Talk:An Taniwan

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AN's in-Character Notes

From Session 1

  • Remember to get more Oyster cards bought by random people. Avoid overusing clients at the bar in case some analyst with too much time decides to connect the dots.
  • Figure out why the Joint Intelligence Police Military Task Force is involved in Technostuff. Besides the obvious part where they control everything.
  • The hell is SCEPTER?
  • Woman in suit saw me in the tube station, probably a mage based on how she protected herself form the sewer animals. Get info on her in case she becomes a recurring problem.
  • Give Naga some treats. She did good today.
  • Check on those two guys from the utility tunnels.
  • Supply the wombles with humanitarian supplies. Also, take a shot every time you have to combine the word wombles with a serious geopolitical term like "humanitarian" "guerilla" and "terrorist".
  • What do they even EAT?
  • Buy Elizabeth some history books, also absinthe to down with them. Junkie.
  • Get a source for opium. Who smokes actual opium anymore, though?
  • Update Elizabeth's wardrobe, grooming habits and diet. Mostly the diet. Jesus she's thin.
  • Send her to some community college courses for new immigrants? Oh gods, she doesn't even have ID.
  • Get her ID. Maybe falsify in... no. Fuck it, I'll ask one of the VAs.
  • I guess she can sleep in Boas' basement since it's only storage and our cellars are walled off. I'll take her to IKEA and let her pick out furniture she likes.
  • ...remember to set ground rules. Like no smoking in her bedroom.


  • Get Elizabeth settled in.
  • Get contacts in the police.
  • Get info on Techno activities in the city, given they've gone on the offensive for some reason.

From Session 2

  • Oh my good gods Misaka is adorable. If I ever get to open that cat cafe I'm hiring her.
  • David, relax on the gas. If I had eaten breakfast this morning, I would have emptied my stomach.
  • Holy crap I just saw a huge plane crash.
  • Space plane. Gosh this sounds silly. Who in the world decided the future should look so stupid?
  • Holy crap this entire thing is like... whoa. I know what it's like to fly a space plane.
  • Aliens! I knew it was aliens ever since just now.
  • Slightly more sober. Find alternative drug for visions other than LSD, it lasts too strong and hits too hard.
  • Naga likes to snuggle up to Ferne and Misaka. Good signs. I like them already.
  • I should learn how to fly a helicopter. They look cool.
  • Though I should learn how to drive first. David was happy to be treated to lunch bit I think chauffeuring me everywhere is going to be a strain on him.
  • ...that Misaka girl sure can eat. Her plate was piled higher than David's, and he weighs easily twice as much as her. Fernande takes care of herself, surprisingly.
  • All this has taught me to wear a raincoat and always carry an umbrella.
  • Reporters work for the Techncracy! Why am I not surprised?
  • ...ouch. That looked like a nasty spill. Clumsiest Technocrat.
  • Ah, shifty car dealers, where would I be without you (if I drove a car)?
  • Get Ferne a date! Ideally a guy date, although we'll see what her type is.
  • Mmm. So the storms and flooding are because of damage to London's spirit world. Better get busy.


  • Get Elizabeth settled in. Done! Now we need to buy her clothes and furniture.
  • Get contacts in the police.
  • Get info on Techno activities in the city, given they've gone on the offensive for some reason.
  • Talk to the wombles about alien incursions and how they're doing in the war effort. (Also, take a shot! :3 )
  • Think about opening a cat cafe. That way I can offer Misaka a job at the cat cafe.

From Session 3

  • Hawsie has good taste in bikes and bad taste in bike-driving weather.
  • Does David like Hawsie? If she's still single when he's a bit older, maybe I can set them up. It could be cute and he prolly needs a mature partner to keep his shit in check.
  • Ughn. Rainy weather, endless stretch. The M4 looks the same all the way to Cardiff. So boring.
  • ...oh dear, minor accident. Boy trying to get a ride with us, I'll check to see if he's trouble.
  • Sketchy lad, but we should probably take him ab- WEREWOLF.
  • Oh god my car!
  • Oh gods all my MDMA!
  • Oh god Hawsie stabbed it in the face.
  • Ruuuuuuuuuuunnnnnn.
  • Oh gods the Technos are sending gunships to blow it up.
  • And they're not winning.
  • ...ughn acid flashback, everything's so colorful again.
  • This Peter boy seems nice but he's also literally a font of incredible magical power and all my poking around his past show he's in love with a very sketchy possibly-mage named Serena.
  • Seriously, self denial? Gross.
  • Calmed down, going to Avesbury after Hawsie made my car look like crap.
  • I feel bad for messing with the Christians, but Christ am I tired of hearing people badmouth Naga just because she's a snake! So mean!
  • Aww... Paul Peter (oops, spelling error) and Naga get along. So cute.
  • We have the herbs and a belly full of the local lager. Time to head home, and get a stronger drink and maybe sort out this business with Paul by morning.


