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-1 Fuel Hog<br>
-1 Fuel Hog<br>
====Civilian Shipping and Logistics====
=====Civilian Shipping and Logistics=====
Total Upkeep: 32 Supply, 120 He3
Total Upkeep: 32 Supply, 120 He3

Revision as of 14:35, 10 July 2008

System Info
World Name: Messier
Map ID: White 25
Surface Gravity: 11.2 m/s2
Climate: Desert
Atmosphere: Neon-CO2, 121 kPa


16.8 million
Population Breakdown: 99.9% augmented
Capital: Landing One
Type of Power: Independent Enclave
Wealth: 105 + 84
Industry: 419
Domestic He3: 200 + 346 (deliveries)

Strategic Resources:

100 Delta Dust
50 Condensates
35 Hyperglions
35 Computronium

National Overview

As Of January 2195

Genre: Creepy Cyborgs :|

Head of State: 

Head of Government: Not Applicable

Government: Networked Intellect

Political Affiliation

  • Pac-Am: Allied
  • EU: Neutral
  • Sino-Russian Arm: Neutral
  • Rim Powers: Neutral
  • ZOCU: Cold


Medium Shipyards (Free)
Obermensch (15 SP): Being merely human is a death sentence on Adhara. Everyone has been enhanced to a massive degree to merely survive on the planet.
Mecha Factories (10 SP)
Impractical Engineering (20 SP): Although the incredible machines built by these processes are inefficient, the low population of Adhara makes any qualitative advantage necessary to offset their quantitative disadvantage.
Environmental Adaptation (10 SP): The Adharans have made the requisite adaptations to survive extremely hostile environments to their bodies, giving them a sizable edge in many ways over the unaugmented and less-augmented.
Cyberize (10 SP): The original founders of the colony included several leading Russian cybernetics experts, as well as many with transhuman tendencies, including those of Force XXI. The harsh environment has further nurtured them, to the point where the lightly augmented ( > 50% of birth body remaining) make up less than ten percent of the colony's population.
Compuphile (15 SP): Low population and a significant amount of AI research have made AI-controlled drones a common staple of Adharan military, industrial, and civilian life.
Advanced Technology (75 SP): The Collective has stepped closer and closer to the edge of singularity than many other powers have, and their technological base has been very thankful for it. Cognitive enhancement technologies have begotten generations of genius researchers.
Deep Core Mining (15 SP): Adhara is, although hostile, incredibly rich in strategically useful resources. The white dwarf in the binary star system is an excellent source of exotic matter usable in computer systems and also a different form usable for reactionless drives.
Crossing the Line: USA (Free): A significant portion of Adhara's original administration were members of the United States military Task Force 21, originally created in the 1990s to evaluate and integrate electronics into warfare. The most extremely augmented members of the US military, the growing anti-transhuman swell led them to leave as soon as it was feasible, and a significant portion ended up on the last wormholes, many of them ending up on Adhara. After contact was reestablished, it was only natural that they would still feel something for their birth country.


Access To Information Act (+10 SP): Given the networking and lack of respect for privacy of any sort that the Adhara Collective has, it is impossible to keep anything truly secret here.
Helium Disconnect (+35 SP): A very significant portion of Adhara's helium-3 supply is being fed into the posthuman automated terraforming systems that have rendered Adhara semi-livable. If this was to be cut off, it would be a matter of weeks, months at most, before the planet regressed to a state where even the highly augmented Adharans would be incapable of living on it.
Active Terraforming (+15 SP): 173 He3/month used
Untrust Funds (+20 SP): The Adharan collective is, by default, unequipped to generate a flow of wealth or expand businesses-it is more akin to an insect hive than a society. Although there is still some degree of credit flow, the communistic nature of the Collective greatly hampers normal economic growth.
Environmental Trainwreck (+10 SP): The planet they live on has average temperatures in the 90 degree celcius range at daytime, no naturally occuring water whatsoever, a very oxygen-poor atmosphere, gravity 20% higher than Earth's norm... and this is after a century of work. Fairly wishful estimates say that the atmosphere should be breathable within 25 years.


