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Special Items: In Building a Dynasty there are some items which are special that are produced from a combination of resources or buildings for specific purposes. This is the current list of the special items.

Armor and Weapons: Note specialty armor and weapons can be stored and replaced. So a regiment that is normally armored with a different form of armor may be equipped with the gold or silver armors for fighting a specific foe and if they survive the armor can be stored and the original armor reequipped.

Golden Armor: Golden armor is of course not pure gold but it is gold mixed with iron using an ancient craft almost forgotten in modern times. This armor is as strong as iron armor but imbued with additional protection against demonic creatures and weapons. Golden armor requires a smithy and a mage tower to construct. Golden armor like regular armor is done by level. Each level costs 3 gold and 5 iron per regiment so a level 3 golden armor for 1 regiment would cost 9 gold and 15 iron.
Level1: A golden armored breastplate
Level2: A golden armored breastplate, helmet and reinforced shield
Level3: A golden armored breastplate, helmet, greaves and reinforced shield.

Silver Armor: Silver armor is made of silver and iron crafted in a similar style to the golden armor. This armor is ideal defense against undead, werebeasts and certain magical attacks. Silver armor requires a smithy and mage tower to construct. Silver armor like regular armor is done by level. Each level costs 5 silver and 5 iron per regiment so a level 3 set would cost 15 silver and 15 iron per regiment.
Level1: A silver armored breastplate
Level2: A silver armored breastplate, helmet and reinforced shield
Level3: A silver armored breastplate, helmet, greaves and reinforced shield.

Golden weapons (melee): Golden melee weapons are crafted in the same fashion as golden armor. Unlike armor however the style of weapon created is important because you must equip the same type of regiment with the same weapon.

Weapons: Prices are listed per regiment
Fighting spear (levy foot): 2 gold and 2 iron
Light sword: 5 gold and 5 iron
Heavy Sword: 8 gold and 8 iron
Kawn dao: 10 gold and 10 iron
Long spear: 5 gold and 5 iron
Lance (cavalry): 3 gold and 3 iron

Golden Weapon (ranged): Golden ranged weapons are effectively golden tipped arrows or crossbow bolts. Every batch created is enough for 1 regiment for 1 battle.
Weapons: Prices are listed per regiment
Arrows: 1 gold and 1 iron
Crossbow bolt: 1 gold and 2 iron

Silver weapons (melee): Silver melee weapons are crafted in the same fashion as silver armor. Unlike armor however the style of weapon created is important because you must equip the same type of regiment with the same weapon.
Weapons: Prices are listed per regiment
Fighting spear (levy foot): 2 silver and 2 iron
Light sword: 5 silver and 5 iron
Heavy Sword: 8 silver and 8 iron
Kawn dao: 10 gold and 10 iron
Long spear: 5 silver and 5 iron
Lance (cavalry): 3 silver and 3 iron

Silver Weapon (ranged): Silver ranged weapons are effectively silver tipped arrows or crossbow bolts. Every batch created is enough for 1 regiment for 1 battle.
Weapons: Prices are listed per regiment
Arrows: 1 silver and 1 iron
Crossbow bolt: 1 silver and 2 iron

Character equipment: These items can only be equipped to characters and not individual soldiers.

Crafted Gems: Crafted gems are gems imbued with magical powers and can be used by characters or added to weapons and armor for characters. Crafted gems require a mage tower to create and a character to give them to.

Fire gem: A gem crafted with the art of fire this gem can be used to enchant a blade with fire properties or enchanting armor to protect against fire damage.
Cost: 1,000 huan, 1 gem and requires a fire mage to create.

Ice Gem: Like the fire gem an ice gem is crafted with the power of ice. When attached to a weapon it causes a freezing touch, when equipped in armor it can defend against ice magic and cold.
Cost: 1,000 huan, 1 gem and requires an water mage to create.

Earth Gem: An earth gem strengthens the metal in armor and weapons creating a more durable set of equipment.
Cost: 1,000 huan, 1 gem and requires an earth mage.

Air Gem: An air gem can create an air barrier when attached to armor can create a barrier which deflects ranged weapons. When crafted on boots the air gem can actually create a field allowing a character to fly.
Cost: 1,000 huan, 1 gem and requires an air mage to create.

Spirit Gem: Spirit gems can serve two purposes it can either act as a magical barrier against enemy magic. It can also shroud a character from sight and detection.
Cost: 1,000 huan, 1 gem and requires a spirit mage to create.

Enchanted Weapons: Sword of fire: This blade is specially enchanted and sheaths the blade in a magical flame which can slice through just about any armor with remarkable ease. The sword of fire is also devastating against ice based monsters.
Cost: 10,000 huan, 1 fire gem, 10 iron, 2 gems.

Blade of Freezing: A blade of freezing is a magical sword imbued with the power of frost. The blade is sheathed in a magical ice which freezes as it cuts shattering armor and flesh. This blade is especially effective against living monsters.
Cost: 10,000 huan, 1 ice gem, 10 iron, 2 gems.

Blade of Spirit: The blade of the spirit is a weapon that is designed specifically to destroy beings of evil. It burns their bodies to ash when it pierces their evil hides.
Cost: 15,000 huan, 2 spirit gems, 10 iron, 4 gems.