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The Mastery

Archons and Exarchs

Exarch Lockwood of Narbonilla

Leader Stats

  • Bastion World - The Rmasters had several worlds deep in the Great Wall terraformed and colonized; these were heavily fortified by the Interim Conclave during the civil war to be unassailable rear areas. They proved to be too much for either rebel or republican forces to take and are the de facto capital of the remnants. Having one of these are your territory grants you greater access to resources but also puts a target on your back - be it by foe or friend.
  • The Fleet - The fleet is the traditional base of hard power among Exarchs, particularly in context of the buildup after the Rmasters departed. While sadly depleted after a decade of conflict and a subsequent decade and a half of collapse and neglect, there is still a strong esprit de corps among the loyalist elements.
  • Flagship - The battlefrigate was the largest warship that the Mastery built in series, but larger were constructed every so often. Each one was unique and likely has a storied history, though more than one was secreted away in the bastion worlds as part of the Absolute Defense Fleet and never came without a great league of combat for the entire civil war.
  • Conclave Confirmed - For your loyal service and demonstrated skill, you received the coveted position of Exarch sometime in the years before things went south. The archetypical Exarch.
  • Gardening - Time spent in a garden has a salutory effect on the psyche, letting one relax and concentrate the way being in an office or command bridge does not. Well-tended personal grounds are also an impressive tool to show your confidence and security to others.
  • People - You have made a careful study of what makes people tick and how to cultivate talent. This may or may not help you select the most loyal, but this has definately given you an eye for talent - and knowing when to discard a failing subordinate.

Archon Ranos de la Fontera of Narbonilla

Leader Stats

  • Bastion World - The Rmasters had several worlds deep in the Great Wall terraformed and colonized; these were heavily fortified by the Interim Conclave during the civil war to be unassailable rear areas. They proved to be too much for either rebel or republican forces to take and are the de facto capital of the remnants. Having one of these are your territory grants you greater access to resources but also puts a target on your back - be it by foe or friend.
  • Popular Support - In truth, the social compact in the Mastery of Suns was never complicated; the Rmasters would provide protection and stability, in return they would be owed obeisance. In the post civil war era, new social compacts needed to be forged.
  • Elite Guard - In addition to your territorial forces, you have a smaller force of elite troops that are of unquestioned loyalty. They have high-quality equipment and are well-supplied, giving them a battlefield effect disproportionate to their size. Can also represent a small, likely fragmentary clone Sanjak.
  • Venerable Leader - For you, the Rmasters are not just a story, but the ones who recognized your generation of loyal service and promoted you to the exalted rank of Exarch. It is an honor increasingly few can claim, though there are undoutedly those who will attempt to turn your age against you if you slip up.
  • Art - It is always difficult to hang the title of jumped-up thug on someone who is the patron of multiple art museums. Until you start dipping your political enemies in acid, anyway.
  • Philosophy - Approaching the end of his first century, Ranos has taken an introspective bent lately.

Exarch Tisana Claidmel of Narbonilla

Leader Stats

  • Bastion World - The Rmasters had several worlds deep in the Great Wall terraformed and colonized; these were heavily fortified by the Interim Conclave during the civil war to be unassailable rear areas. They proved to be too much for either rebel or republican forces to take and are the de facto capital of the remnants. Having one of these are your territory grants you greater access to resources but also puts a target on your back - be it by foe or friend.
  • Intelligence Service - The Rmasters themselves cared little for detailed intelligence, but those serving them swore by it. In the shadow conflicts that followed, the civilian and military intelligence services grew, split and sometime became power centers in their own right.
  • Sanctioned Magi - Casual magecraft past simple body magic was verboten under the Rmasters, but those occasional individuals demonstrating exceptional raw talent were inducted into a tightly-controlled order of magi. In the aftermath of the collapse of the Mastery, a coven of them has taken up residence in your employ.
  • Backroom Manipulator - retain it by a knack for cut-throat intrigue and opportunism. You may even have allies who support you instead of whoever preceeded you, but equally there may be those who will never see you as an equal.
  • Enigmas - Known space is vast and ancient, with many worlds having roots thousands of years old. Mysteries of Man, God and Alien from pre-Ragnarok times are often incomprehensible, critical aspects of understanding lost over the centuries. More recently, the secret actions of states create their own enigmas. Ferreting out meaning from the unknown is your favorite intellectual pursuit.
  • Magic - While not powerful enough to be a sanctioned magi, you have spent some time learning the mystic arts, possibly in secret.

Exarch Manez de la Fontera of Hadrian

Leader Stats

  • Bastion World - The Rmasters had several worlds deep in the Great Wall terraformed and colonized; these were heavily fortified by the Interim Conclave during the civil war to be unassailable rear areas. They proved to be too much for either rebel or republican forces to take and are the de facto capital of the remnants. Having one of these are your territory grants you greater access to resources but also puts a target on your back - be it by foe or friend.
  • The Fleet - The fleet is the traditional base of hard power among Exarchs, particularly in context of the buildup after the Rmasters departed. While sadly depleted after a decade of conflict and a subsequent decade and a half of collapse and neglect, there is still a strong esprit de corps among the loyalist elements.
  • Advanced Prototype - A dizzying array of weapons were developed during the civil war. Many of these were unsuitable for mass production or simply proved to be failures. You've acquired one or a handful, luckily of the former type.
  • Conclave Confirmed - For your loyal service and demonstrated skill, you received the coveted position of Exarch sometime in the years before things went south. The archetypical Exarch.
  • Technology - Technology has always interested you and while it may not always be possible to continually pace the bleeding-edge weapon systems coming out of other worlds, you pay close attention to everything new to avoid ugly surprises and come up with counteragents.
  • Indulgence - For generations, conspicious consumption and hedonism have gone hand-in-hand with success in the Mastery. While outright waste is frowned upon, knowing how to surround yourself in the trappings of wealth and power makes it that much easier to convince others both friend and foe that you are a legitimate force. The pleasure-harem also makes for relaxing evenings.