Nidaros: Difference between revisions

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A1) Early National (+CIP) <br>
'''Final Stats'''
A2) Mixed (+transgene, +SP) <br>
:SP: 46
A3) Hell World (A5) <br>
:SP Limit: 25
A5) Tough It Out (+morale, balls) <br>
:Population: 180 Base bonus: 90
B1) Crisis Situation (+stockpiles -> B2) <br>
:Trangene: 50
B2) Tough It Out (+doctrines) <br>
:Morale: 8
C1) Transgene Migration (+pop, +transgene) <br>
:Wealth: 400 + 90
D1) Isolated (+stockpiles -> D2) <br>
:PIP: 1450 + 90
D2) Tough It Out (+doctrines, +morale) <br>
:CIP: 700 + 90
E1) Solidarity! (-debt, -Treaty of Sirius) <br>
:Fabbers: 0
G1) House of War (+morale, +transgene, +ground doctrines, +logistics -core relations) <br>
:Delta Dust: 300
G2) Postwar Depression (+logistics, +military, +CIP, ++PIP, --Wealth) <br>
:Theta Dust: 100
G3) Giant Robots Rule (+ground doctrines, +air doctrines, +fleet doctrines, +mecha tech) <br>
:Military: 40000
ZOCU) (+mecha Tech, +mega-particle tech, +shield tech, +propulsion tech, +hangarize, - shipbuilding)
:Doctrines: 100
X) Don't Touch That! (+stockpiles, -debt)<br>
:Logistics: 100
Future Government (++ Morale, + Transgene/AI Tech)
:Global Tech Level: 18
:Applications: 100
:Stockpiles: 0
++++transgene <br>
:Debt: -1
++CIP <br>
--wealth <br>
+++stockpiles <br>
++++specific doctrines<br>
+++++specific tech<br>
+++++morale <br>
-Core relations <br>
-Treaty of Sirius <br>


Latest revision as of 22:33, 14 May 2011

System Info
Star Name:
World Name: Nidaros
Map ID:
Surface Gravity: 1.10 g
Atmosphere: nitrogen-oxygen-argon
72.5 kPa (MSL)
Other Bodies:
Population Breakdown:
Demonym: Nidaran
Alignment: ZOCU
He3 Deliveries:
Domestic He3:
Strategic Resources:
Primary Doctrine:
Effective GRT:

Nidaros is a ZOCU power with a population derived mostly of groups from Scandinavia, Finland, and the Baltic area. It became a refuge for transgenes hailing from that region during the worst of the backlash on Earth. Its culture revolves around a rediscovery of the "hardened nordic spirit" (scaled up to their appropriately unpleasant planet) as well as holding some particularly hard feelings retained towards the baselines of the core.

Nidaros was in the rear lines of ZOCU during the war and so found its military heavily engaged away from home while facing little threat itself. The need for peace was less felt there than in other parts of the alliance, securing them a place as the hardest of hardliners afterwards. This attitude has not helped the icy planet's finances at all, and the world is now something of a basket case economically. Of course, if something suddenly did happen there is no doubt that Nidaros is well prepared.



Final Stats

SP: 46
SP Limit: 25
Population: 180 Base bonus: 90
Trangene: 50
Morale: 8
Wealth: 400 + 90
PIP: 1450 + 90
CIP: 700 + 90
Fabbers: 0
Delta Dust: 300
Theta Dust: 100
Military: 40000
Doctrines: 100
Logistics: 100
Global Tech Level: 18
Applications: 100
Stockpiles: 0
Debt: -1



Mobile Weapons

OMF-06A Hoplite
OMF-06DN Huscarl
OMF-09N Jomsarissa