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===New Duration===
===New Duration===
Some powers now have a duration of "Action" instead of "Instant" (mainly offensive powers). A duration of "Action" means that the power cost must only be paid once every turn, rather than once every use in a turn.
Some powers now have a duration of "Action" instead of "Instant" (mainly offensive powers). A duration of "Action" means that the power cost must only be paid once every turn, rather than once every use in a turn.
Absorption can increase a character's strength by up to (Quantum + Absorption) dots (rather than just Absorption). Under no circumstances does Absorption give Mega-Strength.

===Animal/Plant Mastery===
===Animal/Plant Mastery===

Revision as of 00:28, 18 January 2011

Rebuilding Aberrant to deal with some of its most eregrious flaws.

Miscellaneous Rule Changes

  • Falling Damage: Falling damage is now 1 bashing die/2 meters (round down), up to 25B damage from a fall. Fall damage is lethal if the damage equals or exceeds the character's (Stamina + Athletics). So a character with Stamina 5 and Athletics 5 considers fall damage lethal only from falls of 20 meters or more, but an old granny with Stamina 1 and Athletics 0 considers all fall damage lethal. Remember that each dot of Mega-Stamina counts as 2 dots of Stamina.
  • Hard Radiation: Hard Radiation's damage is aggravated at high levels, causing permanent damage which baselines cannot heal without extensive medical aid.
  • Range Increments: The range increment is the short range of the attack. Medium range is up to double the range increment and +2 difficulty, Long range is up to quadruple the range increment and +4 difficulty, and an Extreme range shot is up to eight times the range increment, at +6 difficulty.
  • Vehicles: Vehicles now have altered stats, as listed in the expansion. There are no longer armor adds for vehicles, which should be noted. Note that vehicles do not take "ping" damage from attacks that lack damage adds. You can trash a car with bare hands, but you better be Charles Atlas or a Nova before you try it.
  • Weapons: Weapons have errata and a few new additions. Both vehicle and weapon errata are listed in the expansion.
  • Resources: The cost of an item establishes the rough "budget range" of an item rather than its precise cost. A Resources 4 car might cost a hundred thousand dollars, yet a Resources 4 set of clothing might only cost a thousand or so. It is possible to liquidate money to buy objects above one's price range. In that case, roll resources. For every success rolled, add +1 to effective resources for the purposes of a single purchase-if successful, you are now a proud owner of the desired item. This can only be attempted once per month and for particularly expensive items (Russian surplus air superiority fighters, new homes, illegal nuclear weapons) the ST reserves the right to permanently reduce resources by 1 or more points after a purchase.
  • Healing Times: A character who has taken damage heals each level at the rates given below. Novas heal at at least double normal rate by default, which increases via Mega-Stamina. Furthermore, Novas with Mega-Stamina 1 reduce wound severity by 1 category when calculating healing times, Novas with Mega-Stamina 3 reduce wound severity by 2 categories when calculating healing times, and Novas with Mega-Stamina 5 reduce wound severity by 3 categories for healing. Note that each category of "-5 to -10 HLs" is a separate category, they just have one line to save space. A character heals an additional 1 category faster with competent medical care (a small clinic with decent provisions) and 2 categories faster with expert care (a top of the line trauma ward).
    • -0 HLs: 1 hour (bashing)/1 day (lethal)
    • -1 HLs: 2 hours (bashing)/2 days (lethal)
    • -2 HLs: 4 hours (bashing)/1 week (lethal)
    • -4 HLs: 8 hours (bashing)/2 weeks (lethal)
    • -5 to -10 HLs: 16 hours (bashing)/1 month (lethal)
    • Incapacitated: 1 day (bashing)/3 months (lethal)

Virtue and Vice

Characters no longer use the singular Nature rules, but rather have a Virtue and a Vice. Characters regain WP when acting in accordance to their virtue or indulging their vice, and must spend WP to act against their vice. Characters may have different Virtues and Vices-James Bond's Virtue might be Bravo but his Vice is almost certainly Hedonist, for example.

A character regains 2 WP when acting in accordance with their Virtue and 1 WP when they indulge their Vice. If a character has an opportunity to indulge their vice yet does not do so, they must spend 1 WP. A character may only regain WP from Virtue or Vice once per scene, and only needs to spend 1 WP to act against their Vice for a scene.


  • Architect
(Virtue): Regain WP when your character takes a concrete step towards realizing his greater goal.
(Vice): Spend WP to resist getting angry at someone who points out flaws in your plan, or following someone else's great plan. Regain WP if ignoring such criticism or following someone else's agenda would benefit you in the long run.
  • Bravo
(Virtue): Regain WP when you defeat a seemingly equal or superior foe or force him to back down.
(Vice): Spend WP to resist taking by force something you desire and have asked for "politely". Regain WP if you do so and it has significant negative long-term consequences.
  • Caregiver
(Virtue): Regain WP when you recieve tangible proof that you have helped another.
(Vice): Spend WP to resist giving aid to anyone who seems like they need it. Regain WP if giving such aid ends up causing you more trouble than it's worth.
  • Charmer
(Virtue): Regain WP when you clearly provide comfort and good cheer to another.
(Vice): Spend WP to tell someone something they don't want to hear, regain WP if you don't tell them something they don't want to hear and not doing so has potential negative consequences to you.
  • Cynic
(Virtue): Regain WP when you have a backup plan when things go sour, because of your cynicism.
(Vice): Spend WP to take advantage of a lucky break (rather than dismissing it due to clearly being a trap/a worse choice/etc). Regain WP if doing so puts you into a worse situation later.
  • Expert
(Virtue): Regain WP when you make a particularly impressive showing with an ability or teach your chosen skill to someone.
(Vice): Spend WP to resist showing your expertise off in a valid situation. Regain WP if doing so is taking an unreasonable risk.
  • Fanatic
(Virtue): Regain WP when you advance your chosen cause.
(Vice): Spend WP to avoid making any sacrifice to the cause that is demanded. Regain WP if accepting this could possibly lead to grievous harm.
  • Follower
(Virtue): Regain WP when your carrying out your assigned duty is a significant factor in the group's success.
(Vice): Spend WP to take charge or disagree with orders. Regain WP if the orders are blatantly bad or inefficient and you follow them anyways.
  • Hedonist
(Virtue): Gain WP when you have a truly good time (and bring others for the ride)
(Vice): Spend WP to resist indulging in your chosen pleasure. Regain WP if indulging in such is obviously a bad idea.
  • Hotshot
(Virtue): Regain WP when you survive a dangerous situation you deliberately entered.
(Vice): Spend WP to resist indulging in an obvious foolhardy venture. Regain WP for taking the "hard way" when doing so has no benefits and great danger.
  • Jester
(Virtue): Regain WP when you lighten a mood or ease a tense situation.
(Vice): Spend WP to resist shooting your mouth off in inappropriate circumstances. Regain WP if you do so and it ends up greatly inconveniencing you (insulting a world leader on national TV, etc.)
  • Leader
(Virtue): Gain WP when one of your plans succeeds.
(Vice): Spend WP to resist taking charge when you are not in charge. Regain WP if doing so is a terrible idea.
  • Paragon
(Virtue): Gain WP when you accomplish a task by sticking to your enlightened ideals.
(Vice): Spend WP to resist your self-righteousness and accept a compromise. Regain WP if compromise would be a far better idea than self-righteous one-true-way moralizing.
  • Perfectionist
(Virtue): Gain WP when your painstaking perfectionism covers even an unforseen complication.
(Vice): Spend WP to trust a hastily-put-together plan or jury-rigged system. Regain WP when you end up going without because of this insistence on a perfect plan (or mechanism) or none at all.
  • Survivor
(Virtue): Regain WP when you survive a dangerous situation via your own cunning and preserverance.
(Vice): Spend WP to resist taking any action which would prolong your own survival or increase your chances, no matter what it is. Regain WP if you take an action that alienates or hurts friends and close allies for personal survival.
  • Traditionalist
(Virtue): Regain WP when adherence to tried-and-true methods prove effective.
(Vice): Spend WP or disregard intuition, non-traditional deduction, or the bleeding edge. Regain WP if your refusal to use bleeding-edge equipment or superscience hobbles a plan.

Chargen Altered Rules

Note that power costs in NP have been decreased and Attribute/Ability purchasing with NP is rendered much less efficient to encourage less people with 5s in every attribute at chargen. It does make characters more powerful but I don't think that's an inherent issue. Means more playing the character you want versus playing half of the character you want.