The Adharan collective are descended from three disparate groups: American geneticists and military units, Russian cybernetics researchers, and Middle Eastern refugees, who due to some alliances of convenience were sent through a longshot wormhole to their destination. They wanted a paradise of their own, like many colonists. What they got was not it. On the other hand, natural resources were abundant, the cornucopias worked, and with some hard work and grit they might just be able to make something livable out of it. Genetic splicing created hardy lichens that could live in the toxic atmosphere and produce oxygen and food, cyberneticists worked day and night to design augmentations for the citizenry to survive the planet surface, and everyone generally worked as hard as they possibly could to survive. The moment they stepped onto the surface of the planet and left the staging colonies in orbit was a day of celebration-and the only holiday celebrated by the Adharans now.

It was a harsh existence, but it meant that the disparate groups had little chance to grow apart, and that they had to wholeheartedly embrace transhuman philosophy for anything more than a mean existence beneath the surface in airtight caverns. Even today there are debates on whether or not this was intentional, or if their placement was a mistake that the posthumans merely didn't feel necessary to correct. But as years trundled along, bodies were enhanced for greater and greater environmental resistance. Less and less of them remained human-many started giving up their ability to reproduce with baseline humanity to gain access to more of the world as well as to better survive in the event of an accident. Even the few who still kept semi-human bodies started requiring massive genetic hacks to reproduce with normal mankind-in many biological definitions, they were no longer the same species that they had been when they first set foot on the planet's soil. Adharans started thinking of their new state as a permanent change rather than a temporary inconvenience, and as attitudes changed, the Adhara Republic died and the Adhara Collective was born. The name was officially changed in 2120, and at that point there were even more drastic changes made.

Adharans, at birth, now are implanted with wireless interfacing and additional communications equipment. Neurological augmentation is a given for every Adharan nowadays, and although they still have individuality, it is not uncommon for a citizen of the Collective to talk about another one in the first person, or for "dead" personalities to be resurrected, reconstructed by the memories of everyone he, she, or it has touched. There are no longer any who could be considered homo sapiens sapiens in the collective, but every Adharan still considers him or herself human. The Core Worlds would disagree, though, and the war between the UN and the ZOCU gave incentive for the Adharan Collective to take the voices calling for their dissolution seriously, modernizing the few defensive units they possessed into a fully functional military force. It also gave them something to do in the meantime with industry instead of futilely trying to terraform their hellhole-build arms to fight wars by proxy. Although it sold to both sides in the war, the majority of sales were to Independents or ZOCU states.

Currently, the Adharans are one of the members of the Progressive Transhuman Coalition, for obvious reasons. They are, strangely enough, at least in part the voice of moderation, due to their semi-close association with the Core in the ZOCU-Core war. Their policies and actions are mostly political. Although the Adharans deny any use of military force to assist the PTC and its goals, there have been some evidence of Special Warfare Arm interventions in anti-transhuman Rim Worlds and against the terrorist group December 23. This evidence tends to be limited enough and spotty enough, though, that the Adharans have never acknowledged one of these operations, and so far most nations have found it quite convenient to ignore these "interventions", never investigating them in earnest.



Adhara, being a networked groupmind, generally tends to have few subjects there is critical disagreement on. The last subject there was significant internal disagreement on was the 2187 ZOCU-Core war, where a significant minority of the population supported throwing their lot in with ZOCU. This minority has shrunken and gotten significantly quieter as the years have gone by, though, at least in part because of ZOCU coming off as the losers of the war.

Dramatis Personae


Strategic Resource Stockpile

  • B-Titanium: 100
  • Computronium: 105
  • Condensates: 20
  • Delta Dust: 200
  • Hepatizon: 90
  • Hyperglions: 165
  • Iotimiline: 90
  • Metamaterials: 160
  • Monopoles: 730
  • Rhenium: 100
  • Sakuradite: 30
  • Xenomorphs: 18

Level 2 and 3 Strategic Resource Stockpile

  • Drexlers: 110
  • Stable Monopoles: 175
  • Theta Dust: 80

Units in Service

All units Tech Level 4 unless stated otherwise.

Special Warfare Arm

The Black Operations units of the Collective are modified for the ability to withstand prolonged periods of loss of communication with others, making them, as a rule, generally incredibly abnormal as far as the collective's military forces go. Most of them are borderline sociopathic, psychologically and physiologically modified to deal with being alone after decades of constant communication with others.

