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=Vehicle General Errata=
==Technical Overview==
Safe Speed and Max Speed are in km/h. The speed in meters/combat round is given in parentheses. Maneuver is the dice bonus or penalty to any control rolls (Dex + Pilot or Dex + Drive). Armor also has a value in parentheses, which is the amount of soak given to the passenger in the event he is directly attacked. Armor soaks both bashing and lethal damage at full value. Damage penalties to vehicles affect both mounted weapons and maneuvering.
Vehicles in the ''Trinity'' era are more advanced, for the most part, than vehicles in the ''Aberrant'' era. They still might move on wheels or jet engines, but the advent of cheap (and lightweight) hyperfusion reactors has made logistics for most vehicles much easier. Jets no longer need expensive aviation fuel when they can run on seawater, superconducting loops make electrical cars far more common than hypercombustion engine ones, hybrid MHD-fusion engines have made submarine-aircraft hybrids possible, and so on. The most common power sources are either superconducting loop batteries, combined with capacitors with high power draw, or miniaturized hyperfusion reactors, powering rotors, wheels, or turbine engines. Some aircraft and ground vehicles still use hypercombustion, but cheap fusion power has made electrical power far more convenient-and electrically powered vehicles are amazingly quiet. This has obvious military benefits, but benefits the civilian populace as well, reducing the noise level of cities and highways.

Similarly, lightweight structural components and higher strength-weight ratios have benefitted engineers greatly. Modern vehicles tend to be significantly (5-25%) lighter than equivalent early 21st century vehicles, while still managing greatly increased durability and superior service life. Self-healing materials and limited use of diagnostic nanotech have greatly reduced maintenance needs, often by an order of magnitude if not more. Electronics are integrated in every component and step of manufacture, allowing the vehicle itself to diagnose potential problems and structural flaws, and notify the users. Military vehicles are ubiquitously equipped with passive EW emitters, which combine with the extensive use of low-observability technology to reduce sensor signatures. Combined with quiet electrically-powered motors and smart paints for improved visual camouflage, 22nd century military vehicles are phantoms on the battlefield.
=Basic Rules=
'''Crew''': Most vehicles have multiple crew, allowing them to take multiple actions without penalty. Each crewmember may take any number of actions using normal multiple action rules, allowing military vehicles to act several times in a single round without inordinate multiple action penalties. The crew use their own dice pools for their individual actions, and are often given fixed roles.

==Special Rules==
'''Damage''': Vehicles take damage differently from humans. Vehicles ignore Stun damage, and do not take Bashing damage normally. Instead, every 2 levels of Bashing damage inflicted in an attack become 1 level of Lethal damage, rounding the conversion down. Vehicles take lethal and aggravated damage normally.
Vehicle armor is used for both bashing/lethal damage. The value in parentheses is the increase in soak of the passengers and crew for the purposes of disabling/etc shots. Vehicles also do not take any ping damage from attacks without damage adds. At safe speed, a vehicle suffers no difficulty penalties for maneuvering or dodging, while at max speed a vehicle suffers +2 difficulty for any dodging attempts, or +3 difficulty if its maneuverability is less than +0.

Vehicle damage penalties and driver wound penalties stack. Riding a nearly destroyed motorcycle while at death's door is not a recommended practice.
'''Optional Rule: Reducing High Dice Pools''': Vehicle weapons and armor can achieve extremely high dice pool numbers, with munitions such as tactical nuclear weapons often requiring 90-100 dice to resolve. Similarly, novas may end up with extremely ludicrous dice pools. In this case, one may convert a portion of that pool into automatic successes. Every 10 dice in a pool becomes 4 successes (0.4 chance of success). With a relevant quality or dealing with heavy weapons that automatically reroll 10s, every 20 dice in a pool becomes 9 successes (0.4444... ~= 0.45 chance of success per die). Convert a dice pool into automatic successes until 20 dice or less are left, then roll the remainder.

=Wheeled and Tracked=
'''Ramming''': A vehicle used in a ramming attack deals damage to both it and the unfortunate target of the attack. To ram, the driver rolls Dex + Drive or Dex + Pilot at +1 difficulty, while the defender can dodge or defend however they wish. A successful ram deals a base 5B damage at Safe and 10B damage at max speed to ''both'' parties, modified by the below factors. Note that the below factors do not at all simulate the actual physics of colliding objects and are intended for drama rather than simulation.
*'''Personal Transit (Segway Personal Transporter)''': Safe Speed 10 (8), Max Speed 20 (16), Maneuver +3, Passengers 0, Armor 5 (+0), HLs -0 x 2, -1 x 2, -4 x 4, Wrecked
: Still illegal in Britain. Personal transit systems like this carry one person at a moderate speed, whether standing or sitting, and are usable indoors. With their light mass and compactness, they can also be easily carried. Unfortunately, they provide very little protection against bullets.

*'''Motorcycle (Davidson-Wheeler American Cycle)''': Safe Speed 150 (120), Max Speed 300 (240), Maneuver +2, Passengers 0-1, Armor 7 (+0), HLs -0 x 3, -1 x 4, -2 x 4, -4 x 2, Wrecked
:'''Speed''': A vehicle has a safe speed (equivalent to a character's running movement) and a max speed (equivalent to sprinting). However, ''unlike'' characters, vehicle drivers can take action normally even if moving at maximum speed.  
: Wheeled motorcycles are still used by enthusiasts of various stripes, and modern engines have given them much greater power/weight ratios and improved durability against everyday stresses. Given the incredible top speeds a motorcycle is capable of, an enthusiast is encouraged to shell out for high-end protective gear as well.

*'''Sedan (Mashindano Sentry)''': Safe Speed 150 (120), Max Speed 250 (200), Maneuver +1, Passengers 4, Armor 9 (+3), HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
:'''Vehicle Scale''': Multiply base damage by Scale difference (min 1, max 3). Ramming a car with a main battle tank means the tank deals (3 - 1 = 2) times damage to the car, while the car deals ( 1 - 3 = -1, which is increased to the minimum of 1) times damage.
: Even in the year 2150, wheeled transportation has not yet become entirely outdated. Cars might be tougher and lighter and more reliable, and they might use electric motors and superconducting storage rings rather than combustion engines, but they're still recognizably cars.
:'''Damage Adds''': A vehicle adds a number of damage adds equal to (Scale + 2) when ramming. So the MBT adds [5] to its damage adds, while the car adds [3].
:'''Vehicle Soak''': Every 2 points of armor a vehicle has adds an additional +1B to the damage, while every 5 points of armor adds [1] to the attack's damage add-round fractional points down. So the MBT, with armor 25, adds 12B [5] to the attack damage, the car, with armor 6, adds 3B [1] to the attack damage.
:'''Vehicle Velocity''': A vehicle deals +5B [2] damage to itself ''and'' the target if its velocity is between 50 and 100 km/h, with an additional +5B [3] if its velocity is between 101 and 200 km/h, and is ''lethal'' if its velocity is above 200 km/h. If a vehicle's velocity is over 1000 km/h, add another +10L [5], and add yet another +10L [5] if the vehicle's velocity is over 5000 km/h. So the MBT, with max speed 80 (64 km/h) adds 5B [2] damage to its ramming attack.

*'''Luxury Limousine (Lu-chi Yaosai)''': Safe Speed 150 (120), Max Speed 250 (200), Maneuver +1, Passengers 6, Armor 15 (+10), HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
In total, a MBT ramming a car at maximum speed inflicts (2 * 10B) + [5] + (12B [5]) + 5B [2], or 37B [12] damage to the car. The car inflicts (10B) + [3] + (3B [1]) + 5B [2] = 18B [6] damage to the tank. The tank, with Armor 25, shrugs the car off, while the car, with Armor 6 and 12 health levels, is totaled.
: Luxury limousines are generally designed to be secure, well-protected, and extremely well-furnished. These vehicles are almost always equipped with a heavy mindshield, adding +3 difficulty to all attempts to mentally influence their users via psionic or quantum powers. The Lu-chi in specific has a telepathic intrusion detection system, which has an equivalent Psi of 4, sensing telepathic intrusion within a 75 meter range.

*'''Cargo Vehicle (Concurso MH-1 Hauler)''': Safe Speed 100 (80), Max Speed 200 (160), Maneuver -1, Passengers 2, Armor 10 (+5), HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 10, Wrecked
Ramming a target at significantly less than normal safe speed reduces this damage by ST discretion.
: Cargo vehicles such as the MH-1 are a ubiquitious sight, transporting goods and raw materials of every form from point A to point B.

*'''APC (ClinTech Morris APC)''': Safe Speed 100 (80), Max Speed 150 (120), Maneuver +0, Passengers 14, Armor 24 (+12), HLs -0 x 15, -1 x 10, -2 x 10, -4 x 10, Wrecked
Vehicles have a '''Scale''', which is an abstract measurement of their size. Scale 0 is considered to be "human" or close to human, such as motorcycles or hovercycles, while Scale 1 would be a car or the like. Each Scale level is approximately 10 times the mass and twice the length/width/height of the previous scale. Scale increases the difficulty of a vehicle's weapons to acquire smaller targets and the vehicle's ability to evade smaller targets, but makes the attacks of smaller foes decreasingly relevant. It ''is'' possible for a character to have a Scale above 0, but this is relatively rare.
: APCs generally carry only light weaponry, as most of their cargo space is taken up by the ability to carry an entire squad of soldiers. An APC is armed with the weapons listed below, as well as targeting systems which add an additional +2 to all Awareness and attack rolls..
: '''Medium Laser Cannon:''' Accuracy +2, Damage 20L [8], Range 1,000, Rate 3, Magazine (inf), AP:7
: '''Pintle Coilgun MG''': Accuracy +1, Dmg 15L [4], Range 600, Rate 120/15, Magazine 1200, Burst:8, AP:4

*'''Armored Truck (Mashindano Kuchuka Bronto)''': Safe Speed 100 (80), Max Speed 150 (120), Maneuver -3, Passengers 2, Armor 18 (+10), HLs -0 x 12, -1 x 10, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
:Scale 0: Human, motorcycle, personal transporter (less than 200 kg)
: Designed for carrying cargo through potentially dangerous zones, an armored truck such as the Bronto provides significant protection for its driver as well as having light self-defense armament, listed below. Some vehicles may eschew armament.
:Scale 1: Compact Car, Powered Suit, Skimmer (~0.2-1t)
: '''Coilgun MG''': Accuracy +1, Dmg 15L [4], Range 600, Rate 120/15, Magazine 1200, Burst:8, AP:4
:Scale 2: Normal Cars, Trucks, Mecha, Assault Skimmer (1.1-10t)
:Scale 3: Main Battle Tank, Small Passenger Aircraft, Fighter (11-100t)
:Scale 4: Spaceplane, Jumbo Jet (101-1000t)
:Scale 5: Light Corvette, Small Frigate (1001-10,000t)
:Scale 6: Naval Destroyer, Naval Cruiser (10,100t - 100,000 t)
:Scale 7: Battleship, Aircraft Carrier (101,000-1 million t)
:Scale 8: (1 million-10 million tons)
:Scale 9: Space Station (10.1 - 100 million tons)
:Scale 10: (101 million - 1 billion tons)

