis or two were written by International Relations graduates for their doctorates. But Virgo Wing had another act to play out, behind the curtain.

After the Wells conflict, the pilots’ remains were collected by the Sol-Fed military, and transferred to a group of scientists who had been monitoring the group’s missions. Their funerals were closed casket, with the official line being that there were no remains found. Valerie’s remains were turned over to them as well, and with Spears looking to live a long if sedentary life, was quietly assassinated with evidence planted to implicate League agents. His remains were finally brought to a remote facility, where the scientist had gathered all of the remains and implants left of the Wing – and their recorded brain-scans, kept from early on when they were selected for the project.

Over the course of years, the Scientists used the DNA, scans, augments, and even whole limbs in an intensive and unprecedented reconstructive process. Using cutting-edge technology and other samples collected from a wide range of pre-selected subjects, they generated something new – a single, sentient entity, composed of the genetic material of over a dozen individuals, and data from Virgo Wing’s brain-scans and cranial implants coupled with various combat algorithms. The subject – dubbed ‘Virgil’ as an ironic joke – was completed five years after the death of the last Virgo Wing pilot, awakening to sentience in a cold laboratory surrounded by his creators.

Given the last name ‘Corvid’, after the late director who authorized the project, Virgil was put through an intensive education and development regimen, to evaluate his mental and physical potential. Tests were promising – he showed complete human intelligence, capable physique, and standard empathy. Even more remarkably, tests showed an unusually high Aleph capacity, resulting in abnormal predictive and perceptive ability. However, they also noticed several troubling personality traits: bouts of emotional intensity, unusual speech quirks, and a troubling ability to forcibly override his own instincts and emotions for no apparent reason. A few of his handlers noted a possible echo of the Wing’s internal conflicts and tendencies for brutality, but this was deemed within limits.

Virgil completed his final training normally, at the Mars War Acadamy, where he graduated with distinction as a Suit pilot. His heavy genetic augmentation and cybernetic implants placed him in the S-Class category, and a cover story of him being the son of a wealthy starship magnate placed him out of suspicion to most. His early missions showed promise, and he was quickly commissioned to the counterterrorism unit INTACT.

Virgil appears to be a Caucasian man in his late twenties, with thin chestnut-brown hair, and dark blue eyes. He also has what appears to be a form of chimerism – while his face is largely unblemished, his skin is a slightly lighter shade along his upper right jawline, running down his neck. His torso is a barely-visible cross-stitch of several subtle shades of skin. Like the condition, different parts of his body have different DNA – but rather than two fraternal patterns, Virgil consists of several, altered by modification to prevent organ conflict. He has one visible implant by his right eye, which resembles a small, metallic knob protruding from the skin just above it. He is a small-boned, wiry-looking man, with a long, smooth face extended by a slightly receded hairline – he further accents this by combing his hair back, making him look slightly unsettling. His long fingers and six-foot-five height further add to this. He has a precise, gentle voice, that raises to a firm clarity.

Virgil is aware of his nature, and can’t really see how it would be a problem. He is fascinated by humans and the kinship he has with them – he considers himself one of them in most senses, noting only a difference in ‘the configuration of the mind’. An educated man, he nonetheless revels in his eccentricities – commenting blithely on various minutae that catch is interest. He is profoundly curious, to an almost oblivious degree at times. In combat, he tends to develop strange fixations on opponents, and favours a quick, unrelenting brutality.

Spending a short time as a test pilot, Virgil joined INTACT as a xeno-specialist and analyst, as well as an Aleph pilot. He is known for his acute fascination with alien artifacts, to the degree that to the degree that he recalibrated a recon drone to detect alien signals. His quarters and laboratory are littered with crystalline samples from alien sites that he studies, as a part of his placement as field analyst. This unsettling behavior only amplifies the rumours of Virgil using Aleph- and drug-assisted interrogation practices on prisoners, a controversy that began early in his INTACT career. While no formal charges have been laid, his presence tends to unsettle security officals and human-rights activists alike.


