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"A glittering battlefield."<br>
"A glittering battlefield."<br>
Players Involved: Shrike, Lokar, Ent, Silence<br>
Return to [[Ascension Isle: Legacy]]<br>
Return to [[Ascension Isle: Legacy]]<br>
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::''"You're staring, brother."
::''"You're staring, brother."
::''"I am!"
::''"I am!"
::''She taps out a little fan.  "And it has accessories!"  The fan is inscribed with prayers to the Chosen for modesty and propriety.  She flutters it distractingly over her breast.  If the High Priestess saw her now she'd probably be summarily enlightened.
::''She taps out a little fan.  "And it has accessories!"  The fan is inscribed with prayers to the Chosen for modesty and propriety.  She flutters it distractingly over her mostly exposed bosom.  If the High Priestess saw her now she'd probably be summarily enlightened.
Immediately recognizing a co-conspirator (with the aid of a little telepathy) Wren demands to know why Gregorio is ''really'' at the party.  Wren knows of his turn as a street Thaumatech, and the last she heard he was holding court with the crows inside the crashed Stratodyne, Splendor Solis.  Masked by telepathy, Grogorio lets his half-sister know about his encounter with Clive and the Nexlexi thugs that ruined his lab, although he carefully leaves out mention of his encounter with a Fey Princess.  He now needs access to his old equipment, stored under the Arhyna Manor.<br>
Immediately recognizing a co-conspirator (with the aid of a little telepathy) Wren demands to know why Gregorio is ''really'' at the party.  Wren knows of his turn as a street Thaumatech, and the last she heard he was holding court with the crows inside the crashed Stratodyne, Splendor Solis.  Masked by telepathy, Grogorio lets his half-sister know about his encounter with Clive and the Nexlexi thugs that ruined his lab, although he carefully leaves out mention of his encounter with a Fey Princess.  He now needs access to his old equipment, stored under the Arhyna Manor.<br>
::Wren sighs.  "Here."  She passes him a Praxis key, a silver sliver of metal.  "That'll get you into the storehouse under the manor.  Just don't let mother see you."  She glances across the room to where the leader of the Nexlexi gang and CEO of its corporate facade, neXen, is talking to the head of House Samelrand. "But do be careful.  I heard that Nexlexi is looking to bring someone over to Ward 6 in the near future.  Someone important.  Someone who doesn't want to go.  It might be you."
::''Wren sighs.  "Here."  She passes Greg a Praxis key, a silver sliver of metal.  "That'll get you into the storehouse under the manor.  Just don't let mother see you."  She glances across the room to where the leader of the Nexlexi gang and CEO of its corporate facade, neXen, is talking to the head of House Samelrand. "But do be careful.  I heard that Nexlexi is looking to bring someone over to Ward 6 in the near future.  Someone important.  Someone who doesn't want to go.  It might be you."
::"You're the best, sis!" Gregorio says half-teasingly.
::''"You're the best, sis!" Gregorio says half-teasingly.
::"I am!"  Wren leans forward and gives Greg a peck on the cheek that gives him a very non-sisterly view, then spins off.  "Now, I have souls to corrupt."
::''"I am!"  Wren leans forward and gives Greg a peck on the cheek that gives him a very non-sisterly view, then spins off.  "Now, I have souls to corrupt."''
At this point Jonas and his party arrive, and are announced at the door, the Count Jonas Flavius, and the Countess-heir Amaryllis Emeraldine.  Loran, dressed in the white and blue of a Coreve Crusade Cornet follows, escorting the violet-haired Chrysanth de Caritas.  Alice follows after, alone, and notices Greogrio furtively skirting the party and studiously avoiding the cluster around his former mentor, the CZ Central Chief Thaumatech Giannina Megus, now a key ally of the Lord General Marianne Saint-Just.  Alice latches on to the Clockmaker and drags him over for an introduction to Jonas.  Jonas tells Gregorio he could use a man of his skills, and hands him his card. . . leaving Greg to wonder, use for what exactly?
::''"Cordinal."  Alice says, "This is the man I was talking about."
::''"Not Cordinal, Alice."  Jonas sighs.  "Just Jonas now."''
Leaving Jonas and Gregorio to make acquaintances, Alice heads over to talk to her sibling, Ingria Samelrand, and her guest, a short woman with a mess of blonde hair, blinging it up in an outfit of gold leaf and chains, like a barbarian queen.
::''"Ah, Alice."  Says Ingria.  She rolls a thin stemmed glass between her fingers.  "Frosty, meet my dead -  I mean dear cousin, Alice, Alice, Alice Somebody.  Goodbye now Alice."
Alice ignores Ingria and greets the other woman with a relaxed smile, "My Lady Frosty please to meet you"
The other woman looks Alice up and down, then holds out a hand, in a common gesture not usually seen among the nobility.  "Arlene Frost, neXen Corp."
::''"Are you involved in the Family business, Alice?" Asks Frost
::''"No, I am more of a freelancer these days."  Alice says, "Dearest Ingria does a such a fine job policing the ward without the need of a triggerwomen of my skill afterall. . .  Though I heard she been having a spot of elf trouble."
::''"You do look like you can handle yourself."  Frost says.  "Got the hands and the eyes.  Look, if you're around Ward 6 next Gabrelday I could use-"
::''"Alice is NOT part of our venture." Interrupts Ingria.''
A confrontation between Alice and Ingria rapidly escalates, with Alice resisting Ingria's attempts to dismiss her, until the Baronness of House Salemrand finally flings her wine glass at Alice.  Despite a cut on her cheek from the glass, Alice only smiles; "Dearest cousin your hand slipped. I haven't drun from this yet so you can have my mine."  Ingria flies into a fury.  Re-directing her rage she nearly attacks the elven servant who arrives to clean up the mess, only being prevented at the last moment by Loran, who firmly escorts her away.<br>
Meanwhile, Chrysanth follows Wren Arhyna and the Lieutenant General out into the palace garden.  Using a little trick of deception, Chrysanth puts disapproving words into the mouths of a pair of guards and utterly ruins the mood.  As the General tears a strip up one side and down the other of the two soldiers, Chrysanth appears to lead the heir to House Arhyna away for her own conference.<br>
::''"I am Chrysanth de Caritas, latterly from the mainland.  In the care of the Emeraldines during my stay in this fine city.  I may prove finer company than your choice of companion.  Walk with me."
::''Wren takes a deep breath, then shelves her obvious irritation.  "Very well.  A short walk.  We'll see if you can provide me half the satisfaction he would have."
::''"There is no aphrodisiac like power."  Chrysanth says, "Or do you prefer whiskey?"
::''Wren looks sharply at her.  "I find Information is its own nectar.  You look like someone who wants something, my young mainland lady."''
::''"Probably, yes."
::''"Sit then.  Let's hear what you have to say."  Wren sits on a softly heated Thautech bench, and taps out a small incense stick, lighting it up with the flick of her fingers.  She takes a deep breath and blows out a fragrant smoke ring.
::''Chrysanth sits across from her, eyes shimmering out of synch with the flickering - ambient! - light of the fake flames along the sides of the nearby paths.''
Sitting in the artificially warmed palace gardens, with their magical greenery, Wren muses that all this will soon end.  The giant Thaumic plants that power the city are failing, and no one knows how to re-light their massive geode cores.  Chrysanth muses about the possibility of armed revolution, as the city's underclass revolt against rulers who can no longer maintain their own power.
::''"It will be a bloodbath, one without the Chosen to put an end to it on . . . . favorable terms."  Says Chrysanth.  "I doubt anyone could say who would win.  Other than the carrion crows."
::''"Oh, I don't think there's any doubt who'd win."  Says Wren.
::''Chrysanth leans forward. "Really."
::''Wren allows a long pause as she taps her incense.  "Of course!"  She says finally, with exaggerated cheerfulness, "After all, hasn't Jibril always won before?"
::''Chrysanth is certain that isn't what she meant at all.''
Unwilling to say more to an unknown Jibrilite, Wren takes her leave.  Deciding to adopt a different approach, Chrysanth uses her solinarch praxis to transform herself into a small cat, and re-enters the palace, seeking Ingria Samelrand, to judge the fallen noblewoman for herself.  She finds the baroness confined to a drawing room in the Palace's southern wing by disgusted Coreve cadets in Archangeli colours, awaiting the attendance of her Lord General, who wishes to speak with Ingria Samelrand regarding the embarrassing scene she has created.<br>
[21:20] <@IXJac> At the door, someone announces names, "Lord Jonas Flavius, Lady-heir Lilly Emeraldine!"
Back at the party, her half-brother Gregorio cruises through the guests, listening for conversations of note.  He finds Gideon Taiani, the richest noble in the city through his dealings in Electrotech, in animated discussion with Solomon Dior, the richest ''man'' in the city, and a powerful if common-born Chancellor of the Merchant's GuildGregorio overhears part of their argument: "-I'm sorry Gideon," Dior says, "But that's my final offer.  Copper cabling has gone through the roof.  Someone's buying up all the stock.  Someone with deeper pockets than even you."<br>
[21:20] <@IXJac> You have arrived.
[21:20] * @Chrysanth comes up the back, quietly observing
Gideon stalks off in irritation, leaving Gregorio to introduce himself to Dior, who clearly recognizes the Clockmaker, and passes Gregorio his teleptex card, in case he is looking for future employmentOn the matter of the copper cabling, Dior only knows that it is being purchased by neXen Corp, and for ridiculous prices, likely above even Frost's means. As copper cabling has no uses for Thaumatech, and is only useful for Electrotech, Dior has no idea what use it will be put to.  Gregorio remembers some experiments he ran in the past on using an electric current to contain Ether without requiring an Archenium circuit, but he found it impractical to implement and gave up on the idea a couple of years ago, back when he was still working with the elves.<br>
[21:20] * @Jonas enters with his neice on his arm
[21:21] <@IXJac> Loran has insisted on escorting Chrysanth.  "Please, I'll keep you safe, Highness."
Jonas Flavius has migrated over to the martial corner of the room, to talk to an old friend of his, Stevan Var-Vistus. A lord of the cadet branch of House Sentonius, the lords of Epsilon Ward have not fared well under the occupation, and are continually abused by their Endruscarian occupiers, never forgiven for their role in the War.  They technically have a house guard, but it is forbidden weapons and is used as an adjunct to the constabulary doing all the worst scut jobs.<br>
[21:21] <@Jonas> I'm going to take a scan of the room so noble circle