Total Upkeep: 2 Supply

1 "Wraith" Special Combat Unit (Experimental Special Operation Force)
Adharan Special Warfare teams sometimes need their own soldiers. Wraiths are those soldiers. Wraiths are intended for silent operations, where firepower and armor are less useful than stealth, but they can hold their own in a fight.
Unit Cost: 180 IP, 10 pts Hyperglions, 10 pts Metamaterials
Unit upkeep: 1 supply
+1 Infiltration Training
+1 Exfiltration Training
+1 Thermoptic Cloaking (Stealth): 10 pts Metamaterials/force
+2 (1 slotfree) Cybernetics
+1 (slotfree) ACE System: 10 pts hyperglions/force
+1 (slotfree) Urban Combat Training
+0 Desert Combat Adaptation

1 "Zombie" Special Combat Unit (Experimental Special Operation Force)
Zombies are modified Wraith units, designed for open combat. Extremely heavily enhanced, equipped with advanced armor and shielding, and loaded with advanced technology, they are incredibly expensive but also immensely deadly.
Unit Cost: 240 IP, 10 pts Hyperglions, 10 pts Sakuradite, 10 pts Protoplasma
Unit upkeep: 1 supply
+1 Spatial Displacers (Teleporters): 10 Theta Dust/force
+1 Penetrator Mag Rails (Weapons): 10 sakuradite/force
+1 Regenerative Armor (Armor): 10 protoplasma/force
+1 Personal Point Defense/Shielding (Active Defenses): 10 Hepatizon/force
+2 (1 slotfree) Cybernetics
+1 (slotfree) ACE System: 10 pts hyperglions/force
+1 (slotfree) Urban Combat Training
+3 (slotfree) Systems Integration
+0 Desert Combat Adaptation

4 Network Guardians (Spies)
Unit Cost: 30 WU
+1 Counterespionage

6 Spy Rings
Unit Cost: 20 WU

3 "Wet Works" Spy Networks
Unit Cost: 50 WU
+1 infiltration
+1 espionage
+1 exfiltration

1 "Advanced Wet Works" Spy Network
Unit Cost: 60 WU
+1 infiltration
+2 espionage
+1 exfiltration

Ground Combat Arm (Infantry)

Adharan infantry, similar to its special warfare arm, are generally top-notch in quality and capability. However, due to the need for numbers, expendable drones are often fielded autonomously in networked battalions, as they can be used in high-risk operations without any need for loss of Adharan or allied life.

Total Upkeep: 61 Supply

10 "Negator" Elite Infantry Batallions
Unit Cost: 45 IP, 5 B-Titanium, 5 Sakuradite
Unit upkeep: 2 supply
Elite Adharan soldiers deployed for frontline combat, Negators are well equipped for high-intensity warfare. Normally, they would be deployed with Renouncers as support.
+1 Reflex Boosted (Fast Tracking)
+1 Hybrid Armor Mesh (Armor): 5 B-Titanium/unit
+1 Penetrator Mag Rails (Weapons): 5 Sakuradite/unit
+1 Personal Point Defense (Active Defenses)
+1 (slotfree) Urban Combat Training
+1 (slotfree) Cybernetics
+1 (slotfree) AI Support
+0 Desert Combat Adaptatation

31 "Renouncer" Military Spiderdrone Swarms (Foot Infantry)
Unit Cost: 5 IP, 1 Computronium
Unit upkeep: 1 supply
Designed to provide a (relatively) inexpensive counter to other powers' infantry, the spiderdrones are inexpensive and expendable, and their light weaponry is effective enough.
+1 (slotfree) Full AI Control: 1 Computronium/unit
+1 CARLAM Armor Mesh (Armor)
+1 Light Mag Rails (Weapons)
+0 Desert Combat Adaptation

