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Noanth is a tall young woman in her early twenties, about 5'8", with pale skin, messy brown hair, and a look of utter terror. Her haircut is a loose bob, -mostly- straight, but not really. Eyes hide behind thick black-rimmed oval glasses, usually reflecting the light of a computer screen. She could almost be pretty if she took care of herself, but with no makeup, messy hair, the extra fifty pounds, and an absolute lack of fashion sense, she's just another nerd. Despite her height, she's not particularly athletic or well-endowed, and seems all too aware of it.

The woman's usual outfit is baggy clothes, a t-shirt with some nerdy slogan or logo on it, jeans or a skirt, either way black, red canvas shoes, and if it's cold or damp out, a black raincoat that is clearly not a trenchcoat. Really. It's not.

Okay, maybe it is, but at least she doesn't have a katana.




Noanth showed up at the local Traditions hideout one day, requesting membership in the Virtual Adepts, accompanied by a remarkably powerful Avatar. She's made some extraordinary claims about who she is and what she's done, but doesn't have the extraordinary proof to back it up. Most brush her off as a newbie trying to sound impressive by rattling off facts from her past lives.

As for stuff that can be proven, she knows much more than a freshly-Awakened Mage should, and is equal parts excited and terrified to re-enter the Ascension War.

Vital Statistics

Name// Noanth
Tradition// Virtual Adepts
Concept// Reawakened Elite
Image Song// Wink Wink - #X
Nature// Idealist
Demeanor// Trickster
Essence// Questing, [[Nemesis]

Things to Track

Willpower// 5
Temporary Willpower// 5
Health Levels//
[ ]-0
[ ]-1
[ ]-1
[ ]-2
[ ]-2
[ ]-5
[ ]-Incapacitated
Current Damage// 0
Arete// 1
Quintessence// 5
Paradox// 0
Experience// 0


Strength 2//
Dexterity 2//
Stamina 2//
Perception 3//
Intelligence 4// Analytical Mind
Wits 3//
Charisma 1//
Manipulation 4// Fast-talker
Appearance 2//



Alertness 3//
Awareness 3//
Empathy 1//
Subterfuge 2//


Drive 1//
Etiquette 1//
Research 1//
Stealth 1//
Technology 1//


Academics 2//
Computer 4// Internet
Enigmas 3//
Esoterica 1//
Occult 1//
Politics 2//
Science 1//


The only thing more magic than, well, magic, is computers. With the right programs and the right bit of 'nudge' from an Awakened soul, anything is possible. Her focus is a suite of computer programs that can be installed on a laptop, cell phone, or tablet (she usually uses the latter) to channel her will into whatever effect she's after.

Foci and Spheres

Data 2//
Forces 2//
Matter 2//


Avatar 5// May rebuild a pool of 5 Quintessence from a node.
Ally 2 / Mentor 3// Noanth's avatar has taken a more active role than usual in her development as a mage and as a person. She'd prefer not to talk about it if it's all the same to you.
Destiny 5// Crazy or not, Noanth has a part to play in the big picture.
Resources 1// Comic book store clerk, plus freelance white-hat hacker.


Laptop - A thin black laptop with keys that glow purple.
Tablet - A black twelve-inch slate running a custom build of Android.
Smartphone - A smartphone running an custom build of Android.



Merits and Flaws


Manifest Avatar// Nemissa has a physical form! Yaaay!
Kinain// Wait a second, what, what, what?


Anxiety// : +2 difficulty to all rolls to impress people via attraction or charm in real life.


Spendable / Total// 000/000