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(Created page with "=Vital Statistics= '''Name''': Indira Shastri<br> '''Concept''': I am your fantasy, I am anything you wish me to be<br> '''Virtue''': Hedonist<br> '''Vice''': Charmer<br> =Attri...")
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Revision as of 21:46, 11 February 2011

Vital Statistics

Name: Indira Shastri
Concept: I am your fantasy, I am anything you wish me to be
Virtue: Hedonist
Vice: Charmer

Attributes and Abilities


Strength 4 (Toned)

Mega-Strength 2 (Quantum Leap, Precision)
Brawl 4 (Acting + 2, Called shots + 1)
Melee 4 (Acting + 1, Called shots + 1)
Might 2

Dexterity 6 (Lithe)

Mega-Dexterity 3 (Catfooted, Physical Prodigy)
Athletics 4
Firearms 3
Martial Arts 3 (Finesse + Improvisation + Counterstrike)
Drive 2
Pilot 1

Stamina 6 (Tough)

Mega-Stamina 3 (Adaptability, Durability, Regeneration)
Endurance 4
Resistance 4


Perception 5 (Observant)

Mega-Perception 1 (That Creepy Feeling, Ultraperipheral Vision)
Awareness 4 (Ambushes + 1)
Investigation 3

Intelligence 4 (More Than Just a Pretty Face)

Mega-Intelligence 1 (Eidetic Memory, Linguistic Genius)
Academics (Fine Art) 2
Bureaucracy 1
Computer 1 (CG + 1)
Linguistics 2 (English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish, Russian, Portugese, Japanese, German, Korean, French, Formal Hindu)
Medicine 1 (First Aid + 1)
Science (Novas) 1
Survival 3

Wits 6 (Collected)

Mega-Wits 3 (Multitasking, Quickness, Natural Empath, Lie Detector)
Art (3D Graphics, Set Design) 5
Art (Painting) 3
Biz 3
Intrusion 4 (Breaking and Entering + 2)
Rapport 5
Tactics 1


Charisma 6 (Likable)

Mega-Charisma 3 (Seductive, Dreadful Mien, Soothe)
Etiquette 5 (High Society + 2)
Instruction 2
Perform (Acting) 6
Perform (Singing, Dancing) 5

Manipulation 5 (Thespian)

Mega-Manipulation 4 (Persuader, The Voice)
Interrogation 2
Subterfuge 5 (Impersonation + 1)
Streetwise 3

Appearance 9 (Photogenic)

Mega-Appearance 5 (Almost Live, First Impression, Seductive Looks, Appearance Alteration, Natural Style)
Intimidation 2
Style 6 (Costumes + 3)


Attunement 3
Followers 3
Influence 2
Node 2
Resources 5


Willpower 7

Quantum and Taint

Quantum 6 (Quantum Pool 50)
Permanent Taint 4


Aberrant Eyes (eyes change iris and sclera color dependent on mood and lighting conditions and emotional state)
Aberrant Hair (hazy, flowing, and moves with no relation to wind, is a liquid, almost watercolored wave rather than normal hair)
+1 difficulty to interact with baselines.


Shapeshift 5
Extras: Permanent [Duration x 2], +5 to dice pool (via Strengths)
Aberration Transfer 3
Extras: Permanent, Absorption (can absorb as well as transfer aberrations)
Armor 3
Holo 4
Extras: Extra Sense x 2 (Sight, Sound, Touch)
Invulnerability 2 (Body Alteration, Psychic Powers)
Extras: Broad Spectrum
Psychic Shield 4
Quantum Imprint 2
Teleport 1

Body Modifications

Redundant Organs x 3
Dispersed Organs x 2
Inhuman Attributes (Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma)
Pheromones (Lust, Trust, Anger, Happiness, Unease)