Justice: Difference between revisions

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EssEss (talk | contribs)
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EssEss (talk | contribs)
With MJ's permission, shifting around NP/XP
Line 153: Line 153:
'''Mega Stamina''' x2 <br>
'''Mega Stamina''' x2 <br>
:Adaptability <br>
:Adaptability <br>
'''Mega Wits''' x 1 <br>
'''Mega Wits''' x 2 <br>
:Natural Empath
:Natural Empath

===Quantum Powers===
===Quantum Powers===

'''Armageddon''' 1 (the sand!  It's everywhere!  Whhhhhhhy?) <br>
====Power Suite [The Burning Desert] 5====
: Weakness - Damaging
: Weakness - Strenuous
: Weakness - Expensive
: Weakness - Dangerous
: Increased Duration
====Power Suite [The Burning Desert] 4====
:'''Quantum Bolt''' (why would you do that to another human being?)
:'''Quantum Bolt''' (why would you do that to another human being?)
::- Incendiary
::- Incendiary
Line 174: Line 168:
:'''Barrier'''  (who shields themselves with sand, fire, and molten glass anyway?)
:'''Barrier'''  (who shields themselves with sand, fire, and molten glass anyway?)
::- Ablative
::- Ablative
:'''Slay Machine''' (the desert sands consume the works of man!)

Line 277: Line 272:
:Mega Stamina x 2 [4]
:Mega Stamina x 2 [4]
:+2 Quantum [10]
:+2 Quantum [10]
: Level 2 Suite x4 + 1 Extra [14]
: Level 2 Suite x5 + 1 Extra [16]
: Level 3 x 1 [3]
: MegaWits Enhancement [1] (retweak)

Line 293: Line 288:
MegaWits 1: 6XP <br>
MegaWits 1: 6XP <br>
MegaWits 2: 5XP <br>
MegaWits 2: 5XP <br>


Revision as of 17:17, 22 September 2013


A champion of liberty and American ingenuity, Justice® fights for freedom! A leading member of Earth's mightiest team of superheros, Team Tomorrow®, she's out there, making the world a safer place for everyone!


Justice is never seen in public without her full-body eufibre suit. Designed by a specialist PR firm, the default colours are silver, white, and sky-blue, with abstract flame markings on it. The design has been tailored to handle the high temperature, abrasive situations that her powers commonly expose things to, as well as to promote her heroic image. To aid in the merchandising of collectable figurines, the chest armour has been... reinforced, above and beyond what is strictly necessary.

[Default armour colouration]

The woman under the armour, Cecelia Laun, is a little under average height, and has mid-shade skin; her maternal grandfather was an Italian immigrant and she tans easily. She keeps her sun-streaked brown hair tied back in a bob, and dresses casually; she still hasn't quite got used to the way that money is so easy to come by as a Nova, and as she hasn't gone public with her real identity she can't get the clothing endorsements so beloved of many other Novas. Nevertheless, the eufibre makes the conventional clothes made with it look wonderful.

She still finds the idea that her costume needs bigger boobs to be patronising and offensive, though.


What triggered your eruption and why?

"This is going to sound so stupid. And it was. I was an idiot. Okay, right, so I took a year out after college, getting a placement with MSF in Africa. It seemed like a good idea; I'd get practical experience, get paid for it, and you know what the job market's like. And I got to travel too, which is always good, because I hadn't got to have a gap year; I had to work for a few years before college. And I'm sure you're thinking where this is going to go, because it's such a cliché... clearly some kind of horrible local terrorist group attacked and... well, no. Actually, everything was fine in Africa. And once it was over, me and some of the girls I met there went to Australia, to blow off some steam and see more of the world. We weren't properly prepared when we went into the desert, the car broke down, there was no phone coverage out there, and we were idiots who went looking for help rather than staying with our vehicle. They... they all died. And I would have been dead too, if I hadn't got this splitting migraine, like... like my brain was melting in my skull, and it hurt so much I wished I was dead. They found me from the bushfires it started."

Name the one vice you could never do without.

"Coffee. Oh God, coffee. I get headaches when I go too long without it. It's not a Nova thing; it's just... uh, well, I think I average probably three to four cups a day. More if stressed. And have since I was about... uh, seventeen or so. At least it's better than all the energy drinks I used to drink."

Have you ever killed someone? If so, what was your first kill?

"I... I think so. I don't know. I don't remember enough, but... but I think Jeanette might. Might have been still alive when I erupted. I heard screaming, but that might have been me. I... I don't want to think about it."

How did you get your codename? Did you make it up yourself or did you get a consultant to do it?