Attributes: 7/5/3 Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Abilities: 30 Ability dots, 3 free specialties. Novas gain 3 free dots of Endurance and Resistance. No Ability may be raised above 3 without BP use.
Backgrounds: 7 background points
Willpower: 3
Quantum: Starts at 0.
Bonus Points: 15 Bonus Points, costs as given in Core rulebook where not stated

Nova (45 NP base)

Quantum: +1 Quantum for free, costs 5NP for every additional Quantum point (max starting Quantum is 5)
Quantum Pool: 1 NP buys +3 to Quantum pool.
Attributes/Abilities: 1 NP: 2 Attribute/4 Ability dots, one Ability dot can be traded for 3 specialty Dots
Willpower: 1 NP: 1 Willpower
Body Modification: 1 NP: 8 XP of Body Modifications
Mega-Attribute: 2 NP: 1 dot of a Mega-Attribute
Enhancement: 1 NP: 1 Enhancement
Strength: 1 NP: 2 levels of strength for a power
Extra: 2 NP: 1 Extra for a power
Level 1 Power: 1 NP: 1 dot of a L1 power
Level 2 Power: 2 NP: 1 dot of a L2 power
Level 3 Power: 3 NP: 1 dot of a L3 power

Bonus Points

Attribute 4
Ability 2
Specialty (max. three per ability) 1
Background 1
Willpower 2

Experience Costs

Attribute: Current Rating x 4, 6 XP if buying up from 0 to 1
Ability: Current Rating x 2, 3 XP if new
Specialty: 3 XP (max. 3 per ability)
Quantum*: Current Rating x 8
Quantum Pool*: 2 XP per point
Mega-Attribute*: Current Rating x 5, 6 XP new
Enhancement*: 5 XP
L1 Quantum Power*: Current Rating x 3, 3 XP new
L2 Quantum Power*: Current Rating x 5, 6 XP new
L3 Quantum Power*: Current Rating x 7, 9 XP new
L4 Quantum Power*: Current Rating x 9, 12 XP new
L5 Quantum Power*: Current Rating x 11, 15 XP new
L6 Quantum Power*: Current Rating x 13, 18 XP new
Extra*: 10 XP
Strength*: 4 XP

Ability Improvement

Ability List

Aberrant 2.0 Abilities List


Instruction is (Charisma + Instruction) versus a difficulty of (6 - Student's Intelligence). Each success gives 1 XP towards the chosen Ability. The normal timeframe for an Instruction roll is 1 month. Reducing this timeframe to 2 weeks adds +2 to difficulty, reducing it to 1 week adds +4, 4 days is +6, 2 days is +8, and 1 day is +10. Mega-Intelligent Novas can, as you can see, learn things very fast.

Martial Arts

Martial Arts does not improve raw skill with fighting, rather it improves the mechanics of hand to hand combat-therefore, a Martial Artist cannot have a Martial Arts score higher than their Brawl score. A martial artist must be skilled in fighting before learning the mechanics of combat, but a trained martial artist outclasses a trained brawler. Martial Arts increases the effectiveness of various combat maneuvers, or provides additional combat benefits. Without training, all characters may make these basic listed maneuvers or variations thereof:

  • Strike: Accuracy +0, Damage (Str + 2B), Difficulty +0
  • Kick: Accuracy +0, Damage (Str + 4B), Difficulty +1
  • Grapple: Accuracy +0, Damage (Str + 0B), Difficulty +0, holds target (Str + Might contests)
  • Disarm: Accuracy +0, Damage (Str + 0B), Difficulty +1, disarming (damage successes apply to disarming the target if they exceed the target's Strength)
  • Tackle: Accuracy +0, Damage (Str + 4B), Difficulty +1, disabling (+1 difficulty), no multiple actions
  • Striking Smackdown: Accuracy +2, Damage (Str + 6B), Difficulty +0, costs 1wp to initiate, takes one turn to wind up, no multiple actions
  • Grappling Smackdown: Accuracy +0, Damage (Str + 5B), Difficulty +0, costs 1wp to initiate, takes one turn to wind up, no multiple actions, holds target

A martial artist gains (Martial Arts) points to improve his offense and an additional (Martial Arts) points to improve his defense. Offense points alter and generate maneuvers, which can be built "on the fly" or prepared ahead of time. The costs to improve a maneuver are as follows:

  • Bashing Damage: 1 point to turn normally Lethal damage Bashing. This is only generally relevant to Nova martial artists with body modifications, or weapons stylists.
  • Lethal Damage: 3 points to turn damage Lethal.
  • Increased Damage: 1 point per +1B damage.
  • Increased Accuracy: 1 point per +1 accuracy
  • Armor Piercing: 2 points per -3 soak
  • Disabling: 2 points per +1 difficulty, lasts for 1 turn.
  • Disarming: 4 points.
  • Incapacitation: 1 point per -1 penalty to specific actions or 2 points per -1 penalty to Attribute, does not stack but lasts for a scene, +1 point to last until all damage is healed
  • Grapples Target: 2 points
  • Throws Target: 2 points
  • Predictable (can only be used once/scene): Returns 1 point
  • Increased Difficulty: Returns 2 points per +1 difficulty
  • Takes Preparation Time (1 turn or precondition): Returns 2 points
  • No Multiple Actions: Returns 2 points
  • Costs Willpower: Returns 2 points
  • Unaware/Incapacitated Targets Only: Returns 4 points

As you can see, all attacks are worth 2 points with Martial Arts 0, and a Maneuver starts with (Accuracy +0, Damage +0B, Difficulty +0). An attack may not have any one category improved by more than (3 + [Martial Arts + Maneuver Flaws]/2), rounded up. So a Smackdown, with 6 points of maneuver flaws, may be improved by (6 + [Martial Arts/2]) in any category. So, let's have some examples of offensive maneuvers. Note that for weapon stylists, the maximum damage of a move becomes (Base Damage + 1) if the result is higher than the maximum improvement level.

  • Jab (Martial Arts 1, 3 pts): Damage +2B (-2), Accuracy + 1 (-1)
    • A rapid, accurate, punch.
  • Neck Break (Martial Arts 3, 5 pts + 8 flaws): Takes Preparation Time [1 turn] (+2), Unaware Targets Only (+4), No Multiple Actions (+2), Lethal Damage (-3), Armor Piercing 3 (-2), Damage + 6L (-6), Grapples Target (-2).
    • An old classic of special forces commandos, action movie heroes, and Metal Gear Solid protagonists, snapping someone's neck from behind is a difficult but deadly attack.
  • Snap Kick (Martial Arts 3, 5 pts): Damage +4B (-4), Accuracy + 1 (-1)
    • A powerful and accurate kick.
  • Limb Snap (Martial Arts 3, 5 pts + 2 flaws): Takes Preparation Time [target must be grappled] (+2), Damage +0B, Incapacitation [-4 to all actions with broken limb until healed] (-5)
    • Another martial arts movie staple, breaking someone's limb in the middle of a fight takes a bit to set up but can be extremely rewarding.

A martial artist also gains (Martial Arts) points of defensive/utility maneuvers, which allow him or her to take hits or avoid them much better.

  • Counterstrike [Any excess parry successes become successes on a counterattack against the opponent] (-1)
    • Even a defending martial artist is a deadly foe with this ability, as a failed attack gives her opportunities to strike back.
  • Finesse over Strength [may make Brawl/Melee attacks with Dexterity versus Strength] (-1)
    • Skilled fighters learn to fight with finesse and grace rather than raw power.
  • Weapons Style [can apply martial arts bonuses to Melee] (-2)
    • Many martial arts styles teach how to use various weapons types alongside their combat maneuvers. However, for game balance reasons, Weapon Style halves (round up) the points available for move customization that a martial artist using a weapon may gain. On the other hand, he gains the base weapon damage. Damage may never be reduced to less than half of a weapon's base damage, round down (so a Str + 5 damage sword may never have a move that does less than Str + 2 damage).
  • Iron Shirt [+1 to Stamina for soak only] (-2)
    • Endless body conditioning has inured the martial artist to blows.
  • Pain Tolerance [-1 to wound penalties] (-2)
    • Years of experience in tolerating injury has increased the martial artists' pain tolerance significantly.
  • Improved Evasion [+1 to dodges and parries] (-2)
    • Martial Artists who practice their defensive talents become incredibly good at evading attacks.
  • Weapon Strip [a successful disarm allows the martial artist to immediately make an attack with the stolen weapon] (-2)
    • As guns have become the deadliest weapon on the battlefield, martial arts have found better methods of dealing with guns, such as improved techniques to steal guns from their previous owners.
  • Sixth Sense [Up to (Martial Arts/2) reflexive full-pool dodges/parries in a scene, melee attacks only] (-3)
    • Particularly skilled martial artists can sometimes manifest almost preternatural skill, dodging multiple attacks with great ease.


