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=The Thule Society=
=Aquitaine Republic=
BTW would this background work: General Aquitaine was a normal kingdom patched together from various principalities. Overall it was Empyrean and ruled by wise kings and good nobles, who generally didn't bother much with the petty heresies and superstitions of the peasants (aside from the odd witch-hunt etc if the travelling troubadours or local wise people got too out of hand). It was in the main a major agricultural state, which meant that it was to some degrees highly specialized, some areas didn't grow much grain at all and imported it from abroad or from other parts of the Kingdom. When the Chosen portals collapsed the peasants in these areas were often reduced to famine due to a lack of grain. Likewise it was very difficult to smash rebellions and such because it was hard to move troops from region to region.
It was now that the various Pure Ones began agitating for an uprising, no one is quite sure why, but codes and plans spread with lightning speed. At first it was hoped that the King would do something, that the Chosen would return, but as things went worse the heresy grew in power, simply due to pure desperation in many cases. Inspired by the Pure Ones the peasants declared that God wanted them to have the land and that the Chosen had been false messengers. This of course meant that they were now opposed to both the Empyrean Church and the King, which led to a series of persecutions and suppressions. Normally this wouldn't matter much, but the middle-classes were tired of the nobles lording it over them (including extracting taxes and forcing them to be part of military boondoggles), and so they too were ready to rise, especially as the economy collapsed all around them and formerly rich families were reduced to selling their silverware for bread. When the revolution began things got really messy, perhaps if the Royalist troops hadn't been spread out across the whole kingdom trying to stamp out little uprisings they would have been able to regroup and smash the revolution, but as it were they were destroyed in detail.
The real Thule Society, as opposed to their sleeper branch, arose out of the Germanic mysticism of the late 19th Century. Though many Traditions want to deny it they were not a fringe, although they were controversial for attempting to share their occult knowledge with the masses. Indeed they were often the spear-point of the occult revival of the late 19th Century. Initially they were not a Tradition of their own, but an alliance of chantries with similar goals. The original members were mostly from the Order of Hermes and the Verbena, but there were some Cult of Ecstasy as well as a few Technocratic defectors.
They enthusiastically supported nationalist groups following the Great War, happily riding the tiger of Nazi success. During the Nazi period they were intensely involved with the Ahnenerbe, at times virtually running said agency. Occult archaeology and expeditions to the far corners of the world brought them influence and power, but also contact with the Nephandi. Even today though they are convinced that if only the Traditions had not betrayed them they would have rooted out the Nephandi and created a perfect state.
Almost without intending it they found themselves with the nobles routed and the land in their hands, but with the Empyrean prelates screaming anathemas, and nobles and royals going to neighbouring countries to ask for supporting putting down the uprising. Faced with the realisation that there was no good way of backing down a new radical republican faction was able to gain power. However the Republic is wavering, whether it will survive or not depends on its ability to resist the coming storm.
Though the Thule Society is similar in many ways to the Verbena and the Order of Hermes they are also extremely eclectic: The Hollow Earth, World Ice Theory, Ariosophy, Theosophy, the Armanen Runes, Vril, and Occult Archeology. In earlier days they were often dismissed as dabblers, the refuse from more serious orders mingling with newly awakened orphans without a clue. The only field in which they had some acknowledged success was in Occult Archeology, which still remains one of their specialities.
The Great King,  Beloved of the Lord,  Blessed by the Lady’s Hand, Mighty in Arms,  Abundant in Charity,  Preserver of Justice,  Fount of Honour,  Lord of the Two Lands,  Guardian of Hermopolis,  Iskander Servant of Christ.<br>
"Thus speak the Great King: We have been greatly distraught by the news of the overthrow of our faithful vassals in the city of Tripolis, and of the cruelty and wickedness with which the commoners have been bombed. Yet more so when we learned that no Noble Lord led this attack, there was no shoulders to bear the guilt, but rather it was done by leaderless sheep, a flock of wild bulls without a shepherd, a pack of wolves prowling in the wilds. Our hearts were then filled with great sorrow and great anger, that such wickedness could occur in the lands next to ours. At once we called for our armour and our arms, but mercy intervened, His Holiness the Patriarch clasped the King's knee and cried, 'they are but children, wicked by nature, but they know not what they do! Grant them the chance to seek your mercy and forgiveness!' And the Great King, ever forbearing, and respectful of Holy Mother Church conceeded and at once called for his Great Scribe to enter so that a missive might be sent to these leaderless ones.<br>
Thus the Great King speaks onto you: You have wrought great wickedness, yet because you seem unaware of the teachings of the Church, be it from ignorance or from only receiving a corrupted and heretical version of the Faith, you cannot be wholly responsible. Therefore lay down your arms, surrender yourself, both your armies in Libya and such forces as you may have elsewhere. Such things as are your personal property shall be respected, though all the property you have taken from Libya must be returned. If you refuse to obey this command you will be stripped of your belongings and made to work the granite."
Their basic world view however is roughly as follows: Blood and Soil have mystical qualities that reverberate through eternity. The Blood is infused with the mystical properties of the godlike men that used to walk the Earth, it remembers the age of myth. The Soil sustains the people, protects them, holds the secrets of their past, and must be honoured. Yet the union of Blood and Soil must be more than a nation-state, the People there must have an ecstatic Joy in their community and in the very act of living. Finally there must be the leaders who through an act of transformative Will awaken the People to their true potential. This Will is also the force by which a mage makes the universe change to his will.
=New Mercia idea=
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merchant_submarine <-- Inspired by this.<br>
Alright the idea is basically that by the 2170s the Hyperboreans were starting to get nervous, the League was growing richer and more sophisticated. So they decided that they needed to buy technology and certain vital materials (possibly fabbers) from elsewhere.<br>
Given that Hyperborea has some extremely valuable Cash Crops they hit upon the idea of loading a large merchantman whose FTL drives worked (either due to having Theta or some other reason) and sending it to Neue Silesia to trade for supplies. Naturally only very valuable and very small volume goods could be traded, but it gave the Hyperboreans an "in" with the EU comissariat.<br>
The decision to support the NMLF was not a result of New Mercia being all that important for the war effort, but rather it and Neue Silesia were linked by catapults *and* the trade with the EU had left the Hyperboreans with a lot of surplus cash. Basically their shipping was not up to the task of bringing back to the homeworld all the resources and materials they were capable of buying.<br>
So they decided on spending some time and effort to try to cause some mischief for New Mercia, it was really an afterthought nothing more.
By researching other cultures, by sending expeditions to strange lands, by conducting Occult Archaeology, they hope to find the artefacts and practises of the godlike race that once ruled the Earth. Once that is done they reason that there will be mass awakenings as the whole of humanity is purified of the lower, base urges that consume them now. Obstacles must be overcome one way or another.
=Jedi Knight=
People who meet them are often surprised that they are not ranting monsters. Most Thulites are academic mystics or military officers with those leanings, monsters perhaps but rarely ranting. They are generally extremely concerned with the natural world around them, seeking to protect and preserve it. Social injustice also troubles them greatly, as they seek to create a society where each nation takes care of its own. They care deeply for family, the traditional family, where there's a proper balance between male and female and each know their role. They see guilt and fear as the most negative feelings of all, to be swept aside and replaced with the sheer Joy of action, community, and living. Many of them are genuinely charming and convivial as they explain their doctrine, much of which resonates quite well with that of other Traditions.
==Vital Statistics==
Today though they generally have to hide, despite claiming to have cleansed their ranks of nephandi they aren't trusted, and all too many remember what they did. They of course feel no guilt, the past is prologue, to them it is better to take what was accomplished and learned and use it to build a new and glorious future. If there were mistakes then learn from them, don't repeat them, but don't sit around and let yourself be bound by guilt.