Seraph (+2 Physical, +2 Aleph,, +1 Education, +1 Wits, +1 Charisma, +1 Conspiracy: Seraph)
INTACT Censor (+1 Education, +5 Aleph Points, +2 INTACT Conspiracy)

Character Points: 70


Pilot - 3 (3, 6)
Gunnery - 3 (3, 6)
Aleph - 7 (5+2, 15)
Physical - 4 (2+2, 3)
Wits - 5 (4+1, 10)
Education - 6 (4+2, 10)
Charisma - 4 (3+1, 6)


Pilot: Melee - 1 (1)
Wits: Multitasking - 1 (1)
Education: Electronic and Data systems: - 1 (1)
Education: Alien Technologies - 1 (1)
Command: Mobile Suits - 1 (1)
Conspiracy: INTACT - 4 (2+2, 3)
Conspiracy: Seraph - 4 (3+1, 6)
Tuneup: Engineer - 2 (2, 3)


Rival (Onee-chan I'll avenge you!!)


Cybernewtype - -4
Obsession: Aliens - +3
Renegade Interrupt - +4

Aleph Powers

  • Total Points: ?+5
Newtype Flash (free)
High Level Control (free)
Spatial Awareness (2)
Empathic Detection (1)
Telepathy: (3)
Telepathic Scan (4)
Illusion (4)
Empathic Manipulation (4)
Body Control (3)

Mobile Suit

Name: Medea
Stats: (14 + 2 Tuneup)
Melee: 3
Firepower: 3
Defense: 3
Speed: 4
Special: 3 (Aleph Matrix, Aleph Bits, Electrified Towline)
Melee Standard: Alpha Knives (bit-propulsion)
Ranged Standard: Plasma Cannon

Isis Vantes

Player: FBH

Seraphim (+2 bonus to Physical +2 Aleph +1 Education, +1 Wits, +1 Charisma +1 Seraphim Conspiracy)
INTACT Legate (+1 Unlimited Command, +1 Education, +2 INTACT Conspiracy and High Rank )
Trait: Rival

Character Points: 70


Pilot: 3 (6)
Gunnery: 3 (6)
Aleph: 6 (10)
Physical: 6 (10)
Wits : 5 (10)
Education: 5 (10)
Charisma: 5 (10)


Piloting (Seraphim suits) 2 (3)
Gunnery (Seraphim suits) 1 (1)
Education (Politics) 1
Charisma (Diplomacy) 1
Unlimited Command 2 (1 point)
Command (Mecha) 3 (6 points)
Conspiracy- INTACT 4 (1 points)
Conspiracy -Seraphim 4 (6 points)
Tune up -Engineer 1 (1 points)


Licence Holder 4
High Ranked 0
Intolerant (Baselines) -3
Obsession (Seraphim interests) -3
Code of Honor (Stay true to a sworn word, never kill a disabled enemy, lead by example, protect those under your command) -5

Aleph Powers

Susannah Raskanos


Seraph(+2 bonus to Physical +2 Aleph, +1 Education, +1 Wits, +1 Charisma, +1 Conspiracy(Seraphim))
INTACT Lictor (+2 Pilot, +1 Gunnery, +1 Charisma (Diplomacy) and +1 Conspiracy (INTACT))

Character Points: 70


Pilot - 6(4+2,10)
Gunnery - 6(5+1,15)
Aleph - 4(2+2,3)
Physical - 5(3+2,6)
Wits - 5(4+1,10)
Education - 4(3+1, 6)
Charisma - 5(4+1, 10)


Charisma: Diplomacy - 1
Conspiracy: INTACT - 1
Conspiracy: Seraphim - 1
Education: Electronic warfare - 2(3)
Command: General - 2(3)
Command: Mecha - 1(1)


Code of Honor(Good Behavior) - +5
Mid Rank - 5

Aleph Powers

Newtype Flash - 2
High Level Control - 3
Peak Senses - 1

Carys Jernigan

Carys Jernigan is a well-recognized INTACT sharpshooter from the popular SolFed colonies on Luna. She was orphaned in her early teens by a terror incident, leaving herself as the sole surviving member of the Jernigan family. She entered the SolFed military and became recognized as an extremely proficient sniper in mobile suit and commando operations, and was subsequently selected as an INTACT candidate.

