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Latest revision as of 13:02, 4 May 2020

Not general reference guide some changes have occurred

Osiris Sector

The Osiris sector was at one point closet extent of the Pleadian Empire to Taranis. The late Empire had no intention of seriously contesting the bulge that Osiris made into Republic Space as such an effort would be too costly. The worlds were thus chronically underdeveloped and militarized which had ironically caused them to be left alone when the war came. The six worlds of the Osiris Sector could one day be a major power center like Taranis, but the main problem is the infighting has kept their attention closely to themselves. The worlds operate orbital monitors and escorts, and do build new Mortarheads, but nowhere to the extent that Taranis power could.

Isis: Isis is home to six mega cities, each ruled by a baron dating back to the days of the Empire and each claiming to rightful heir to the Satrap-King's throne. The planet is rocky cold desert world more similar to Mars than it is to Earth and is notable for the ingenious zian xenoforms that live as slaves on the planet. A common feature of recent century has been the development of the flower wars in which ritualized battle between Mortarheads take place over locations in between the mega-cities. The largest of the cities, of Mantrini and its Baron Kline has raised eyebrows by its expansion of normal conventional armies and hiring of off-worlder mercenaries.

Horus: Is a Earth like world of ten small continents, divided up by hundreds of nation-states and two power blocks. The Noble Alliance based out of Saryne City-Cathedral, and the Alliance for Advancement of Mankind, a communist revolutionary league. The AAM is notable for never deploying Mortarheads calling them weapons of the Imperialistic Butchers, and stated its policy is to nuke a Mortarhead if they cross the border. Adding onto the tension is the growing space race between the two sides and recent development (or if you ask the Noble Alliance acquisition) of a first generational battlewagon of suspicious Taranian design.

Osiris: Was once a city planet, which saw it suffer greatly during the fall of the Empire. Food and water shortages plus the limited orbital bombardment on power generation had saw the planet enter into a sharp decline. Today small neighborhoods of the city planet are still inhabited at various degrees of tech level, but most of the city is starting to get reclaimed by the planet's native life, giving the city planet a weird lush green look to it. Scavengers have been picking at the planet since the fall and still find it a hot zone to target.

Ra; Ra was terraformed early in the planetary life cycle and all land is formed in a single super continent that will come apart in the current geological epoch, which many says is metaphor for the political unity it has. Currently its under the sway of the greatest Satrap-King it had ever seen Shardmisar the XXXX, who reunified the planet against the rebellions barons by challenging them to single combat via Mortarhead fights. However succession laws and his old age are threatening to hand the planet to his oldest nephew who many claim is simply not mentally suited for the job being careless psychopath, however lacking any viable male heirs other than him, he's hampered by the laws which if he touches would spark another rebellion, one which he is too tired to put down. His other major problem is that he has seven daughters all of whom are popular and quite capable of taking the throne if they had an army to back them, and sadly for Ra, there are plenty of barons willing to back them. Thus the king who is on his deathbed is only one heartbeat away from causing a massive civil war.

Thoth; Another cold Mars like world in orbit around a Jovian world is home to the Federal Union of Thoth, a dystopic dictatorial state that has all citizens working every day at the whim of its mercurial and capricious leader Sandila DeChause, who has maintained her grip on power for over a hundred years through use of her own inherent and strong psionic powers as well her dedicated corp of thought police known as the Scanners. Thoth is currently building up its basis to support construction of battleships to deal with the other inhabited world around the same gas giant known as Shu which is a small terraformed moon that is home to fifty barons all of whom have their own Mortarheads, and a wide number of auto-factories to support that number.

Enoch Sector

The Enoch Sector was a cluster of worlds that was settled before the Republic's border expanded this far out. During the Crisis of the 22nd Century, a long range jump colony mission had been launched at the behest of the Church of God's Redemption, which had believed God's Judgement had occurred the worthy souls had been taken to heaven leaving behind the damned who could be saved by a new Prophet Alexander. Striking as far as they could go the colony set up thriving techno-theocratic nation on the world of Enoch and by the Star Patrol Pacification Forces had arrived, they had found a thriving mini-empire of five worlds. Shrewd negotiations between the Star Patrol Legate and the Patriarch of the Church, saw the inclusion the worlds of Enoch, as semi-autonomous sub-sector that would be allowed to maintain native control in return for limitations of warships and Mortarheads, including the statue that the Patriarch's Guard was allowed a standing force of 200 Mortarheads. After the fall of the Republic, the Enochian Church has fragmented as the worlds slid into decay. Today the Supremacy of the Patriarch is given lip-service to by all the Faithful but actual respect depends on the worlds, the Faith was used as a societal memetic agent by Star Patrol in known space and every world has or had significant portion of believers. Ironically it is Star Patrol's old treaties with the Church that has kept the Patriarchs from taking advantage of their strong position to rebuild its FTL Fleet and use its army of Mortarheads to expand the Light of God across the cosmos.

Enoch: A world terraformed to Earth like conditions, with slightly stronger gravity. Home to over three billion faithful living in seven cathedral arcologies with several small villages and local temples dotting the wilderness between. Ruled as absolute theocracy by the Patriarch (currently Serguis the IV), it also maintains a strong in-system fleet of orbital monitors with small squadron of jump capable frigates that it was allowed for protection of interstellar missions. Currently the Serguis is on his last legs and a bitter fight has emerged among the prelates on who will succeed him.