'''Real Name''': <br>
'''Jedi Name''': <br>
'''Tradition:''' Jedi Order (Orphan)<br>
'''Avatar:''' Questing<br>
'''Arete:''' 3<br>
'''Willpower:''' 10/10<br>
'''Quint:''' 5<br>
'''Paradox:''' 0 <br>
'''Chantry:''' None <br>
Do you feel the Blood pumping through your veins? The love of your Soil, your home, through your spirit? The sheer ecstatic Joy of life going through the fibre of your being? Do not be ashamed of such things! Do not believe their lies when they tell you that Blood and Soil are things to fear, to be trampled upon and diluted, or that the Joy of life should be replaced by guilt! Cast aside your fear and guilt and I will show you the secrets of transformative Will!
:'''Physical (5)'''
::'''Strength:''' 2
::'''Dexterity:''' 4 (Lightning Reflexes)
::'''Stamina:''' 2
:'''Social (3)'''
::'''Charisma:''' 2
::'''Manipulation:''' 2
::'''Appearance:''' 2
:'''Mental (7)'''
::'''Perception:''' 4 (Spot Ambush)
::'''Intelligence:''' 2
::'''Wits:''' 4 (One Step Ahead)
Some have called their magic Verbena rites done with Hermetic ritual. Through various mystical acts in sacred places, often invoking martyrs to the cause or shedding blood, they try to force their Will upon the universe. If possible they like to work their magic during grand outdoors gatherings, where the psychic energy of the crowds is in tune with the spell.
:'''Talents (13)'''
::Alertness: 3 <br>
::Athletics: 3 <br>
::Awareness: 3 <br>
::Brawl: 3 <br>
::Dodge: 3 <br>
::Intuition: 2 <br>
:'''Skills (9)'''
Life or Matter
::Meditation: 3 <br>
::Melee: 3 <br>
::Stealth: 3 <br>
==Common Foci==
:'''Knowledges (7)'''
Sacred banners, blood of martyrs, daggers, pistols, mystical runes, swastikas, yoga, biorythms, public rallies, and loud singing.
::Computer: 1<br>
::Cosmology: 1<br>
::Culture: 1<br>
::Enigmas: 1<br>
::Linguistics: 1 (Basic) <br>
::Lore (Jedi): 1 <br>
::Occult: 1<br>
The Thule Society is quite hierarchical, the two main hierarchies being that of the Ahenerbe and that of the Kriegsmarine. Awakened mages hold all the senior positions, but they are supported by a staff of sleepers and sorcerers. Chantries are rumoured to exist everywhere from the jungles of Brazil to the ice wastes of the Antarctic.
:Avatar: 5<br>
:Talisman: 4
The Thule Society rarely finds all that many recruits these days, but they prefer to recruit newly awakened mages, people not yet corrupted by the teachings of other groups. If they have their druthers they prefer to recruit among academia, particularly archaeologists, or among military men. Prospective candidates have a nationalistic bent to them and an almost mystical view of the greatness of their nation. Initiation rituals are involved and almost baroque, often involving perceived danger and repeated oaths of loyalty.
'''Entropy: 2'''<br>
'''Forces: 2'''<br>
'''Mind: 1'''<br>
'''Prime: 2'''<br>
'''Time: 3'''<br>
Archaeologists, occultists, military men, nationalists.
Jedi Meditation<br>
The Force<br>
==Merits and Flaws==
Occult Archaeologist, Mad Nazi Scientist, Explorer, Nationalist Mystic.
Merit: Code of Honour (Jedi) – 1 BP<br>
Merit: Concentration – 1 BP<br>
Flaw: Obsession (Star Wars) - 2 BP<br>
Flaw: Amnesia – 2 BP<br>
Flaw: Strangeness – 1 BP<br>
Flaw: Twisted Apprenticeship – 1BP<br>
==Magickal and Mundane Equipment==
Lightsabre (details to be determined)
===Akashic Brotherhood===
Transformation is an act of the individual Will in the context of Blood and Soil, their emphasis on internal development, though admirably, is utterly insufficient.
===Celestial Chorus===
==BP & XP Expenditure==
They are faithless liars, yes faithless. In all other traditions the elite simply gold to a more sophisticated version of the common philosophy, but the Celestial Chorus asks you to build your life on a faith and then reject it as you ascend the ladder. At least you can respect those few honest fanatics who still hold to their old faith.
Arete 3 – 8BP<br>
Will 10 – 5BP<br>
Avatar 5 – 5BP<br>
Talisman – 8BP<br>
Dodge 3 – 6XP<br>
Intuition 2 – 5XP<br>
Forces 2 – 8 XP<br>
Entropy 2 – 8XP<br>
Prime 2 – 8XP<br>
Mind 1 – 10XP
===Cult of Ecstasy===
=NWO Defector=
Yes there is power in ecstasy and joy! Yet they make the mistake of supporting unrestrained ecstasy, pleasure without a cause. True Joy comes from the ecstasy of life itself and union with the People. They need to drop their selfishness and serve the People.
==Vital Statistics==
There is much great wisdom in what they say, when they speak for the tribe and the spirits of the land then they are truly great. Yet most of them don't understand the transformative quality of Will and so their peoples remain weak.
'''Name''': <br>
They understand that sometimes it is best to let a soul continue its great journey on the wheel of dharma. Yet they often object when we accept the consequences of this teaching. Beside they are too obsessed with death and decay, rather than the creative glory of Blood and Soil.
'''Tradition:''' Sons of Ether (ex-NWO)<br>
'''Avatar:''' Dynamic<br>
'''Arete:''' 4<br>
'''Willpower:''' 10/10<br>
'''Quint:''' 5<br>
'''Paradox:''' 0 <br>
'''Chantry:''' None <br>
===Order of Hermes===
Yes they understand the importance of Esoteric History in ways that most orders don't, there is great knowledge hidden in their vaults. Yet this knowledge should be open to the masses! Musty mystics spending all their time indoors cannot transform society!
:'''Physical (3)'''
::'''Strength:''' 1
::'''Dexterity:''' 4 (Nimble Fingers)
::'''Stamina:''' 1
:'''Social (5)'''
::'''Charisma:''' 2
::'''Manipulation:''' 5 (Persuasive)
::'''Appearance:''' 1
:'''Mental (7)'''
::'''Perception:''' 3
::'''Intelligence:''' 4 (Engineer)
::'''Wits:''' 4 (One Step Ahead)
===Sons of Ether===
This is what Science should be! Your Will conquering the very laws of nature and bringing benefits to the People! Though all too prone to sterile scientism.
:'''Talents (13)'''
::Alertness: 3 <br>
::Awareness: 3 <br>
::Dodge: 1 <br>
::Intuition: 1 <br>
::Intimidation: 3 <br>
::Streetwise: 1 <br>
::Subterfuge: 3 <br>
:'''Skills (9)'''
It is such a tragedy that we should be at odds. They truly understand the bonds of Blood and Soil, the Joy of the oak forests and outdoors rites. If only they would use their Will to shrug off the ridiculous mores of modern society.
::Drive: 1 <br>
::Etiquette: 1 <br>
::Firearms: 3 <br>
::Hypertech: 3 <br>
::Meditation: 1 <br>
::Research: 1 <br>
::Stealth: 1 <br>
::Technology: 3 <br>
===Virtual Adepts===
:'''Knowledges (7)'''
It is commendable to try to show your science to the People. What is not commendable is the desire to flee into a fantasy world and abandon the real one.
::Cosmology: 1<br>
::Enigmas: 4 (Espionage)<br>
::Linguistics: 1 (German) <br>
::Lore (Technocracy): 3 <br>
::Lore (Traditions): 3 <br>
::Medicine: 3 <br>
::Occult: 1<br>
==Points of Interest==
:Avatar: 5
To the sleepers Werewolf was a plan to pursue guerrilla warfare after the fall of the Reich. The enlightened of course tend to know that it was nothing so insignificant; it would involve actual werewolves launching raids of the invading forces. Of course this project failed, the Thule Society claim to have called it off, others think that the werewolves themselves got wind of the Nephandi presence. Either way the Thule Society has extensive knowledge of werewolf society and domains, possibly they have even maintain contacts with some packs.
===Occult Archaeology===
Given all of their expeditions and digs, especially given the massive support they had and the belief of the workers, it seems inevitable that they would find <i>something</i> of value. However occasionally they found artefacts that have no business being there, artefacts that contradicted even the secret history known by mages. Some theorized that these digs pulled in materials from other realms, or more interestingly that the mages present subconsciously <i>created</i> these artefacts. Of course it's harder to believe that you could create a Talisman or a Fetish this way, unless of course you treat the archaeological dig as an extended ritual.
===The Hollow Earth===
Too lengthy a subject to go over here, but it's worth noticing that several of the places that the Ahnenerbe visited or wanted to visit (South Pole, Iceland, Tibet) were rumoured to have entrances to the Hollow Earth. Of course the Sons of the Ether haven't said anything so far, but the Hollow Earth could be a big place.
'''Entropy: 2'''
'''Mind: 3'''
'''Prime: 2'''
'''Spirit: 3'''
'''Time: 3'''
The real Thule Society, as opposed to the sleepers they were associated with, arouse out of the Germanic mysticism of the late 19th Century. Along with the Theosophic movement the Thule Societies predecessors extended further contacts with the east, seeking in part to gain new knowledge, and in part to use the exoticism of the east to have new concepts accepted by the sleepers. Though frequently forgotten the late 19th Century was a great blossoming of western interest in Buddhism and Hinduism. Most interesting was the introduction of eastern style static magic to select sleepers in Europe, these rituals along with spiritualism often passed notice from the Technocracy of the day.
This led to a logical next step in belief: If eastern magic still remains active, if the ancient knowledge of the east is preserved where the Technocracy is weak, then why not that of the west? The science of archaeology was still in its youth, many of its practitioners were unorthodox to say the least. It could be turned into a tool to enlighten the sleepers, presenting them with a romanticised ideal of the past, a mystical ideal. Better yet portals to places long lost, Lemuria, the Hollow Earth, and more could be reopened by a combination of physical digging and sleeper belief.