*'''Tank (ClinTech Ostner AFV)''': Safe Speed 50 (40), Max Speed 100 (80), Maneuver -2, Passengers 0, Armor 30 (+20), HLs -0 x 20, -1 x 15, -2 x 15, -4 x 10, Disabled
: Even in the 22nd century, the tank is still a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Heavily armed and armored, a tank bristles with various weapons, listed below. Typically, a tank has a crew of 4-1 commander, 1 driver, and 2 gunners, one of whom aims the main gun and the other who manages the tank's antipersonnel laser and smart missile rack. In addition to its other systems, it possesses targeting systems which add an additional +2 to all Awareness and attack rolls.
The number of dodge successes a vehicle achieves is divided by its own Scale minus the Scale of the attacker, with a minimum divisor of 1. So for example, if a main battle tank (Scale 3) is attempting to evade a Nova's attack (Scale 0), every 3 successes on the Dex + Drive roll become 1 dodge success. The tank will generally have better luck standing and slugging it out rather than trying to dodge, although dodging may still allow it to evade marginal attacks. Note that Scale does ''not'' affect other defenses, such as power block, "parrying" with point defense, and so on.
: '''Light Rapid-Fire Laser''': Accuracy +2, Range 500, Damage 13L [3], Rate 40, Magazine (inf), AP:3
: '''Heavy Railgun''': Accuracy +2, Dmg 35L [20], Range 1,500, Rate 1, Magazine 100, AP:15, AV:3
: '''SAM Rack:''' Accuracy +2, Dmg 14L [8], Range 2,500, Rate 1, Magazine 20, AA, Exp:3, Guided

*'''Supertank (Ulanbator Type-190)''': Safe Speed 50 (40), Max Speed 100 (80), Maneuver -3, Passengers 0, Armor 40 (+30), HLs -0 x 25, -1 x 25, -2 x 15, -4 x 15, Disabled
'''Attack Difficulties'''<br>
: The massive Type-190, weighing in at an enormous 200 metric tons, is considered a "supertank", superior in raw combat to your average main battle tank, powered by a truly massive hyperfusion engine which allows it incredible (and uncomfortable) speeds, and armed with a main gun which would be well-suited for a warship turret. Widely considered a white elephant, the Type-190 is overpriced, difficult to transport, and has atrocious maintenance requirements more suited for an early 21st century war machine than a mid-22nd century one. However, if it manages to get into battle, things tend to die very fast. The Type-190 has a crew of four, a driver, a commander, and two gunners, and possesses advanced targeting systems which grant its crew an additional +3 to all Awareness and attack rolls.
The number of ''attack'' successes a vehicle rolls is divided by its own Scale minus the Scale of the attacker. If the Scale 3 tank shot back at the Nova, every 3 successes on the gunner's Perception + Gunnery roll become 1 attack success, allowing the Nova to evade the attack much more easily. This is why most vehicles have secondary weaponry which allows for effective engagement of smaller targets. This is only used for direct attack-when firing indirectly, one net success is the sole requirement for placing a shell wherever you want, making area attacks and explosive ordinance a godsend for engaging small targets.
: '''200mm Coilgun''': Accuracy +0, Damage 40L [25], Rate 1/3, Range 2,000, Magazine 40, AP:20, AV:4
:: Anti-satellite mode multiplies its range by 20, but reduces its RoF to 1/12 and can only hit stationary or fixed-trajectory targets.
: '''Medium Autolaser:''' Accuracy +2, Damage 15L [5], Range 750, Rate 30, Magazine (inf), AP:5, AA
: '''H-K Missiles:''' Accuracy +0, Dmg 30L [14], Range 5,000, Rate 2, Magazine 4, AP:6, AA, Guided
: '''Antipersonnel Mounts''' (2): Accuracy +1, Dmg 15L [4], Range 600, Rate 120/15, Magazine 1200, Burst:8, AP:4
:: Each antipersonnel mount is AI-controlled and fires with a total accuracy pool of 9d.

'''Called Shots'''<br>
Larger targets have larger weakpoints that are easier to hit, and are much easier to hit at range than smaller ones. If a smaller combatant fires upon a larger one, he may subtract the difference in Scale from the attack's final difficulty. The final difficulty of an attack is capped at a minimum of 0, and this does not subtract from the target's successes on defensive rolls such as dodging, parrying, or power use.
*'''Skimmer (Shendai AirFoil)''': Safe Speed 100 (80), Max Speed 200 (160), Maneuver +1, Passengers 3, Armor 9 (+3), HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
: Standard skimmers are often marketed towards upper-middle class families, possessing reliable but not particularly high-power hover drives that require little maintenance and have high safety margins.

*'''Sports Skimmer (Banji Zephyr)''': Safe Speed 200 (160), Max Speed 420 (340), Maneuver +3, Passengers 3, Armor 9 (+3), HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
'''Increased Firepower'''<br>
: A high-priced toy of the rich and speed-addicted, high-speed hovercars like the Banji Zephyr are capable of extremely high speeds and transit on any relatively flat surface (including water). However, to get this speed they are extremely lightweight and fragile designs.
Larger assets deal a lot more damage, and a precise hit from a heavy weapon inflicts a lot more damage than one from a handgun or rifle. The bonus damage from additional successes on the attack roll is multiplied by the attacker's Scale (so a tank deals +3 damage per additional success, up to +15, for example).

*'''Luxury Skimmer (Reed Rosen Brougham)''': Safe Speed 150 (120), Max Speed 250 (200), Maneuver +1, Passengers 5, Armor 14 (+8), HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
'''Reduced Vulnerability'''<br>
: Designed to seat up to six people, a luxury skimmer provides amenities, excellent handling, good ground speed, and most importantly sufficient armor to protect its inhabitants from small arms fire, allowing them to travel in security.
Particularly large vehicles are much more resistant to relative pinpricks. A battleship will barely notice anti-tank missiles, and riddling a jumbo jet with bullets is unlikely to impair it, even though the jumbo jet isn't even remotely bulletproof. If an attack comes from a source at least 2 Scale levels smaller (so shooting a rifle at a car, for example), the attack's final damage is ''halved'', rounded down. If an attack comes from a source at least 4 Scale levels smaller (shooting 40mm grenades or anti-tank missiles at a frigate), no matter how much damage the attack rolls, the attack may ''only'' deal a single health level of damage. This allows large, fragile objects, such as blimps, to soak up surprising amounts of damage via their sheer size.

*'''Racing Skimmer (Furatti Corona)''': Safe Speed 300 (240), Max Speed 600 (480), Maneuver +4, Passengers 3, Armor 8/12 (+6/+9), HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
: The big brother to the Furatti Aquila, the Corona has many of the features, including the spoiler wings/canards, a heavily reinforced and streamlined body, and enough speed to become an impromptu low-flying aircraft with the right motivation. Like the Aquila, the Corona also costs an arm and a leg (which may become literal if driven without care). Optional packages include a milspec body built out of fighter-aircraft composites, a dust-repelling static field, and a retractable hardtop. Note that Furatti does not recommend retracting the hardtop when at speeds over 250 km/h.
'''Fast-Tracking Weapons [X]'''<br>
Anti-infantry and point-defense weapons are most commonly fast-tracking, which allows them to engage much smaller targets. These weapons reduce the Scale of the mounting vehicle for the purposes of attacking with those weapons only by [X], so a weapon with Fast-Tracking [2] reduces the Scale of the mounting vehicle by 2, down to 0. This does not reduce damage.  

*'''Hovercycle (Reed Rosen Tsunami)''': Safe Speed 200 (160), Max Speed 350 (280), Maneuver +3, Passengers 0-1, Armor 7 (+0), HLs -0 x 2, -1 x 4, -2 x 4, -4 x 2, Wrecked
: Hovercycles are considered dangerous, fast, and a symbol of rebellious types with far more money than sense.
Area attacks or Explosive attacks affect a larger area, therefore simultaneously making them easier to aim at smaller targets ''and'' more capable of affecting large targets. Every point of Area rating increases an attack's effective Scale by 1 for purposes of dealing damage, and ''decreases'' an attack's effective Scale by 1 for purposes of targeting smaller foes.

*'''Racing Hovercycle (Furatti Aquila)''': Safe Speed 300 (240), Max Speed 600 (480), Maneuver +4, Passengers 0, Armor 8 (+1 front only), HLs -0 x 2, -1 x 4, -2 x 4, -4 x 2, Wrecked
'''Damage Adds'''<br>
: These cycles are so fast they have terrain-following sensors, early warning radar, and require wings and canards just to stay on the road rather than taking flight. Hacking the incredibly powerful drive-by-wire system that keeps the cycle on the ground allows a user to use it as an impromptu aircraft... and so does any significant incline. Several nations require one of these riders to have both a driving and pilot license.
Damage Adds increase the relative scale of an attack, as they symbolize an attack with extreme and overwhelming power, such as an anti-tank missile, battleship shell, or the like. An attack with damage adds increases its effective Scale by 1 for purposes of dealing damage ''as long as'' the attack's damage adds are greater than or equal to the target's (Scale X 3).

*'''Biotech Hovercycle (Orgotek Hummingbird)''': Safe Speed 200 (160), Max Speed 300 (240), Maneuver +2, Passengers 0-1, Armor 7 (+0), HLs -0 x 2, -1 x 4, -2 x 4, -4 x 2, Wrecked, Biotech (Tolerance 2)
: A biotech hovercycle like the Hummingbird is extremely fast and nimble, but provides poor protection and passenger capacity. If formatted to a Psion, the hovercycle gains +3 to Maneuver, responding to the rider at the speed of thought.
* '''Compact Car''': Safe Speed 75 (60), Max Speed 150 (120), Maneuver +0, Passengers 3, Armor 6, Scale 1, HLs -0 x 2, -1 x 4, -2 x 4, -4 x 2, Wrecked
** A compact car is a cheap and efficient method to transport a family, but is rather vulnerable to gatling gun fire and antitank missiles, making it a poor vehicle choice for most PCs. The car's body and engine block give

* '''Midsize Car''': Safe Speed 75 (60), Max Speed 250 (200), Maneuver +1, Passengers 4, Armor 8, Scale 2, HLs -0 x 3, -1 x 4, -2 x 4, -4 x 3, Wrecked
** Midsized cars can carry an average family of 4 in decent comfort.