Bataivah: Bataviah's is a land of oceans and tiny islands. There was once was a artificial city-island of Istan that had served as the grand cathedral to the planet, but it was sunk during a revolt and counter-fire from orbit, during the fall of the Republic. Without the centralize industry of Istan, civilization has generally downgraded despite efforts of the small merchant marine of Enoch. Now most of the island exist in an anachronistic golden age of sail tech level with the priests being educated off-planet at Enoch. There is no centralized governments but thousands of petty clans who fight each other all the time.

Raagiosl: Raagiosl had been home to 9535th Star Patrol Peacekeeping Fleet and several divisions of Mortarhead Units kept in the middle of the vast deserts of the central super continent of the planet away from the locals. The Faithful of Raagiosl had always considered it a betrayal for it to be the planet to house the local Star Patrol forces and relations between two were never good. During the Fall, radicalize sects of the Faithful had infiltrate into the bases and had set off suicide conversion bombs, purging the unclean influence from the planet and causing the planet to suffer a neara biblical planetary superstorm that lasted for a over a year and with nuclear winter that lasted decades after prompting a mass die off. Today much of Raagiosl is abandoned, slightly radioactive and full of hostile tribes of barbarians who ply the wrecks and fight against the fortified cathedral redoubts on the coasts.
Update: Home to an corrupted AI and Star Patrol autofacs

Iczhihal: Iczhihal is a world of three main states occupying three main land masses at late industrial era tech base. Like Bataivah the planet had lost its key components to maintain civilization with Star Patrol fell, but the components they needed had come from off-world, and so they declined sharply. However, relief efforts by the Enochian Church helped ease the pain, as they settled into comfortable if poor life as agriculture planet taking advantage of super grains from Enoch's seed vaults they had never disclosed to Star Patrol. Since then they have been climbing back up the tech ladder. Politically the planet had been under single rule of a Enochian Cardinal, but for the six decades, planetary religious sect politics has seen the various local sects all claim to have the prelate's seat and have become balkanaized two land masses that most of the population lives on.

Edlprnaa: Is story like Iczhihal however, the planet has remained primarily an agriculture world with few cities. The local Faith had taken the idea that the technology is polluting the soul and so encourages the status quo. A few cities exist outside of the framework where they have reached industrial age tech level, but are minority of the population and unwilling and unable to have the manpower it would take to quell a revolt for what their easy conquest could bring.

Anodoin: Was the last of the Enochian worlds, it was first settled during the negations of the Church's entry into the Republic. It was never terraformed and is hot desert world with a taint to the atmosphere. What makes its a value is the fungus that grows in the sand that has great deal of biomedical uses. During the Republic period it had been used as a dumping ground for political prisoners and today there is couple of civilizations on the planet. The first is the Company Towns where the old mining bases used to be under control of local oligarchy that styles itself the Planetary Corporation, they have maintained access to space, though lack the infrastructure to build any sizeable forces. The second is the sand-stalkers, the tribals who live in the harsh wastes, and the third is the Monasteries, effectively high tech fortresses where monks of Enoch go to pray.

Marduk Sector

The Marduk Sector was a cluster of worlds was settled very quickly by the Republic to block a perceived threat of Imperial expansion based out of Osiris. When the Empire cease putting resources into Osirirs, the Republic also effectively abandoned Marduk as well, keeping only enough enough forces there to keep Enochian Church and the any local Imperial forces honest. The result was mixture of half-terraformed worlds that already on the verge of decay during the Late Republic fell into total technobarbarism with the exception of Ishtar during the Fall.

Marduk: Of the worlds of this cluster, Marduk was the best candidate for terraforming, the planet had several factors working against it least of which like Mars it had a weak magnetic field around it which needed to composited with the advance terraforming systems which had only been half installed before resources were redirected to more pressing matters elsewhere in the Republic. The subsequent malfunction of the remaining terraformers has resulted in the planet being scorched by radiation from the two binary suns of the system. Most of civilization lives underground in primitive conditions in natural caves relying on jury-rigged life support systems to keep alive. If not for relief effort of the Enochian Church, the population would have been nearly killed off after a general war between the warrens over a crashed Star Patrol Medical ship escalated. Most warrens run a command economy and are deeply paranoid of each other as well off-worlders and run a hodgepodge of military equipment they salvaged from the myriad of old army garrisons left on the world.

Ishtar: Most life on Isthar lives at the poles of the planet where the temperature is cool enough to support human and Earth based plant life. Bigger than Earth, there is sizable amount of real estate on the polar regions and constant terraforming decreases the deadly heat band by each passing decade. Ishtar is home two late information early solar age nations states on each pole who despite themselves find themselves often at odds with each other in their space race. Heavily militarized in the field of orbital monitors they surprising lack headliners and thus their armies have entirely no Mortarheads.
Update: Now the Ishtar Federation. Go Uchuu Senkan Rin-Sin
Nergal: With their advance and mobile terraformer systems failing a group of Nergal engineers attempted to jury rig the failing reactors with a crashed Star Patrol battleship reactor. They succeeded in keeping power, but in the process scrambled the programming. Nergal is now home to several dozen self replicating terraforming engines that randomly change the environment. The planet is now thankfully inhabitable, but civilization if it exists needs to be mobile as city that has been built up in span of a few decades is turned into a desert along with the rest of the surrounding countryside by a renegade crazed mobile city block size robot. Further hampering civilization is the engines building secondary defense bots to protect them, and thus an increasing plague of killer robots is also moving across the planet ready to destroy anything that is in the way of their master. The one positive feature is that planet a lot of exotics that was buried deep down in the crust that is now on surface for easy mining if the miners could deal with the hostile wildlife.

