Nicholas LeMauphin (Exile)

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Nicholas La Mauphin


Name: Nicholas La Mauphin
Concept: Diplomat
Virtue: Perfectionist: Gain WP when your painstaking perfectionism covers even an unforseen complication.
Vice: Hedonist: Spend WP to resist indulging in your chosen pleasure. Regain WP if indulging in such is obviously a bad idea.
Allegiance: ISV Unity crew


Nicholas LaMauphin is a handsome young man with a pleasant boyish charm, though with the slick professional air that you'd expect from a French diplomat. Beyond that he has dark blonde hair, blue eyes, and a slight tendency to tan if he spends too long in the sun. Standing at 6'1" he is somewhat tall, but otherwise physically unexceptional.

Personality wise he believes in non-violent solutions, an attitude perhaps exacerbated by the fact that he's a lover not a fighter. Though not the greatest of thinkers he makes up for it by a quiet methodical approach to whatever problem he encounters, combined with an excellent ability to play the social game. Despite his non-violent attitudes he is however quite adept at departmental and diplomatic infighting, which of course includes the gossip game.



Physical (3)

Strength: ●●

Brawl: 0
Melee: 0
Might: 0

Dexterity: ●●

Athletics: 1
Drive: 1
Firearms: 0
Heavy Weapons: 0
Legerdemain: 0
Martial Arts: 0
Microgravity Ops: 1
Pilot: 0
Stealth: 0

Stamina: ●●

Endurance: 0
Resistance: 0

Mental (5 + 1)

Perception: ●●●

Awareness: 1
Gunnery: 0
Investigation: 0

Intelligence: ●●●

Academics [International Relations]: 3
Bureaucracy: 1 (Rumours +2)
Computer: 1
Engineering [Damage Control]: 1 (Spacesuit Maintenance +1)
Linguistics: 3 (French; Formal French, English, Formal English, Chinese)
Science [Xenology]: 1 (Xenoanthropology +1)
Strategy: 0
Medicine: 0
Survival: 0

Wits: ●●●

Arts: 0
Biz: 1
Intrusion: 0
Rapport: 3
Tactics: 0

Social (7 + 2)

Appearance: ●●●● (Pleasant)

Intimidation: 3
Style: 3

Manipulation: ●●●● (Persuasive)

Diplomacy: 3
Interrogation: 0
Streetwise: 0
Subterfuge: 3

Charisma: ●●●● (Suave)

Animal Training: 0
Command: 0
Etiquette: 3
Instruction: 0
Perform: 0


Initiative: +11
Movement: walk 7m, run 14m, sprint 26m
Willpower: 5 (5)

Natural 2B/1L


Strike: d2, +0 difficulty, 5B
Kick: d2, +1 difficulty, 6B
Clinch: d2, +0 difficulty, 5B
Tackle: d2, +1 difficulty, 6B, both roll athletics at +2 diff or suffer knockdown, target destabilised (+1 diff for next turn) on success
Block: d2
Dodge: d5

Health Levels

[ ]: Bruised, -0
[ ]: Hurt, -1
[ ]: Injured, -1
[ ]: Wounded, -2
[ ]: Maimed, -3
[ ]: Crippled, -4
[ ]: Incapacitated




Pacifism (-1)

Nicholas La Mauphin believes strongly in peaceful solutions and dislikes violence. Not out of cowardice, but from personal conviction.




Construction Track

Manipulation 4: -8BP
Perception 3: -4BP
Will 5: -4 BP

XP Track

XP Earned

XP Spent

XP Planning

Lessons Learned

Background Story

There was no doubt, right from the start, that Nicholas LaMauphin would have an academic or government career. After all his family were important bureaucrats and administrators, even if his mother had a theatre background. Throughout his childhood he had the benefits of the best schools and a cultured home in a safe part of Paris. Handsome, clever, witty, he easily made friends wherever he went. His only real conflict with his parents came from his somewhat hedonistic tendencies.

Despite being pushed hard he only barely squeaked into the Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris, the prestigious institute where most of the French diplomatic elite would be educated. The crushing workload and the hard subject matter almost broke him several times. On more than one occasion few minor slipups and a bit of partying nearly brought him down, not because of any great moral outrage but because he was constantly teetering on the brink of academic failure.

After squeaking through university he had the greatest lucky break of his life, one of the young diplomats selected for the French effort at the United Nations Space Command had died in a car accident. Very sad for him of course, but it meant that they were desperate for a young photogenic man who could represent France and understood both Chinese and English. Thus he was given a position in excess of what you might expect given his low academic performance.

Once he got to the United Nations he was in his proper element, here he could play the political game better than most, and he rose rapidly through the ranks. His greatest triumph was securing a spot on the ISV Unity, a position that satisfied both a boyish sense of adventure, but also his desire for future advancement. Being a baseline in a Nova world a spot on the Unity would always make him stand out from the crowd.

Unfortunately for him things did not work out, he found himself returning to a world where France and indeed Europe were reduced to ruins.