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==combat resolution==
Combat takes place between '''battle groups''' a '''battle group''' is all the units that roll together in combat, and use the same commandroll two dice 10 for each '''battle group'''. The first roll is '''attack''' the second is '''defence'''
::Zones are notional areas of the battlefield where an action can take place and the terrain is all the same type. Usually they are no more than a few kilometres across (the range of most heavy direct fire weapons)
::A group of Units on the battlefield that are subject to the same dice rolls.
::A units attack stat. Different equipment may make it different against different types of units
::A Units defensive stat, representing both armour and forceshields etc.
::The effect of fire on a unit, penalty to firepower and mobility
::The ability of a unit to move around the battlefield
::The plan a battlegroup's player gives for the group. If it is a good plan it may) give a bonus to the battle group's operation rolls.
:Terrain Bonus
::adds to a Units attack and Defence.
::A special stat representing how stealthy a unit is. Requires special equipment or training
::Gives a blanket bonus to all units across multiple zones.
:Off Map
::Weapons fired from outside the zone, usually artillery or airstrikes
:Combined Arms
::The bonus given for having more than one type of unit in a battle group. Generally + 1. Also applies to attacks mounted with the support of Off Maps
::Moving between zones for the purpose of losing suppression penalties. A successful retreat negates some/all suppression penalties but may also subject a unit to Pursuit and destruction
::Foot Troops, power armour and giant robots. Highly mobile but subject to a mobility penalty in moving between zones
::Mounted troops. Highly mobile but subject to greater suppression effects
::Tanks and Vehicles. Subject to grave penalties in some terrain
::Helicopters, Wyverns etc. Very fast and mobile, but fragile defence.
::Jets, Fusion Air Ram fliers, etc. Capable of crossing the battlefield almost instantly, but unable to loiter in a zone. Another type of Off Map.   
:Naval Units
::Ships and Land Dreadnaughts. Ridiculously well armoured but rarely get terrain bonuses of any kind
::Stuff that doesn't fit into the above, subject to their own individual rules
::Actual dead and wounded, determined by how suppressed a unit became over the course of the battle.

'''attack''' is added to firepower, or offensive ECM'''defence''' is added to stealth, or armour.  
==Basic Combat==
Two groups of units come together in a zone and attack one another both roll 2 dice ten, the first is added to firepower, the second to defenceEvery point that a unit beats the enemy defence by is a point of suppression and -1 to firepower and mobility.  

Each 1 that '''attack''' beats '''defence''' causes a loss of '''combat effectiveness''' among the enemy '''battle group''', along with potential causalities applied at the end of the battle
If a unit reaches -1 in firepower or mobility then it is suppressed completely and will be destroyed unless it can retreat.

Each 1 point of mobility gives a +1 bonus to '''attack''' and '''defence''' up to the terrains terrain value.
Mobility has three uses:
First it controls movement between zones (Roll mobility against the Zone's number to successfully move)

'''Maybe:''' <br>
Second it determines who's plan goes through in a battle of manoeuvre.  
Rolling under the best of (armour, mobility, stealth, ECM- attacking stat) allows a unit to '''save''' and take (LESS/NO) combat effectiveness.

==Combat effectiveness==
Third it allows units to exploit the terrain better, adding mobility to the terrain's bonus.
A notional measure of how combat effective a unit remains, each -1 combat effectiveness is -1 to all a units stats for the purposes of combat resolution and special actions (route/retreat possibly exceptions?)