*'''Assault Skimmer (Bisai Assault Skimmer)''': Safe Speed 150 (120), Max Speed 250 (200), Maneuver +2, Passengers 4, Armor 18 (+10), HLs -0 x 12, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 10, Wrecked
* '''Large Car''': Safe Speed 75 (60), Max Speed 200 (160), Maneuver +0, Passengers 5, Armor 8, Scale 2, HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
: An assault skimmer is a fast attack vehicle with relatively light armaments, designed for fast attack and quick reaction rather than sustained slugging power. Assault skimmers are armed with a single light laser and often have a crew of 2-one driver and one gunner, plus 4 passengers. Furthermore it possesses targeting systems which add an additional +2 to all Awareness and attack rolls. If needed, an assault skimmer can be operated by a single crewman, and the laser can be slaved to an AI with an effective Perception + Gunnery total of 5.
** Large town cars are stylish and tasteful ways to show wealth and power! And with a hypercombustion engine or fuel cell, they aren't even bad for the environment anymore.
: '''Light Laser Cannon:''' Accuracy +2, Damage 15L [5], Range 750, Rate 5, Magazine (inf), AP:5, AA

[[Image:LAV.jpg|The ClinTech Warden hover LAV, shown here in the standard configuration of the People's Liberation Army.|thumb]]
* '''Sports Car''': Safe Speed 150 (120), Max Speed 300 (240), Maneuver +2, Passengers 0-2, Armor 7, Scale 1, HLs -0 x 2, -1 x 4, -2 x 4, -4 x 2, Wrecked
*'''LAV (ClinTech Warden LAV)''': Safe Speed 150 (120), Max Speed 250 (200), Maneuver +2, Passengers 6, Armor 24 (+16), HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 10, -2 x 10, -4 x 10, Wrecked
** If you need to get somewhere fast but can't afford a helicopter you probably want one of these.
: Hover LAVs are more heavily armed and armored than assault skimmers, and carry more passengers as well. They also have a crew of two in normal operation. Skimmer LAVs are generally only used by militaries, unlike the assault skimmer which sees at least some police use. It is armed with the weapons listed below, and possesses targeting systems which add an additional +2 to all Awareness and attack rolls.
: '''Medium Laser Cannon:''' Accuracy +2, Damage 20L [8], Range 1,000, Rate 3, Magazine (inf), AP:7, AA
:'''60mm Grenade Launcher:''' Accuracy +0, Damage (See Below), Range 500, Rate 15, Magazine 100
::Fragmentation: Damage 16L [8], Exp:6
::Flechette/Buckshot: Damage 15L [3], Range 50, hits everything in an arc
::HEAP: Damage 18L [9], AP:6
::Incendiary: Damage N/A, Area:3, Incendiary (successful attack sets target on fire, dealing 8L/turn damage until put out)
::Chemical: Damage None, Area:3, Gas Payload (choose any airborne toxin to deploy)

*'''Super Hovertank (MN-114 Drake)''': Safe Speed 150 (120), Max Speed 300 (240), Maneuver -1, Passengers 0, Armor 35 (+25), HLs -0 x 20, -1 x 20, -2 x 15, -4 x 15, Disabled
==Trucks and Bikes==
: The original military-industrial supertank boondoggle, the Drake pushed the limits of modern hover technology and beyond. Early models were notorious for requiring over a hundred hours of maintenance per hour of combat operation, and often had critical hover system failures in the field which left them immobile, faulty targeting software responsible for at least twenty accidental friendly fire casualties, as well as buggy EW software that often broadcasted the location of the supertank to the enemy (rather than hiding its 180 ton bulk). However, these issues were later fixed, and a five-unit Drake platoon was responsible for killing the Aberrant "Roswell Rosie". The Drake possesses a crew of 5 (commander, 2 gunners, driver, engineer), and is equipped with advanced sensors adding +3 to gunnery/awareness rolls. It is armed with a superheavy laser (with the power of one of the Scarab's heavy lasers, a secondary heavy laser turret, two AP blisters, and a HK missile rack.
* '''Motorcycle''': Safe Speed 50 (40), Max Speed 150 (120), Maneuver +2, Passengers 0-1, Armor 4, Scale 0, HLs -0 x 2, -1 x 4, -2 x 4, -4 x 1, Wrecked
: '''Superheavy Laser Cannon''': Accuracy + 2, Damage 42L [21], Rate 1/3, Range 3,000, Magazine (inf), AP:18, AV:2 in AT mode
** The preferred transportation for advanced robot assassins, bad boys, and other ne-er-do-wells, a motorcycle is lightweight and maneuverable but provides negligible protection to the operator.
:: Accuracy +4, Damage 30L [15], Rate 1, Range 5,000, AP:10 in AA mode.
:: Anti-satellite mode requires the vehicle to stay stationary and halves fire rate but multiplies ranges by a factor of 10.
: '''Heavy Laser Cannon:''' Accuracy +3, Dmg 24L [12], Range 8,000, Rate 2, Magazine (inf), AP:9, AA
: '''H-K Missiles:''' Accuracy +0, Dmg 30L [14], Range 5,000, Rate 2, Magazine 4, AP:6, AA, Guided
: '''Antipersonnel Mounts''' (2): Accuracy +1, Dmg 15L [4], Range 600, Rate 120/15, Magazine 1200, Burst (8), AP:4
:: Each antipersonnel mount is AI-controlled and fires with a total accuracy pool of 9d.

* '''Small Truck''': Safe Speed 50 (40), Max Speed 150 (120), Maneuver -1, Passengers 2, Armor 8, Scale 2, HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
** Small trucks carry cargo. An entire range of vehicles, from larger pickup trucks to small 6x6 wheeled trucks fall into this category.
*'''Pilot Trainer (Banji Musasabi)''':Safe Speed 600 (480), Max Speed 1000 (800), Maneuver +3, Passengers 1, Armor 10 (+5), HLs -0 x 4, -1 x 6, -2 x 6, -4 x 4, Eject!
: A common pilot trainer and aerobatics performer example, these craft generally still use standard hypercombustion engines rather than fusion turbines due to cost and size constraints.

*'''Suborbital Aircraft (Banji Cirrus)''': Safe Speed 800 (640), Max Speed 15000 (12000), Maneuver -3, Passengers 200, Armor 12 (+6), HLs -0 x 20, -1 x 20, -2 x 10, -3 x 10, -4 x 10, Crashed
* '''Large Truck''': Safe Speed 50 (40), Max Speed 150 (120), Maneuver -2, Passengers 2, Armor 10, Scale 2, HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
: More advanced lightweight airframe and wing designs, combined with fusion turbines becoming cheap and commonplace for high-end air travel, have allowed suborbitals to become commonplace passenger aircraft.
** Large trucks are much larger and tend to pull several tons' worth of cargo behind them. They are in a very real way critical to commerce, and in an emergency make decent kinetic weapons when barreling towards someone at full speed.

*'''Supersonic Aircraft (L-B Ionoliner)''': Safe Speed 800 (640), Max Speed 2500 (2000), Maneuver -3, Passengers 250, Armor 12 (+6), HLs -0 x 20, -1 x 20, -2 x 10, -3 x 10, -4 x 10, Crashed
==Civilian Aviation==
: Hyperfusion has made supersonic airliners cheap and practical. Less expensive than comparable suborbitals, it's still possible to get from one place to another in a handful of hours at most via supersonic flight.
* '''Small Prop Plane''': Safe Speed 220 (175), Max Speed 650 (520), Maneuver +1, Passengers 4, Armor 6, Scale 2, HLs -0 x 4, -1 x 6, -2 x 6, -4 x 4, Crashed  
** A small prop plane is a small civilian aircraft, little more than a toy. That said, they can land almost anywhere and are relatively cheap.

* '''Large Prop Plane''': Safe Speed 540 (430), Max Speed 760 (600), Maneuver -2, Passengers 40, Armor 8, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 6, -1 x 8, -2 x 8, -4 x 6, Crashed
*'''Subfighter (Bisai Harpoon)''': Safe Speed 200/1800 land/air (160/1440), Max Speed 250/2500 land/air (200/2000), Maneuver +3, Passengers 0, Armor 18 (+12), HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 10, -2 x 10, -4 x 10
** Larger prop planes have more commercial applications but tend to be slightly less convenient.
: Subfighters are a common sight, fusion powered fighter aircraft which have modified engines and reinforced hulls capable of sustaining underwater operation. Sacrificing reaction mass for MHD drive and with far heavier hulls and structure than equivalent-mass hybrid fighters, subfighters have poor high-altitude performance and cannot function in space. A typical subfighter like the Bisai Harpoon or Poly Technologies J-140 are armed with a blue-green laser, equipped with lidar systems, and have dual-mode MHD/fusion-jet torpedoes. These subfighters have advanced sensors which add +2 to the pilot's Awareness and Gunnery rolls, multitask systems which reduce all multiple action penalties by 1, and active signature cancellation which adds +2 to the difficulty of detection rolls or guided missile attacks.
: '''Blue-Green Laser''': Accuracy +2, Damage 15L [5], Range 1,000 (range 200 in water), Rate 30, Magazine (inf), AP:5, AA
: '''Supercavitating Torpedoes''': Accuracy +0, Dmg 30L [14], Range 5,000 (Range 1,000 in water), Rate 8, Magazine 8, AP:6, AA, Guided

*'''Transport VTOL (ClinTech Black Cat Military Transport)''': Safe Speed 800 (640), Max Speed 1500 (1200), Maneuver +1, Passengers 40, Armor 18 (+12), HLs -0 x 20, -1 x 15, -2 x 15, -4 x 15
* '''Small Jet Aircraft''': Safe Speed 600 (480), Max Speed 900 (720), Maneuver +1, Passengers 6, Armor 6, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 6, -1 x 8, -2 x 8, -4 x 6, Crashed
: A heavily armored armed transport, a VTOL such as this is powered by high-end fusion turbines to allow it incredible maneuverability and speed for its size. These VTOLs have immense TWRs and can carry dozens of tons of cargo in specially designed pods above and beyond their own internal cargo/troop bay. Transport VTOLs are equipped with active signature cancellation, adding +1 to the difficulty of any enemy awareness rolls to detect the fighter or attack rolls involving guided ordinance, and advanced sensors which add +2 to the pilot's Awareness and Gunnery rolls. A typical transport VTOL is armed with the weapons listed below:
** A personal jet is a necessity for any globetrotting multimillionaire.
: '''Medium Autolaser:''' Accuracy +2, Damage 15L [5], Range 750, Rate 30, Magazine (inf), AP:5, AA
: '''Twin Missile Pods:''' Accuracy +0, Range 2,000, Damage 25L [10], Rate 24, Magazine 24, AP:10, Guided

*'''Attack VTOL (Bisai Wasp)''': Safe Speed 400 (320), Max Speed 700 (560), Maneuver +3, Passengers 0, Armor 20 (+15), HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 10, -2 x 10, -4 x 10
* '''Jumbo Jet''': Safe Speed 600 (480), Max Speed 900 (720), Maneuver -5, Passengers 300, Armor 9, Scale 4, HLs -0 x 20, -1 x 20, -2 x 10, -3 x 10, -4 x 10, Crashed
: Inexpensive attack craft, attack VTOLs are more heavily armed and have superior armor to their transport brethren despite their much smaller size. Attack VTOLs are equipped with active signature cancellation, adding +1 to the difficulty of any enemy awareness rolls to detect the fighter or attack rolls involving guided ordinance, and advanced sensors which add +2 to the pilot's Awareness and Gunnery rolls. These deadly weapons possess the armaments listed below:
** And for the rest of us, you have large air transport which is good at several things: 1. Carrying lots of people across long distances with a minimum of comfort, and 2. Becoming an impromptu cruise missile at the hands of someone sufficiently crazy.
: '''Medium Autolaser:''' Accuracy +2, Damage 15L [5], Range 750, Rate 30, Magazine (inf), AP:5, AA
: '''Missile Pod:''' Accuracy +0, Range 2,000, Damage 25L [10], Rate 12, Magazine 12, AP:10, Guided
: '''Rocket Pods''': Accuracy +2, Dmg 16L [6], Range 500, Rate 40, Magazine 40, AP:2, AV:1, Exp:4

* '''Civilian Helicopter''': Safe Speed 200 (160), Max Speed 400 (320), Maneuver +3, Passengers 4, Armor 6, Scale 2, HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 5, -2 x 3, -4 x 3, Destroyed
** Civilian helicopters combine the convenience of a military helicopter with the legality of a thing that isn't bristling with dangerous weapons, and are fast and maneuverable, if fuel-inefficient, methods of getting from Point A to Point B no matter how rough the terrain at Point B is.
*'''Hybrid Shuttle (L-B Comet)''': Safe Speed 1500 (1200), Max Speed 15000 (12000), Acceleration 6G, Maneuver +1, Passengers 150, Armor 14 (+7), HLs -0 x 15, -1 x 15, -2 x 15, -4 x 15, Crashed
: A standard hybrid atmospheric/spaceflight-capable civilian shuttle, hybrid shuttles can either carry scores of passengers or massive loads of cargo cheaply and economically. Their immense TWR and high-durability airframes allow them surprising maneuverability for such large craft.

