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Line 516: Line 516:
She appears as a young woman in her twenties with a slender and tall build, with a slightly ample bosom and svelte curves. She has brilliant red hair that almost resembles the orange of dying embers, and clear blue eyes. Her skin is porcelain, and marked by thin black indentations along her neck and joints, which betray her artificial heritage.
She appears as a young woman in her twenties with a slender and tall build, with a slightly ample bosom and svelte curves. She has brilliant red hair that almost resembles the orange of dying embers, and clear blue eyes. Her skin is porcelain, and marked by thin black indentations along her neck and joints, which betray her artificial heritage.
:Forgeborn (Limited Magery 2, but gain +3 to Physical, +2 to Education, +1 to Wits and Charisma, +2 Physical (Toughness) and +1 Education(Ancestral/Encyclopedic Memories))
:Forgeborn (Limited Magery 2, but gain +3 to Physical, +2 to Education, +1 to Wits and Charisma, +2 Physical (Toughness) and +1 Education (Ancestral/Encyclopedic Memories))
:Warrior (+1 Finesse and +1 Physical)
:Warrior (+1 Finesse and +1 Physical)
::Berserker (+1 Physical and +1 Physical (Toughness))
::Berserker (+1 Physical and +1 Physical (Toughness))
Line 570: Line 570:
:The Forge 2 [3]
:The Forge 2+2 [3]
::Weaponcraft 2 [3]
::Weaponcraft 2 [3]
::The Singularity 2 [3]
::The Singularity 2+2 [3]

Revision as of 21:21, 9 October 2010

Important: The Berserker sub-career has been changed from +2 Physical (Toughness) and +1 Physical (Berserk Strength) to +1 Physical and +1 Physical (Toughness). All those of you who are berserkers, change it.

Fief Title/Name Descriptor Examples.
Village/Town/Small City/Large City/Huge City/Province/Planet
Chief/Lord(Lordship)/Baron (Barony)/Count(County)/Duke(Duchy)/Prince/King

Sophia of 14

Mortal (Evil Spartan: +1 Finesse, +1 Physical, and +1 Charisma (In a cool, commanding voice), -1 Charisma.)
Warrior (+1 Finesse +1 Physical)
Commando (+1 Finesse (Small Arms), +1 Finesse (Stealth), and +1 Wits (Awareness))


The human brain is a remarkable thing. Even when the body dies, the mind may survive a while. Sophia is the product of such. Her mind is constructed from the shadows of fourteen amazons who fell during the raid on Themescria by Heracles. Her body is a clone, extensively enhanced and for a mortal extremely strong and tough.

With the amazon civilisation in decline against more divine favoured groups, especially the Dorian, Sophia of 14 seeks to reverse the trend, throw down the Greeks and their gods and find out who it was who created her.


Magery 2 (3 points)
Finesse 7 (6 points) (+1 Apostate +1 Spartan +1 Warrior +1 Enhancements)
Physical 6 (6 points) (+1 Apostate +1 Spartan +1 Warrior)
Education 3 (6 points)
Wits 4 (10 points)
Charisma 3 (10 points) (-1 Spartan)


(6 points)

+3 Finesses Small arms (3 points)
+1 Finesses against divine beings (1 point)
+2 Finesses Stealth (1 points)
+1 Finesses hand to hand (1 points)
+2 Wits Awareness (1 point)
+1 Education (Military history) (1 points)
+2 Charisma (command) (2 points)
+1 Charisma (cool commanding voice)

Legend and Respect

Legend: 3 (2 CP)
Respect: 1 (1 CP)



Moderate Enhancements (5 CP) +1 Finesse +1 telekinesis.


Powerful Artefact (A high tech looking nanosuit that allows its wearer to teleport) (5 CP)


Attendants Minor Heroes (15 CP): Sophia has a small band of Amazons with her.