  • Deal with Peter's weird fiancee who's kept him as a perfect virginal power well. Investigate, locate, assess. She's prolly not the type to talk over drinks but hopefully she's not going to sacrifice him on an altar made of onyx and human skulls.
  • Get Elizabeth settled in. Done! Now we need to buy her clothes and furniture.
  • Get contacts in the police.
  • Get info on Techno activities in the city, given they've gone on the offensive for some reason.
  • Talk to the wombles about alien incursions and how they're doing in the war effort. (Also, take a shot! :3 )
  • Think about opening a cat cafe. That way I can offer Misaka a job at the cat cafe.

From Session 4

  • Oooh, house call from Ferne. I don't think I've ever been to Ferne's before.
  • Saw a cute guy get on behind me at Bethnal Green. I think he lives in my area...
  • Whoa, she lives in a fancy area.
  • a fancy house.
  • Awww, Misaka's in a maid outfit. This is adorable.
  • Pretty woman just stumbled in? Well that's not suspicious at all (sarcasm in case someone else is reading this)! I wonder if Ferne's intentionally surrounding herself with attractive girls or not.
  • Ghouls. Bad news. She's not gribbly and covered in tentacles, so she's at least not one of that guy's.
  • Awfully flirty with Misaka, aren't you? I need to touch base with her sooner before this city eats her up!
  • ...ehe. So they kissed? I have to admit that's kind of funny to imagine.
  • Oooh. I've heard about these classy ladies-only clubs. I should get in sometime and bring David along to tease him and show him off to the rich old ladies.
    • Kidding.
      • Mostly.
  • Another hot one? A vamp, to be sure. Also a massasa. Masassa?
    • Ask Hermetics how to spell that.
  • Talk talk talk talk talk. They're being awfully high brow. I almost wish I studies studied something cool like art history or philosophy to be able to talk with them instead of sitting here looking really pretty.
    • Sometimes I wish I'd finished law school, too.
  • Okay! So she's a 'good' vampire? A parasite instead of a predator, anyway. Works for me.
  • Also, remember to take notes on names. You got sloppy, An.
    • NAGA, don't vandalize my personal journal!
      • Vandalism is ruining nice things.


  • Do whatever favor the vamp lady wants us to do.
  • Deal with Peter's weird fiancee who's kept him as a perfect virginal power well. Investigate, locate, assess. She's prolly not the type to talk over drinks but hopefully she's not going to sacrifice him on an altar made of onyx and human skulls.
  • Get Elizabeth settled in. Done! Now we need to buy her clothes and furniture.
  • Get contacts in the police.
  • *PRIORITY INCREASE* Think about opening a cat cafe. That way I can offer Misaka a job at the cat cafe. *PRIORITY INCREASE*
  • Get info on Techno activities in the city, given they've gone on the offensive for some reason.
  • Talk to the wombles about alien incursions and how they're doing in the war effort. (Also, take a shot! :3 )

From Session 5

  • These fancy auctions are kinda nice. The air smells a little mouldy, but blame that on all the fancy old books around.
  • Ooooh, masquerades! It's just like when I was in Venice.
  • The old man had quite a collection, lots of eras and styles. Are we sure he wasn't an immortal?
    • Quickly Naga, check the corpse to see if it was beheaded or not.
      • No.
  • Interesting group too.
    • The dandy is something, even if all I can see are his eyes and jaw. He reeks faintly of booze and his aura feels fuzzy, but I could say the same of my old bunny slippers and I still keep those.
    • Gothloli is adorable! Her manservant looks like he ate a trash compactor though... stay away.
    • One of them looks a little out of time. On edge. Like he's painfully aware of his own mortality.
  • Bought a hookah. So fancy! Might be an excuse to experiment with tobacco again.
  • Oooh, I'm being flirted with. And who says I'm too old to have young men after me, hm?
    • Your parents, for one.
      • Naga!
  • Anyway I have a party invitation. Seance of some kind. Might bring Liz! She loves seances and being sloshed and she could use some exposure to the modern party scene.
    • Mrghn, that means getting her into clothes, though. Oh well, could be fun!
  • Auctions are boring. I had more fun picking my outfit and doing my disguise earlier.
  • Whelp, zombies. Time for a drink.
  • Okay, so while Ferne and Misaka deal with this curse business, I'll pour myself a drink.
    • The dandy flirted with me some more. Oooh, and a party. This'll be fun.
  • Naga did well today. Remember to give her good treats when we get home.
    • Also, remember that she can bite through someone's leg if she has the right drink. Drunk rage is scary when snakes do it.
    • The dandy (who as it turns out is royalty of some descent!) thanked me for saving him from the twitchy man out of time who didn't want to be killed by the curse (probably playing right into it given how these things work out).
  • Guess I was right about Gothloli! Her servant is literally some sort of extra-large Terminator.
  • Well, we have everything we need. Time to go before someone else flips out.


