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The Fringe is the name for the Frontier that faced opposite side of the Pleiadian Empire. Large left untouched by the war, the former backwater has become a have for the rebirth of civilization. Generation 1 and 2 ships cost the same amount and Generation 3 cost the same as 2.

History Paths (Choose One from each Era)

Era 1:

First Disperate: Those fleeing from Lost Earth during the reign of the AIs. Such worlds are the oldest and most developed and history that predates even the Republic.
+10 Wealth

Early Republican Sponsored: Worlds colonized in accordance to the great settlement plans organized by the Colonial Beurax. Many worlds were often thinly disguised penal colonies or exiles for dissident groups in the forming Early Republic.
+10 Industry

Late Republic Fortress As the Republic decayed and the Star Patrol took increasing amount of control. Raiders from alien and other human polities threatened the spaceways. The Diaxian PLan was formed to settle fortress worlds to guard regions of space.
+1 Ancient Fortress
+3 Royal Mortarheads

Pirate World: Pirates the term used to describe most of the small independent free worlds of space not directly controlled by the Republic. Such worlds were often terraforming candidates or airless hellholes. They also resulted in merchants making do with less.
Trade Pool doubled.

Era 2:

Prospered Some worlds just got very lucky, the war made them rich.
+20 Wealth/Industry

Refugees: Some worlds were flooded with refugees whose saw great disruptions of the local polity
1 Free Trait

Factory Planet: As the war dragged on and it became clear the limits of the advance of the enemy, the Republic turned several core worlds of the Fringe into massive factory planets. 200 Industry
50 Wealth
-Triple Legitimacy loss from massive city planet amount of disaffected proles.

Era 3:

Noble Hero: In the chaos of the Final War, headliners found themselves isolated and on their own. Here the great majority of the great noble house was formed, in which the Patrolmen took the step from servant of the state to head of state.
+1 Royal Mortarhead
+1 Ancient Fortress

Merchant Republic: Most Worlds in the fringes were worlds that the Headliners were puppets with those who had wealth.
+40 Wealth / Industry

Era 4:

Colonial Empires: Those that escaped the attentions of the Star League found themselves crowded out of the local space and took advantage of the increase cheap long range jump drive and found that many clusters had worlds less advance then Taranis.
+3 Colonial Enterprise
+500 military

Arms Build up In light of the chaos of the aftermath of the Final War, some worlds began to eye the others increasing unease.
+1000 military

Stay the Course The worlds focused on trade and peace.
+50 Wealth
+20 Industry

Era 5:

The Sun Never Sets: The colonial empire has grown.
+500 Military
+7 Colonial Ventures

Retrenchment: Colonies are heavy things to carry and protect. Develop your home before going outward.
-3 Colonial Ventures (if Colonial Empire)
+50 Wealth/Industry

Late to the game: After being distracted by the Refusal Wars, the state now seeks to expand its own glories.
+5 Colonial Ventures
+1000 Military

Uncertain Universe: The rediscovery of other powers with Long Jumping has sparked a increase in naval and army budgets.
+1500 military