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* '''Heavy SMG''': Accuracy +0, Dmg 8L, Range 40, RoF 30, Magazine 30, Mass 3 kg
* '''Heavy SMG''': Accuracy +0, Dmg 8L, Range 40, RoF 30, Magazine 30, Mass 3 kg
* '''PDW''': Accuracy +1, Dmg 7L AP:3, Range 40, RoF 50, Magazine 50, Mass 2.5 kg
* '''PDW''': Accuracy +1, Dmg 7L AP:3, Range 40, RoF 50, Magazine 50, Mass 2.5 kg
* '''Grapple Gun''': Accuracy -1, Dmg 10L, Range 10 (no range increments), RoF 1/5, Magazine 1, Mass 1.5 kg
: Grapple guns are intended as grappling tools, in which case they can anchor into anything with less than 10 lethal soak and carry up to 100kg.

Revision as of 23:35, 12 December 2011

Weapon Tags

  • AA: Anti-aircraft tracking, can be fired at aircraft without any difficulty penalties. Generally targeting fast-moving aircraft is +3 difficulty before range/etc are factored in.
  • AP(X): Armor Piercing. Reduce target soak by (X).
  • Area(X): Area of effect ordinance with rating X.
  • Burst(X): The weapon fires (X) shots with one attack, even without autofire. This allows a single attack to be split against multiple targets using the autofire rules.
  • Close-Quarters: Adds +1 accuracy when attacking an enemy within 10 meters.
  • Guided: Ignores the first dodge success, reduces range penalty difficulties by 1.
  • Long-Range: Reduces range penalty differences by 1.
  • Overwhelming (X)[Y]: Deals additional damage per extra threshold success. The weapon deals (X) extra dice of damage on a hit, with [Y] extra damage adds.
  • Scale [X]: The weapon is considered a Scale of (X) for attack resolution purposes. Weapons without this note are generally considered Scale 0.
  • Fast-Tracking Weapons [X]: These weapons reduce the Scale of the mounting vehicle by [X] when resolving an attack, so a weapon with Fast-Tracking [2] reduces the Scale of the mounting vehicle by 2, down to 0.

Weapon Maneuvers

  • Autofire: Instead of the burst/spray/full auto rules, automatic fire is now limited by weapon rate of fire, and does differing things depending on the number of rounds fired. Bursts add damage adds (if your bullets can't penetrate, firing off more is kind of pointless) or increase accuracy.
    • Short Bursts: +2 Accuracy or +[1] Damage, 3 shots/bursts worth of ammunition.
    • Medium Bursts: +4 Accuracy or +[2] Damage, 10 shots
    • Long Bursts: +6 Accuracy or +[3] Damage, 20 shots
    • Sustained Bursts: +10 Accuracy or +[5] Damage, 50 shots
  • Strafing: Autofire against multiple targets adds +1 difficulty to the attack for every target past the first but applies the results against all targets, which defend individually. An attack may not target more enemies than it fires bullets, for obvious reasons. When making a strafing attack, a burst must be used to increase accuracy rather than add damage.

Melee Weapons

Melee weapons have an accuracy, defense, damage, and strength minimum/maximum. Accuracy and Defense add or penalize the offensive or defensive ability of a weapon, respectively, while damage is the weapon's damage. For each point of strength below the minimum, a character adds +1 difficulty to attacking or blocking with a weapon. A character may not exert more than the maximum level of strength without damaging or destroying the weapon in question.

Each point of Mega-Strength is counted as 10 points of regular strength for minima and maxima.


Note that the damage from these has actually decreased significantly from the core rulebook. The unarmed damage boosters from body modifications are extremely powerful, after all. And there's always mega-strength.