==Merits and Flaws==
Merit: Concentration – 1 BP
Merit: Mechanical Aptitude – 1 BP
Flaw: Addiction (Cigarettes) – 1 BP
Flaw: Nightmares – 1 BP
Flaw: Vengeance – 2 BP
Flaw: Strangeness – 1 BP
Flaw: Echoes (MiB) – 2 BP
Flaw: Probationary Member – 3 BP?
Flaw: Asthma – 1 BP
Yet the mages of the age were not immune to some sleeper ideas, namely that of self-improvement, of enlightening the masses and bringing them up to a new level. So too they decided that the truth should not be hidden from the masses, but distributed among them, although in a way that would foster enlightenment. Thus the writings of Blavatsky and many others passed Technocracy notice due to being mostly nonsense with a few accidental truths. However by studying them and meditating on them you could in fact gain enlightenment, in a similar way the Sons of Ether would later support the writings of Erich von Däniken.
==Magickal and Mundane Equipment==
All of these plans ran into a serious problem when the Great War broke out. It is hard to explain to people who think of World War Two as The War just how devastating the Great War was. In effect it devastated the world in which the Thule Society existed and since the Society was so much closer to the sleeper world than most other chantries it devastated them as well. During the war there were awakenings, magical energies unleashed, and millions of deaths. Across Europe the Technocracy saw this as an opportunity to destroy the old established order and replace it with something scientific. This culminated in the murder of the Tsar and his family and the defeat of the Kaisers Germany.
In the aftermath the Thule Society continued their work in Vienna and Berlin, developing the occult scene there further. Society was ripe for a change now, new blood poured into the Society often unable to fully separate fact from fiction in the Societies public writings. It was now that the Society began to change from a collection of chantries to a small t-tradition of its own. The sheer scale of the suffering had left people eager for something else, Spiritualists and Occultists flourished like never before. It seemed like a natural progression to support nationalist groups in Germany, groups that would promote the ideas and ideals of the Thule Society.
==BP & XP Expenditure==
Arete 3 – 14BP
Will 10 – 5BP
Arete 4 – 24XP
Perception 3 – 12 XP
Spirit 3 – 34 XP
Entropy 2 – 18 XP
Prime 2 – 18 XP
Drive 1 – 3 XP
Etiquette 1 – 3 XP
Meditation 1 – 3 XP
Research 1 – 3 XP
Stealth 1 – 3 XP
Dodge 1 – 3 XP
Intuition 1 – 3 XP
Enigmas 4 – 6 XP
Lore (Technocracy) – 3 XP
Lore (Traditions) – 3 XP
Contrary to popular myth the Thule Society was not responsible for the rise of the Nazi's, however they were glad to use the party for their own purposes. Among these purposes was a general suppression of all competing occult groups, this suppression also entered the universities and other old strongholds of the Technocracy. On the surface though it seemed pleasing to the Technocracy, who saw an eradication of superstitionist forces.
=Gloves of Pygmalion=
From: Eamon Honan <Spire@Indigo.ie>
Subject: The Gloves of Pygmalion
System: Call of Cthulhu
However it would be the Ahnenerbe not politics, which would occupy most of the Thule Society prior to the war. They sent expeditions to the South Pole, Tibet, and many other locations. It's known that they discovered several nodes, talismans, artefacts, and lost entrances to other realms. More importantly though there are strong indications that they found <i>something</i> on the South Pole, but no one is quite sure what.
    The Gloves of Pygmalion: An Artifact for CoC
In much of Ariosophic and Theosophic lore the North Pole was identified with Hyperborea and the creative energies of the Arian race. The South Pole however was viewed as a centre of destructive, demonic energies. Some theorists wonder if the 1938 expedition to the Antarctic was the first source of Nephandi corruption. Certainly the vast, bleak, unexplored wasteland would have an unusually low gauntlet, a perfect place for things from beyond to arrive.
This theory is supported by the fact that during the 1939 expedition to Tibet the powerful Tibetan mages present failed to detect any sign of corruption. At the same time several of the SS-men and other expedition members received the Kalachakra ritual apparently once more without any sign of corruption. At the same time though the first human sacrifices had already occurred, but its possible that simple blood magic on the hands of the German Verbena wouldn't count as corruption in this sense.
The gloves appear to be a pair of ordinary gloves, made out of some
strange metallic fabric of a blueish, purple hue. The back of the
gloves and the fingers are encrusted with strange iridescent lozenze
shaped jewels. Any jeweler or geologist will be baffled as to the
jewel's origin; they have obviously been cut, but apart from that bear
no resemblance to any terrestrial jewel, looking somewhat like jewels
found in meteorites and not of Earthly origin.
By the time Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union the leadership of the Nazi party were in the main corrupted by the Nephandi. Many mages that fought for Nazi Germany would under magical interrogation testify that they were unaware of the Nephandi presence. It seems then that the Nazi habit of multiple competing agencies allowed the Nephandi to do what they wanted to, while keeping other magical traditions in the dark. This would also explain why so many Tradition Mages and renegade Technocrats supported the Germans.
The gloves are connected by a thin cord of the same fabric. It
stretches between the gloves for about a yard. However, should the
wearer wish to spread their arms, the cord will stretch with
surprising elasticity for over two and a half yards.
In the beginning of the war the Thule Society were heavily involved in developing the fortress at Wewelsburg, to which location they hoped to shift the mystical middle of the earth. Another project was the development of Welthauptstadt Germania, particularly the great southern railway station, the Victory Avenue, and the Volkshalle. These would be enormous lay lines that would focus tremendous magical energies onto the Volkshalle where tens of thousands of party faithful would aid in the use of powerful magics. They were also partially responsible for the success of Hitler's submarine fleet by using dowsing to help spot allied ships and convoys.
The gloves always appear to be just a little too small for the person
viewing them, but if the are put on, they are just right, fitting the
wearer like a second skin.  
By late 1942 however it was starting to be clear even to the most enthusiastic member of the Thule Society that the Nephandi had infiltrated Germany. One of their responses was to block construction at Wewelsburg, ostensibly to recheck their calculations. In reality they removed the real Black Sun plate and certain other artefacts from the tower in order to avoid it falling into Nephandi hands.
Once worn, the wearer quickly comes to like the feel of the glove's
fabric moving over his (or her) hands and will be loath to remove
them. The jewels make little clicking sounds when the gloves are worn,
as they seem to move and slide past each other. Anybody studying the
gloves for any period of time will notice that the jewels actually
move, as if they were not really attached to the fabric. Careful study
will see jewels move from finger to finger, around the glove and back
Despite this they never swayed from their support of Nazi Germany, which to them seemed like a perfect state in the making. Instead they used the energy gathered from the great killing grounds to empower their magics. They experimented on prisoners in the hopes of finding methods of enhancing German soldiers. In short they still viewed the war as their best chance for learning and for impressing their views upon the consensus. They did however reach out to the werewolves, promising them to cleanse vast swathes of Russian and Polish countryside in return for their aid. Surprisingly quite a few agreed.
Little by little however the Allied forces began to close in on them, though they conjured up storms and bad weather the Allies were still able to conduct the Normandy Landings. Secondly despite an equally ferocious resistance, backed by powerful magics, the Soviets were able to break through Dukla Pass. With both major defences gone it was clear even to the Thule Society that the Third Reich was doomed. Thus they began an internal purge of their own society, doing their best to tear out the Nephandi presence while at the same time plotting an evacuation.
The gloves allow the wearer to mould organic matter, including living
tissue, as if it were clay. The wearer has no control over this; the
gloves affect any material he touches (including himself) as if it
were modeling clay. The material shaped does not change in any other
way, apart from its malleability. A statue made out of a tree would
still smell and feel like wood, it would still contain sap and grow
leaves, it would just look like a statue. The material does not suffer
any ill affects from the reshaping unless something vital was removed.
For example a man who was reshaped into a table would retain stomach,
kidneys, liver, etc and would continue to live, he just wouldn't be
able to move. However if the shaper reached into somebody and removed
their heart, they would obviously die instantly. The gloves also
impart the wearer with an insatiable desire to shape, who or what does
not matter. The gloves do not give the wearer any ability to sculpt,
which is something the wearer must learn by himself.