Linguistics allows a character to speak 1/2/4/8/12 additional languages from Linguistics 1-5. However, there are a few notes.

  • Formal academic mastery of a language (which includes literature, historical, and cultural aspects) requires 1 additional language slot. An English professor who speaks no other language has Linguistics 1 (English; Formal English), for example.
  • Alien languages require more than 1 language slot. Most alien languages require 2+ language slots, and most of them require technological aids to communicate with.
  • Learning alternate expressions of languages also takes 1 slot even if they share common systems like systems of writing or speech. A character uses 2 language slots to speak both Mandarin and Cantonese fluently, and a character who understands English needs to pay 1 language slot to learn sign language and another to learn braille.

Mastery Abilities

Mastery Abilities or "Skill Tricks" as borrowed from nWoD: Mirrors are an optional ability that makes purchasing abilities or attributes more appealing to Novas.

Physical Rebuild

Natural Lethal Soak

All characters, baseline and Nova, have natural lethal soak equal to Stamina/2. Novas no longer gain natural lethal soak as one of their special abilities-their increased toughness is represented by additional health levels, as listed below. All Stamina soak is Stackable.

Quantum and Soak

In Aberrant as written, Novas can spend 1 Quantum (up to their permanent Quantum score) to roll 1 die and add successes to soak for 1 turn. This is an incredibly inefficient and unpredictable defensive method, which is essentially pointless for most characters.

Instead, in this system, a Nova may always pay 1 or more Quantum to roll their permanent Quantum score in response to being hit by a damaging attack. Each success reduces the damage of one attack by 1 health level-and each additional point of Quantum spent adds an additional success to this roll. This is an instinctive response and does not require the Nova to be aware of the attack, and may reduce damage down to 0 health levels. Although worse against being hit by about a dozen attacks, it's more effective against sudden horrific ones. Willpower may be spent on this roll for an additional success. This last-ditch defense is obvious, and generally manifests in a way in line with the powers and beliefs of the Nova in question. Although one can only attempt this once per attack, it may be used multiple times a turn, the only limit to doing so being the Nova's limit on quantum expenditure per turn. All Novas possess this last-ditch but relatively inefficient defensive power.

Health Levels

A baseline human has a health track of -0/-1 x 2 /-2 x 2/-4/Incapacitated. This is the standard 7 level health track.

Novas channel Quantum through their body, increasing the toughness of their skin, muscles, and bones due to such rigors of channeling, and as they become more adept at channeling such energies their body becomes tougher in turn to allow them to make use of their mastery. Each point of Quantum a Nova possesses gives the Nova an additional -0 health level. Furthermore, each point of Quantum adds +1B/1L to the Nova's natural soak. Quantum-granted soak stacks with Stamina and Mega-Stamina soak, although it is not doubled by purchases of Resiliency.

A Nova has a natural Aggravated soak of (Quantum/2).



Mega-Stamina now provides, per dot:

  • Doubles the Nova's lifespan per level (x2 for M-Sta 1, x4 for M-Sta 2, x8 for M-Sta 3, so on and so forth.)
  • Increases the Nova's healing rates per level as noted in the core book.
  • One -0, one -1, one -2, and one -4 Health Level per purchase.
  • +1B/1L Stackable natural soak per purchase.

Mega-Attribute Clarification

Each Mega-Attribute counts as 2 dots of the relevant Attribute when calculating values for powers, unless the power specifically notes it calculates values differently. Furthermore, no attribute-increasing power gives Mega-Attributes without an Extra anymore, instead adding dice.

Stacked Defenses

Stacking defensive powers becomes less and less effective the more of them you have. To allow the reduction in stacking effectiveness, there are now three categories of soak.

  • Natural soak: Natural soak comes from Quantum, Stamina, and Mega-Stamina.
    • Without Enhancements, Natural soak should equal (Quantum + Stamina + Mega-Stamina)B, (Quantum + Mega-Stamina + Stamina/2)L, and (Quantum/2)A.
  • Power-Based soak: Power-Based soak is gained from Quantum (or Psi) powers.
  • Armored soak: Armored soak comes from body armor or eufiber, or body modifications.

Any character may only gain the full defensive value of one source of each soak type (normally the highest soak value). The second source of said soak is halved, the third source has its value divided by 4, and so on, to a minimum of +0L/0B from stacking. Round stacking soak values down. Note that some soak is noted to be Stackable, primarily soak gained from body modifications. This means you add up all sources of stackable soak and treat it as one source of soak.

Example: A Nova with Eufiber 4 (+4B/4L soak), Advanced Body Armor (+6B/6L soak), and Subdermal Armor (+2B/2L soak) with a Hyperdense Skeleton (+2B/1L soak) calculates his armored soak by taking the full value of his Advanced Body Armor (6B/6L), then halving the value of his Eufiber (4B/4L halves to 2B/2L), and then quartering the value of his body modification soak (4B/3L quarters to 1B/0L), giving him a total of 9B/8L soak from armor, rather than 14B/13L.


Armor is destroyed if an attack has raw damage equal to its Destruction rating, with damage adds counting double. An armor's penalty adds to the difficulty of all athletics rolls in armor, including dodge rolls, rather than reducing dice. It also adds to the difficulty of all rolls to resist exertion. Furthermore, the heavier and more tiring the armor, the harder it is for a character to act. A character must have both (Strength + Might) and (Stamina + Endurance) equal to (2 + total mobility penalty), or takes a -1 dice penalty to all rolls for every dot he falls short of this requirement.

Some particularly light armor is now considered to be "lightweight" and has no strength or stamina requirements. Armored T-Shirts, Reinforced Clothing, and Eufiber are the only lightweight armor in the core.

Stacking Armor

A character may wear multiple suits of armor, but stacking thick and heavy armor is a great way to exhaust oneself. Wearing more than 1 source of armored soak adds an additional -1 to mobility penalty above and beyond the total penalty of the armor. Body modifications do not generally count for this unless explicitly stated.

Mental Rebuild

Science (or is it SCIENCE!)

To fully clarify, there are three "types" of technical advancement in Aberrant. Conventional science, super-science, and Devices.

Conventional science is stuff that fully meshes with the laws of physics and requires no exotic ingredients, nor does it play with the nigh-magical forces that the Inspired possess. Conventional science creates things like suborbitals, advanced body armor, railguns, powersuits, the occasional robot, fusion reactors, pollution-eating microbes, genetic enhancements, the list goes on and on. Anyone, baseline or Inspired, can advance conventional science.

Super-science isn't the same thing as cutting edge science. It's research and development which requires exotic, Nova-created ingredients or perhaps uses Noetic or Quantum forces (as opposed to small-q quantum). Super-science can be duplicated by baselines with the right materials, but cannot be advanced by baselines. Super-science developments include FTL drives, Soma, Eufiber based infrastructure, hypercore rounds, and several varieties of free-floating active nanotech.

Devices are handcrafted systems which are unique to the creator and their harnessing of Quantum or Noetic forces. Devices can be created by the Inspired but cannot be duplicated (although there are Devices that are similar enough to have identical game effects) because they are personal expressions of power, rather than technical advancements per se.


To create an advancement (either mundane or super-science) a character must have sufficient dots in the ability to make an advancement, typically 4+ in the primary ability and 3+ in at least two related abilities (so a character attempting to develop a fusion reactor needs Science[Physics] 4 and Engineering and Computers 3, for example), while his lab assistants need either 4+ in a related ability or 3+ in the primary ability (so said character could be assisted by an engineer with Engineering 4, or a physicist with Science[Physics] 3). Advancements typically are rolled for over the course of weeks or months, and best done during downtime. Each lab assistant adds +2d to this roll, up to the lower of (Charisma or [Primary Ability]) assistants.

Minor advancements (inventing the iPod, assembling already-existing technology into a new product) use 1 week as an interval for the roll, while major ones (developing sentient AI, creating a new species, curing aging, etc) require 1 month per roll interval. Typically a character must accumulate 20-100 successes although particularly bleeding-edge projects may require far more than this.

Super-science advancements require the character to be Inspired and use a roll interval of 2 months. Baseline lab assistants for super-science must have 4+ in the primary ability and 3+ in at least two related abilities, while Inspired (Nova/Psion/Paramorph) lab assistants may use the standard rules instead.