[21:21] * Alice_S goes in after the cornet and such, no need to make a fuss
::''"Stevan! Man good man! It's been too long!"  Jonas moves to shake his hand.
[21:21] <@Jonas> d2 +8
::''"Jonas!"  Stevan grabs Jonas' arm and pulls him into a back slapping bear hug.
[21:21] <FBHbot> Jonas : ( 4 5 )
::''"Some party." Jonas says, after they step back from each other, getting a look at his friend.
[21:22] * @Gregorio mills his way (awkwardly) through the crowd,
::''Stevan is a large man, getting a little thick around the middle in his middle age, wearing a sightly too bushy beard and muttonchops, making up for the balding patch on top. "For you, maybe." Stevan says  I didn't get to come with the pretty little lady you did."
[21:22] <@IXJac> There's well over 100 people here, all moving in their little groupsJonas can sense three, maybe four grand cliques among the flow
::''"Stevan! That's my neice!"
[21:22] * Alice_S is used to coming in dateless anyway
::''Stevan snorts.  "Oh, that's what you're calling Alice now? What's the next excuse?"
[21:22] <@IXJac> Alice notes that Clockmaker in a corner, tying his shoelaces, or maybe shoving something into his shoe
::''Jonas blushes slightly has he realizes what Stevan just said.  "She's a. . . Business associate."''
[21:23] * Alice_S grabs a glass of wine and waltzes over to the Clockmaker
[21:23] <@IXJac> Anyway, the centers of attention are. . .
Although saying that its safer that Jonas not tell him of his current activities, Stevan is willing to divulge some key information. He tells Jonas that he has heard Samelrand has nearly a brigade under arms, and is preparing for war, and not at the orders of Lord General Du Blessed. Ingria Samelrand has already initiated a low level proxy war across the Ward boundaries and spilling over into Yojimbo Avenue between street gangs loyal to Samelrand, and proxies of house Lentithe. Samelrand and Lentithe are now on the verge of an open war that could tear the Endrus District apart. In such an event, the Endruscarian Lord General Du Blessed would die before requesting the aid of her rival, the Coreven Lord General Saint-Just.  The two women are hated rivals, and Du Blessed even believes Saint-Just is secretly plotting against her!<br>
[21:23] <@Chrysanth> "Highness? I see no highness.  You should be escorting the mistress Emeraldine, instead."
[21:23] * Alice_S :3 grins gets even bigger as she grabs his arm again
Further to Du Blessed's problems, out in the west of Endruscare's Occupation Zone, strange raiders with a full Battle Stratodyne have struck at the coastal city of Tremscare Point, and the 557th Brigade was badly mauled.  Stevan does not know the identity of the attackers, or how they came by an operational stratodyne, particularly since all those in the Occupation Zones were crashed by the Zenith.<br>
[21:23] * @Jonas sighs a little "This all used to look so much better back in the days of the Republic..."
[21:23] <Alice_S> "Ah darling you left me behind again :3"
Deciding to follow up on Stevan's information, Jonas sights Aeternia Lentithe, the youngest daughter of the detached Eurinia Lentithe. Lentithe and Samelrand have a long running feud, going back to the days of the Republic and the Auraden Protectorate before that. Samelrand was admitted into the ranks of the Republic's Patrician families, and then used that power to block the suspect House Lentithe, which was forced to abandon its holdings and flee to the mainlandLentithe thus survived the War intact, and was returned to its old possessions - but alongside those of House Samelrand.  A situation guaranteed to cause friction, if not outright conflict.<br>
[21:23] * Alice_S makes a show of it a bit
[21:24] * Alice_S latches onto Greggorio's arm
Despite her short years, Aeternia has the looks and bearing of a blonde Valkyrie, and is the Defender and Knight Commander of House Lentithe, and leader of all its cadet forces - and a respected Autoclaire pilot besidesThe two have a passing acquaintance, and it is clear that Aeternia knows Jonas is up to more than he admits, and is aware of the presence of the Ghosts within her Ward.  Aeternia is also willing to momentarily set aside her general hatred of House Samlerand, or at least make an exception in Alice's case.<br>
[21:24] * @Gregorio is latched on.
[21:24] <@Gregorio> "Y-you again!"
::''"Did you SEE it?  Your Alice had her is SUCH a fury." Aeternia says with obvious relish. "Makes me glad I didn't shoot her when we last met."
[21:25] <Alice_S> "You sound so surpise"
::''"Yes Alice has her way."  Jonas says "Especially with her cousin, though it doesn't take that much to set her off. Which one should be careful not to do."
[21:25] <@IXJac> OK, so, you can see the CZ Central Chief Thaumatech in the center of one circle, with a bunch of Coreve officers and Clerics, as well as various Archangeli hangers on.
::''"Comes from raising a generation to be nothing but mad dogs."  Aeternia says.''
[21:25] <@IXJac> You know that Giannina Megus, the Chief Thaumatech, is an ally of the Lord General Marianne
[21:26] <@IXJac> Greg also knows her as his former mentor
Aeternia makes reference to House Samelrand's ill-advised project to breed a generation of super-soldiers to fight for the RepublicBoth Alice and Ingria were products of this initiative, and both bear the scars in their own way. Aeternia also confirms Jonas' information about the growing conflict across the Ward 6/7 boundary, and seems intent on doing something - possibly a bit extreme - about it.  Jonas gets the uncomfortable feeling that Aeternia has a little bit of hero worship for him, because of his past as a war hero.  She also seems bitter that her own father and family never got to fight for the Republic and prove themselves in battle: "Good heroes win battles,"  Jonas says sadly"Great heroes win battles and bring everyone home."  He agrees to meet with her tomorrow at his house to discuss security matters.<br>
[21:26] <@IXJac> He's avoiding her
[21:26] <@IXJac> Or maybe he wants to confront her.
At that point a bell tolls, and a crier steps forward, her voice amplified by thaumatech in her high priestess' collar.  "All ye gathered, all ye gathered, here comes his excellency, Governor of the Corrected Zone.  Give honour to the Divine Appointed Armiger Archangeli!"<br>
[21:26] * Alice_S moves around and thus him to look at Flavuis
[21:26] <Alice_S> "There is a man who you want to speak with."
Continued in Session II<br>
[21:27] * @Gregorio would normally confront, but the key...
[21:27] <@Gregorio> "Right, lead the way then."
Return to [[Ascension Isle: Legacy]]<br>
[21:27] * Alice_S leads Gregorio through the crowd to Jonas
[21:27] <@IXJac> Then there's another cluster around several Megus and some well off looking plebs and minor nobles.
[21:27] <@Jonas> "Well my dear I must do the dreadful business of making the rounds, but fear not! i shall find you a proper husband!"
[21:27] * @Gregorio takes a pensive glance at his former mentor, then lets himself be dragged to Lord Flavius
[21:27] <@IXJac> An animated discussion going on there
[21:27] <Alice_S> "Cordinal, the man I was talking about"
[21:27] * @Gregorio waves
[21:27] * @Jonas goes off to mingle
[21:28] <@Jonas> "Miss Samelrand, what did I tell you? Its not Cordinal anymore. Hasn't been for some time."
[21:28] <@IXJac> Finally, there's an exiled looking group of very out of place constables, and Endrus military luminaries looking to be very much on the outside looking in
[21:28] <@IXJac> All military uniforms, and hardly any nobles in sight
[21:28] * @Chrysanth deposits Loran with the abandoned Lily and goes to introduce herself
[21:28] <@Jonas> "Jonas Flavius."
[21:29] * @Jonas offers his hand
[21:29] <@IXJac> Well, except for one Aryhna strumpet towing the Lieutenant General of Tellaren away from that group by his. . . hand.
[21:29] <@Gregorio> "Gregorio Aryhna."
[21:29] <@IXJac> Then there's several smaller groups moving around.
[21:29] * @Gregorio shakes it
[21:29] <@Jonas> (how lwed)
[21:29] <Alice_S> "I'll leave you two talk I see refreshments and oh Ingria"
[21:29] <@IXJac> One notable one is Ingria Samelrand, who actually has someone TALKING to her
[21:30] <@IXJac> A young woman dressed like a barbarian princess
[21:30] <@IXJac> You didn't think this was a masquerade
[21:30] <@IXJac> OK, so we'll have to do this in short waves
[21:30] <@Jonas> "So I hear you might be a man of skill."
[21:30] * Alice_S heads to the punchbowl before heading that way, this has to be good to listen in to
[21:30] <@IXJac> Prioritize who wants to go first
[21:31] <@IXJac> (I can only type so fast!)
[21:31] <@Gregorio> "They might be right..."
[21:31] <@Jonas> (well I was planning on socializing with the groups and find some info)
[21:31] <@Jonas> "Good. Good. A man with skills can be very valuable indeed."
[21:32] <@Jonas> "So what is it that you do?"
[21:32] <Alice_S> from priority of getting things done
[21:32] <@IXJac> OK, well, let's pause the RP for a second
[21:32] <Alice_S> Jonas, Charity, me? don't know where gregio
[21:32] <@IXJac> OOC, sort out what you guys want to accomplish
[21:32] <@IXJac> There's a TON of people here who are named charactersWay more than I've mentioned
[21:33] <@IXJac> So it depends on what you want to do.
[21:33] * @Chrysanth circles towards the Arhynans
[21:33] <@IXJac> So, OOC for the next, 15 mins.
[21:33] <@Gregorio> "I keep the Thaumatech tradition alive."
[21:33] <@IXJac> And then we'll startI'll try and give all of you at least two rounds.
[21:33] * @Gregorio turns his head towards the Central Chief Thaumatech for a second.
[21:33] <@IXJac> OOC!
[21:34] <@IXJac> Planning!
[21:34] <@Gregorio> "Well, the memory of it anyway."
[21:34] <@Gregorio> I know!
[21:34] <@Gregorio> (just needed to finish that!)
[21:34] <@IXJac> (OK)
[21:34] <@IXJac> (Was a good line)
[21:34] <@Jonas> "Thaumatech... I might have need of a man with your... Skillset. My card. *hands Greg hhis card*"
[21:34] <@Chrysanth> well I'm going to talk to the Aryhans
[21:34] <@Jonas> (well I was planning on socializing with the groups and find some info)
[21:35] * @Gregorio takes it
[21:36] <Alice_S> 1get a feel for Samelrand's situation and where Alice fits.    2. Talk with the military people see what they're saying they seem to be lacking noble backing and if that can be exploited.  3 hope for a apperance of St Just cause that be awesome
[21:36] <@Gregorio> I'm going to uh, hobnob around in this semi-familiar environment
[21:36] <@Gregorio> ?
[21:36] <@IXJac> What info are you looking for?
[21:36] <@IXJac> Well, this is all the pre-partyThe chairs are empty
[21:36] <@IXJac> So there's going to be some ceremony of sorts later
[21:36] <@Jonas> Troop places, perhaps an info on why the Lord General was hunting down random elves
[21:37] <@IXJac> OK, who do you think would best have that info?
[21:37] <@IXJac> In general terms
[21:37] <@IXJac> I can give you specifics from there
[21:37] <@Jonas> military officers
[21:38] <@Jonas> some nobles generally the ones with noble ties
[21:38] <@IXJac> OK, well, it's Lord General Du Blessed's area, but she'll never talk to you (total bitch), but Stevan Var-Vistus, an old friend, might have info.
[21:38] <@Jonas> well go with Stevan
