Talk:Wartime Garden

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Reizei Hyouko



Name: Reizei Hyouko (冷泉 豹子)
Description: Tall but not wide hick catgirl with long blonde hair and blonde cat eyes. From her youth she used size and bullying to maintain a protective wall, but the nightmare of the war has forced her into a stressful proximity to others that has made her more and more prone to feuding and lashing out. Eventually, she stormed out alone into the white, and perhaps it was her ancestral connection to the land that led her to discover the shrine.
Fitness 4
Wits 3
Precision 2
Smarts 1
Heart 3
Health 9/9

Magical Girlhood

Name: Hyouko the (lunar) Eclipse
Colour: red
Signature Weapon: gauntlets? & boots?? & tail???
You were the girl who found the shrine.
Mana 15
Magic Strike
Dream Run

Saki Akako

Gambling Glasses Girl


Name: Saki Akako
Description: The ace of the highschool Majong club. Akako is a cheerful but fairly soft spoken girl who has taken it upon herself to become the squad's unofficial supply officer by gambling them into extra equipment.
Fitness 1
Wits 3
Precision 2
Smarts 4
Heart 2

Magic Girlhood

Signature Weapon: Prayer Cards
You were the girl who noticed something weird.

Tanaka Umeko

A strange girl in a strange world.


Name: Tanaka Umeko
Description: Umeko was born to a family that owned a small plum orchard outside the capital. She's of average height, with back-length brown hair adorned with a variety of hair decs and warm grey eyes. She's exuberant, creative and soulful but somewhat average in studies, athletics and the bizarre politicking that goes on in schools. She managed the Crafts Club at school.
Fitness 2
Wits 3
Precision 2
Smarts 2
Heart 4

Magic Girlhood

Name: Umeko the Kaleidoscope
Colour: Purple
Signature Weapon: A pair of giant scissors that bifurcates into sabers. +d1 Ranged Defense and Melee Defense.
You were the girl who said thanks.