==Military Aircraft==
[[Image:E15Fighter.jpg|An E-15 in the colors of the 15th Tactical Fighter Squadron of the United African Nations.|thumb]]
* '''Strike Aircraft''': Safe Speed 600 (480), Max Speed 1000 (800), Maneuver +3, Passengers 0, Armor 15, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 10, -2 x 10, -4 x 5, Eject!
** Strike Aircraft are (relatively) heavily armored aircraft designed for CAS, armed with heavy rotary cannon and a variety of very deadly missiles.

*'''Hybrid Fighter (Bakuhatsu E-15 Fighter)''': Safe Speed 1500 (1200), Max Speed 15000 (12000), Acceleration 7.5G, Maneuver +5, Passengers 0, Armor 15 (+10), HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 10, -2 x 10, -4 x 10, Eject!
* '''Fighter Aircraft''': Safe Speed 1000 (800), Max Speed 2500 (2000), Maneuver +3, Passengers 0, Armor 9, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Eject!
: Hybrid fighters have multi-mode airbreathing and reaction-mass consuming fusion jets, allowing them to translate from atmospheric to space flight with little difficulty, and typically have a crew of 2, one pilot and one weapons officer. Hybrid fighters are equipped with active signature cancellation, adding +3 to the difficulty of any enemy awareness rolls to detect the fighter or attack rolls involving guided ordinance, and advanced sensors which add +3 to the pilot's Awareness and Gunnery rolls. An AI manages the PD Laser, with a defensive pool of 10 after factoring in the vehicle's sensors, and 12 after factoring in the PD Laser's accuracy.
** They might be old, but venerable fighter aircraft with proper updates can still put up a pretty impressive fight at an eminently affordable price point. That is, affordable to the average nation-state, not a single person.
: '''Heavy Tactical Laser:''' Accuracy +3, Dmg 24L [12], Range 10,000, Rate 2, Magazine (inf), AP:9, AA
: '''H-K Missiles:''' Accuracy +0, Dmg 30L [14], Range 20,000, Rate 6, Magazine 6, AP:6, AA, Guided
: '''Point Defense Laser''': Accuracy +2, Dmg 10L, Range 300, Rate 150, Magazine (inf), PD (can "parry" attacks)

*'''Hybrid Biofighter (Orgotek Locust C)''': Safe Speed 1500 (1200), Max Speed 15000 (12000), Acceleration 8G, Maneuver +4, Passengers 0, Armor 15 (+10), HLs -0 x 15, -1 x 10, -2 x 10, -4 x 10, Eject!, Bioware (Tolerance 4)
* '''Advanced Fighter''': Safe Speed 1000 (800), Max Speed 3000 (2400), Maneuver +4, Passengers 0, Armor 9, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Eject!
: Used by the Legions and Orgotek, hybrid biofighters are some of the deadliest fighter craft in existence, bristling with weapons and defensive systems. When formatted to a Psion user, they gain an additional +2 to Maneuver and weapon accuracy, above and beyond their standard bonuses. Equipped with active signature cancellation which increases the difficulty of enemy guided ordinance attacks and awareness rolls by +2 against the biofighter, and advanced sensors which add +3 to the pilot's Awareness and +2 to his Gunnery rolls, a biofighter ''additionally'' has biocomputers which manage its PD lasers, with defensive pools of 12.
** Later-generation fighters designed and built in the late 20th and early 21st centuries are common in the arsenals of large power blocs such as the EU, China, and the United States, combining speed, maneuverability, firepower, and defenses to create deadly birds of prey.
: '''Light Tactical Lasers''' (2): Accuracy +2, Damage 15L [5], Range 750, Rate 5, Magazine (inf), AP:5, AA
: '''Heavy Tactical Laser:''' Accuracy +3, Dmg 24L [12], Range 10,000, Rate 2, Magazine (inf), AP:9, AA
: '''H-K Missiles:''' Accuracy +0, Dmg 30L [14], Range 20,000, Rate 8, Magazine 8, AP:6, AA, Guided
: '''Twin Point Defense Lasers''': Accuracy +2, Dmg 10L, Range 300, Rate 150, Magazine (inf), PD (can "parry" attacks)

*'''Hybrid Transport (Bakuhatsu GT-03 Trey)''': Safe Speed 1500 (1200), Max Speed 15000 (12000), Acceleration 3.5G, Maneuver +2, Passengers 20, Armor 18 (+12), HLs -0 x 20, -1 x 10, -2 x 10, -4 x 10, Eject!
* '''Superfighter''': Safe Speed 1500 (1200), Max Speed 4500 (3600), Maneuver +5, Passengers 0, Armor 9, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Eject!
: A general-purpose transport craft example, these transports are armed with light self-defense weaponry to protect their cargo from Aberrant attacks, enemies, or other unforeseen complications. Hybrid Transports are equipped with advanced sensors which add +2 to the pilot's Awareness and Gunnery rolls. AIs manage the PD Lasers, with a defensive pool of 9 after factoring in the vehicle's sensors, and 11 after factoring in the PD Laser's accuracy. Each laser has its own independent AI.
** These cutting edge prototype designs are often the brainchildren of Nova designers, combining bleeding-edge electronics and materials science to create flying supercomputers with the combat effectiveness of an entire fighter squadron and a comparable price point.
: '''Light Tactical Lasers''' (2): Accuracy +2, Damage 15L [5], Range 750, Rate 5, Magazine (inf), AP:5, AA
: '''Twin Point Defense Lasers''': Accuracy +2, Dmg 10L, Range 300, Rate 150, Magazine (inf), PD (can "parry" attacks)

*'''Assault Transport (L-B MEL)''': Safe Speed 1500 (1200), Max Speed 15000 (12000), Acceleration 3.5G, Maneuver +2, Passengers 0, Armor 20 (+15), HLs -0 x 20, -1 x 20, -2 x 20, -4 x 20, Eject!
* '''Bomber''': Safe Speed 1000 (800), Max Speed 2000 (1600), Maneuver -3, Crew 4, Armor 10, Scale 4, HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 10, -2 x 10, -4 x 5, Eject!  
: Two hundred tons of heavy metal, a military assault transport is typically used when air superiority is not guaranteed but cargo still needs to be dropped. With plentiful self-defensive capability and cargo capacity, several of these transports have been converted into gunships. Assault Transports are equipped with ECM systems which add +2 to the difficulty of enemy awareness rolls to detect the fighter or enemy attack rolls involving guided ordinance, and advanced sensors which add +3 to the pilot and gunners' Awareness and Gunnery rolls. AIs manage the PD lasers, with a defensive pool of 12 after everything has been factored in
** Bombers find themselves assigned to the role of carrying large amounts of ordinance and dispensing it with varying amounts of discrimination on various countries.
: '''Heavy Tactical Laser:''' Accuracy +3, Dmg 24L [12], Range 10,000, Rate 2, Magazine (inf), AP:9, AA
: '''Twin Point Defense Lasers''': Accuracy +2, Dmg 10L, Range 300, Rate 150, Magazine (inf), PD (can "parry" attacks)
The gunship variant adds these additional weapons which fire from the sides, and increases its armor to 25. The gunship variant has no cargo capacity, however.
:'''Medium Gatling Laser:''' Accuracy +2, Damage 15L [5], Range 1,500, Rate 150, Magazine (inf), AP:5, AA
:'''ER Particle Cannon''': Accuracy +1, Range 3,000, Damage 25L [12], AP:10, Rate 1, Magazine (inf)
:'''160mm Howitzer:''' Accuracy -2, Damage (see below), Range 10,000, Rate 1, Magazine 15
::Fragmentation: 28L [14], Exp:6
::Submunition: Damage 15L [7], Range 100, Area:8
::HEAP: Damage 30L [15], AP:12
::Incendiary: Damage 10L [12], Area:8, Incendiary (successful attack sets target on fire, doing 10L/turn until put out)
::Chemical: Damage None, Area:8, Gas Payload

* '''UCAV''': Safe Speed 600 (480), Max Speed 1000 (800), Maneuver +3, Passengers 0, Armor 9, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Destroyed
A standard VARG stands anywhere from 3 to 8 meters tall, massing anywhere from 3 to 30 tons (outside of the Kraken, which is the size and approximate mass of a main battle tank). Most of this mass is taken up by the VARG's armoring and its carbon nanotube musculature, which are anchored to its reinforced endoskeleton. The CNT muscles of the VARG allow them to compete with Aberrants in terms of raw strength, making hand to hand fights against them merely dangerous instead of guaranteed suicide. VARGs power their weapons, sensors, and motile options via a small hyperfusion reactor in their chest, which is shielded by the same armored cocoon that holds the cockpit. As hyperfusion reactors are incredibly safe and do not catastrophically fail, this maximizes unit survival without impacting pilot survival-anything which would destroy the hyperfusion reactor has probably penetrated and killed the pilot.
** Cutting-edge in 2021, UCAVs are fully autonomous strike aircraft. They're still kind of dumb right now, but as science advances by leaps and bounds they are becoming more and more capable of performing even complex maneuvers successfully.

Piloting a VARG uses a combination of direct neural interface, retinal tracking, joysticks, and pedals, using the DNI for balance and fine adjustment feedback while the joysticks and pedals control rough body movement and the eyes control targeting and tracking. Although potentially extremely complex, the powerful computer systems installed in every VARG make piloting relatively intuitive and easy to handle.
==Military VTOLs==
* '''Attack Helicopter''': Safe Speed 250 (200), Max Speed 450 (360), Maneuver +3, Passengers 0, Armor 18, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Destroyed
** Gunships carry an autocannon and a variety of rockets and missiles into combat, generally performing strike missions or escorting transport helicopters.

BioVARGs are built similarly to standard VARGs, but use vat-grown hyperchitin/CN-infused keratin sheeting over an artificial shell for armor instead of hardtech metals and composites, can self-heal, and have limited psychokinetic capability which provides additional protection by attenuating incoming fire and telekinetically boosting physical strength. Their control schema is far simpler than that of a standard VARG as well, a pure direct neural interface, although this psionic symbiosis is disconcerting and difficult to get used to at first. BioVARGs are cheaper and easier to build than normal VARGs, and also more effective, but are limited by the number of psions who are also skilled VARG pilots.
* '''Transport Helicopter''': Safe Speed 200 (160), Max Speed 400 (320), Maneuver +0, Passengers 10, Armor 15, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Destroyed
** There are few better ways to move a bunch of light infantry into combat fast, but transport helicopters tend to be vulnerable to AA weapons. Lightly armed for clearing landing zones, transport helicopters can engage lighter foes with some success but their pilots prefer to not deal with hot LZs.

*New Weapon: '''Plasma Blade'''
==Military Ground Vehicles==
: A Plasma Blade is designed for VARG use, and requires a connection to a fusion reactor to run. Essentially a very short range plasma gun, the radiated heat from the blade itself will incinerate most humans nearby, while the blade can cut through tank armor with little difficulty. Any unshielded user (unshielded as in not in a vehicle or a VARG) takes 15L damage an action being within a meter of the blade, and if actually wielding it, reduces his soak in half.
* '''APC''': Safe Speed 30 (24), Max Speed 60 (48), Maneuver -2, Passengers 10, Armor 18, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 10, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
:: '''Plasma Blade''': Damage Str + 10L [2], Mass 190
** APCs are wheeled or tracked armored vehicles with light self-defense armament intended to increase the mobility of infantry.