  • Light Attack: A fast kick, jab, or the like deals little damage but is fast and accurate.
Accuracy +2, Defense +0, Damage (Strength + 0B), Min Strength 1, Max Strength (infinite)
  • Heavy Attack: A slower, more powerful attack.
Accuracy +0, Defense +0, Damage (Strength + 2B), Min Strength 1, Max Strength (infinite)
  • Disarm: When facing an armed enemy, turning the tables on the opponent by stealing their weapon is often advisable. A Disarm rolls Strength + Brawl versus the opponent's Strength + Might or Strength + Brawl (choose higher). If the character succeeds, the weapon is flung away from the opponent. If the character succeeds with 5 or more successes, she may immediately take possession of the weapon.
Accuracy +1, Defense +0, Damage N/A
  • Grapple: A grappling attack. A successfully grappled character may attempt to escape or take control of the grapple, both sides making opposed Strength + Might or Strength + Brawl (choose higher) rolls. Each dot of Mega-Strength is 5 automatic successes to that roll.
Accuracy +1, Defense +0, Damage N/A
  • Grappling Smackdown: Smackdowns require 1 WP to use and a turn to wind up, essentially being little more than over-the-top finishing moves. A successful grappling smackdown not only inflicts the damage listed and also puts them in a grapple which you control.
Accuracy +0, Defense +0, Damage Strength + 4B
  • Striking Smackdown: Smackdowns require 1 WP to use and a turn to wind up. A successful striking smackdown knocks the target prone (unless they succeed a reflexive, opposed Stamina + Resistance roll with a difficulty of the attacker's strength) and deals the damage listed.
Accuracy +2, Defense +0, Damage Strength + 7B

Grappled Attacks

The controller of a grapple can initiate any of these attacks. All of these attacks halve enemy soak (rounded down), as the controller has an advantage in looking for weakpoints and exploiting them, and automatically hit. However, they can only be used once/turn.

  • Pound: Pounding someone in a grapple is a great way to inflict damage. This may involve mounting someone and whaling on them, slamming their face into nearby hard objects, breaking joints, or other methods of causing pain.
Damage Strength + 3B
  • Coup De Grace: Not actually a finishing blow, an edged weapon like a knife can be used in a grapple, being stabbed into weak points. Alternatively, a grapple can be used to allow for the point-blank use of a small arm.
Damage (as weapon + 2)

Blunt Weapons


  • Brass Knuckles: Brass knuckles (or the equivalent for kicking, steel-toed boots) provide additional striking power for unarmed attacks.
+1 damage to unarmed non-grappled attacks, Mass 1kg.
  • Club (Improvised): Clubs are little more than heavy blunt objects weighted from hitting people on the head with. Improvised clubs are poorly balanced for combat but still are very good at beating people to death very quickly.
Accuracy -1, Defense -1, Damage (Strength + 3B), Min Strength 1, Max Strength 5, Mass 2kg
  • Club (Riot Baton): Riot Batons are well-balanced clubs intended for bringing a quick and less-than-lethal end to disagreements about the proper function of government. High-strength and relatively light, they are an excellent tool for encouraging polite debate.
Accuracy +2, Defense +2, Damage (Strength + 6B), Min Strength 1, Max Strength 8, Mass 2kg
  • War Hammer: War hammers are one-handed heavy hammers intended to injure armored knights.
Accuracy +1, Defense -1, Damage (Strength + 7B) AP:2, Min Strength 2, Max Strength 15, Mass 3kg
  • Sledgehammer: Sledgehammers are large, heavy two-handed blunt tools which are excellent for demolitions or inflicting pain on opponents.
Accuracy -2, Defense -2, Damage (Strength + 10B), Min Strength 2, Max Strength 15, Mass 4kg, Overwhelming:2
  • Staff: Long staves are moderately useful offensive weapons that can be used as grappling aids with proper form, but are primarily useful for parrying the attacks of weapon-wielding opponents.
Accuracy +2, Defense +3, Damage (Strength + 6B), Min Strength 1, Max Strength 8, Mass 3kg.


Note that most of these have minimum mega- attributes listed-they cannot be wielded by human-size entities without the physics-violating properties of mega-attributes as effective melee weapons.