In early March 1945 the U-boats U-2620 and U-2924 set out for an unknown harbour, either the umbral forts on the South Pole, or else the North Pole entrance to the Hollow Earth. No outsider is quite certain which, or if it was either for that matter. Following this evacuation all that remained in Germany were the Nephandic forces, who out of sheer outrage decided to destroy all that they could before the inevitable fall. They certainly made a good game out of that.
The wearer will become obsessed by sculpture, making statues and
"works of art" out of anything or anybody he can lay his hands on. He
will dream of the ancient cities of the serpent people in the steamy
jungles of Valusia and of a fellow sculptor to whom he is related to
by art, if not by species. Eventually, the wearer will never be able
to take the gloves off and will become obsessed by the idea of
reshaping himself. This he will enevitably do with fatal conseqences.
Very little is known of what happened to the Thule Society after this, there were some rumours of their presence in Tibet during the Communist takeover but this was never confirmed. Other rumours mention the sight of a huge, gleaming fortress in the Antarctic umbra, but once more this has never been confirmed. Some sightings of unidentified submarines could be the U-2620 or U-2924, but once more nothing has been confirmed.
All this is obviously sanity taxing. Here are the costs in SAN of that
which is described above:
In recent years there's been peculiar rumours that the Thule Society has resurfaced in North Korea, even to the point of being allowed to establish chantries there. If this is true or not remains to be seen, but the Juche ideal has much in common with the ideology of the Thule Society. Certainly access to North Korea would allow the Thule Society resources and manpower that they would by now be running short on. Of course all of this is pure speculation.
To see the gloves for the first time. 0/1 (from fascination)
To see something "reshaped". 0/1d2
To see someone "reshaped". 1/1d6
To be "reshaped". 1d6/1d20
To wear the gloves. 1 per day of wearing
To "reshape" something. 0/1
To "reshape" someone. 1/1d6
To "reshape" oneself. 1d4/1d10
To learn of the true history and origins of the gloves.
(The last entry in this history is in 1889 to allow Gaslight Keepers
to use the gloves, 1920s Keepers such as myself can fill in the
intervening 30 years pretty easily.)
The gloves were created by an unknown serpentman artist and sorcerer
about 67 million years ago, during the decline of the serpent people.
The creator wished to be able to sculpt like none ever had before. To
do this, he created the gloves using powerful sorcery and unearthly
materials. He created sculptures of inhuman beauty, sculptures that
denied imagination and defied rationality. His sculptures became one
of the few popular art objects of the serpent peoples culture.
Attempts were made to make more gloves, but they all failed.
The gloves were lost to the serpent people when the owner (not the
original one, but one of his distant descendants) was discovered by
the soldiers of King Kull, and put to the sword. The gloves were kept
by Gonar, the King's wizard. The wily old bird knew of their power,
but also knew that it led to doom. So, he kept them safe until he lost
them during the sinking of Atlantis (I assume that the date given for
the sinking of Atlantis in the CoC rulebook is about 5000 years off,
to allow for R.E. Howard's Hyborian Age).
They lay beneath the sea until 12,000 years ago, when a Zingaran
fisherman dragged them up in his net. He exchanged them with an
Iranistani merchant for a fine boat and a crew. They were then sold to
a prince of Ophir. The prince experienced the powers of the gloves,
went mad and sculpted the entire royal family into statues of serpent
people. The throne (and the gloves) went to a Zamoran mercenery
captain, who gave them as payment to a Stygian sorcerer for aid in a
battle against another usurper. The sorcerer was later destroyed by
the most powerful of his kind, Thoth-Amon. Toth-Amon recognised the
power of the gloves and managed (a unique feat amongst the glove's
human owners) to utilise them without being destroyed himself. The
gloves were given as a reward to a junior member of the Black Ring,
who was driven insane by their power and buried himself alive (with
the gloves) in a Hyrkanian steppe.
Approximately 11,000 years after the passing of the Hyborian Age, the
tomb was discovered by the shaman of a slavic tribe that lived in the
area. The gloves were placed in one of the shaman's sacred drums, as
they were considered to be a gift of the gods. Several generations
later a group of Thracian merceneries wiped out the tribe and carried
the gloves back as booty to Thrace. There the gloves went through a
succession of owners (all of whom were destroyed by the glove's
power), until the mother of the last owner sealed them up in one of
her late son's statues. The statue was sold to an Ithican merchant and
was bought and sold several times during the next sixty years.
The statue eventually made its way to Athens and from there to the
Great Library of Alexandria. The statue remained there for two hundred
years until the library was burnt to the ground by the Romans. The
statue was taken to Rome by one of Caesar's centurions. There, the
statue remained until the Centurian retired to Herculaneum. The statue
remained in his family until the eruption of Vesuvius in 79AD when it
was buried under a thick layer of ash with the rest of the town.
It was not until 1709, during the Austrian occupation of Italy, that
Herculaneum was dug up. That staue remained buried until 1713, when an
Austrian nobleman named Wolfgang Von Bulow saw it in one of the newly
excavated portions of the town. He bought it and transported it to his
home in mountainous western Austria, near Schruns. Von Bulow lived in
an ancient schloss in the alps, and the statue remained there until
his death. The statue would have probably remained there until this
very day, if not for an accident five years later.
Von Bulow's grand-daughter, Michelle (Von Bulow junior married a
french woman, he was something of an oddity), aged twelve, was playing
hide and seek with her little brother. He hid behind the statue, and
when she caught him, he knocked it over, and it was smashed on the
stone floor. Both children were given a stern ticking off by their
father, but what he failed to notice was that Michelle had pocketed
the gloves. She was fascinated by them and wore them in secret,
experimenting with their "delightful" powers and losing her soul piece
by piece at each wearing. Her spirit was strong and none since
Thoth-Amon had worn the gloves for so long and with so little ill
effect. However, the end came when the desire to sculpt overcame her
and she ran amok in the castle, one dark and stormy winter's night.
After a month's silence, local villagers plucked up their courage and
investigated the castle. What they found entered into village folklore
forever: living statues, hideous fleshy parodies of the statue of
David and The Kiss, strange cylindrical towers that were warm to the
touch and babbled insane gibberings at the horrified investigators.
Only Michelle's little brother survived, dirty and silent. He was
found hiding under the bed in the master bedroom, beside the screaming
obscenity that had once been his mother. Michelle, fled into the
mountains. She wandered until she fell down a chimney high in the
Alps, both her arms were broken, so she could not escape, and over a
period of several days she starved to death.
Her bones and the gloves were found by a young Swissman in 1772 while
he was climbing the mountains. He brought the gloves (and the bones)
back to Santa Maria, his home town, where they were given a Christian
burial by the town's priest. However Michelle's bones did not rest
well that night, for the village's Doctor heard of the jeweled gloves,
dug Michelle's grave up and fled with the gloves to France. Once in
France, he attempted to sell them to a jeweller in Strasburg. The man,
baffled by the jewels, said they were coloured glass and offered to
take them of his hands for a derisory sum. The doctor whose name was
Karl travelled around France trying to sell them until he died in
Paris, a pauper.
The gloves languished in a Paris pawnshop, dismissed as clever fakes
until 1787. A young English sculptor named Thomas Basildon bought them
for a few francs, simply becuase he liked the colour of the "glass".
They remained, unworn in his studio in the artists quarter of Paris
until 1788, when drunk and penniless, his hopes destroyed, he decided
to kill himself. Putting them on accidently, just before he was about
to do the deed, he discovered their unique powers and began to sculpt
like never before. He rocketed to fame, making more sculptures in a
week, then most do in a year. He reshaped his mistress, Marie Dupont,
to be the most beguiling beauty of Verailles. In 1789, a few days
after the storming of the Bastilles, a mob broke into Basildon's house
and dragged himself and his mistress out into the street, where they
were hacked to death with knives and axes. The gloves were stolen as
the house was looted and were sold a few days later to a pawnshop for
the sum of 3 francs. It was Basildon that gave the gloves the name
"The Gloves of Pygmalion"*.
The gloves stayed there until the daughter of a merchant, Simone
Boulle, bought them and brought them to England, where she gave them
to an admirer, an Irishman named Steven Kelly. Kelly, the youngest son
of a prosperous Dublin merchant-venturer kept them as a keep sake. A
few years later, disowned by his father, he fled to Chile. After
spending ten years in Chile working for the Spainish, transporting
gold to Spain from the mines in Chile, he left Spainish service and
