An Taniwan

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Revision as of 19:42, 7 January 2014 by Exhack (talk | contribs)
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An lithe and attractive woman of Indonesian Chinese descent, with long black hair to bright pale brown eyes and back-length black hair, dyed bright red and cut with straight bangs. In addition to an ever-changing array of piercings, jewelry and tattoos, she typically wears form-fitting clothes with a thin embroidered shawl over her shoulders.


Vital Statistics

Name// An Taniwan
Tradition// Cult of Ecstasy, Cult of Acceptance
Concept// Activist Body Artist
Image Song// Goldfrapp - Happiness
Nature// Conniver (Clever/Envy)
Demeanor// Celebrant (Passion/Intemperance)
Essence// Primordial, The Serpent of Aesculapius

Things to Track

Willpower// 5
Temporary Willpower// 5
Health Levels// -0 x 1, -1 x 2, -2 x 2, -5 x 1, Incapacitated
Current Damage// 0
Arete// 3
Quintessence// 0/0
Paradox// 0


Strength 2//
Dexterity 4// Graceful
Stamina 3//
Perception 4// Detailed
Intelligence 3//
Wits 3//
Charisma 3//
Manipulation 4// Likeable
Appearance 4// Unorthodox



Alertness 4// Kinesics
Athletics 3//
Awareness 2//
Dodge 1//
Expression 3//
Streetwise 3//
Subterfuge 3//


Crafts 4// Body Art
Etiquette 4// Street Culture
Performance (Dancing) 3//
Style 4// Fashion Chameleon


Investigation 3//
Lore (Cult of Ecstasy) 2//
Lore (Enigmas) 5// Symbols


Foci and Spheres

Time 3//
Life 3//



Avatar 2// A serpent still sleeping.
Blessing 2// All Sphere 1 sensing effects are permanently switched on and need to be rolled to shut down.
Legend 1// The Serpent of Aesculapius
Resources 3// Runs a fairly successful nightclub and tattooing business, although her liquid assets are less than they should be because she's still paying off the original loan on the club.
Talisman 4// The Ouroboros Record
A symbiotic entity made of ink and ideas that swims through her body, it contains all of her past and present tattoos and allows her to reflexively conceal, display and arrange them at will. This is mostly an ancillary power that allows An to get many more tattoos than a person should, as the artifact's main purpose is to contain an Ecstatic primer etched into her body by her one-time mentor, Tolahi Andrews, before he died a few months later. The foundations of the tattoo are mirrors of An's experiences beginning in ignorance of the mystical and her process of learning during her journey throughout Asia and Polynesia alongside her cryptic master.
Permanent Life 3/Matter 2 effect, conceal, store and display any tattoos obtained at will.
Ecstatic Primer (Arete 1 only), can be concealed by the above.






Merits and Flaws


Acute Sense (Vision)// -2 dif to Awareness and Alertness rolls involving vision, and 1 sux to vision-based sensing spells.
Black Market Ties 2// Can easily obtain guns, low-level fake IDs, high-tech software and special ammo.
Jack of All Trades// Has a floating dot in all Skills and Knowledges.
Nightclub// Owns an extremely successful nightclub in the gentrified East End of London, that adds ~600 GPB (1000 USD) per week to her income. Also a place to meet contacts and has a studio space for tattoo work.
Spark of Life// Heals aggravated naturally, all healing times are much faster, and this effect can be shared by touch. All Life effects that heal, restore, nourish and enhance are at a difficulty of 2.


Addiction 1// A casual tobacco smoker that can't quite kick the habit, but has compromised by rolling her own cigarettes instead of buying from huge evil corporations.
Enemy 1// Once ran afoul a young Tzimisce who was able to steal quite a bit of blood from her and might have become obsessed by the taste of her blood in the aftermath.
Primal Marks// Sinewy, graceful and speaks with a darting tongue and hypnotic gaze. Oddly enough, people tend to assume she knows medicine.
Ward// Has been taking care of her mentor's son, a teenager from a relatively isolated island who has taken to the London nightlife (living with the owner of a reputed nightclub notwithstanding) with careless gusto.



Attribute Points 64/54/24

Charisma 3 (24)
Appearance 4 (24)
Manipulation 4 (12)
Perception 4 (24)
Intelligence 3 (12)
Wits 3 (12)
Strength 2 (4)
Dexterity 4 (24)
Stamina 2 (4)


Ability Points 82/80 +2

Alertness 4 (15)
Athletics 3 (9)
Awareness 2 (5)
Dodge 1 (3)
Expression 3 (9)
Craft 4 (15)
Performance (Dance) 3 (9)
Etiquette 4 (15)
Lore (Cult of Ecstasy) 2 (2)


Background Points 21/21

Resources 3 (9)
Talisman 4 (12)


Sphere Points 65/65

Time 3 (31)
Life 3 (34)

Freebie Points

Freebie Points 121/121

Ward (+9)
Primal Marks (+6)
Addiction 1 (+3)
Enemy 1 (+3)
Stamina 3 (8)
Investigation 3 (9)
Subterfuge 3 (9)
Lore (Enigmas) 5 (11)
Streetwise 3 (9)
Style 4 (15)
Jack of All Trades (15)
Acute Sense (3)
Nightclub (6)
Black Market Ties 2 (6)
Spark of Life (15)
Avatar 2 (6)
Legend 1 (3)
Blessing 2 (6)


Experience Gains

Experience Total/Spent/Unspent (0/0/0)

Experience Spending

Experience Total/Spent/Unspent (0/0/0)
