Talk:Kanako Kuga

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Timeskip Checklist

  • Retrieve both lost Tantos
  • Return Totsuka-no-Tsurugi to Lin Seigen
  • Establish Shady Organization/Yakuza + Get Money
  • Fix all the technocratic/SF0 loot.
  • Promulgate Real Robots
  • Go to school in Osaka
  • Journey to the Center of the Earth

Possible Exp Expenditures


Hard into Technomancy

Forces 4 (24)
Prime 4 (24)
Matter 5 (32)
Life 2 or 3 (10+8+16)
Time 3 (10+8+16)
Mind? (8+16)

Hard into Strategery

Time 2 (10+8)
Entropy 2 or 3 (or rely on Liz)


Charisma 4 (12)
Appearance 4 (12)
Wits 4 (12)
Strength 3 (8)
Stamina 3 (8)
Do 3 -> 4 (6)
Streetwise 1 -> 2 to 3 (2+4)
Etiquette 1 -> 2 to 4 (2+4+6)
Fast Draw 2 -> 4 (4+6)
Firearms 1 -> 2 to 4 (2+4+6)
Heavy Weapons 3 -> 4 (6)
Pilot 3 -> 4 (6)
Stealth 1 -> 2 to 3 (2+4)
Hypertech 4 -> 5 (8)
Computers 2 -> 3 to 5 (6+8)
Biotech 0 -> 3? (3+2+4)
Expression 3 -> 4 (6)
Subterfuge 3 -> 4 (6)

Culture 2? Investigation? Cosmology?


Resources 3 -> 6 (3)
Influence 3 (9)
Rank 3?
Spies 2-3
Switch demeanor to Director?


Expand the FGSC
Retrieve the lost Tanto
Construct a Knightmare.
Become a Yakuza Princess
Control all doujin shops.
Control all Maid and Butler cafes.
Control Akihabara.
Control Comiket.
Auto-transforming cosplay suit.
Transforms once per round as a free action.
If vulgar, produces 1 dox but gets overridden if wearer gains dox from vulgar actions related to whatever the cosplay transformed to.
Provides soak with no penalties.
Provides extra actions.
Possibly, transformation sequences cannot be interrupted and must be observed.
Academy Hijinx
Student Council
Public Morals Office

Kana's New Sword

Crafting Process
The actual sword will be crafted along with a doujin manga depicting it and an extra materials booklet on its design and abilities. Technically requires 30 successes accumulated at one roll per hours. (This seems trivial compared to following steps.)

Purification Ritual
A doujin manga + extras booklet will be produced by FGSC and run the customary 500 copies to sell out. Pam may be involved. The sword will be put on display along with our cosplay models at our comiket booth.

Purification Ritual brings down difficulty according to its complexity. Let's go for difficulty reduction of 3 - ie Pilgrimage to a sunken temple in the middle of the Pacific or the spirit lands around the Labyrinth of Knossos

Imbue Arete
Roll once per hour for a vulgar Prime 3 effect for 5 hours (to give the sword Arete 5), spending 1 tass for each roll. A failure or a botch here is disastrous so every effort must be made to lower difficulty into the ground.

Imbue Powers
Total point cost of the artifact is Arete + 1 per Power + 1 per 5 points of quint storage.

Bind WIll
Resonance; Talismans can take 1 point of resonance off the mage into itself