  • Human Body: Beating someone to death with another person has never gotten old. Although soft and squishy they do tend to mass enough to make effective bludgeons for the superhumanly strong. The numbers before the slash are for a still-conscious human, who is probably squirming a lot and otherwise making it difficult to beat someone to death with. A few good whacks, though, and the second set of statistics comes into play, for a dead body.
Accuracy -2/-1, Defense -4/+1, Damage (Strength + 10B [1]), Min Strength 6, Max Strength 10, Mass ~40-120 kg, Scale:2, Overwhelming:2
  • Motorcycle: Although more commonly found as a method of transportation, a motorcycle makes an excellent shield or bludgeon if you don't mind the fact that it won't work afterwards. The number before the slash for Max Strength is how hard you can hit someone and still keep it functional.
Accuracy +0, Defense +0, Damage (Strength + 12B [2]), Min Strength 8, Max Strength 12/18, Mass ~150kg, Scale:2, Overwhelming:2
  • Lamppost: A method of illumination or for super-strength beatdowns, lampposts are multipurpose and found everywhere.
Accuracy +1, Defense +2, Damage (Strength + 16B [3]), Min Strength Mega-1, Max Strength 25, Mass ~250kg, Scale:3, Overwhelming:2
  • Car: Beating someone to death with a car is only really possible for the Mega-Strong or large machines such as mecha, as the problem of leverage comes up for human-sized entities attempting to commit bicep-assisted vehicular manslaughter.
Accuracy -3, Defense +3, Damage (Strength + 18B [4]), Min Strength Mega-2, Max Strength 20/33, Mass ~1000kg, Scale:3, Overwhelming:3
  • Semi Truck: You can use it like a seven-section staff. One with only two sections, sure, and it's about ten times your size, but when has that stopped Novas?
Accuracy -4, Defense +4, Damage (Strength + 20B [5]), Min Strength Mega-2, Max Strength 20/45, Mass ~5000kg, Scale:5, Overwhelming:4
  • Tank: For the exceedingly Mega-Strong, there is always the pure joy of beating someone to death with sixty tons of depleted uranium and steel.
Accuracy -5, Defense +6, Damage (Strength + 25B [6]), Min Strength Mega-4, Max Strength 60, Mass ~60,000kg, Scale:6, Overwhelming:4[1]

Edged Weapons


  • Kitchen Knife: Although unbalanced and unweighted for combat, kitchen knives can inflict fatal injury.
Accuracy +1, Defense -1, Damage (Strength + 2L), Min Strength 1, Max Strength 4, Mass 0.5 kg
  • Combat Knife: Combat knives are designed for actual combat. Modern ones are often nonmetallic, but even older steel ones can are no less effective.
Accuracy +2, Defense +1, Damage (Strength + 3L) AP:2, Min Strength 1, Max Strength 15, Mass 0.5 kg
  • Long Sword: About a meter long and 1.5-2 kg in mass, long swords come in various types, from European straight swords to Middle Eastern scimitars to Japanese katanas. All have approximately identical stats.
Accuracy +2, Defense +2, Damage (Strength + 6L) AP:2, Min Strength 1, Max Strength 20, Mass 1.5 kg
  • Two-Handed Sword: Large, two-handed blades are the pinnacle of normal human swordiness.
Accuracy +1, Defense +0, Damage (Strength + 9L) AP:2, Min Strength 3, Max Strength 25, Mass 3 kg, Overwhelming:2
  • Polearm: They're sticks with pointy ends on them. Fairly simple. Their long reach and haft make them excellent defensive weapons, provided that the opposition doesn't get past them.
Accuracy +1, Defense +3, Damage (Strength + 8L) AP:2, Min Strength 2, Max Strength 20, Mass 3.5 kg
  • Whipsword: A monomolecular blade, the hypertensile fibers used in a whipsword provide incredible sharpness.
Accuracy +2, Defense +2, Damage (Strength + 4L) AP:8, Min Strength 1, Max Strength 50, Mass 1.5 kg, Overwhelming:2