Gadgeteering, 2.0

To create a gadget, a character rolls Intelligence + (Science or Engineering, choose lower). Biological gadgets replace this with Intelligence + (Science or Medicine, choose lower), while software gadgets use Intelligence + (Computers or Engineering, choose lower). Each assistant (up to Intelligence + Charisma assistants) adds 1d to this total if they have either Science or Engineering at 2+, 2d if they have both abilities at 2+ or 1 ability at 4+, and 3d if they have both abilities at 4+. Inspired assistants (Novas, Psions/Psiads, Paramorphs) add an additional 1d to the roll. If the character has a relevant power (such as Matter Creation for hardtech gadgets, Biomanipulation for living, or Cyberkinesis for software) add the power rating in dice to the roll.

Each roll is roughly 1 week of work time. Each success on the roll becomes 1 NP, which is used to purchase attributes, abilities, and powers for the gadget. All gadgets start at Quantum 0 and have no Quantum pool. A gadgeteer is limited in the power of the gadgets he or she builds as well-a gadgeteer cannot build a gadget with a Quantum higher than his (Mega-Intelligence + 1) or Quantum, whichever is lower, and may not spend more NP on non-Quantum categories than 2*[Intelligence + Relevant Ability] for a non-autonomous gadget, or 3*[Intelligence + Relevant Ability] for an autonomous gadget.

If a gadget is defined as an autonomous system, it requires at least 1 dot of Intelligence to interpret commands and/or act autonomously. An autonomous gadget may only use its own dice pools.

Gadget Items

Many gadgets have mundane origins which provide their own benefits-an enhanced suit of full plate which projects a forcefield, an assault rifle with a few special firing modes, so on and so forth. A gadget retains these mundane benefits, such as armor soak, mundane offensive ability, and so on.

Furthermore, a gadget may potentially be built tougher or do more damage than its mundane counterparts, via the proper use of Enhancements, "Body Modifications", and powers. Although powers typically enhance both the user and the gadget, body modifications modify the gadget itself.

Most importantly, extra health levels provided by Mega-Stamina or body modification do not affect the user, although they do enhance the gadget itself.


Non-autonomous gadgets are often used to augment, rather than replace, a user's prowess. Therefore, it is possible for a character to pay triple NP for an attribute or ability to have it add to, rather than replace, the user's rating. For example, a Nova gadgeteer might make a suit of powered armor, paying 3 NP to have it add +2 to strength and another 6 NP to have it add +1 to Mega-Strength. A gadgeteer may even pay 15 NP to have a gadget which amplifies his or her Quantum score.

Note that Mega-Attribute limits still exist: A Nova may not possess enhanced Mega-Attributes above (Quantum + 1) or their attribute rating.


The gadgeteering roll is +0 difficulty by default. For every power the gadgeteer desires to add which he or she lacks at the desired level but can study in a lab, add +1 to difficulty. For every power the gadgeteer desires to add which she cannot study in a lab, add +2 to difficulty. Increasing the gadget's lifespan past 1 month adds +1 or more difficulty. To make a gadget easy to maintain, halving its effective NP for maintenance purposes, add +2 difficulty. A gadget with more individual Quantum powers (including Mega-Attributes) than the gadgeteer has Mega-Intelligence adds an additional +1 difficulty to its roll.

Remember, difficulty subtracts from the successes gained from each roll.


No power on the gadget may have a rating higher than the gadgeteer's (Mega-Intelligence), or the rating the gadgeteer possesses it at, whichever is higher. Powers the gadgeteer lacks may not be rated higher than (Mega-Intelligence - 1) or the rating of the studied subject, whichever is lower.

A gadget must fuel its abilities from its internal battery, and requires it for normal operating. If it lacks such a battery, a Nova may fuel its powers from his own Quantum Pool, but this requires double cost. Furthermore, a gadget without a quantum storage system of some sort costs the Nova 1 quantum point whenever the Nova wishes to take advantage of its abilities, attributes, or enhancements above and beyond any costs for powers. Recharging a gadget's Quantum pool costs 2 Quantum per point of Quantum it possesses, although gadgets slowly regenerate Quantum at 1 point/hour.


A gadget's lifespan is considered to be 1 month by default. Doubling this lifespan adds +1 to difficulty of the creation roll, quadrupling it adds +2, and so on. As an alternative, the character may attempt maintenance, using the same pool that he or she used to create the gadget to repair it. Maintenance requires a gadgeteer to roll as many successes as the gadget has NP to fully refurbish it for another interval of lifespan, but the interval of the roll is days instead of weeks.

After a gadget's lifespan is up, every time it is used, a gadget takes 1 unsoakable, unhealable aggravated health level.

New Background: Gadget

A character may possess a gadget at character generation, paying background points for the gadget. Given the power of this background, gadget background dots cost triple-Gadget 1 costs 3 background dots, Gadget 3 costs 9, and so on. The background costs are given for non-autonomous gadgets. Autonomous gadgets can be purchased with this background, but gain +5 NP for buying basic attributes/abilities and have no maximum item cost, although the ST should veto building autonomous gadgets off of expensive objects such as superfighters without a very good excuse. The system is supposed to let you buy robot girls, quantum powered gun drones, and other toys, not get yourself a flying battleship.

Note that Gadgets must buy their first level of Quantum with NP, cannot take powers Tainted, and start with a Quantum pool of 0, which must be bought up for the gadget to be useful.

Gadget *: The character has a trivial gadget with 10 NP, built off of any item with a cost of *** or less. A gadget of this rating may possess up to two separate Quantum powers or Mega-Attributes with a rating no higher than ** in any.
Gadget **: The character has a minor gadget with 12 NP, built off of any item with a cost of *** or less. A gadget of this rating may possess up to three separate Quantum powers or Mega-Attributes with a rating no higher than ** in any.
Gadget ***: The character has a moderately powerful gadget with 15 NP, built off of any item with a cost of **** or less. A gadget of this rating may possess up to three separate Quantum powers or Mega-Attributes with a rating no higher than ** in any.
Gadget ****: The character has a powerful gadget with 18 NP, built off of any item with a cost of **** or less. A gadget of this rating may possess up to four separate Quantum powers or Mega-Attributes with a rating no higher than *** in any.
Gadget *****: The character has an extremely powerful gadget with 20 NP, built off of any item with a cost of ***** or less. A gadget of this rating may possess up to four separate Quantum powers or Mega-Attributes with a rating no higher than *** in any.


Oftentimes in Aberrant people will play characters smarter than they are. Far smarter, in fact. Due to this, a player may not consider an element in the story or predict a turn of events which the character, by all rights, should have been able to predict and prepare for. Modifying the Anticipation system from nWoD: Mirrors, this section covers how a Mega-Intelligent (or in certain cases, Mega-Witty or Mega-Perceptive) Nova may be able to alter a situation to their advantage.


To be capable of using Anticipation, the character must have a relevant Mega-Mental attribute, or an Ability Mastery. A character may do this a number of times per scene equal to (1 + Highest Mega-Mental Attribute). Being able to predict a situation isn't just about raw intellect, after all. Someone superhumanly perceptive can twig onto extremely minor changes in tone or disposition which might betray future plans, while someone with superhuman thinking speed and poise can run through a half-dozen scenarios with their merely human intellect. At the ST's discretion, low average mental abilities may prevent the use of Anticipation without spending WP, or forbid it entirely. Planning is not all about perception, or thinking quickly, or thinking well. It requires all three elements.

Alternatively, characters without a relevant Mental Attribute may attempt this if their total (relevant Attribute + Ability) dice pool is above 7 and they spend 1 Willpower. They may only do this once per scene. Only the extremely skilled are going to have sufficient actual genius in the field for them to be capable of doing such feats.


During a situation where the player thinks their character could have anticipated, the character may roll a Mental Attribute and Ability combination which makes sense. Examples would be "Wits + Empathy" to plan for a social encounter or predict the actions of a hated nemesis, "Intelligence + Tactics" or "Intelligence + Security" to have a safehouse already set up when you're on the run, "Wits + Computers" to have infiltrated a virus into the security system ten minutes ago when you were at that unattended terminal, so on and so forth.

Successes on that roll translate to points which can be used to access effects. These effects must make some degree of sense. Effects include bonus dice, inflicting penalties, having equipment accessible, so on and so forth. The opponent may attempt to counter as per the rules, either canceling out anticipation successes, or using his own anticipation successes to alter your

Example Effects

  • 1 success: Having a small item on hand ("I thought we might run into guys with guns, so I happened to be wearing a bulletproof vest")
  • 1 success: +/- 1d on any one dice roll (yours or the opponents), cannot add more than +/-3 to any one roll ("I could see that he favored his right eye. If I made a run for it when he was only looking at me with his left, I'd have a better chance.")
  • 1 success: Define a minor element of the scene ("There happens to be an abandoned building a block away which is pretty empty, we could hide there.")
  • 2 successes: Having a larger item on hand ("I thought we might face that guy. Fortunately I have a RPG over here somewhere.")
  • 2 successes: 1 temporary background dot (Allies, Followers, Resources/etc) for the scene
  • 2 successes: reroll any one failed or botched roll for the scene.
  • 3 successes: Define a major scene element ("You just happened to have stepped into a minefield." "I shut down the security five minutes ago.")
  • 3 successes: Change an already taken action ("Okay, I read about the minefield and so I don't step into it, but hose the ground down with high-explosive 30mm shells instead.")