"That was... well, after it happened, the embassy picked me up ASAP and flew me back home on one of those super-fast jets they have. I think they... well, no, I know they wanted me to get involved in the military, but I didn't want to do that! I told them I wanted to help people and make the world a better place - you know, like the heroes in the old comics used to do - and after some discussion, I agreed to their idea that I should be a public face for the US on Team Tomorrow. You know, a shining example of American ingenuity and justice and the like, because I'm just an ordinary woman who happens to have powers, unlike some of the more... eccentric, uh, sorts out there. So when they started the branding exercise, they showed me a few ideas, and I like 'Justice'. It's a good strong name. I still haven't been publicly shown off yet, but I've seen some of the posters - and the shirts and the videos and everything - and... wow."

Your eruption once destroyed a promising relationship with a friend or lover. How did that happen?

"Well, it's not so much that it's destroyed my relationship with Clive, but... I don't know. I'm just lying to him so much. He thinks I'm backroom support for Team Tomorrow; the government said I need to keep my identity secret for now, because it's a national security thing, and I... I don't know how he'll react when it comes out. Maybe I should just end it now. I don't know."

Vital Statistics

Alias: Cecelia Laun
Image song: Take A Bow
Player: ES_Corp
Allegiance: USA/Team Tomorrow
Concept: "I meant it for the best!"
Eruption: Survival (Tainted)
Virtue: Caregiver (Virtue): Regain 2 WP when you receive tangible proof that you have helped another.
Vice: Charmer (Vice): Spend 1 WP to tell someone something they don't want to hear. Regain 1 WP if you don't tell them something they don't want to hear and not doing so has potential negative consequences to you.
Quantum: 3

Quantum Pool: 26
Willpower: 6

Quick Combat


Mega-Stamina eliminates -2 points of wound penalty

• [ ]x(1+2x1 + Quantum )= 6 Bruised:--0
• [ ]x(2+2x1)= 4 Hurt: --1
• [ ]x(2+2x1)= 4 Injured: --2
• [ ]x(1+2x1)= 3 Crippled: --4
• [ ]x(1+2x1)= 3 Incapacitated
• [ ]Dead



Strength: 4 [Brute Force] (MStr 2)

Brawl: 5

"I did judo at college, you know? Basic self-defense. And then once I joined the team, they've had me practicing all kinds of thing non-stop, so I'm pretty sure that even if I didn't have superpowers, I could beat my old self up easily."

Might: 2

"Yeah, I know my lifting technique is apparently sloppy. Uh... sorry?"

Dexterity: 2 (MDex 1)

Athletics 3

"Being in shape is important, even when you're not super-powered. Uh, did I say that right? This campaign is there to help public health, right?"

Stamina: 3 (MSta 2)


Charisma: 5 [Earnest] (MCha 3)

Command 1

"I don't like ordering people around, but I can if I have to."

Etiquette 4

"Look, being nice and polite works, actually. Maybe you should try it. Hint hint."

Manipulation: 2

Appearance: 3

Style 2

"What of it?"


Wits: 2 (MWits 2)

Art [Drawing] 2

"Oh, I like drawing. Always have. I'm actually pretty good at it, for an amateur."

Rapport 3

"Hey, people are easy to get if you just listen to them and try to get along."

Survival 2

"Probably the reason I lasted as long as I did. Still wasn't enough"

Intelligence: 2

Academics [Sociology] 1

"Oh, I minored in it. Took it for the easy marks. Wasn't quite as easy as I thought it was, but still kinda interesting"

Bureaucracy 1

"Blargh. Paperwork. Always with the paperwork when you're a superhero."

Medicine 3

"Oh, before all this... happened, I was going to be a nurse. I was taking a year out, helping MSF in Africa, getting practical experience... and then I took a holiday from that and then that turned into this."

Science [Geology] 1

"Try having a father who's a geologist and not picking at least something up."

Perception: 2

Awareness 1

"Looks like the building is empty, luckily!"

Investigation 2

"Yeah, uh... I'm not sure he's telling us the whole truth. I think. Maybe."



Dormancy 1

"Sometimes... sometimes you just have to be normal again. And not risk crushing things when you pick them up and aren't paying attention."

Eufiber 3

"They issued me with this and at first I was like... what is this thing? But it's amazing when you wear it, and it's actually kind of friendly, like... oh, I used to have gerbils when I was young, but it feels warm on me, like they did? It's kind of cute. And it's also this really protective armour which... uh, kind of stops me setting myself on fire."