==Game Mechanics==
* '''Infantry Combat Vehicle''': Safe Speed 50 (40), Max Speed 80 (64), Maneuver -3, Passengers 7, Armor 20, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 15, -1 x 10, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
VARGs use Pilot(VARG) to move, make melee attacks, and evade enemy fire, and Gunnery to target their weapons systems. VARGs require only one crew member, but do not gain the benefits of multiple crewmembers (i.e. the pilot must split actions normally).  
** IFVs are upgunned APCs, trading some infantry capacity for additional firepower and armor.

When attempting a melee attack, the automatic successes VARG strength and mass give are halved, rounded down. They are only used in full when comparing lifting or grappling power against other characters. VARG melee attacks do ''not'' use their strength, but rather (Dexterity + Pilot (VARG) + Maneuverability) to attack. The benefits of Martial Arts do not ''normally'' affect VARGs.
* '''Light Tank''': Safe Speed 50 (40), Max Speed 100 (80), Maneuver -2, Passengers 0, Armor 18, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 15, -1 x 10, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
** Light tanks are smaller tanks, used as tracked reconnaissance vehicles, skirmishers, or airmobile armor.

All VARGs have thermal imaging, T-Ray, LANSA, echolocation, lateral line, and nightvision sensors or their equivalent, with 200m range for the LANSA and T-Ray system. These apply as the body modifications.
* '''Main Battle Tank''': Safe Speed 50 (40), Max Speed 80 (64), Maneuver -3, Passengers 0, Armor 25, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 15, -1 x 10, -2 x 10, -4 x 10, Wrecked
** The pinnacle of the armored combat vehicle, your average MBT is fast, incredibly tough, and armed with enough firepower to smash just about anything in its way.

==Scout VARGs==
==Combat Robots==
*'''Spirit Warrior:''' Strength 12 [5], Handling +4, Max Speed 120 (~140 km/h), Armor 18, HLs -0 x 10/-1 x 5/-2 x 5/-4 x 5/Disabled
* '''Danguard''': Safe Speed 30 (24), Max Speed 50 (40), Maneuver +1, Passengers 0, Armor 20, Scale 2, HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Disabled  
: A 3-meter tall scout VARG, the Spirit Warrior is fast and nimble although extremely vulnerable to most weapons. Multitask systems reduce multiple action penalties by 1, while advanced sensors add +5d to all awareness and attack rolls, and stealth systems add +3 difficulty to spot the VARG. It possesses the weapons listed below.
** Built by Kuro-Tek originally and with similar designs coming off the assembly lines of a half-dozen companies, these large and heavy combat robots have Strength 16 [4] due to their massive musculature, and have arms and legs, allowing them to make hand to hand combat maneuvers.
:'''Light Autolaser:''' Accuracy +2, Range 500, Damage 13L [3], Rate 40, Magazine (inf), AP:3
:'''Small Missile Pod:''' Accuracy +0, Range 2,000, Damage 25L [10], Rate 3, Magazine 3, AP:10 Guided

*'''Fire Eagle:''' Strength 15 [6], Handling +3, Max Speed 140 (~170 km/h), Armor 20, HLs -0 x 10/-1 x 10/-2 x 5/-4 x 5/Disabled
* '''Gunsen''': Safe Speed 30 (24), Max Speed 60 (48), Maneuver +2, Passengers 0, Armor 12, Scale 1, HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 3, -2 x 2, -4 x 2, Disabled
: The Fire Eagle is a nimble and inexpensive light attack and scouting VARG. Multitask systems reduce multiple action penalties by 1, while advanced sensors add +2d to all awareness rolls and attack rolls. It is armed with the listed weapons.
** A much smaller design, the Gunsen is barely 2 meters tall and masses only about a half-ton. Much weaker and more lightly armed than its bigger brother, the Gunsen is often used for internal security. The Gunsen's fast-contracting artificial muscle reduces multiple action penalties by 2, and its artificial muscles have Strength 10.
:'''Light Autolaser:''' Accuracy +2, Range 500, Damage 13L [3], Rate 40, Magazine (inf), AP:3
:'''60mm Grenade Launcher:''' Accuracy +0, Damage (See Below), Range 500, Rate 15, Magazine 100
::Fragmentation: Damage 16L [8], Exp:6
::Flechette/Buckshot: Damage 15L [3], Range 50, hits everything in an arc
::HEAP: Damage 18L [9], AP:6
::Incendiary: Damage N/A, Area:3, Incendiary (successful attack sets target on fire, dealing 8L/turn damage until put out)
::Chemical: Damage None, Area:3, Gas Payload (choose any airborne toxin to deploy)

*'''Weasel:''' Strength 16 [6], Handling +5, Max Speed 160 (~200 km/h), Armor 20, HLs -0 x 10/-1 x 10/-2 x 5/-4 x 5/Disabled, Tolerance 4
* '''Cybertank''': Safe Speed 60 (48), Max Speed 90 (72), Maneuver -2, Passengers 0, Armor 35, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 20, -1 x 20, -2 x 10, -4 x 10, Disabled
: The "Weasel" is a light scout BioVARG with multiple weapons hardpoints and has extremely high speed and maneuverability. Multitask systems reduce multiple action penalties by 2, while advanced sensors add +5d to all attack and awareness rolls. Stealth baffles add +3 difficulty to spot the BioVARG in action. It also possesses a psionic targeting and tracking system.
** The Ogre is coming! the Ogre is coming! Run for your life! A cybertank is a fearsome war machine, 70 tons of armor and high-endurance powerplant and firepower with no pesky crew chambers to take up space or get tired.
: '''Psionic Targeter''': When used in conjunction with a support BioVARG, a Psionic Targeter allows the support BioVARG to ignore all range penalties.
: '''2 Weapons Hardpoints''': 2 Light/Heavy Weapons.

==Assault VARGs==
=Vehicle Features=
*'''Flame Cloud:''' Strength 20 [10], Handling +2, Max Speed 60(~70 km/h), Armor 22, HLs -0 x 15/-1 x 10/-2 x 5/-4 x 5/Disabled
: The Flame Cloud is a Pacific Rim general combat VARG design with heavy armament and armor. Multitask systems reduce multiple action penalties by 1, while advanced sensors add +3d to all attack and awareness rolls. It is armed with the weapons listed below.
:'''Particle Cannon:''' Accuracy +1, Range 1,000, Damage 25L [12], AP:10, Rate 1, Magazine (inf)
:'''Missile Pod:''' Accuracy +0, Range 2,000, Damage 25L [10], Rate 9, Magazine 9, AP:10 Guided
:'''Light Autolaser:''' Accuracy +2, Range 500, Damage 13L [3], Rate 40, Magazine (inf), AP:3
:'''Ion Whip:''' Accuracy +0, Damage Strength + 5L (+5d EMP)

*'''Hellfire:''' Strength 25 [14], Handling +0, Max Speed 60 (~70 km/h), Armor 25, HLs -0 x 15/-1 x 15/-2 x 5/-4 x 5/Disabled
==Military Aircraft==
: The largest assault VARG built to date, the Hellfire bristles with energy weapons. Multitask systems reduce multiple action penalties by 2, and advanced sensors add +3d to all attack and awareness rolls. Armed exclusively with energy weapons, the Hellfire can lay down a withering barrage of fire for indefinite periods.
* '''Strike Aircraft''': Hardpoints x 6, 30mm Rotary Cannon
:'''Heavy Plasma Cannons (2):''' Accuracy +0, Range 800, Damage 30L [16], AP:12, Rate 1 (per gun), Magazine (inf)
:'''Light Autolasers (2):''' Accuracy +2, Range 500, Damage 13L [3], Rate 40, Magazine (inf), AP:3
: '''Lightning Field:''' As Immolate, but deals [6] 10L damage to all touching the VARG instead.

*'''Pulsar:''' Strength 24 [12], Handling +2, Max Speed 75 (~90 km/h), Armor 24, HLs -0 x 15/-1 x 10/-2 x 5/-4 x 5/Disabled
* '''Fighter Aircraft''': Hardpoints x 6, 20mm Rotary Cannon, Stealth (+1 difficulty to enemy awareness and attack rolls), Advanced Sensors (+1d to awareness and attack rolls, no penalties for darkness or poor vision conditions)
: Built by ClinTech for the Federated States, the Pulsar is a state of the art assault VARG. Multitask systems reduce multiple action penalties by 1, while advanced sensors add +3d to all attack and awareness rolls. It is armed with the weapons listed below.
:'''Particle Cannon:''' Accuracy +1, Range 1,000, Damage 25L [12], AP:10, Rate 1, Magazine (inf)
:'''Missile Pod:''' Accuracy +0, Range 2,000, Damage 25L [10], Rate 9, Magazine 9, AP:10 Guided
:'''Small Plasma Cannon:''' Accuracy +0, Dmg 21L [7], Range 60, Rate 15/3, Magazine (inf), Burst:5
: '''Anti-Infantry Mount''': Mounts an infantry-scale weapon (typically heavy coilgun) and fires with a dice pool of 8d including sensor bonus.

*'''Silverfish:''' Strength 26 [12], Handling +3, Max Speed 75 (~90 km/h), Armor 25, HLs -0 x 15/-1 x 15/-2 x 5/-4 x 5/Disabled, Tolerance 3
* '''Advanced Fighter''': Hardpoints x 6, 20mm Rotary Cannon, Stealth (+2 difficulty to enemy awareness and missile attack rolls), Advanced Sensors (+2d to awareness and attack rolls, no penalties for darkness or poor vision conditions), Computer Assistance (-1 multiple action penalty, +3 Initiative)
: The most common BioVARG, the silverfish is a good general purpose combatant. Multitask systems reduce multiple action penalties by 3, while advanced sensors add +3d to all attack and awareness rolls. The Pulsar has 6 hardpoint and may mount weapons as listed below:
: '''6 Weapons Hardpoints''': 6 Heavy/Light Weapons, or 1 Support weapon and 2 Heavy/Light Weapons.

==Support VARGs==
* '''Superfighter''': Hardpoints x 8, Tactical Laser, Stealth (+3 difficulty to enemy awareness and attack rolls), Advanced Sensors (+3d to awareness and attack rolls, no penalties for darkness or poor vision conditions), Computer Assistance (-2 multiple action penalty, +5 Initiative)
*'''Dragon:''' Strength 20 [10], Handling +2, Max Speed 60 (~70 km/h), Armor 22, HLs -0 x 15/-1 x 10/-2 x 5/-4 x 5/Disabled
: The Dragon is a fire-support VARG bristling with smart missiles, with minimal non-missile armament. Multitask systems reduce multiple action penalties by 1, while advanced sensors add +3d to all attack and awareness rolls. It is armed with the weapons listed below. As a special ability, it may count firing two weapons as one attack.
: '''Missile Pods (2):''' Accuracy +0, Range 2,000, Damage 25L [10], Rate 18, Magazine 18, AP:10 Guided
: '''Light Laser Cannons (2):''' Accuracy +2, Damage 15L [5], Range 750, Rate 5, Magazine (inf), AP:5, AA
: '''Coilgun MGs (2):''' Accuracy +1, Dmg 15L [4], Range 600, Rate 120/15, Magazine 1200, Burst:8, AP:4

*'''Kraken:''' Strength 30 [20], Handling +3, Max Speed 80 (~100 km/h), Armor 28, HLs -0 x 20/-1 x 20/-2 x 10/-4 x 10/Disabled, Tolerance 3x3
* '''Bomber''': Hardpoints x 20, Stealth (+2 difficulty to enemy awareness and attack rolls), Computer Assistance (-2 multiple action penalty)
: The Kraken is the largest BioVARG in existence, merely three meters tall but much wider than any other VARG, such that it has to use six legs to maintain its ground speed. The Kraken requires three crewmembers-one controls basic movement and evasion, while another controls its two support weapons, and a third controls its four defensive weapons banks. Multitask systems reduce multiple action penalties by 3, while advanced sensors add +3d to all attack and awareness rolls. It has 6 weapons hardpoints, which can carry the weapons combinations listed below.
: '''Twin Support Weapon Hardpoints''': 2 Support Weapons
: '''4 Weapons Hardpoints''': 4 Heavy or Light weapons.

