Talk:Palace of Hopes

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QoG FP layouts

  • 33 FP
  • Luck (3 FP)
  • Warp Reality (7 FP)
    • Geas: can only be used to inflict punishments for using a game. If Liz breaks this rule, she loses her position (and hence, the power). (+3 FP)
  • +2 Manipulation (10 FP) [Try your luck!]
  • +3 Gambling (6 FP) [A Nightmare From Which I Cannot Wake Up]
  • 10 FP spare


  • Dexterity
  • Charisma (authoritative)
  • Appearance (regal)
  • Dodge
  • Subterfuge
  • Acrobatics
  • Strategy
  • Enigmas
  • Performance
  • Carousing
  • Style

Misc Dump

  • Halozy - A beautiful, statuesque woman who exudes a motherly aura and always tries to be helpful to new players. Of course, the real veterans know it's all a ruse covering her absolute ruthlessness. The moment her victims show their throat, she will tear it out. A rival of Isabel's.
  • Jenny - An unassuming serving girl often carrying turkish delights to the queen or desserts to guests on the floor. Though never the first to offer a word, often flustered and easily frightened by on-the-edge casino going types, Jenny is actually an incredibly perceptive individual. Many of the situations arising on the floor that are utterly baffling at first glance have solutions that appear obvious to her.
  • Samira - A cheerful, vaguely southeast asian looking lady in cheap clothes that she manages to make stylish. Speaks extremely accented English with a silver tongue. Although competent at most games, her special power is an uncanny ability to avoid the usual penalties for debting which effectively makes her a weird kind of top-stack in any game.
  • Lan Meizhu - ZR x Qipao wearing hot chick, she is the Token Female Guard and as such is also the captain of the guard. She knows martial arts (all of it) and her ability to physically kick ass within Liz's dreams is undisputed. Yet she can be remarkably helpless if accidentally drawn into actual games.
  • Elizabeth is the Queen of Games, a harlequin in black and blue with a crown for a jester's hat (or vice-versa). With a sweep of her fingers, she can create new games, define their rules, reward heroic victors and punish debtors and cheats.


  • Rochambeau is the Queen's Vizier, a dour aging man in dark suit who administers that which needs administration and arranges that which needs arranging.
  • Joe is always present behind the bar to salve sorrows and encourage the despairing to try their luck once more.
  • Lan Meizhu - ZR x Qipao wearing hot chick, she is the Token Female Guard and as such is also the captain of the guard. She knows martial arts (all of it) and her ability to physically kick ass within Liz's dreams is undisputed. Yet she can be remarkably helpless if accidentally drawn into actual games.


  • Lady Isabel is an elfin femme fatale who rates among the Palace's most successful regulars.
  • Tanto the clown is a disreputable ruffian and cheat, always ready with a cunning plan to make his fortune... or dispose of a real troublemaker.
  • The calculating Rostina is adept at games of strategy and mathematics, the winnings from which she uses to further ornament her robotic body.
  • Halozy - A beautiful, statuesque woman who exudes a motherly aura and always tries to be helpful to new players. Of course, the real veterans know it's all a ruse covering her absolute ruthlessness. The moment her victims show their throat, she will tear it out. A rival of Isabel's.


  • Androgynous, spiderlike Tictac is rarely seen, and more rarely understood, but sometimes visits at just the right moment to dispense a hint, an idea, or even the plan for a whole new game.