Her family were originally staunch supporters of the SolFed government, and after the passing of her parents, Carys diverted much of the funds gained from residuals and investments to INTACT. Although she intended to support the organization out of a sense of duty and a vague hope that it might help in the prevention of any further threats of terror to SolFed citizens, it ended up netting the junior Lictor a degree of prestige unusual among the newly admitted.

She is a fair skinned girl with dark brown hair, light freckles on her face and crystal blue eyes, with an average-looking build.

Player: Exhack

Outlier Superior

Character Points: 70 points


Pilot 4+2 [6] (10)
Gunnery 4+1 [5] (10)
Aleph 4+1 [5] (10)
Physical 2+3 [5] (3)
Wits 4+2 [6] (10)
Education 3+1 [4] (6)
Charisma 3+1 [4] (6)


Charisma (Diplomacy) 0+1 [1]
Command (Mecha) 2+0 [1] (3)
Sniper 4+0 [4] (10)
Conspiracy (INTACT) 3+1 [4] (6)
Tune Up (Special Connections) 4+0 [4] (10)
All units assigned to Carys by INTACT are equipped with Funnels, an RF Sniper Beam Cannon and given a distinctive optics enhancement that resembles a drop-down visor. (+3 Firepower, +1 Special (Funnels))


Damaged Goods +3
Adventurous +3
Obsession (Gun Nut) +3
Code of Honor (Never leave a man behind, never.) +5

Aleph Abilities

Peak Senses
Spatial Awareness
Newtype Flash
Limit Break
High Level Control

Ramael Ashlion

Player: Kerrus

The Director of the Special Project Testing division of INTACT, Ramael Ashlion is a veteran of the War, and an ace mecha pilot- although he excels at the management of resources, time, and other materials, a skill that has seen him move from low level pilot, to engineer, to test pilot, to management, and eventually to his current position. Not an office man by any stretch, Ramael prefers to 'slum it' with the rank and file, better to keep an ear to any gossip and expand his network of contacts.

A competent pilot, Ramael pilots a machine optimized for electronic warfare, and often uses it to test out the latest designs or developments from special project testing. Ramael is accompanied by a three man element as befitting his rank.

While Ramael is generally an level headed even handed individual, he has a particular distaste for those who believe that they can survive in war on pure guts and fighting spirit. While he has nothing particular against self belief, he has seen too many machines destroyed by so called 'hot blooded' pilots, pushing them past their limits, resulting in needless deaths and destruction of property. A particularly memorable event was the loss of half his wing during the system war, when a particularly 'hot blooded' pilot overrode reactor safeties in order to squeeze out just one more erg of performance. The resulting detonation killed many of Ramael's friends and left the then young man with a cold hatred of those such pilots, regardless of rank or faction.

Age: 62
Appearance: Despite his chronological age, Ramael's biological clock is stopped at his prime. Appearing a particularly fit young man, Ramael has black hair and striking grey-green eyes.


Pilot: 4
Gunnery: 4
Aleph: 0
Physical: 5
Wits: 4
Education: 4
Charisma: 4
Conspiracy (INTACT): 5


Charisma-Diplomacy: 1
Command (Universal): 1
Command (Mecha): 4
Tuneup-Special Connections: 5 (Ramael adds screen launchers, a flash field, enhanced sensors, +1 firepower, and +1 defenses to any suit he pilots)
Pilot-Prototypes: 2
Education-EWAR: 2
Education-Politics: 1


Outlier Superior
High Ranked
Intolerance: Hot Blooded

Odysseus RK Custom

Melee 2
Firepower 3
Defenses 4
Speed 4
Special 6


Scarlet Curtain ECM Field (3 points)
Anti-Energy Screen Launcher (1 point)
Enhanced Sensors (1 point)
Flash Field (1 point)


Melee: Alpha-Lance
Ranged: Railgun


Muriea MacRisa

Player: Mal
Character Points: 70

Genotype: Baseline (Sadface)
Career: Blazing Star of Jupiter (+2 Pilot, +1 Gunnery, +1 Charisma (Blazing Star of Jupiter) and +1 Conspiracy (Neo-Jove))
Badass Normal (+1 Pilot, +1 Gunnery, -2 Aleph)
No Such Thing As Overkill (-1 Melee)
Paragon Interrupt
Total: (+3 Pilot, +2 Gunnery, +1 Charisma (Blazing Star of Jupiter), +1 Conspiracy (Neo-Jove), -2 Aleph)

