Long Live the Queen

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Current Mood (Week 0)

Lonely·····[ ][ ][ ][ ][0][ ][ ][ ][ ]···Pressured
Cheerful···[ ][ ][ ][ ][0][ ][ ][ ][ ]···Depressed
Willful·····[ ][ ][ ][ ][0][ ][ ][ ][ ]···Yielding
Angry······[ ][ ][ ][ ][0][ ][ ][ ][ ]···Afraid

Skills (Week 0)

These are the numbers that get checked during each phase for events.


Composure (0)

Bonus: Lonely, Yielding
Penalty: Afraid, Angry, Cheerful, Pressured

Retaining calm and clarity of mind when confronted with surprise, danger or adversity.

Diplomacy (0)

Bonus: Cheerful, Yielding
Penalty: Angry, Depressed, Lonely

The ability to placate multiple sides in an argument and reconcile different points of view on common ground.

Etiquette (0)

Bonus: Cheerful, Yielding
Penalty: Angry, Depressed, Lonely

Knowledge and practice in the rules, spoken and unspoken, of polite and honourable conduct in noble society.

Presence (0)

Bonus: Willful
Penalty: Afraid, Depressed

The ability to impress and awe others with one's strength of personality.

Refinement (0)

Bonus: Afraid, Cheerful
Penalty: Angry, Depressed

Coming across as cultured and educated during social occasions, including fashion sense, language fluency and being conversant in likely topics of cultured discussion.

Rhetoric (0)

Bonus: Willful
Penalty: Afraid, Yielding

Skill at persuasion through writing or oratory to any audience.

The Arts

Art (0)

Bonus: Depressed
Penalty: none

Skill in the visual arts.

Music (0)

Bonus: none
Penalty: Yielding

Skill in playing or even composing music.

Stories (0)

Bonus: Afraid, Depressed, Pressured
Penalty: Yielding

One's ability to tell a good story.


Athletics (0)

Bonus: Afraid, Cheerful
Penalty: Depressed

Your foundation of physical conditioning and overall health, strength and stamina. Corset stamina!

Dexterity (0)

Bonus: Willful
Penalty: Depressed

Deftness, precision and flexibility. Corset piloting!

Parkour (0)

Bonus: Cheerful, Willful
Penalty: Afraid, Depressed

Ability to move about whether you are or are not supposed to be there.

Reflexes (0)

Bonus: Afraid
Penalty: Pressured

Reacting quickly and effectively to immediate danger and surprise.


Fencing (0)

Bonus: Willful
Penalty: Afraid, Angry, Depressed

Skill with the sword.

Firearms (0)

Bonus: Angry, Willful
Penalty: Afraid, Depressed

Accuracy with a gun.

Military Science (0)

Bonus: Yielding
Penalty: Cheerful, Lonely, Willful

Studies in the acquisition and sustainment of military force.

Tactics: Army (0)

Bonus: Angry, Pressured
Penalty: Cheerful, Willful, Yielding

The conduct of armies in a ground campaign and the placement of units on the battlefield.

Tactics: Naval (0)

Bonus: Angry, Pressured
Penalty: Cheerful, Willful, Yielding

The conduct of navies in a naval campaign and winning battles at sea.


Foreign Affairs (0)

Bonus: Pressured
Penalty: Cheerful

Knowledge of the public discourse and political scene of other countries.

Foreign Intelligence (0)

Bonus: Angry, Pressured
Penalty: Afraid, Cheerful, Yielding

Knowledge of ongoing secrets and activities that rival countries try to keep from you.

Internal Affairs (0)

Bonus: Angry, Pressured
Penalty: Afraid, Cheerful, Yielding

Knowledge of the goings on beneath the surface of your own dominion.

Spycraft (0)

Bonus: Angry, Pressured
Penalty: Afraid, Cheerful, Yielding

Your skills in the practical areas of spymastery and the maintenance of an intelligence network.

National History (0)

Bonus: Depressed
Penalty: Lonely, Pressured, Willful

Familiarity of past events in your country and how they have lead to the present day situation.

World History (0)

Bonus: Depressed
Penalty: Cheerful, Lonely

Familiarity with the globe and the general histories of other countries - especially those nearby.


Economics (0)

Bonus: Pressured
Penalty: Depressed, Willful

Education in practical mathematics and the matters of trade, finance and industry.

Law (0)

Bonus: Pressured
Penalty: Depressed, Lonely, Willful

Education in the current legal codes of Nafréce, its ancestors and even the law of other realms.

Natural Science (0)

Bonus: Yielding
Penalty: Lonely, Pressured, Willful

Education in the forces, matter and living things that compose the world.

Mechanics (0)

Bonus: Lonely
Penalty: Pressured, Yielding

Education in the structures, engines and gadgets now being invented to make people more prosperous.

Medicine (0)

Bonus: Yielding
Penalty: Depressed, Lonely, Pressured

Education in modern medical science.

Theology (0)

Bonus: Afraid, Depressed, Lonely, Yielding
Penalty: Angry, Pressured, Willful

A study of the Great Church's teachings, scriptures and historic texts as well as their interpretations and denominations.

Unlockable Skills







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