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Chamlek is an ancient but insular and isolated nation, on the outskirts of what was once the Alfar Empire. Home to the secretive Dryads the nation has rarely become involved in outside affairs. They were conquered by the empire after a series of very bloody and hard fought campaigns, but apparently struck some sort of deal with the Emperor. <br>
Chamlek is an ancient nation that was founded in the dim ages of the past, during the years before the Alfar Empire was founded. Many believe that Chamlek was the birth place of the Dryads or something called them there long long ago, as Dryads (regular Dryads not Iron Dryads) are rarely found outside of Chamlek save for a few small pockets. But the Dryads have ever been a secretive and insular group, and they had little to do with the Alfar Lords save for some minor trade. <br>

When the Empire began to break down and disintegrate the dryads quietly reasserted their independence, crushing the feeble resistance raised by the legions. After-wards Chamlek remained insular and for the most part uninvolved in outside affairs and politics, though at times they were drawn in or forced to become involved. Their are still tales told about the Dryad's march on the Tyrants of Urtim. And it is not uncommon to find Dryad mercenaries or adventurers, often unhappy with the insular nature of Chamlek society. <br>
This relationship, such as it was, continued under the Lord of Dar-Gorath and his Alfar Empire. While the Dryads did defend there borders they were not a warlike race, and the Emperor and his descendants really had no reason to bother them. Though there were some Dryad adventurers who fought for the Emperor as part of his legions, though they were most often found working as scouts or in similar positions. <br>

The Necromantic War changed that though. The Dryads of Chamlek are still a secretive people but they can no longer afford to be as insular and isolationist as they once were. Chamlek had been providing supplies, information, and other things to those realms facing the Necromantic armies despite the dryad's insular nature. In turn the Necromantic Army attacked, marching on the nation with a massive host and razing all in their path. <br>
The third emperor of the Five Good Emperors actually issued a decree closing the borders of Chamlek to outsiders from the empire, save those with the permission of the Dryad's High Council. This decree helped to release certain tensions and keep the peace, though it was later revoked by the Tyrant. Trade and the like was still conducted, though never in any large capacity, by trusted traders who were allowed into the forests or by Dryads who would travel to the cities outside of Chamlek.<br>

The High Constable and her forces had been preparing for a suspected attack for several years, ever since the conflict had begun to near their homelands. But even with all of their preparations they were unable to match the sheer might and number of the Necromantic host. The ground was soaked in blood as the war raged on, the necromancers slowly driving the dryads back. Within five years the black host had captured over half of Chamlek. But they were never able to take the capital city and it's precious wood node, giving the dryads a place to rally and regroup. It took another ten years of warfare to drive the necromantic host out of Chamlek, and another five years after that to clean up stragglers and other pockets of undead. But in the end the Dryads were victorious. <br>
The exact specifics have been lost to history, and if the Dryads know they are not talking, but sometime during the Tyrant's reign there was a disagreement and falling out between the Dryads and the Alfar Empire. The earlier emperor's decree was revoked and the Tyrant sent two legions into the dryad forests with orders to capture the High Council.<br>