  • Do whatever favor the vamp lady wants us to do. Done!
  • Attend that party with that mysterious dandy I saved from being sacrificed to sate an evil curse (are there even good curses?).
  • Deal with Peter's weird fiancee who's kept him as a perfect virginal power well. Investigate, locate, assess. She's prolly not the type to talk over drinks but hopefully she's not going to sacrifice him on an altar made of onyx and human skulls.
  • Get Elizabeth her furniture.
  • Get contacts in the police.
  • Think about opening a cat cafe. That way I can offer Misaka a job at the cat cafe.
  • Get info on Techno activities in the city, given they've gone on the offensive for some reason.
  • Talk to the wombles about alien incursions and how they're doing in the war effort. (Also, take a shot! :3 )


Engraved Horn
The engraved horn of some kind of alien beast. It is set with gold, platinum and other things. Long and thin it could be used as a walking stick. It is surrounded by a magical field.
Platinum Hookah
A decorative but well used Hookah of great beauty. It seems enchanted with life magic, and woven around with images of dancing men and women amid flames.

From Session 6

  • Whelp, got involved with questionable artifacts.
  • Might have banged that dandy.
  • ...was Elizabeth there? Wow I was high. Also covered in bruises... I think she jabbed me with her skinny elbows and knees a few times. Ughn.
  • Yep. Definitely had a threesome.


  • Attend that party with that mysterious dandy I saved from being sacrificed to sate an evil curse (are there even good curses?). Done!
  • Figure out what the dandy's artifact is for and how we can use it.
  • Deal with Peter's weird fiancee who's kept him as a perfect virginal power well. Investigate, locate, assess. She's prolly not the type to talk over drinks but hopefully she's not going to sacrifice him on an altar made of onyx and human skulls.
  • Get Elizabeth her furniture.
  • Get contacts in the police.
  • Think about opening a cat cafe. That way I can offer Misaka a job at the cat cafe.
  • Get info on Techno activities in the city, given they've gone on the offensive for some reason.
  • Talk to the wombles about alien incursions and how they're doing in the war effort. (Also, take a shot! :3 )

From Session 7

  • Aww. Misaka seems to have forgotten me. Calling me "Ms An Taniwan" like I'm some old lady. D:
  • Cat cafe is turning out to be a good excuse. I should get around to that.
  • Whoa, drunk taxi rides are pretty fun.
  • Apparently Misaka doesn't know Ferne's porn habits. Those two need to deepen their friendship, especially if she's supposed to protect her.
  • Whee, someone else's wine collection. Lots of good stuff, although I settled on the four-year old bottle instead of the stuff that Hermetic ghost uncle would have yelled at me about.
    • The chair is nice.
      • The sculpture is nicer...
  • Aughn, Tiller. Hate that guy.
    • This car ride is boring.
      • I wish I could look at my smartphone to pass time but he'll gawk and make some snide comment about using technocratic trappings. Luddite.
        • Oh shit, and I'm unconscious.
  • Or not. Those were Ferne's memories, ooops.
  • Naga's got the trail! Bless her for narrowing it down for us.
  • Oh boy, skinhead fight. They look a bit fucked up but nothing we can't handle, as long as guy with a gun doesn't get a lucky shot off.
    • Oh gods, Misaka just beheaded one.
      • And another.
        • COME ON. They were all done fighting.
    • Seriously reconsidering hiring Misaka at the Cat Cafe if she's this brutal.
  • Oooh, redhead with a claymore. She's got style.
    • And she's racist. Figures, rooming with ghoul skinheads.
  • Talked her into telling us about what happened to Ferne, the opposition and a bit about what they're planning. She doesn't seem to know that much.
    • Also apparently Liz might have gotten kidnapped. Fuck.
    • I might as well get myself to like her a little if she's going to be loafing around at Boas' lounge for a few weeks. Gods I hope she's not one of those Scots who can just drink whole bottles of spirits without flagging.
      • Well, a bit confused. She calls the swordy Sabbat vamp a bunch of racist shit, but also thinks she's sexy. Going to be an interesting few days if she decides to stick around.
  • Time to call Malcolm and his brother down to clean this up. Fuck.
    • Poor guys. Bet they were a bit shaken after seeing a Japanese maid standing over beheaded corpses.
  • Oh Naga, you're just the best! It's like I never tripped and fell onto that blood puddle fighting the skinheads, ruining my new favorite cutout sweater.
    • Better get her that terrarium she wanted.
  • Oh wow, LSE has a nice campus.
    • Oh wow, totally ignored. Am I already that old?
      • Maybe you're just not her type.
        • PFFFT Naga. PFFFT I say.