Stats [74] (1 spare)

Pilot 7 [10]
Speed of Blazing Star 1 [1]
Gunnery 8 [21]
No Matter the Numbers! 1 [1]
Aleph 0 [3]
Physical 2 [3]
Wits 3 [6]
No Matter the Odds! 3 [6]
Education 1 [1]
Charisma 4 [10]
Blazing Star of Jupiter 2 [1]
Somehow Cute 1 [1]
Conspiracy (Neo-Jove) 1 [0]
Tuneup (Crack Pilot) 4 [10]
Muriea flies so hard and is such a great shot that she adds +2 Firepower, +2 Speed, and a custom paintjob to anything she flies.

Extras [-5]

Type Master (Alephs) [3]
Adventurous [-3]
Code of Honor (Granny Always Said) [-5]

JMS-216 Winged Knightress W.Nr.1818 (2nd generation general purpose mobile suit)

Melee: 1 (PVP sword; rarely used)
Firepower: 5 (Starlight megaparticle rifle)
Defense: 2 (late-war Jovian armour composites)
Speed: 5 (Stardust particle drive)
Special: 0

A comprehensive upgrade of the mid-war JMS-17 Knightress, the JMS-21 Winged Knightress was a balanced machine meant for general combat under most conditions, and among the most common Jovian late-war suits. Its main upgrade over its predecesser was the Starlight megaparticle rifle, a powerful weapon that served as its main armament. This weapon was considered superior to anything to be found on a standard Otrera but the Winged Knightress was somewhat less well armoured. Numerous examples of the suit survived the conflict, both via capture by SolFed forces and in the hands of forces that successfully fled to the outer rim. Aside from the fatal shot the cockpit that killed the original Rising Star, the ace's personal machine (Work Number 1818 with red-and-white custom colours) ended the war in good condition. Irrelevantly victorious in their sector of combat, the Star's wingmates recovered her machine for sentimentality's sake and smuggled it out of the inner sphere amidst the general retreat of Jovian forces. The suit subsequently slept under a canvas in a warehouse somewhere for over three decades until refurbished for Muriea's use. In the Blazing Star's hands, the aging workhorse is pushed to its absolute limit in terms of thrust and effective firepower.


Karine is a full-body catgirl assigned to Muriea as bodyguard and long distance supporter since the Zeta Leporis incident where she was key in the delivery of the ace's new suit. Although a prolific temptress (with a particular penchant for (in)appropriate lingerie), Karine seems to find Muriea's cute-and-clueless baseline girl condition to be most in line with her tastes and hence spends much off-duty time trying to get both of them under the same sheets at the same time. Though she is not a combat pilot (and not particularly fond of finicky giant machine things), Karine's unassuming mash-up mecha provides Muriea with invaluable long range support, primarily in the form of FC telemetry and well placed artillery pods. She is much more capable when outside of a robot, possibly because she is a robot herself, and also seems to know a lot more than she lets on.


Genotype: Full-Body Cyborg (+2 Physical, +3 Physical (Android Girl), +1 Education (Computers), +1 Conspiracy (???))
Career: Special Forces (+1 Physical, +1 Physical (Catlike), +1 Wits (Alertness), +1 Smarts (Security))
Traits: none
Total: (+3 Physical, +3 Physical (Android Girl), +1 Physical (Catlike), +1 Wits (Alertness), +1 Education (Computers), +1 Conspiracy (???))

Stats [50]

Pilot 1 [1]
Gunnery 0 [0]
Aleph 0 [0]
Physical 7 [10]
Android Girl 3 [0]
Catlike 1 [0]
Wits 4 [10]
Alertness 1 [0]
Education 3 [6]
Computer Operation 2 [1]
Charisma 3 [6]
Catgirl Seductress 3 [6]
Conspiracy (?!?) 5 [10]

JMS-207.5 Aleida + Evil Eye support pack (2nd generation spaceborne early warning, control and support mobile suit)

Melee: 0
Firepower: 0
Defense: 2
Speed: 5
Special: 1+4 (sensors and uplink, extended range support pods)

A damaged late-war Aleida stripped down and given a Sagittan-style external enhancement pack. Although its primary role is as spaceborne early warning and control, the "Eeleida" can also conduct jamming and fire missions with the appropriate equipment pods.