Today they are still an insular and secretive people but the affairs of the war have forced them to become much more involved in international affairs and politics. <br>
Not a single member of either legion was ever seen again, though there are historical records of a burial mound with their standards stuck in it just outside the forests of Chamlek. Perhaps luckily for the Dryads the Tyrant was murdered/assassinated soon afterwards and his less able successor was caught up with other matters and unable to take any real action regarding the incident. There are some legends of secret negotiations of some kind between the High Council and the Tyrant's successor though.<br>
Regardless of what actually happened the Dryads turned inwards and became even more insular as the Alfar Empire began to collapse.  While they still conducted some trade etc for the most part Chamlek simply fades from the history books for next several hundred years, until the 4980's (by the Imperial Calendar). The most significant thing that involved them during this period was some tension with the Orthodox faith, caused by a few missionaries who did not understand that no means no and were turned into pincushions by the rangers when they kept trying to enter Chamlek.<br>
In the 4980's (Imperial Calendar) the new king of Utrim, a mostly human kingdom that bordered part of Chamlek, was facing significant internal discord and divisions between his people. He felt that he needed an external threat of some kind to rally his people against, a tool to unify the people of his nation pretty much. One of the targets this young warrior king chose, his first target in fact, was the so called 'monstrous' Dryads of Chamlek. In 4984 he sent an army against Chamlek, but while his army outnumbered the Dryads it was ill prepared to fight the Dryads on their home ground – the forests. The Utrimite army managed to capture a few border forts and similar positions but was soon defeated.<br>
Later in 4987 the Utrimite king personally led a second smaller army to attack Chamlek. However the Rangers ambushed his army at night while it was encamped several leagues away from Chamlek. The King was forced to retreat in shame with his remaining disorganized forces. By the early 4990's Utrim had erupted into a multi-faction civil war that would not end until the Necromantic Wars.<br>
As is traditional for them the Dryads remained neutral and fairly aloof at the beginning of the Necromantic Wars, despite serious misgivings by some including the High Ranger. But by the middle of the war Chamlek could not continue it's neutral stance. The Dryads are tree spirits, nature spirits, despite having physical bodies. In certain ways they were effected by the Necromancer Lords' use of the Tower of Life far more then other races as they are more sensitive and connected to nature then nearly any other race. Finally one of the Necromantic hosts attempted to march through the edges of Chamlek in order to flank a major Alliance army.<br>
They underestimated the Dryad's willingness to fight as well as their resolve, figuring they could march through before the Rangers could respond in force. They were wrong and the Dryads were drawn into the war on the side of the Alliance of Light. Among their other contributions, military and otherwise, several detachments of Dryad Rangers worked with other nations as scouts and skirmishers.<br>
Chamlek and the Dryads remain insular and secretive, but the ties forged during the Necromantic Wars have remained to a certain degree. They have even opened part of a border town to foreigners aka non Dryads. <br>

The Dryads of Chamlek are apparently ruled by a democratic fashion. Every ten years the Festival of the Trees of Life is held, where the Dryads return to their birth tree and give thanks/commune with them. At the same time they cast their votes for the members of the High Council, the rulers of the Dryad race. While officially any Dryad can run for election; in truth they only have a chance if they have already proven themselves as great warriors, merchants, mages, artists, etc etc. The rules are fairly simple - if you are Dryad and are not a criminal then you may vote. Non Dryads are not permitted to vote, and indeed many of the religious ceremonies carried out during the Festival are forbidden to non Dryads. <br>
Meritocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy are all words that could be used to describe Chamlek's system of government.<br>

The city of Arbor and the two towns of the nation have a similar establishment. Every Festival of the Trees of Life the inhabitants cast their votes for the town/city councils, who report to the High Council but rule over the town/city. <br>
Every twenty years the Festival of Trees, one of the Dryads most sacred and hallowed religious ceremonies/festivals, is held. Every Dryad that can return does so for the festival, which thanks and celebrates the Dryad's partner trees. During the festival they cast their votes for the next High Council, the leaders of Chamlek and the Dryad race. Any Dryad that is not a criminal may vote in the election. Outsiders, aka non Dryads, are not permitted to vote and have no say in Chamlek's government. However the Iron Dryads are generally viewed as kin and those who settle in Chamlek are given full rights and permitted to vote. Furthermore visiting Iron Dryads are not restricted like other outsiders are – IE constrained to one border town, it's surroundings, and the paths there. (among other things)<br>
The High Council consists of twelve members, formally referred to as Elders in the common trade tounge, as well as the Warden of Chamlek (who is considered an Elder but is always called Warden, not Elder). Technically any Dryad of Chamlek can run for the position of Elder. However it is pretty much impossible to win without being a well known warrior, mage, artist, etc etc. Most Dryads who become part of the High Council are elders in age as well as position. The chairman of the council, which is the senior most elder, is given the title of Speaker – though this does not really give her anymore power.<br>
The cities and towns of Chamlek are ruled under a similar system, with those local councils answering to the High Council. The Council of Trya, the border town where outsiders are permitted to live, has a position called the Speaker for Outsiders. This position, which has voice but no vote, represents the outsiders who live in Trya.<br>  

The Dryads are an all female race of Half-Human/Half-Plant tree spirits. They are much stronger and tougher then humans and other races, and can live for many centuries.<br>
The Dryads are an all female race of Half-Human/Half-Plant tree spirits, who are known for being long lived. A Dryad has the lifespan of a tree and can live for centuries, in fact Dryads are not considered mature adults until they are around a hundred years old. Not to mention that they are among the strongest and toughest of the mortal races of the world. <br>