  • +1-4: Desired effects are extremely unlikely ("You want me to believe that you, a law-abiding citizen, happen to have stashed a RPG and a half-dozen reloads in your car's trunk?")
  • +2: Repeating the same effect again and again. Don't be boring!
  • +2: Desired effect does not mesh with setting ("You're in an affluent neighborhood. An abandoned building nearby? Really?")

Social Rebuild

Do you like Sway? I like Sway! Get nWoD Mirrors!


Making a character do what you want is simple, in practice. Any logical combination of Attribute and Ability can be used to attempt to create Sway, which the subject may resist via straight Willpower and bonuses from Wits/Enhancements, or a related Attribute + Ability combination if so desired. Unsuccessful attempts to generate Sway create a cumulative +2 difficulty penalty for rolling the same attribute/ability combination during the scene, and a cumulative +1 difficulty penalty for any other attempts to create Sway. Botching extends the penalty duration for the rest of the story, or permanently if the character was attempting to create Intimate Sway.

By default, this roll is over the timeframe of one day, which covers several hours' worth of schmoozing someone. Reducing the time taken for this roll increases difficulty:

  • 1 hour: +1 difficulty
  • half-hour: +2 difficulty
  • 10 minutes: +3 difficulty
  • 5 minutes: +4 difficulty
  • 1 minute: +5 difficulty

Each net success over the opponent's defense and the difficulty creates one point of Sway of the given type (Casual or Intimate) which can be used to make the target take a desired action. Each individual action costs 1 point of Sway, so if you wanted for someone to "stop chatting, tell your friend to go home, and go help me with this project", that would cost 3 points of Sway, one for getting your lab partner to stop chatting, another to make him ask his friend to leave, and a third to help you with your stuff. The opponent may resist Sway with Willpower, paying 1WP to cancel out 1 point of Sway. If canceled with WP, any attempt to demand a similar condition automatically fails for the rest of the scene.

Extending the influence of your actions for a scene costs 1 additional point, extending them for a session costs 2, and extending them for an entire story costs 5. Extending your influence longer, to years or even permanently, can easily cost far more successes than that and is the result of weeks or months of constant influence.


Casual sway has no significant emotional component and is generally short lived. It is most useful for forming the basis of a personal relationship, creating vague positive or negative feelings, or getting minor favors done which might cause some trouble for the other character, but is not capable of doing anything more than that. Getting your captor to hand you his gun is not something casual sway can do, but it might let you stall him for long enough to build a rapport. Casual Sway cannot be extended past a scene, and fades at 1 point/day.

It requires 2*willpower successes worth of Casual Sway to start creating Intimate Sway. For most normal people, that requires days of work, but a particularly capable Nova may be able to become your best friend in a handful of minutes.


Intimate sway has an emotional component, and attempting to build it also renders you vulnerable to similar attempts, for it requires bonding and understanding the other party as a person (or pretending to be, you could be a sociopathic asshole after all). Intimate sway can allow you to make a target act against his morals or ideology, take actions which might cause them serious trouble, have them abandon long-held beliefs or change the target's opinion on an important issue, or even temporarily change the character's Demeanor. The few things it cannot do are change the character's Nature, make them take actions that directly lead to self-harm (such as jumping off a bridge or in front of a bus) unless they're already inclined towards that, or permanently change their personality.

Bonuses and Penalties

There are social "weapons" that can be used to give bonuses to Sway attempts, such as Influence, Backing, Fame, high appearance, having a loaded gun to the victim's head, threatening his children, so on and so forth. These bonuses tend to increase the dice of the person attempting to Sway others, or may alternatively increase the difficulty of resistance. On the flipside, social "armor" exists that protects against Sway. Having a ideological or ethical objection to the task requested (+1-5 diff), negotiating from a position of strength (+1-5 diff), being requested to perform an action which could be dangerous to life or social standing (+1-5 difficulty) are all examples of potential "social armor".

Similarly, if you're the one staring down the barrel of a loaded gun, difficulty penalties can often be insane. A Mega-Charismatic Nova with no non-social powers staring down the barrel of a shotgun (+3 difficulty to Sway) against fanatics who absolutely loathe the Nova and what he stands for (+5 difficulty to Sway) might still be able to talk his way out of the situation if he's good enough and has enough time... but if he's about to be executed in a minute (+5 difficulty) that's a total of +13 difficulty and the opposition can roll to resist beyond that. Not a good position to be in at all.

Quantum Rebuild


  • There is no longer any option to purchase Quantum via bonus points, because that was broken as all hell. Instead, characters start with 45 NP default instead of 30.
  • 1 NP now buys 2 attribute dots or 4 ability dots instead of 3/6 respectively. 1 ability dot may be traded in for 4 specialty dots.
  • Costs are altered: See below.

Quantum Pool

A Nova's base Quantum Pool is now calculated by: 10 + [(Quantum + Node) * 5]. A chargen Nova has minimum Quantum Pool 15, maximum 60, without buying expansions.

  • It costs 3 XP to buy +2 to Quantum Pool, or 1 NP to buy +4 to Quantum Pool.
  • As a clarification, 1 Aggravated HL sacrificed provides 2 temporary Quantum points. These Quantum points can be spent above and beyond normal Quantum expenditure for the turn-they do not count towards the Quantum/turn limit.


Each Dot of Taint provides the following advantages:

  • Aberrations: The Nova gains beneficial body modifications (large size, acute senses, hardened skin, etc.) per dot of Permanent Taint. This body modification must generally relate to the power/etc. the Taint was used to purchase. After the 4th point of Taint, these body modifications become ever more obvious, and ever more powerful. At Taint 1-4, each point of Taint grants 2 XP worth of modifications, at Taint 5-7, each point grants 4 XP worth, and at Taint 8+ each point grants 6 XP worth.
  • Reduced Cost: Taking a power or level of Quantum Tainted reduces its cost by 3 NP (at chargen) or half (after chargen) at the cost of 1 permanent Taint. This can give a power negative cost at chargen.
  • Transhuman Ascendence: The quantum energies coursing through the Nova mutate her body far past human limits, both for good and for ill. At Taint 4, a Nova chooses one attribute. This attribute no longer has a rating cap, and any body modifications or merits which adjust or eliminate this rating cap (such as Exceptional [Attribute] or Inhuman [Attribute]) are converted back into XP. Every point of Taint after that removes the rating cap from two additional attributes, so a Nova at Taint 8 no longer has any obstacles to infinite development of mind and body as his physiology becomes ever-more-warped.

However, each Dot has the following disadvantages:

  • Social Issues: A Nova suffers +1 difficulty on social rolls against others if the Nova's permanent Taint is 4 levels higher than the opponent, and this difficulty penalty increases by every additional 2 levels of permanent Taint the Nova has. A Nova with Taint 8 suffers a +2 difficulty against a Nova with Taint 2, and +3 difficulty against a baseline. This applies for all social rolls, including intimidation-the Nova is just so fearsome the opponent is driven catatonic or desperately tries to make a stand rather than telling the Nova what he or she wants.
  • Taint Radiation: At high Taint levels (8+) the Nova radiates Taint radiation, which can poison baselines and give Taint to nearby Novas. With one scene of constant exposure, a Nova or baseline with permanent Taint less than half that of another Nova must roll (Stamina + Resistance) at the end of the scene, the difficulty being half the difference between the Taint levels of the two Novas (round up). Failure means a Nova takes 1 point of temporary Taint + 1 more point for every point of permanent Taint a Nova has above 9, while a baseline gains 1 level of permanent Taint and the advantages and disadvantages of said.
  • Aberrations: The Aberration system is used as normal for disadvantageous or inconvenient changes. These changes are merely paired with beneficial ones. Minor Aberrations are generally minor physical changes which merely stand out, equivalent to 0 to 1 point flaws. Moderate Aberrations are generally equal to 1-3 point flaws, and should be disadvantageous to the character, or highly inconvenient. Severe Aberrations are equivalent to 4+ point flaws.