Yuzuha Satsuki

Major Rin Satsuki is a veteran of the Solar War who served as wingmate for the original Star of Jupiter and as mentor for the new one. After recently turning seventeen again, she retired and sent her daughter, the seventeen year old (since two years ago) Yuzuha Satsuki to serve as a sort of replacement. Yuzuha now serves as Muriea's wingmate, but only because her mother told her to. It's not like she likes the job or anything, so don't get any ideas. Unlike Muriea, Yuzuha is profoundly transhuman and thus has had no difficulty being a popular Rim netsphere model, remote learning student, kung fu fighter, and a whole slew of other things and still be a highly proficient part-time terrorist pilot. Don't get the idea that just because Muries a bit better in a robot that she's jealous. She doesn't even care.


Genotype: Outlier Superior (+3 Physical, +2 Wits, +1 Education, +1 Charisma, +1 Aleph)
Career: Evil Lictor (+2 Pilot, +1 Gunnery, +1 Charisma (Diplomacy) and +1 Conspiracy (Neo-Jove))
Traits: none
Total: (+2 Pilot, +1 Gunnery, +3 Physical, +2 Wits, +1 Education, +1 Charisma, +1 Charisma (Diplomacy), +1 Conspiracy (Neo-Jove), +1 Aleph)

Stats [50]

Pilot 6 [10]
Evasion 1 [0]
Gunnery 5 [10]
Undersize Targets 1 [0]
Aleph 4 [6]
Physical 5 [3]
Kung Fu 1 [1]
Wits 4 [6]
Education 4 [6]
Charisma 5 [6]
Charisma (Diplomacy) 1 [0]
Charisma (Model) 1 [1]
Conspiracy (Neo-Jove) 1 [0]
Tuneup (Special Connections) 1 [1]
Yuzuha's now retired and reclusive mother is usually only referenced in the background with shadowed-over eyes, but does step up to provide her daughter with +1 Special.

Extras [0]

Aleph Abilities [6]

Spatial Sense [2]
Newtype Flash [2]
Synergy (Pilot: Evasion) [1]
Synergy (Gunnery: Undersize Targets) [1]

JMS-217tsun Winged Knightress W.Nr.2530 (2nd generation general purpose mobile suit)

Melee: 2 (PVP sword)
Firepower: 3 (Starlight megaparticle rifle)
Defense: 2 (late-war Jovian armour composites)
Speed: 3 (Stardust particle drive)
Special: 1 (aleph matrix)

Yuzuha's Winged Knightress is a late-run model with a specially modified cockpit to accept an aleph matrix. It inherits her mother's wartime dark purple paint scheme.

League of Outer Stars

Y.G. Ash

Player: Shrike

Battlemanagement Director +1 Command (Universal), +1 Education (Computers), +2 Conspiracy (League Military), High Rank)

Character Points: 70


Pilot - 2 (3)
Gunnery - 2 (3)
Aleph - 0 (0)
Physical - 3 (6)
Wits - 3 (6)
Education - 3 (6)
Charisma - 3 (6)


Wits (Unexpected) - 1 (1)
Education (Computers) - 1 (0+1, 0)
Command (Universal) - 4 [2] (3+1, 6)
Command (Mecha) - 3 (6)
Command (Warships) - 3 (6)
Conspiracy (League Military) - 4 (2+2, 3)
Conspiracy (Nuclear Weapons) - 1 (1)


License Holder - 4
Command Ranked - 13

Aleph Powers


Sagittan Union

Oren Margaritifer

Player: Shrike

Omoikane (+2 Education, +1 Wits, +1 Charisma)
Battlemanagement Director +1 Command (Universal), +1 Education (Computers), +2 Conspiracy (ZCF), High Rank)

