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''"Every manoeuvre must be the development of a scheme; it must aim at a goal"''

{| style="border-spacing: 2px; width: 300px" class="infobox FCK__ShowTableBorders" align="right"
! style="background: darkolivegreen" colspan="2" | The Silesian Republic
! style="background: darkolivegreen" colspan="2" | EU
! style="background: silver" colspan="2" | System Info
| style="font-size: 90%; border-bottom: #aaa 1px solid; text-align: right" colspan="2" |
{| style="border-right: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; margin: 0px; border-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; border-bottom: 0px; cellpadding: 0" class="infobox FCK__ShowTableBorders" width="100%"
! style="text-align: left" | World Name:
| New Silesia
! style="text-align: left" | Biosphere:
| 0.9
! style="text-align: left;" | Surface Gravity:
| 9.7 m/s2
! style="text-align: left;" | Climate:
| Temperate
! style="text-align: left;" | Atmosphere:
| 101 kPa
| style="font-size: 90%; text-align: right" colspan="2" |
{| style="border-right: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; margin: 0px; border-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; border-bottom: 0px; cellpadding: 0" class="infobox FCK__ShowTableBorders" width="100%"
! style="text-align: left;" | Population:
! style="text-align: left;" | Population Breakdown:
| 99% Baseline Human
! style="text-align: left" | Government:
| Republican Democracy
! style="text-align: left;" | Capital:
| St. Reinhold
! style="background: silver" colspan="2" | Infrastructure
| style="font-size: 90%; text-align: right" colspan="2" |
{| style="border-right: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; margin: 0px; border-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; border-bottom: 0px; cellpadding: 0" class="infobox FCK__ShowTableBorders" width="100%"
! style="text-align: left" | Wealth:
! style="text-align: left" | PIP:
! style="text-align: left" | CIP:
! style="text-align: left" | Dust:
! style="text-align: left" | Logistics:
! style="text-align: left" | Military:
'''New Silesia''', officially the '''Republic of New Silesia''', is a member state of the European Union on the colony world from which it derives its name. It is located at the far terminus of the EU's original catapult chain, making it the most distant EU member as well as one of the most remote colonies still firmly connected to the Earth both politically and economically. Planetside New Silesia has a mild temperate climate and a lush earth-like biosphere while the extensive orbital facilities are the equal of any outside Sol.
Originally settled as part of a larger push toward developing the then promising systems of the region now known as the Silesian Corridor, New Silesia found itself bereft of purpose after the disastrous Epsilon Virginis Encounters and then the breakdown brought further expansion of the EU's borders and catapult chain to a complete halt and left the sizable Silesian merchant marine scattered and stranded. Over the course of the next two decades New Silesia worked to rebuild its position, becoming a major frontline base for both the EU's Deep Space Fleet and the UN's ARROWs. The end of the Zodiac War has however brought a decrease in the military presence on the frontier and once again New Silesia has found itself looking for a new path to the future further afield.
New Silesia is a parliamentary republic, with its constitution and framework established after dissolution of the original provisional colonial government in the 2140s. The ruling party, the Silesian Social Democrats, have maintained a firm grip on the the national assembly for several decades now and show no signs of losing control anytime soon. With the continued threat of more militant forces within the neighboring Zodiac Union as well as renewed worries about the threat posed by Epsilon Virginis, the current government has moved to greatly expand the once anemic Silesian military while attempting to maintain its moderate foreign policy.
===New Silesia===
:New Silesia is a largely temperate world, with several mostly forested continents and a generally mild climate. The majority of human settlement has taken place along the western coast of Thula, a large continent in the northern hemisphere. The orbital elevator is located on an island just off the southern coast of Thula, and is linked to the capital of St. Reinhold and other northern cities coastal cities by both road and high speed rail.
====New Modlin====
:The asteroid fortress New Modlin was originally Resource Satellite No.1, moved into New Silesia orbit during the colony's early years. As the EU military presence in the system increased the mining base was replaced by an ever growing military one and by the outbreak of the Zodiac War, New Modlin was one of the Deep Space Fleet's largest bases outside of Scapa Arc. With the creation of the Silesian Navy it has become the headquarters of that organization, but rumors persist of shadowy dealings in the darker corners of the extensive facilities.
===History Paths===
A1) Resource Base (+ 100 PIP) <Br>
A2) Dominantly Baseline (+ 60 pop, + logistics, + 2 SP) <Br>
A3) Garden World (Go to A8) <Br>
A8) Cash Crop (+ 100 Wealth) <Br>
B1) Quiet (+ 100 Wealth, + 60 population, + 2 SP) <Br>
C1) Military Action (+ 2,500 Military, Go to B3) <Br>
C2) Training Ground (+ doctrines, + 2 SP) <Br>
D1) Catapulted (+30 SP, +100 Wealth)<Br>
D4) ARROWs Staging Area (+ logistics, + 2,500 military) <Br>
E1) The EU Includes Us (+ 100 CIP, - 200 theta, Go to I1) <Br>
I1) Outstretched Hand (+ 100 applications, + Morale, + Rim relations, + Intelligence, - 100 PIP)
I2) Postwar Depression (+ Logistics, + 2,500 military, + 100 CIP, + 200 PIP, -- Wealth) <Br>
I3) NELSON Uplink (+++ Fleet Doctrines, ++ Secrecy, +1,250 Fleet) <Br>
N1) Single Party Governance (+ 100 PIP, + 100 Wealth, + 2,500 military)<Br>
X1) In His Majesty's Secret Service (++ Intelligence, + Secrecy, + Security, +10% secrets, + 50% secret project cost) <Br>
===Technology and Applications===
===New Silesian Navy===
===New Silesian Surface Forces===

Revision as of 16:24, 10 August 2010