Anu: A heavy mining world and major base port for the Star Patrol, its one of the most unique of the major inhabited worlds of the local region by its nature as a hallowed out moon. Service robots along with the occasional Enochian Church relief team maintains the rugged life support system, while a tribal based society lives their lives never seeing the sky, warring with each other for increase room to house their expanding population. Descended from the servitors of the Star Patrol themselves they had been socially engineered to only be servants and with the Fall, the negative memetic vectors stuck and mutated into anti-intellectual culture that is wildly at odds with their environs.

Logres Sector

The Logres Sector is a former Pleiadian sector constituting part of the Empire's front line against the Republic in the region, such as it was, so far from the core of either polity. Most of the heavy fortifications and space installations were destroyed but some civilian populations survived the crossfire, ironically ignored for how insignificant they were. Their descendants today range from relatively sedate, self-concerned ethnic states to savage space pirates and barbarians.

The thoroughly shattered hulk of an imperial Black Star type interstellar fortress orbiting the white dwarf half of a binary star system. Centrally located in the sector, Camlann is host and home to a small but thriving spacer civilization who make a living amongst the wreckage. There are junkers, wreckers, salvage specialists, shipwrights, asteroid herders, traders, hydroponic farmers and, of course, space pirates. While things have been exciting in fits and starts right up to the recent past, the three dominant space pirate coalitions (each led by a sort of pirate king, queen or mob boss) currently by and large observe a ceasefire with one another while frequently raiding anyone else they can reach, especially the nearby intrasystem world of Cymbeline for vital food, water and people.

The world of Cymbeline orbits the larger, sun-like half of the binary system opposite Camlann. It is a partially terraformed world, about the size of Venus, with Mars-like uplands but reasonably pleasant rift valleys, lowlands and lake country. Its livable areas are heavily populated with numerous ethnicities - descendents of refugees fleeing one corner of the Cataclysm or other. They have no space forces and the dominant tech level is high industrial. The defense forces of individual valley holds or small states are easily overwhelmed by even the poorly maintained mortarheads wielded by the space pirates. Logistical difficulties of moving things over the Martian uplands and ever present ethnic tensions makes cooperation difficult. However, a mysterious mortarhead dubbed the White Elephant has recently been observed on this world, appearing suddenly to fight in defense of the defenseless, only to disappear just as swiftly.

An early stage terraforming effort, Viviane was a chilly but newly watered world that has frozen over once more as terraforming lapsed following the Cataclysm. The surviving inhabitants are semi-nomadic though not necessarily primitive (or poorly armed), and survive by digging into the ice sheet for temporary living and working spaces. They also drill deeper, down into the liquid seas below, drawing up vital resources, ranging from the planet's vast fisheries to space whale larvae, sunken technology, and even stranger - perhaps older - things.

Terraformed to stability prior to the Cataclysm, the landmass of Brocéliande is now largely covered by a thick canopy, ranging from dense boreal forests at the poles and in the many mountains, to sweltering jungle and carbonaceous swamps in the tropics. Hard to observe from orbit, the world hosts a large, socially varied population though notes of their pre-Cataclysm origin or the secrets hidden by their homeworld are few and far between. While no large cohesive states exist, there are widespread coalitions of tribes and townships. Those who dwell in the highlands are perhaps the most savvy, engaging in agriculture, trade and even some industry, readily coopting technology they have been fortunate to salvage or capture. By comparison, the millions dwelling in the jungles lead bloody, primitive lives or raiding, worship and human sacrifice.

A bleak, tidally locked world of black vegetation circling a cold, red star, that occasionally bursts forth with tidally triggered tectonics and vulcanism, Ascolat is a lonely outpost of the Taranian cultural milieu. With the ability to outfit reasonably modern small ships and mortarheads, it is perhaps the most genuinely advanced world in the sector despite its small size. The margraves of Ascolat style themselves as keepers of a crusader fortress, but are mostly just harsh tax collectors collecting from a small population to support occasional forays to neighbouring worlds. In reality, the nobility here descend from those who deserted, fled or were exiled from various places during the war in Taranis fifty years ago. Some desire the chance to reenter the fold whilst others are still very, very bitter.

Feronis Sector

The Feronis Sector is a former Republic sector, some way behind the initial front lines of the conflict. Known as one of the largest industrial sectors outside of the Republic's Core Worlds, as well as for being rare in that it had a pair of worlds that were both assisted by Star Patrol 'management' rather than a single one, it suffered heavily in one of the most brutal invasions of the war. Now, small civilisations scrabble against each other amongst the ruins of scoured mining worlds and rusting industrial wastes, as pirate bands clash against each other as they plunder the last few untouched ancient shipyards.

At one point a pleasant earth-like planet, Vulconae has long since become a near-toxic world dominated by industrial ruins and seas of toxic waste. Before the war the planet was host to a massive shipyard that dominated the sky of the planet (when the ever-present smog abated, at least), but this was a priority target during the war, leading to it being utterly destroyed when the Empire's forces attacked the sector. Now, Vulconae is a very sparsely populated planet, with small bands of roving scavengers surviving by scouring the former megafactories of the last working life-support systems and other useful technology - the ground and air so utterly polluted as to make attempts at permanent settlement in any location deadly.

The second major planet of the Feronis Sector, this tiny oceanic world was settled as a 'holiday retreat' of those who had money or influence in Vulconae. Spared the ravages of industry and pollution through draconian laws, and growing rich from Star Patrol 'Investment' into what was officially the governing world of the sector, this world was in no position to stand alone when Vulconae was devastated. Then, with the ships that were defending Feronis destroyed or redeployed in the war, Pirates began to swarm. In the years since, this world has developed some minor industry of its own, but is primarily known as the 'home base' of the myriad pirate bands that raid the sector, kept relatively peaceful by treaties between the larger bands.

