Transcendence Races and Callings: Difference between revisions

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MJ12 Commando (talk | contribs)
Holle (talk | contribs)
Added Klobuks and Venati
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The Sassanians of Hashmalah are hardened by their battle against Ahriman and their duty is to defend order. Sassanians gain +1 Finesse (Small Arms) and +1 Physical (Toughness) from learning to uphold this duty.
The Sassanians of Hashmalah are hardened by their battle against Ahriman and their duty is to defend order. Sassanians gain +1 Finesse (Small Arms) and +1 Physical (Toughness) from learning to uphold this duty.
The Veneti are raiders through and through, with most of their tribes and small nations ruled by elite squadrons of warriors and their chieftains rather than established monarchies. Because their main method of acquiring wealth is taking it from others, many Veneti are experienced warriors, hurling themselves through space in their corabs and plundering entire worlds at a time. They gain +1 Finesse (Weapon of Choice) and either Education (Demolitions) or Education (Starship Maintenance).

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Djinni have +2 to Physical, +1 to Magery, Wits, Education, and Charisma, and also are utility fog swarms. Although not quantified specifically as a specialty, they gain significant advantages in fitting into tight gaps (they can just flow through cracks), breaching security, having tools on hand, and so forth.
Djinni have +2 to Physical, +1 to Magery, Wits, Education, and Charisma, and also are utility fog swarms. Although not quantified specifically as a specialty, they gain significant advantages in fitting into tight gaps (they can just flow through cracks), breaching security, having tools on hand, and so forth.
Klobuks are formed from the “minds”, or what passes for them, of the stillborn babies who died from “natural” causes, different from the artificially-induced Stillborns, given bodies and turned into servants of the gods. They are powerful beings, wielding strong magic and offering people favours and protection in exchange for sacrifices.
Klobuks gain +1 Physical, +2 Magery, +1 Charisma (Deception) +1 Wits, +1 Education (Disguise), +3 Physical (Toughness).
Klobuks are said to be shapeshifters, assuming a variety of forms when interacting with their charges, such as ducks, goose, ravens, cats, wet hens or even humans. In reality, they are made from mimetic poly-alloy, allowing them to appear as any object or being they desire, within certain mass and size limits. They also use it in combat, attacking with formed claws, spikes and tentacles, though true combat effectiveness remains the domain of the Stillborns, rather than the Klobuk.


Revision as of 18:14, 6 October 2010



Races will generally use one generic template and then have individual modifiers above and beyond that for variants. Most will have minimum stat requirements as well. Some races might be fairly similar. A Valkyrie could be a slightly modified Asura for example, so on and so forth. Variant races are generally approved via permission.


Barbarians are unmodified mortals and generally not fit to be player characters. Barbarians start with -1 to all attributes and are limited to a maximum Magery of 1.


A heroic mortal may not have the divine gifts or augmentations of the others, but makes up for it via sheer balls. Anyone who advances to becoming a hero with no divine blood is clearly blessed, and starts with +2 Legend and 5 CP of free Boons or Merits. However a mortal gains no stat bonuses.

Mortals have a maximum Magery of 2 without some a gift allowing them greater access.

Note that as part-mortals, all Scions gain the mortal bonuses of their chosen origin path.


A starfaring people, the Gotarlings of Midgard are excellent shipwrights, traders, and pilots.

Gotarlings gain +1 Education (Starship Maintenance) and +1 Finesse (Piloting).

Alternatively, a Gotarling trader may have +1 Charisma ,+1 Charisma (Dealmaking), and +1 Education (Foreign Cultures) but -1 Physical, representing those who have plied the starlanes for so long that the extended exposure to shipboard environments has atrophied their strength and endurance.


Favored of the Hellenic gods, the Dorians pride themselves on their superior academies and the learning of their citizens. Dorians gain +1 Education.

Spartans are infamous amongst the Dorians, men and women who live only to drill and fight, neglecting other components of their education. Spartans have +1 Finesse and +1 Physical from their intensive warrior training, but -1 Charisma due to a relative lack of socialization. This template is representative of most warrior cultures as well and most societies have a version of it.