joined the British navy as a privateer, harrying Napoleon's navy and
helping wipe out his fleet in "The Battle of the Nile". Steven died of
liver failure brought on by the heat and years of heavy drinking. He
was given a decent burial near Alexandria. The gloves were liquidated
to pay one of his creditors, a tavern owner in Alexandria. The gloves
went through several owners in the back streets of that exotic and
ancient city, until the were bought by the wife of a visiting British
naturalist in Eygpt in 1843. She lost them waving to people from the
side of the ship, as it entered London, dropping them into the Thames.
There they remain until in 1889, a mudlark (a young boy who fishes in
the Thames mud at low tide, looking for bits of scrap to sell) found
the gloves and sold them for the sum of four schillings and sixpence
to Lin-Tze, the owner of a opium den in the Limehouse district of
London. What he uses them for, or if he knows of their power, is
Keepers can fiddle with the glove's recent history as they wish, for
their own purposes. After covering the last sixty seven and a bit
million years I doubt thirty or a hundred and six will prove much of a
* For all those going "Eh, what's he on about?": Pygmalion was a
king in ancient Greece who created a beautiful statue of a woman and
fell in love with it. He asked Aphrodite to bring her to life, which
Aphrodite promptly did. Basildon was refering to the fact that
Pygmalion brought dead stone to life, while he made living flesh (it
was his preferred medium) into the deathly counterpart of stone. He
was also trying to butter up his mistress by comparing her to Galetea,
the beautiful statue, Pygmalion created.
The gloves are referred to in several books, both Mythos and
non-Mythos. They represent the only realistic way most investigators
will learn of the gloves. I have included a list of the books and a
brief description of each, including in some cases a brief passage
referring to the gloves.
The Book of Drad
San loss 1d4/2d4
Cthulhu Mythos +3
Atlantean +8
Spell Multiplier X 2
Spells: Consume Likeness
Main Topics: The Serpent People and their nameless evil, Atlantis, the
reign of King Kull.
Description: A scroll of papyrus rolled on two willow rods and bound
with a black ribbon. It is surprisingly fresh despite its age.
The journal of a young Atlantean scholar during the time of King Kull.
It chronicles the period in the King's reign where the extent of the
of the serpent people's hidden presence in his kingdom was realised.
It mentions in passing the discovery of a serpent man who had taken
the form of one of the king's guard and how the king found him out
because of his ophidian shadow. It also describes how the serpentman
disguised himself using sorcery and managed to evade detection for
several years by clever use of sorcery and drugs. It also mentions a
pair of gloves that the creature possessed.
"...once the beast had been slain by the King's guard, it was found
that it wore a pair of gloves of most unusual aspect. They were about
as large as my hand and were covered with strange jewels that seemed
to writhe on the gloves themselves. Gonar, the King's adviser, bade no
man touch them and was quite insistent that they be handed over to
him. It was whispered later, that Gonar was in league with the
monster, but the hushed tones and guarded tongues of those that spoke
such, pointed to the untruth of such a lie. A soldier sent to search
the creatures chambers, lest more of its kind lurk there, returned
white faced and shaking, speaking of blasphemous horrors not men and
yet disturbingly like men that were found there. The King had them all
burned. The stench was unbelievable and the yard stunk for days
Location: The book is currently in Carcosa, abandoned in one of the
cities many twisting streets and alleyways. How it came to be there is
a mystery.
The Notebook of Thomas Basildon
San Loss 1d4/1d8
Cthulhu Mythos +2
English +3
No Spells
Main Topics: The Serpent people and the creation of inhuman and
abhorrent sculpture.
Description: A worn brown leather A4 note/sketch book, with the
initials TB embossed on the front.
A well thumbed sketch book filled with pencil and charcoal drawings,
designs for statues, concept drawings, and other similar things. It
also acts as a diary, with pages of pencilled script filling in
between drawings. The first few pages are all fairly normal drawings
of Greek style statues, nymphs and Aphrodite feature prominently.
Later on, the book is filled with pages of frantically scribbled
descriptions of dreams and deeds of a strange and unwholesome nature.
Pictures of snakes and snake men predominate in the last few pages of
the book, with one of the last pictures being a large (two page)
pastel of a gleaming many towered city nestled in a deep jungle
valley. The inhabitants of the city are not present, but the garish
and disturbingly real colours unsettle the observer nonetheless. the
gloves are pictured only once, but the hastily pencilled drawing still
gives a very clear picture of the gloves. There would be no doubt in
the mind of anyone who had seen the original as to whether the two are
one and the same. The last written part of the book (dated two days
before Basildon's death) reads as follows:
"... (obliterated word) Marie, dear God Marie, why did you cry last
night? Why? I made you beautiful! More beautiful then words can say!
You are the darling of Versailles and you cried in my arms, I changed
you beautifully, why aren't you grateful?"
Location: A second-hand book shop on the rue sacre coeur in Paris. It
lies tightly wedged between a book on anatomy and a walking stick in
an elephant's foot hallstand.
The gloves are mentioned indirectly in several books the most
important being mentioned here.
* The Book of Dyzan includes a second-hand report of the incident
described in the Book of Drad.
* An clay tablet by an unknown scribe, from Trace describes the
death of one of the gloves' Thracian owners and how "gem fingered
death plucked his life away".
* The Pnakotic manuscripts contains several mentions of the
sculptures the original owner of the gloves created. It does not name
the owner or reveal anything about him apart from his species. However
the description of the sculptures describe the style so accurately,
that anyone who had studied a recent creation could say with authority
that there were definite similarities between the two pieces.
* My Years as a Clergyman, is a the self published memoirs of the
Austrian priest, Gotfreid Braun, who took over the parish where Von
Bulov lived. An avid amateur historian, he details several local
legends, including one that refers to the demise of the Von Bulov. The
legend labels Michelle's mother a witch and describes how she made a
pact with the devil and how it led to the destruction of the entire
Should the investigators think to test the physical composition of the
gloves, they will have to spend a great deal of time and money.
Research in all eras shows that the gloves are not from any known
human culture due to their design and composition. The jewels are
unidentifiable in any era. The nearest anybody can come to a definite
answer is that they bear some resemblance to quartz crystal, but
that's about it.
Tests of the fabric in the 1890s will show high concentrations of
aluminium (aluminum), mercury (which is not liquid for unknown
reasons), silver, thorium (not actually emitting radiation, for some
strange reason) and two unknown elements, one of which is similar to a
known compound*.
In the 1920s, the vaguely identifiable element will be titanium, but
the remaining element will remain as inexplicable as ever.
In the 1990s, the mystery element will remain a mystery, but under a
powerful (very, very powerful) electron microscope, it will be shown
to be incredibly dense and to have a very complex molecular shape like
a sort of lattice. In the 1990s, it will be possible to date the
gloves, but it will be very hard and expensive to do so. The gloves
will need to be bombarded by a high powered molecular stream to
dislodge the remains oldest of the oldest organic material that it has
come into contact with (these of course will be only a few molecules).
Once they have the organic material, they can try and carbon date it,
giving the obviously "impossible" answer. (I am a little uncertain as
to the validity of this method, I saw it on Tomorrow's World and it's
the only way I can think of that dating would be possible, bar the use
of magic.)
* There was one titanium-oxygen compound known in 1824, but pure
titanium was not tracked down until 1910.
I think the gloves should be used as a campaign thread, with little
bits of information being discovered every so often. I would allow the
investigators to find the gloves farely early on in a campaign, with
the various references to them being unearthed as well as the main
plot of the campaign.
My favourite way of introducing the gloves is the "doomed artist"
idea. A penniless, destitute and desperate sculptor finds the gloves
and is suddenly catapulted to fame only to have the effects of the
gloves destroy him. The investigators coming upon the ruins of his
studio find him warped and inhuman on the floor (a nasty idea
involving cats has come to mind, but I think I will save it until a
later date).
Alternatively the investigators could find them in the back of a old
and decrepit pawnshop to be sold them for a suspiciously low price.
Along with the gloves, they could find a book warning of the dire
conseqences of donning the gloves. If they choose not to buy it,
that's their affair...
I hope you enjoy the Gloves of Pygmalion. Feel free to use them as you
wish, and I hope you enjoy using them as much as I enjoyed creating
Till R'lyeh rises,
Eamon Honan