An incredibly large rocky world with a weak magnetosphere, Gigeon drew the attention of early prospectors for an unusually large concentration of various rare metals within its crust. When initial forays onto the high-gravity world proved bountiful, the planet became host to a veritable gold rush as major companies battled over the rights to exploit the planet. In the end, a consortium of six major companies managed to secure rights to around two-thirds of the planet, and began an operation to effectively strip-mine the entire crust. With long-term habitation of the surface unsustainable due to the high gravity, the planet's only moon soon became host to a great sprawling slum of worker housing overlooking the planet below. Now, the planet lies mostly barren, the mining operations having looted the most accessible deposits long ago and those few areas with some minerals monopolised by one of the handful of feudal powers that took over the moon when the Republic collapsed. Said powers are a mix of opportunistic traders seeking to sell their minerals to the highest bidder and insular xenophobes wary of outside powers attempting to once more loot the planet below.

A particularly large Asteroid that has been tunnelled through and reinforced, this makeshift fortress serves as the main hub of a civilisation of asteroid miners that make a living from the unusually dense field orbiting a white dwarf. While the miners that make their home here take great pains to appear as a unified front to any outsiders, internal Castarax politics are dominated by the split between those who are content with the current setup, those that push for an expansion of the fortress to allow the miners to produce their own large ships, and those that are in truth more pirates than miners, and want to use the handful of larger ships to plunder nearby states for wealth.[/spoiler]


The Aracoma Sector was one of the last sectors explored and surveyed by Taranis prior to the outbreak of the Last War. Despite its relatively new status within the Republic there would be a great deal of industrialization and development prior to the collapse; primarily upon the chief world of the Aracoma Sector Mara.

Mara: The world that would become the paramount world of the Aracoma Sector was discovered to be a rare gem in the galaxy; a world perfectly suited to support human life without any need for terraforming. Due in no small part to a mixture of dumb luck and the out of the way nature of the Aracoma Sector itself this world emerged largely intact from the Last War.
Population: The population of Mara is concentrated in a number of vast archologies, each ruled over by a Baron; though there are two Barons [Lujan Aracoma, and Seizu Xacatecas] who rule over two of these sprawling complexes each thanks to gains their houses made generations ago during a brief period of all out and open warfare.
Moons: 2 [Shatra and Szetac]
Climate and Terrain: Mara is an earthlike world that can fully support human life without any terraforming. It has 4 major continents and two vast chains of islands that may have at one point been a single continent. The world is 65% water with the rest divided into very earthlike biomes.

Anzati: The world of Anzati is a harsh barren and uninviting place that is home to human life only because of its immense and easily accessible deposits of minerals and other raw materials. While partially terraformed the world itself is still very harsh to human life and its inhabitants cannot go outside for more than an hour without requiring life support equipment.
Population: The population of Anzati has remained largely stagnant in total numbers after the collapse of the Republic and the dark ages that followed. This is due to a number of factors including the fact that in the galaxy as it stands today the sheer demand for raw materials has dropped compared to the days before the Last War.
This world is ruled over by House Anzati currently under the rule of Duke Anchindiro Anzati.
Climate and Terrain: Anzati is a world of vast swathes of flat rocky terrain with almost no surface water –and what there is of it is undrinkable without modern purification- and virtually no vegetation. Life is supported on this world only by the application of modern technologies. If those should fail Anzati’s population would quickly find themselves in dire straights indeed.
Moons: 5 [cleverly named Anzati-A, Anzati-B, Anzati-C, Anzati-D and Sulan]

Shiwanabi: The world of Shiwanabe was the last world settled prior to the fall of the Empire and was the only one to have been fully terraformed prior to the collapse. It was largely because of its stable environment, large agricultural sector and rich mining interests that saw this world receive flocks of refugees that sought to escape the collapse of the Empire.
Population: Shiwanabi is home to a number of Mega-Cities but also has a surprising number of “homestead” type villages and fiefdoms which directly support the impressive agricultural network of this world. Houses Miwanabi and Shiwanabi each rule over one half of the world after the original House Shiwanabi was divided generations ago by the first Duke, Sato. Today The “Barons” Chechwayo Miwanabi and Sozen Shiwanabi rule their lands in the place of their ancestor. Neither one will fully acknowledge the other as a legitimate inheritor of the once singular house and intermittent warfare has occurred because of this longstanding feud.
Climate and Terrain: Shiwanabi is a beautiful if somewhat colder than normal world with one massive ocean that covers 30% of the planet’s surface.
Moons: 1 [Jafar]

Kasumi: Kasumi is a cold Mars like world ruled over by the “Kasumi Federation” a tightly nit supranational body made up of the Republic of Akad, the Kingdom of Tsuran and the Republic of Crydee. Every member nation is a representative democracy of one fashion or another and it is with great disdain that they look outward upon the Monarchist worlds.
Population: The population of Kasumi is centered around the “Domes” vast specialized archologies designed to protect the colonists from the unpleasant environment that dominates the surface.
Climate and Terrain: Kasumi is much like the world of Mars save that it has several “great lakes” that were created by deliberately melting vast amounts of ice in a trio of vast meteor impact craters.
Moons: 2 [the twins of Rodric and LaMut]

