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Atlas Security Corporation
Leader: CEO Kevin Lacey
Corporation type: PMC
Founding 600 PD:
ASC has a surprisingly humble beginning; when it was first created, CEO and founder Kevin Lacey had named it Atlas Correctional Services with the stated goal of providing “efficient, dedicated and trustworthy guards to the very worst prisons”. With his services coming at cost effective prices the SGC quickly began employing Atlas Correctional as their primary security force for their max and super max prisons throughout the galaxy.

Rise in popularity 625 PD:
After providing a quarter century of excellent service under the direction of their charismatic and brilliant CEO Atlas Correctional operated virtually every max and super max prison in the galaxy and with the fall of the SCG documents would reveal that they also operated many of the “shadow prisons” the SCG was operating where they placed political dissidents and other such “undesirables”. These operations quickly made Atlas Correctional a well-known and highly sought after corporation. It also made CEO Kevin Lacey one of the five richest men in the galaxy.

A change in brand 625 PD: With his corporation’s popularity and wealth on the rise CEO Lacey decided it was time to expand his corporation’s services. With a new name and a new brand Atlas Security Corporation began expanding their assets to accommodate new requirements in the fields of personal security for the SCG elite, private police forces in some richer territories and in the end even gained a not insignificant fleet as they took on anti-piracy roles.

A long road to growth 625-825 PD:
For one hundred years Atlas Security saw growth and expansion as their services became ever more prized and in return costly. By the time the SCG was falling ASC was the sole police force for over a dozen worlds and provided the bulk of the warships patrolling against piracy while the SCG navy engaged rebels. During the climax of Foundation War ASC was not only providing law enforcement and anti-piracy forces but was in fact operating as the sole military force of many planetary and system governments who did not have the time to raise and train professional military forces amongst the chaos of the war. While the war raged on Kevin Lacey ran his company like a well-oiled machine; crushing certain rebel factions in private wars while refusing to engage others all the while expanding his influence throughout the Typhon and Pandora sectors. As the war drew to a close and the SCG demanded that Atlas Security engage any and all rebel forces CEO Lacey flatly ignored the demands. When he was summoned to a meeting of the leadership of the SCG he sent a holographic messenger probe only…refusing to appear in person. When confronted on his actions Lacey’s last words to the SCG ruling body were“What the hell do you think you can do about it?” before cutting the message and refusing further contact. All SCG attempts to apprehend the “renegade” CEO failed miserably with Atlas Security forces successfully engaging and defeating numerous forces that had been sent after their CEO.

Present Day:
With the end of the Foundation War Atlas Security has found itself the single largest PMC and in fact the single largest law enforcement agency in the galaxy; with contracts on hundreds of worlds and with thousands of clients the full extent of Atlas’ assets is known only to CEO Lacey and his very secretive board of directors though there are claims that if Atlas massed its total forces they could compete with many of the second rate powers of the galaxy if not the major powers. Divisions: Atlas Security is broken into several “sub-companies” with their own responsibilities.

Atlas-Law-Enforcement (ALE): This is the branch of Atlas which provides the private police forces for many worlds, orbital habitats, drift stations and just about anyone that wants the very best in law enforcement. ALE generally recruits its members from the local population and trains them to Atlas’ demanding standards. Any recruits that cannot meet up to these standards is washed out and cannot attempt to reapply for one standard year.

Atlas Protection Services (APS): Unlike ALE APS is tasked with providing “personal security” for wealthy individuals and their families as well as other corporations. As part of their duties APS is known to operate up to cruiser class vessels if their clients require “extra protection”. Rumors abound that APS also provides “discreet” services for high paying clients to “remove problems” though of course there has not been any proof to date to substantiate these rumors.

Atlas Correctional Enterprises (ACE): Throughout all of Atlas expansion they have maintained their original services running correctional facilities across the galaxy.

Atlas Defense Services (ADS): ADS is the primary military force of the Atlas Security Corporation; sporting some of the best military equipment in the galaxy and drawing their vast manpower from both recruits and clones purchased from Brumhauser Ogden and Busch ADS is never short of the forces they need to provide for their clients.