Talk:Mara Scheele

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Answer all questions fully and concisely.

1. Self-employeed. Working with Sam.
2. Ma, Pops, and the Bro on a leaky freighter prying the stars. Generally positive but always busy with work.
3. Have you ever had to do something in your employment that you were morally opposed to? If so, did you do so anyways?
4. Sam. Had a bounty called out on her (Mara) that was just some jaded figure from Mara's past out for revenge, imagined or true as Mara doesn't really care, and Sam went to collect. There was a certain amount of scuffling and ended with them making out.
5. Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness? If so, explain what the illness was and how you recovered.
6. If life were a play, what role are you playing now? What role would you like to play?
7. Free Association (please say the first word that comes into your head when hearing these phrases)
8. Have you ever served as a member of any polity's armed forces or a mercenary group? If yes, have you ever been in combat as a member of that organization?
9. Have you ever killed? If yes, explain the circumstances of your first kill.
9a. If you have, have you ever caused permanent death? How does that make you feel?
10. Please answer this question quickly, without taking time to think it over. What are you most afraid of?
11. How do you spend your free time when not at work?
12. Have you ever become violent with someone you care about? If yes, explain.
13. What is the name of your firstborn child? (If they have none, what would be the first name of their firstborn? Does the name have significance?)
14. Do you believe the phrase, "The ends justify the means."? Why or Why not?
15. Nope! Just horror stories from Ma and Pops.
16. Have you ever attempted to bypass computer security? If so, when was that and what type of security?
17. Have you or one of your forks ever been exposed to the Exsurgent virus (incl. Watts-Macleod)?
18. Do you possess any strongly held beliefs (a religion, strong opposition to a cause, or strong support of a cause perhaps)? What are these beliefs?
19. Yes.
20. Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower?

Thank you and have a nice day.