* '''UCAV''': Hardpoints x 4, Stealth (+2 difficulty to enemy awareness and missile attack rolls), AI Piloted (Init 15, 6d for attack and piloting rolls before adding bonuses), Advanced Sensors (+3d to awareness and attack rolls, no penalties from poor vision conditions or darkness)
At one time during the early 21st century, it was thought that AI controlled vehicles would replace all human piloted vehicles eventually. The advent of Novas (and later Psions) made that impossible, and the Aberrant War further altered the idea of drone use. The 22nd century battlefield mostly lacks non-AI drones, as remote controlled units are too easy to hack, but AI drones with military-grade failsafes and construction have proven their worth on the battlefield. However, 'pure' AI units are still easier to hack than combinations of human mind and AI control, which has led to them staying in a support role. The main exception is Karroo, where the lack of proper electrokinetics and the limited tactical aptitude of the Chromatics have made drones an exceedingly valuable tool. Biotech drones have recently become a viable alternative to 'hardtech' drones. Using biomimetics and neurology, these drones are, owing to their noetic resonance, significantly harder to subvert via Quantum powers. Only time will tell if they can obsolete neutral-piloted vehicles.

==Military VTOLs==
There are two types of drones: '''Vehicles''', which drive around and shoot things (and therefore vehicle stat blocks), and '''Simacrula''', which have full physical abilities (and therefore use more human stat blocks). Drones have an '''AI''' rating instead of mental attributes and generally have social attribute ratings of 0. They have abilities as any character, except theirs are fixed. In the case of vehicle drones, the AI rating also doubles as their Dexterity for Drive/Pilot rolls.
* '''Attack Helicopter''': 30mm Cannon, Hardpoints x 8, Advanced Sensors (+1d to awareness and attack rolls, no penalties from poor vision conditions or darkness), Computer Assistance (-1 multiple action penalty)

If attacked via Cyberkinesis or other machine-affecting powers, drones defend with ''double'' their AI rating as a fail-safe and add an automatic success due to their heavy firewalls and anti-subversion protocols. Biodrones are treated like living beings for the purposes of quantum powers, but are not animals and are immune to plant/animal mastery. They furthermore add +2 difficulty to all attempts to interfere with their AI or damage their biocomputer (via powers such as Domination, Mental Blast, etc.) due to their nature as bioapps.
* '''Transport Helicopter''': Miniguns x 2 (one per side), Hardpoints x 4

==Scout Drones==
==Military Ground Vehicles==
*'''Scout/Attack Microdrone (Orgotek Seeker Wasp)''': Str/Dex/Sta 0/8/1, Armor 1, HLs -0 x 1/-1 x 1/Squished
* '''APC''': Light MG x 2, Vehicle Grenade Launcher x 1
Taking the form of a very large wasp, the Orgotek Seeker is intended as a recon drone with a limited attack capability coming from a flechette "stinger" and a binary self-destruct charge. The Seeker Wasp is a Miniscule creature with military-grade active camouflage, adding +4 to detection difficulties and +3 difficulty to any roll made to attack it. Its wings negate the movement speed penalty which results from being Miniscule. However, it still takes quadruple damage from non-area attacks.
: AI 1, Stealth 5, Awareness 5, Athletics 3, Firearms 2, Intrusion 2
: Stinger: Accuracy +1, Damage 4L/4L [1]/4L [2], Rng 30, RoF 36, Magazine 36, uses 3/6/12 shots
: Suicide Charge: Damage 10L [4], Exp:3

*'''Recon Bot (Banji Arachnid)''': Str/Dex/Sta 0/4/4, AI 1/Program 5, Armor 4, HLs -0 x 1/-1 x 1/-4 x 3/Wrecked
* '''ICV''': Heavy MG x 2, 30mm Cannon x 1, Hardpoints x 2 (missiles only). Alternately Heavy MG x 2, 105mm Cannon x 1
One of the smallest drones manufactured, this light and fast spiderbot is a phenomenal infiltration and recon tool.  Extremely quiet, the spiderbot can walk on ceilings, walls, and even soft mud.
: AI 1, Stealth 5, Awareness 5, Athletics 5, Computers 3, Intrusion 3

==Utility Drones==
* '''Light Tank''': Heavy MG x 2, 105mm Cannon x 1
*'''Personal Surrogate (Iris Doppleganger)''': Str/Dex/Sta 3/3/3, Armor 3, HLs -0 x 2/-1 x 2/-4 x 4/Terminated
Using biomimetic materials, a human-like skeleton, and a sophisticated AI system that allows for human-seeming behavior, personal surrogates are used for various purposes, from receptionists to appearing ''in absentia'' to sexual purposes. However, they are not actually sapient, even if they can pass a Turing test. Personal Surrogates can be built in any gender and build, with an appearance score from 1 to 6, although most standard models are generally appearance 3-4: attractive without being too implausible. Although personal surrogates are made of more durable stuff than humans, they are surprisingly fragile, and are only somewhat stronger than an average human, and therefore contraindicated for combat or hazardous environment usage.
: AI 3, Might 1, Awareness 1, Athletics 1, Etiquette 4, Style 3, Rapport 1, Computers 1, Medicine 2, up to 6 other abilities at 1 or 6 additional specialties

*'''Hardened Personal Surrogate (ClinTech XM-51 Militarized Replicant)''': Str/Dex/Sta 8/6/8, Armor 8, HLs -0 x 3/-1 x 3/-2 x 3/-4 x 2/Terminated
* '''Main Battle Tank''': Heavy MG x 2, Tank Railgun x 1. Alternately Heavy MG x 1, 120mm Cannon x 1, Vehicle Grenade Launcher x 2
: Hardened personal surrogates are reinforced variants used in situations where increased durability and superhuman physical ability are desirable. Hardened surrogates have additional armor protection, use more powerful musculature, a reinforced skeleton, and have additional self-repair ability. Hardened personal surrogates are often programmed to engage in combat, search and rescue, and other high-risk engagements. Cost-effective, they're also used quite commonly as bodyguards of the rich and famous. Like standard personal surrogates, hardened variants may be built with any gender and appearance score from 1 to 6, although they inevitably are tall and athletic in build.
: AI 4, Might 3, Brawl 3, Melee 3, Firearms 3, Heavy Weapons 3, Athletics 3, Gunnery 2, Stealth 2, Awareness 4, Computers 1, Tactics 1, Medicine 2, up to 10 dots of other abilities (up to 3 dots)

*'''Ground Utility Crawler (ClinTech Mule)''': Safe Speed 40 (32), Max Speed 60 (48), Maneuver +2, Armor 7, HLs -0 x 3/-1 x 3/-4 x 4/Wrecked
==Combat Robots==
: A simple and effective cargo hauler and utility vehicle, the Mule is designed to be remote piloted for special situations.  While it is built for rough terrain operations, it is not heavily armored or designed for weapon usage.  It includes a heavy lift manipulator arm for self loading, and similar models are common in the private sector.
* '''All Machines''': AI Piloted (Init 13, 6d for attack and maneuver rolls before adding bonuses), Advanced Sensors (+3d to awareness and attack rolls, no penalties from poor vision conditions or darkness), Remote Control Option (can be remote-controlled, uses controller's attributes)
: AI 3, Drive 2, Awareness 2

*'''Ground Tactical Crawler (ClinTech Wolfhound)''': Safe Speed 50 (40), Max Speed 80 (64), Maneuver +3, Armor 10, HLs -0 x 4/-1 x 4/-4 x 4, Wrecked
* '''Danguard''': 30mm Autocannon x 1, Vehicle Grenade Launcher x 1, Light MG x 2 (linked, both fire as one action), Anti-vehicle Vibroblade (Damage Str + 7L, AP (3)), Multitasking Computer (+2 actions/turn).
: Using their popular Mule design as a basis, ClinTech developed a mini-tank that set the standard in the field.  The AI is designed for patrol and close support, and rapidly follows commands.  The unit includes a manipulator arm, and common modifications can include riot control and bomb disposal designs.
: '''Coilgun MG''': Accuracy +1, Damage 15L [4], Range 600, Rate 120/15, Magazine 1200, Burst:8, AP:4
: AI 3, Drive 3, Gunnery 3, Awareness 3, Tactics 1

*'''Recon Flyer (Bisai Moth)''': Safe Speed 100 (80), Max Speed 200 (160), Maneuver +2, Armor 7, HLs -0 x 3/-1 x 3/-4 x 4/Wrecked
* '''Gunsen''': Vehicular Grenade Launcher x 1, Light MG x 1, Vibroblade (Damage Str + 5L, AP (2)). Alternatively, Portable Laser x 1, Light MG x 1, Vibroblade, Multitasking Computer (+1 actions/turn).
: Combining high agility and endurance for wide area recon, these are by far the most common flying drone in use.  Most large facilities that desire security have a flock of these or a similar drone available.
: AI 3, Pilot 3, Awareness 5, Stealth 3, Tactics 1, Survival 2

==Attack Drones==
* '''Cybertank''': Tank Railgun x 1, PD Masers x 2 (as Maser, may defend against missile attacks), Vehicle Grenade Launcher x 2, Multitasking Computer (+3 actions/turn)
*'''Attack Flyer (Banji Dust Devil)''': Safe Speed 150 (120), Max Speed 250 (200), Maneuver +3, AI 2/Program 4,  Armor 7, HLs -0 x 3, -1 x 3, -4 x 4, Wrecked
This light VTOL hunter-killer drone uses laser weaponry to save on weight. Generally, flocks of these drones are used to supplement infantry attacks or provide lightning fast lethal response.
:'''Continuous Beam Laser''': Accuracy +3, Damage 12L [3], Range 1000, RoF 1, Magazine (inf), AP:4
: AI 3, Pilot 3, Awareness 2, Gunnery 3, Tactics 1

=Large Vehicles=
Some people customize and hot-rod their vehicles, boosting their performance beyond a "stock" variant of such a unit. Some enhancements are listed below. A vehicle so enhanced is a Device (in Trinity terms), gaining 2 points of enhancement per dot in the background.
Some vehicles, such as wet-navy warships, hypothetical future starships, are large and relatively compartmentalized, and therefore have multiple components, which each have individual soak and health levels. These vehicles are as much terrain as they are vehicle, though, and should often be treated as such. Therefore, a unit will often be considered to be made up of multiple components, which each take "damage penalties" and have their own soak ratings and whatnot.
*'''Additional Armor''': The vehicle gains +2 armor per point of this enhancement. A vehicle may not more than double its initial soak, or for civilian vehicles, may not increase it by more than +10.
*'''Reinforced Internal Structure''': The vehicle gains 5 -0 HLs. A vehicle may not more than double its total Health Levels in such a fashion.
*'''Additional Speed (Ground)''': The vehicle gains +4 (~5 km/h) to safe speed and +8 (~10 km/h) to max speed. Vehicles may not more than double their speed.
*'''Additional Speed (Air/Space)''': The vehicle increases acceleration by +0.5 G, and adds +80 (100 km/h) to safe speed and +240 (300 km/h) to max speed. A vehicle may not more than double its speed.
*'''Additional Strength (VARG)''': A VARG gains +2[1] strength. A VARG may not gain more than +10[5] strength in this way, or double its strength/strength add, whichever is lower. Note that VARG strength ignores any automatic successes for accuracy when attacking in melee, so a VARG with 12[10] strength rolls 12d + Brawl for brawl attacks, for example.
*'''Improved Sensors''': A vehicle gives its crew +1d to Awareness rolls. This may not be bought more than twice.
*'''Improved Targeting''': A vehicle's weapons all gain +1 accuracy. This can be bought no more than twice.
*'''Improved Handling''': The vehicle gains +1 handling. A vehicle may not more than double its initial handling rating, or reduce its handling penalty to 0.
*'''Weapons Hardpoint''': The vehicle may mount 1 additional light weapon. This may not be bought more than twice.