Novas gain Aberration points with increasing Taint as shown below:

Taint 0-2: 0 pts
Taint 3-5: 1 pt/level
Taint 6-8: 2 pts/level
Taint 9-10: 4 pts/level.

A minor Aberration is worth 1 point, a moderate 2, and a severe 4.

Temporary Taint

This section lists new and altered ways to gain or lose temporary Taint.

Quantum Recharging

Novas can unsafely channel ambient quantum energies, recharging 2 Quantum Points instantly at the cost of 1 temporary Taint. This supplements Dying for Power: A very desperate Nova can do truly insane

Power Maxing

A Power Max requires the character to pay double the cost of the power, although more Quantum can be spent (an additional amount up to the character's permanent Quantum score). The character rolls his permanent Quantum. The character gains 1 temporary taint for a failed max, and 2 if the roll botches. Successes on this roll (if any were rolled) are added to the number of additional Quantum spent and used to buy new features for the power. This is a reflexive action.

  • 1 success buys +1d to the power's dice pool or damage, up to [Quantum].
  • 2 successes converts 1 dice in the power's pool into a success. For powers which have a roll to hit and another damage roll, it converts both part of the to-hit and damage roll.
  • 2 successes buys any desired Extra for the power.
  • 3 successes increases the power's level by 1 for all purposes, including accuracy, damage, and range.
  • 5 successes allows the Nova to alter the chosen power for (Quantum) actions, turning it into a similar but related power. For example, a Nova could pay 5 successes to turn Healing into Biomanipulation, or Bioluminescence into Quantum Bolt.

Power Maxing and Taint

A character may choose to take 1 temporary taint to add an additional point to their power max pool, or 2 temporary taint to convert all dice into successes.

Losing Temporary Taint

Characters may lose temporary Taint as listed in the core rulebook. Furthermore, a few additional systems help losing temporary Taint.

  • At the end of the scene, a character may roll Node. Temporary Taint is reduced by 1 per success on this roll. If this roll botches though, the character gains an additional 1 temporary Taint. It is the irony of the Nova condition that although a larger Node invaribly causes mental problems and Taint, it slows the accumulation of temporary Taint.
  • Taint Resistant Novas lose 1 temporary Taint every 24 hours.
  • 2nd Gen Novas lose all temporary Taint every 24 hours.

Extras and Enhancements

Instead of how Extras work currently, an Extra can be purchased for a power for the flat cost of 10 XP per Extra, with a maximum amount of Extras equal to half the power rating, rounded up (so a power at Rating 3 can support up to 3 Extras). A power may use as many or as few Extras as desired, each one adding +1 to the Quantum cost of the power. Buying an Extra at chargen is worth 3 NP. This change makes L3 powers somewhat better because they can support just as many Extras as L1 powers, and gives an incentive to buy power ratings up. Furthermore, a power may also have Strengths (as per the Player's Guide) equal to its rating. Each Strength costs 4 XP or 1 NP at chargen.

For Mega-Attributes, a character may support up to (Mega-Attribute + 2) Enhancements per attribute instead of an infinite amount, and may not stack any Enhancement more than (Mega-Attribute/2, round up) times.

Altered Enhancements


  • Crush: Crush damage is lethal by default, and if used to charge an attack for extra damage levels, the attack may take the form of a Smackdown (Str + 6 damage) or be aimed for 1 turn, instead of being a normal strike.
  • Accuracy: Accuracy adds +1 to the accuracy of all Nova powers, and increases the Nova's maximum aiming bonus by 3, to (Perception + 3), as well as adding 3 extra dice on the first turn of aiming. Accuracy may be purchased more than once to stack the improved power accuracy, but not further increase aiming ability.
  • Hardbody: Hardbody only affects Mega-Stamina soak, giving the Nova an aggravated soak score equal to his Mega-Stamina score normally, or twice that if the Nova also has Resiliency.
  • Shockwave: Shockwave deals (Strength + [Mega-Strength * 2])B damage to an area [Mega-Strength x 10]m in radius, and forces a Strength + Athletics roll at Difficulty 3 to stay upright or fall prone.
  • Thunderclap: Thunderclap deals (Strength + [Mega-Strength * 2])B damage to soft targets in an area [Mega-Strength x 10]m in radius, and those in that radius must roll Stamina + Resistance, difficulty equal to the number of levels of bashing damage they have taken, or be deafened. Surgery is required to repair this damage in baselines, but Novas regain their hearing immediately after healing the bashing damage.
  • Catfooted: replace system with: Catfooted adds 1 success to any contested Stealth roll, and all attempts to track the Nova's footprints without superhuman senses automatically fail as long as the Nova does not botch her stealth roll. This costs 1 Quantum and lasts for a scene.
  • Physical Prodigy: replace system with: +1 success to any Athletics, Performance, or other rolls based on physical prowess. This does not affect combat or dodge rolls. However, Physical Prodigy adds a bonus die to all Athletics rolls, including dodge.
  • Rapid Strike: Rapid Strike adds [Mega-Dexterity] dice to any melee damage roll.
  • Adaptability: Adaptability renders the Nova biologically immortal and adds (Mega-Stamina) dice to any roll to resist toxins or diseases which the Nova is not immune to.
  • Regeneration: A Nova with Regeneration heals (Mega-Stamina + 1) levels of bashing or lethal damage per hour and heals half that many levels of aggravated damage each day. Regeneration allows a Nova to regrow missing limbs or organs in (30/Mega-Stamina) days.
  • Fast Tasks: On extended rolls which require effort and knowledge, divide the timeframe of a roll by (Mega-Dexterity). Simple tasks such as painting or gardening can be completed in one combat round (3 seconds). When Fast Tasks is active, a Nova may take advantage of their increased speeds, reloading, drawing, or changing ammunition for weapons as a reflexive action.


In general, multiple dice-adding Enhancements shouldn't stack. Instead, add another bonus die if two enhancements would stack, unless the situation is particularly fitting or critical or there's a really good stunt backing them.

  • Awe-Inspiring/Face of Terror: replace system with: Awe-Inspiring gives +(Mega-Appearance) dice on Sway rolls where physical impressiveness is especially useful (commanding/etc), while Face of Terror does the same on rolls where raw horror may provide an advantage (for example, on torture). In especially fitting situations, a character may be able to add 1 success to the roll along with the bonus dice.
  • Seductive Looks: replace system with: +(Mega-Appearance) dice to any Sway roll where seuxality could be an additional advantage. In especially fitting situations, a character may be able to add 1 success to the roll along with the bonus dice.
  • Persuader: replace system with: Reduce the target's willpower by (Mega-Manipulation) when calculating the amount of Casual Sway needed to start creating Intimate Sway, minimum 1 effective Willpower. Costs no Quantum points and is always on.
  • The Voice: replace system with: Spend 1 Quantum to make a Sway roll via Manipulation + Relevant Social Ability, creating Intimate Sway, which has a difficulty of (Opponent's Wits). The victim may roll Willpower to resist. The timeframe of this action is 1 combat turn, but this can only be applied to one target and only may apply once per scene. Sway generated by The Voice cannot have its duration extended at all.
  • Commanding Presence: replace system with: +(Mega-Charisma) bonus dice to rolls made to create Sway which use superior rank or social class as an element of persuasion. In especially fitting situations, a character may be able to add 1 success to the roll along with the bonus dice.
  • Seductive: replace system with: +(Mega-Appearance) bonus dice to rolls made to create Sway via sexual attractiveness. In especially fitting situations, a character may be able to add 1 success to the roll along with the bonus dice.
  • Trickster: replace system with: +(Mega-Manipulation) to any roll made to create Sway that would convince a character of a fundamental untruth or otherwise deceive them. In especially fitting situations, a character may be able to add 1 success to the roll along with the bonus dice.


  • Mental Prodigy (Any): replace system with: +(Mega-Intelligence) dice to any roll made related to the field in question. Mental Prodigy: Tactics no longer adds +3 Initiative.
  • Quickness: Quickness actions may explicitly not be split into multiple actions, and moreover allow all actions, including the use of Quantum powers. A Nova may not take any more Quickness actions than he or she has Mega-Wits.
  • Multitasking: replace system with: Multitasking reduces multiple action penalties by (Mega-Wits). Multitasking is a permanent Enhancement which is always on and costs no Quantum points.
  • Discerning Mind: replace system with: +(Mega-Intelligence) dice to any roll to resist Sway. Furthermore add +(Mega-Intelligence) to the character's Willpower when determining the points of casual way necessary to create intimate sway.
  • Unfazeable: replace system with: +(Mega-Wits) dice to any roll to resist Sway. Furthermore add +(Mega-Wits) to the character's Willpower when determining the points of casual way necessary to create intimate sway.
  • Electromagnetic Vision: The Enhancement stays in effect for a scene. Adds (+Mega-Perception) dice for sight rolls instead of +3d.
  • Hyperenhanced Hearing: The Enhancement stays in effect for a scene. Adds (+Mega-Perception) dice for hearing rolls instead of +3d.
  • Eidetic Memory: The Nova may in effect have up to [Mega-Intelligence + 3] "phantom" dots of knowledge abilities stored in his memory, with no single "phantom" ability having a rating higher than (Mega-Intelligence/2 or 3, whichever is lower, round up) dots. These dots act as the ability in all respects, but are not actually purchased.