Masumi: Masumi is almost a perfect twin of the world of Kasumi; a fact which earned it the similar sounding name. The surface condition and climate are where the similarities end however. Unlike Kasumi this world is not ruled over by an alliance of democratic states but instead ruled over by a regime considered cruel and tyrannical even by the standards of the old Empire. Somewhere between 60-70% of the Masumi population is made up of “servant” class citizens; slaves in all but name. A full 10% is made up of the “Warrior class” which are families bound by oaths and bonds [and severe threats should they falter in their duties] to either directly serve within the Kingdom’s armed forces or to participate in a sector of the economy that supports the Kingdom’s military. “House Masumi” is a noble house in name only and is in fact a Fascist state ruled over by the “Inner Party” which comprise a mere 2% of the population with the “High Party” being endowed with virtually all the power even within this body. The “High Party” it should be noted is made up entirely of Headliners.
Population: The population of Masumi is vast; encouraged by a mix of lack of birth control and actual breeding programs spread by the central government with the sole intent and purpose being to maintain the “Servant” and “Warrior” classes in service to the Inner Party and the “Yeomanry”.
Climate and Terrain: Virtually identical world to Kasumi
Moons: 4 [Tengu, Oiwa, Yosozume [the largest moon and one closest to an earth Luna analogue], Namahage].

Illiad Sector

The Iliad Sector had the dubious honor of being in the crosshairs of both the Republic and Pleadian Empire. The Republic settled starward in a massive asteroid belt while the Pleadians claimed a rocky Iceball of a world in the trojans Both claimed, the near jewel world nestled in the biosphere. The Republican survey team included someone with a sense of humor, love of the classical world and it turned out to be bit of prognosticator.

Homer: Homer Station is the name of the old Republican survey post it served as a military listening station but after the Great War fell to disrepair. Homer Station is located on the moon Clio one of many that orbit the huge gas giant Muse. The main station is all but abandoned today.

Priam: Priam was the main Pleiadian outpost it was never fully terraformed but the Empire did have a modest colony that went underground, to be closer to the geothermal vents as well as protection against Republican attack. After the Last War all contact was lost with Priam, for that matter the entire Iliad sector. In present time a confederation of sorts of wildcatters, smugglers, and other less savory sorts called the League of Troy have called Priam their home.

Agamemnon: This was the main Republican base and served the Star Patrol in managing the sector, well the conquest of it. At one-time home of a very large fleet, the main body was recalled early during the Last War to fight closer to home. The small caretaker force however were the most fanatical supporters of the Republic and fought with the Pleiadian garrison on Priam to the near mutual extinction of both sides. Menelaus is the largest asteroid in the Agamemnon cluster. Ajax was the home of the big fleet anchorage and yards. Most of the few million who call Agamemnon home live in the rocky warrens of Menelaus.

Achilles: Achilles is a terraforming candidate which in any other system would be well under way on the process but it was neglected as all efforts were directed to the jewel of the Iliad sector. During the war a huge battle between the Agamemnon Star Patrol remnant and the Priam garrison occurred. Many ships crashed into the surface of Achilles only to be forgotten. Curiously the survivors from both sides banded together and built crude habitats from the wreckage of their ships forming the Spartan Congress of Achilles. The SCA “Derided by some as Sword Carrying A-holes” have formed a very martial like society and hate all outsiders especially those of the former states that abandoned them. The Way of the Sword is their honor code and status is shown by the length of the blade, from tiny dirks for young Spartans in training to the run of the mill Gladius to towering Claymores and Zwiehandler for the Praetorian Stratigos and his chief lieutenants or Tribunes.

Helen: Helen is a beautiful lush world with verdant vales and towering ice capped peaks. Well that is opening of the old Republic colonization campaign flyer. At one time it fit but then the greed of man took over as both the Republic and Pleadians fought over the jewel of the Iliad. Helen is testament of why the treaty of Treaty of Taranis was created. Busters of all size were used with reckless abandon devastating the pristine world and shattering its ecosystem. By the time it was all over Helen was no longer truly suitable for human habitation. However, if the toxins and contaminates can be purified Helen may one day shine again as the crown jewel of the sector.

Odyssey Sector

A former Imperial Sector the Odyssey sector suffered terribly from the Last War but managed to avoid the worst of the Great War thanks to being largely irrelevant to the power players of that terrible conflict.

Worlds of the Odyssey Sector:
Odysseus: Odysseus was one of the first world terraformed by the Empire as part of a greater goal of settling what was then a strategically important sector between the Empire and Republic. Unfortunately for the poor souls of Odysseus this strategic importance made their once prosperous and lush world a key target during the Last War.
Today Odysseus is a barely habitable world with poisoned skies and oceans which are only able to sustain human life because of modern technology and a rigid and unbending governmental system. The people of Odysseus are raised from birth to hold no value over their own lives when compared to “the body” and as such are willing to follow orders unflinchingly and without question. The current regime that rules over Odysseus is an extremely militant fascist dictatorship known as the Myrmidons which holds the power of life and death over every single person on Odysseus.
Moons: 2 [Laertes, Anticlea]
Climate and Terrain: Odysseus is a toxic world divided into two large landmasses with most of the world taken up by toxic and polluted oceans.