The Akkadians have excellent healers and fleshsculptors, and therefore their citizenry are healthy and vibrant, beyond even the norm of other mortals. Furthermore, their culture highly emphasizes enhancing personal attractiveness and an appreciation of the arts. However, due to their decadence, but few of them take up the sword as a result. Akkadians gain +1 Charisma and +1 Physical, but -1 Finesse.


The Kosalans live under the watchful eye of the Rigvedic deities, who seek to emphasize their harmony with the universe, emphasizing a flexible and sharp mind. Kosalans gain +1 Wits.

A handful of Untouchables claw themselves up to heroic ability via sheer spunk and talent. These men and women have -1 Education due to their lack of formalized education but +1 to either Physical or Wits, +1 Physical (Enduring Hardship), and a +1 Specialty (Chosen Field) in any area as long as it makes sense.


The Han of Tian are immersed in a very formalized, legalistic culture, and learn their place and the arts of politeness. Han gain +1 Charisma (High Society) and +1 Education (Law).


The Sassanians of Hashmalah are hardened by their battle against Ahriman and their duty is to defend order. Sassanians gain +1 Finesse (Small Arms) and +1 Physical (Toughness) from learning to uphold this duty.


The Veneti are raiders through and through, with most of their tribes and small nations ruled by elite squadrons of warriors and their chieftains rather than established monarchies. Because their main method of acquiring wealth is taking it from others, many Veneti are experienced warriors, hurling themselves through space in their corabs and plundering entire worlds at a time. They gain +1 Finesse (Weapon of Choice) and either Education (Demolitions) or Education (Starship Maintenance).


The half-blooded children of gods and goddesses, Scions gain many of their ancestors' gifts. A Scion is capable in all ways, but a master of none. All Scions share the same set of basic powers that they have inherited from their parents, which include minor shapeshifting, the ability to access the Godhead, biological immortality, and exceptional ability above and beyond any mortal man and superior to many mortal heroes.

Scions gain +1 to Physical, Wits, Charisma, and Education, an additional 2 attribute increases which can be distributed in any desired fashion, as well as the attribute/specialty (not Legend and Gift) bonuses of any one mortal sect. As the sons and daughters of the gods, Scions gain a free +1 Respect of the peoples they originate from.

Lesser Immortals

Lesser Immortals, or Demigods, are sometimes heroes in their own right. Like Scions, they are biologically immortal, quite superhuman, and gifted with the power to shapeshift to some extent.


Valkyries are warrior maidens and the choosers of the slain. Their task is often to guide heroes on their journey to prepare for glory and battle, and thus they are physically powerful and educated in the martial arts.

Valkyries gain +2 Finesse, +2 Physical, +1 Charisma, +1 Wits, and +1 Education.


The Alfar light-elves, tall and beautiful, are charismatic and graceful demigods who can easily convince even the most stubborn mortal of his argument's correctness.

Alfar gain +2 Charisma, +1 Finesse, +1 Wits, +1 Education, +1 Physical, and +2 Physical (Agility).

The Svartalfr dark-elves, short, strong, and tough, are expert craftsmen who run many of the nanofactories of Midgard, producing war materiel and fine artifacts.

Svartalfr gain +2 Physical, +2 Education, +1 Wits, +2 Physical (Toughness), and +2 Education (Engineering).


Divine beings which regulate the passing of natural phenomenon, Devas are powerful semi-divine beings with powerful magics, necessary to regulate and alter the passings of natural phenomena. As divine beings made of god-stuff rather than flesh and blood, they are also beautiful and capable in all areas.

Devas gain +2 to Magery and Education, +1 to Wits and Physical, and +1 Education (Science).


The Asuras regulate the passing of moral and social phenomenon in the empire of Kosala. To do this, they must be capable of disguising themselves to monitor societies and judge them impartially.

Asuras gain +2 to Magery and Charisma, +1 to Wits and Physical, and +1 Charisma (Deception).


In service to the Anunnaki, the Utukku are lesser gods associated with the underworld of Marduk.

Utukku gain +1 Magery, +2 to the path of The Veil, +2 Physical, and +1 Wits, Charisma, and Education.


The Immortals of Tian are transcendent humans-posthumans who act as minor gods. With longevity and experience, they guide those who are less enlightened on their paths to transcendence.