[21:38] <@IXJac> He's Ward 5, neighbnours with Ward 6.
[21:39] <@IXJac> Unless you think Samelrand will say anything
[21:39] <@Jonas> Would Samelrand talk to me? Sounds like Alice would have an easier time
[21:39] <@IXJac> OK, that's Lokar for round 1
[21:39] <@IXJac> Shrike?
[21:40] <@Chrysanth> Going to introduce myself and sound out the Arhynans
[21:41] <@IXJac> OK, well, Wren Aryhna has dragged a senior Tellen officer off to a secluded spot, so there's her, aside from that there's her mother, Siwen Arhyna
[21:41] <@IXJac> She's holding court with a passel of old lovers
[21:42] <@IXJac> So, one of the two
[21:42] <@Chrysanth> Wren.  Just to make Ent's life harder :3
[21:42] <@IXJac> OK, Alice is going to go talk with Samelrand. . .
[21:42] <@IXJac> And Gregs just generally going to hobnob
[21:42] <Alice_S> (where does Alice fall in the chart, cousin?)
[21:43] <@IXJac> Get a feel for the flow of things, pick up rumours and secrets
[21:43] <@Gregorio> D:
[21:43] <@IXJac> That's a very interesting question.  Yes, Alice is a cousin, and had the chips fallen another way when they were setting precedence, she could have been ruler of Samelrand, instead of a nobody
[21:44] <@Gregorio> yeah I already accomplihed most of my objectives here :<
[21:44] <Alice_S> (earlier: <Alice_S> obvioulsy what jonas needs to is plot to kill enough samelrands to put Alice on the throne :p
[21:44] <Alice_S> <Jonas> lol)
[21:45] <@IXJac> http://pre14.deviantart.net/c8e6/th/pre/i/2015/097/d/9/sexy_mad_scientist_by_malpart-d8orluc.jpg
[21:45] <@IXJac> That;s Ingria
[21:45] <@Jonas> (hwat nobody)
[21:45] <@IXJac> Wearing something a bit more respectable, but not very
[21:45] <@Chrysanth> so many people
[21:45] <@Chrysanth> who's Ingria
[21:46] <@IXJac> Ingria Samelrand
[21:46] <@Chrysanth> oh, Silenceboss
[21:46] <@IXJac> Head of house Samelrand, and Himmeler in charge of the Camps.
[21:46] <@Chrysanth> Hrmph.
[21:46] <@IXJac> OK, who wants to go first?
[21:47] <@IXJac> We can roll social initiative if it matters
[21:47] <@Chrysanth> Let's do it alphabetically
[21:47] <@Chrysanth> which means I go first
[21:47] * Chrysanth sets mode: +o Alice_S
[21:47] <@IXJac> Sneaky
[21:47] <@IXJac> AHAH!
[21:47] <@Alice_S> it would be me actually if that was the case
[21:48] <@Chrysanth> Now that we've confused IX, we strike
[21:48] <@IXJac> OK, Alice approaches cousin Ingria.  She's talking to another woman in gold threads and overly ostentatious gold chains.
[21:48] <@IXJac> What Circles does Alice have?
[21:48] <@Alice_S> noble
[21:48] <@Alice_S> noble 1
[21:49] <@IXJac> Hmm, none of you have much street sense.  How DO you survive out there. :)
[21:49] * @Alice_S says politly while holding a cup of punch, "My lady"
[21:50] <@Alice_S> firearms 10
[21:52] <@IXJac> "Ah, Alice."  Says Ingria.  She rolls a thin stemmed glass between her fingers.  "Frosty, meet my dead -  I mean dear cousin, Alice, Alice, Alice Somebody.  Goodbye now Alice."
[21:52] * @Jonas feels the burn from across the room
[21:52] * @Alice_S turns aroun to the golden lady
[21:53] <@Alice_S> "My lady frosty please to meet you :3"
[21:53] <@IXJac> The other woman looks you up and down, then holds out a hand.  "Arlene Frost, Nexus Corp."
[21:53] * @Alice_S shakes it
[21:53] <@IXJac> That's. . . a very common gesture.  Wonder who she is.
[21:53] <@IXJac> (Any time you want to toss social dice at something just say so)
[21:54] <@Alice_S> sure social graces to make it harder to be so quicked out
[21:54] <@Alice_S> it be Intellect  plus social right?
[21:54] <@IXJac> OK, roll Intellect+Graces+2d10
[21:55] <@Alice_S> d2 +7
[21:55] <FBHbot> Alice_S : ( 4 3 )
[21:55] <@IXJac> Oh, and add in your Noble Circle
[21:55] <@IXJac> So the total is. . . 15
[21:56] * @Alice_S is the poor relation
[21:56] <@IXJac> You let your cousin's insult wash over her, and remind her for a moment how rude she's being
[21:56] <@IXJac> She holds her tongue.
[21:57] <@IXJac> "Are you involved in the Family business, Alice?" Asks Frost
[21:57] <@Alice_S> "No, I am more of a freelancer these days."
[21:58] <@Alice_S> "Dearest Ingria does a such a fine job policing the ward without the need of a triggerwomen of my skill afterall."
[21:58] <@IXJac> "Aint that just where the money is."  Frost grins.
[21:58] <@IXJac> She looks you up and down.
[21:58] <@Alice_S> "Though I heard she been having a spot of elf trouble."
[21:58] <@IXJac> d2
[21:58] <FBHbot> IXJac : ( 3 10 )
[21:58] <@IXJac> d1
[21:58] <FBHbot> IXJac : ( 3 )
[21:59] * @Alice_S keeps smiling
[22:00] <@IXJac> "You do look like you can handle yourself."  Frost says.  "Got the hands and the eyes.  Look, if you're around Ward 6 next Gabreday I could use-"
[22:00] <@IXJac> "Alice is NOT part of our venture." Interrupts Ingria.
[22:02] <@Alice_S> "Of course not, I am a freelancer as you made clear"
[22:02] <@IXJac> She looks daggers at you.  "Run along little cousin.  Run!  RUN!"  She screams that last, spittle flying, and draws several eyes.  Yeah, she's batshit nuts.  Good thing you avoided that family curse!
[22:02] <@Alice_S> "Cousin your making a scene"
[22:02] <@Alice_S> previous roll
[22:02] <@Alice_S> d2 +8
[22:02] <FBHbot> Alice_S : ( 6 1 )
[22:03] <@Alice_S> awesome dice
[22:03] <@IXJac> Are you staying?
[22:04] <@Alice_S> yes
[22:04] <@IXJac> She screams and flings her glass in your face.
[22:04] <@IXJac> d2
[22:04] <FBHbot> IXJac : ( 2 10 )
[22:04] <@IXJac> d1
[22:04] <FBHbot> IXJac : ( 4 )
[22:04] <@IXJac> Dodge or let it hit you?
[22:04] <@Alice_S> letting hit me gets more sympany from the crowd
[22:04] <@IXJac> SHATTER!  It was a hard throw, and it draws blood.  take. . .
[22:05] <@IXJac> s1
[22:05] <SIXbot> IXJac : ( 6 )
[22:05] <@IXJac> 3 points of physical stress and the wound bleeding
[22:05] * @Alice_S remeans smiling and offers her cup
[22:05] <@IXJac> A young elven serving girl hurries over, "Oh, your pardon mistress," She moves to pick up the pieces.
[22:06] <@Alice_S> "Dearest cousin your hand slipped, I havn't drinken from this yet so you can have my mine"
[22:06] <@IXJac> "Slit slag."  Snarls Ingria, "Can't even hold your glasses, dropping them all over my floor."
[22:06] <@Alice_S> can I add oneliners there
[22:06] <@IXJac> Oh, sure.
[22:06] <@IXJac> Roll 2d10
[22:06] <@Alice_S> d2 +9
[22:06] <FBHbot> Alice_S : ( 1 8 )
[22:07] <@IXJac> Ingria's attention and upraised fist turns from the cowering innocent elf to you.
[22:08] <@IXJac> At that point, just before she can attack you, Loran is there with several Coreve cadets
[22:08] <@Alice_S> "Cornet good to see you this evening"
[22:09] <@IXJac> "Excuse me, Lady Samelrand."  He lays a firm hand on her arm.  "You seem upset, please, come this way for some fresh air."
[22:09] <@IXJac> A praxis glows, and her eyes blank, "My. . .  Yes. . ."
[22:09] <@IXJac> They escort her out
[22:10] * @Alice_S pulls out a hanckerchief and applies it to her wound and turns to Frost
[22:10] <@IXJac> Frost looks over at you.  "Some family you sammies have."  She throws you a little salute, with two crossed fingers, then moves away
[22:11] <@Alice_S> "You were saying something about next Gabreday?"
[22:11] * @Alice_S says as she walks away
[22:11] <@IXJac> Roll Alice's Int+Deception+2d10
[22:11] <@Alice_S> d2 +6
[22:11] <FBHbot> Alice_S : ( 6 4 )
[22:12] <@IXJac> "Was I?  I don't recall.  G'eve m'lady."
[22:12] <@IXJac> OK, over.
[22:12] <@IXJac> So, Chrysanth
[22:13] * @Chrysanth is wandering after the younger Arynhan
[22:13] <@IXJac> Wren leads or really guides - she's all over him like a barnacle on a boat - the poor out of his depth general out into the gardens.
[22:14] <@IXJac> There's a few couples out there, and she makes her way across the chrystal courtyard to another cluster of buildings on the far side
[22:14] <@IXJac> The air here is heated, and there's lights all over.  Except in the direction they're heading
[22:15] <@IXJac> You follow?  And are you doing anything?
[22:15] * @Chrysanth modulates her voice as they pass a couple officers going the other direction
[22:15] <@Chrysanth> "What a slut he's picked out" seems to come from them towards the general
[22:15] <@Chrysanth> followed by a snicker
[22:16] <@IXJac> Roll Deception+Intellect+3d10
[22:16] <@Chrysanth> d3 +13
[22:16] <FBHbot> Chrysanth : ( 7 5 3 )
[22:16] <@IXJac> The General's head snaps over towards the guards.  Coreve cadets in Archangeli colours you note.
[22:17] <@IXJac> d2
[22:17] <FBHbot> IXJac : ( 1 1 )
[22:17] <@IXJac> He CERTAINLY doesn't see you
[22:18] <@Chrysanth> "Bet she finds someone else by the end of the party.  So much whiskey in him already . . . "
[22:18] * @Chrysanth insinuates herself along the path
[22:19] <@IXJac> The General disentangles from Wren and storms over to the two Cadets.  "Heels *together*"
[22:19] <@IXJac> "How DARE you address a general officer, you ill bred snives!. . ."
[22:19] * @Chrysanth is suddenly in front of Wren, looking up at the taller (and likely be-high-heeled) woman
[22:20] <@IXJac> Wren stands there looking VERY annoyed.
[22:20] * Alice_2 (Alice_S@8976ee2d.dsl.chcgil.c4b6c291.net.hmsk) has joined #ascend
[22:20] <Alice_2> (Alice chosen as well, she has a evil clone)
[22:21] <@Chrysanth> "Hello."
[22:22] * @Alice_S (Alice_S@892261c3.dsl.chcgil.c4b6c291.net.hmsk) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds�)
[22:22] <@IXJac> She barely glances at you, then back at the General - who is just getting started on the poor cadets.  She sighs, and then murmurs, "Your pardon," and begins to stride off back to the garden.
[22:23] <@Chrysanth> "I wish to speak with you, heir to House Arhyna"
[22:23] <@IXJac> She stops, and looks down at you again.
[22:23] <@IXJac> d2
[22:23] <FBHbot> IXJac : ( 2 2 )
[22:24] <@IXJac> "I'm sorry, and you are?"
[22:24] <@Chrysanth> "I am Chrysanth, latterly from the mainland."
[22:24] <@Chrysanth> "In the care of the Emeraldines during my stay in this fine city."
[22:25] <@IXJac> (If you're reverseing the name, you might as well be Chrysanth de Caritas)
[22:25] <@Chrysanth> Thanks
[22:25] * @Chrysanth makes a note of this
[22:25] <@Chrysanth> "Finer than your choice of companion.  Walk with me."
[22:26] <@IXJac> She takes a deep breath, then shelves her obvious irritation.  "Very well.  A short walk.  We'll see if you can provide me half the satisfaction he would have."
[22:26] <@Chrysanth> "There is no aphrodisiac like power."
[22:27] <@Chrysanth> "Or do you prefer whiskey?"
[22:27] <@IXJac> d2
[22:27] <FBHbot> IXJac : ( 6 4 )
[22:27] * @Chrysanth cocks an eyebrow
[22:28] <@IXJac> She looks sharply at you.  "I find Information is its own nectar.  You look like someone who wants something, my young mainland lady."
[22:28] * Mara_Everrgreen is now known as FBH
[22:29] <@Chrysanth> "Probably, yes."
[22:30] <@IXJac> "Sit then.  Let's hear what you have to say."  She sits on a softly heated Thautech bench, and taps out a small incense stick, lighting it up with the flick of her fingers.
[22:30] <@IXJac> She takes a deep breath and blows out a fragrant circle.
[22:31] * @Chrysanth sits across from her, eyes shimmering out of synch with the flickering - ambient! - light of the fake flames along the sides of the nearby paths
[22:31] <@IXJac> "This city is dying, you know.  And I'm not talking just about its soul."
