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*Theme of Life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtF59ti_kAU
*Theme of Discovery: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VH3tNEP2wd4
*Theme of Heroics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZul1jN5kbo
*Theme of Sneaking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJB4v6CESPk
Cosmic vitalism, universal vitalism. The universe as a whole is a living thing, and all things within it are in some sense living. Does that make sense? I'm onto something here but I need to work at it.
Cosmic vitalism, universal vitalism. The universe as a whole is a living thing, and all things within it are in some sense living. Does that make sense? I'm onto something here but I need to work at it.

Latest revision as of 06:46, 5 October 2017



Cosmic vitalism, universal vitalism. The universe as a whole is a living thing, and all things within it are in some sense living. Does that make sense? I'm onto something here but I need to work at it.


I know there's extensions of the world beyond just the membrane we live on/in but I don't have a proper theory of them yet. Which is a problem because this shit is likely critical.


Living things are alive, obviously. You can manipulate them with surgery, genetic engineering, etc but what's overlooked most is the possibilities of metabolic intervention. Living things are not static formations but are constantly interchanging with the environment and reconstructing themselves. This is metabolism.

What's key here is that this stuff is incredibly complex and self-organising. That counter-entropic (<-???? study your physics, Cleo) behaviour is the essence of life and what cop science most avoids thinking about because they're so obsessed with 2LoT. Maybe it's even bigger - maybe you can answer the question of why something rather than nothing if you point at spontaneous self-organisation (maybe it's time to revisit the spontaneous generation debate?).


In cop science life is thought of as a special case of matter but what if you do the opposite? Matter as a special case of life? Inert matter can be manipulated by living things and metabolic processes of course but what if you unlock its own self-organisation ability? That could be a holy grail but it's all speculation right now, it's dead for a reason. Maybe pick up a chemistry book, problem is which ones, the cop ones are cop and the etherite ones all disagree and read like shit.


I can't ignore this after what happened in the sewers, and this whole dream thing Itzel is dealing with. I need a theory. Time to read around, cop psych, neuro, whatever it is Sistine does and of course Freud...


Central to metabolism is the economy of energy, its movement and generation. There's ATP of course, but also something more fundamental. Sistine says the trads call it 'quintessence' though the etherite books say 'primal energy' a lot and both sound kind of stupid but it does exist, a kind of meta-ATP, something that governs and fuels cosmic self-organisation. Living things generate it, not least myself. What's up with that? (and can I use it?)


Essential to life is that it changes and essential to change is time. The thing about cop science is the obsession with stasis - invariants. That's not 'wrong' but it is incomplete and tells you a lot about their perspective probably. Instead I'm going to focus on variants. Not just rhythms but how to change rhythms... or something. Not sure


Most living things are designed to die - or at least, not designed to stay alive. Speculation: does that include the Sun? The universe?

Research Projects

Dimensional Breakthrough

Cleo knows that other worlds exist. But she can't access them. Right now, she's trying to do cosmic biology when she can only see the skin. The obvious source here is Doctor White's notes, but Cleo also intends to do original research on things bought from the Day Market.

Cultivates: Spirit, Science (paraphysics), Science (xenobiology), Subdimensions

Dream Psychology

After the perilous encounter in the sewers and Itzel's discussion of her dreams, it's become clear to Cleo that she will need to understand the world's psychic metabolism. Her first thought was books on conventional psychology, but more reflection has led her to study psychoanalytic dream interpretation and her stash of mind-altering substances.

Cultivates: Mind, Science (psychodynamics), Pharmacopoeia

Breakfast for the Sun

The Sun is dying. Can it be saved? Cleo barely knows where to start here, but if she can't do it, she might not be able to save her friend.

Cultivates: Prime, Science (astronomy), ????

Interface Suit

Sistine proposed making a VR interface suit, and Cleo thought that sounded interesting.

Cultivates: Mind, Correspondence, Science (biology), Science (psychodynamics), Computer, Technology


Black Poppy Bread

A normal bread with seeds of the black poppy used to add flavour. Excellent at inducing post-prandial somnolence. To prepare, be sure to toast the seeds first and coat the bread with a fixing oil layer to prevent the seed microfibres invading the other ingredients.



Black Poppy x0
Silver Forest Root (false) x1
Temporal Aubergine x1


Silver Forest Root (true)


Null Time

Through the black gate to neither past nor future. Things live inside, and they're hungry. Getting there probably requires Time.

The Silver Forest

A domain of strange and dangerous life, between animal, vegetable and mineral. It must be mapped for the benefit of science.



Physical 32/24

  • Strength 2 (4)
  • Dexterity 2 (4)
  • Stamina 4 (24)

Mental 60/64

  • Perception 4 (24)
  • Wits 3 (12)
  • Intelligence 4 (24)

Social 40/44

  • Charisma 3 (12)
  • Manipulation 2 (4)
  • Appearance 4 (24)


Talents 27/27

  • Alertness 3 (9)
  • Athletics 3 (9)
  • Awareness 3 (9)

Skills 39/39

  • Business 2 (5)
  • Cooking 4 (15)
  • Leadership 1 (3)
  • Research 2 (5)
  • Technology 3 (9)

Knowledges 15/15

  • Computer 1 (3)
  • Languages 1 (English, Spanish) (3)
  • Medicine 1 (3)
  • Science (Biology) 3 (6)


Background Points 21/21

  • Avatar 4
  • Debt -3
  • Node 2
  • Resources 2
  • Sanctum 2


Sphere Points 64/65

  • Life 2 (18)
  • Matter 2 (18)
  • Prime 2 (18)
  • Time 1 (10)

Freebie Points

Freebie Points 106/106

  • Willpower 8 (18)
  • Str 3 (8)
  • Dex 4 (20)
  • Wit 4 (12)
  • Spark of Life (15)
  • Concentration (3)
  • Restaurant (3)