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:'''Arete//''' 2
:'''Arete//''' 2
:'''Quintessence//''' 3/3
:'''Quintessence//''' 3/3
:'''Paradox//''' 0
:'''Paradox//''' 1


Revision as of 14:31, 10 February 2014





Vital Statistics

Name// David Filipo Andrews
Tradition// Cult of Ecstasy, Children's Crusade
Concept// Teenage Bike Gang Leader
Image Song// Lazerhawk - King of the Streets
Nature// Bravo (Strength/Anger)
Demeanor// Rebel (Individuality/Selfishness)
Essence// Primordial, the Tiger Shark

Things to Track

Willpower// 5
Temporary Willpower// 5
Health Levels// -0 x 1, -1 x 2, -2 x 2, -5 x 1, Incapacitated
Current Damage// 0
Arete// 2
Quintessence// 3/3
Paradox// 1


Strength 4// Rough
Dexterity 4// Agile
Stamina 4// Tough Boy
Perception 2//
Intelligence 2//
Wits 3//
Charisma 3//
Manipulation 3//
Appearance 3//



Alertness 3//
Athletics 4// Throwing
Awareness 2//
Brawl 4// Dirty Fighting
Intimidation 2//
Leadership 1//
Streetwise 3//
Subterfuge 1//


Craft (Woodcarving) 3//
Drive 5// Bikes
Melee 5// Blunt Weapons
Technology 2//
Stealth 3//


Linguistics 1// Samoan, English


David's paradigm is at the base a result of his own upbringing with his mystic father, an Ecstatic of relatively obscure polynesian traditions, following the path of the warrior and sage. He is influenced by his father's pupil and now his mentor, An, incorporating karma into his perspectives of the world. To him ecstasy is felt in moments of extreme sensation, allowing us to transcend our limitations and see through the illusory world. Adrenaline and pain are the substances that allow the mind and body to reach that sacred hair's breath from death, granting insights and power. To be vulnerable is to be strong. To let go is to assume control.

Creation and protection give their own benefits, as the world inevitably gives to us what we have given to it. Although normally a magi would not be so bold as to demand things of fate, the slightly immature David believes that his good acts entitle him to the aid of the world.

Foci and Spheres

Time 2// Adrenaline; a video camera mounted in his helmet, capturing his most intense driving acrobatics on his cellphone.
Forces 2// His bike, lovingly cared for and maintained; pain (not necessarily his own) and righteous anger.


Fist of Vengeance// Forces 2
A lucky hit might infuriate David, causing his blood to boil and body to shake with pain and anger. A successful Arete roll flips the force inflicted from the strike, causing David's arm to twitch and hit the target with the very force of the blow they inflicted, plus his Strength. The difficulty can be reduced with Stamina + Brawl.
Warm Up// Forces 2
David needs to get his blood running hot to get the most out of his muscles. Intense calisthenics (Stamina + Athletics or Brawl) get his adrenaline flowing bring him to full strength, allowing him to hit his hardest. An Arete roll adds its successes as dice to Strength-based damage rolls for the scene.
Maxwell's Silver Cricket Bat// Forces 2, Time 1
David feels the thrum and vibrations of the target approaching, taking a swing at the precise moment it enters range. If David is higher in initiative, this allows him to hold action and then make a counterattack before the attacker is able to take action. The Arete roll enhances a Strength + Melee attack that sends the opponent spinning and negates their attack if they roll lower on Willpower than his total successes.
Sometimes used to cheat at cricket (or as David puts it: play great).


Avatar 3// A powerful avatar removed from its native oceans.
Followers 3// A teenage biker gang he leads to ride, cause mischief, get into brawls and do community service all around the East End.
Resources 1// Sweeps up at the Boas for his adoptive mum, earning a bit of allowance. It barely covers the maintenance of the bike.
Talisman 4// A screaming red, Cult-spec superbike built by one of the local technoshamans. Its spirit is awakened, giving a -2 dif reduction to all driving rolls on it.



Red Racer Biker Set// Soak: 2, Penalty: -1
A full set of bright red leathers that are slightly stiff to the touch but protect from the rigors of high speed travel on the roads.


Ether Liner S332// See here for statistics.
A bright red superbike, purchased with a lot of favors and hard work. This version has the equivalent of Parlor Tricks, featuring random glowy technological do-dads that don't add much but look cool and add some coincidentality ("Oh, it's just a prop from an old cyberpunk movie!"). Can disguise itself as a lesser form of two-wheeled death machine.


Cricket Bat// Strength +2B, Conceal: P
Made of the finest British white willow and defaced with hand-carved figures from Samoan mythology.
Balisong// Strength +1L, Conceal: P
A compact knife of Filipino design which flips out of the handle, often used by hoodlums.


Merits and Flaws


Code of Honor// Respect your elders in the Traditions, protect kids and never turn your back on your friends. Making him violate these is at a +2 dif (or he gets +3 dice to resist).
Crack Driver// -2 dif to all driving-based actions.
Daredevil// Risky actions reward an additional 3 dice and ignore a single rolled 1.
Self Confident// On rolls with a base difficulty of 8 or higher, can spend WP. Ignores a botch, and a success refunds the spent Willpower. No benefit on easier rolls.
Concentration// Negates up to +2 dif or d2 lost dice from environmental distractions or inconveniences.
Perfect Balance// Basically won't fall unless pushed, has a -3 dif to all rolls involving climbing.
Black Market Ties// Knows where to get his hands on cigarettes, the occasional buy of weed and semi-illegal bike parts (like fake license plates).


Child// Don't let the fact he's six foot-three and two-hundred pounds fool you, that peach fuzz and his shitty taste in music prove he's only sixteen.
Vengeance// He knows that his father wasn't dying, but killed- and when he finds out when there'll be hell to pay.
Enemy 1// Attacking the minions of An's enemies in the streets has made them his enemies. In this case, he's made it his business to mess with any ghouls mucking up around his corner of the East End, with one particular group of Tzimisce thralls in clown makeup being the subject of a rapidly-escalating rivalry.



Attribute Points 56/32/24

Strength 2 (4)
Dexterity 4 (24)
Stamina 4 (24)
Charisma 3 (12)
Appearance 3 (12)
Manipulation 3 (12)
Perception 2 (4)
Intelligence 2 (4)
Wits 3 (12)


Ability Points /80 +4

7 Ability 3 (63)
3 Ability 2 (15)
2 Ability 1 (3)


Background Points 21/21

Avatar 3 (9)
Followers 3 (9)
Resources 1 (3)


Sphere Points 35/35

Time 2 (17)
Forces 2 (18)

Freebie Points

Freebie Points 118/118

Refunded Sphere Points (+30)
Refunded Arete (+16)
Child (+3)
Vengeance (+6)
Enemy (+3)
Strength 4 (20)
1 Ability 1 (3)
4 Ability 3 -> 4 (24)
2 Ability 4 -> 5 (16)
1 Field 3 (5)
Talisman 4 (12)
Code of Honor (3)
Crack Driver (3)
Daredevil (15)
Self Confident (15)
Concentration (3)
Perfect Balance (6)
Black Market Ties (3)


Experience Gains

Experience Total/Spent/Unspent (0/0/0)

Experience Spending

Experience Total/Spent/Unspent (0/0/0)