[22:31] * @Chrysanth nods
[22:32] <@Chrysanth> "Moral decay coupled with physical decay.  Hastened along by judicious application of force and hatred."
[22:32] <@IXJac> "The great Thaumic plants of the Chosen are failing, it needs power in a very literal sense.  By next winter will even this garden keep out the cold?"
[22:32] <@Chrysanth> "And not so judicious."
[22:33] <@IXJac> "Just so."  She says.
[22:33] * @Chrysanth frowns. "That is even worse than expected."
[22:33] <@Chrysanth> "The city will explode."
[22:34] <@IXJac> She laughs like a bell.  "Oh, it's not that bad, child.  They'll just drain and die.  No one knows how to charge geodes of that magnitude."
[22:34] <@Chrysanth> "No no.  Its soul."
[22:34] <@Chrysanth> "There are what, ten million people here?"
[22:34] <@Chrysanth> "How many of them might find these Zentech weapons by next winter, ready to storm the gates."
[22:35] <@Chrysanth> "It will be a bloodbath, one without the Chosen to put an end to it on . . . . favorable terms."
[22:35] <@Chrysanth> "I doubt anyone could say who would win.  Other than the carrion crows."
[22:36] <@IXJac> She leans back and looks at you.  "Oh, I don't think there's any doubt who'd win."
[22:37] * @Chrysanth leans forward. "Really."
[22:37] <@IXJac> A long pause, she taps her incense.  "Of course!"  She says brightly  "After all, hasn't Jibril always won before?"
[22:38] * @Chrysanth looks into her eyes
[22:39] <@IXJac> Rolling anything?
[22:39] <@Chrysanth> Intuition + intellect
[22:39] <@Chrysanth> d3 + 13
[22:39] <FBHbot> Chrysanth : ( 9 6 6 )
[22:39] <@Chrysanth> 34
[22:40] <@Chrysanth> "Don't let conviction become self-delusion.  The world has changed and you must change with it."
[22:41] <@IXJac> That last is an obvious lie, she doesn't expect Jibril to win at all, beyond that, you get the sense there's something else under that frivolous exterior.  Something very smart, and very dangerous
[22:41] * @Chrysanth suddenly smiles. "But I like you, and you seems like someone nice. And I'd rather not have this garden turn into a field of dead forget-me-nots."
[22:42] <@IXJac> You might want to wait for the result of roles before putting your foot in your mouth. ;)
[22:42] <@IXJac> She's not going to react particularly well to that second last statement
[22:43] <@Chrysanth> Alright
[22:43] <@IXJac> Being lectured by some kid from Jibril and all.
[22:44] <@IXJac> "Well, it's been a pleasant chat.  Do take my regards back to your family in the homeland.  I'm sure they'll like having one less thing to worry about.
[22:44] <@Chrysanth> "One more thing, really."
[22:44] <@IXJac> She stands up, snubbing the light out.
[22:45] <@Chrysanth> "Oh, sorry.  I meant they have one more thing to worry about, not one less."
[22:46] <@Chrysanth> "Maybe more than one thing to worry about, actually.  Better that way.  Keeps them busy."
[22:47] <@IXJac> "Indeed."  She fluffs her hair, "Enjoy the city.  Do let me know how it compares to those in Jibril some day."  And then she sashays away
[22:47] <@IXJac> OK, who's next up?
[22:47] <@Chrysanth> Greg!
[22:47] <@Gregorio> :o
[22:47] <@Gregorio> might as well I guess, it's getting late
[22:47] <@IXJac> OK, Greg is just cruising around the part
[22:47] <@IXJac> y
[22:48] <@Gregorio> yes
[22:48] <@IXJac> So, anything to roll to pick up anything?
[22:48] <@Gregorio> I dunno, conversation to pick up anything happening in the other wards?
[22:49] <@IXJac> There's tons happening in the wards
[22:49] <@IXJac> Any thing, or any one in particular?
[22:49] <@IXJac> Unless you have Uptake and just want to take a random shot in the dark
[22:49] <@Gregorio> probably involving Jibral movements and searches and stuff
[22:49] <@Gregorio> tech developments maybe?
[22:50] <@Gregorio> I don't
[22:50] <@IXJac> Tech developments?  Well the best source for that would be Gideon Taiani over there chatting with that merchant prince
[22:51] * Chrysanth sets mode: +o Alice_2
[22:51] <@IXJac> Gideon is the richest noble in the city, in part through his dealings in Electrotech to provide services where Thaumatech can't
[22:51] <@Gregorio> sure I guess
[22:51] <@Gregorio> small talk and such :P
[22:52] <@IXJac> As you approach you can hear an argument.  "-I'm sorry Gideon, but that's my final offer.  Copper cabling has gone through the roof.  Someone's buying up all the stock.  Someone with deeper pockets than even you."
[22:53] <@IXJac> They look up as you approach
[22:53] <@IXJac> d2
[22:53] <FBHbot> IXJac : ( 1 8 )
[22:53] <@IXJac> d2
[22:53] <FBHbot> IXJac : ( 6 6 )
[22:53] <@Gregorio> "Oh, did I interrupt something?"
[22:53] * @Gregorio asks innocently
[22:54] <@IXJac> The man Gideon Taiani was talking to you starts in recognition.  "Clo-  no, Lord Gregorio.  An honour."  He bows deeply.  "Solomon Dior, Chancellor of the Merchant Guild"
[22:54] <@Gregorio> "Ah, pleasure to meet you."
[22:54] * @Gregorio holds out his hand.
[22:54] <@IXJac> The man shakes it.
[22:54] <@Gregorio> "And please, no need for titles here."
[22:54] <@Gregorio> "Not my style."
[22:55] * @Gregorio smiles.
[22:55] <@IXJac> Gideon looks a little annoyed.  "INdeed.  Well, I'll leave you two - gentlemen.  Master Dior, we'll talk later when you're feeling more reasonable."
[22:56] * @Gregorio nods at him almost like he's enjoying the party, before turning to Solomon.
[22:56] <@IXJac> Solomon Dior watches him go and hrumphs.  "He thinks I'm being unfair, but you really CAN'T find cabling these days for love or money."
[22:56] <@IXJac> "Anyway, to what do I ow the honor of the greatest Savant of the upper city?"
[22:57] <@Gregorio> "Just...hanging around I suppose."
[22:57] <@Gregorio> "Anyways, I'm surprised that supplies of cabling is so short. Given the state of the wards, well..."
[22:57] * Silence_ (chatzilla@8976ee2d.dsl.chcgil.c4b6c291.net.hmsk) has joined #ascend
[22:58] * Silence_ is now known as Alice_S
[22:58] <@IXJac> He frowns.  "Yes, it is strange.  I certanly haven't seen it being used anywhere.  No idea who's buying it though.  I mean, some front called Nexus Corp, but - obvious.  Has to be someone behind it."
[22:58] <@Gregorio> Is copper cabling all for electrotech?
[22:58] <@IXJac> Yup, won't work for Thaumatech
[22:59] <@IXJac> Well, that's not true.
[22:59] <@Gregorio> right
[22:59] * @Gregorio shrugs. "Maybe someone's trying to hoard it all for some market-related reasons.
[22:59] * @Gregorio alters his stated speculation at the last minute!
[22:59] <@IXJac> There IS an idea you came up with a while ago to use an electric current to contain ether energy within a coiled circuit without Archenium, but it was impractical so you gave up on it
[23:00] <@IXJac> Just needed too much electricity.  Wasn't efficient.
[23:00] * @Alice_2 (Alice_S@8976ee2d.dsl.chcgil.c4b6c291.net.hmsk) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[23:00] <@IXJac> You abandoned the idea a few years ago.
[23:01] <@Gregorio> Too much energy for HIM anyway...
[23:01] <@IXJac> Archenium being the magic silver that you otherwise need to use.
[23:01] <@IXJac> That's true.
[23:02] <@IXJac> "But if you're looking for Archenium, I'm sure I can work out a good price for services."  Says Solomon
[23:03] <@IXJac> "The Guild always has contracts for a Thaumatech of your caliber.  Particularly with the Cheif Thaumatech so busy with her own work these days."
[23:03] <@Gregorio> "Indeed, I'm sure I'll keep that in mind, although operations right now have suffered a temporary explosive setback."
[23:03] * @Gregorio lets slip a little too much!
[23:04] <@IXJac> "Well, when you need it, here's my teleptex."  He hands you a one time praxis card
[23:04] <@IXJac> Break it for a brief telepathic link.
[23:05] <@Gregorio> right now?
[23:05] <@Gregorio> :o
[23:05] * @Gregorio breaks it!
[23:05] <@IXJac> Well, when you want to contact him
[23:05] <@Gregorio> oh
[23:05] <@IXJac> It's like a business card
[23:05] <@Gregorio> well nvm then :P
[23:05] <@IXJac> Anyway, unless you have anything else we'll jump to Lokar
[23:05] <@Jonas> (my god, it even has a watermark!)
[23:06] <@Gregorio> D:
[23:06] <@Gregorio> (sure)
[23:06] <@IXJac> What was Jonas doing again?
[23:06] <@Jonas> hang on let me scroll up
[23:07] <@Jonas> talking to Stevan Var-Vistus to get some info
[23:07] <@Jonas> miltary related info
[23:07] <@IXJac> OK, you see Stevan with the military outcasts over by the punch fountain
[23:07] <@IXJac> His uniform is looking a bit faded.  Var-Vistus is on hard times.
[23:08] * @Jonas walks over to get a cup of punch
[23:08] <@IXJac> They technically have a house guard, but its forbidden weapons and is used as an adjunct to the constabulary doing all the worst jubs
[23:08] <@Jonas> "Stevan! Man good man! It's been too long!"
[23:08] <@IXJac> "Jonas!"  Arm clenching, back slapping
[23:08] * @Jonas goes to shake his hand
[23:09] <@Jonas> "Some party."
[23:09] <@IXJac> Stevan is a large man, getting a little thick around the middle in his middle age, wearing a slightly too bushy beard and muttonchops, making up for the balding patch on top.
[23:10] <@IXJac> "For you, maybe.  I didn't get to come with the pretty little lady you did."
[23:10] <@Jonas> "Stevan! That's my neice!"
[23:11] <@IXJac> "Oh, that's what you're calling Alice now?  What's the next excuse?"
[23:12] * @Jonas blushes slightly has he realizes what Stevan just
[23:12] <@Jonas> "She's a... Business associate."
[23:12] * Chrysanth sets mode: +o Alice_S
[23:12] <@Jonas> "Dangerous world out there."
[23:13] <@Jonas> convo for small talk about the good old days?
[23:13] <@IXJac> "Yes, your 'gardening' business."  He makes a waving gesture.  "Best I don't know what you do these days, Jonas."
[23:13] <@IXJac> Sure.  Roll 2d10
[23:13] <@Jonas> d2 +8
[23:13] <FBHbot> Jonas : ( 6 10 )
[23:13] <@Jonas> d1
[23:13] <FBHbot> Jonas : ( 3 )
[23:14] <@Jonas> do I add 8 to the second roll?
[23:14] <@IXJac> You set him at ease talking about the good old days, without touching on all you've lost
[23:14] <@IXJac> Yes, it won't add the 8 in itself
[23:14] <@IXJac> So 27
[23:14] <@Jonas> ah
[23:15] <@IXJac> You can give him a positive Vibe
[23:15] <@Jonas> "Well I've sorta just become a man about town..."
[23:15] <@Jonas> "Bored really."
[23:15] * @Jonas goves him the good viberations
[23:15] <@Jonas> "How about you?"
[23:15] <@IXJac> We'll go with "Comfortable"
[23:15] <@IXJac> So, what do you want to ask him about?
[23:16] <@Jonas> what's going on in his district
[23:17] <@IXJac> He leans in closer.  "Samelrand's preparing for war, Jonas.  Have almost a brigade under arms, and not under the orders of Lord General Su Blessed
[23:18] <@Jonas> "Oh? From what I've heard the Mad Lady is beating up the Elves..."
[23:19] <@Alice_S> (and cousins)
[23:19] <@IXJac> "Got a proxy war going on across the Yojimbo Avenue crossing, with some street gangs and Lentithe puppets."
[23:19] <@Jonas> "Oh? How bad is it?'
[23:20] <@IXJac> "Bad.  Lenthithe has thousands under arms, and it Samelrand, and the gangs and Lentithe go at it it'll tear the whole district apart
[23:20] <@IXJac> "that mad bitch Ingria has to see it, but then,"  he shrugs.  "She's a mad bitch."
[23:21] <@Jonas> "Hm. How are things on your end Stevan?"