  • Klaive: A two handed sword on steroids, a klaive is basically a sharpened helicopter rotor mated to a superhumanly strong nova. The results tend to be gruesome, as with its absurd momentum it can tear through just about anything without slowing down.
Accuracy +0, Defense +0, Damage (Strength + 12L [2]), Scale:1, Overwhelming:2, Min Strength Mega-1, Max Strength 35, Mass 50kg
  • Daiklaive: Nobody knows who named this or which insane mind decided it was a good idea, but a "daiklaive" is roughly 2.5 meters and several hundred kilograms of sharpened composite with a depleted uranium core. In proper hands, it is quite capable of crushing through tank armor.
Accuracy -2, Defense +1, Damage (Strength + 16L [5]), Scale:3, Overwhelming:3, Min Strength Mega-2, Max Strength 50, Mass 500kg

Small Guns

Small guns are the small arms you'd tend to see in the hands of regular people, rather than the oversized artillery-pieces-with-stocks-and-triggers that some Novas consider "guns". These weapons are generally the most common form of violence Novas and baselines may face.

Pistols and SMGs

  • Light Pistol: Accuracy +0, Dmg 6L, Range 20, RoF 10, Magazine 20, Mass 0.5kg
  • Light SMG: Accuracy +0, Dmg 7L, Range 30, RoF 40, Magazine 40, Mass 2.5kg
  • Heavy Pistol: Accuracy +0, Dmg 10L, Range 30, RoF 3, Magazine 9, Mass 1 kg
  • Heavy SMG: Accuracy +0, Dmg 8L, Range 40, RoF 30, Magazine 30, Mass 3 kg
  • PDW: Accuracy +1, Dmg 7L AP:3, Range 40, RoF 50, Magazine 50, Mass 2.5 kg
  • Grapple Gun: Accuracy -1, Dmg 10L, Range 10 (no range increments), RoF 1/5, Magazine 1, Mass 1.5 kg
Grapple guns are intended as grappling tools, in which case they can anchor into anything with less than 10 lethal soak and carry up to 100kg.


Shotguns have several shotgun-exclusive ammunition types. The default stats below assume shotguns firing slugs.

  • Shotgun: Accuracy +0, Dmg 12L, Range 50, RoF 2, Magazine 8, Mass 2.5 kg
  • Semi-Auto Shotgun: Accuracy +0, Dmg 12L, Range 50, RoF 6, Magazine 12, Mass 3 kg

Shotgun Only Ammunition

Shotgun only ammunition obviously only works in shotguns.

  • Baton: Damage is Bashing, Range -50%
  • Taser: Damage is Bashing, damaging a target adds +2 difficulty to all actions he takes for 1 turn (not cumulative with multiple hits).
  • Birdshot: Damage is Bashing, Damage -6, Damage Add +[1], Scale:-2, Accuracy +5, Range -50%
  • Buckshot/Flechettes: Damage -6, Damage Add +[3], Accuracy +3, Range -50%.
  • Flamethrower: no range increments (Short Range = Max Range), Range -90%, successful attack sets target on fire (6L/turn until put out, unsealed armor does not protect), half damage.
  • Frag: Damage +1, Area:1

Precision Weapons

  • Varmint Rifle: Accuracy +2, Dmg 7L, Range 100, RoF 2, Magazine 10
  • Hunting/Sniper Rifle: Accuracy +3, Dmg 11L AP:3, Range 200, RoF 1, Magazine 5, Long-Range
  • Big Game Rifle: Accuracy +1, Dmg 16L [4], Range 100, RoF 2, Magazine 2, Mass 8kg
  • Antimateriel Rifle: Accuracy +2, Dmg 15L [3] AP:3, Range 300, RoF 1, Magazine 10, Long-Range, Mass 10kg

