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=== Weapons ===
=== Weapons ===

Bastard Sword
Steel Bastard Sword
:Damage 1d10, Crit: 19-20/x2, Type: Slashing
:Damage 1d10, Crit: 19-20/x2, Type: Slashing
:Weight: 6 lbs, Cost 35 gp  
:Weight: 6 lbs, Cost 35 gp

=== Protective Gear ===
=== Protective Gear ===

Revision as of 21:39, 14 August 2012

Born in the Breland capital of Sharn, Fuu was the child of a Changeling man (at the time) and a human woman in the lively port district of the city. For whatever reason, she never had the chance to really grow up around her father due to his work as a courier, although her and her mother received occasional received care packages from him as time over the years. Her mother worked as a cabaret performer and eventually an actress, and so she grew up around the sort of people that didn't mind her odd appearance and Changeling talents. She never felt an instinctive pull towards any particular profession, dabbling in arcane studies and swordplay, and occasionally

It wasn't long that those talents and tendency to fall into trouble eventually forced her to leave the city, hitching a ride with a Changeling acting troupe that appreciated her background in acting and diverse interests and were more than willing to bail her out. She got better by stealing tricks from her peers, particularly a mysterious Elvan swordsman from across the sea who accompanied the caravan, until circumstances (or maybe even boredom) forced her to leave.

Fuu is an average-height, slender Changeling woman with pale skin and white hair, though she's slightly unusual in that she has a natural eye color other than grey, and mostly-developed facial features. The natural proportions of her features are just a bit eerie to look at, with a slightly 'off' smoothness that emphasizes her eyes over her nose and mouth.


Name: Fuu
Race: Changeling [Humanoid, Shapechanger]
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Worships: The Traveller (The Dark Six)
Class: Factotum 3|Fighter 2/Warblade 1
Level: 3
Hair: White
Eyes: Yellow
Skin: Pale
Current XP:
Next Level:

Vital Statistics

Attributes (Base/Magic/Temp Total)

  • Strength 12/0/0 12 (+1)
  • Dexterity 12/0/0 12 (+1)
  • Constitution 12/0/0 12 (+1)
  • Intelligence 16/0/0 16 (+3)
  • Wisdom 8/0/0 8 (-1)
  • Charisma 14/0/0 14 (+2)


Health Points: 25 (1d12+1, +2d10+2)
Armor Class: 15 (10 +1 Dex)
Init: 5 (2 Dex +3 Int)

Saving Throws (Base/Bonus/Magic/Temp Total)

  • Fortitude 3/1/0/0 4
  • Reflex 3/1/3/0 7 (4 Flatfooted)
  • Will 1/-1/0/0 0

Combat (BAB/Bonus/Size/Misc Total)

  • Melee 3/1/0/1 5
  • Ranged 3/1/0/0 4



  • Light Load: 43 lbs
  • Medium Load: 44-86 lbs
  • Heavy Load: 87-130 lbs

Current Load:

  • Weapons: 6 lbs
  • Armor: 25 lbs
  • Adventuring Gear:


Steel Bastard Sword

Damage 1d10, Crit: 19-20/x2, Type: Slashing
Weight: 6 lbs, Cost 35 gp

Protective Gear

Steel Chainmail

AC 4, Max Dex 4, Armor Check: -2
Arcane Spell Failure: 20%
Weight: 25 lbs, Cost: 100 gp



Adventuring Gear

Wondrous Items



  • Gold 2575
  • Silver 0
  • Tin 0
  • Copper 0



  • Common
  • Elven
  • Gnome
  • Draconic

Skills (54 Points, 9/Level)

  • Bluff (Cha) 6 +2 +2 (Racial)/10
  • Concentration (Con) 6 +1/7
  • Diplomacy (Cha) 6 +2 +2 (Bluff) +2 (Sense Motive)/10
  • Disable Device (Int) 1 +3/4
  • Disguise (Cha) 1 +2 +10 (Disguise Self) +2 (Bluff)/13
  • Forgery (Int) 1 +3/4
  • Iajutsu Focus (Cha) 6 +2/8
  • Intimidate (Cha) 6 +2 (Racial) +2 (Bluff)/8
  • Perform (Act, Cha) 1 +2/3
  • Sense Motive (Wis) 5 -1 +2 (Racial)/6
  • Search (Int) 1 +3/4
  • Spellcraft (Int) 5 +2 +2 (Use Magical Device)/9
  • Spot (Wis) 1 -1/0
  • Use Magical Device (Cha) 5 +2 +2 (Spellcraft)/9
  • Knowledge (Arcana) 1 +3/4
  • Knowledge (Local) 1 +3/4
  • Knowledge (Nature) 1 +3/4