10 "Renouncer Prime" Military Spiderdrone Swarms (Foot Infantry)
Unit Cost: 8 IP, 1 Computronium, 1 B-Titanium
Unit upkeep: 1 supply
A more advanced version of the standard Renouncer, these units are much heavier but more capable in all respects.
+1 Light Mag Rails (Weapons)
+1 Hybrid Armor Mesh (Armor): 1 B-Titanium/unit
+1 Mobility
+1 Melee Weapons
+1 (slotfree) Full AI Control: 1 Computronium/unit
+1 (slotfree) Urban Combat Adaptation
+0 Desert Combat Adaptation

Ground Combat Arm (Armor)

Total Upkeep: 83 Supply

5 "Bishop" Recon Skimmers
Unit Cost: 8 IP
Unit upkeep: 2 supply
A unmanned reconnaissance vehicle, the Bishops are only marginally combat-effective, but excellent at flushing out ambushes.
+1 Sentinel Active Probe (Sensors)
+1 Light Mag Rails (Weapons)

1 "Omar Prime" Command Strider Unit: 180 IP, 30 computronium, 30 B-Titanium/battalion, 500 draft
Unit upkeep: 15 supply
Used to command ground forces, the Omar Prime is given a highly enhanced network node at its core and enhanced armor.
+1 Network Node (Command) +30 Computronium
+1 Denouncer ECM Suite (ECM)
+1 Superdense Lattice Armor (Armor): 30 B-Titanium
+1 Heavy Mag Rails (Weapons)

2 "Omar" Strider Battalions: 150 IP/battalion (300 IP, 500 draft)
Unit upkeep: 15 supply
Heavy armor support, these hexapedal vehicles are used in lieu of tanks by the Adharans.
+1 Heavy Mag Rails (Weapons)
+1 Depleted Uranium Carapace (Armor)
+1 ECM

14 "Mule" AI Utility Vehicle Battalions (Truck Mobilization): 5 IP/unit (70 IP total)
A supply vehicle and sensors unit, the Mules are cheap, reliable, and useful in many situations.
Unit Upkeep: 2 supply
+2 (1 slotfree) Full AI
+1 Sentinel Active Probe (sensors)

Tactical Aerospace Combat Arm

Total Upkeep: 94 Supply, 146 He3

The Tactical Aerospace arm of the military is bare-bones, as the prevailing military doctrine uses mobile suits and orbital frames for almost all combat roles. Recently, several acquisitions have been made of more dedicated weaponry.

20 "Apis" Multirole UCAV flights
Designed for multirole defensive use, the Apis UAV is a fairly expensive drone aircraft, intended to counteract stealth aerospace units and reconnaisance with a combination of advanced sensors and jamming.
Unit Cost: 10 IP
Unit Upkeep: 1 supply, 1 He3
Requires 2 DP/unit
+1 Boosters
+1 Weapons
+1 Degrader ECM Suite (ECM)
+1 Sentinel Active Probe (Sensors)
-1 High Profile

10 "Alastor" UAV flights
Cheap disposable UAV units, the Alastors are designed mostly for expendable reconnaissance.
Unit Cost: 4 IP
Unit Upkeep: 1 Supply, 1 He3
Requires 2 DP/unit

10 "Apocrita" Fighters
Unit Cost: 16 IP
Unit Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3
Requires 4 DP/unit

4 F-87 "Hellcat" Fighters
Unit Cost: 32 IP
Unit Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3
Requires 4 DP/unit
+1 Agility
+1 Fusion Microthrusters

2 R/AV-25 "Hopi" Gunship Flights
Unit Cost: 30 IP, 5 Metamaterials, 5 Condensates
Unit Upkeep: 4 Supply, 2 He3
Requires 4 DP/unit
+1 Metamaterial Electronic Conceal System
+1 Smart Missiles
+1 Sensors
+1 Low-Observability Condensate Drive

Multirole Combat Arm

Total Upkeep: 360 Supply, 790 He3

The multirole combat arm consists of mobile suits and frames, which are capable of operation in virtually any environment. Designed for versatility, the original project to build these, Project Shanameh, succeeded admirably, although the end result was highly expensive. Most Adharan mecha forces are extremely high quality but low in quantity, although less-expensive mobile suits are employed to shore up these number woes.