[23:21] * Peel (somebody@6ca5ed1b.6ca5f080.37.152.imsk) has left #ascend (Leaving�)
[23:22] <@IXJac> He shrugs, sighs, "Still bearing the pains of being so fucking AWESOME."  He grins.
[23:22] <@IXJac> "You know how it is with us."
[23:22] * @Jonas chuckles
[23:22] <@IXJac> "Du Blessed is many things, but she's true to her Chosen's words."
[23:22] <@IXJac> He looks over.  See's she's not close.  "She hates Marianne you know."
[23:23] <@Jonas> "Who doesn't? ;-)"
[23:24] <@IXJac> "Thinks she's plotting against her.  Word from the Endrus command is we've got raids in the west districts, big ones.  People even say there's a Strodyne.  A full Battle."
[23:24] <@Jonas> "We're... They looking for something?"
[23:25] <@IXJac> "No idea.  The  557th ran into them a week ago and got chewed up real bad.  If there's something they're here for no one's saying.  But they're not Zenith.  So. . . some other mainlanders?"
[23:26] <@IXJac> "But Du Blessed thinks its Marianne for sure.  Nevermind she's got no Stratodynes left, just like the rest of us."
[23:26] <@Jonas> "Hm."
[23:26] <@IXJac> What Circles does Jonas have?
[23:26] <@Jonas> 3 noble 1 elf
[23:27] <@IXJac> So many nobles.
[23:27] <@IXJac> OK, well, unless you have anything else we'll call the round there
[23:28] <@Jonas> ok
[23:28] <@IXJac> OK, we can do this two ways.  We can go for a second round of actions, or we can move the party to the next stage
[23:29] <@IXJac> If we do it the first way we probably won't be able to complete the party tonight, but you'll get more actions
[23:29] <@IXJac> If you wanted follow ups
[23:29] <@Alice_S> question is St Just here?
[23:29] <@IXJac> Not yet, no.
[23:29] <@Alice_S> I'm ok with it moving forward
[23:29] <@Alice_S> not sure how much abuse to the face Alice wants to take during the night
[23:31] <@Chrysanth> I know what I want to do!
[23:31] <@IXJac> OK, so who wants second actions?
[23:31] <@IXJac> Shrike. . .
[23:32] <@IXJac> Just Shrike?
[23:32] <@Chrysanth> I'm going to find the most secluded part of the garden and transform into a crow (I assume there's crowd here)
[23:32] <@Chrysanth> crows
[23:32] <@Jonas> I might be up for another chat
[23:32] <@IXJac> It doesn't work that way unfortunately.  It's cats or nothing
[23:32] <@Chrysanth> Oh
[23:32] <@Jonas> kitty!
[23:33] <@Alice_S> Nekopowers activate
[23:33] <@IXJac> Thaumatech is very fixed.
[23:33] <@IXJac> You CAN make your transform shape a crow if you want.
[23:33] <@IXJac> But whatever it is, you're stuck with for the game
[23:34] <@Chrysanth> Nah I can manage with cat
[23:34] <@Chrysanth> Just didn't realize it was fixed
[23:34] <@IXJac> OK, so you Neko it up.
[23:34] <@IXJac> That's 3 Ether expended and 3 comitted, if it matters
[23:34] <@IXJac> (It won't)
[23:34] <@Alice_S> (oh hey I found Alice: glasses http://www.hotflick.net/flicks/2010_Bunraku/big/fhd010BRK_Kevin_McKidd_011.jpg)
[23:35] <@IXJac> What next?
[23:35] * @Chrysanth heads out towards the car where the head of House Samelrand is recovering
[23:35] <@Chrysanth> or has she completely departed
[23:36] <@IXJac> You follow the lines of conversation.  Roll Senses+Convo+Noble Circle+2d10 to follow the gossip
[23:36] <@Chrysanth> d2 + 11
[23:36] <FBHbot> Chrysanth : ( 1 2 )
[23:37] <@IXJac> She was taken to somewhere in the palace, but aside from that no one knows exactly.  And it's a big palace
[23:37] <@IXJac> "Oh, look, a cat!"  "Don't pick it up, it could be a stray!"  "In here, and so well cut?  Don't be silly.  It must be the Archangelis, oh, it's gone!"
[23:38] <@Chrysanth> can I spend an exploit to reroll or boost it?
[23:38] <@IXJac> You can blow a willpower for another action to make the roll again, yes.
[23:38] <@Chrysanth> will do
[23:38] <@Chrysanth> d2 + 11
[23:38] <FBHbot> Chrysanth : ( 5 9 )
[23:38] <@Chrysanth> Better
[23:40] <@IXJac> You keep hunting.  There's some soldiers, Archangeli Cadet Guards.  ". . .Keep her there until the Lord General can see her.  Captain Saint-Just was clear he doesn't want another scene from her."
[23:41] * @Chrysanth hunts around for the Lord General
[23:41] <@IXJac> "Sir!"  The young cadet salutes, hand to chest in sort of a half prayer, something not local, and then heads back into the palace, his boots clicking on the marble
[23:41] <@Chrysanth> Or the cadet!
[23:41] <@IXJac> You pad after him.
[23:41] <@IXJac> You can also go invisible, if you want to be an invisible cat
[23:42] <@IXJac> Darkshell
[23:42] <@Chrysanth> Does this make me invisible to ether sight?  or more visible?
[23:43] <@IXJac> Good question.  It has to be optimized.  It can do one or the other, but not both at once
[23:43] <@Chrysanth> Well I'm already a cat, so let's go for anti-ether
[23:43] <@IXJac> OK, it'll tick down power.  You're out one Ether
[23:43] <@Chrysanth> Just a perfectly normal cat
[23:44] <@Chrysanth> Ok we'll hold off on that then
[23:44] <@Chrysanth> dunno how fast this burns
[23:44] <@IXJac> OK, he approaches a room with two other guards.  "He says keep her there.  Has she stopped throwing things?"
[23:44] <@IXJac> 1 Ether minute
[23:45] <@IXJac> One of the guards unlocks the large double doors and moves to peek in.
[23:46] * @Chrysanth winds past his legs
[23:46] <@IXJac> *CRASH!*  A vase comes flying out and just misses his head, sailing over into the hall.  "BITCH!"
[23:46] <@IXJac> SLAM
[23:46] <@IXJac> "That's a lady of the Nobility, Fresnel, you can't call her that."
[23:46] <@Chrysanth> Physique + graces to get in!
[23:47] <@IXJac> "Fucking call her whatever I like, fucking provincial ass cracks, can't WAIT to be back in Coreven."
[23:47] <@IXJac> Roll
[23:47] <@Chrysanth> 2d + 8
[23:47] <@Chrysanth> d2 + 8
[23:47] <FBHbot> Chrysanth : ( 7 3 )
[23:48] <@IXJac> And it would really be stealth, but you're in
[23:48] <@IXJac> You enter a glorious state room, or it was, before Ingria Samelrand hit it.
[23:48] * @Chrysanth darts under the nearest piece of concealing furniture
[23:48] <@IXJac> Now it's been affected by a minor typhoon.
[23:48] <@IXJac> Crash crash.
[23:49] * @Chrysanth takes advantage of her rage to get comfy and respirate ether (can I do that?)
[23:49] <@IXJac> More furniture hits the door, then Ingria collapses back on a sofa, weeping
[23:49] <@IXJac> Yup, roll Aether+Ether Channel
[23:49] <@Chrysanth> d2 + 7
[23:49] <FBHbot> Chrysanth : ( 10 10 )
[23:49] <@Chrysanth> d2
[23:49] <FBHbot> Chrysanth : ( 2 5 )
[23:49] <@Chrysanth> \o/
[23:49] <@IXJac> 3 points back
[23:50] <@IXJac> Also you feel your ether channels open more fully, one free skill point in Ether Channel
[23:51] <@IXJac> OK, you're in the room with a crying madwoman, what's the next step?
[23:51] <@Chrysanth> Waiting for the Lord General to come, wait for the lord general to *leave*, then murder
[23:51] <@IXJac> OK, that's going to probably take into next session then.  We'll leave you there, and go down to Jonas
[23:52] <@Chrysanth> wait no.  Murder is unlawful
[23:52] <@Chrysanth> This would be execution
[23:52] <@Chrysanth> After all, I am the law.
[23:52] <@Chrysanth> But ok :D
[23:52] <@Jonas> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miVoe7U6Lx4
[23:53] <@IXJac> Jonas?  Last action before we move the party along.  What you up to?
[23:53] <@Jonas> Oh roll noble circles to look for someone from the other district that borders Samelran
[23:54] <@IXJac> OK, roll
[23:54] <@Jonas> d2 +8
[23:54] <FBHbot> Jonas : ( 3 8 )
[23:56] <@Chrysanth> I guess I feel a little bit bad for Ingria but well
[23:56] <@Chrysanth> There'll be more humans
[23:57] <@Jonas> Alice will be mad
[23:57] <@IXJac> *poke*
[23:57] <@IXJac> Oh, sorry, chat lag
[23:57] <@Jonas> I rolled
[23:57] <@Jonas> 19
[23:57] <@IXJac> You see Aeternia Lentithe.
[23:58] * @Jonas walks toward her (him?)
[23:58] <@IXJac> She's the youngest daughter of Eurinia Lentithe, but the most martial
[23:59] <@Jonas> "Ah Lady Aeternia! *kisses hand*"
[23:59] <@IXJac> "Jonas, you old warhorse."  She throws you a mocking salute.
[23:59] <@IXJac> d2
[23:59] <FBHbot> IXJac : ( 3 4 )
[00:00] <@Jonas> "o7"
[00:01] <@IXJac> "How's the 'gardening' your men are doing over on Yojimbo going?"
[00:02] <@IXJac> Lady Aeternia is no fool.  She knows about the Ghosts moving into her area, but she's been keeping her people (and the Constables where possible) wide.
[00:02] <@Jonas> "I'm sure I have no idea what your talking all I garden are some of the most beautiful flowers in my nursery... Which you are more than welcome to come and see."
[00:02] * @Jonas sips punch
[00:02] <@IXJac> "Maybe later, when I have fewer family matters."
[00:02] <@Jonas> "So I've heard."
[00:03] <@IXJac> She suddenly grins and slaps you on the shoulder.  "Did you SEE it?  Your Alice had her is SUCH a fury."
[00:03] <@Jonas> "Terrible business with those gangs..."
[00:04] <@IXJac> "Makes me glad I didn't shoot her when we last met."
[00:04] <@IXJac> (Well, she could have tried.  Aeternia's a good soldier, but. . .)
[00:04] <@Jonas> "Yes Miss Samelran has her way... Espically with her cousin, tho it doesn't take that much to set her off."
[00:05] <@IXJac> "Yeah, a good Samelrand, who'd have thought."
[00:05] <@Jonas> "Which one should be careful not to do."
[00:05] <@IXJac> "Comes from raising a generation to be nothing but mad dogs."
[00:06] <@Jonas> "Heard you've been having some trouble with gangers."
[00:07] <@IXJac> The smile leaves her face.  "Those Nexlexi clowns, yes.  Seems they're doing proxy work for Samelrand.  Just confirmed it actually - that was their Artemis Frost talking to Ingria over there half an hour ago.
[00:08] <@IXJac> "They keep poking holes in the Ward Walls, doing checkpoint raids.  The Constabularies left half the crossings unguarded now out of fear."
[00:08] * @Jonas casual looks towards Frost before looking back
[00:08] <@IXJac> She seems to have vanished
[00:09] <@Jonas> "So how goes it?"
[00:09] <@IXJac> "So, and don't you be going all moral on me about this Jonas! - we've enlisted the help of some. . . low dwellers. . . of our own."
[00:10] <@IXJac> "Group calls themselves the Lunar Crew.  Angriest elves you ever did see, but reliable enough, for slit eyes."
[00:10] <@Jonas> "Oh?"
[00:10] <@IXJac> "So they take a little of the fight back to Samelrand and their dogs.  At least until we're ready to show them how a real Eleutherian fights."
[00:11] <@Jonas> "Be careful, we don't need more blood on the streets."
[00:11] <@Jonas> "People like Samelran... Don't know their limitations."
[00:11] <@IXJac> "So, Jonas, as a favour to me, watch which flowers you prune when you're out. . . gardening."
[00:11] <@IXJac> "You know, in winter."
[00:12] <@IXJac> She winks.
[00:12] <@Jonas> "Of course."
[00:12] <@Jonas> "Tho if you should needs some... Advice... On pruning you know where to reach me. :)"
[00:13] <@IXJac> She smiles.  She does have a nice dimple, could damn well be your daughter though!
[00:14] <@IXJac> So, anything else?
[00:14] * @Alice_S is reading to mvoe to stage 2
[00:14] <@Alice_S> ready to move even
[00:14] <@Jonas> I got info and flirted I'm ready to move on
[00:16] <@IXJac> And then a bell tolls, and a crier steps forward, her voice amplified by thaumatech in her high preistess' collar.  "All ye gathered, all ye gathered, here comes his excellency, Governor of the Corrected Zone.  Give honour to the Divine Appointed Armiger Archangeli!"