Oath of Vengeance: Greeks (5 points)


Concept: Canfield the Demi-goddess D:
Scion Akkadian:(+3 Charisma, +2 Physical, +1 Wits, +1 native respect, +1 Education)
Scion of: Ishtar
Calling: Warrior(+1 Finesse, +1 Physical)

Strategos(+1 Charisma (Command) and +2 Education (Military History)


War(+1 Finesse and +1 Physical (Toughness)
Love(+1 Charisma and +1 Charisma (Overwhelming Beauty) )

Legend and Respect

Legend: 2 - 6 CP
Respect: 1


Magery: 2 - 3 CP
Finesse: 6(2+3) -10 CP
Physical: 7(3+3+1) - 6 CP
Education: 4(1+3) - 6 CP
Wits: 4(1+3) - 6 CP
Charisma: 7(4+3) - 6 CP


Charisma: Command - 1
Charisma: Overwhelming Beauty - 1
Physical: Toughness - 1
Physical: Strength - 2
Education: Military History - 2


Trivial Enhancement(Blessing type)- 1 CP

Muscle Augmentation(+1 Physical Specialty: Strength)

Minor Enhancement(Blessing type) - 4 CP

Hardened Skeleton with Muscle Augmentation(+1 Physical, +1 Physical Specialty: Strength)


Metropolis(Martial-Battleship)- 15 CP


Veteran Escort - 10 CP<-(MARINE compliment)



Yhor Vargarus

Player: BM
Concept: Reborn Sorceror-King

Description: A man of impossible power and beauty, Yhor Vargarus once ruled over entire worlds. With powerful magic and charisma, he dominated Midgard, his empire spreading at the heels of his monstrous armies. But like all kings, he died; slain by his former ally over an argument. And so his empire fell apart.

But Yhor was no ordinary man - he was a son of Loki, god of fire and trickery and former giant. The biomechanical creature, bored one day with the state of Midgard's dynamic, decided that the world needed another sorcerer-king. And so he reached into the Underworld, and pulled his son's soul from the database, reconstituting his body, and leaving him on another planet to start again.

Yhor remembers his former life, and how it was taken. He does not intend to waste his new take on life - though the worlds have forgotten him as anything but legend, and he will make them remember. He won't waste any time of his new life. He has gathered artifacts and honed his new body, attracting followers - including the Valkyrie sent to kill him by Odin. Her defection has earned the god's wrath, but he will survive, as his father did.

He currently rules the city of Sving, deep in the forests of Vauldrung. And he will rule all he can when he has surpassed his earlier power.

Yhor is a thin, clean-limbed man of outstanding beauty, with a mop of dark hair. He dresses in a fur-cloak and leather armour, with an ornate dagger by his side, and a circuit-lined skull hung from his belt.


Gotarling Trader (+1 Charisma ,+1 Charisma (Dealmaking), +1 Education (Foreign Cultures), -1 Physical)
Scion of Loki (+1 to Physical, Wits, Charisma, and Education, +2 Magery, +1 Respect (Midgard))
Sorcerer (+1 Magery, +1 Education (Cosmology), +2 Magic Paths)
Ritualist +1 Magery (Ritual Magic), +1 Magic Paths)


Knowledge (+1 Education and +1 Education (The Underworld))
Trickery (+1 Wits and +1 Education (Security))


Magery 9 [4+4+1Artifact] (10)
Ritual Magic 2 [1+1] (1)
Summoning 1 [1+0] (1)
Additional Paths 1 [1+0] (1)
Finesse 2 [2+0] (3)
Physical 2 [2+1-1] (3)
Education 6 [3+2+1Enhancement] (6)
Cosmology 1 [0+1] (0)
Security 1 [0+1] 1(0)
Foreign Cultures 1 [0+1] (0)
The Underworld 2 [1+1] (1)
Wits 5 [3+2] (6)
Charisma 6 [3+2+1Artifact] (6)
Dealmaking 1 [0+1] (0)
Respect (Midgard) 4 [3+1] (6)
Legend 2 [2+0] (6)


Trivial Enhancement (1)
Dermal Armour
Minor Enhancement (4)
+1 Education, Medical Systems
Artifact: Skull of the Frost-witch. A skull belonging to a powerful wilds witch who bewitched men with her powers, etched with crystalline circuitry. The skull contains knowledge of her magical power, which Yhor has attuned to. (5)
+1 Magery, +1 Charisma
Fiefdom: Small City (Sving a city in a dark, wooded province, built around a foreboding castle) (5)
Followers: Companion (Wynia, fallen Valkyrie utterly dedicated to her Lord) (10 = 10X1)
Greater Hero (ten times cost)
Underworld Favour: (10)
Wrath of God (Odin doesn't like that one of his Valkyries ran off to be a doting servant of some great hero. Why does that keep happening?! (+10)
Artifact: Fur-lined cloak of rich red pelts. (0)
Artifact: Dwarven-made ruby-studded belt of gold, with a dragon-shaped buckle.