Dryads technically reproduce by a semi-parthenogenesis system, but it is not something that is discussed with outsiders. Every once in a while a Dryad will become pregnant and her tree will bud. After about twelve months the infant dryad is born and the seed is ceremonially planted in a religious rite. As the Dryad grows the seed, the child's tree - of which she is actually a spirit, will sprout and grow alongside the dryad. As such Dryads have long childhoods and take a great deal of time to grow to maturity. This process can happen to any mature dryad, but having sex (with a male or a female) greatly increases the chance of it occurring. <br>
Dryads do not generally discuss their reproduction process with outsiders, but from what can be gathered they reproduce via a semi-parthenogenetic system. Every once in a while, at least two to four times over her lifespan if not more, a Dryad will become pregnant and her partner tree will produce a seed – the baby's partner tree. After twelve months of gestation an infant dryad is born and is introduced to her tree in a special religious rite, during which the seed is planted. As the Dryad grows the seed, her partner tree, will sprout and grow right alongside her. She is actually the spirit of her partner tree. This process can happen to any mature dryad, but having sex (with a male or a female) greatly increases the chance of it occurring. It is uncommon for the process to occur in a dryad who is not yet a hundred years old but it does happen from time to time – especially depending on what kind of tree she is a spirit of.<br>

It is one of the highest honors a Dryad can grant to invite a person to attend the planting ceremony of their child's birth tree, which is considered to be extremely private. Crashing etc one of these is very rude and is widely considered grounds for a blood feud. <br>
The religious rites and ceremony surrounding the introduction and planting of the seed is considered to be a very private matter. One of the highest honors a Dryad can pay to another person (another Dryad or an outsider) is to invite them to the ceremony. Knowingly crashing one of these ceremonies is taken extremely seriously and could very well start off a blood feud.<br>

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*90SP For Military  
*90SP For Military  
*Total Upkeep: 388 gold, 932mana
*Total Upkeep: 388 gold, 932mana
Chamlek has a small but elite military under the command of an elder with the title Warden. The Warden is the only member of the High Council not elected by the other Dryads, instead she is chosen from the senior Rangers by the High Council on the advice of the previous Warden. Generally it is one of the previous Warden's seconds/lieutenants, a senior and experienced Ranger-Captain. <br>
Dryad soldiers are known as Rangers, and are well trained fighters who use their knowledge of and ties to nature to aid them in combat. They are generally deployed in small 100 man units called bands, which are led by a Ranger-Captain. When more then one band works/fights together then overall command rests with the senior-most Captain, or whoever the Warden appoints. <br>

'''''The Chamlek Army: <br>'''''
'''''The Chamlek Army: <br>'''''
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Certain Dryads, those most attuned to their spiritual side and their link to nature, are chosen for training as potential Sages - the tree-speakers and magic users of the race.<br>
All Dryads are tree spirits, aka nature spirits, and have a spiritual and magical link to nature and life. This bond or link is stronger in some Dryads then in others, and those with the strongest bonds to nature will often find themselves called to walk the path of the Sages - the magic users and nature speakers of the Dryad race. Once they have finished their apprenticeship (which can last for well over seventy five years) they are initiated into the Third Circle and given the title of Shaman. If they feel the call and wish to they may undertake the trials to enter the second and first circles of Dryad magery - the Druids and Sages.<br>


Revision as of 21:12, 28 September 2009

Politics and Religion
Capital: Arbor
Religion: Primarily Kamyu-To, with a few pockets of Old God worship
Government: Democracy/Meritocracy
Population and Economy
Population: Dryad
Tax Revenue:


Chamlek is an ancient nation that was founded in the dim ages of the past, during the years before the Alfar Empire was founded. Many believe that Chamlek was the birth place of the Dryads or something called them there long long ago, as Dryads (regular Dryads not Iron Dryads) are rarely found outside of Chamlek save for a few small pockets. But the Dryads have ever been a secretive and insular group, and they had little to do with the Alfar Lords save for some minor trade.

This relationship, such as it was, continued under the Lord of Dar-Gorath and his Alfar Empire. While the Dryads did defend there borders they were not a warlike race, and the Emperor and his descendants really had no reason to bother them. Though there were some Dryad adventurers who fought for the Emperor as part of his legions, though they were most often found working as scouts or in similar positions.

The third emperor of the Five Good Emperors actually issued a decree closing the borders of Chamlek to outsiders from the empire, save those with the permission of the Dryad's High Council. This decree helped to release certain tensions and keep the peace, though it was later revoked by the Tyrant. Trade and the like was still conducted, though never in any large capacity, by trusted traders who were allowed into the forests or by Dryads who would travel to the cities outside of Chamlek.

