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The Sage of the Oasis was born Apshut to a Terrestrial family in [not Bexaue]. A clear genius, she was expected to exalt and carry on the honour of the line, and was educated by the Immaculates in expectation of this. However, the expected exaltation never came, and Apshut became dissatisfied with the contrast between theory and practice of the Realm satraps. Around the time of the exaltation of her younger brother, a many sided falling-out between her, her family and the Immaculate monks saw her leave the city for the Solarium.

Five years later, she restored the springs of that ancient manse to full strength and published Movements of the Mind of Creation under the name Hieroglyph-of-Oasis, a work in five books that began with broadly-agreed Immaculate philosophical precepts and went on to prove both the existence of a superior reason encompassing the elements, and the vulnerability of Dynastic government to scrutiny in this light. Its arguments were raw and not yet whole, but struck a chord, and the work was proscribed by the Immaculate Order and Apshut was disowned by her family, eliminating that name entirely.

In the twenty-five years since then the once moribund Solarium has slowly recovered as a centre of thought in opposition to the Realm and the Immaculates, buttressed by occasional publications or developments from Hieroglyph and her students and collaborators. The Immaculate Order has frowned on it for a long time, but their power is not hegemonic so far from the Blessed Isle, and there are rumours that once-Apshut's family still extend her some protection in Dynastic politics.

Five years ago, as the Realm was thrown into chaos, Hieroglyph was working on her new magnum opus, Cosmos in the Vision of the Absolute Eye. A work both more ambitious and more perfect than its predecessor, answering two decades of refutations and repudiating the Immaculate Hierarchy in favour of rule by Reason. The arguments of her detractors, sometimes seeming to have come from more-than-Terrestrial hands, were more than her mind could bear. Then as she stood before a fire with her manuscript in hand, in the twilight of a day of fruitless contemplation, her mind was struck by a golden flash of inspiration.

She finished the book that night. In the morning, a beatific figure alighted on her balcony in a flutter of white feathers, bearing tidings and warnings, and heralding the beginning of an intellectual explosion.

Name: Hieroglyph-of-Oasis
Exaltation: Solar
Caste: Twilight
Anima: Elaborate geometric diagrams
Supernality: Lore
Essence: 1
Limit Trigger: Being mistaken
Experience: 0/0 0/0


Strength 2
Dexterity 3
Stamina 2
Charisma 2
Manipulation 3
Appearance 4
Perception 4
Intelligence 5
Wits 2


Athletics 1
Awareness 1
Brawl 1
Bureaucracy 2
Craft (geomancy) 4
Integrity 5
Linguistics 4
Lore (Solarium scholar) 5
Martial Arts (Crane) 3
Medicine 3
Occult 4
Performance 3
Presence 2
Socialise 2


Linguistics (scholarly)
Lore (philosophy)
Lore (magic)
Lore (natural science)

Vital Statistics

Essence: 13/13 (33/33)
Willpower: 7/7
[ ] 0
[ ][ ] -1
[ ][ ] -2
[ ] -4
[ ] Incap
A bunch of random static values for physical and social combat



Stubborn Boar Defence

+2 Resolve against repeated persuasion attempts.


Subtle Speech Method (3m)

Speak esoterically.

Flowing Elegant Hand (2m)

Double 9s on Linguistics


Harmonious Academic Methodology (-)

+Essence sux to lore speciality rolls, gain additional specialities over time.

Bottomless Wellspring Approach (-)

Roll to introduce facts when your knowledge is challenged. 1 automatic success on speciality lore rolls.

Lore-Inducing Concentration (3m)

1 automatic success and reroll 6s on fact introduction or challenges.

Truth-Rendering Gaze (6m)

Produce sudden insight on a studied subject.

Prophet of Seventeen Cycles (12m 1wp)

Make a pronouncement against a project based on study.

God-King's Shrike (30m 1wp)

Roll Intelligence + Lore vs. diff 5 to make a true prediction of cataclysm 1/year.

First Knowledge's Grace (4m)

Ignore penalties to teach someone, teach the severely disabled.

Flowing Mind Prana (xp)

Use unspent experience to teach others, causing them to accumulate the Solar's intimacies.

Legendary Scholar's Curriculum (-)

Offer taught experience to [Essence] characters, or half taught experience to [Essence*5] characters. Confer unheld intimacies.


Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Can cast Terrestrial spells and create Terrestrial workings.

Crane Style

Empowering Justice Redirection (3m)

Supplement attack against aggressor with +1 hit success and +1 post-soak damage die, +2 if aggressor hit.

Fluttering Cry of Warning (3m)

+2 parry on defend other, must pay init to attack other.

