Talk:Milly Boston

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<IXJac> Anyway, I'll give you guys Milly's basic stats. She's Arete 4, Correspondance 3, Prime 2, Matter 2, Spirit 1. Her sketchbook is a Fetish which contains a powerful Weaver Spirit, which loves to create things, but is utterly lacking in innate creativity, so can only make derivative shit on its own.
<IXJac> They have a co-operative relationship, where it will spin out things Milly draws in it.
<IXJac> Milly also has an enchanted pen, which is a simple Solificati stylus. It translates the mind/true desires/hidden thoughts of the writer onto paper in the purest form. She, uh, acquired it, and has no actual right to it, and the pen knows it, so she's hesitant to use it, since it can be rather nasty with the self criticism
<IXJac> It works until it runs out of alchemical ink.
<IXJac> Which will be a while, since Milly avoids using it after that first time
<IXJac> Finally, she also has some go-pills she snagged off a Void Engineer. They allow her to gain a temporary speed boost as per Time 3. After she comes down off them, she gets really dozy though, and a bit giddy.
<IXJac> Since they aren't tailored for her
<IXJac> Milly's spirit sight was actually her first sphere, but its what led to her being labelled a witch by her exceedingly religious southern baptist father and driven out of her home.
<IXJac> So she has a bit of a block in developing it further
<IXJac> She did a lot of, uh, questionable things, after she fell in with a band of Orphans on the West coast. Eventually she split, and ended up in the Umbra, and never looked bacl
<IXJac> She's been hopping from ship to ship ever since, acting as a travelling artist
<IXJac> Anyway, Milly sees herslef mainly as a spectator to the world, able to step outside it and observe and record.
<IXJac> She's working on Corr 4, and will probably try to pick up Time