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Revision as of 22:08, 5 October 2011

Vehicle General Errata

Safe Speed and Max Speed are in km/h. The speed in meters/combat round is given in parentheses. Maneuver is the dice bonus or penalty to any control rolls (Dex + Pilot or Dex + Drive). Armor also has a value in parentheses, which is the amount of soak given to the passenger in the event he is directly attacked. Armor soaks both bashing and lethal damage at full value. Damage penalties to vehicles affect both mounted weapons and maneuvering.

Basic Rules

Crew: Most vehicles have multiple crew, allowing them to take multiple actions without penalty. Each crewmember may take any number of actions using normal multiple action rules, allowing military vehicles to act several times in a single round without inordinate multiple action penalties. The crew use their own dice pools for their individual actions, and are often given fixed roles.

Damage: Vehicles take damage differently from humans. Vehicles ignore Stun damage, and do not take Bashing damage normally. Instead, every 2 levels of Bashing damage inflicted in an attack become 1 level of Lethal damage, rounding the conversion down. Vehicles take lethal and aggravated damage normally.

Optional Rule: Reducing High Dice Pools: Vehicle weapons and armor can achieve extremely high dice pool numbers, with munitions such as tactical nuclear weapons often requiring 90-100 dice to resolve. Similarly, novas may end up with extremely ludicrous dice pools. In this case, one may convert a portion of that pool into automatic successes. Every 10 dice in a pool becomes 4 successes (0.4 chance of success). With a relevant quality or dealing with heavy weapons that automatically reroll 10s, every 20 dice in a pool becomes 9 successes (0.4444... ~= 0.45 chance of success per die). Convert a dice pool into automatic successes until 20 dice or less are left, then roll the remainder.

Ramming: A vehicle used in a ramming attack deals damage to both it and the unfortunate target of the attack. To ram, the driver rolls Dex + Drive or Dex + Pilot at +1 difficulty, while the defender can dodge or defend however they wish. A successful ram deals a base 5B damage at Safe and 10B damage at max speed to both parties, modified by the below factors. Note that the below factors do not at all simulate the actual physics of colliding objects and are intended for drama rather than simulation.

Speed: A vehicle has a safe speed (equivalent to a character's running movement) and a max speed (equivalent to sprinting). However, unlike characters, vehicle drivers can take action normally even if moving at maximum speed.
Vehicle Scale: Multiply base damage by Scale difference (min 1, max 3). Ramming a car with a main battle tank means the tank deals (3 - 1 = 2) times damage to the car, while the car deals ( 1 - 3 = -1, which is increased to the minimum of 1) times damage.
Damage Adds: A vehicle adds a number of damage adds equal to (Scale + 2) when ramming. So the MBT adds [5] to its damage adds, while the car adds [3].
Vehicle Soak: Every 2 points of armor a vehicle has adds an additional +1B to the damage, while every 5 points of armor adds [1] to the attack's damage add-round fractional points down. So the MBT, with armor 25, adds 12B [5] to the attack damage, the car, with armor 6, adds 3B [1] to the attack damage.
Vehicle Velocity: A vehicle deals +5B [2] damage to itself and the target if its velocity is between 50 and 100 km/h, with an additional +5B [3] if its velocity is between 101 and 200 km/h, and is lethal if its velocity is above 200 km/h. If a vehicle's velocity is over 1000 km/h, add another +10L [5], and add yet another +10L [5] if the vehicle's velocity is over 5000 km/h. So the MBT, with max speed 80 (64 km/h) adds 5B [2] damage to its ramming attack.

In total, a MBT ramming a car at maximum speed inflicts (2 * 10B) + [5] + (12B [5]) + 5B [2], or 37B [12] damage to the car. The car inflicts (10B) + [3] + (3B [1]) + 5B [2] = 18B [6] damage to the tank. The tank, with Armor 25, shrugs the car off, while the car, with Armor 6 and 12 health levels, is totaled.

Ramming a target at significantly less than normal safe speed reduces this damage by ST discretion.


Vehicles have a Scale, which is an abstract measurement of their size. Scale 0 is considered to be "human" or close to human, such as motorcycles or hovercycles, while Scale 1 would be a car or the like. Each Scale level is approximately 10 times the mass and twice the length/width/height of the previous scale. Scale increases the difficulty of a vehicle's weapons to acquire smaller targets and the vehicle's ability to evade smaller targets, but makes the attacks of smaller foes decreasingly relevant. It is possible for a character to have a Scale above 0, but this is relatively rare.

Scale 0: Human, motorcycle, personal transporter (less than 200 kg)
Scale 1: Compact Car, Powered Suit, Skimmer (~0.2-1t)
Scale 2: Normal Cars, Trucks, Mecha, Assault Skimmer (1.1-10t)
Scale 3: Main Battle Tank, Small Passenger Aircraft, Fighter (11-100t)
Scale 4: Spaceplane, Jumbo Jet (101-1000t)
Scale 5: Light Corvette, Small Frigate (1001-10,000t)
Scale 6: Naval Destroyer, Naval Cruiser (10,100t - 100,000 t)
Scale 7: Battleship, Aircraft Carrier (101,000-1 million t)
Scale 8: (1 million-10 million tons)
Scale 9: Space Station (10.1 - 100 million tons)
Scale 10: (101 million - 1 billion tons)

The number of dodge successes a vehicle achieves is divided by its own Scale minus the Scale of the attacker, with a minimum divisor of 1. So for example, if a main battle tank (Scale 3) is attempting to evade a Nova's attack (Scale 0), every 3 successes on the Dex + Drive roll become 1 dodge success. The tank will generally have better luck standing and slugging it out rather than trying to dodge, although dodging may still allow it to evade marginal attacks. Note that Scale does not affect other defenses, such as power block, "parrying" with point defense, and so on.

Attack Difficulties
The number of attack successes a vehicle rolls is divided by its own Scale minus the Scale of the attacker. If the Scale 3 tank shot back at the Nova, every 3 successes on the gunner's Perception + Gunnery roll become 1 attack success, allowing the Nova to evade the attack much more easily. This is why most vehicles have secondary weaponry which allows for effective engagement of smaller targets. This is only used for direct attack-when firing indirectly, one net success is the sole requirement for placing a shell wherever you want, making area attacks and explosive ordinance a godsend for engaging small targets.

Called Shots
Larger targets have larger weakpoints that are easier to hit, and are much easier to hit at range than smaller ones. If a smaller combatant fires upon a larger one, he may subtract the difference in Scale from the attack's final difficulty. The final difficulty of an attack is capped at a minimum of 0, and this does not subtract from the target's successes on defensive rolls such as dodging, parrying, or power use.

Increased Firepower
Larger assets deal a lot more damage, and a precise hit from a heavy weapon inflicts a lot more damage than one from a handgun or rifle. The bonus damage from additional successes on the attack roll is multiplied by the attacker's Scale (so a tank deals +3 damage per additional success, up to +15, for example).

Reduced Vulnerability
Particularly large vehicles are much more resistant to relative pinpricks. A battleship will barely notice anti-tank missiles, and riddling a jumbo jet with bullets is unlikely to impair it, even though the jumbo jet isn't even remotely bulletproof. If an attack comes from a source at least 2 Scale levels smaller (so shooting a rifle at a car, for example), the attack's final damage is halved, rounded down. If an attack comes from a source at least 4 Scale levels smaller (shooting 40mm grenades or anti-tank missiles at a frigate), no matter how much damage the attack rolls, the attack may only deal a single health level of damage. This allows large, fragile objects, such as blimps, to soak up surprising amounts of damage via their sheer size.


Fast-Tracking Weapons [X]
Anti-infantry and point-defense weapons are most commonly fast-tracking, which allows them to engage much smaller targets. These weapons reduce the Scale of the mounting vehicle for the purposes of attacking with those weapons only by [X], so a weapon with Fast-Tracking [2] reduces the Scale of the mounting vehicle by 2, down to 0. This does not reduce damage.

Area attacks or Explosive attacks affect a larger area, therefore simultaneously making them easier to aim at smaller targets and more capable of affecting large targets. Every point of Area rating increases an attack's effective Scale by 1 for purposes of dealing damage, and decreases an attack's effective Scale by 1 for purposes of targeting smaller foes.

Damage Adds
Damage Adds increase the relative scale of an attack, as they symbolize an attack with extreme and overwhelming power, such as an anti-tank missile, battleship shell, or the like. An attack with damage adds increases its effective Scale by 1 for purposes of dealing damage as long as the attack's damage adds are greater than or equal to the target's (Scale X 3).


  • Compact Car: Safe Speed 75 (60), Max Speed 150 (120), Maneuver +0, Passengers 3, Armor 6, Scale 1, HLs -0 x 2, -1 x 4, -2 x 4, -4 x 2, Wrecked
    • A compact car is a cheap and efficient method to transport a family, but is rather vulnerable to gatling gun fire and antitank missiles, making it a poor vehicle choice for most PCs. The car's body and engine block give
  • Midsize Car: Safe Speed 75 (60), Max Speed 250 (200), Maneuver +1, Passengers 4, Armor 8, Scale 2, HLs -0 x 3, -1 x 4, -2 x 4, -4 x 3, Wrecked
    • Midsized cars can carry an average family of 4 in decent comfort.
  • Large Car: Safe Speed 75 (60), Max Speed 200 (160), Maneuver +0, Passengers 5, Armor 8, Scale 2, HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
    • Large town cars are stylish and tasteful ways to show wealth and power! And with a hypercombustion engine or fuel cell, they aren't even bad for the environment anymore.
  • Sports Car: Safe Speed 150 (120), Max Speed 300 (240), Maneuver +2, Passengers 0-2, Armor 7, Scale 1, HLs -0 x 2, -1 x 4, -2 x 4, -4 x 2, Wrecked
    • If you need to get somewhere fast but can't afford a helicopter you probably want one of these.