Total Points: 20 (Magery Natural Rating 8)

The Maiden: Level 10
The Veil: Level 10


Description: Wynia is a Valkyrie warrior known for her fighting prowess and stealth, often used by Odin to assassinate Jotun leaders. She was sent to kill Yhor when he returned to life. She fought him several times, her immense combat prowess slaughtering his minions and nearly bringing him down. However, her own doubt in her own position (she is not as magically or intellectually inclined as some Valkyrie, leading her others considering her little more than a brawler) left her open to Yhor's charms. The sorcerer-king manipulated her into believing that Odin wishes her to die at the hands of her targets (hence difficult missions such as himself), and that he would value her training. So she renounced him, and took her place by Yhor's side.

Wynia now functions as bodyguard, assassin, and occasionally escort for her master. She adores him dearly, basking in his favour and cringing at his displeasure. For his part, he is rather fond of her and impressed by her immense martial aptitude, and treats her quite well.

Wynia is a tall, statuesque woman with exquisite pale features and long, luxurious red hair. She is often decked out in her ornate Blood-wind armour, wielding her Lance-rifle in battle. Yhor has also used his biological mastery to heavily augment her, giving her internal weapons and an implanted cloaking device, as well as enhanced reflexes to make her a brutal force on the battlefield.

Valkyrie (+2 Finesse, +2 Physical, +1 Charisma, +1 Wits, and +1 Education)
Warrior (+1 Finesse and +1 Physical)
Commando (+1 Finesse (Small Arms), +1 Finesse (Stealth), and +1 Wits (Awareness))

Magery 2 [2+0] (3)
Finesse 9 [3+3+1Artifact+2Enhancement] (6)
Small Arms 3 [1+1+1Artifact] (1)
Stealth 4 [2+1+1Enhancement] (3)
Physical 6 [3+3] (6)
Education 3 [2+1] (3)
Wits 5 [4+1] (10)
Awareness 1 [1+1] (1)
Charisma 4 [3+1] (6)
Respect 1 (1)
Legend 1 (2)
Trivial Enhancement (1)
Hidden SMG
Minor Enhancement (4)
+1 Finesse, +1 Finesse (Stealth)
Moderate Enhancement (5)
+1 Finesse, Cloaking Device
Minor Artifact: Valkyrie Lance-rifle
+1 Finesse (Small Arms)
Moderate Artifact: Blood-wind Valkyrie Armour
+1 Finesse

The Crone: Level 4

Prince Steinar

Player: G

Mortal (+2 Legend, 5 CP of Gifts )
Gotarling (+1 Starship Maint, +1 Piloting)
Explorer (+1 Wits, +1 Medicine, +1 Navigation)
Conquistador (+1 Finesse, +1 Command)
Apostate (+1 Education, +1 Charisma)

Character Points: 75


Magery: 2 (3)
Finesse: 3 (2+1)(3)
Physical: 2 (3)
Education: 5 (4+1)(10)
Wits: 4 (3+1)(6)
Charisma: 4 (3+1)(6)


Finesse (Piloting) 1 (0)
Finesse (Pistols) 1 (1)
Charisma (Command) 3 (2+1) (3)
Charisma (High Society) 1 (1)
Education (Navigation) 2 (1+1) (1)
Education (History) 2 (3)
Education (Starship Maint) 1 (0)
Education (Medicine) 1 (0)

Fief and Followers

The Steinar Expedition (Planet-Level) (35)
Green Praetorian Guard (10)


Legend 2 (0)
Minor Enhancement (0)
Geas (Choose the Impossible!) (+10)

Enusat, Lord of War

Name: Enusat
Race: Utukku (+1 Magery, +2 to the path of The Veil, +2 Physical, and +1 Wits, Charisma, and Education)
Calling: Warrior (+1 Finesse and +1 Physical), Berserker (+1 Physical (Toughness) and +1 Physical)
Blessings: War (+1 Finesse and +1 Physical (Toughness)), Health (+1 Physical and +1 Education (The Underworld))

Stats and Specialties: 37 + 13 [50]