5 "Afrasiab-III" Orbital Frames
Unit Cost: 105 IP, 15 Condensates, 15 Computronium
Unit Upkeep: 4 Supply, 10 He3
Requires 4 DP/Unit
Mass Production variants of the Afrasiab are somewhat less capable but also much less expensive.
+1 Degrader ECM Suite (ECM): 15 computronium/unit
+1 Blink Reactionless Drive (Boosters): 15 Condensates/unit
+1 Dispersion Fields (Shields)
+1 Armageddon Wave Cannon(Weapons)
+1 (slotfree) Heavily Automated

2 "Afrasiab-IV" Orbital Frames
Unit Cost: 105 IP, 15 Condensates, 15 Rhenium
4 Supply, 10 He3 Upkeep, requires 4 DP
105 IP cost/unit, 15 Condensates, 15 Rhenium
+1 Perforator Linac Rifle (Rhenium Weapons)
+1 Carbon-Laminate Armor
+1 Grav Shields
+1 Blink Reactionless Drive (Boosters): 15 Condensates/unit
+1 (slotfree) AI Assistance

3 "Fereydun" Orbital Frames
Unit Cost: 90 IP, 15 Condensates, 15 Hyperglions
Unit Upkeep: 4 Supply, 10 He3
Requires 4 DP/Unit
An anti-shipping OF design, the Fereydun is built around the Afrasiab frame but is much more specialized.
+1 Anti-Shipping Weapons
+1 Armageddon Wave Cannon (Weapons)
+1 Blink Reactionless Drive (Boosters): 15 Condensates/unit
+1 (slotfree) ACE System: 15 Hyperglions

15 "Salm" Orbital Frames
Unit Cost: 30 IP
Unit Upkeep: 4 Supply, 10 He3
Requires 4 DP/Unit
Salms are barebones OFs designed to be refit later to more advanced standards, if it becomes necessary.
+1 Fo/Fi Drive
-1 High Profile

1 "Dahaka Prime" Super Mobile Armor
Unit Cost: 1000 IP, 125 Condensates, 125 Hyperglions
Unit Upkeep: 40 Supply, 100 He3
Requires 1 Docking Collar
The Dahaka is a proof-of-concept demonstrator for the "super mobile armor" concept, recently built and fielded. Inordinately expensive, it's yet to be seen if its capability matches its cost.
+1 Dual Apocalypse Wave Cannons (Weapons)
+1 CARLAM Lattice Armor (Armor)
+1 Janusoptic Laser Array (Active Defenses)
+1 Mirage Reactionless Drive (Boosters): 125 condensates
+1 (slotfree) Heavily Automated
+1 (slotfree) ACE System: 125 hyperglions

1 "Siamak Primus" EW Mobile Suit
Unit Cost: 100 IP
Unit Upkeep: 2 Supply, 4 He3
Requires 2 DP/Unit
Advanced Fleet Coordination designs, the Primus variant has enhanced sensors and EW gear. To decrease their vulnerability somewhat armor has been increased and an extensive defensive EW suite added, but maneuverability has been sacrificed.
AWACS: x5 Cost
+1 Network Node (Command)
+1 ECM Suite
+1 CARLAM Lattice Armor (Armor)

25 "Sir K" SR-K Mobile Suits: 16 IP/unit
Unit Cost: 16 IP
Unit Upkeep: 2 Supply, 4 He3
Requires 2 DP/Unit
+1 120mm Railguns
+1 Composite Armor

34 "Siamak" MP Mobile Suits
Unit cost: 12 IP
Unit Upkeep: 2 Supply, 4 He3
Requires 2 DP/unit
The Siamak are a cheaper spinoff result of Project Shanameh, designed for easier battlefield deployment. Comparable (although superior) to the ZOCU Hoplite, the Siamak has served Adhara well.
+1 Fo/Fi Drive

30 "Siamak-Deva" MP Mobile Suits
Unit cost: 12 IP, 4 Condensates
Unit Upkeep: 2 Supply, 4 He3
Requires 2 DP/unit
An upgraded Siamak, the Deva variant is faster than the original owing to its condensate-based inertialess drive.
+1 Condensate Inertia-Control Drive