Military Weapons

  • Flechette Rifle: Accuracy +2, Dmg 12L AP:5, Range 200, RoF 20, Magazine 20, Limited Ammo Options (Multiplex/Hypercore only)
  • Assault Rifle: Accuracy +1, Dmg 9L AP:1, Range 100, RoF 30, Magazine 30, Mass 3kg
  • Light Machine Gun: Accuracy +3, Dmg 10L AP:1, Range 150, RoF 50, Burst:5, Magazine 200, Mass 10kg
  • Medium Machine Gun: Accuracy +2, Dmg 12L AP:3, Range 150, RoF 40, Burst:4, Magazine 100, Mass 10kg
  • Portable Railgun: Accuracy +2, Dmg 12L [2], Range 400, RoF 6, Magazine 18, AP:3, Mass 12kg

Heavy Weapons

  • Flamethrower: Accuracy +5, Dmg 6L [4], Range 10, RoF 1, Capacity 30, Ignores unsealed armor, Incendiary (successful attack sets target on fire, doing 6L/turn until put out)
  • Portable Laser: Accuracy +3, Dmg 16L [6] AP:4, Range 400, RoF 1, Magazine 5, Mass 30kg, Scale:2, Overwhelming:2
  • Grenade Launcher: Accuracy +1, Dmg as Grenade, Range 100, RoF 1, Magazine 1, Area:1, Mass 3kg
  • Multiple Grenade Launcher: Accuracy +1, Dmg as Grenade, Range 100, RoF 6, Magazine 6, Area:1, Mass 6kg
  • SAM: Accuracy +2, Dmg 14L [10], Range 1,000, RoF 1, Magazine 1, AA, Guided, Long-Range, Mass 6kg, Scale:2
  • Anti-Tank Missile: Accuracy -1, Dmg 20L [10] AP:5, Range 500, RoF 1, Magazine 1, Guided, Mass 10kg, Scale:3, Overwhelming:4[1]

Energy Weapons

  • Electrolaser Pistol: Accuracy +3, Dmg 8S/16S/10L, Range 75/100/125, Magazine 200/50/10, RoF 20/10/5, Mass 1kg, Multiple Settings (low stun, high stun, lethal)
  • Maser Gun: Accuracy +5, Dmg 15L, Range 750, RoF Special, Magazine 10, Mass 3kg, Continuous Beam (+2 difficulty to dodge, uses 1 charge/turn, may strafe up to 5 targets or attack 1 target up to 5 times)
  • Taser: Accuracy +2, Dmg 6B + 8S, Range 5, RoF 1, Magazine 1, Mass 0.5 kg, No range increments.
  • HERF Rifle: Accuracy +2, Dmg 12E, Range 25, Magazine 40, RoF 2, Mass 4kg


Ordinance is the really heavy stuff, the fun guns that get broken out when you need to bring a Nova down. Or if you are a Nova and you need a toy to play with. Most Ordinance requires at least Mega-Strength 1 or 2 to use effectively, and requires Mega-Dexterity to aim. A Nova which seeks to make use of guided weapons may also wish to have Mega-Perception and some method to program weapons on-the-fly, such as Cyberkinesis.

Missiles and Bombs

Each one of these options is assumed to take up 1 or more hardpoints. Cruise missiles are generally only found on bombers. Weapons without a Rate and Magazine have one shot.

  • Manportable SAM: Accuracy +2, Dmg 14L [10], Range 1,000, AA, Guided, Long-Range, Scale:2
  • Light AAM/SAM: Accuracy +3, Dmg 20L [14], Range 8,000, AA, Guided, Long-Range, Scale:3, Overwhelming:2
  • Medium AAM/SAM: Accuracy +4, Dmg 25L [18], Range 12,000, AA, Guided, Long-Range, Scale:3, Overwhelming:3
  • Heavy AAM/SAM: Accuracy +2, Dmg 30L [20], Range 20,000, AA, Guided, Long-Range, Scale:4, Overwhelming:4[1]
  • Cruise Missile: Accuracy +3, Dmg 50L [40] AP:10 or nuclear, Range 50,000, Guided, Long-Range, Scale:20, Overwhelming:10[5]
  • Light Antitank: Accuracy +2, Dmg 24L [12] AP:12, Range 2,500, Rate 4, Magazine 4, Scale:6, Guided
  • Heavy Antitank: Accuracy +0, Dmg 36L [18] AP:16, Range 3,000, Rate 1, Scale:8, Guided
  • Rocket Pod: Accuracy -2, Dmg 20L[10] AP:5, Range 500, Rate 20, Magazine 20, Scale:3, Overwhelming:4[1], Area:3