Trucks and Bikes

  • Motorcycle: Safe Speed 50 (40), Max Speed 150 (120), Maneuver +2, Passengers 0-1, Armor 4, Scale 0, HLs -0 x 2, -1 x 4, -2 x 4, -4 x 1, Wrecked
    • The preferred transportation for advanced robot assassins, bad boys, and other ne-er-do-wells, a motorcycle is lightweight and maneuverable but provides negligible protection to the operator.
  • Small Truck: Safe Speed 50 (40), Max Speed 150 (120), Maneuver -1, Passengers 2, Armor 8, Scale 2, HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
    • Small trucks carry cargo. An entire range of vehicles, from larger pickup trucks to small 6x6 wheeled trucks fall into this category.
  • Large Truck: Safe Speed 50 (40), Max Speed 150 (120), Maneuver -2, Passengers 2, Armor 10, Scale 2, HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
    • Large trucks are much larger and tend to pull several tons' worth of cargo behind them. They are in a very real way critical to commerce, and in an emergency make decent kinetic weapons when barreling towards someone at full speed.

Civilian Aviation

  • Small Prop Plane: Safe Speed 220 (175), Max Speed 650 (520), Maneuver +1, Passengers 4, Armor 6, Scale 2, HLs -0 x 4, -1 x 6, -2 x 6, -4 x 4, Crashed
    • A small prop plane is a small civilian aircraft, little more than a toy. That said, they can land almost anywhere and are relatively cheap.
  • Large Prop Plane: Safe Speed 540 (430), Max Speed 760 (600), Maneuver -2, Passengers 40, Armor 8, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 6, -1 x 8, -2 x 8, -4 x 6, Crashed
    • Larger prop planes have more commercial applications but tend to be slightly less convenient.
  • Small Jet Aircraft: Safe Speed 600 (480), Max Speed 900 (720), Maneuver +1, Passengers 6, Armor 6, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 6, -1 x 8, -2 x 8, -4 x 6, Crashed
    • A personal jet is a necessity for any globetrotting multimillionaire.
  • Jumbo Jet: Safe Speed 600 (480), Max Speed 900 (720), Maneuver -5, Passengers 300, Armor 9, Scale 4, HLs -0 x 20, -1 x 20, -2 x 10, -3 x 10, -4 x 10, Crashed
    • And for the rest of us, you have large air transport which is good at several things: 1. Carrying lots of people across long distances with a minimum of comfort, and 2. Becoming an impromptu cruise missile at the hands of someone sufficiently crazy.
  • Civilian Helicopter: Safe Speed 200 (160), Max Speed 400 (320), Maneuver +3, Passengers 4, Armor 6, Scale 2, HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 5, -2 x 3, -4 x 3, Destroyed
    • Civilian helicopters combine the convenience of a military helicopter with the legality of a thing that isn't bristling with dangerous weapons, and are fast and maneuverable, if fuel-inefficient, methods of getting from Point A to Point B no matter how rough the terrain at Point B is.

Military Aircraft

  • Strike Aircraft: Safe Speed 600 (480), Max Speed 1000 (800), Maneuver +3, Passengers 0, Armor 15, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 10, -2 x 10, -4 x 5, Eject!
    • Strike Aircraft are (relatively) heavily armored aircraft designed for CAS, armed with heavy rotary cannon and a variety of very deadly missiles.
  • Fighter Aircraft: Safe Speed 1000 (800), Max Speed 2500 (2000), Maneuver +3, Passengers 0, Armor 9, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Eject!
    • They might be old, but venerable fighter aircraft with proper updates can still put up a pretty impressive fight at an eminently affordable price point. That is, affordable to the average nation-state, not a single person.
  • Advanced Fighter: Safe Speed 1000 (800), Max Speed 3000 (2400), Maneuver +4, Passengers 0, Armor 9, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Eject!
    • Later-generation fighters designed and built in the late 20th and early 21st centuries are common in the arsenals of large power blocs such as the EU, China, and the United States, combining speed, maneuverability, firepower, and defenses to create deadly birds of prey.
  • Superfighter: Safe Speed 1500 (1200), Max Speed 4500 (3600), Maneuver +5, Passengers 0, Armor 9, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Eject!
    • These cutting edge prototype designs are often the brainchildren of Nova designers, combining bleeding-edge electronics and materials science to create flying supercomputers with the combat effectiveness of an entire fighter squadron and a comparable price point.
  • Bomber: Safe Speed 1000 (800), Max Speed 2000 (1600), Maneuver -3, Crew 4, Armor 10, Scale 4, HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 10, -2 x 10, -4 x 5, Eject!
    • Bombers find themselves assigned to the role of carrying large amounts of ordinance and dispensing it with varying amounts of discrimination on various countries.
  • UCAV: Safe Speed 600 (480), Max Speed 1000 (800), Maneuver +3, Passengers 0, Armor 9, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Destroyed
    • Cutting-edge in 2021, UCAVs are fully autonomous strike aircraft. They're still kind of dumb right now, but as science advances by leaps and bounds they are becoming more and more capable of performing even complex maneuvers successfully.

Military VTOLs

  • Attack Helicopter: Safe Speed 250 (200), Max Speed 450 (360), Maneuver +3, Passengers 0, Armor 18, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Destroyed
    • Gunships carry an autocannon and a variety of rockets and missiles into combat, generally performing strike missions or escorting transport helicopters.
  • Transport Helicopter: Safe Speed 200 (160), Max Speed 400 (320), Maneuver +0, Passengers 10, Armor 15, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Destroyed
    • There are few better ways to move a bunch of light infantry into combat fast, but transport helicopters tend to be vulnerable to AA weapons. Lightly armed for clearing landing zones, transport helicopters can engage lighter foes with some success but their pilots prefer to not deal with hot LZs.

Military Ground Vehicles

  • APC: Safe Speed 30 (24), Max Speed 60 (48), Maneuver -2, Passengers 10, Armor 18, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 10, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
    • APCs are wheeled or tracked armored vehicles with light self-defense armament intended to increase the mobility of infantry.
  • Infantry Combat Vehicle: Safe Speed 50 (40), Max Speed 80 (64), Maneuver -3, Passengers 7, Armor 20, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 15, -1 x 10, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
    • IFVs are upgunned APCs, trading some infantry capacity for additional firepower and armor.
  • Light Tank: Safe Speed 50 (40), Max Speed 100 (80), Maneuver -2, Passengers 0, Armor 18, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 15, -1 x 10, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
    • Light tanks are smaller tanks, used as tracked reconnaissance vehicles, skirmishers, or airmobile armor.
  • Main Battle Tank: Safe Speed 50 (40), Max Speed 80 (64), Maneuver -3, Passengers 0, Armor 25, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 15, -1 x 10, -2 x 10, -4 x 10, Wrecked
    • The pinnacle of the armored combat vehicle, your average MBT is fast, incredibly tough, and armed with enough firepower to smash just about anything in its way.

Combat Robots

  • Danguard: Safe Speed 30 (24), Max Speed 50 (40), Maneuver +1, Passengers 0, Armor 20, Scale 2, HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Disabled
    • Built by Kuro-Tek originally and with similar designs coming off the assembly lines of a half-dozen companies, these large and heavy combat robots have Strength 16 [4] due to their massive musculature, and have arms and legs, allowing them to make hand to hand combat maneuvers.
  • Gunsen: Safe Speed 30 (24), Max Speed 60 (48), Maneuver +2, Passengers 0, Armor 12, Scale 1, HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 3, -2 x 2, -4 x 2, Disabled
    • A much smaller design, the Gunsen is barely 2 meters tall and masses only about a half-ton. Much weaker and more lightly armed than its bigger brother, the Gunsen is often used for internal security. The Gunsen's fast-contracting artificial muscle reduces multiple action penalties by 2, and its artificial muscles have Strength 10.
  • Cybertank: Safe Speed 60 (48), Max Speed 90 (72), Maneuver -2, Passengers 0, Armor 35, Scale 3, HLs -0 x 20, -1 x 20, -2 x 10, -4 x 10, Disabled
    • The Ogre is coming! the Ogre is coming! Run for your life! A cybertank is a fearsome war machine, 70 tons of armor and high-endurance powerplant and firepower with no pesky crew chambers to take up space or get tired.

Vehicle Features

Military Aircraft

  • Strike Aircraft: Hardpoints x 6, 30mm Rotary Cannon
  • Fighter Aircraft: Hardpoints x 6, 20mm Rotary Cannon, Stealth (+1 difficulty to enemy awareness and attack rolls), Advanced Sensors (+1d to awareness and attack rolls, no penalties for darkness or poor vision conditions)
  • Advanced Fighter: Hardpoints x 6, 20mm Rotary Cannon, Stealth (+2 difficulty to enemy awareness and missile attack rolls), Advanced Sensors (+2d to awareness and attack rolls, no penalties for darkness or poor vision conditions), Computer Assistance (-1 multiple action penalty, +3 Initiative)
  • Superfighter: Hardpoints x 8, Tactical Laser, Stealth (+3 difficulty to enemy awareness and attack rolls), Advanced Sensors (+3d to awareness and attack rolls, no penalties for darkness or poor vision conditions), Computer Assistance (-2 multiple action penalty, +5 Initiative)
  • Bomber: Hardpoints x 20, Stealth (+2 difficulty to enemy awareness and attack rolls), Computer Assistance (-2 multiple action penalty)
  • UCAV: Hardpoints x 4, Stealth (+2 difficulty to enemy awareness and missile attack rolls), AI Piloted (Init 15, 6d for attack and piloting rolls before adding bonuses), Advanced Sensors (+3d to awareness and attack rolls, no penalties from poor vision conditions or darkness)

Military VTOLs

  • Attack Helicopter: 30mm Cannon, Hardpoints x 8, Advanced Sensors (+1d to awareness and attack rolls, no penalties from poor vision conditions or darkness), Computer Assistance (-1 multiple action penalty)
  • Transport Helicopter: Miniguns x 2 (one per side), Hardpoints x 4

Military Ground Vehicles

  • APC: Light MG x 2, Vehicle Grenade Launcher x 1
  • ICV: Heavy MG x 2, 30mm Cannon x 1, Hardpoints x 2 (missiles only). Alternately Heavy MG x 2, 105mm Cannon x 1
  • Light Tank: Heavy MG x 2, 105mm Cannon x 1
  • Main Battle Tank: Heavy MG x 2, Tank Railgun x 1. Alternately Heavy MG x 1, 120mm Cannon x 1, Vehicle Grenade Launcher x 2

Combat Robots

  • All Machines: AI Piloted (Init 13, 6d for attack and maneuver rolls before adding bonuses), Advanced Sensors (+3d to awareness and attack rolls, no penalties from poor vision conditions or darkness), Remote Control Option (can be remote-controlled, uses controller's attributes)
  • Danguard: 30mm Autocannon x 1, Vehicle Grenade Launcher x 1, Light MG x 2 (linked, both fire as one action), Anti-vehicle Vibroblade (Damage Str + 7L, AP (3)), Multitasking Computer (+2 actions/turn).
  • Gunsen: Vehicular Grenade Launcher x 1, Light MG x 1, Vibroblade (Damage Str + 5L, AP (2)). Alternatively, Portable Laser x 1, Light MG x 1, Vibroblade, Multitasking Computer (+1 actions/turn).
  • Cybertank: Tank Railgun x 1, PD Masers x 2 (as Maser, may defend against missile attacks), Vehicle Grenade Launcher x 2, Multitasking Computer (+3 actions/turn)

Large Vehicles

Some vehicles, such as wet-navy warships, hypothetical future starships, are large and relatively compartmentalized, and therefore have multiple components, which each have individual soak and health levels. These vehicles are as much terrain as they are vehicle, though, and should often be treated as such. Therefore, a unit will often be considered to be made up of multiple components, which each take "damage penalties" and have their own soak ratings and whatnot.