The exact specifics have been lost to history, and if the Dryads know they are not talking, but sometime during the Tyrant's reign there was a disagreement and falling out between the Dryads and the Alfar Empire. The earlier emperor's decree was revoked and the Tyrant sent two legions into the dryad forests with orders to capture the High Council.

Not a single member of either legion was ever seen again, though there are historical records of a burial mound with their standards stuck in it just outside the forests of Chamlek. Perhaps luckily for the Dryads the Tyrant was murdered/assassinated soon afterwards and his less able successor was caught up with other matters and unable to take any real action regarding the incident. There are some legends of secret negotiations of some kind between the High Council and the Tyrant's successor though.

Regardless of what actually happened the Dryads turned inwards and became even more insular as the Alfar Empire began to collapse. While they still conducted some trade etc for the most part Chamlek simply fades from the history books for next several hundred years, until the 4980's (by the Imperial Calendar). The most significant thing that involved them during this period was some tension with the Orthodox faith, caused by a few missionaries who did not understand that no means no and were turned into pincushions by the rangers when they kept trying to enter Chamlek.

In the 4980's (Imperial Calendar) the new king of Utrim, a mostly human kingdom that bordered part of Chamlek, was facing significant internal discord and divisions between his people. He felt that he needed an external threat of some kind to rally his people against, a tool to unify the people of his nation pretty much. One of the targets this young warrior king chose, his first target in fact, was the so called 'monstrous' Dryads of Chamlek. In 4984 he sent an army against Chamlek, but while his army outnumbered the Dryads it was ill prepared to fight the Dryads on their home ground – the forests. The Utrimite army managed to capture a few border forts and similar positions but was soon defeated.

Later in 4987 the Utrimite king personally led a second smaller army to attack Chamlek. However the Rangers ambushed his army at night while it was encamped several leagues away from Chamlek. The King was forced to retreat in shame with his remaining disorganized forces. By the early 4990's Utrim had erupted into a multi-faction civil war that would not end until the Necromantic Wars.

As is traditional for them the Dryads remained neutral and fairly aloof at the beginning of the Necromantic Wars, despite serious misgivings by some including the High Ranger. But by the middle of the war Chamlek could not continue it's neutral stance. The Dryads are tree spirits, nature spirits, despite having physical bodies. In certain ways they were effected by the Necromancer Lords' use of the Tower of Life far more then other races as they are more sensitive and connected to nature then nearly any other race. Finally one of the Necromantic hosts attempted to march through the edges of Chamlek in order to flank a major Alliance army.

They underestimated the Dryad's willingness to fight as well as their resolve, figuring they could march through before the Rangers could respond in force. They were wrong and the Dryads were drawn into the war on the side of the Alliance of Light. Among their other contributions, military and otherwise, several detachments of Dryad Rangers worked with other nations as scouts and skirmishers.

Chamlek and the Dryads remain insular and secretive, but the ties forged during the Necromantic Wars have remained to a certain degree. They have even opened part of a border town to foreigners aka non Dryads.


Meritocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy are all words that could be used to describe Chamlek's system of government.

Every twenty years the Festival of Trees, one of the Dryads most sacred and hallowed religious ceremonies/festivals, is held. Every Dryad that can return does so for the festival, which thanks and celebrates the Dryad's partner trees. During the festival they cast their votes for the next High Council, the leaders of Chamlek and the Dryad race. Any Dryad that is not a criminal may vote in the election. Outsiders, aka non Dryads, are not permitted to vote and have no say in Chamlek's government. However the Iron Dryads are generally viewed as kin and those who settle in Chamlek are given full rights and permitted to vote. Furthermore visiting Iron Dryads are not restricted like other outsiders are – IE constrained to one border town, it's surroundings, and the paths there. (among other things)

The High Council consists of twelve members, formally referred to as Elders in the common trade tounge, as well as the Warden of Chamlek (who is considered an Elder but is always called Warden, not Elder). Technically any Dryad of Chamlek can run for the position of Elder. However it is pretty much impossible to win without being a well known warrior, mage, artist, etc etc. Most Dryads who become part of the High Council are elders in age as well as position. The chairman of the council, which is the senior most elder, is given the title of Speaker – though this does not really give her anymore power.

The cities and towns of Chamlek are ruled under a similar system, with those local councils answering to the High Council. The Council of Trya, the border town where outsiders are permitted to live, has a position called the Speaker for Outsiders. This position, which has voice but no vote, represents the outsiders who live in Trya.


