Lords of Ether: 20th Anniversary Edition

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Welcome to Lords of Ether: 20th Anniversary Edition!

Lords of Ether was a Science-Fantasy Story Debate started by IXJac in 2002 when the internet was a much younger and different place. It soon became a peerless experience that became a legend, and would go on for almost six years before finally dying - as all games do - in 2006. Its influence can be seen in the DNA of many later Story Debates and Grand Strategy Games its players would go on to write here on Spacebattles and elsewhere. With IXJac's formal permission and guidance, Silence has brought Lords of Ether back on its twentieth anniversary for a new generation of players to enjoy.

What's it about? Lords of Ether is an epic Science-Fantasy kitchen sink game, where players navigate states, interstellar organizations, and even bands of heroes through a dangerous cosmos full of powers greater than their own - a setting in which survival is its own triumph. Its then unprecedented rules - detailed and comprehensive - made it possible for entire nations of wholly unique technology, magic, and aesthetics to interact in the same world coherently, whether in peaceful trade or outright war waged by large combined arms armies. Players determine the resources available to them through budgets calculated at the start of each in-game year and month to tell the stories about their power straightaway, without having to wait on a GM to describe the outcome of their plans. Complex events like battles and massive military campaigns are resolved either through quick consultations with a GM or live action roleplaying sessions known as "Sims".

Got Ether?

No? Then what are you waiting for. . .

Foreword from Silence

That was posted a long time ago, with approval of Ix, I have taken these rules to give this game another life. The original was fun if complicated and its DNA can been seen over the games in the 2 long decades since it start, so I figure why not have a remake to celebrate year 20. I have a channel on the discord!


  1. Creating a Nation
  2. Creating a Transtellar
  3. Creating a Hero
  4. Advancement
  5. Armies
  6. Air Forces
  7. Navies
  8. Agents
  9. Fortifications
  10. Weapons of Mass Destruction
  11. Mages
  12. Types of Magic
  13. Production
  14. Trade
  15. Strategic Travel and Fuel
  16. Reference Tables

Playing a Nation

Quick Start Guide for Nation

A cliff notes version of the Rules running a player through the process of Nation creation, including advice from oLoE veterans.

Full Nation Creation

The complete ruleset for starting a Nation.

Playing a Transtellar

Quick Start Guide for Transtellars

Full Transtellar Creation

Playing a Hero

Quick Start Guide for Heroes

Full Hero Creation


Sign-Up/OOC Thread

Lords of Ether (20th Anniversary Edition) Sign Up Thread

Approved Data Sheets

For approved OOBs:

Lords of Ether 20th Edition - Approved Datasheets

LoE-20 Discord Channel

Join the Unoffical Spacebattles Strategy Games (SD) Discord Server!

Historical Links

The Lords of Ether Archive