  • <<PRIORITY>> Rescue Ferne! Also Elizabeth! I think she was kidnapped too. <<PRIORITY>>
  • Figure out what the dandy's artifact is for and how we can use it.
  • Deal with Peter's weird fiancee who's kept him as a perfect virginal power well. Investigate, locate, assess. She's prolly not the type to talk over drinks but hopefully she's not going to sacrifice him on an altar made of onyx and human skulls.
  • Get Elizabeth her furniture.
  • Get contacts in the police.
  • Think about opening a cat cafe. That way I can offer Misaka a job at the cat cafe.
  • Get info on Techno activities in the city, given they've gone on the offensive for some reason.
  • Talk to the wombles about alien incursions and how they're doing in the war effort. (Also, take a shot! :3 )

From Sesssion 8

  • Well the vamps came through. I don't trust them but we can at least count on them to clean up their own messes.
  • Gosh, what a long drive.
    • Why are blood cultists always such bumpkins.
      • Next time we're dealing with a cult it should be in Paris or at least, like. Cardiff. Cardiff has bars. This place is empty.
  • Well, we're sneaking up. Hope this goes well.
  • Better be careful, the middle eastern enclosure fetishist with a shamshir is here and she'll probably fuck me with her sword if Misaka doesn't lure her into some honorable duel.
    • Note: do not let Misaka fight an honorable duel with multicentenarian bondage fetishists. She could lose!
      • And then the cat cafe would fall through.
  • Whoo! And we've managed to get in. Looks like Fern and Liz escaped without us and they need backup.
    • Also I really hope someone took a picture of my entrance. We looked super cool, I'm sure.
    • Uh oh, mob of ghouls. Better control the crowd before they beat us all to death.
    • An used Dazzling Dance! It... wasn't very effective.
      • Sounds like someone's out of practice.
        • Naga!
    • Well, Lady Vampirella managed to control the crowd. I'll shit up bondage vamp's fight with Misaka so she doesn't get gibbed by a sudden burst of vampire super strength.
    • Naga, attack!
    • Whoa, to be honest I wasn't expecting you to mess her up that badly.
      • Ewww... her blood tastes like ashes and saffron.
        • Gross. I'll pour you a drink in a bit.
  • Wyld Hunt ho! Guess that solves the vampire problem. Better be careful, though. Terrestrial spirits are a little bit racist wherever you go, so they might be dicks.
    • Woof, Galahad's exactly my type. I hope she isn't racist...
    • Hee. She even took the hankerchief.
  • So we're at this party and my first instinct, surrounded by a bunch of weirdass Eurofae? Pour drinks. Mix drinks.
    • Also, do you think they take offense to being called Eurofae? Maybe they prefer Anglofae or Brythonic Faeries? Although I guess they're probably mostly pre-Anglo Celt types.
      • ...does that mean fae vote UKIP? Highlander from before makes me think that might be the case.
    • In any case need to franchise onto the other side. Start collecting tass and quint from these guys.
  • Aaww. Hawsie's into Galahad too. Fine fine. She's probably thirsty as hell, so I'll bow out this time.
    • Right, drinks and notes. Meet her by the riverbank. Classic.
    • And it worked! Gods I am so good at this.
  • ...oh fuck. And I just realized this is all because of Liz.
    • ...and she convinced the king by...
      • ....Liiiiiiiiz! I'm coming to get you.