Penelope: Like Odysseus Penelope was once a lush and beautiful world; a masterpiece of terraforming. When the Last War began Penelope was targeted specifically because it was a known retreat for the upper crust of the Empire. After a concentrated bombardment of buster weapons the carefully crafted environment of Penelope rapidly began to destabilize killing vast swathes of the population as unnatural storms swept the surface preceded by tidal waves taller than most skyscrapers. It took generations for the environment of Penelope to once again stabilize enough for civilization to rise.
Today Penelope is divided between independent archologies ruled over by the Tyrants who often feud with one another over the scarce vital resources that remain. 5 of them, state size trade pools
Moons: 4 [Sisyphus, Same, Ctimene, Hermes]
Climate and Terrain: Penelope is a stormy world constantly swept by hurricanes and tidal waves of immense strength. It is only because of modern technology and construction that humanity still thrives on this once idyllic world. Because of this peculiar weather the seemingly endless wars between the Tyrants has set campaigning seasons wherein the environment is stable enough for military action. Between these seasons the Tyrants must lock down their archologies and survive on whatever resources they have acquired up to that point. For the average person of Penelope life is hard, brutal and often short; filled with desperate hunger and poverty.

Circe: The world of Circe had only just begun terraforming when it was invaded in force by the Republic; by that point in the war the Empire was desperate and could not spare the forces to reclaim Circe. In the end an Imperial Admiral whose name has been stricken from history decided to destroy the Republic forces regardless of the losses that would befall the civilian population. For hours the Imperial fleet bombarded Circe with a mixture of nuclear weapons and buster cannons until the atmosphere was rendered completely uninhabitable. Ironically it would be this decision and bombardment that would reduce the Republic forces so severely in the sector that they likewise had to resort to orbital bombardment to neutralize the Imperial forces that remained thus damning Penelope and Odysseus to their fates.
Moons: 1 [Tartarus]
Climate and terrain: Circe is much like the world of Venus with the only habitation existing underground in vast sprawling slums ruled over by warring tribes that no longer have the technology to journey to the surface despite having airlocks designed to allow their ancestors to do just that.

Telemachus: Telemachus was home to a small collection of colonies which managed to avoid any real attention during the Last War and as such emerged unscathed from that hellish war. Today Telemachus is home to the Telemachus Union; a collection of Baronies that work together in the Union Council.
The Barons each possess their own fiefdoms and private armies and fleets though under the Articles of Union they are bound by oath to provide these forces to a muster if it is for the benefit of the Union. Using their comparatively advanced fleets, armies and their precious few mortarheads the Union has managed to seize resources necessary for survival from what they call the “outlands” –the rest of the sector- which has at times included raids onto Circe and Poseidon.
Moons: 0
Climate and terrain: While Telemachus itself is a barren and dead world it has ironically become the best place within the Odysseus sector for the average person thanks to the vast domed colonies and subterranean megacities and infrastructure that make life surprisingly comfortable.

Poseidon: Poseidon is an ocean world that began as an Imperial agricultural world as the vast sea farms it could support provided abundant food stock for the growing populations of the Empire. When the Last War came these farms were targeted and largely burned away by Republic forces after their disastrous losses at the Battle of Circe. Luckily for the people of Poseidon the Republic fleet that had been bombarding them was driven away before it could inflict permanent damage on the ecology of this delicate and beautiful world.
After the war Poseidon was plunged into brutal civil wars as various organizations and rulers attempted to seize control of the still viable world. It wasn’t until the first Telemachus Union invasion occurred that the infighting between the nations of Poseidon finally ended; only unified because the people of Poseidon discovered they needed to work together if they were to maintain their independence from the TU.
Today Poseidon is ruled over by the United Oceans; a loose confederation of noble families that each rule over one of Poseidon’s eight nations.
Nations of Poseidon:
Aegaeon: Ruled by Duchess Lanike Apoin
Brizo: Ruled over by the Duke Pandion Bryennios
Doris: Ruled over by Duke Xenophon Arianites
Galene: Ruled over by Duchess Thaleia Dalassesnos
Bythos: Ruled over by Duke Epistor Muzaka
Ladon: Ruled over by Duchess Arsinoe Philes
Leucothea: Ruled over by Duchess Corythia Katakalon
Oceanus: Ruled over by Duke Mygdon Skleros
Moons: 3 [Palaemon, Pontus, Tethys]
Climate and Terrain: Poseidon is an ocean world with 80% of the world covered in sprawling oceans with thousands of islands of varying size making up the only landmasses. Most of the human population lives in sprawling underwater cities built prior to the Last War while the rest maintain the surface installations such as spaceports and planetary defenses.

Yamato Sector

The Yamato sector was a strategically important Imperial Sector colonized and terraformed at great expense. As time passed however the Empire expanded and the strategic value of the Yamato Sector was significantly diminished; a fact which the people of Yamato would be grateful for as the Last War and Great Wars largely passed them by.

That isn’t to say that Yamato has been an overly peaceful place as several noble houses –tied to their Clans in the Yamato Sector- that had been bound to one another under the Empire turned upon each other after the fall of the Empire; each seeking to become the dominant clan and house.

Takeda: The world of Takeda was terraformed and settled first as the Empire spread into the Yamato Sector. Over the centuries the world of Takeda has stood as the most powerful in the sector thanks to the combination of the largest population and the riches concentration of easily accessible resources allowing this world and its ruling clan to keep ahead of their rivals militarily and industrially.
The Takeda clan; currently ruled over by Daimyo Takeda Hisato is the ruling faction on the world whose name they bear. This clan consists of the descendants of an alliance of smaller Houses who agreed to merge their bloodlines and resources and maintains rule with an iron fist.
Moons: 2 [Ishikawa, Fukisihima]
Climate and Terrain: Takeda is a paradise world with four continents and thousands of islands spread over three great oceans. The chief cities are on the continents but there are hundreds of small rural villages spread over the island chains.

