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The Construct

"It must be nice having a family."

They built you. You had no family, instead having a personality constructed via rapid brain imprinting. Your first memory is waking up, wet and naked, to see a lab full of people who looked at you like a tool. You were constructed for a purpose. You were programmed to do something well, whether that was combat, research, infiltration, whatever.

Question: What were you built for? Are you still doing it? Or did you evolve beyond your specifications?

"I am a clone of Catherine Nichols, designed to serve as an organic component of a warship and Void Engineer-reliable replacement for Iteration X-provided AIs. Which, just for your information, I am way better than. I'd like to see one of those beep-boop computers handle n-dimensional void translations like I can... oh, wait, they can't. Because they suck. Oh, and I was also meant to have my genesource's strange talent for avoiding the Dimensional Anomaly, but... um, well, I might develop it later!"

Primary: Enhancements 3. 8 dots of Abilities which relate to your purpose. +1 attribute dot to something relevant to your purpose. Construct flaw.

The Ace

  • singing Kenny Loggins*

There are pilots and helmsmen. And then there are those who can make vessels dance. You can take a multi-kiloton Voidcruiser and maneuver it like a fighter. You could beat a Technocracy Aurora with a F-16 and no missiles.

The Core Question: Given your skills, you were probably a military pilot back on Earth. Something happened back there which might cause you some serious problems. What was it? Did you accidentally run off with a vampire's favorite blood doll? Bomb a werewolf caern?

"... no. Like, the absolute worst trouble I ever got into was letting all those engineered spiders loose under Area 51, and just so you know, it wasn't my fault that someone let them out of the med-lab. I got a mark on my record for that, and Dr Do told me off for it. That was mean. It's not my fault that some senior people had to answer very awkward questions from Progenitor representatives about why the Engineers were 'carrying out unauthorised genetic research'. I mean, they were just spiders. Anyway, I'm a ship's AI; being away from Earth is what I'm meant to do. So it's not like it's a punishment."

Secondary: Helmsman or Pilot 3, Prodigy (Pilot or Helmsman, choose one).


Fourteen months after the Dimensional Anomaly, the rogue Void Engineer Catherine Nichols provided the Convention with the Nichols Relays, which boost the effects of the Anomaly. Despite our best efforts, the Convention has been unable to replicate the enlightened science or the theories which went into them. Likewise, we have not been able to replicate the casual mastery over the Dimensional Anomaly she has displayed. At the same time, with the threat of Threat Null increasing, our few remaining space capable assets were further harmed by the capacity of Threat Null to subvert many examples of Iteration X AI technology.

To solve both of these issues, Project Meitma was initiated. Under the supervision of Dr Mai Do (on 'permanent secondment' from the Progenitors), eight clones of Catherine Nichols were initiated and modified to make them suitable to be integrated into vessels. Rather than carry out the standard Victor procedure for clone production (known to cause issues due to massively accelerated growth), the clones were instead each subjected to a carefully recreated simulation of the early life of Nichols. The intent was that they would display the same genius as her, which would aid greatly in the Relay-emulation project.

At the subjective age of seven years and one hundred and nine days, Subject 03 underwent an unplanned nervous breakdown. Footage from within the simulation displays her screaming that 'none of this is real' and 'you are not my parents!' at the personality engrams emulating her parental figures. During the discussion of whether to continue with the experiment, Subject 03 displayed signs of natural Genius and somehow overrode the sensory bypasses to attain full consciousness in the growth vat.

The experiment with the CN-geneline clones was immediately put on hold while the stability of Subject 03 was evaluated. Following psychiatric analysis, Subject 03 was decided to be stable in personality, but that attempting to reintegrate her into the simulation would have adverse effects. As a result, she was officially adopted by Dr Do, the project lead, and raised within the research facilities in Area 51 as a full Void Engineer.

Subject 03, who has been issued the designation 'Almacia' to avoid issues as to why she has the same name as a known defector, has integrated well with the Void Engineers and is a full believer in our mission and goals. She is friendly, outgoing, and gregarious, while also possessing all the piloting and weaponsfire skills desired of our ships. Despite her subjective age of twelve years, she is also noted to be a prodigy in the field of Dimensional Science and views the abstract principles intuitively, which is promising indeed for the goals of Project Meitma. She has been noted to have a certain playful attitude to experimental biology, but that may be due to the influence of Dr Do.

If the other Nichols geneline clones are as effective as she is, we will have to consider whether it would be cost-effective to replace all Iteration X model AIs with these new Meitma Integrated Organic Anthropic Component intelligences. Subject 03's performance should be watched closely.