Character Points: 70


Pilot - 3 (6)
Gunnery - 3 (6)
Aleph - 0 (0)
Physical - 3 (6)
Wits - 4 (3+1, 6)
Education - 5 (3+2,6)
Charisma - 4 (3+1, 6)


Pilot (Mobile Armor) - 2 (3)
Gunnery (Mobile Armor) - 2 (3)
Education (Computers) - 1 (0+1, 0)
Command (Universal) - 2 [1] (1+1, 1)
Command (Mecha) - 3 (6)
Command (Warships) - 2 (3)
Conspiracy (Sagittan Combined Forces) - 3 (1+2, 1)
Tuneup (Special Connections) - 1 (1)


Fan Favorite - 6
Adventurous - +3
Command Ranked - 13

Aleph Powers


Outremonde Republic

Lucas Navarre

Player: G

Republic Fleet Officer (+1 Command (Spaceships), +1 Education (History), +1 Conspiracy (Republic Fleet) and Command Rank)
Veteran (+1 to Piloting, +1 Command (Spaceships), -2 Aleph)

Character Points: 70


Pilot: 3 (2+1, 3)
Gunnery: 2 (3)
Aleph: 0 (-2+2,3)
Physical: 2 (3)
Wits: 5 (15)
Education: 5 (15)
Charisma: 4 (10)


Command (General) 4 (10)
Command (Spaceships) 5 (3+2,6)
Conspiracy (Republic Fleet) 4 (3+1,6)
Education (History) 1 (0)
Diplomacy 1 (1)


Code of Honor (+5)
Command Rank (0)

Aleph Powers


White Rose Kingdom

Arthur William Miles de Godsforde

Player: Dacis

Outlier Superior (+3 Physical, +1 Wits, +1 Education, +1 Charisma, +1 Aleph, Free +1 Wits)
Royalty (+1 Charisma, +2 Conspiracy (White Rose), High Rank, License Holder)

Character Points: 70


Pilot: 1 (1)
Gunnery: 1 (1)
Aleph: 1 (0+1, 0)
Physical: 6 (3+3, 6)
Wits: 6 (4+1+1, 10)
Education: 5 (4+1, 10)
Charisma: 6 (4+1+1, 10)


Command (Warship): 5 (15)
Conspiracy (White Rose): 3 (1+2, 1)
Duelist: 2 (3)


High Ranked: (0)
Command Ranked (13)




License Holder: (0)


Jason Rico

Player: MW

SolFed Pilot
Full-body Cyborg

Character Points: 70 points

Rank - Mid (0)


Pilot 5 + 2 [7] (15)
Gunnery 5 + 2 [7] (15)
Aleph 2 - 2 [0] (3)
Physical 4 + 2 [6] (10)
Wits 3 (6)
Education 3 (6)
Charisma 3 (6)


Charisma: Diplomacy 2 (3)
Education: Computer Operation 1 + 1 [2] (1)
Physical: Big Guy 1 + 3 [4] (1)
Tuneup: Crack Pilot 3 (6)
Conspiracy (SolFed): 2 (3)



Jason has seen numerous conflicts, and has the battle scars to prove it; or rather, he has that body to prove what happened in one of his past deployments where the only way to save him was to replace his body with a cybernetic one.

Made of Iron

Having been through multiple deployments and engagements, Jason has learned how to better use the armor of his heavy mecha to greater benefit in shrugging off blows.


Code of Honor (+5)

Jason will never shoot a disabled opponent nor a pilot that has ejected and is combat ineffective, much like fighter pilots of old.

Personal Mecha


Melee: 0
Firepower: 5
Defences: 3 + 2 [5]
Speed: 1 + 1 [2]
Special: 1 (Extended Range)


Michael Roushard - Wingmate of Jason. Piloting an Otrera.

Character Background

Jason Rico has seen many conflicts as a member of the Solar Federation armed forces. In his last conflict, his mecha suffered critical damage. Through a feat equal parts heroic and stupid, he managed to pilot his frame away from friendly forces before it went critical. During ejection, the suit went critical, and he was badly injured in the blast. Higher ups deemed it prudent to rehabilitate Rico, but that rehabilitation took the form of a new cybernetic body. He is still coming to terms with his new existance, but his sense of duty is no less than it was before.