[00:16] <@IXJac> And we'll stop there
[00:17] <@IXJac> We can do the next part next session
[00:17] <@Chrysanth> Flailed a bit when it came to Wren, but definately got my groove on once I decided what action to take
[00:18] <@IXJac> Don't be afriad to just fling dice around if you're a bit lost
[00:18] <@Chrysanth> Gonna have to find out about these Chosen hyperturbines though
[00:18] <@IXJac> That's what the social rules are fore
[00:18] <@IXJac> Just start trying to find goals and fears and convictions
[00:18] <@Chrysanth> Or maybe commission the ticktockman to start building some new powerplants
[00:19] <@Gregorio> that's the obvious choice, but I doubt even Greg has that sort of expertise yet :V
[00:19] <@IXJac> Oh, Gregorio could give you the low down on them.
[00:19] <@Gregorio> never know though!
[00:19] <@Chrysanth> Well it's not like every single bit of technology needs the Chosen
[00:19] <@Alice_S> howdy many unfornatue acidents have to befall before Alice gets to be the Samelrand
[00:19] <@Jonas> So looks like there's gonna be a war brewing soon
[00:19] <@Chrysanth> presumably the cities back in Jibril aren't imploding
[00:19] <@Chrysanth> (yet)
[00:19] <@IXJac> The Geode plants are basically massive nuclear style/ether piles.
[00:19] <@Chrysanth> yeah
[00:19] <@Gregorio> I would bet that the clock is ticking very quickly to midnight though
[00:20] <@Gregorio> over there
[00:20] * Alice_S is now known as Silence
[00:20] <@Chrysanth> I might need to go all Highlander until I get enough memories to restart them
[00:20] <@IXJac> Except they require ether on a scale that only the Chosen could manage.  The Priestesses just channeled it through for them, but the power came from the Chosen
[00:20] <@Chrysanth> Hm
[00:20] <@Chrysanth> so a bit of a failsafe system, even if inadvertently
[00:20] <@IXJac> Most of the plants went into safety shut down during the Silent War, and people can't reactivate them
[00:21] <@IXJac> The few still running are overloaded and decaying fast
[00:22] <@IXJac> Anyway, you guys found. . . about a third of what I had written out for the party, so, pretty good
[00:22] <@Gregorio> well if there are SOME running then I guess Greg would at least be able to compare notes and extrapolate from there
[00:22] <@Chrysanth> and yeah how many Samelrands am I gonna have to kittyslay before we get Silence running the show
[00:22] <@IXJac> Good question!
[00:22] <@IXJac> There's not that many, but, um. . . looks like, five?
[00:23] <@IXJac> Assuming they all want the job.
[00:23] <@Chrysanth> Guess we'll see what happens
[00:23] <@IXJac> Well, actually four.  Doubt Ingria's son is old enough for anything beyond a regency
[00:23] <@Jonas> Game of Throne: Samelran Edition
[00:23] <@Chrysanth> But yeah I'm hoping what I'm doing is so brazen they'll never suspect it :p
[00:23] <@Silence> *number 5 dies and the Crusaders for the security the house put Alice in protective custody to stop the rebels*
[00:23] <@IXJac> So Ingria, her sister, a couple of male cousins.
[00:24] <@IXJac> You'll have virtually exterminated the family by then though. :)
[00:25] <@Chrysanth> The tree of progress must be be periodically watered by the blood of the regressive.
[00:25] * @Chrysanth gives a Chosen shrug
[00:25] <@Chrysanth> Besides Alice is young.  Lots of time to have children.
[00:25] <@IXJac> Anyway, I'm too tired to really go and apportion XP, so unless there's any complaints I'm giving 3 CP to all of you
[00:25] <@Silence> cool
[00:25] <@Chrysanth> hoorah
[00:25] <@Chrysanth> it was pretty cool
[00:25] <@Chrysanth> You put a lot of work into that IX
[00:26] <@IXJac> I did!
[00:26] <@Chrysanth> I appreciate it!
[00:26] <@IXJac> I'll put a summary up on the Wiki later
[00:26] <@Jonas> cool
[00:26] <@IXJac> So, any comments from the gallery?
[00:26] <@Jonas> that was fun
[00:26] <@Gregorio> yeah
[00:26] <@Gregorio> out of element a bit but that's to be expected
[00:27] <@Chrysanth> Anyhow I was telling Silence that I basically figured that the answer to being faced with a chess board where you have a bad position and few options is simple
[00:27] <@Chrysanth> Upend the board
[00:27] <@Gregorio> anyways, bed
[00:27] <@Jonas> kinda wish I put a convo roll with Aethera
[00:27] <@IXJac> Night.
[00:27] <@Silence> anyway it was fun, I'll collate thoughts for later
[00:27] * @Gregorio (nnscript@6eca3def.nycmny.fios.36f5c1fe.net.hmsk) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[00:27] <@Silence> but I got sleep
[00:27] <@Chrysanth> And I don't think the universe is exactly going to miss crazy lady
[00:27] <@Chrysanth> night
[00:27] <@IXJac> Yeah, I expected you to try and sway her
[00:27] <@IXJac> Oh well, maybe at a less public venu
[00:27] <@Jonas> yeah i kinda wanted to
[00:27] <@Silence> oh a question
[00:27] <@IXJac> ?
[00:28] <@Silence> did Alice at least help get herself a better public image
[00:28] <@Silence> you know superhumanly putting up with crazy
[00:28] <@Jonas> since she seems receptive
[00:28] <@Jonas> but yeah i'm sure I'll get another oppertunity
[00:28] <@Chrysanth> JOnas isn't married is he?
[00:28] <@Jonas> no
[00:28] <@IXJac> Well, if you listened to Aeternia it seems she at least now has a positive impression of Alice, so, probably
[00:28] <@Chrysanth> Well then court that shit!
[00:28] <@Silence> cool anyway
[00:28] <@Chrysanth> SO what if she's half your age
[00:29] <@Jonas> well he was flirting with her
[00:29] <@IXJac> I mean, if a vengeful Lentithe thinks she's OK, Alice is probably doing OK.
[00:29] <@Chrysanth> in fifty years she'll only be like 7/8th your age!
[00:29] <@Chrysanth> why are the Lentithe so buttmad anyhow?
[00:29] <@Chrysanth> I read that they ARE, but I'm not following WHY
[00:29] <@Chrysanth> just one of those dumb feuds?
[00:29] <@Jonas> turf war I believe
[00:30] <@IXJac> Oh, OK, so, it goes back to the Republic
[00:30] <@IXJac> Lentithe was never admitted to the Patrician houses, in large part because Samelrand got the others to vote against them
[00:30] <@Chrysanth> Ahhhh
[00:30] <@Chrysanth> Ok that makes sense
[00:30] <@Chrysanth> I don't think that little detail was on the wiki
[00:31] <@IXJac> Samelrand and Lentithe had squabbles going way back, but Samelrand abused its position in the republic to dispossess a lot of Lentithe (it's not in the Wiki)
[00:32] <@IXJac> Samelrand was one of the really hardcore Republican houses, including training up a generation to be tyke-bomb super soldiers
[00:32] <@IXJac> Which resulted in crazies like Alice and Ingria
[00:32] <@IXJac> Then when all the leadership died in the war, the crazies took over
[00:33] <@Chrysanth> The inmates are running the asylum eh
[00:33] <@IXJac> Lentithe on the other hand had a bit of an epiphany after the Chosen victory
[00:33] <@IXJac> They realized that for its flaws, the republic wasn't so bad - it was ALL JUST SAMELRAND'S FAULT!
[00:34] <@IXJac> Something that they've been more convinced of after being shoved in a District together with them (who made those assignments and thought that was a good idea anyway!?)
[00:34] <@IXJac> And Samelrand's odious actions haven't helped.
[00:35] <@IXJac> So now Lentithe opposes Samelrand on principle, and as a result is inadvertantly sliding into alliances they otherwise would never consider
[00:35] <@Chrysanth> So Samelrand is where all the ash comes from?
[00:35] <@IXJac> Yup!  Zeta Ward.  Ward 6
[00:36] <@IXJac> They do processing for all the out-city undesirables
[00:36] * @Chrysanth disapproves
[00:36] * @Jonas really disapproves
[00:36] <@IXJac> Technically the client house Venamus runs the camps
[00:36] <@Jonas> How we have fallen as a people :(
[00:36] <@IXJac> But they work for Samelrand
[00:36] <@Chrysanth> One sadness for this session is I didn't get to flake out too much
[00:37] <@Chrysanth> I'm totally callign Ent the Ticktockman tho
[00:37] * @Chrysanth marches up to Greg
[00:37] <@Jonas> I should've asked to go first I could feel myself starting to fade before we got to my first turn
[00:37] <@Chrysanth> Repent, Ticktockman! Said the Harlequin!
[00:37] <@Chrysanth> well go to bed!
[00:37] <@Chrysanth> you have work tomorow!
[00:38] <@Jonas> its is hot and humid here :(
[00:38] <@Chrysanth> That's what she said :(
[00:38] <@IXJac> yeah, I was hoping to start much earlier, but I had stuff to do
[00:39] <@Chrysanth> Well if you're gonna do the other half of the party next weekend that works out for me
[00:39] <@Chrysanth> because I'll be out of town
[00:39] <@Jonas> but I got to do a couple of things I wanted to do: make contacts and connected with Ticktockman
[00:39] <@Chrysanth> but I'm also out of the ball!
[00:40] <@Chrysanth> Well Ent has his codename
[00:40] <@Chrysanth> I'll have to figure one out for you
[00:43] <@Chrysanth> I'm sure something will come
[00:45] <@IXJac> So, do you guys have an idea for your overall plan yet?
[00:46] <@Jonas> "The Lech."
[00:47] <@Chrysanth> I think step 1 is averting the Samelrand/Lentithe war
[00:47] <@Jonas> Yes
[00:47] <@Jonas> then bringing down the Samelran
[00:47] <@Chrysanth> Well, I think that's actually part of step 1
[00:47] <@Chrysanth> Put Alice on top
[00:48] <@Chrysanth> The big picture's still fairly cloudy but there's something to work with now anyways
[00:48] <@Jonas> Oh well then there's only one step for overall
[00:48] <@Jonas> probably develop ties with Lentithe
[00:48] <@Chrysanth> That's your job!
[00:48] <@Jonas> then seem a bit receptive
[00:48] <@Jonas> indeed!
[00:52] <@IXJac> Curious to see what Silence thinks in the morning.
[00:52] <@IXJac> I still remember him blowing my last mystery (admittedly not a complex one) in like 30 seconds
[00:52] <@Chrysanth> Oh he's entirely down with me killing my way to him being on top.
[00:52] <@Chrysanth> :p
[00:53] <@Chrysanth> You need to get some more info from your street contacts Lokar
[00:53] <@Chrysanth> listening to the nobles will only take us so far
[00:53] <@Jonas> well
[00:53] <@Jonas> we're at a noble party :p
[00:53] <@IXJac> Has to be Lokar too.  He's the only one who doesn't COMPLETELY move in Noble Circles. ;)
[00:54] <@IXJac> Well, there are servants.  And soldiers
[00:54] <@Jonas> good thing he's a solid republician idealist
[00:54] * @Jonas goes out to bring some drinks and finger food to the poor overworked servants and guards on duty
[00:55] <@Jonas> but he has to meet his old friend Armiger and push some buttons with the Lord Gen
[00:56] <@Jonas> and I guess have a dance with the lovely young Lady Aeternia >.>'
[00:56] <@IXJac> You'll make Alice jealous
[00:57] <@Jonas> >.>'
[00:57] <@Jonas> Jonas is a busy man
[00:57] <@IXJac> Under Aeternia's character stub, I just have the word "Valkyrie" for description.  So she's tall, blonde, and probably busty.
[01:00] <@Chrysanth> The ultimate expression of five centuries of Chosen breeding
[01:02] <@IXJac> Yeah, it's resulted in a very high standard of Noble beauty.  Wonder if there's a chosen out there who bred for ugliness, just to be contrary. . .
[01:03] <@Chrysanth> I can assure you that those three crusader chosen bred for morel and intellectual degeneracy.
End of #ascend buffer    Mon Jul 20 01:05:29 2015

