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Latest revision as of 16:00, 19 November 2011


Kobayashi Akemi

Description: Rich, aristocratic, and self-assured, Akemi is a driven girl with high expectations. She tends to be a bit dismissive of those with hardships, due to a disconnect with them. She her black hair is bound up in a twin-tails style and permed into French-style coils. She is an avid member of the student council, and takes a direct stance on organizing class events and guest speakers. Wants to take over her family business, but has to compete with her brother for it, who is the currently favoured one by tradition.
  • Filthy Rich
  • Student Council Prez (or fighting to be)
  • Something to Prove

Magic Girl Persona

Flower: Yellow Carnation
Magic Girl Name: Ruling Carnation
Seed Jewel: A golden necklace with a gold carnation flower blossom, etched with patterns.
Description: Akemi's hair straightens out in her magic girl form, and she gains a regal-looking yellow magic girl outfit with thigh-stockings and boots. She also sports a yellow cape fastened with a golden carnation clasp, and an ornate golden crown also in the shape of a carnation flower.
  • Drive: 1
  • Heart: 5
Power 1:Heart Domination Akemi strikes the target with a wave of brilliant golden light, which overwhelms them.
Power 2:Yellow Servitude Akemi unleashes crackling lightning that binds her target into place.

June Nishimura

Description: Clearly of mixed race with her reddish-brown hair and blue eyes, June stands out among her peers in high school and has subsequently always tried her best to stay out of the limelight. Because of excessive teasing over the years, she's shy and conservative in her manner, but is also kind and understanding. She's adopted her Japanese heritage almost completely, although she has some stereotypically New Zealander traits like a love of lamb and Sunday rugby. Slightly tall and a bit bustier than most of her classmates, with short bob-cut hair.
  • Shy (and Moe)
  • Token Twofer
  • Yamato Nadeshiko

Magical Girl Persona

Flower:: Azalea
Magic Girl Name: Burst Azalea
Description: June's hair become bright violet and her eyes become a more piercing shade of blue, while her outfit consists of a stylized purple western-style coat printed with a pattern that emulates her totem flower, with detached sleeves and pointed coattails. She wears bike shorts and thigh-high stockings with ankle-length boots, topped with a purple beret.
Drive:: 2
Heart:: 4
Power 1: Burst Shot Fires a series of highly-accurate, but somewhat weak energy bullets.
Power 2: Bullet Dance Fires a wide area-effect, scattering shot of explosive energy bullets that deal heavy damage.

Masumori Yui

Description: Black hair down to her back, brown eyes hidden behind blue-rimmed, round glasses. Utterly calm, but not in a cold manner. Graceful and possessing a slight, warm smile. She is average in most of her studies and athletics, but excels at the sciences. Easy to get along with. Has an incurable love of hot chocolate.

Magic Girl Persona

Flower: Lavender
Magic Girl Name: Flowing Lavender
Description: Her hair grows longer, down past her waist, tied into a braid by silver clasps. A shimmering blue hue flows through the midnight black tresses like a cascading river (hence her name). She no longer wears glasses, but the blue from them goes to her eyes. She wears a deep purple skort, black ankle boots, and a lavender, button-down shirt. Over these is a midnight blue haori.
Drive: 2
Heart: 4
Power 1: Tempest Shakujo An oak staff topped by silver rings. A defensive weapon capable for forming a barrier of air between Yui or her ally and harm.
Power 2: Scattering Wind A gust of wind, neither warm nor cool, batters an opponent with energy shaped like lavender petals.

Agnieszka Poniatowska

'The Camomile; The more it is trodden on, the faster it grows'.


Agnieszka was born in Poland, in a neighborhood that could be only described as “of questionable repute”. Nevertheless, despite growing up amidst those who are detested by the society, instead of giving up and falling into depths of delinquency, she became a kind and cheerful girl, always trying to see good points in others, even those that the society gave up on and branded as thugs, and never refusing to help those in need. However, she does have a reputation for being “pretty scary” on the rare occasions that someone manages to anger her.

Despite her somewhat rough appearance, Agnieszka is very smart – and pursues her education with great determination, wanting to prove to both herself and to others that despite being born in a rough neighborhood she is no worse than anyone else. Her personal dream is to study at Jagiellonian University in Krakow.

Her knowledge of Japanese is, surprisingly enough, independent of that, however. Her grandmother was Japanese, and came to Poland with her grandfather due to what she was told were “extremely complicated circumstances”. Nevertheless, she taught Agnieszka the Japanese language, which she took to with her characteristic determination.

She arrived in Japan as a part of a school exchange program, once it was discovered that the somewhat rough around the edges, but hard-working girl was the only one in the entire city who knew Japanese at conversational level. Currently, she is imposing on her grandmother’s side of family concerning housing, and while her limited practical experience with Japanese customs can sometimes cause some confusion or a faux pas, her seemingly endless supply of optimism and curiosity about the nation she is now living in is pushing her forwards.

Agnieszka herself is quite tall, even by Polish standards, and in very good shape. She usually wears her black hair short and somewhat unkempt, though she has been trying to care more about it recently in order to look more representative. When not in school uniform, she usually wears some variety of tracksuit.

  • Delinquent with the Heart of Gold
  • Does Want to Know More
  • Foreign Fish out of Water

Magic Girl Persona:

Flower: Chamomile
Magic Girl Name: Defiant Chamomile
Seed Jewel: A tiny brooch formed in the shape of a chamomile flower
Description: Agnieszka’s hair grows past her shoulders, turns blond and acquires a certain luster. Her magical girl outfit is a yellow-and-white Western-style dress that goes past her knees, with thigh-high stockings and knee-high boots. She also wears a white pillbox hat with her Seed Jewel attached.
  • Drive: 4
  • Heart: 2
Power 1: Midsummer Night’s Dream: just like chamomile flowers bloom midsummer, this ornate szabla with a golden hilt is the main weapon of Defiant Chamomile. When swung, it leaves a glowing yellow trail behind it.
Power 2: Summer’s Defiance: a bright yellow shield with white trim forms out of glowing energy in front of Agnieszka’s hand, blocking incoming attacks