  • <<PRIORITY>> Rescue Ferne! Also Elizabeth! I think she was kidnapped too. <<PRIORITY>> Accomplished! Sort of. Shit. See bellow:
  • <<PRIORITY>> Find Elizabeth and keep her from getting pregnant with the kid of some cosmic pillar ( ho) who represents fecundity. If that fails, damage control. <<PRIORITY>>
  • Figure out what the dandy's artifact is for and how we can use it.
  • Deal with Peter's weird fiancee who's kept him as a perfect virginal power well. Investigate, locate, assess. She's prolly not the type to talk over drinks but hopefully she's not going to sacrifice him on an altar made of onyx and human skulls.
  • Get Elizabeth her furniture.
  • Get contacts in the police.
  • Think about opening a cat cafe. That way I can offer Misaka a job at the cat cafe.
  • Get info on Techno activities in the city, given they've gone on the offensive for some reason.
  • Talk to the wombles about alien incursions and how they're doing in the war effort. (Also, take a shot! :3 )


  • Like, a lot of quint. Holy hell I am getting a lot of quint.

From Interlude 1

  • Huh? Wasn't I bartending in the middle of a castle before? I guess this might be an acid flashback or a dream.
    • I really hope this isn't some funky wibbly wobbly Moffat shit...
  • Hmm, so I'm high. I think I'll go for a walk and see where it takes me and...
    • ...when did I get into the tunnels? Why is that monochrome Techno chasing some cyberpunk girl in pleather pants?
      • Why am I not chasing cyberpunk girl in pleather pants. That headgear. Those tats. *Unf.*
    • Anyway, Naga. Attack monochrome.
    • ...holy shit, Naga. I asked you to bite her, not break her arm with your jaws.
      • It was your idea to give me snake whiskey. I couldn't control in my strength.
    • Alright, whatever. I'll feed monochrome some booze so she doesn't die. It's bad karma.
  • I'll chat up cyberpunk a little bit and take her over to the club to hang out. Then we can pick her brains and figure out what's happened.
  • Shit, how did Techno get up.
  • And now she says that it's because cyberpunk might be a criminal in the future.
    • The Technos have a pre-crime division?
    • So this is a bunch of Moffat time shit. Better ride it out until things snap back to normal or I might wind up fucking my own grandfather.
  • Alright, anyway. As I was saying, coffee and breakfast.
  • Hmm, so she really doesn't have a clue. I should do something about Monochrome at some point.
    • But on the up side I have her name now! It's Anna! SIENNA. I swear that's what I originally wrote.
      • That could be really annoying if she's used to be called Ann or something.
      • You do realize that her name is actually Sienna, right?
  • And she didn't want to bunk in the VIP lounge. Must be one of those self-denial types.
    • Aughn. Shivers just thinking about it.
  • Alright, that's fine. I'll make some calls and we'll get to the bottom of your problem.
    • Also, why do I keep bumping into hot, quirky mage girls whenever I get high. Is the universe trying to tell me something?
  • See you next week!


  • <<PRIORITY>> Find Elizabeth and keep her from getting pregnant with the kid of some cosmic pillar ( ho) who represents fecundity. If that fails, damage control. <<PRIORITY>>
  • Do something about Anna when uh... time snaps back.
  • Figure out what the dandy's artifact is for and how we can use it.
  • Deal with Peter's weird fiancee who's kept him as a perfect virginal power well. Investigate, locate, assess. She's prolly not the type to talk over drinks but hopefully she's not going to sacrifice him on an altar made of onyx and human skulls.
  • Get Elizabeth her furniture.
  • Get contacts in the police.
  • Think about opening a cat cafe. That way I can offer Misaka a job at the cat cafe.
  • Get info on Techno activities in the city, given they've gone on the offensive for some reason.
  • Talk to the wombles about alien incursions and how they're doing in the war effort. (Also, take a shot! :3 )

