Otome Row: NPCs

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Yamano Rei
Former student council president of Ashino High, Yamano Rei was one of those closer to the Headmistress and was frequently relied upon day to day in the last years. As a core member of the Otome, she puts her administrative experience, sports abilities and academic success to work keeping the Otome from exploding, imploding or anything in between.

Anita Speares
Anita was Hitomi's assistant and has now taken over the lab while Hitomi recovers at Yurishima General. Nerdy meganekko. Can handle most major branches of science well, though she's more limited to the theoretical than Hitomi.

Erika Anderson
An intelligent, high functioning sociopath who struggles to be normal and empathetic but often fails miserably. Can discuss sciences with Anita where their knowledges overlap but Erika's ideas tend to be a bit wilder and focus on human use.

Ryumu Kagami

Kakuta Sakino

Akemi Kio


Homies can be called down to help during missions, but it is best to get this arranged before you start shooting and/or before the shooting finds you. Only homies normally in the immediate area of a gang battle can be called down in an emergency.

Original Otome
Core gang members that stuck to their guns even after Omoi Kanako died. Some of the original Otome include Rei and Anita. They lack training, numbers or the over-the-top-ness of the boss Otome but are generally reliable, being timid but sensible and cool-headed. Following the Hinata-MacLairn bank heist, the Original Otome can roll onto the scene in a Kitty MacDowell armored van.

Max Pressure: 2 (ranged)
Stamina: Low
Vehicle: Daitetsu Tanuki hatchback; Kitty MacDowell armoured van

Yagami Orihime
Reporter Yagami Orihime can be drawn into a situation with a suitably enticing anonymous tip though she may prove to be a double-edged sword depending on how things look like they're going and how she wants to portray things as going.

Effect: Suddenly, the Media
Stamina: Low
Vehicle: Sentinel Sport Custom (red)

Thunderous Lightning Count Dairyuzen
Thunderous Lightning Count Daiyruzen can be summoned by calling out his full name loudly and in a completely serious tone of voice along with a few words urginghim to come forth. A successful roll to get this right is required - usually to prevent the summoner from feeling particularly silly while doing this in public. Dairyuzen is a quantum fallout mutant with the main body of a giant salamander or newt with roughly the size (and agility) of a Siberian tiger except with a dozen or more tentacles that reach out to Short range. He is technically vulnerable to salt but it takes large amounts to kill him due to his size. Rather than lose water, contact with salt causes him to neutralise by draining his biological energy into electricity rather like a battery hence mild jolts felt through skin contact. As a tentacle monster, he deals double suppression to female enemies.