Vital Statistics

Name// Almacia (003-Nichols-Catherine)
Convention// Void Engineer - Pan-Dimensional Corps (FOC)
Concept// The Meat in the Machine
Image Song//
Nature// Gallant - "Oh, what's that? I got the top scores? Again? Yes, I am wonderful, aren't I?"
Demeanor// Perfectionist - "No, no, no! Do it properly!"
Eidolon// Dynamic - A chaotic fractal pattern which she sees when she sleeps. It's always different no matter how deeply she explores, and yet there's a greater order in the randomness. Sometimes it asks her if she really likes what was done to her.

Things to Track

Willpower// 5
Temporary Willpower// 5
Health Levels// -0 x 1, -1 x 2, -2 x 2, -5 x 1, Incapacitated
Current Damage// 0
Enlightenment// 4
Primal Energy//
Paradox// 0
Active Effects//



Strength 1
Dexterity 4 (Inhuman precision)
Stamina 2


Charisma 4 (My Deadly Technocratic Warship Shouldn't Be This Nice)
Manipulation 3
Appearance 2


Intelligence 4 (Brute Force Calculation)
Perception 3
Wits 5 (Optimised For Intuition)



Helmsman: 5 (from background) (+2 background)
Crafts: 3
Etiquette: 3
Firearms: 2 (+2 from VE)
Melee: 1 (+1 from VE)
Pilot: 1 (+1 from VE)
Stealth: 5 (+2 background)
Biotech: 3
Energy Weapons: 5 (+2 background)


Alertness: 3
Athletics: 2 (+2 from VE)
Awareness: 2
Brawl: 1 (+1 from VE)
Dodge: 5 (+2 from VE)
Expression: 2


Academics: 2
Computer: 4 (+1 background)
Cosmology: 3
Enigmas: 3
Investigation: 2
Linguistics: 1 (English, Chinese)
Medicine: 4 (+1 from VE)
Science: 4 (+1 background)


Almacia's paradigm is all too typical of bleeding edge Technocratic constructs who have spent little time in the more harsh constraints of the Earthly one. As, subjectively, she spent the first six years of her life in the 1920s and then 'woke up' to the With the correct high performance tools - which are conveniently integrated into her hull - she can do what she is ordered to. She views the vessel she's integrated into as her body, and certain procedures are almost autonomous for her, like running checklists for operational details. //

As her mother-figure and creator was a Progenitor 'transfer' (aka defector), however, she tends rather more towards the biological sciences by choice. While of course she follows conventional Void Engineer protocols in her Dimensional Science, when dabbling in other fiends she often approaches things much more in a Progenitor way. She has received a few cautions from the review board for her playful dabbling in the manipulation and alterations of life forms when docked or undergoing maintenance, but still continues to use specially designed living flesh constructs as avatars when there isn't the standard holosupport for a more conventional projection.

Apparatus and Spheres

Dimensional Science: 4 (7FP)
- Focus: Voidcast Drive
Correspondence: 2
- Focus: Sensors
Matter: 2
- Focus: Onboard fabrication facilities
Life: 3 (4FP)
- Focus: Onboard med-vats (sometimes being used for something they're /technically/ not meant to be used for)
Prime: 3 (4 FP)
- Focus: Main reactor
Mind: 1
- Focus: Psychology
Entropy: 2 (4FP)
- Focus: Statistical Analysis
Forces: 1 (4FP)
- Focus: Sensors


Dynamic (Playful): 1
Static (Analytical): 0
Entropic (Absolute): 0



Enhancements 3 - from template (Covers all necessary link-ups to ship. 3 permadox)
Avatar: 2
Mentor: 1 (Designer and quasi-mother figure) (1FP)
18 Background points towards ship.



Ionic Cloth// A standard-issue form-fitting bodysuit, designed to negate G-forces and provide physical support.
Soak d2




Merits and Flaws



Paraplegic - 6 points
Designed from creation to spend her life floating in acceleration gel, the areas of her brain meant to learn how to walk repurposed so she intuitively controls ships, if taken out of her life support capsule she could barely move under her own power. While certain backup control systems mean she has learned to use her arms, her legs are atrophied and useless.
Machine In The Back Of The Mind (The Bard's Tongue) - 1 point
Sometimes the machines in her head produce analysis she doesn't even know she knows. Usually when something bad is about to happen. And then she blurts it out.
Construct - From template
The fourth subject from the Catherine Nichols geneline.

Genetic Flaws


Freebie Points

Freebie Points

7: Dimensional Science 4
4: Prime 3
4: Life 3
4: Entropy 2
4: Forces 1
1: Towards ship
1: Mentor 1

Experience Gains

Experience Total/Spent/Unspent (10/0/0)

Backstory (10)

Experience Spending