The Dryads are an all female race of Half-Human/Half-Plant tree spirits, who are known for being long lived. A Dryad has the lifespan of a tree and can live for centuries, in fact Dryads are not considered mature adults until they are around a hundred years old. Not to mention that they are among the strongest and toughest of the mortal races of the world.

Dryads do not generally discuss their reproduction process with outsiders, but from what can be gathered they reproduce via a semi-parthenogenetic system. Every once in a while, at least two to four times over her lifespan if not more, a Dryad will become pregnant and her partner tree will produce a seed – the baby's partner tree. After twelve months of gestation an infant dryad is born and is introduced to her tree in a special religious rite, during which the seed is planted. As the Dryad grows the seed, her partner tree, will sprout and grow right alongside her. She is actually the spirit of her partner tree. This process can happen to any mature dryad, but having sex (with a male or a female) greatly increases the chance of it occurring. It is uncommon for the process to occur in a dryad who is not yet a hundred years old but it does happen from time to time – especially depending on what kind of tree she is a spirit of.

The religious rites and ceremony surrounding the introduction and planting of the seed is considered to be a very private matter. One of the highest honors a Dryad can pay to another person (another Dryad or an outsider) is to invite them to the ceremony. Knowingly crashing one of these ceremonies is taken extremely seriously and could very well start off a blood feud.



  • Food: 4
  • Gold: 1550
  • Mana: 2475
  • Books: 170
  • Drafts: 15 C, 1.5 N
  • Beasts: 50 beasts

1x Elven Wilds

  • City
  • Keep
  • Wood Node

1x Elven Wilds

  • Town
  • Wizard's Towers

1x Elven Wilds

  • Town
  • Wizard's Towers

1x Elven Wilds

  • Stockade

1x Underhaven (associated with the above wilds)

  • Stockade

1x Elven Wilds

  • Town


  • 90SP For Military
  • Total Upkeep: 388 gold, 932mana

Chamlek has a small but elite military under the command of an elder with the title Warden. The Warden is the only member of the High Council not elected by the other Dryads, instead she is chosen from the senior Rangers by the High Council on the advice of the previous Warden. Generally it is one of the previous Warden's seconds/lieutenants, a senior and experienced Ranger-Captain.

Dryad soldiers are known as Rangers, and are well trained fighters who use their knowledge of and ties to nature to aid them in combat. They are generally deployed in small 100 man units called bands, which are led by a Ranger-Captain. When more then one band works/fights together then overall command rests with the senior-most Captain, or whoever the Warden appoints.

The Chamlek Army:

  • 20x Rangers (Common Magic)
  • 4x Light Artillery
  • 1x Treeship
  • 1x Sage (Life)
  • 3x Druids (Spheres undecided)
  • 8x Shamans (spheres undecided)

Regular Troops

Chamlek Rangers
Type: Men At Arms
Weapon: Alfar Longbow (Sorcerorous Arms, Brute Force, Explodium, Admantium)
Weapon: Long Sword (Admantium, Alfar Blades)
Armor: Skirmisher Armor (Barrier Jacket)
Training Cost: 290 gold, 340 mana
Upkeep: 10 gold, 20 mana
Additional Equipment: 5 books, Common Magic

Chamlek Light Artillery
Type: Concussion Bow
Carriage: Small Artillery Carriage
Armor: Battle Plate
Training Cost: 210 gold, 200 mana
Upkeep: 40 Mana

Type: Skyship
Armor: Wood Cladding and Buffer Cladding
Weapons: 2x Culverins, 1x Concussion Bow
Enchantments: 2x Admanitum Casing (Culverins), Admantium Armor
Construction Cost: 790 gold, 1540 mana
Upkeep: 60 gold, 76 mana

All Dryads are tree spirits, aka nature spirits, and have a spiritual and magical link to nature and life. This bond or link is stronger in some Dryads then in others, and those with the strongest bonds to nature will often find themselves called to walk the path of the Sages - the magic users and nature speakers of the Dryad race. Once they have finished their apprenticeship (which can last for well over seventy five years) they are initiated into the Third Circle and given the title of Shaman. If they feel the call and wish to they may undertake the trials to enter the second and first circles of Dryad magery - the Druids and Sages.

Type: Archmage
Magic Sphere:
Construction Cost: 200 Books, 500 Mana
Upkeep: 20 Gold, 80 Mana

Type: Master
Magic Sphere:
Construction Cost: 40 Books, 300 Mana
Upkeep: 20 Gold, 40 Mana

Type: Adept
Magic Sphere:
Construction Cost: 10 Books, 100 Mana
Upkeep: 6 Gold, 12 Mana