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Latest revision as of 20:30, 25 February 2014

Enforcer Case Files

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I hate to interrupt your leave but we've been assigned a major case in the Star Kingdom of Riveria. A series of anti-TSAB terrorist strikes have hit Riveria's capital and we are being sent in to run the terrorists down. Pack your bags - this looks like it will be a long one.

There's always been a great deal of anti-TSAB sentiment in the Star Kingdom - as it is the referendum to join the TSAB came out just barely above the required margin. It's mostly been political in nature, protests for example, but with an undercurrent of violent resistance - an undercurrent that has exploded onto the surface and into the open with several recent strikes on TSAB targets in the Star Kingdom. The intelligence division and the local authorities have pin pointed two groups as being potentially responsible for the strikes - the Free Brigades of Riveria and an extremist religious group known as The Arms of the Mother. More information on them will provided during your briefing or upon request.


In this game the players will take on the role of TSAB (From Nanoha) Enforcers or their support staff investigating a terrorist attack on a TSAB member-nation. Your typical character should be an Enforcer (TSAB gendarmes), an Enforcer Apprentice/Trainee, or an Enforcers Aide (Support Staff - Forensics, Medical, etc.). Another option would be to play as a member of the Ground Forces, Air Force, or Navy on detached or temporary duty with the Enforcers. I am open to other characters as long you can provide a reasonable explanation for why they would be serving with a Major Case Team.

I am planning on glossing over Mage Ranks - characters are assumed to be have a high enough combat/military mage rank to be assigned to the Enforcers or in whatever role the character holds.

Character generation

There are four fundamental stats that you have 21 points to distribute amongst:

  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Social
  • Will

Physical and Mental stats represent your overall abilities in those areas, while Social represents both how generally sociable you are and how good at convincing others you are. The last stat, Will, represents how overall driven you are – the strength of your spirit, determination etc. The physical stat will represent physical magical strikes, mental for ranged magic, etc.

It should be noted that during social encounters, you can use other stats to boost your rolls - for example, Physical if you are attempting to quench a conflict with your looming presence, Mental if you are making a reasoned argument based on empirical evidence, Will if you feel very strongly about the subject and are pouring your heart out etc. In such cases, you add half the value of the relevant stat to your Social roll, rounded up.

On top of that, describe the traits and weaknesses of your character in your profile; the target number for these should be 5 or so overall, but don’t feel too constrained by it. These describe what kind of mage your character is, what they can do – and what their personal weaknesses might be. (which do not necessarily have to be physical or even magical; personality traits are fine) These have little mechanical effect – I feel that it’s preferable to leave people breathing room for their concepts instead of possibly forcing them to carve off bits of their characters, so the idea here is to make them flavourful and interesting more than anything else. (though they do inform what magical abilities you might use) Just don’t overdo it.