Abe: The world of Abe was terraformed only enough to allow for moderately assisted human life to exist and thrive on its cold and barren surface. Resources were also difficult to find in the early days causing the colony to grow and develop slower than its sister colonies in the sector.
Today this world is ruled over by the Abe clan under the Daimyo Abe Mari the only female Daimyo in the sector. Thanks to the resource scarcity and environment of Abe making it a difficult place to live the Abe have had to operate with a strict command economy wherein every citizen is expected to serve a purpose.
Moons: 4 [Totori, Hokkaido, Iwate, Saga]
Climate and terrain: Abe is a harsh world poorly suited for human life which is what makes the iron rule of the Abe a necessity. Each mega-city must be self sufficient and each citizen must participate in that process. As such any that are too old, too sick or too weak to work must either have a relative or family that can make up the difference; or submit themselves to recycling where they will be given an honorable death that lets their body be useful for the population. [It is because of this that large extended families are common as any family that cannot support their old or sick has to watch them report to the recyclers.

Fujiwara: Fujiwara is a bizarre world and rather unique in the known universe. The terraforming of this once barren world went perfectly and due to the nature of the Yamato sector it did not suffer any harm during the Last War or Great War. Fujiwara is also a resource which world with plenty of living space; and yet its human inhabitants live within a handful of great fortress cities. Life would change for the inhabitants of Fuijawara when approximately three hundred years ago a cargo vessel carrying strange and exotic life forms crashed in the remote Akaish mountain range. One of the life forms that broke loose was a breeding group of a species of bizarre large humanoid reptiles with armored turtle like shells, vicious powerful beaks and 15.24 centimeter claws capable of tearing through armored plate. Without natural predators and being unknown to the colonists the population the population of these creatures swelled over the following decade until at last they grew so numerous that they attacked human settlements in the Akaish range in search of food. At first the clan council and Daimyo believed these attacks were merely bandits in bizarre armor or costumes dispatched regular infantry forces to deal with the threat. It wasn’t until several squads of army troopers were wiped out in the forests that the council began to take the problem seriously; by then it was already too late however.

The alien lifeforms named kappa by the locals due to their uncanny resemblance to the mythical creatures simply bred too fast and were too tough to be easily contained. A century passed as village after village was evacuated in the face of this seemingly endless tide of monstrous flesh which hatched in their tens of thousands; each one being able to take an astonishing amount of punishment before being killed and each capable of ripping an armored soldier to pieces with their claws and beaks. For decades these “kappa” grew in number and forced village after village to be evacuated as the Daimyo and Council were too busy waging wars against the other worlds of the Yamato sector to devote anything but the greenest of troops to the fight.

In the end the Daimyo did at last supersede the council and ordered the deployment en masse of veteran Ashigaru [regular soldiers] and Samurai [motorheads] to contain the creatures. By that point however the kappa had managed to spread throughout most of the world thanks to their unbelievable breeding speeds and their ability to journey long distances over water or land in startlingly short periods of time.

As time went by the war against the Nakatomi once more sapped the military strength and attention away from the kappa and allowed them once more to spread unchecked. Because of this situation the council and Daimyo decided that it would be simply cheaper and more effective to order the whole of the population to move away from their villages and into the cities. Any villages that refused this order were left to the mercies of the kappa where they were inevitably wiped out. While this was all happening the Fujiwara’s fortified their cities both to protect them from the kappa but also to defend against the Nakatomi.

Today the Fujiwara all live within these fortresses venturing out into the “wilds” only when they are hunting kappa; a ritual every Fujiwara must participate in as part of their coming of age. For a headliner to earn the right to be a samurai they must kill a kappa with nothing but a spear and primitive armor; a dangerous trial which most do not survive.
The current ruler of the clan is Fujiwara no Michinaga.
Moons: 1 [Taira]
Climate and terrain: Speaking strictly of flora Fujiwara is a beautiful and lush world welcoming to human life. The fauna however is a danger to any who would set down in the wilds unprepared for its dangers. While initially Fujiwara had been home to only gentle non-threatening species imported by the Empire the world has changed much since the crash of the cargo ship centuries ago. Kappa still roam in large and deadly packs that will consume anyone fool enough to land unprepared just as readily as they attack other kappa “herds”. Venomous birds patrol the skies looking for prey which can be anything from weak and sick kappa to humans who have let their guard down. Snakes that grow up to a terrifying 272 kilos in weight and 15 meters in length wait in ambush under the ground or in the densest trees.

Nakatomi: Nakatomi was never fully terraformed prior to the shifting and strategic concerns of the past made the Yamato sector an unimportant one. Today the Nakatomi clan rules over this cold and unpleasant world with a surprisingly egalitarian hand. While peasants are never going to achieve the same place in society as the headliner Samurai class they are not treated nearly as wastefully as the other clans. Because of their even handed rule the people of the Nakatomi clan usually love their rulers, especially the present ruler Daimyo Natakomi Hideyoshi. Due to a mix of “culture clash” and the demand for resources Natakomi has had a centuries long feud with the Fujiwara clan often resulting in bloody skirmishes and raids.
Moons: 2 [Osaka, Edo]
Climate and terrain: Nakatomi is a mars like world that only underwent partial terraforming leaving it habitable but cold. Humans on the surface of Nakatomi must wear thick winter clothing and often oxygen masks to keep healthy in the endless winter.