  • Able Learner: CC skills only cost 1 skill point.
  • Quick Draw: Drawing and sheathing a weapon is a free action.
  • Obtain Familiar: Have familiar with equivalent HD and half of own HP.
  • Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword): +1 to attacks with a Bastard Sword.


  • Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Martial)
  • Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy)
  • Shield Proficiency (Light, Medium, Tower)
  • Saves: +2 on saving throws versus Sleep and Charm effects.
  • Skills: +2 Bluff, Intimidate and Sense Motive checks.
  • Natural Linguist: Speak Language is always a class skill.
  • Minor Change Shape (Su): Can use Disguise Self as a supernatural ability to change appearance, though not gear. Adds +10 to Disguise checks when used as part of a disguise.
  • Inspiration (3x Encounter): Have Inspiration points to use on Factotum powers per encounter equal to Factotum levels.
  • Cunning Insight (Ex): Spend 1 Inspiration to add a competence bonus of your Int bonus to an attack roll.
  • Cunning Knowledge (Ex): Spent 1 Inspiration to add Factotum level as a competence bonus to any skill check within which you have at least one rank, once per day.
  • Trapfinding (Ex): Can locate traps with a DC of 20 or more use Disable Device to bypass a trap or disarm magical traps.
  • Battle Clarity (Ex): Add Int bonus to Reflex saves if not flat-footed.
  • Weapon Aptitude (Ex): Warblade levels count as 1/2 fighter levels to qualify for feats. Additionally, can spend an hour of practice to transfer Weapon Focus/Improved Critical/Specialization-type feats to another weapon.
  • Arcane Dilettante (Sp): Gain a number of spells from the Sorcerer or Wizard list per day which can be used as spell-like abilities by spending 1 Inspiration.
  • Brains Over Brawn (Ex): Apply Int bonus on Strength checks, Dexterity checks and Str/Dex-based skills.
  • Cunning Defense (Ex): Spend 1 Inspiration to apply Int bonus as a Dodge bonus to AC against 1 enemy for 1 round. Can be activated multiple times per round.


Spells (Arcane CL 3, 1x Day)

  • Spider Climb

Maneuvers (3 Known, 3 Prepared, 1 Stance)

  • Moment of Perfect Mind (Counter): Use Concentration check in place of Will save.
  • Sapphire Nightmare Blade (Strike): Opponent flat-footed, +1d6 damage with Concentration check.
  • Steel Wind (Strike): Attack two opponents.
  • Stance of Clarity (Stance): Gain +2 AC against one foe, –2 against all others.


Name: Fouquet
Race: Rat
Type: Tiny Magical Beast
Initiative: +2
Speed: 15 ft, Climb 15 ft, Swim 15 ft
Armor Class: 16 (+2 Size, +2 Dex, +2 Natural Armor)
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/–9
Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d3–4)
Full Attack: Bite +5 Melee (1d3–4)
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision, Scent
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1
Abilities: Str 2, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 2


  • Balance +10
  • Climb +12
  • Hide +16
  • Move Silently +10
  • Swim +10


  • Stealthy: +2 to Hide and Move Silently Checks.
  • Weapon Finesse: Use highest of Strength or Dexterity for attacks.


  • Alertness (Ex): Master has Alertness while familiar is within arm's reach.
  • Improved Evasion (Ex): Succeeding Ref save negates damage, failure halves.
  • Share Spells: Can make spells (but not spell-like abilities) affect familiar in addition to caster.
  • Empathic Link (Su): Communicate emotions to familiar within a mile.
  • Deliver Touch Spells (Su): Can make familiar deliver touch spells if in contact at time of casting.