Latest revision as of 18:39, 31 October 2013

Aquitaine Republic

BTW would this background work: General Aquitaine was a normal kingdom patched together from various principalities. Overall it was Empyrean and ruled by wise kings and good nobles, who generally didn't bother much with the petty heresies and superstitions of the peasants (aside from the odd witch-hunt etc if the travelling troubadours or local wise people got too out of hand). It was in the main a major agricultural state, which meant that it was to some degrees highly specialized, some areas didn't grow much grain at all and imported it from abroad or from other parts of the Kingdom. When the Chosen portals collapsed the peasants in these areas were often reduced to famine due to a lack of grain. Likewise it was very difficult to smash rebellions and such because it was hard to move troops from region to region.

It was now that the various Pure Ones began agitating for an uprising, no one is quite sure why, but codes and plans spread with lightning speed. At first it was hoped that the King would do something, that the Chosen would return, but as things went worse the heresy grew in power, simply due to pure desperation in many cases. Inspired by the Pure Ones the peasants declared that God wanted them to have the land and that the Chosen had been false messengers. This of course meant that they were now opposed to both the Empyrean Church and the King, which led to a series of persecutions and suppressions. Normally this wouldn't matter much, but the middle-classes were tired of the nobles lording it over them (including extracting taxes and forcing them to be part of military boondoggles), and so they too were ready to rise, especially as the economy collapsed all around them and formerly rich families were reduced to selling their silverware for bread. When the revolution began things got really messy, perhaps if the Royalist troops hadn't been spread out across the whole kingdom trying to stamp out little uprisings they would have been able to regroup and smash the revolution, but as it were they were destroyed in detail.

Almost without intending it they found themselves with the nobles routed and the land in their hands, but with the Empyrean prelates screaming anathemas, and nobles and royals going to neighbouring countries to ask for supporting putting down the uprising. Faced with the realisation that there was no good way of backing down a new radical republican faction was able to gain power. However the Republic is wavering, whether it will survive or not depends on its ability to resist the coming storm.


The Great King, Beloved of the Lord, Blessed by the Lady’s Hand, Mighty in Arms, Abundant in Charity, Preserver of Justice, Fount of Honour, Lord of the Two Lands, Guardian of Hermopolis, Iskander Servant of Christ.

"Thus speak the Great King: We have been greatly distraught by the news of the overthrow of our faithful vassals in the city of Tripolis, and of the cruelty and wickedness with which the commoners have been bombed. Yet more so when we learned that no Noble Lord led this attack, there was no shoulders to bear the guilt, but rather it was done by leaderless sheep, a flock of wild bulls without a shepherd, a pack of wolves prowling in the wilds. Our hearts were then filled with great sorrow and great anger, that such wickedness could occur in the lands next to ours. At once we called for our armour and our arms, but mercy intervened, His Holiness the Patriarch clasped the King's knee and cried, 'they are but children, wicked by nature, but they know not what they do! Grant them the chance to seek your mercy and forgiveness!' And the Great King, ever forbearing, and respectful of Holy Mother Church conceeded and at once called for his Great Scribe to enter so that a missive might be sent to these leaderless ones.

Thus the Great King speaks onto you: You have wrought great wickedness, yet because you seem unaware of the teachings of the Church, be it from ignorance or from only receiving a corrupted and heretical version of the Faith, you cannot be wholly responsible. Therefore lay down your arms, surrender yourself, both your armies in Libya and such forces as you may have elsewhere. Such things as are your personal property shall be respected, though all the property you have taken from Libya must be returned. If you refuse to obey this command you will be stripped of your belongings and made to work the granite."

New Mercia idea

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merchant_submarine <-- Inspired by this.

Alright the idea is basically that by the 2170s the Hyperboreans were starting to get nervous, the League was growing richer and more sophisticated. So they decided that they needed to buy technology and certain vital materials (possibly fabbers) from elsewhere.

Given that Hyperborea has some extremely valuable Cash Crops they hit upon the idea of loading a large merchantman whose FTL drives worked (either due to having Theta or some other reason) and sending it to Neue Silesia to trade for supplies. Naturally only very valuable and very small volume goods could be traded, but it gave the Hyperboreans an "in" with the EU comissariat.

The decision to support the NMLF was not a result of New Mercia being all that important for the war effort, but rather it and Neue Silesia were linked by catapults *and* the trade with the EU had left the Hyperboreans with a lot of surplus cash. Basically their shipping was not up to the task of bringing back to the homeworld all the resources and materials they were capable of buying.

So they decided on spending some time and effort to try to cause some mischief for New Mercia, it was really an afterthought nothing more.

Jedi Knight

Vital Statistics

Real Name:
Jedi Name:
Tradition: Jedi Order (Orphan)
Avatar: Questing
Arete: 3
Willpower: 10/10
Quint: 5
Paradox: 0
Chantry: None


Physical (5)
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 4 (Lightning Reflexes)
Stamina: 2
Social (3)
Charisma: 2
Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 2
Mental (7)
Perception: 4 (Spot Ambush)
Intelligence: 2
Wits: 4 (One Step Ahead)


Talents (13)
Alertness: 3
Athletics: 3
Awareness: 3
Brawl: 3
Dodge: 3
Intuition: 2
Skills (9)
Meditation: 3
Melee: 3
Stealth: 3
Knowledges (7)
Computer: 1
Cosmology: 1
Culture: 1
Enigmas: 1
Linguistics: 1 (Basic)
Lore (Jedi): 1
Occult: 1


Avatar: 5
Talisman: 4


Entropy: 2
Forces: 2
Mind: 1
Prime: 2
Time: 3


Jedi Meditation
The Force

Merits and Flaws

Merit: Code of Honour (Jedi) – 1 BP
Merit: Concentration – 1 BP
Flaw: Obsession (Star Wars) - 2 BP
Flaw: Amnesia – 2 BP
Flaw: Strangeness – 1 BP
Flaw: Twisted Apprenticeship – 1BP

Magickal and Mundane Equipment

Lightsabre (details to be determined)


BP & XP Expenditure

Arete 3 – 8BP
Will 10 – 5BP
Avatar 5 – 5BP
Talisman – 8BP

Dodge 3 – 6XP
Intuition 2 – 5XP
Forces 2 – 8 XP
Entropy 2 – 8XP
Prime 2 – 8XP
Mind 1 – 10XP

NWO Defector

Vital Statistics

Tradition: Sons of Ether (ex-NWO)
Avatar: Dynamic
Arete: 4
Willpower: 10/10
Quint: 5
Paradox: 0
Chantry: None


Physical (3)
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 4 (Nimble Fingers)
Stamina: 1
Social (5)
Charisma: 2
Manipulation: 5 (Persuasive)
Appearance: 1
Mental (7)
Perception: 3
Intelligence: 4 (Engineer)
Wits: 4 (One Step Ahead)


Talents (13)
Alertness: 3
Awareness: 3
Dodge: 1
Intuition: 1
Intimidation: 3
Streetwise: 1
Subterfuge: 3
Skills (9)
Drive: 1
Etiquette: 1
Firearms: 3
Hypertech: 3
Meditation: 1
Research: 1
Stealth: 1
Technology: 3
Knowledges (7)
Cosmology: 1
Enigmas: 4 (Espionage)
Linguistics: 1 (German)
Lore (Technocracy): 3
Lore (Traditions): 3
Medicine: 3
Occult: 1


Avatar: 5


Correspondence: Entropy: 2 Forces: Life: Mind: 3 Matter: Prime: 2 Spirit: 3 Time: 3


Merits and Flaws

Merit: Concentration – 1 BP Merit: Mechanical Aptitude – 1 BP Flaw: Addiction (Cigarettes) – 1 BP Flaw: Nightmares – 1 BP Flaw: Vengeance – 2 BP Flaw: Strangeness – 1 BP Flaw: Echoes (MiB) – 2 BP Flaw: Probationary Member – 3 BP? Flaw: Asthma – 1 BP

Magickal and Mundane Equipment


BP & XP Expenditure

Arete 3 – 14BP Will 10 – 5BP Arete 4 – 24XP Perception 3 – 12 XP Spirit 3 – 34 XP Entropy 2 – 18 XP Prime 2 – 18 XP Drive 1 – 3 XP Etiquette 1 – 3 XP Meditation 1 – 3 XP Research 1 – 3 XP Stealth 1 – 3 XP Dodge 1 – 3 XP Intuition 1 – 3 XP Enigmas 4 – 6 XP Lore (Technocracy) – 3 XP Lore (Traditions) – 3 XP

Gloves of Pygmalion

From: Eamon Honan <Spire@Indigo.ie> Subject: The Gloves of Pygmalion System: Call of Cthulhu

The Gloves of Pygmalion: An Artifact for CoC


The gloves appear to be a pair of ordinary gloves, made out of some strange metallic fabric of a blueish, purple hue. The back of the gloves and the fingers are encrusted with strange iridescent lozenze shaped jewels. Any jeweler or geologist will be baffled as to the jewel's origin; they have obviously been cut, but apart from that bear no resemblance to any terrestrial jewel, looking somewhat like jewels found in meteorites and not of Earthly origin.