Fame 1

"I... oh, this is going to sound ridiculous, but I went and googled myself. Apparently... you know, despite the fact I haven't done anything major yet, the capewatchers... that's what they call themselves, right? Well, they've already started archiving stuff about me and those few lighter deployment I did. Can't say I'm too fond of the art some of them did, though..."

Linguistics 1

"Oh, I learned French for that whole thing in Africa I did. Well, I sort of did it half-heartedly for it, and then found myself dumped into things where a lot of the MSF guys didn't have good English, so it was learn it or suffer."

Resources 3

"This whole thing pays pretty well. And it'll pay even better once I finish paying off my student debts."


Dependents 1

"Yes. I have a boyfriend. We've been involved since before... this. I'm trying to keep things from him – he knows that I have a job with Team Tomorrow, but he thinks I'm just staff there. At least I hope that’s the case."



Mega-Charisma x 3


Mega-Strength x 2

Irresistible Force

Mega-Dexterity x 1


Mega Stamina x2


Mega Wits x 2

Natural Empath

Quantum Powers

Power Suite [The Burning Desert] 5

Quantum Bolt (why would you do that to another human being?)
- Incendiary
- Area
Flight (born aloft on the desert winds, incidentally scratching cars in the area)
Immolate (oh the humanity)
Barrier (who shields themselves with sand, fire, and molten glass anyway?)
- Ablative
Slay Machine (the desert sands consume the works of man!)

Quantum Gadgets


Dodge: 5 (Dex + Ath) + 1 MegaDex
Initiative: 4(Dex + Wits) + 1 MegaDex
Willpower: 6
Quantum Pool: 26
Quantum a Turn: 10




Basic hand-to-hand pool: 4 Str + 5 Brawl (+ 2 MegaStr)

Strike: Accuracy +0, Damage (Str + 7xMStr + 2B), Difficulty +0
Kick: Accuracy +0, Damage (Str + 7xMStr + 4B), Difficulty +1
Grapple: Accuracy +0, Damage (Str + 7xMStr + 0B), Difficulty +0, holds target (Str + Might contests)
Disarm: Accuracy +0, Damage (Str + 7xMStr + 0B), Difficulty +1, disarming
Tackle: Accuracy +0, Damage (Str + 7xMStr + 4B), Difficulty +1, Knockdown (+2 diff), no multiple actions



Natural Soak

(3+4 Stamina + 2Mega-Stamina + 3Quantum) B = 10B
(3+4 Stamina/2 + 3Quantum) L = 6L
(3Quantum/2) A = 1A

Power Soak
Armoured Soak

3 dot Eufiber = 6B/6L

Total Soak = 13B/9L/1A

Combat Soak
Combat Soak (Radiation)


Taint and Inhumanity

Permanent Points:
Temporary Points:
Chrysalis (Perm/Temp):
Node Disorders:
Transhuman Ascendence:
Taint Resistance:


Mental Disorders

Body Modifications



Character Modifiers

Merits and Flaws

Eufiber 3

(Rating + 3) B/L soak
(Rating x 2) quantum storage
Spend 1 stored Quantum to negate one point of post-soak damage
+(Rating) to Endurance
+(Rating) to Style
Can make simple cloth extensions from it (parachutes, bungee ropes, etc)
+2 Strength
Can make simple tools with no moving parts.
Can do unarmed Lethal
The character can create muscular tendrils from his Eufiber, with a Strength equal to the dot rating of the Eufiber minus one for each meter the tendrils are extended. Strength 0 tendrils may lift only 1 kilogram.

Bonus Points

+1 Strength [4]
+2 Willpower [4]
+2 Brawl [4]
+1 Etiquette [2]
+1 Resources [1]

Nova Points

Mega Charisma x 3 [6]
Mega Charisma Enhancement [1]
Mega Strength x 2 [4]
Mega Strength Enhancement [1]
Mega Dex x 1 [2]
Mega Stamina x 2 [4]
+2 Quantum [10]
Level 2 Suite x5 + 1 Extra [16]
MegaWits Enhancement [1] (retweak)



Session 1: 5XP
Session 2: 5XP
Session 3: 6XP
Session 4: 4XP


MegaWits 1: 6XP
MegaWits 2: 5XP


Total XP: 20XP
XP Spent: 11XP
XP Remaining: 9XP


Being nice and reasonable does help you get your own way, but it's helped a lot if you have Mega Attributes behind your rolls (and most ordinary humans simply can't stand up to Cece socially.)
Need more Wits. And MegaWits
I don't have much to do in investigation-heavy scenes where there's no one to talk to - the problem is that everyone else has lots of points in that sort of thing, so there's no point in me raising it when my efforts are going to still basically amount to little.

Experience Plans?