Latest revision as of 21:23, 1 August 2015

"A glittering battlefield."

Players Involved: Shrike, Lokar, Ent, Silence

Return to Ascension Isle: Legacy

"Well it should be a fun party." Alice says. "I mean I heard all sorts of fashionable people will be there. The creme of our lovely land."

A ball is being held in the Governor's palace of CZ Central's Unity district, to honour the fifth wedding anniversary of Governor Armiger Archangeli and the Lady Aster Emerald-Archangeli. The high nobility of CZ Central has been invited, along with several other notable residents of the city. This guest list apparently does not include the rogue Thamatechnician, Gregorio Arhyna, who is nevertheless helped past the guards at the gates to the Unity District by the passing noblewoman Alice Samelrand, dressed in an eye catching red and black three piece ensemble complete with checkerboard tie, and on her way to join Jonas Flavius at his manor. Alice recognizes the "Clockmaker"; the former protege of the City's Chief Thaumatech, and expects to receive a valuable favour in return some day.

The dingy iron and brick of the Wards gives way to the towering silver and glass of the Unity District. The architecture is a mix of futuristic skyscrapers and office towers with an over the top classicalism. There are marble statues and glass foyers everywhere, flowing fountains, with heated water, and all the street lights still lit. A carriage clops up, its body the converted shell of an autocar for which there is no longer any fuel, pulled instead by an animated horse construct. The driver is one of Jonas' men. "Flavius sends his regards my Lady, and a carriage to his house."

On arriving at the stately (although largely empty) Flavius Manor, Alice is led to the prayer room, where she finds Jonas, Lilly, Loran and Chrysanth waiting. Alice lights up at the sight of the Cordinal in his foppish finery best, then frowns at the sight of this new purple haired hussy, sitting near Jonas and listening silently to his amusing anecdotes.

"I'm sure you remember my niece, Lilly?" Jonas says.
Lilly nods, a bit curtly. "Samelrand." Her flat tone leaves the "What's SHE doing here," unsaid.
"Lady Emeraldine," Alice bows, "You look adorable as ever, I must know your stylist"
Alice turns back to Jonas "Cordinal. I ran into the Clockmaker"
Chrysanth looks up. "Will there be a Harlequin to go with the Ticktockman?"
"Perhaps!" Jonas laughs, "Who can tell at these balls. Would certainly be more entertaining than the last one!"
"Maybe somebody will get shot," Alice adds, "Its been too long since there been a proper duel at one these things. . ."
Jonas frowns at Alice, and Lilly's eyes flash. Lilly's mother, Hazel Emeraldine was the most celebrated duelist of her day, before she became. . . well. . . serially inebriated.
Jonas coughs, "And this is Lilly's cousin. . . Miss Chrysanth. She's come a great distance."
"I greet you in the name of the Chosen." Says Chrysanth, an uncommon greeting indeed in Jonas' social circle.
"And I," Says another voice, as a woman glides into the room, "Am Moira Clementine, and the one who called you all here this night."

Moira Clementine, a former Priestess of Zadkiel and the Heir and Defender of House Clementine enters. She has her hair piled up in a complex of silver curls and braids, lit with flickering internal lights that throw rainbow colours through it. A woman in her 50s, through the power of Thaumatechnology she has the looks of a woman in the 30s, and will likely continue to do so for the next half century. As she walks into the prayer room she draws an Empyrean Monstrance from beneath her white fur coat and touches it to the head of the seated Chrysanth. The crystal within the Monstrance immediately blazes to life, indicating the presence of one of the Chosen.

Moira quickly explains to the stunned gathering that the girl they know as Chrysanth de Caritas is in fact an annointed vessel of the Chosen Zadkiel. Chrysanth is not yet the Chosen herself, but is a possible candidate for the return of her soul. She tells them that House Clementine is sworn to defend the annointed of Zadkiel, and requests their help in doing so. This is not a ceremonial task, she cautions. The young cornet Loran rescued Chrysanth from a clone archive of Zadkiel, which the Lord General Marianne Saint-Just recently had destroyed.

"For all her professed faith, the Lord General has committed high crimes against vessels of the Chosen." Moira says sternly. "We must know why, and then we must punish her for it. And then we must return the light of the Chosen so Zadkiel can take her vessel and ascend her throne. I am telling you this Jonas because you are a just man, and one who is more than most people know." Moira casts a glance at Alice Samelrand, "I am willing to trust your faith in your companion to keep this secret."
"Feel free to shoot me if you wish to protect the secrect." Alice says, "If that's what the Cordinal thinks is best."
"Now, now." Jonas says, "There will be no need for that."
Chrysanth nods. "We are one, you and I, together we suffer, together exist and forever will recreate each other."
"Amaryllis Emeraldine," Moira says, "I charge you and your house with defending Chrysanth in my stead. With you and under your protection she will have freedom of action she would not otherwise possess."
"I have asked you to put your trust in me to bring a close to this era of apocalypse." Chrysanth adds. "Now I will put my trust in you."

While shocking truths are being revealed at Flavius Manor, Gregorio Arhyna arrives at the Governor's Palace. It's a new building of course. The Chosen Leliel flattened the whole of the city center five years ago during Nightfall. The new palace is a massive three spired cathedral of white stone and black glass, with glittering lights reflected off its mirrored surfaces. Gregorio thinks it looks kind of gaudy, but he can't do anything about it. . . For now. Security at the entrance is provided by a squad of Archangeli House Cadet Guards, standing at attention in their red uniforms, with a pair of Arch Autoclaires in parade trim nestled in alcoves behind them, the real local firepower. Dressed in a semi-fancy tailored suit with his normal rather unkempt appearance cleaned up for the engagement, Gregorio looks fancy enough to be admitted, but not important enough to be announced, and slips into the ballroom without fanfare.

The room is huge, at least 100m on a side, with a pair of chairs, almost thrones, on a raised velvet dias at the end, and food tables along the walls. A live band - almost a full orchestra - is playing lively tunes, the top of the pops in Jibril no doubt. Gregorio wonders for a moment how the crowd would react if someone instead started pumping in the latest Mikealan Techno. Maybe remind some of these turncoats what continent they're on. . . He files that on his to-do list if he can get away with it! The servers are even live waiters and waitresses rather than the far more economical, if disconcerting, Thaumatech constructs.

Peering through the crowd, Gregorio searches for his half-sister, Wren Aryhna, who he knows will be in attendance. He sees her draped over the Tellaren Lieutenant General Roald Janvier, in temporary command of Tellaren forces in the city during the absence of the Lord General Tiwas Hallow. Janvier sports one of those ridiculous handlebar mustaches that seem popular in southern Jibril, and Wren keeps trying to play with it. She's also giggling. A lot. Gregorio doesn't recall her being anywhere near this frivolous, so either his cousin has changed, or she's playing him. Maybe it's both?

"Excuse me, my lady, I must talk affairs of state with the Lieutenant General" A stern faced woman, shaved head, face all angles muscles in. Lord General Chesne Du Blessed, the Endruscarian commander.
She shoulders him away and Gregorio can here her hissing, ". . .Embarassing yourself Janvier!"
Wren makes a discrete, "tele me!" motion, finger to temple motion to the Lt Gen as he's dragged away.
Gregorio takes his cue, "Ah! Wren! There you are!"
Wren turns to see him. "Well, if it isn't little Greggo!" She's actually two years younger than Greg, she's just wearing heels. And a V-neck gown that's cut down to somewhere just above her pelvis. She's definitely filled out a lot since Grogorio last saw her. Her hair is done up in a stunning shade of auburn streaked with gold, all ringlets falling over her shoulders and back. They provide what little modesty her dress avoids. She's not QUITE the most scandalously dressed woman here, but she's close.
"You're staring, brother."
"I am!"
She taps out a little fan. "And it has accessories!" The fan is inscribed with prayers to the Chosen for modesty and propriety. She flutters it distractingly over her mostly exposed bosom. If the High Priestess saw her now she'd probably be summarily enlightened.