Remember, no power can have more levels of strength than its rating. Each strength costs 1 NP or 4 XP.

  • Accuracy: Add 1d to the roll to attack with the power.
  • Area: Add 1 to the power's rating when calculating area, or add an area of effect with a radius of (Power Rating) meters for 1
  • Damage: Add 1 level of bashing or lethal damage, or 1 die of aggravated damage.
  • Effect: Add 1d to the power's activation roll. 2 levels of Effect adds 1 bonus success to a power's activation roll.
  • Multiple Actions: 2 levels of this strength allows a power which normally cannot be used more than once a turn to be used more than once a turn.
  • Range: Add 1 to the power's rating when calculating range.
  • Soak: Add 1B/1L/(1A) soak if a power grants soak. This grants aggravated soak only if the power would normally soak aggravated damage.

New And Altered Extras

  • Aggravated: An offensive power with the Aggravated Extra deals half (round down) its normal damage and has half (round down) its range, but is aggravated. Claws given the Aggravated Extra deal (Claws) Aggravated damage instead, soaked separately from the rest of the attack damage, which is lethal. A power with the Aggravated Extra becomes more difficult to maintain. Powers with the duration of [Action] become [Instant], and powers with the duration of [Maintenance] or [Concentration] become [Action].
  • Area: A power with Area may have its Area reduced down to a minimum of 1 meter radius whenever used.
  • Armor Piercing: Armor Piercing attacks reduce enemy soak by 2 and gain +1 damage per threshold success, up to 5 (unless an Enhancement improves this). Armor Piercing may be bought more than once: every purchase after the first reduces enemy soak by an additional (power rating).
  • Burning: Burning does half damage reduced by soak (round up) for (power rating) turns. Burning may be bought twice, so it does half post-soak damage (round up) instead.
  • Cloud: Cloud adds +1 accuracy per dot of power to the attack.
  • Homing: Homing powers subtract (power rating) successes from any enemy dodge roll and reduce penalties from distance and/or cover by (power rating). A Nova may buy Homing twice to render the power "fire and forget", allowing it to attack targets the Nova cannot perceive due to cover, lack of line of sight, or other similar factors (as long as the Nova could in theory see the target, i.e. the target isn't there and invisible). A fire-and-forget power must be aimed with a general target criterion (valid criteria would be "any human male", "anyone wearing this uniform, "any armored vehicle"). If there is any doubt about whether the power can acquire a target, roll the power's effective Intelligence of (power rating/2, rounded up). Success means it successfully acquires a target if one exists, failure means it dissipates harmlessly, and a botch means it rockets off and blows up an orphanage or something.
  • Impervious: Impervious no longer ignores armor piercing and turns aggravated damage to lethal. An Impervious defensive power allows the power to add its lethal soak to aggravated soak, and reduces the effectiveness of armor piercing munitions and powers, subtracting (Power Rating * 2) from the effects of any hit by an armor-piercing attack or power. Impervious may be bought up to twice, stacking the effectiveness reduction to armor piercing effects.
  • Increased Duration: The Increased Duration Extra changes Instant duration powers into Action duration powers, Action duration powers to Concentration powers, Concentration powers to Maintenance powers, and if bought twice for a Maintenance power, a Maintenance power becomes a Permanent power. As a Permanent power, an attack or other activated power can be activated at-will for no cost.
  • Increased Range: The Increased Range Extra doubles the range increment, and changes long range to (infinite). Note that a Nova must be capable of perceiving the target to attack the target.
  • Mastery: Mastery multiplies range and area of effect increments by 5/10/15, reduces power cost by 1/2/3 Quantum, and multiplies the effect of the power by 2/3/5. Each level of Mastery does not count as an Extra for the number of Extras a power can support. Mastery 1 is gained at Q6, Mastery 2 is gained at Q8, and Mastery 3 is gained at Q10.
  • MIRV: A power with MIRV must deal at least 1 die of damage to every target.
  • Supercharge: The Supercharge Extra allows a Nova to supercharge a power beyond what he or she is normally capable of. The Nova pays as much Quantum as she wishes in addition to the normal activation cost. For every multiple of the power's cost, add a temporary +1 to Quantum and +1 to the power for purposes of resolving effects only for one roll.
Example: A Nova with Quantum 3, Dexterity 4, and Quantum Bolt 4 supercharges it, paying an additional 10 Quantum. The Nova resolves his Quantum Bolt as if he had Quantum 7 and Quantum Bolt 9, rolling 13d for his attack and dealing 36L [14] damage. The target is advised to use last-ditch defenses if at all possible, even burning life for additional power to fuel said defenses.
  • Spray/Jet: A power with the Spray/Jet extra only gains the accuracy bonus if the power is being used consecutively. However, the +1 difficulty to dodge spray/jet attacks remains. As a spray, the attack acts as a multiple-target burst attack, gaining (power rating) in accuracy but subtracting -1 to the dice pool for every target attacked beyond the first.

Power Alterations

New Duration

Some powers now have a duration of "Action" instead of "Instant" (mainly offensive powers). A duration of "Action" means that the power cost must only be paid once every turn, rather than once every use in a turn.


Absorption can increase a character's strength by up to (Quantum + Absorption) dots (rather than just Absorption). Under no circumstances does Absorption give Mega-Strength.

Animal/Plant Mastery

Animal/Plant Mastery gives the ability to talk to both plants and animals without an Extra.


Biomanipulation has Quantum Minimum 5.

  • Health Manipulation: Health Manipulation rolls (Stamina + Biomanipulation), adding autosuccesses equal to Quantum against a target's Stamina + Resistance. Each net success deals 1 lethal health level of damage. Health Manipulation cannot normally be soaked-however, Hardbody adds an additional (+Mega-Stamina) dice to the resistance roll.


Given that Bodymorph allows the emulation of Level 2 powers, Bodymorph is now considered to be a Level 3 power.


Claws has special interaction with the Aggravated extra, as noted above.

Density Increase

Density Increase is no longer rolled, instead adding (Density Control*2) to strength, lethal, and bashing soak, and also multiplying the character's mass by that value rather than the written increase.


Disintegrate has an attack roll now, (Dexterity + Disintegrate), and does a base damage of (Stamina + Disintegrate) dice + [Quantum] automatic levels of damage.


Disrupt may be targeted at quantum-based constructs such as force fields, quantum constructs, and even self-guided quantum powers such as homing quantum bolts (when the attacker is out of line of sight) or the like. Similarly, it may be used to power block against offensive quantum powers.

In this case, each net success on the (Intelligence + Disrupt) roll against the Construct's (Stamina + Resistance) becomes 2 levels of damage to the construct. Force fields and guided powers (homing Quantum Bolt, homing Disintegrate, etc etc) have an effective Stamina equal to (Quantum + Power Rating), and without a specific formula instead lose 2 automatic levels (or dice) of damage per success on a disrupt roll.

In the event it matters, as some constructs may have regenerative abilities or fail to be incapacitated by certain types of damage, disrupt-caused damage is aggravated.

(Element) Control

(Element) Control is now a generic unified power, with power effects appropriate to the chosen element or weakened L1/L2 powers. Elemental Anima no longer exists, having been subsumed into Elemental Mastery. (Element) Mastery/Manipulation now generally has Quantum Minimum 4, with the exceptions being Spatial Manipulation and Temporal Manipulation due to the power sets of said.