Terrestrial Circle

The Ex of Secret Waters (Shaping Ritual)

Young Hieroglyph did not enjoy her first years at the Solarium, with inferior teachers, second-rate lodgings and suspicious schoolmates. Isolated, she shrunk into herself and busied herself with things that were reliable: its ancient walls and the crystal revolutions of reason. Her first great work Movements took shape on stolen parchment, but alongside an ever-growing deciphering of the myriad diagrams and inscriptions carved onto the manse itself. Eventually, one Calibration, these investigations led her to the central spring of the manse, and down into its dying waters.
The Prince of Hidden Waters was handsome, sensitive, and interested in her work. He gave her peace to think and a whetstone for her arguments. He gave her wisdom to see the essence behind the world, and the insight to command it. He gave her scraps of his library of secrets, and a room of silk and soft light to finish her opus. Eventually, he gave her his hand.
They divorced shortly after. Hieroglyph rapidly came to see the prince as a sexist boor more interested in a beautiful sorceress trophy than real investigation of the cosmos, petitioned to the elemental authorities and had the joining reverted come Calibration. She returned to the Solarium, and with her power restored its waters and amazed her former teachers with the work of her absence.

The shaping ritual Ex of Secret Waters is similar to the Ifrit Pact ritual. The sorceress may draw motes from nearby bodies of water and aquatic elementals. She may petition the Prince for old times' sake with an Appearance + Performance roll. When she would gain willpower from upholding an intimacy based on intellectual certainty or vital knowledge, she may instead gain 5 sorcerous motes. Shedding levels of certainty from such an intimacy to further augment a spell.

Purchasable merits include Undrowned Majesty (water breathing, storm resistance), and Suzerain of Bottomless Waters (augment water spells).


Some spell with a control bonus


and maybe a second if I sac a charm from elsewhere

Merits and Intimacies


Contacts 3 (Intelligentsia)
As the mistress of the premier non-Immaculate centre of learning in the region, Hieroglyph has the ear of a wide range of correspondents and a roll of many former students.
Influence 3 (Mistress of the Verdant Solarium)
She also has access to the resources and connections of the Solarium itself, an oasis of dozens of scholars, hundreds of students, and thousands of merchants, soldiers, peasants and slaves sustained by its water and wealth.
Language 3 (Flametongue, Old Realm, High Realm, Dragontongue)
Manse 3 (Verdant Solarium)
Clear and sweet fountains feeding pools and hanging gardens, behind walls of glass and sandstone. A poolside resort school. The manse yields the Fountain-Summoning Stone.
Martial Artist 4
Mentor 2 (Maiden of White Feathers and Gold Touchstones, Crane divinity and martial arts tutor)
The divine crane who alighted in the Solarium when Hieroglyph exalted, already aware of her nature. She convinced Hieroglyph of the inevitability of violence and chaos in the coming age of sorrows, and has begun training her and her students in martial arts fit to blunt this.
Resources 3
The Solarium takes subscriptions from local notables eager to be seen sponsoring religion and learning, not to mention grateful former students and those who wish to prop up institutions independent of the Realm and its Immaculates. They also sell salt, manufactures and services produced in or near the Solarium, and tax trade that goes via the watering point.


The world is and must be ruled by reason
Verdant Solarium (dedication)
Uphold the truth
Knowledge is dangerous in the hands of the foolish
Immaculate Order (contempt)
Vinty (pedagogic affection)
Vinty (scholarly respect)
Vinty (scholarly opposition)
White-Gold Maiden (student's respect)
Order is beauty and beauty order
Violence is unseemly
Vashti (pedagogic affection)
Vashti (alarm)
White-Gold Maiden (suspicion)
Family (concealed affection)
Family (concealed resentment)
Former Solarium students (pedagogic affection)


Fountain-Summoning Stone (standard hearthstone)

This hearthstone is a dark oval emerald, cold and moist to the touch. If the Fountain-Summoning Stone is buried in the soil and left undisturbed for a short period (ranging from a minute in fertile riverlands to half an hour in the desert), it will presently spring back to the surface atop a gushing fountain of water, which persists until the sun rises and sets. The Fountain-Summoning Stone won’t operate anywhere that a spring couldn’t possibly appear, such as a balcony garden or in a barrel of soil aboard a ship.

Hooded Flame Princeps (twilight familiar)

After her exaltation, Hieroglyph travelled South toward the pole of fire on the advice of the White-Gold Maiden. She returned with this juvenile garda bird at her side. It precious rarely deigns to speak to anyone but her, and her it speaks to in whispers behind doors.
Under review since garda birds are normally too powerful.