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Vital Statistics

Alias: Cecelia Laun
Image song: [Take A Bow] Player: ES_Corp
Allegiance: USA/Team Tomorrow
Concept: "I meant it for the best!"
Eruption: Survival (Tainted)
Virtue: Caregiver (Virtue): Regain 2 WP when you receive tangible proof that you have helped another.
Vice: Charmer (Vice): Spend 1 WP to tell someone something they don't want to hear. Regain 1 WP if you don't tell them something they don't want to hear and not doing so has potential negative consequences to you.
Quantum: 3

Quantum Pool: 26
Willpower: 6

Quick Combat


Mega-Stamina eliminates ? points of wound penalty

• [ ]x?? Bruised:--0
• [ ]x?? Hurt: --0
• [ ]x?? Injured: --0
• [ ]x?? Crippled: --3
• [ ]x? Incapacitated
• [ ]Dead



Strength: 4

Brawl: 5

"I did judo at college, you know? Basic self-defense. And then once I joined the team, they've had me practicing all kinds of thing non-stop, so I'm pretty sure that even if I didn't have superpowers, I could beat my old self up easily."

Might: 2

"Yeah, I know my lifting technique is apparently sloppy. Uh... sorry?"
Dexterity: 2

Athletics 3

"Being in shape is important, even when you're not super-powered. Uh, did I say that right? This campaign is there to help public health, right?"
Stamina: 3

Endurance 3

"Apparently having a hyperactive thingie in your brain means you can just keep on going. Yeah, doesn't make much sense to me, either."


Charisma: 5

Command 1

"I don't like ordering people around, but I can if I have to."

Etiquette 4

"Look, being nice and polite works, actually. Maybe you should try it. Hint hint."

Manipulation: 2

Appearance: 3

Style 2

"What of it?"


Wits: 2

Art [Drawing] 2

"Oh, I like drawing. Always have. I'm actually pretty good at it, for an amateur."

Rapport 3

"Hey, people are easy to get if you just listen to them and try to get along."

Resistance 3

"I don't want to talk about it. I stared death in the face, and... God, I don't know what happened out there."

Survival 2

"Probably the reason I lasted as long as I did. Still wasn't enough"

Intelligence: 2

Academics [Sociology] 1

"Oh, I minored in it. Took it for the easy marks. Wasn't quite as easy as I thought it was, but still kinda interesting"

Bureaucracy 1

"Blargh. Paperwork. Always with the paperwork when you're a superhero."

Medicine 3

"Oh, before all this... happened, I was going to be a nurse. I was taking a year out, helping MSF in Africa, getting practical experience... and then I took a holiday from that and then that turned into this."

Science [Geology] 1

"Try having a father who's a geologist and not picking at least something up."

Perception: 2

Awareness 1

"Looks like the building is empty, luckily!"

Investigation 2

"Yeah, uh... I'm not sure he's telling us the whole truth. I think. Maybe."



Dormancy 1

"Sometimes... sometimes you just have to be normal again. And not risk crushing things when you pick them up and aren't paying attention."

Eufiber 3

"They issued me with this and at first I was like... what is this thing? But it's amazing when you wear it, and it's actually kind of friendly, like... oh, I used to have gerbils when I was young, but it feels warm on me, like they did? It's kind of cute. And it's also this really protective armour which... uh, kind of stops me setting myself on fire."

Fame 1

"I... oh, this is going to sound ridiculous, but I went and googled myself. Apparently... you know, despite the fact I haven't done anything major yet, the capewatchers... that's what they call themselves, right? Well, they've already started archiving stuff about me and those few lighter deployment I did. Can't say I'm too fond of the art some of them did, though..."

Linguistics 1

"Oh, I learned French for that whole thing in Africa I did. Well, I sort of did it half-heartedly for it, and then found myself dumped into things where a lot of the MSF guys didn't have good English, so it was learn it or suffer."

Resources 3

"This whole thing pays pretty well. And it'll pay even better once I finish paying off my student debts."


Dependents 1

"Yes. I have a boyfriend. We've been involved since before... this. I'm trying to keep things from him – he knows that I have a job with Team Tomorrow, but he thinks I'm just staff there. At least I hope that’s the case."



Mega-Charisma x 3


Mega-Strength x 2

Irresistible Force

Mega-Dexterity x 1


Mega Stamina x2


Quantum Powers

Armageddon 1 (the sand! It's everywhere! Whhhhhhhy?)

Weakness - Damaging
Weakness - Strenuous
Weakness - Expensive
Weakness - Dangerous
Increased Duration

Power Suite [The Burning Desert]

Quantum Bolt (why would you do that to another human being?)
- Incendiary
- Area
Flight (born aloft on the desert winds, incidentally scratching cars in the area)
Immolate (oh the humanity)
Barrier (who shields themselves with sand, fire, and molten glass anyway?)
- Ablative

Quantum Gadgets


Quantum Pool:
Quantum a Turn:




Strike: Accuracy +0, Damage (Str + 2B), Difficulty +0
Kick: Accuracy +0, Damage (Str + 4B), Difficulty +1
Grapple: Accuracy +0, Damage (Str + 0B), Difficulty +0, holds target (Str + Might contests)
Disarm: Accuracy +0, Damage (Str + 0B), Difficulty +1, disarming
Tackle: Accuracy +0, Damage (Str + 4B), Difficulty +1, Knockdown (+2 diff), no multiple actions



Natural Soak
Power Soak
Armoured Soak

Combat Soak
Combat Soak (Radiation)


Taint and Inhumanity

Permanent Points:
Temporary Points:
Chrysalis (Perm/Temp):
Node Disorders:
Transhuman Ascendence:
Taint Resistance:


Mental Disorders

Body Modifications



Character Modifiers

Merits and Flaws

Bonus Points

+1 Strength [4]
+2 Willpower [4]
+2 Brawl [4]
+1 Etiquette [2]
+1 Resources [1]

Nova Points

Mega Charisma x 3 [6]
Mega Charisma Enhancement [1]
Mega Strength x 2 [4]
Mega Strength Enhancement [1]
Mega Dex x 1 [2]
Mega Stamina x 2 [4]
+2 Quantum [10]
Level 2 Suite x4 + 1 Extra [14]
Level 3 x 1 [3]



Experience Plans?