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FBH (talk | contribs)
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That incident as well as her exemplary performance as the head of the Presidential Guard has secured her the position of security chief. While once again only barely passing the physical requirements, her psychological profile tests show that it would be difficult to find a better candidate.
That incident as well as her exemplary performance as the head of the Presidential Guard has secured her the position of security chief. While once again only barely passing the physical requirements, her psychological profile tests show that it would be difficult to find a better candidate.
A Modest Proposal: Consider this. All FBH ever runs are All Girls All the Time Games. This is no different. And unless he sees that people want him to do something less sexist, he won't stop. Therefore, I humbly propose that everyone boycott this game.

Revision as of 05:00, 20 May 2011

Grace Marshall

Age: 38
Chief of Security

Str: 2
Gra: 1
Wits: 3
Kno: 4
Cha: 4
Skills: Security (Physical/Computer), Weaponry, Tactics

Raised by a strict disciplinarian father, in her childhood Grace received a comprehensive education spanning philosophy and the classics, to martial arts and the hard sciences. Failure meant punishment, building in her an indomitable will to succeed and an incredible degree of self control, but also an obsession over security and control in general that borders on paranoia.

Graduating top of her class with in psychology, she enlisted in the army and succeeded beyond all expectation despite barely passing the physical exam. She wields authority easily, those under her swiftly developing a fanatical devotion to their leader, while those over her find a loyal and sharp subordinate who they can send on their toughest missions, with the resounding success of the Hangchow incident resting solely on her strict operational security and the unwavering bravery and loyalty of her troops.

That incident as well as her exemplary performance as the head of the Presidential Guard has secured her the position of security chief. While once again only barely passing the physical requirements, her psychological profile tests show that it would be difficult to find a better candidate.