The gloves are connected by a thin cord of the same fabric. It stretches between the gloves for about a yard. However, should the wearer wish to spread their arms, the cord will stretch with surprising elasticity for over two and a half yards.

The gloves always appear to be just a little too small for the person viewing them, but if the are put on, they are just right, fitting the wearer like a second skin.

Once worn, the wearer quickly comes to like the feel of the glove's fabric moving over his (or her) hands and will be loath to remove them. The jewels make little clicking sounds when the gloves are worn, as they seem to move and slide past each other. Anybody studying the gloves for any period of time will notice that the jewels actually move, as if they were not really attached to the fabric. Careful study will see jewels move from finger to finger, around the glove and back again.


The gloves allow the wearer to mould organic matter, including living tissue, as if it were clay. The wearer has no control over this; the gloves affect any material he touches (including himself) as if it were modeling clay. The material shaped does not change in any other way, apart from its malleability. A statue made out of a tree would still smell and feel like wood, it would still contain sap and grow leaves, it would just look like a statue. The material does not suffer any ill affects from the reshaping unless something vital was removed. For example a man who was reshaped into a table would retain stomach, kidneys, liver, etc and would continue to live, he just wouldn't be able to move. However if the shaper reached into somebody and removed their heart, they would obviously die instantly. The gloves also impart the wearer with an insatiable desire to shape, who or what does not matter. The gloves do not give the wearer any ability to sculpt, which is something the wearer must learn by himself.

The wearer will become obsessed by sculpture, making statues and "works of art" out of anything or anybody he can lay his hands on. He will dream of the ancient cities of the serpent people in the steamy jungles of Valusia and of a fellow sculptor to whom he is related to by art, if not by species. Eventually, the wearer will never be able to take the gloves off and will become obsessed by the idea of reshaping himself. This he will enevitably do with fatal conseqences.

All this is obviously sanity taxing. Here are the costs in SAN of that which is described above:

To see the gloves for the first time. 0/1 (from fascination)

To see something "reshaped". 0/1d2 To see someone "reshaped". 1/1d6 To be "reshaped". 1d6/1d20

To wear the gloves. 1 per day of wearing

To "reshape" something. 0/1 To "reshape" someone. 1/1d6 To "reshape" oneself. 1d4/1d10

To learn of the true history and origins of the gloves. 1/1d4


(The last entry in this history is in 1889 to allow Gaslight Keepers to use the gloves, 1920s Keepers such as myself can fill in the intervening 30 years pretty easily.)

The gloves were created by an unknown serpentman artist and sorcerer about 67 million years ago, during the decline of the serpent people. The creator wished to be able to sculpt like none ever had before. To do this, he created the gloves using powerful sorcery and unearthly materials. He created sculptures of inhuman beauty, sculptures that denied imagination and defied rationality. His sculptures became one of the few popular art objects of the serpent peoples culture. Attempts were made to make more gloves, but they all failed.

The gloves were lost to the serpent people when the owner (not the original one, but one of his distant descendants) was discovered by the soldiers of King Kull, and put to the sword. The gloves were kept by Gonar, the King's wizard. The wily old bird knew of their power, but also knew that it led to doom. So, he kept them safe until he lost them during the sinking of Atlantis (I assume that the date given for the sinking of Atlantis in the CoC rulebook is about 5000 years off, to allow for R.E. Howard's Hyborian Age).

They lay beneath the sea until 12,000 years ago, when a Zingaran fisherman dragged them up in his net. He exchanged them with an Iranistani merchant for a fine boat and a crew. They were then sold to a prince of Ophir. The prince experienced the powers of the gloves, went mad and sculpted the entire royal family into statues of serpent people. The throne (and the gloves) went to a Zamoran mercenery captain, who gave them as payment to a Stygian sorcerer for aid in a battle against another usurper. The sorcerer was later destroyed by the most powerful of his kind, Thoth-Amon. Toth-Amon recognised the power of the gloves and managed (a unique feat amongst the glove's human owners) to utilise them without being destroyed himself. The gloves were given as a reward to a junior member of the Black Ring, who was driven insane by their power and buried himself alive (with the gloves) in a Hyrkanian steppe.

Approximately 11,000 years after the passing of the Hyborian Age, the tomb was discovered by the shaman of a slavic tribe that lived in the area. The gloves were placed in one of the shaman's sacred drums, as they were considered to be a gift of the gods. Several generations later a group of Thracian merceneries wiped out the tribe and carried the gloves back as booty to Thrace. There the gloves went through a succession of owners (all of whom were destroyed by the glove's power), until the mother of the last owner sealed them up in one of her late son's statues. The statue was sold to an Ithican merchant and was bought and sold several times during the next sixty years.

The statue eventually made its way to Athens and from there to the Great Library of Alexandria. The statue remained there for two hundred years until the library was burnt to the ground by the Romans. The statue was taken to Rome by one of Caesar's centurions. There, the statue remained until the Centurian retired to Herculaneum. The statue remained in his family until the eruption of Vesuvius in 79AD when it was buried under a thick layer of ash with the rest of the town.

It was not until 1709, during the Austrian occupation of Italy, that Herculaneum was dug up. That staue remained buried until 1713, when an Austrian nobleman named Wolfgang Von Bulow saw it in one of the newly excavated portions of the town. He bought it and transported it to his home in mountainous western Austria, near Schruns. Von Bulow lived in an ancient schloss in the alps, and the statue remained there until his death. The statue would have probably remained there until this very day, if not for an accident five years later.

Von Bulow's grand-daughter, Michelle (Von Bulow junior married a french woman, he was something of an oddity), aged twelve, was playing hide and seek with her little brother. He hid behind the statue, and when she caught him, he knocked it over, and it was smashed on the stone floor. Both children were given a stern ticking off by their father, but what he failed to notice was that Michelle had pocketed the gloves. She was fascinated by them and wore them in secret, experimenting with their "delightful" powers and losing her soul piece by piece at each wearing. Her spirit was strong and none since Thoth-Amon had worn the gloves for so long and with so little ill effect. However, the end came when the desire to sculpt overcame her and she ran amok in the castle, one dark and stormy winter's night.

After a month's silence, local villagers plucked up their courage and investigated the castle. What they found entered into village folklore forever: living statues, hideous fleshy parodies of the statue of David and The Kiss, strange cylindrical towers that were warm to the touch and babbled insane gibberings at the horrified investigators. Only Michelle's little brother survived, dirty and silent. He was found hiding under the bed in the master bedroom, beside the screaming obscenity that had once been his mother. Michelle, fled into the mountains. She wandered until she fell down a chimney high in the Alps, both her arms were broken, so she could not escape, and over a period of several days she starved to death.

Her bones and the gloves were found by a young Swissman in 1772 while he was climbing the mountains. He brought the gloves (and the bones) back to Santa Maria, his home town, where they were given a Christian burial by the town's priest. However Michelle's bones did not rest well that night, for the village's Doctor heard of the jeweled gloves, dug Michelle's grave up and fled with the gloves to France. Once in France, he attempted to sell them to a jeweller in Strasburg. The man, baffled by the jewels, said they were coloured glass and offered to take them of his hands for a derisory sum. The doctor whose name was Karl travelled around France trying to sell them until he died in Paris, a pauper.

The gloves languished in a Paris pawnshop, dismissed as clever fakes until 1787. A young English sculptor named Thomas Basildon bought them for a few francs, simply becuase he liked the colour of the "glass". They remained, unworn in his studio in the artists quarter of Paris until 1788, when drunk and penniless, his hopes destroyed, he decided to kill himself. Putting them on accidently, just before he was about to do the deed, he discovered their unique powers and began to sculpt like never before. He rocketed to fame, making more sculptures in a week, then most do in a year. He reshaped his mistress, Marie Dupont, to be the most beguiling beauty of Verailles. In 1789, a few days after the storming of the Bastilles, a mob broke into Basildon's house and dragged himself and his mistress out into the street, where they were hacked to death with knives and axes. The gloves were stolen as the house was looted and were sold a few days later to a pawnshop for the sum of 3 francs. It was Basildon that gave the gloves the name "The Gloves of Pygmalion"*.