==Stat List==
==Suggestion Note==
Armour: Passive defences (should force fields be a separate stat?) affected by material  <br>
Please don't suggest completely upending the system I've got, if you've got a criticism or whatever, tell me but try to present a solution too.
Command: At a battle group level, how well led a unit is Affected by sociology  <br>
Firepower: Guns, bombs or rockets. Affected by forces/material <br>
Mobility: how good at moving around the battlefield you are. Affected by forces/material/cosmology <br>
Morale: how well motivated a unit is. Affected by sociology <br>
Sensors: How good at looking a unit is. Affected by forces/sociology. <br>
Stealth: How good at hiding a unit is. Affected by forces/sociology. <br>
==Special Stats==
Force Field: gives flat saving throw. Affected by forces/cosmology <br>
Point Defence: does something, maybe also a flat saving through. Affected by forces/sociology <br>
====Defencive ECM====
ECM, jamming and decoys. Affected by sociology/forces <br>
Each point of ECM gives +1 to defence rolls if the unit suceeds in an ECM check
====Offensive ECM====
ECM (Offensive): ECM that burns out or otherwise attacks the enemy, requires high tech.  Affected by sociology/forces  <br>
ECM that can also work as an attack stat, may only be defended against by ECM, Sensors or force field.
Special sensors rather than just standard ones <br>
Each 1 sensors takes one away from enemy stealth, or reduces the maximum bonus a terrain can give by -1 <br>
==Different attack types==
====Fire Power Attack====
The basic type of attack, using arrows, guns, swords or whatever to attack a target. May always be attempted whatever the terrain, negatively effected by terrain with a lot of cover like Jungle/city.
====Mobility Attack====
Using Mobility to gain a superior tactical position. Stealth gives a bonus to mobility attacks, they are all but impossible in certain types of terrain (areas with little or no cover) and gain bonuses in areas with lots of cover.
====Electronic Attack====
high tech combat electronics can destroy the effectiveness of other units by knocking out their sensors and communications systems. This only really works against units who have sensors or communication systems (IE, it's not going to hurt non-magical TL2 or TL3 units bellow TL3.5... though if you have attack ECM you shouldn't be too worried about those anyway). Very high end Electronic attack maybe able to damage even low tech units (by attacking human senses directly)
==Different defence types==
===Armour Defence===
The basic form of defence armour uses the unit's passive protection to resist attacks. It maybe performed regardless of terrain, but can be hampered in thick terrain where an enemy can use mobility to attack weaker armour facings.
===Mobility Defence===
Using mobility to move out of the impact zone of an attack. This maybe impossible in terrain which is very open against direct fire, or if the enemy can adjust fire onto a maneuvering unit.
===Electronic Defence===
Using ECM, Chaff, decoys or smoke screens to defeat the enemies ability to detect you, hamper their coordination and divert their munitions. This may not work against units with low tech sensors (such as the mark one eyeball and shouting to communicate) however more advanced ECM systems can also deceive human senses. 
===Stealth Defence===
Hiding, if the enemy can't see you they'll have great trouble killing you unless they can completely saturate the zone with death. Maybe impossible in very open terrain unless high tech stealth systems are used.
==stuff that gives bonuses==
Technology <br>
Numbers <br>
Attack From flank/behind <br>
Support by air/Off map fire <br>
Combined Arms <br>
Superior Training <br>
Terrain <br>
Nowhere to Run <br>
Zones are notional areas of the battlefield in which combat takes place. In very small scale combat a zone might be a room in a house, in very large it could be an area of hundreds of kilometres.
Some units such as artillery can attack across multiple zones (unless they're very large) to move between zones a battle group must check mobility of its slowest unit (do we need a separate speed stat for highly mobile but slow units like infantry?)
Moving backwards or sideways in the line is more complicated than moving forward.
Some terrain works better for different units. Attacking with mobility is only possible for certain units in certain terrains (for instance it's very difficult to make a mobility attack with tanks on infantry in a flat desert)
List of Terrains go here.  
==Special Actions==
Special actions are things a battle group does other than attack or move between zones.  It requires the unit to roll under a particular stat
Consolidate <br>
Check: Command <br>
Regains cost effectiveness
Fight to the Last <br>
Check: Morale <br>
Trades causalities for combat effectiveness (more causalities = more combat effectiveness)
Route <br>
Check: Mobility<br>
Trades combat effectiveness for causalities (the more combat effectiveness lost the less causalities) moves between zones. Maybe bought on by a failed morale check
Retreat <br>
Check mobility <br>
Gives combat effectiveness back, reduces causalities, move back one zone.
Bypass <br>
check mobility<br>
Move past an enemy unit without being properly engaged.
==Unit Types==
Humanoid Vehicles

Latest revision as of 12:32, 27 September 2010


Zones are notional areas of the battlefield where an action can take place and the terrain is all the same type. Usually they are no more than a few kilometres across (the range of most heavy direct fire weapons)
A group of Units on the battlefield that are subject to the same dice rolls.
A units attack stat. Different equipment may make it different against different types of units
A Units defensive stat, representing both armour and forceshields etc.
The effect of fire on a unit, penalty to firepower and mobility
The ability of a unit to move around the battlefield
The plan a battlegroup's player gives for the group. If it is a good plan it may) give a bonus to the battle group's operation rolls.
Terrain Bonus
adds to a Units attack and Defence.
A special stat representing how stealthy a unit is. Requires special equipment or training
Gives a blanket bonus to all units across multiple zones.
Off Map
Weapons fired from outside the zone, usually artillery or airstrikes
Combined Arms
The bonus given for having more than one type of unit in a battle group. Generally + 1. Also applies to attacks mounted with the support of Off Maps
Moving between zones for the purpose of losing suppression penalties. A successful retreat negates some/all suppression penalties but may also subject a unit to Pursuit and destruction
Foot Troops, power armour and giant robots. Highly mobile but subject to a mobility penalty in moving between zones
Mounted troops. Highly mobile but subject to greater suppression effects
Tanks and Vehicles. Subject to grave penalties in some terrain
Helicopters, Wyverns etc. Very fast and mobile, but fragile defence.
Jets, Fusion Air Ram fliers, etc. Capable of crossing the battlefield almost instantly, but unable to loiter in a zone. Another type of Off Map.
Naval Units
Ships and Land Dreadnaughts. Ridiculously well armoured but rarely get terrain bonuses of any kind
Stuff that doesn't fit into the above, subject to their own individual rules
Actual dead and wounded, determined by how suppressed a unit became over the course of the battle.

Basic Combat

Two groups of units come together in a zone and attack one another both roll 2 dice ten, the first is added to firepower, the second to defence. Every point that a unit beats the enemy defence by is a point of suppression and -1 to firepower and mobility.

If a unit reaches -1 in firepower or mobility then it is suppressed completely and will be destroyed unless it can retreat.


Mobility has three uses: First it controls movement between zones (Roll mobility against the Zone's number to successfully move)

Second it determines who's plan goes through in a battle of manoeuvre.

Third it allows units to exploit the terrain better, adding mobility to the terrain's bonus.

Suggestion Note

Please don't suggest completely upending the system I've got, if you've got a criticism or whatever, tell me but try to present a solution too.