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Politics and Religion
Capital: Rubi
Religion: Mixed but primarily Kamyu-To and the Old Gods, with some Orthodoxy.
Government: Magocracy
Population and Economy
Population: Human
Tax Revenue:


The Magocracy of Chamlek is a relatively small kingdom with a predominantly human population, located somewhat off in the hinterlands of civilization. It really would not be of much note to the wider world, save for one detail. Chamlek is a land of magic and according to historical records it has been one since the time of the Alfar Empire.

The province of Chamlek, from which the current nation takes it's name, lay on the outskirts of the Alfarian Empire. And in part due to that distance it became more and more independent as the empire declined and stagnated. In the end the empire did not even try to reclaim the territory when it declared it's independence, save for a token effort that was crushed by the early Mage-Lords.

Today Chamlek is divided into a series of provinces, each ruled by a Mage-Lord. These Mage-Lords in turn form a council that rules over Chamlek, with the Mage-Lord of Rubis (the central/capital city and province) presiding as chairman or chairwoman. He or she is considered first among equals and is far from being a monarch or other leader. Each Mage-Lord is geas bound to follow the charter formed by the founders, which spells out the various core laws of the land and lays out the powers the Mage-Lords possess etc.

Each province has a Council of Elders that can, among other things, appoint and dismiss the Mage-Lord of their province at will. They have a great deal of power and while they work closely with the Mage-Lord of their province, they also serve as a check on the lord's power. The Council of Elders generally include the head of the provincial school of magic and other noted mages as well as local guild leaders, scholars, wealthy merchants, etc. Nearly all Councils have more non mages on them they have mages.

Most villages have a headman and an older wizard or wizardress that they look to for leadership. Part of the mage's responsibilities include educating the village young. The best and brightest of these, along with any with rare magical abilities/talents/etc are given full scholarships to the local mage academy, with one large school located in each province. The only other ways to get into these schools are to be sponsored by a mage of good standing or pay a fairly large tuition fee. There are also a number of non-magical schools scattered throughout the kingdom.

It is much the same setup in towns and cities save with an elected Mayor and a Head Wizard/Wizardress. The Head Wizard is responsible for the town/city's wizards, which can be quite a high number depending on the size of the town or city. Depending on the province the Head Wizard is either appointed by the Mage-Lord and approved by the Council of Elders, or is elected by the local wizards.

Chamlek is widely known for it's magic, it's relatively well educated populace, relative equality between genders (woman do fight and can be found in positions of power etc), and a general tolerance towards religion.