Magery: 2 + 1 [3] (3)
Finesse: 3 + 2 + 2^ [5, 7^] (6)
Physical: 4 + 5 + 1^ [9, 10^] (10)
Education: 3 + 1 [4] (6)
Wits: 3 + 2 [5] (6)
Charisma: 3 + 1 + 1^ [4, 5^] (6)

Respect: 3 + 0 [3] (6)
Legend: 2 + 0 [2] (6)
Toughness: 0 + 2 + 2^ [2, 4^] (0)
Berserk Strength: 0 + 0 + 2^ [0, 2^] (0)
Education (The Underworld): 1 + 1 [2] (1)

Boons: (20)

Minor Enhancement (attribute +1 save magery , Two implants): Reactionless Vector System, Dermal Armor (5)
Relic: Plasma Claws of the Destroyer^ (15)

+1 Strength
+2 Finesse
+1 Charisma
+2 Toughness
+2 Berserk Strength

Fiefdom: Nothin (0)

Followers: None (0)

Merits: (10)
Divine Shield: (10)

Flaws: (+5)
Hated by Fate: (+5)

Paths: 6 + 2* [8*]
The Veil: 3 + 2* [5]
The Singularity: 3 + 0 [3]

*From Race bonus

Sargon Shursaga

Heritor of Gilgamesh.
Player: Andronicus

Scion of (+1 to Physical, Wits, Charisma, and Education; and +2 attributes; the attribute/specialty (not Legend and Gift) bonuses of any one mortal sect. +1 Respect of the peoples they originate from.)


+1 Charisma and +1 Physical, but -1 Finesse.
Warrior (+1 Finesse and +1 Physical.)
Bererker (2 Physical (Toughness) and +1 Physical (Berserk Strength))

Character Points: 75




Fief and Followers


Legend 0 (0)
Minor Enhancement (0)
Minor Artifact (0)

Isgerd the Valkyrie


Insert lengthy background no one else will read here.

Race and Calling

Valkyrie (+2 Finesse, +2 Physical, +1 Charisma, +1 Wits, +1 Education)
Warrior (+1 Finesse +1 Physical)
Strategos (+1 Charisma (Command), +2 Education (Military History))


Knowledge (+1 Education, +1 Education (???))
War (+1 Finesse, +1 Physical (Toughness))


Magery 4 (10 CP)
Finesse 7 (6 CP)
Physical 7 (10 CP)
Toughness 1/3 (0 CP)
Education 5 (6 CP)
Education (Military History) 2 (0 CP)
Wits 4 (6 CP)
Charisma 4 (6 CP)
Charisma (command) 1 (0 CP)

Legend and Respect

Legend: 3 (12 CP)
Respect: 2 (Warriors of Midgard) (3 CP)



Powerful Artefact (5 CP)

A suit of armour that grants +2 Toughness and lets the wearer turn invisible.


Large Town (3CP)

Her estates somewhere in Asgard, which provide her with enough income to polish her armour and buy fancy jewellery.


Attendants Minor Heroes (15 CP)

King Whitebear – a cybernetically enhanced sapient polar bear which she rides into battle. Can shoot laser bolts from his eyes. Also the King of the Polar Bears.
Leif the Lucky – Heroic mortal, brilliant pilot, and all round lovable rogue (if by lovable you mean Viking marauder).
Gullaug – A younger less experienced Valkyrie who acts as a sidekick and chronicler for Isgerd.


Heirloom (3CP)

A wonder of divine technomagic the Skysoarer is an ancient stealth spaceship suitable for bringing our beloved heroine wherever she needs to go.


Geasa (+10 CP)

Must Seek Out Great Battles and Great Warriors to Find Worthy Souls for Odin

Name: Boleslava, Lady of the Hammer


Mortal (+2 Legend, +5 Boon/Merit CP)
Veneti (+1 Finesse (Hammers), +1 Education (Demolitions))
Artisan (+1 Physical, +1 Physical (Hammers))
Craftsman (+1 Education, +1 Education (Blacksmithing))


Magery: 2 (2; 3)
Finesse: 6 (3+3; 6)
Physical: 5 (2+3; 3)
Education: 5 (3+2; 6)
Wits: 3 (3+0; 6)
Charisma: 4 (4+0; 10)


+1 Finesse (Hammers) (0)
+1 Finesse (Flying) (0)
+2 Physical (Hammers) (0)
+3 Physical (Toughness) (1+2;1)
+1 Physical (Melee Combat) (0)
+1 Education (Demolitions) (0)
+1 Education (Blacksmithing) (0)
+1 Education (Weapons Making) (0)
+2 Charisma (Command) (2; 3)
+1 Charisma (Inspiring) (1; 1)

Legend and Respect:

Legend: 4 (2+2; 6)
Respect (Veneti): 2 (2; 3)


Trivial Enhancement [1] – EYEBEAMS!