Immediately recognizing a co-conspirator (with the aid of a little telepathy) Wren demands to know why Gregorio is really at the party. Wren knows of his turn as a street Thaumatech, and the last she heard he was holding court with the crows inside the crashed Stratodyne, Splendor Solis. Masked by telepathy, Grogorio lets his half-sister know about his encounter with Clive and the Nexlexi thugs that ruined his lab, although he carefully leaves out mention of his encounter with a Fey Princess. He now needs access to his old equipment, stored under the Arhyna Manor.

Wren sighs. "Here." She passes Greg a Praxis key, a silver sliver of metal. "That'll get you into the storehouse under the manor. Just don't let mother see you." She glances across the room to where the leader of the Nexlexi gang and CEO of its corporate facade, neXen, is talking to the head of House Samelrand. "But do be careful. I heard that Nexlexi is looking to bring someone over to Ward 6 in the near future. Someone important. Someone who doesn't want to go. It might be you."
"You're the best, sis!" Gregorio says half-teasingly.
"I am!" Wren leans forward and gives Greg a peck on the cheek that gives him a very non-sisterly view, then spins off. "Now, I have souls to corrupt."

At this point Jonas and his party arrive, and are announced at the door, the Count Jonas Flavius, and the Countess-heir Amaryllis Emeraldine. Loran, dressed in the white and blue of a Coreve Crusade Cornet follows, escorting the violet-haired Chrysanth de Caritas. Alice follows after, alone, and notices Greogrio furtively skirting the party and studiously avoiding the cluster around his former mentor, the CZ Central Chief Thaumatech Giannina Megus, now a key ally of the Lord General Marianne Saint-Just. Alice latches on to the Clockmaker and drags him over for an introduction to Jonas. Jonas tells Gregorio he could use a man of his skills, and hands him his card. . . leaving Greg to wonder, use for what exactly?

"Cordinal." Alice says, "This is the man I was talking about."
"Not Cordinal, Alice." Jonas sighs. "Just Jonas now."

Leaving Jonas and Gregorio to make acquaintances, Alice heads over to talk to her sibling, Ingria Samelrand, and her guest, a short woman with a mess of blonde hair, blinging it up in an outfit of gold leaf and chains, like a barbarian queen.

"Ah, Alice." Says Ingria. She rolls a thin stemmed glass between her fingers. "Frosty, meet my dead - I mean dear cousin, Alice, Alice, Alice Somebody. Goodbye now Alice."

Alice ignores Ingria and greets the other woman with a relaxed smile, "My Lady Frosty please to meet you" The other woman looks Alice up and down, then holds out a hand, in a common gesture not usually seen among the nobility. "Arlene Frost, neXen Corp."

"Are you involved in the Family business, Alice?" Asks Frost
"No, I am more of a freelancer these days." Alice says, "Dearest Ingria does a such a fine job policing the ward without the need of a triggerwomen of my skill afterall. . . Though I heard she been having a spot of elf trouble."
"You do look like you can handle yourself." Frost says. "Got the hands and the eyes. Look, if you're around Ward 6 next Gabrelday I could use-"
"Alice is NOT part of our venture." Interrupts Ingria.

A confrontation between Alice and Ingria rapidly escalates, with Alice resisting Ingria's attempts to dismiss her, until the Baronness of House Salemrand finally flings her wine glass at Alice. Despite a cut on her cheek from the glass, Alice only smiles; "Dearest cousin your hand slipped. I haven't drun from this yet so you can have my mine." Ingria flies into a fury. Re-directing her rage she nearly attacks the elven servant who arrives to clean up the mess, only being prevented at the last moment by Loran, who firmly escorts her away.

Meanwhile, Chrysanth follows Wren Arhyna and the Lieutenant General out into the palace garden. Using a little trick of deception, Chrysanth puts disapproving words into the mouths of a pair of guards and utterly ruins the mood. As the General tears a strip up one side and down the other of the two soldiers, Chrysanth appears to lead the heir to House Arhyna away for her own conference.

"I am Chrysanth de Caritas, latterly from the mainland. In the care of the Emeraldines during my stay in this fine city. I may prove finer company than your choice of companion. Walk with me."
Wren takes a deep breath, then shelves her obvious irritation. "Very well. A short walk. We'll see if you can provide me half the satisfaction he would have."
"There is no aphrodisiac like power." Chrysanth says, "Or do you prefer whiskey?"
Wren looks sharply at her. "I find Information is its own nectar. You look like someone who wants something, my young mainland lady."
"Probably, yes."
"Sit then. Let's hear what you have to say." Wren sits on a softly heated Thautech bench, and taps out a small incense stick, lighting it up with the flick of her fingers. She takes a deep breath and blows out a fragrant smoke ring.
Chrysanth sits across from her, eyes shimmering out of synch with the flickering - ambient! - light of the fake flames along the sides of the nearby paths.

Sitting in the artificially warmed palace gardens, with their magical greenery, Wren muses that all this will soon end. The giant Thaumic plants that power the city are failing, and no one knows how to re-light their massive geode cores. Chrysanth muses about the possibility of armed revolution, as the city's underclass revolt against rulers who can no longer maintain their own power.

"It will be a bloodbath, one without the Chosen to put an end to it on . . . . favorable terms." Says Chrysanth. "I doubt anyone could say who would win. Other than the carrion crows."
"Oh, I don't think there's any doubt who'd win." Says Wren.
Chrysanth leans forward. "Really."
Wren allows a long pause as she taps her incense. "Of course!" She says finally, with exaggerated cheerfulness, "After all, hasn't Jibril always won before?"
Chrysanth is certain that isn't what she meant at all.

Unwilling to say more to an unknown Jibrilite, Wren takes her leave. Deciding to adopt a different approach, Chrysanth uses her solinarch praxis to transform herself into a small cat, and re-enters the palace, seeking Ingria Samelrand, to judge the fallen noblewoman for herself. She finds the baroness confined to a drawing room in the Palace's southern wing by disgusted Coreve cadets in Archangeli colours, awaiting the attendance of her Lord General, who wishes to speak with Ingria Samelrand regarding the embarrassing scene she has created.

Back at the party, her half-brother Gregorio cruises through the guests, listening for conversations of note. He finds Gideon Taiani, the richest noble in the city through his dealings in Electrotech, in animated discussion with Solomon Dior, the richest man in the city, and a powerful if common-born Chancellor of the Merchant's Guild. Gregorio overhears part of their argument: "-I'm sorry Gideon," Dior says, "But that's my final offer. Copper cabling has gone through the roof. Someone's buying up all the stock. Someone with deeper pockets than even you."

Gideon stalks off in irritation, leaving Gregorio to introduce himself to Dior, who clearly recognizes the Clockmaker, and passes Gregorio his teleptex card, in case he is looking for future employment. On the matter of the copper cabling, Dior only knows that it is being purchased by neXen Corp, and for ridiculous prices, likely above even Frost's means. As copper cabling has no uses for Thaumatech, and is only useful for Electrotech, Dior has no idea what use it will be put to. Gregorio remembers some experiments he ran in the past on using an electric current to contain Ether without requiring an Archenium circuit, but he found it impractical to implement and gave up on the idea a couple of years ago, back when he was still working with the elves.

Jonas Flavius has migrated over to the martial corner of the room, to talk to an old friend of his, Stevan Var-Vistus. A lord of the cadet branch of House Sentonius, the lords of Epsilon Ward have not fared well under the occupation, and are continually abused by their Endruscarian occupiers, never forgiven for their role in the War. They technically have a house guard, but it is forbidden weapons and is used as an adjunct to the constabulary doing all the worst scut jobs.

"Stevan! Man good man! It's been too long!" Jonas moves to shake his hand.
"Jonas!" Stevan grabs Jonas' arm and pulls him into a back slapping bear hug.
"Some party." Jonas says, after they step back from each other, getting a look at his friend.
Stevan is a large man, getting a little thick around the middle in his middle age, wearing a sightly too bushy beard and muttonchops, making up for the balding patch on top. "For you, maybe." Stevan says I didn't get to come with the pretty little lady you did."
"Stevan! That's my neice!"
Stevan snorts. "Oh, that's what you're calling Alice now? What's the next excuse?"
Jonas blushes slightly has he realizes what Stevan just said. "She's a. . . Business associate."

Although saying that its safer that Jonas not tell him of his current activities, Stevan is willing to divulge some key information. He tells Jonas that he has heard Samelrand has nearly a brigade under arms, and is preparing for war, and not at the orders of Lord General Du Blessed. Ingria Samelrand has already initiated a low level proxy war across the Ward boundaries and spilling over into Yojimbo Avenue between street gangs loyal to Samelrand, and proxies of house Lentithe. Samelrand and Lentithe are now on the verge of an open war that could tear the Endrus District apart. In such an event, the Endruscarian Lord General Du Blessed would die before requesting the aid of her rival, the Coreven Lord General Saint-Just. The two women are hated rivals, and Du Blessed even believes Saint-Just is secretly plotting against her!

Further to Du Blessed's problems, out in the west of Endruscare's Occupation Zone, strange raiders with a full Battle Stratodyne have struck at the coastal city of Tremscare Point, and the 557th Brigade was badly mauled. Stevan does not know the identity of the attackers, or how they came by an operational stratodyne, particularly since all those in the Occupation Zones were crashed by the Zenith.

Deciding to follow up on Stevan's information, Jonas sights Aeternia Lentithe, the youngest daughter of the detached Eurinia Lentithe. Lentithe and Samelrand have a long running feud, going back to the days of the Republic and the Auraden Protectorate before that. Samelrand was admitted into the ranks of the Republic's Patrician families, and then used that power to block the suspect House Lentithe, which was forced to abandon its holdings and flee to the mainland. Lentithe thus survived the War intact, and was returned to its old possessions - but alongside those of House Samelrand. A situation guaranteed to cause friction, if not outright conflict.

Despite her short years, Aeternia has the looks and bearing of a blonde Valkyrie, and is the Defender and Knight Commander of House Lentithe, and leader of all its cadet forces - and a respected Autoclaire pilot besides. The two have a passing acquaintance, and it is clear that Aeternia knows Jonas is up to more than he admits, and is aware of the presence of the Ghosts within her Ward. Aeternia is also willing to momentarily set aside her general hatred of House Samlerand, or at least make an exception in Alice's case.

"Did you SEE it? Your Alice had her is SUCH a fury." Aeternia says with obvious relish. "Makes me glad I didn't shoot her when we last met."
"Yes Alice has her way." Jonas says "Especially with her cousin, though it doesn't take that much to set her off. Which one should be careful not to do."
"Comes from raising a generation to be nothing but mad dogs." Aeternia says.

Aeternia makes reference to House Samelrand's ill-advised project to breed a generation of super-soldiers to fight for the Republic. Both Alice and Ingria were products of this initiative, and both bear the scars in their own way. Aeternia also confirms Jonas' information about the growing conflict across the Ward 6/7 boundary, and seems intent on doing something - possibly a bit extreme - about it. Jonas gets the uncomfortable feeling that Aeternia has a little bit of hero worship for him, because of his past as a war hero. She also seems bitter that her own father and family never got to fight for the Republic and prove themselves in battle: "Good heroes win battles," Jonas says sadly. "Great heroes win battles and bring everyone home." He agrees to meet with her tomorrow at his house to discuss security matters.

At that point a bell tolls, and a crier steps forward, her voice amplified by thaumatech in her high priestess' collar. "All ye gathered, all ye gathered, here comes his excellency, Governor of the Corrected Zone. Give honour to the Divine Appointed Armiger Archangeli!"

Continued in Session II

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