From Session 9

  • It was a cold and rainy day in London (so, all of them? (NAGA, stahp)),
    • Of all the bars she could have walked into,
      • It had to be mine.
    • She was a girl without a name,
      • With legs up to her pelvis and all of her vital organs,
        • And a hole in her head.
    • ...hmm. That sounded better in my head.
    • Isn't this your head, An?
      • I prefer to keep that ambiguous so that the work has that stream-of-consciousness Hunter S. Thompson charm, also you're interrupting.
        • Not 'À la recherche du temps perdu', An? I remember when your references were sharp and clever! It's even poignant if you read ahead in the notes.
          • Quote Proust at me one more time and you're sleeping alone! Also, don't retroactively add notes just to make it seem like you're smart. Like I could tell everyone right now that we wound up shutting Brickhouse Tom's business and killing most of his men because they were possessed by cursed artifacts but that spoils the fun of reading the progress of the story. Then who'll read these notes?
            • Fiiine.
  • Oh hey, thugs. Naga! Get them.
    • Ceiling snake is watching you scream!
      • I'm having computer girl block meme sites.
        • Noooooo.
  • Anyway, after some awkwardness we got her to day trip back through her life, because anyone who thinks they can just turn a well-worn human body into a tabula rasa by using some chump magic gun is an idiot.
    • She's Annabel Stockworth the daughter of a local boss, one of the men who actually understands that my bar should understandably stay where it is without paying protection money. Brickhouse Tom's men have stolen gear, probably. Maybe SCEPTRE is equipping them... whatever they are.
      • Toooootal cutie, though. Tasteless enough to be a gun moll, but she's in good shape and has a solid head on her shoulders.
  • I got her some better clothes, because Liiiiiiz put her in some ridiculous thing that a) didn't include a bra and b) made her look like a pinup girl from a bad 90's celt-centric fantasy story about lesbians bonded to psychic horses.
    • You live in a glass house, An. Why do you throw stones?
      • LOL. Got me there, you little tart.
  • Anyway we got her boys together and I cut David loose, and now we've got the place up in flames. Nobody too hurt on our side after the initial volley.
    • Standing group are a couple of thugs with guns and regular shit that Stockworth's guys can fuck up, a guy with a... Saxon migration-era axe, a meth-head with a crazy-looking knife and the man with the wizard gun.
      • Fight was a bit tense at first, but once we got the guy with the magic gun down the playlist got very... pop radio Queen songs. Another One Bites the Dust or Don't Stop Me Now, probably.
        • I'm having such a good time, I'm having a ball. (Except they all taste like cheap lager and London bus fumes. Ewww.)
  • And the biggest shocker of the fight: SCEPTRE or the Technos or... vampires, I guess? Lot of players in London and... ah anyway. They found some old British Library archive full of forbidden artifacts and technology from the 1800s. A bit like Read or Die, I suppose? All that secret stuff the Empire just decided it should have for reasons, because it was the Empire and fuck you. We're going to seal it up and come back once the crime scene is cleaned up... I'll leave it to Stockworth to grease palms since I don't do that kind of thing yet.
    • ...oh fuck, I should have done the opening narration in some Guy Ritchie overblown man-prose. Uuuuuuuuuuu.
  • An, maybe next time don't focus so much on style. These notes are a mess.
    • Fie! They get the job done. Anyway, we're going to continue this later.


  • An evil axe possessed by a misogynist. Literally, not just that one tried to use it. As in a WASP (although the P /may/ be Pagan instead) who hates women is inside the axe.
  • An evil knife that ate the methhead using it.
  • An apprentice maybe!?
  • Some laser guns, probably.
  • That one gun that steals memories and prints off a little sheet.


  • <<PRIORITY>> Find Elizabeth and keep her from getting pregnant with the kid of some cosmic pillar ( ho) who represents fecundity. If that fails, damage control. <<PRIORITY>> Done! Oh thank (the) god(des)(s)(e)(s) that solved itself somehow.
  • Explore the British Library Forb... Bann... Super Secret Evil Artifacts Annex. Also remember what the name was.
  • Do something about Anna when uh... time snaps back.
  • Figure out what the dandy's artifact is for and how we can use it.
  • Deal with Peter's weird fiancee who's kept him as a perfect virginal power well. Investigate, locate, assess. She's prolly not the type to talk over drinks but hopefully she's not going to sacrifice him on an altar made of onyx and human skulls.
  • Get Elizabeth her furniture. Done! ...I guess the next thing is teaching Liz how to use a fucking smartphone.
  • Get contacts in the police.
  • Think about opening a cat cafe. That way I can offer Misaka a job at the cat cafe.
  • Get info on Techno activities in the city, given they've gone on the offensive for some reason.
  • Talk to the wombles about alien incursions and how they're doing in the war effort. (Also, take a shot! :3 )