10 "Siamak-II" High Performance Mobile Suit
The "Siamak II" is an advanced design that squeezes every erg of ability out of the old Siamak frame. Specialized II variants await construction.
Unit Cost: 32 IP, 4 Condensates, 4 Hyperglions
Unit Upkeep: 2 Supply, 4 He3
Requires 2 DP/Unit
+1 Agility
+1 Twin Particle Beams
+1 Carbon-Laminate Armor
+1 Flitter Reactionless Drive (Boosters): 4 Condensates
+1 (slotfree) ACE system: 4 Hyperglions
+1 (slotfree) Highly Automated

10 "Siamak-B" Mobile Suits: 80 IP (finish Feb 2194)
Unit Cost: 20 IP
Unit Upkeep: 2 Supply, 4 He3
An upgraded variant of the Siamak, these mobile suits are designed primarily for anti-mobile suit work.
+1 Fo/Fi Drive
+2 High-Agility Missiles (Weapons)

Strategic Aerospace Combat Arm

Total Upkeep: 162 Supply, 366 He3

8 Mako Interface Strikers (Destroyers)
Recent acquisitions, Adharan Makos are used for assault boarding operations as well as transport of high value, compact cargo.
Unit Cost: 96 IP, 16 Condensates, 16 Delta Dust
Unit Upkeep: 4 supply, 12 He3
+1 Swarm Missiles
+1 Cargo
+1 Stealth
+1 Aerospace Capable
+0 Inertia-Control Drive (Condensates)
+0 Delta Dust jumpdrive

1 "Chernobog Alpha" Heavy Cruiser (Cruiser)
The "Chernobog" designs are the first Adharan-native capital ship design to be fielded and their flagship design. Like many examples Adharan military hardware, they are heavily automated, inordinately expensive, and potent for their mass.
Unit Cost: 280 IP, 40 Condensates, 40 Computronium, 40 Delta Dust
Unit Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3
DP: 2
+1 Holocaust Wave Cannon (Weapons)
+1 Janusoptic Laser Array (Active Defenses)
+1 Reinforced structure (Armor)
+1 ECM Suite (ECM): 40 Computronium
+1 (slotfree) Heavily Automated
+0 Inertia Control Drive: 40 Condensates
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive: 40 Delta Dust

2 Antietam Heavy Cruisers
Unit Cost: 240 IP, 40 Delta Dust
Unit Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3
DP: 2
+1 Particle Beam Cannons
+1 Pin-Point Barriers
+2 Armor
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 350 Wealth
Availability: Limited

2 Truxton Destroyers
Cost: 96 IP, 16 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3
+1 Particle Beam Cannons
+1 AA Tracking
+1 Pin-Point Barriers
+1 Armor
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 140 Wealth
Availability: Limited

3 Morana Escort Destroyers
Unit Cost: 112 IP, 16 Sakuradite, 16 Delta-Dust/unit
Unit Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3
Tech Level 3
4 DP
The Morana design was commissioned from Hampshire to support Adharan cruiser and light carrier designs with anti-strike craft cover.
+1 AA Missile Racks
+1 Beam Cannons: 20 Sakuradite
+1 Grav Shields
+1 ECM
+1 (slotfree) Heavily Automated
+0 Superhangar
+0 Gravity Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive: 16 Delta-Dust

2 "Zarya-B" Fleet Support Frigates
Unit Cost: 40 IP, 10 Delta Dust
Unit Upkeep: 2 Supply, 4 He3
+1 AAA Missile Launchers
+1 Fast Tracking
+1 Armor
+0 Grav Drive
+0 Delta Dust Jumpdrive

3 "Zarya-A" Fleet Support Frigates
Unit Cost: 40 IP, 30 Computronium, 10 Delta Dust
Unit Upkeep: 2 Supply, 4 He3
+1 Computronium ECM
+1 Computronium Sensors
+1 Armor
+0 Grav Drive
+0 Delta Dust Jumpdrive

1 "Inchon" Landing Platform Dock (Light Carrier)
Unit Cost: 240 IP, 40 Delta Dust
Unit Upkeep: 10 Supply, 30 He3
DP: 40
Cargo: 20,000
+1 Armor
+1 Pin-Point Barriers
+1 Cargo Capacity
+1 Aerospace Capable
+0 Fusion Drive
+0 Delta Dust Jumpdrive