Immortals gain +2 Education and Physical, +1 Magery, Charisma, and Wits, +1 Education (Law), and +1 Respect (Peoples of Tian). Immortals have a minimum Magery of 4 and a minimum Education of 6, and may not take any mental disadvantages.


Djinns are spirits associated with Hashmalah, wielding elemental powers. Inhuman in form, they normally come in their solidified forms with strong associations to their element of choice-hair of fire or clouds or smoke, bodies that take on colors associated with their elemental affiliation, and so on. These are merely aesthetic, and they are actually distributed foglet intellects, which gives them more than a few unique physical options.

Djinni have +2 to Physical, +1 to Magery, Wits, Education, and Charisma, and also are utility fog swarms. Although not quantified specifically as a specialty, they gain significant advantages in fitting into tight gaps (they can just flow through cracks), breaching security, having tools on hand, and so forth.


Klobuks are formed from the “minds”, or what passes for them, of the stillborn babies who died from “natural” causes, different from the artificially-induced Stillborns, given bodies and turned into servants of the gods. They are powerful beings, wielding strong magic and offering people favours and protection in exchange for sacrifices.

Klobuks gain +1 Physical, +2 Magery, +1 Charisma (Deception) +1 Wits, +1 Education (Disguise), +3 Physical (Toughness).

Klobuks are said to be shapeshifters, assuming a variety of forms when interacting with their charges, such as ducks, goose, ravens, cats, wet hens or even humans. In reality, they are made from mimetic poly-alloy, allowing them to appear as any object or being they desire, within certain mass and size limits. They also use it in combat, attacking with formed claws, spikes and tentacles, though true combat effectiveness remains the domain of the Stillborns, rather than the Klobuk.



Found under various names, they range from the warrior Einherjar to combat or social automata to spirit-guides sent to guide the righteous on the proper path. They may be automata, or resurrected dead. No matter what, they were created with a purpose and are designed to fill it. Those few who gain the spark necessary to become rulers of their own fate may too, become heroes.

Forgeborn are limited to a maximum Magery of 2, but gain +3 to Physical, +1 to Wits, Charisma, and Education, +2 Physical (Toughness) and +1 Education (Ancestral/Encyclopedic Memories).


Non-bodied sentient AIs are not entirely common. An Anima is explicitly not a player character option-it's there if you want AI companions a la Cortana.

Animas are limited to Physical and Magery 0 (as software they cannot possess the cybernetic implants which link magic-users to the Godhead), but gain +2 to Wits, Charisma, and Education, and +1 Education (Encyclopedic Memories).


Callings are what your character does for a living, like fighting, trading, and whatnot. You get to choose one. Some may have certain variations that alter their stat benefits.


The path of the warrior is one many follow, the path of the spear, the sword, and the rifle. Warriors are drilled intensely in the ways of war, honed into weapons as finely wrought and storied as the ones they hold. Unlike what some may think, few warriors are dumb muscle. You simply don't survive battles without some level of fast thinking and intellect.

Warriors gain +1 Finesse and +1 Physical.


"Fear me, but follow!"

The Strategos is a warrior who has learned the arts of leadership rather than refining his mastery of personal combat.

Strategoi gain an additional +1 Charisma (Command) and +2 Education (Military History).


"Move. Five meter spread. No sound."

Commandos are cold, calculating soldiers who specialize in quiet operation, unconventional warfare, and the use of precisely applied force to shatter and unbalance larger armies.

Commandos gain an additional +1 Finesse (Small Arms), +1 Finesse (Stealth), and +1 Wits (Awareness).


"What, oh what makes the green grass grow? BLOOD! BLOOD! BRIGHT RED BLOOD!"

Berserkers are those who have invested all their training time into winning battles via the time-honored strategy of charging at ridiculous speed and smashing everything within their sight cone. Sometimes eschewing such things like "strategy" or "cover", berserkers prefer melee weapons or short range weapons like snub cannon and heavy armor.

Berserkers gain +1 Physical and +1 Physical (Toughness)


Scholars are well-respected in all of civilized space, as every civilization needs the benefits of their knowledge to survive. Those who dedicate their lives to the study of the intellectual arts and the art of argument gain +1 Education and +1 Charisma.


Those who do not study the past are doomed to repeat it, and thus historians study the past to ensure the future is brighter. They may specialize in an area, but for the purposes of this game, all of them get the same specialties.