  • Blast/Lethal Blast are one power, and have a duration of "Action" rather than "Instant". Blast does [Quantum x 3] levels and [Power Rating x 4] dice of bashing damage, while Lethal Blast does [Quantum x 2] levels and [Power Rating x 4] dice of lethal damage.
  • Storm deals (Wits + Elemental Mastery) dice of lethal damage and reduces enemy dice pools by (power rating) if they fail an opposed roll (often Stamina + Resistance, although certain storms may be defined with more esoteric resistance attributes if the element is obscure enough).
  • Sphere uses the rules for Spatial Shockwave, with a radius of [Quantum + Power rating] x 10 meters, and a damage of [Quantum x 2] levels and [Power Rating x 4] dice of bashing damage, or [Quantum x 2] levels and [Power Rating x 3] dice of lethal damage to all in the sphere. Sphere cannot be blocked without a power or dodged without the ability to move outside of the radius of effect.
  • Shield can use one of several rules, with the player choosing the mode on purchase.
Deflection: The Shield power can add +1 difficulty per dot to hit the character with most attacks. This is common for powers that involve altering space or probability.
Soak: The shield adds +2B/2L to soak per power level. This is commonly used for "shields" which emulate armor, such as Molecular Control.
Ablation: Acts identically to forcefield, save it has [Quantum + Stamina + Power Rating] external health levels. Shields which ablate against enemy attacks (magical sci-fi energy shields) are represented in this fashion.
Offensive Option: The shield halves its given protection (choose another option to show how its protection works) but a hand to hand attack that hits it deals 3d of bashing or 2d of lethal damage per dot in the power. Things like fire shields or shields made out of blades would work as this option.
Specialized: The shield works only against a fairly narrow set of attacks (as non-broad Invulnerability). Combine two options to set how the shield protects against that set of attacks. Against all other attacks, choose one of those options and halve its effect, rounding up.

Entropy Control

  • Bioentropy Storm: Bioentropy storm damage is unsoakable by any means, but still resisted by Stamina. Hardbody adds an additional (Mega-Stamina) dice to resist Bioentropy Storm.
  • Breakdown: Breakdown deals health levels of damage per success against targets, which cannot be soaked, against the target's Stamina. Simple or hardened objects such as fairly simple machines, milspec computers, and the like have Stamina 5+ and take 1 health level of damage per net success, moderately simple systems such as vintage (pre-hypercombustion) cars, WWII-era propeller planes, most high-reliability computers, etc have Stamina 2-4 and take 2 health levels of damage per success, while highly complex systems like cutting edge fighter aircraft, advanced electronics, and so on have Stamina 1 and take 3 levels of damage per net success. Breakdown damage is lethal.
  • Entropic Shield: Entropic Shield is a Deflection shield power, ignore its other rules.
  • Probability Corruption: The character now rolls Intelligence + Probability Control versus Wits + Luck (the Nova power). Each net success removes 1 success from the result of any roll the opponent makes, up to (Entropy Control) successes removed. Furthermore, a character affected by this power botches any non-opposed failed rolls and any opposed roll where he or she scores 0 or fewer successes.


If a character has Wings, add +1 to the effective rating of the Flight power for purposes of speed and maneuverability for each purchase of Wings that the character has. Gliding Wings add +1 to maneuverability, but do not affect speed. To fully synchronize tactical and strategic flight speeds, flight now allows the character to move (Quantum + Flight) * 32 meters a round, or roughly (Quantum + Flight) * 40 km/h.


Forcefield no longer gives soak. Rather, it gives temporary external health levels equal to (Quantum + Stamina + [2*Forcefield]) which regenerate at [power rating] levels/turn on the character's action. An attack which penetrates the field has to be soaked normally by the character, but loses as many dice and levels of damage (automatic damage levels are absorbed first) as were necessary to penetrate the field. So a character with Quantum 3, Forcefield 3, and Stamina 5 with Mega-Stamina 2 has a forcefield with 18 health levels that regenerates 3 of these levels a turn. If she was hit by an attack that did [15] + 20L damage that penetrated her field on the first hit, she subtracts the 18 health levels from the damage dealt (negating all 15 automatic damage levels and 3 damage dice), which means that she only has to soak 17L damage. If all health levels are filled by damage, a forcefield shuts down and may not be reactivated until the character's next action.

A forcefield typically has 0B/0L/0A soak, and Aggravated damage ignores a forcefield outright unless said forcefield is Impervious. Armor Piercing attacks deal an extra level of damage to the forcefield for every two dots of soak they would ignore (round up extra damage levels). Furthermore, a Forcefield may be directly attacked by powers such as Disrupt, with the same damage rules as apply to quantum constructs.

If Forcefield's duration is increased to permanent, it still costs Quantum to reactivate in combat, but automatically regenerates all damage and reactivates at the end of the scene.

  • New Extra: Feedback. A forcefield with Feedback deals damage to the attacker whenever hit. For every level of damage the forcefield withstands, it deals 1 dice of the same type of damage (bashing or lethal, aggravated is downgraded to lethal) to the attacker.
  • New Extra: Volatile. A Volatile forcefield damages everything around the user when breached, dealing [Quantum * 2] levels and (Forcefield * 2) dice of bashing damage, or [Quantum] levels and (Forcefield * 2) dice of lethal damage to all targets within a radius of ([Quantum + Forcefield] * 5) meters.
  • New Extra: Ablative. An Ablative forcefield negates all damage from the attack that pierces the forcefield.
  • New Extra: Hardened. A Hardened forcefield has bashing, lethal, and aggravated soak equal to (Forcefield + 1).


Healing is now a Level 2 power, which rolls (Stamina + Healing) to heal targets. Each net success on this roll allows the Nova to heal 1 health level. Aggravated damage costs triple to heal. A Nova may heal even a dying character but that merely stabilizes them at Incapacitated.


Hypermovement multiplies the final movement distance by 6 per level for both tactical and strategic movement.


Replace system with: Roll Intelligence + Hypnosis against the target's Willpower. Successes generate Casual Sway over a timeframe of ten seconds (3 combat rounds). This Casual Sway fades at the rate of one point/day.


Immolate now deals [Quantum] levels + (Immolate * 3) dice of bashing or [Quantum] levels + (Immolate * 2) dice of lethal damage to everyone in contact with the Nova. Immolate damage is soaked separately from melee damage.

Matter Creation

Instead of sacrificing 1 permanent WP point to make items permanent, the character sacrifices 1 permanent Quantum point instead. Furthermore there are no restrictions on how much damage they can do. If you get enough successes summon a railgun out of thin air. Go wild!

Mental Blast

Mental Blast is now Duration [Action] rather than [Instant] and deals 2 levels of bashing damage per net success rather than 1.

  • New Extra: Lethal-Mental Blast deals lethal, rather than bashing, damage, causing severe neurological trauma.
  • New Extra: Disruptive-The action after being successfully attacked by Mental Blast, the victim takes an additional -(Mental Blast/2) dice penalty, rounded up. This penalty does not stack and lasts for one turn.

Psychic Shield

Psychic Shield does not give soak against damaging mental powers, just the 2 successes on the resistance roll.

Quantum Bolt

Quantum Bolt is now Duration [Action] rather than [Instant] and can switch between lethal and bashing damage as desired.

  • Bashing Damage: [Quantum * 3] levels + [Quantum Bolt * 5] dice
  • Lethal Damage: [Quantum * 3] levels + [Quantum Bolt * 4] dice

Quantum Conversion

As an offensive power, Quantum Conversion deals [Quantum + Quantum Conversion] levels of bashing damage or (Quantum + Quantum Conversion) dice of lethal damage and costs only 1 Quantum.

Sizemorph (Grow)

Sizemorph (Grow) gives a linear increase in volume. 1 dot is doubled mass, 2 is tripled, so on. Sizemorph (Grow) adds +2 Stamina and +2 -0 HLs instead of +1 per level as well, to even it out with the "Large/Huge/Giant/Gargantuan" body modifications.


Shapeshift no longer allows the character to emulate powers. It only allows the character to shuffle attribute dots, change appearance, and manifest body modifications. Each success on the shapeshift roll allows the manifestation of 6 XP worth of body modifications, moving 2 physical attribute dots (or appearance) around, or adding +1 to a physical attribute (or appearance).

Spatial Mastery

  • Ripple Shield is a Specialized (ranged attacks only) shield with the Deflection and Soak options (+1 difficulty, +2L/2B soak per level).

Stun Attack

Stun Attack now has an attack roll of Dexterity + Stun Attack and does (Strength + Stun Attack) dice of stun damage with (Quantum) automatic levels. Stun Attack is also Duration [Action] rather than [Instant].

Temporal Mastery

  • Accelerate Time: Accelerate Time's extra actions, like all extra actions, may not be split.
  • Delay Damage: Delay Damage delays all damage from one attack by its net successes in turns, and a character may pay 1 WP to delay all damage from a blow until the end of the scene instead.
  • Dilate Time: Dilate Time reduces initiative by (Temporal Manipulation) per net success, but can be resisted by an opposed (Willpower + Quantum) roll.

New Additions

Aberrant 2.0 Expansion
Aberrant 2.0 Optional Rules