Each one of these options is assumed to take up 1 hardpoint. Tacnukes aren't common. As all bombs are area weapons, they do not gain bonus damage for accuracy.

  • Cluster Bomb: Accuracy +1, Dmg 12L [6] AP:6, Range 800, Rate 1, Area:5, Scale:4
  • FAE: Accuracy -2, Dmg 40L [20] AP:10, Range 1,200, Rate 1, Area:12, Scale:10
  • Microbombs: Accuracy -2, Dmg 15L [5] AP:4, Range 1,500, Rate 3, Magazine 6, Area:3, Scale:6
  • Unguided Bomb: Accuracy -2, Dmg 36L [18] AP:10, Range 1,200, Rate 1, Area:6, Scale:8
  • Guided Bomb: Accuracy +2, Dmg 36L [18] AP:10, Range 1,500, Rate 1, Area:4, Scale:8
  • Tactical Nuclear Bomb: Accuracy -2, Dmg 50A [25] + 100L [60], Range 500, Rate 1, Area:30, Scale:20


The minimum strength requirement for these weapons is when dismounted. One dot of Mega-Strength counts as 10 dots of regular Strength for weapons requirements.

Additionally, these weapons have 2 magazine sizes, separated by a slash. The first size is the magazine for a vehicle-mounted weapon, such as a coaxial MG, feeding from a large ammunition feed. The second size is for a weapon that is not mounted to a vehicle, but rather carried by hand or mounted on a pintle (note that some weapons expect backpacks or giant barrels full of ammunition) Finally, weapon masses are unloaded masses.

Smaller Guns

  • Medium MG (M60, M240): Accuracy +3, Dmg 12L AP:2, Range 150, Rate 60, Magazine 2400/120, Burst:6, Mass 12, Min Str. 3
  • Heavy MG (M2, Kord): Accuracy +3, Dmg 15L [3] AP:3, Range 300, Rate 30, Magazine 1200/150, Burst:3, Mass 30, Min Str. 7
  • Minigun: Accuracy +5, Dmg 12L [1] AP:2, Range 150, Rate 240, Magazine 3000/1500, AP:2, Burst:20, Mass 35, Min Str. 6
  • 30mm Autocannon: Accuracy +0, Dmg 16L [4] AP:5, Range 300, Rate 25, Magazine 600/50, Scale:3, Mass 60, Min Str. 12

Aircraft Guns (the accuracy behind the slash is the accuracy while dismounted)

  • 20mm Rotary Cannon: Accuracy +3/+0, Dmg 18L [10] AP:4, Range 300, Rate 500/20, Magazine 1500/1000, Burst:25, Scale:6, Mass 100, Min Str. 20, AA
  • 30mm Rotary Cannon: Accuracy +2/+0, Dmg 22L [12] AP:6, Range 350, Rate 500/20, Magazine 1000/500, Burst:25, Scale:6, Mass 400, Min Str. 25, AA
  • Tactical Laser: Accuracy +5, Dmg 20L [12] AP:5, Range 500, Rate 5, Magazine 50/5, Scale:6, Mass 150, Min Str. 15, AA