(+1 Eyebeams)

Relic [15] – the Armour of the Star-Smith

(+2 Finesse, +3 In-Built Minimissile System, +1 The Forge, +1 Finesse (Flying), +1 Physical (Toughness), +1 Physical (Melee Combat))

Relic [15] - the Hammer of the Star-Smith

(+2 Physical, +1 Physical (Hammers), +3 In-Built Minimissile System, +1 The Forge, +1 The Sun)


Large City [10] – Heavy Cruiser


Elite Bodyguard [10] – a personal unit of Hussars


Wrath of God [+10] – Veles is not at all happy that Boleslava found and took the gear he went to considerable lenghts to bury.
Flashy [+3]
Hated by Fate [+5]


War (+1 Finesse, +1 Physical (Toughness))
Knowledge (+1 Education, +1 Education (Weapon Making))


The Forge: 4 (2+2)
The Sun: 3 (2+1)

Malik al'Rostam

"I am the hidden Spear of Justice!"
Player: Five
Concept: Persian Gun Ninja. With a Spear.

Scion (+1 to Physical, Wits, Charisma, and Education; +2 Finesse, +1 Finesse(Small Arms) +1 Respect (Sassanian))
Sassanian (+1 Finesse (Small Arms) and +1 Physical (Toughness))
Warrior (+1 Finesse and +1 Physical)
Commando (+1 Finesse (Small Arms), +1 Finesse (Stealth), and +1 Wits (Awareness))
War (+1 Finesse and +1 Physical (Toughness))
Trickster (+1 Wits and +1 Education (Security))


Magery: 2 [3]
Finesse: 4+4+1 [10]
Small Arms 4+3+1+1 [10]
Melee Weapons 3+1 [6]
Stealth 2+1+1 [3]
Physical: 3+1 [6]
Toughness 2+1+1 [3]
Education: 3+1 [6]
Security: 2+1 [3]
Wits: 4+1 [10]
Awareness: 2+1 [3]
Charisma: 2+1 [3]

Respect (Sassanian) 0+1 [0]
Legend 1 [2]


Trivial Enhancement [1]
Eye with Built-in Aimbot ( +1 Small Arms)
Minor Enhancement [4]
Enhanced prosthetic Muscle Fibers (+1 Finesse, +1 Stealth)
Moderate Enhancement [5]
Additional Prostheses and Reinforced Body Structure (+1 Finesse, +1 Toughness)
Moderate Artifact: Rostam Spike (Spear) [3]
Rostam Family's powerful Spear! (+1 Melee Weapons)
It has a gun in it too. (+1 Small Arms)

Followers: Elite Bodyguards [5x2]
Malik has an elite group of a dozen highly trained Hashmalan Commandos.


Wrath of Gods(Malik may or may not have been involved in a covert raid on Lacedaemon to obtain a precious artifact.) [+10 CP]
Intolerant(Dorians): The centuries ago Hellas-Hashmalah war still leaves a bad taste in many people on both sides. [+3 CP]

Alfeidr of the Sky

Alfeidr is an artificial maiden created from two powerful relics created in Odin's honor, who was to stand as his servant and trophy for all time. She eventually gained sentience and defying her divine creators, fled into the lands of Midgard in the hopes of some day choosing her own path.

She is a fierce and powerful fighter who seeks combat, cursed to fight until defeated, and then forever serve the victor.

She appears as a young woman in her twenties with a slender and tall build, with a slightly ample bosom and svelte curves. She has brilliant red hair that almost resembles the orange of dying embers, and clear blue eyes. Her skin is porcelain, and marked by thin black indentations along her neck and joints, which betray her artificial heritage.

