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m (Created page with ":<PMV_Momiji> I'm heading for the bookstore witch's place as fast as I can :<Peel> jump jump. You make good time :<Peel> especially since you can teleport :* PMV_Momiji bangs on...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 20:34, 17 June 2012

<PMV_Momiji> I'm heading for the bookstore witch's place as fast as I can
<Peel> jump jump. You make good time
<Peel> especially since you can teleport
  • PMV_Momiji bangs on the back door
<Peel> It's an apartment but you jump onto the balcony
<Peel> You see a face appear in the window and then eyes widen
<Peel> And the door is pulled open despite the storm. "What is it?"
<PMV_Momiji> "Let me in"
  • PMV_Momiji is quivering
<Peel> She lets you in and closes the door quickly. She's wrapped in a bathrobe. "What is it?"
<Peel> "Sit down and deep breaths."
<PMV_Momiji> "Witches. They - they set a trap for us!"
  • PMV_Momiji smashes a plant pot with a tinkle of ceramic on metal
<PMV_Momiji> "I. . ah"
<Peel> Junko gasps
  • PMV_Momiji puts her face in her hands
<Momiji_M> "I'm sorry"
  • Momiji_M tries to scoop the plant back into the broken pot
<Peel> Junko pulls her away and sits her down
<Peel> "I'll put it in a jar. It'll survive."
<Momiji_M> "I'm sorry. I'm sorry"
<Momiji_M> "I didn't mean to"
<Peel> "I'll make you some cocoa. But tell me what happened."
<Peel> "I'll charge you for the replacement. :)"
  • Momiji_M doesn't even catch this
<Momiji_M> "We . . . Chiri felt something on the way home"
<Momiji_M> "Something bad"
  • Momiji_M starts to haltingly explain
<Peel> "I see."
<Peel> She spills the milk
<Peel> "sigh."
<Peel> *wipe wipe:*
<Momiji_M> "So now they're running around and Chiri's going all crazy and Reiko cares more about Hitomi than us and and and"
<Peel> "I guess it was inevitable. I was a fool to think otherwise."
  • Momiji_M is totally blabbing everyone's secret identities
<Peel> "Calm down."
<Peel> "You aren't thinking clearly."
<Momiji_M> "I I"
<Peel> She sighs. "This is why I joined the witches in the first place."
  • Momiji_M stares into her hot chocolate
<Peel> "It's a crime to put you girls through this."
<Peel> "Drink."
  • Momiji_M drinks some
<Peel> "Lily cares about everyone. She's a hopeless romantic. The most dangerous kind."
<Peel> "I was initiated as a Maiden. I can't love anymore. But I remember enough to recognise it. She has it."
<Momiji_M> "You . . what?"
<Peel> "Didn't you read that book?"
<Momiji_M> "I read some of it"
<Peel> "We don't get our power granted. We pay for it."
<Peel> "In the instant, blood. In the ultimate, what makes us human."
<Momiji_M> "I practiced a few of the things in it. But I didn't like it"
<Momiji_M> "It was scary"
<Peel> "It is."
<Peel> "The first sacrifice is love. The second is life. The third is reason."
<Peel> "Maiden, Mother, Crone."
<Momiji_M> "That's . . . "
<Peel> "Terrible."
<Peel> "I have friendships."
<Peel> "But nothing more."
  • Momiji_M hugs her and cries
<Peel> "I was disillusioned and isolated and terrified of death that came even to the ancient masters who sacrificed their sanity."
<Peel> "But Winter repulsed what was left of my humanity."
<Peel> "And here I am."
<Peel> She hugs Momiji back slightly awkwardly
  • Momiji_M unconsciously tries to push some heart into her, like she did to Nirn
<Peel> You feel something pass from you to her
<Peel> "You're making me feel better. You are a summer knight."
<Peel> "And a good person."
  • Momiji_M sniffs
<Momiji_M> "But what do I do?"
<Peel> "I... I don't know."
<Peel> "Stay with your friends, at least. They're like you. If Chiri is losing control of the power she won't hold onto it without you."
<Peel> "And... do the Witches know who you are?"
<Momiji_M> "I don't know. How would I know?"
<Peel> "Let's think."
<Peel> She breaks off and starts pacing
<Peel> "They set a trap to draw you out."
<Peel> "They underestimated your power though."
<Peel> "If they knew who you were they wouldn't have had to."
<Momiji_M> "We . . . captured two of them. Bodyguards."
<Peel> "Those two? Maidens most likely, guarding the mothers. Our powers sap life, we need protection when working together."
<Momiji_M> "They had soldiers with guns too"
<Peel> "Uninitiated assistants. Consors. The witches have enough temporal power to fund paramilitary elements."
<Peel> "Don't panic. They aren't omnipotent."
<Momiji_M> "Why do they hate us!?"
<Peel> "Because they were forged in a time when humanity was at the mercy of external powers."
<Peel> "They thought they had to be thrown off, by any means necessary. And that meant removing their mortal servants too."
<Peel> "And now they have centuries of elitist corruption tempered by a panic at how the world is running out of even their control."
<Momiji_M> "But that means . . "
<Momiji_M> "I don't want to get shot at all the time!"
<Momiji_M> "what if they go after my family!"
<Peel> "Then don't let them know who you are. And maybe... maybe we can stop them. Wishful thinking, maybe."
<Peel> "I'm an astronomer. I study the heavens. I've been feeling like something is coming to a head."
<Peel> "The stars are almost right."
<Momiji_M> "Does this mean Cthulhu is going to rise?"
  • Momiji_M cracks a weak joke
<Peel> "Heh. Maybe."
<Peel> you're not entirely sure she's joking