Big Guns

  • 105mm Cannon: Accuracy +0, Dmg 24L [12] AP:10, Range 800, Rate 1, Magazine 60/1, Scale:8, Mass 1000, Min Str. 30
Canister: Accuracy +3, Dmg 12L [8] AP:3, Range 400, Area:4
  • 120mm Cannon: Accuracy +0, Dmg 28L [14] AP:15, Range 1,000, Rate 1, Magazine 45/1, Scale:8, Mass 1500, Min Str. 35
Canister: Accuracy +3, Dmg 15L [9] AP:4, Range 500, Area:5
  • Tank Railgun: Accuracy +2, Dmg 36L [18] AP:20, Range 2,000, Rate 1/2 (every other turn), Magazine 100/1, Scale:8, Mass 2000, Min Str. 40
Flechette: Accuracy +5, Dmg 18L [10] AP:5, Range 800, Area:4


  • Vehicle Grenade Launcher: Accuracy +0, Dmg as Grenade, Range 100, Rate 9, Magazine 200, Area:1, Mass 50, Min Str. 7

Weapon Options


Accessories can be mounted on most firearms (i.e. small guns and ordinance-size guns), although most large weapons cannot support underbarrel options or suppressors for obvious reasons, and only small guns and dismounted ordinance weapons can mount extended magazines. Use common sense.

  • Non-Magnifying Sight: Accuracy +1, first turn of aiming adds +3 versus +1 accuracy
  • Magnifying Sight: -1 difficulty from range penalties, aiming adds +2 instead of +1 accuracy/turn
  • Underbarrel Grenade Launcher: Accuracy -2, Dmg 10L [4] or as grenade, Range 75, RoF 1, Magazine 1, Exp:3
  • Underbarrel Shotgun: Accuracy -1, Dmg 7L, Rng 20, RoF 2, Magazine 4
  • Suppressor: Used with subsonic ammo, attacks do not break stealth unless opponents succeed on a Per + Awareness roll (difficulty 1 for damage of 8L or more, difficulty 3 for damage of 7-5L, difficulty 5 for damage of 4L or less) to locate shooter
  • Extended Magazine: Doubles magazine capacity for weapons aside from pistols, which increase capacity by 50%, rounded up.


  • Armor Piercing Ammo: AP:+3, Dmg(-1L or -[1] if weapon has damage adds)
  • Beanbag/Rubber Bullet: Deals bashing damage (outside of point blank range), AP reduced to 0.
  • +P: Dmg(+1), Weapon breaks if more 1s are rolled than successes.
  • Super: Dmg(+2), weapon explodes if more 1s rolled than successes (deals weapon damage to user, halve user soak).
  • Match: Accuracy +1, Range +25% if aiming.
  • Multiplex: Accuracy +2, Dmg(-3), Dmg Add +[1].
  • Hypercore: Halved Enemy Soak (round fractional soak down).
  • JHP/JSP/Other Antipersonnel: Dmg(-3), AP reduced to 0, Dmg Add +[3]. Minimum damage is 3L, weapons dealing 5L base damage or less add +[2] instead of +[3] to their Damage add.
  • Subsonic: Dmg(-2), halve AP (round down), reduces weapon report (with suppressor), insufficient power to cycle weapon (RoF is reduced to 2 if normally higher than 2).


Grenades are used in grenade launchers or thrown by hand.

  • Frag: Dmg 12L [4], Area:1
  • Flechette/Buckshot: Dmg 8L [4], Range 30, Area:2
  • HEAP: Dmg 13L [5], AP:3
  • Incendiary: Dmg 5L [4], Area:2, Incendiary (successful attack sets target on fire and ignores non-sealed armor, doing 6L/turn until put out)
  • EMP: Dmg 10E, Area:2
  • Gas: Dmg None, Area:2, Gas Payload (choose any airborne toxin to deploy)
  • Stingball: Dmg 4B + [3]S, Area:2 (note: the damage add is in Stun, not Bashing, damage-all other damage is Bashing)
  • Flashbang: Dmg 12S, Area:2, roll Stamina + Resistance at difficulty (+4) or be blinded and deafened for (2 + MoF) rounds.