The gloves stayed there until the daughter of a merchant, Simone Boulle, bought them and brought them to England, where she gave them to an admirer, an Irishman named Steven Kelly. Kelly, the youngest son of a prosperous Dublin merchant-venturer kept them as a keep sake. A few years later, disowned by his father, he fled to Chile. After spending ten years in Chile working for the Spainish, transporting gold to Spain from the mines in Chile, he left Spainish service and joined the British navy as a privateer, harrying Napoleon's navy and helping wipe out his fleet in "The Battle of the Nile". Steven died of liver failure brought on by the heat and years of heavy drinking. He was given a decent burial near Alexandria. The gloves were liquidated to pay one of his creditors, a tavern owner in Alexandria. The gloves went through several owners in the back streets of that exotic and ancient city, until the were bought by the wife of a visiting British naturalist in Eygpt in 1843. She lost them waving to people from the side of the ship, as it entered London, dropping them into the Thames.

There they remain until in 1889, a mudlark (a young boy who fishes in the Thames mud at low tide, looking for bits of scrap to sell) found the gloves and sold them for the sum of four schillings and sixpence to Lin-Tze, the owner of a opium den in the Limehouse district of London. What he uses them for, or if he knows of their power, is unknown.

Keepers can fiddle with the glove's recent history as they wish, for their own purposes. After covering the last sixty seven and a bit million years I doubt thirty or a hundred and six will prove much of a problem.

  • For all those going "Eh, what's he on about?": Pygmalion was a

king in ancient Greece who created a beautiful statue of a woman and fell in love with it. He asked Aphrodite to bring her to life, which Aphrodite promptly did. Basildon was refering to the fact that Pygmalion brought dead stone to life, while he made living flesh (it was his preferred medium) into the deathly counterpart of stone. He was also trying to butter up his mistress by comparing her to Galetea, the beautiful statue, Pygmalion created.


The gloves are referred to in several books, both Mythos and non-Mythos. They represent the only realistic way most investigators will learn of the gloves. I have included a list of the books and a brief description of each, including in some cases a brief passage referring to the gloves.

The Book of Drad

San loss 1d4/2d4 Cthulhu Mythos +3 Atlantean +8 Spell Multiplier X 2 Spells: Consume Likeness

Main Topics: The Serpent People and their nameless evil, Atlantis, the reign of King Kull.

Description: A scroll of papyrus rolled on two willow rods and bound with a black ribbon. It is surprisingly fresh despite its age.

The journal of a young Atlantean scholar during the time of King Kull. It chronicles the period in the King's reign where the extent of the of the serpent people's hidden presence in his kingdom was realised. It mentions in passing the discovery of a serpent man who had taken the form of one of the king's guard and how the king found him out because of his ophidian shadow. It also describes how the serpentman disguised himself using sorcery and managed to evade detection for several years by clever use of sorcery and drugs. It also mentions a pair of gloves that the creature possessed.

"...once the beast had been slain by the King's guard, it was found that it wore a pair of gloves of most unusual aspect. They were about as large as my hand and were covered with strange jewels that seemed to writhe on the gloves themselves. Gonar, the King's adviser, bade no man touch them and was quite insistent that they be handed over to him. It was whispered later, that Gonar was in league with the monster, but the hushed tones and guarded tongues of those that spoke such, pointed to the untruth of such a lie. A soldier sent to search the creatures chambers, lest more of its kind lurk there, returned white faced and shaking, speaking of blasphemous horrors not men and yet disturbingly like men that were found there. The King had them all burned. The stench was unbelievable and the yard stunk for days afterward."

Location: The book is currently in Carcosa, abandoned in one of the cities many twisting streets and alleyways. How it came to be there is a mystery.

The Notebook of Thomas Basildon

San Loss 1d4/1d8 Cthulhu Mythos +2 English +3 No Spells

Main Topics: The Serpent people and the creation of inhuman and abhorrent sculpture.

Description: A worn brown leather A4 note/sketch book, with the initials TB embossed on the front.

A well thumbed sketch book filled with pencil and charcoal drawings, designs for statues, concept drawings, and other similar things. It also acts as a diary, with pages of pencilled script filling in between drawings. The first few pages are all fairly normal drawings of Greek style statues, nymphs and Aphrodite feature prominently. Later on, the book is filled with pages of frantically scribbled descriptions of dreams and deeds of a strange and unwholesome nature. Pictures of snakes and snake men predominate in the last few pages of the book, with one of the last pictures being a large (two page) pastel of a gleaming many towered city nestled in a deep jungle valley. The inhabitants of the city are not present, but the garish and disturbingly real colours unsettle the observer nonetheless. the gloves are pictured only once, but the hastily pencilled drawing still gives a very clear picture of the gloves. There would be no doubt in the mind of anyone who had seen the original as to whether the two are one and the same. The last written part of the book (dated two days before Basildon's death) reads as follows:

"... (obliterated word) Marie, dear God Marie, why did you cry last night? Why? I made you beautiful! More beautiful then words can say! You are the darling of Versailles and you cried in my arms, I changed you beautifully, why aren't you grateful?"

Location: A second-hand book shop on the rue sacre coeur in Paris. It lies tightly wedged between a book on anatomy and a walking stick in an elephant's foot hallstand.


The gloves are mentioned indirectly in several books the most important being mentioned here.

  • The Book of Dyzan includes a second-hand report of the incident

described in the Book of Drad.

  • An clay tablet by an unknown scribe, from Trace describes the

death of one of the gloves' Thracian owners and how "gem fingered death plucked his life away".

  • The Pnakotic manuscripts contains several mentions of the

sculptures the original owner of the gloves created. It does not name the owner or reveal anything about him apart from his species. However the description of the sculptures describe the style so accurately, that anyone who had studied a recent creation could say with authority that there were definite similarities between the two pieces.

  • My Years as a Clergyman, is a the self published memoirs of the

Austrian priest, Gotfreid Braun, who took over the parish where Von Bulov lived. An avid amateur historian, he details several local legends, including one that refers to the demise of the Von Bulov. The legend labels Michelle's mother a witch and describes how she made a pact with the devil and how it led to the destruction of the entire family.


Should the investigators think to test the physical composition of the gloves, they will have to spend a great deal of time and money. Research in all eras shows that the gloves are not from any known human culture due to their design and composition. The jewels are unidentifiable in any era. The nearest anybody can come to a definite answer is that they bear some resemblance to quartz crystal, but that's about it.

Tests of the fabric in the 1890s will show high concentrations of aluminium (aluminum), mercury (which is not liquid for unknown reasons), silver, thorium (not actually emitting radiation, for some strange reason) and two unknown elements, one of which is similar to a known compound*.

In the 1920s, the vaguely identifiable element will be titanium, but the remaining element will remain as inexplicable as ever.

In the 1990s, the mystery element will remain a mystery, but under a powerful (very, very powerful) electron microscope, it will be shown to be incredibly dense and to have a very complex molecular shape like a sort of lattice. In the 1990s, it will be possible to date the gloves, but it will be very hard and expensive to do so. The gloves will need to be bombarded by a high powered molecular stream to dislodge the remains oldest of the oldest organic material that it has come into contact with (these of course will be only a few molecules). Once they have the organic material, they can try and carbon date it, giving the obviously "impossible" answer. (I am a little uncertain as to the validity of this method, I saw it on Tomorrow's World and it's the only way I can think of that dating would be possible, bar the use of magic.)

  • There was one titanium-oxygen compound known in 1824, but pure

titanium was not tracked down until 1910.


I think the gloves should be used as a campaign thread, with little bits of information being discovered every so often. I would allow the investigators to find the gloves farely early on in a campaign, with the various references to them being unearthed as well as the main plot of the campaign.

My favourite way of introducing the gloves is the "doomed artist" idea. A penniless, destitute and desperate sculptor finds the gloves and is suddenly catapulted to fame only to have the effects of the gloves destroy him. The investigators coming upon the ruins of his studio find him warped and inhuman on the floor (a nasty idea involving cats has come to mind, but I think I will save it until a later date).

Alternatively the investigators could find them in the back of a old and decrepit pawnshop to be sold them for a suspiciously low price. Along with the gloves, they could find a book warning of the dire conseqences of donning the gloves. If they choose not to buy it, that's their affair...

I hope you enjoy the Gloves of Pygmalion. Feel free to use them as you wish, and I hope you enjoy using them as much as I enjoyed creating them.

Till R'lyeh rises,

Eamon Honan