Forgeborn (Limited Magery 2, but gain +3 to Physical, +2 to Education, +1 to Wits and Charisma, +2 Physical (Toughness) and +1 Education (Ancestral/Encyclopedic Memories))
Warrior (+1 Finesse and +1 Physical)
Berserker (+1 Physical and +1 Physical (Toughness))
Apostate (+1 Physical, +1 Finesse)


Magery: 2 [3]
Finesse: 2+2+2+2 [3]
Melee Weapons 2+2+1 [3]
Physical: 6+2+2 [3]
Toughness: 3+3 [0]
Endurance: 1+2 [1]
Damage 4 [0]
Education: 2+2 [3]
Encyclopedic Memories 1 [0]
Wits: 1+3 [6]
Charisma: 1+2+2 [3]
Beauty: 2 [3]
Legend: 3 [12]
Respect: Raiders 1 [1]
Respect: Swordsmen 1 [1]


Moderate Enhancement [10]
+2 Finesse, +2 Finesse (Melee Weapons)
Ionocraft Wings [Spec 1]
"Alfeidr received numerous body enhancements and psychosurgical skill uploads to improve her skill with the sword, in order to prevent the tools crafted from the jotun's body from falling into the wrong hands. She was also gifted a pair of glittering wings in order to allow her to fly freely through the air."
Relic: Hraesvelgr's Wing, the Giantforged Sword (Greatsword) [15]
[Bonus] +2 Finesse, +4 Physical (Damage), +1 Finesse (Melee)
The Wind [Effect] (Attacks all targets in melee range, when wielded.) [1]
Bound to Alfeidr [Special] (Retracts into her body when not in use.) [Spec 1]
"The wing of the eagleform giant was forged into a greatsword, his bones carved into elegant shapes and bonded with shifting hyperalloy, and feathers bound with slates of black diamond and ivory metals. When held in the hands of a powerful swordsman, the Wing is a weapon of great power that cuts with the shrill sound of the moving air. The Wing's user is said to always be supernaturally strong and fleet of foot."
Relic: Hraesvelgr's Beak, the Winged Crest (Powered Armor) [15]
[Bonus] +2 Physical, +3 Physical (Toughness), +2 Physical (Endurance)
The Sky [Effect] (Creatures of darkness cannot bear to look upon the golden plates of the Beak, as it is anathema to them. Creatures of the sky are unnaturally drawn to it, as they see it as beautiful) [1]
Bound to Alfeidr [Special] (Retracts into her body when not in use.) [Spec 1]
"Hraesvelgr was submitted to the indignity of having his beak removed by the hands of the Aesir. Like his wing, it was remade into an implement of war in Odin's honor. Broken and bound together by bands of shifting hyperalloys, it was remade into an elegant suit of armor. The Beak's user is said to be loved by the sky."
Powerful Artifact: Ragnar's Eyepatch (Accessory) [5]
+2 Charisma
"The eyepatch of a great Einherjar that was discarded after he entered Valhalla, it boosts the resolve and strength of personality of the bearer by synchronizing their brainwaves with those of the warrior-king."
Minor Artifact: Sigurd's Girdle (Shield Belt) [1]
+2 Physical: Toughness
"Sirgurd's Girdle is a powerful shield belt said to be made from the hairs of the Norns themselves, and protected him from the spilling fire-blood of Fafnir when he plunged his sword into the dragon's heart. They generate probabilistic manipulation fields that reduce the damage inflicted on the user by directing it away from critical locations."


The Forge 2+2 [3]
Weaponcraft 2 [3]
The Singularity 2+2 [3]


Immortal [5]
"Alfeidr can only be killed by having the Idea Engine that powers her body destroyed. It is located where the heart is situated for a human being."


Hubris [3]
"There's a degree of pride that comes from being one of the best examples of artifice ever produced by the Aesir."
Flashy [3]
"Subtlety is for people that don't grow brilliant golden armor from their spine or a giant sword that resembles an eagle's wing on their right arm."
Geasa [10]
Tied to Immortal, Ragnar's Eyepatch and Moderate Enhancement
"Even should you escape me, you will be cursed. You will seek battle with those who carry God-blood for all time. You will serve the one who defeats you, and remain eternally at his side until Ragnarok."
Wrath of God [10]
"Alfeidr belongs to Odin. Her body was made from the limbs stolen from the Jotun Hraesvalgr, forged into weapons in the honor of the one-eyed King of the Aesir and then bound to a soulless body. Suffice to say, Odin was not pleased when she suddenly developed free will and left with his trophies."