Minamoto: The world of Minamoto was the last world in the Yamato sector that was fully terraformed by the Empire before the “fall” as the natives of Minamoto call the Yamato sector’s slide into unimportance. Today the Minamoto Clan rules over vast floating cities that rest upon the frigid waters of the world’s oceans where many businesses are devoted to cultivating vast algae farms or fisheries that provide food not only to the Minamoto but to the other worlds of the Yamato sector and even to passing ships that need to resupply.
While Minamoto has been raided a few times over the centuries by the other clans most choose to leave them in peace not only because of their formidable militia but because it is seen is a generally bad idea to antagonize one of your key food suppliers.
The current ruler of the Minamoto is Minamoto no Yoritomo.
Moons: 3 [Kyoto, Kobe, Yokohama]
Climate and Terrain: Minamoto is a somewhat warmer world than Earth with six continental landmasses; two of which are frozen year round and a third is unbearably hot for human life though it is home to a number of species that were native to Minamoto before the terraforming including the ferocious and terrifying hexacat; a six legged felid creature capable of blinding speed over land. The remaining land is home to the mega-cities of Minamoto and Nagoya which together house a third of the population; the remaining population of Minamoto lives on the gargantuan ocean going cities that ply the waters like great moving islands.

Megelgica Sector

Home to numerous mining and refining facilities, especially for energy weapons, this sector needed to keep its factories running. This meant that the worlds were much less dependent on their Core World than others. They still suffered greatly in the Collapse, amplified by various raiding factions seeking weaponry. However, the sector has settled into a standoff between Megelgica and Primorsky, with other planets as pawns. Outside help could easily turn the tide of the conflict.
Update: Megelgica won and won bigly

A planet orbiting close to a red dwarf star, Megelgica shares the system with numerous asteroid belts and planetoids. Once a hub for shipbuilding and a major fleet depot, Megelgica was the site of massive warfare throughout the Yards and amongst the deep blue vegetation and harsh volcanic terrain of the planet. One faction managed to rise to dominance - a former Star Patrol officer created a military dictatorship that rose to become the Weltreich. He managed to reactivate enough shipyards to get a fleet together, and began conquering several minor worlds in the sector. Their rule was not kind, even by Star Patrol standards, and the population seethed with resentment. Control was maintained through indoctrinated legions and control implants. When a recent Overlord's flagship was blown out of the sky over Primorsky, revolts arose across their empire, and they fell into a civil war. A new Overlord has arisen, and her fleet prepares to bring the sector to its knees.

The system that holds Primorsky is home to several planets in various states of terraforming, with 10 planets whirling around a Sol-like star. Primorsky itself is cold, but habitable - there is no tropical zones, and the poles are cold enough to be lifeless. The Equatorial Ocean divides the planet into Northern and Southern continents, which warred with each other for a time before a wary peace led to an alliance to deal with interstellar matters. Houses Medvedev & Sabiroff sent their ships across the system, including the outer worlds of Vorkuta and Novaya Tachya. Their forces were the first to hold off the Weltreich navy, though it was a close-fought war, Primorsky looked ready to expand its influence, but the Sabiroff holdings were convulsed by a communist revolt, including the assassination of most of the royal family with a buster weapon. The heir and remaining loyalists fled to the north with the Medvedev family. Primorsky is now in the midst of a civil war, which they believe (with some evidence) was instigated by Megelgica. The Primorsky government is proceeding cautiously, as they attempt to thread the needle between a crackdown and igniting their a revolt in the North
Orbiting a red giant lies the former ice world of Namalsidarah. The expanding sun turned the ice to ocean and brought about an atmosphere, which was enhanced by the terraforming. All of the plants and life were imported, as the planet had not yet evolved any. The world (and the moons of the neighboring gas giants) was developed as a way station and resupply point for the Star Patrol, but it lacked the resources to support heavy weapons manufacturing. This left the world mostly ignored by the Star Patrol collapse, and maintained some civilian and support ships. The local commander created a government with a fairly light hand - the Emir shared power with an elected assembly from local corporate leaders and major ship captains. The traders along the Archer's Highway grew wealthy, when they weren't falling victim to Megelgica's pirates. The Namalsidaran captains responded in kind, and allied with their trading partners in Primorsky. Any tension between the democracy and the autocracy was outweighed by the threat of Megelgican forces and the money to be made from trade.

Jasper is a mountainous planet, geologically young and rich in radioactives. It was heavily mined, along with other, less-hospitable planets in the system, but the vast conifer forests and ferns groves held enough value in areas ranging from bio-pharmaceuticals to megafauna trophy hunting that the Star Patrol kept its appetites in check. When they fell, the world was left without vital supplies, and infrastructure decayed. Mines were abandoned or turned into shelters, while the locals eventually adapted to the declining tech level. Jasper's tribes are a mix of technobarbarians and an industrial-age society in Therion, the old port. They are generally ignored by other powers, as the mines on the uninhabitable worlds were free of tribes with lasergun riding dinosaurs...

This life-bearing moon on the fringe of space was found by accident. No one anticipated a tidally-locked gas giant orbiting a red dwarf would have a moon capable of supporting life, but the shipwrecked crew of the Star Patrol was glad to see it. The remote station they established was mostly left to its own devices after they were rescued, but many of their families retired to the remote world as tensions increased. They came out of the collapse with much of their knowledge intact, but with very few resources. They have been hampered by a small population base and gradually failing technology, but they were able to contact the traders of Namalsidarah, and trade knowledge for some resources. Robinson mostly remains off the radar of the major powers, as they are difficult to defend if conquered.

This system is rich in rare resources and a variety of structural materials across the vast number of worlds within its confines. This has turned the system into a massive battlefield over the years, with various proxy forces battling for dominance, and each side holding a remote world as a base for their invasion. Now, the various proxy forces are cut off from their patrons, and the system is mostly descending into anarchy. Even if the old groups came back, they might not be able to make much headway in this blasted system filled with ramshackle warships.