Historians gain +2 Education (History) and +1 Respect (Scholars).


Scientists study the natural world, to better understand and harness its natural processes for the good of civilization. Scientists are generally experienced in the use of computers for modeling, and are respected by those who make use of their developments.

Scientists gain +1 Education (Chosen Specialty), +1 Education (Computers), and +1 Respect (Craftsmen).


Those who can connect to their civilization's Axis Mundi and harness the power of the Godhead are blessed with a power few can even dream of, and even fewer can master. Is it no wonder that many of these dedicate their time to this craft, learning how to further refine these arts.

Sorcerers gain +1 Magery, +1 Education (Cosmology), and an additional 2 points to distribute into Magic Paths.


Ritualists specialize in large scale, organized magical workings, those which are capable of affecting large areas. A ritualist may more easily bless entire fields to grow fat and happy, create a blessing of luck for an entire populace, and such other feats...

Ritualists gain +1 Magery (Ritual Magic) and an additional point to distribute into Magic Paths.


Cantors specialize in fast, "instantaneous" magical castings and the disruption of said, rather than the slow workings of ritualists. A ritualist may be able to move mountains with enough time, but a Cantor can kill someone now, rather than destroy a town 2 months in the future, and sometimes the ability to work a weak spell or charm now rather than a larger one later is critical.

Cantors gain +1 Magery (Fast Casting) and +1 to the Singularity path.


Although hard work is necessary for the betterment of society, entertainment is also necessary to provide a diversion from such hard work. Entertainers gain +1 Charisma and +1 Wits.


Bloodsports are a wonderful way to become famous and a similarly wonderful way to become dead. Gladiators gain +1 Finesse (Melee Weapons) and +1 Physical.


Quantity has a quality of all its own. Thespians gain +1 Physical (Agility) and +1 Charisma.


There are those who entertain singular guests of impeccable finesse and taste rather than entertaining entire audiences. Geishas gain +1 Education (Poetry), +1 Finesse (Dance), and +1 Charisma (Acting).


To expand further and bring the light of civilization to the barbaric peoples, or to find new and useful trade routes and resources, it is necessary for brave souls to go into the unknown with little more than a handpicked crew and the blessings of the gods.

These brave men and women gain +1 Wits, +1 Education (Medicine), and +1 Education (Navigation).


Conquistadors take a more martial bent to exploration, exploring with militarized fleets and conquering the worlds they lay eyes on. As Conquistadors must learn how to lead armies and fight as well as explore, they become as much soldier as explorer, as skilled with a blade or gun as they are with their ships.

Conquistadors gain +1 Finesse and +1 Charisma (Command).


Wayfarers, in contrast, are more peaceful, preferring to set up initial trade and find common ground. Although their practices can easily become (and often are) exploitative, they generally don't move in and crush all resistance.

Wafarers gain +1 Charisma and +1 Education (Linguistics).


Artisans are the workers which glue society together, the skilled and unskilled. Artisans gain +1 to any chosen attribute as long as it is somehow related to their field, and +1 to any chosen specialty as long as it relates to their field. What they lose in points they gain in flexibility.

The field an artisan works in must be defined in backstory.


The foundation of society is those skilled in construction. Craftsmen are common, whether they are skilled programmers, fabricator operators, cooks, or maintenance technicians.

Craftsmen gain +1 Education and +1 Education (chosen specialty).


Traders are the lifeblood of a civilized people, and although the starlanes are potentially deadly, any trader worth something must be willing to brave them and their hazards to deliver their goods from planet to planet.

Merchants gain +1 Charisma and +1 Education (Space Travel).


All civilized nations have need of covert operatives, whether as agents in enemy territory or internal security. Agents have +1 Wits, +1 Education (Security), and +1 Charisma (Deception).


Spies attempt to work undetected in the midst of the enemy, but their effects are not nearly as invisible. To become a spy one must be capable of becoming invisible, disappearing into any situation with nary a trace.

Spies gain +1 Education (Disguise), +1 Education (Linguistics), and +1 Education (Chosen Specialty).


Those who train to become assassins learn the arts of deception and intrusion like other spies do, but temper this knowledge with harsh physical and weapons training.

Assassins gain +1 Finesse and +1 Physical (Endurance).