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Revision as of 00:21, 16 August 2009

Technology Basics: Technology starts at 1 (1970s-1980s) and ends up at 6 (posthuman). Apex technology is level 6, and most powers will have technology from 2-4 with very rare ones having a 5 in any category. Most enhancements require a combination of techs. A neural interface, for example, may require Medicine 2/Nanotech 3/Cognitech 3. All technical paths are renamed after Level 2, to reflect a paradigm shift in their goals and how they work.

The five technology branches are:
Life sciences-Medicine/Biotech
Mental sciences-Psychology/Cognitech
Societal sciences-Sociology/Metatech
Material sciences-Engineering/Nanotech
Physical sciences-Physics/Stringtech


The art of medicine is one of healing, but not entirely. Plastic surgery and steroids are perhaps the first forays into human enhancement, and biological weaponry like anthrax and smallpox are harbingers of things to come.

Level 1

Early antibiotics have been developed, and human enhancement drugs are being tested. The primitive technology of the day means that the drugs brewed have horrific side effects, but for some performance is worth any cost.

At this level a power has no access to any sort of bioengineering, and many die from injuries when they could have been prevented. Similarly poor agricultural knowledge greatly increases the amount of organics needed to feed a population.

Level 2

With some knowledge about genetics and how to put lifeforms back together, it is possible to edit lifeforms to some extent. Screening for genetic diseases becomes common and increases

At this level a power can access the earliest and most primitive biological enhancements, and with sufficient Nanotech can also use many of the less intrusive cybernetic enhancements. Increased population health somewhat improves morale.


Eventually with the cracking of the genetic code true bioengineering becomes possible and viable. New species can be engineered for the first time, and with extreme advancement the human condition can be greatly improved.

Level 3

The first keys to unlocking lifeforms have been found, and your scientists have engineered custom lifeforms for show, if not for actual use. Transgenic creatures, however, have become a mature and safe field-safe enough that humans are submitting to genetic modification to become faster, stronger, better-looking, and more interesting.

Level 4

Level 5

Living material can be twisted and bent by your hands to do just about anything-biomechanical weapons and starships are possible, and truly extreme modification of the human form can take place, even without advances in Nanotech.

A power at this level of life science is far more efficient in agriculture, has greatly improved morale boosts, and can save someone from just about any injury.

Level 6

At this point truly incredible structures like Dyson Trees can be built via biotech alone. With sufficient mastery of nanomachinery,