2 "Perun Alpha" Assault Carriers (Light Carrier)
A fairly general carrier design, albeit higher technology than average. What more needs to be said?
Unit Cost: 240 IP, 40 Computronium, 40 Delta Dust/unit
Unit Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3
DP: 80
+2 Hangar Capacity
+1 Janusoptic Laser Array (Active Defenses)
+1 Network Node (Command): 40 computronium
+0 Inertia Control Drive
+0 Delta Dust Jumpdrive: 40 Delta Dust

2 "Perun Beta" Assault Carriers (Light Carrier)
Unit Cost: 200 IP, 40 Delta Dust/unit
Unit Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3
DP: 60
+1 Hangar Capacity
+1 Dispersion Screens
+1 Reinforced structure (Armor)
+0 Inertia Control Drive
+0 Delta Dust Jumpdrive: 40 Delta Dust

2 Aurora class Carriers (Light Carrier)
Unit Cost: 160 IP, 40 Delta Dust, 40 Hepatizon/unit
Unit Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3
DP: 40
Tech Level 3
+1 Hepatizon Dispersion Screens
+1 AA Missile Racks
+0 Gravity Drive
+0 Delta Dust Jumpdrive: 40 Delta Dust

Planetary Defense Arm

Total Upkeep: 43 Supply, 146 He3

11 "Peekaboo" Listening Posts
Not armed and very lightly armored, these listening posts are designed to spot enemies long before they can respond and feed targeting data to friendly forces.
Unit Cost: 10 IP
Unit Upkeep: 1 Supply, 2 He3
+2 Protector Active Probe (Sensors)
-2 Unarmed
-1 Poorly Armored

17 "Oculus" Defense Satellites
Oculuses, named for their eyeball-like look, are the anti-capship portion of the defensive network, using scaled up mag-rail technology for anti-capital ship combat.
Unit Cost: 20 IP
Unit Upkeep: 1 Supply, 2 He3
+1 Judgement Wave Cannon (Anti-Shipping Weapons)
+1 Defiler ECM Suite (ECM)
-1 AA
-1 High Profile

15 "Watcher" Defense Satellites
Watchers are designed for anti-fighter use and protecting the Oculus designs from enemy strike craft.
Unit Cost: 20 IP
Unit Upkeep: 1 Supply, 2 He3
+1 Extended Range Weapons
+1 Anti-Fighter Mag Rails (AA)
-1 High Profile

1 "Panopticon" Battlestation (600 IP)
The Panopticon is a highly expensive defensive edifice that is also the command and control center of the entire defensive combat network.
Unit Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3
DP: 50
+1 Janusoptic Laser Grid (Active Defenses)
+1 Apocalypse Wave Cannon (Weapons)
+1 Network Node (Command)
+1 Reinforced Hull (Armor)
+1 (slotfree) Highly Automated

1 "Panopticon-II" Battlestation (100 IP)
Unit Cost: 100 IP
Unit Upkeep: 20 Supply, 40 He3
DP: 50
+1 Apocalypse Wave Cannon (Weapons)
-1 High Upkeep
-1 Fuel Hog

Civilian Shipping and Logistics

Total Upkeep: 32 Supply, 120 He3

4 Heavy Conveyors
Unit Cost: 20 IP, 20 Delta Dust
Unit Upkeep: 6 Supply, 20 He3
Cargo: 8 HLVs/Cargo Pods
+0 Gravity-Resist Drive
+0 Civilian Delta-Dust Jumpdrive (10 Delta Dust)

8 "Firebird" Military Dropships (Heavy Lift Vehicles)
Military dropship variants, the Firebirds are armed and armored for assaulting hot LZs.
Unit Cost: 60 IP
Unit Upkeep: 1 Supply, 5 He3
Cargo Capacity: 10,000
+1 Heavy Mag Rail Batteries (Weapons)
+1 CARLAM Reinforced Hull (Armor)
+1 Degrader ECM Suite (ECM)
+1 Mirage Inertia-Reduction Drive (Gravity Drive)

32 Cargo Containers
Cargo containers. Can't live without 'em.
Unit Cost: 5 IP/unit
Cargo Capacity: 20,000

Total Upkeep

Total Force Upkeep: 837 Supply, 1568 He3
